Gotham Prep

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Aug 3, 2013


This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

This is a sneak preview of season II, it may be a few weeks before the next episode is posted.

Comments are always welcome at:

Gotham Prep: Season II

Episode 1: Happy Birthday

A month after Bruce Wayne's untimely death, in a plane crash, and Dick and Damian were still getting used to working together, as Batman and Robin. School was out for the summer and so far Damian had spent most of his time in the Batcave, trying to anticipate the next move of a ring of jewel thieves that were running rampant in Gotham City. With Robbie's help, Batman and Robin discovered a pattern to the robberies, they knew Chase Jewelers was the next store likely to be hit and the Dynamic Duo had been staking it out for the last three nights.

All of the break-in's had taken place at night and the perpetrators had always come in via the back alley. Batman and Robin perched on nearby rooftops, across from the target store's back door. Robin used the night vision feature of his mask to scan the alley for any signs of the criminal classes.

"See anything?" asked Batman, he was perched on the rooftop across from Robin, watching the other direction.

"There is a vagrant urinating by the dumpster, shall we bust him for lascivious conduct?" said Robin.

"Uh, I think we'll stick to the big fish," Batman chuckled.

"As you wish," Robin replied.

"Big day tomorrow," said Batman.

"If you say so."

"Come on, it's your birthday, aren't you the least bit excited?" asked Batman.

"Your sentimentality sometimes gets the best of you Grays... er...Batman," said Robin.

"Well, I'm excited. It's not every day your young man turns 15," said Batman.

"Indeed, I can't wait to get home and tweet it," Robin replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Come on, it'll be fun, Colin and Lien are going to come for dinner, you know Alfred will prepare a feast and there will be cake and ice cream..." Batman began, his tone was far too chipper for the cape and cowl, at least to Robin's way of thinking.

"And balloons and a petting zoo?" said Robin, feigning excitement.

"Sure, if you want," said Batman, enthusiastically.

"Not on your life," Robin smiled grimly.

"Ok, I guess I set myself up for that one," said Batman.

"Hold that thought Batman, I have a panel van coming up my side of the alley, headlights are off, these could be our suspects," said Robin.

"I see them," Batman confirmed.

The van came to a stop outside the jewelry stores back entrance, four men climbed out, wearing dark clothes and ski-masks.

"That looks like a cutting torch," said Robin, as the men pulled their equipment from the back of the van.

"Agreed, these are our guys, ready?" asked Batman.

"Standing by," Robin confirmed.

While Robin waited for Batman's order, he felt something brush against his leg, when he looked down, he found a large black and white cat rubbing against his calf. He tried to concentrate and watch the alley, Batman would give him the go signal at any second, but the cat purred loudly and rubbed itself roughly against the strangely attired boy. Robin turned away for just a moment and knelt next to the animal.

"Hello, how are you?" said Robin.

The cat responded with a low "meow," then rolled over on its back, exposing its soft belly.

"NOW!" Batman shouted over the radio link.

"Oh, you want me to scratch your tummy?" said Robin.

The cat gave another meow.

"Alright, if you insist," Robin smiled and scratched the cat's belly.

In the alley below, Batman found himself taking on the four jewel thieves alone, wondering what happened to his young partner.

"Robin, I could use some help down here," said Batman, but his request fell on deaf ears.

Batman was a master martial artist but four against one is still tough odds. He managed to subdue the criminals but it wasn't easy, he was out of breath by the time he had them all bound and waiting for the police. With the criminals dealt with, it was time to find out what had happened to Robin.

"Nice kitty," said Robin, as he sat against an air conditioning unit, the alley cat in his lap, purring as the boy stroked its fur.

"Enjoying your break?" Batman panted, as he climbed onto the roof.

"What?" said Robin, he'd been so distracted he hadn't heard his partner approach.

"I needed you down there," said Batman.

"The jewel thieves!" Robin exclaimed, jumping to his feet, the cat still in his arms.

"Relax, I took care of it," said Batman, "what happened?"

"I, I don't know," said Robin, "I was standing there waiting for you to give the green light and then this cat showed up and..."

"I see," Batman interrupted.

"I'm sorry Batman, I got distracted," said Robin, as he sat the cat down.

"This isn't the first time this has happened, is everything ok?" asked Batman.

"I'm fine," Robin replied sternly.

Batman wanted to be angry with Robin but part of him liked what he found on the roof. Bruce's death had hit Robin harder than he was willing to admit and when Batman joined him on the roof, he was glad to see him smiling. Now the boy looked chagrinned, despite his sharp reply, he knew he was in the wrong, so Batman softened his tone.

"You like animals, huh?" said Batman.

"I guess so," Robin blushed.

"Come on, you adore Titus and you're crazy about cats," Batman grinned.

"I guess they're just easier to get along with," said Robin.

"Why's that you think?" asked Batman.

"Simple, they don't have any expectations," Robin sighed.

So that's it, thought Dick. Damian lived his life under crushing expectations, his mother prepared him to be a lethal assassin and had all but fitted him for his crown as the future ruler of the world. His father had shown him a different way but that came with expectations too, it forced him to fight every instinct that had been instilled in him from birth. Dick felt bad for his little brother and hoped he wasn't adding to the pressure by keeping him as his partner.

"Well, I have these guys wrapped up in a nice little package for the police, what do you say we call it a night?" said Batman.

"Yes, I'm tired," Robin agreed.

Batman put his arm around Robin's shoulder as they returned to the Batmobile. The ride home was a silent one, Batman sensed that Robin didn't want to talk and didn't force conversation on him. When they returned to the cave, they changed out of their uniforms and as they headed up the stairs, into the main house, Dick looked at his watch.

"Hey, it's after midnight, happy birthday!" Dick exclaimed.

Damian gave him a blank stare.

"Good night, Grayson," came Damian's clipped reply.

Damian was upset about his birthday, mostly because it forced him to think about the person who had given birth to him. He truly didn't understand his mother, as a child she'd doted on him, loved him, treated him like he was the only thing that mattered to her. He wasn't sure what had gone wrong, or what had changed, in the year he'd been in Gotham City, she tried to take him from his father and all the people he'd grown to love, then his father died and she still hadn't so much as called him. Sure, she'd sent him the help of her Man-Bats when he needed them, but was that love or some strategy on her part? These questions plagued him and as he approached his room, he changed his mind and turned towards Robbie's door.

Damian quickly stripped down to his underwear then climbed into bed with his slender blond companion. Damian drew comfort from Robbie, that's what he needed right now, so he wrapped his arms around the blond and pulled him close.

"Hi," Robbie yawned.

"Hey, sorry to wake you," said Damian.

"It's ok, what time is it?" asked Robbie.

"I don't know, after midnight," Damian replied.

"Oh, cool, I get to be the first to wish you a happy birthday," Robbie smiled in the dark.

"I'm afraid Grayson beat you to it," said Damian.

"Hmmm, well, did he do this?" asked Robbie, as he leaned close and gave Damian a birthday kiss.

"No," Damian giggled in the dark.

"Good, I gotta watch those brothers of yours," Robbie teased.

He was referring to the fact that Damian had slept with one of his brothers, Tim Drake. It had happened in a moment of weakness when both boys were struggling with the death of their father. Damian was reluctant to tell Robbie, who he knew could be quite jealous, and was shocked when he found the courage to come clean, only for Robbie to laugh. Robbie understood the situation, he wasn't angry, rather, he thought it was hysterical that Damian would sleep with Tim, who he had threatened to kill so many times that everyone had lost count.

"I'm tired," Damian yawned.

"Rough stakeout?" asked Robbie.

"We got them, well, Batman did," said Damian.

"Didn't you help?" asked Robbie, confusedly.

"Good night, Robbie," said Damian, putting the conversation to rest without having to explain his actions that evening.

"Night DW, I love you," said Robbie.

"I love you too," said Damian, as he gave Robbie a gentle squeeze.

When Damian woke the next morning, he felt a strange sensation, both warm and wet; he had to peel back the blankets to find the source. Robbie was between his legs; he'd stripped Damian naked and was happily licking the head of his morning erection as if it were a lollipop.

"Enjoying yourself?" asked Damian.

"Yes, thank you," Robbie smiled, "Since I wasn't the first one to wish you a happy birthday, I thought I'd at least be the first to give you a present. Do you like it?"

"Um, yes," Damian groaned contentedly as Robbie sucked his boyhood into his mouth.

Damien nestled back into his pillow, closed his eyes and spread his legs a little more to give Robbie greater access. Being sucked like this was a true pleasure, Robbie was an expert and Damian moaned and writhed on the bed as the little blond bobbed happily on his penis. Robbie sucked him deep, then stopped to lap at his spongy pink head with his soft tongue. When Damian's moaning grew louder and more intense, Robbie knew he was close, he inserted his finger into his bottom and Damian filled his mouth with his essence.

"Now that's a great way to start the day," Robbie smiled and wiped his mouth.

"Yes, that was wonderful," Damian grinned, "would you like me to do it for you now?"

"Nope, it's your birthday and that was a gift, you don't owe me," said Robbie.

"But I like it," Damian reminded him.

"I know snuggle bunny but it's also getting late and I have to work," Robbie stated, while testing his latest pet name.

"Ah yes, your job," Damian sighed.

"It's your fault, you're the one that showed my apps to Mr. Fox," Robbie grinned.

Since the beginning of summer, Robbie had been working as an intern in the applied sciences division at Wayne Enterprises. With Grayson and Robbie at work and Drake spending all his time with Conner Kent, Damian was left alone with Alfred and Titus for company. Occasionally Lien or Colin would visit but for some mysterious reason, Colin was very busy lately and didn't come over as often as Damian would have liked.

"Why wouldn't I show him, aside from that utility belt fiasco, your ideas are generally brilliant," smiled Damian.

"I stand by that utility belt, it just needed...tweaking," said Robbie.

"Uh huh, and if I am unable to father children one day, I'll be sure not to blame the millions of volts of electricity you sent through my testicles," said Damian.

"Well, they can't all be winners," said Robbie, then he patted Damian on the belly, "come on, shower and come down to breakfast with me."

Damian joined Robbie in the shower and though he wanted to make love to his boyfriend, he respected Robbie's work and wouldn't make him late. The shower was very intimate, they washed each other, kissed and held each other, but all too soon they had to towel off. While Robbie put on a suit and tie, Damian slipped into a t-shirt and khaki shorts, then followed him down to the breakfast table.

"Good morning, birthday boy," Tim smiled, from his seat.

"Bah," Damian groaned, even after a sensual shower and a morning blow job, he was still grumpy before 10:00am.

"And in as chipper a mood as usual I see," said Tim.

Damian ignored him and took his seat, a moment later; Alfred came in and placed a tray in front of him.

"Good morning Master Damian, in honor of your birthday, I've made your favorite waffles," said Alfred, as he pulled the lid from the tray.

"Thank you Alfred," Damian smiled, he loved waffles.

"My pleasure, sir," said Alfred, before he returned to the kitchen.

The boys dug into their hearty breakfast, Damian was especially hungry after his long night on that rooftop. He shoveled food into his mouth until Grayson snuck up and hugged him from behind.

"There's my birthday boy!" Grayson gushed.

"Grayson, you know how I feel about being touched," Damian groaned.

"Hey, I can't help it that you're so snuggly," Grayson winked, than gave his little brother another squeeze, before taking his seat.

"Any big plans for the day?" asked Grayson.

"I'm sure I'll do what I usually do while you're all out. You know, wander aimlessly around the manor," Damian sighed.

"Don't forget to take Titus with you, he's getting fat," Drake smirked, earning himself a reproachful look from Damian.

"What about you Tim?" asked Grayson.

"I'm actually late, meeting Conner, we're going to check out some apartments," said Drake, rising from his seat.

"You'll be back for Dami's birthday dinner, right?" asked Grayson.

"Of course, wouldn't miss it," said Drake, winking at Damian, Damian rolled his eyes.

The family discussed the rest of their plans and before long; it was time for Dick and Robbie to leave for work. Damian followed them to the door, said his goodbyes then went into the study; he waved and watched them drive down the driveway from the large picture window that overlooked the grounds. He let out another sigh, than resolved to begin yet another boring morning of trying to entertain himself while everyone else was busy. Eventually he ended up in the kitchen and sat down in a huff, while Alfred washed the breakfast dishes.

"I take it we're bored?" asked Alfred.

"Whatever gave you that idea," Damian replied, sarcastically.

"You might go for a run, it's a beautiful day and I'm sure Titus would appreciate the exercise, sir," Alfred advised.

"Yes, I suppose he would, I could use some fresh air too," said Damian, as he rose from his seat and headed towards the door.

"And Master Damian, I must ask that you not return to the kitchen today, I'm working on your special birthday dinner," Alfred smiled.

"Alfred, why does everyone insist on making a big deal out of this?" asked Damian.

"We've had dark days here these past weeks, Master Damian, I think everyone is glad to have a happy occasion to celebrate," said Alfred.

"If you say so," said Damian, disappearing out the door.

Ten minutes later, he was dressed in a t-shirt and running shorts, Titus was leashed and the pair headed out the door. Damian ran a quick circuit of the grounds, to warm up his legs, proceeded through the main gate and out into the streets. He had his iPod on, The Killers pumping through his ears; he was trying to clear his mind and didn't take any notice of the black SUV that was marking his trail.

Robbie liked ridding to work with Dick, he drove a black Ferrari, had something of a lead foot and usually the drive to work was more like a course from Need for Speed. That was not the case today, they were running late and hit a traffic jam with no end in sight. As they sat there, moving at a snail's pace, Dick kept thinking about Damian and how glum he'd been lately.

"Robbie, have you noticed anything weird about Damian lately?" asked Dick.

"Gotta be more specific than that, D's kinda weird in general," said Robbie.

"What I mean is, does he seem depressed or distracted?" said Dick.

"He's been like that since he came home," Robbie sighed, "I try asking him about it but he changes the subject. You know him, he stonewalls so well."

"Yeah, I've noticed he's a tough nut to crack," Dick agreed.

"Did something happen on patrol last night?" asked Robbie.

"Why, did he say something?" asked Dick.

"He said you caught the jewel thieves, not you guys, you specifically. I thought that was kind of weird, he didn't take any credit. Of course he didn't elaborate," said Robbie.

"We spotted the thieves but when I gave the order, he didn't pounce on them. After I subdued them, I found him on the roof, petting a cat," Dick explained.

"That is weird, he's usually ready to kick ass first and take names later," said Robbie.

"I agree, it was strange," said Dick.

"Well, I know he's lonely, he doesn't say it directly but subtlety isn't his strong suit either. I think he's bored at the house while we're all busy, it gives him a lot of time to think about his mom and dad," Robbie speculated.

"Do you think it would be helpful to have him see a therapist?" asked Dick.

"I don't know, DW versus a shrink, if he sees him as an adversary, you know Damian, he'll just play with the guy and that won't be any help," said Robbie.

"So you think it's a bad idea?" said Dick.

"No, you just have to approach it in such a way that he doesn't suspect anything, I mean you can't tell him he's been acting weird and you want him to see a doctor, he'll just rebel," said Robbie.

"How should I put it to him?" asked Dick.

"I don't know, let me ponder that one," said Robbie, "maybe when we go back to school you can have him meet with the counselor, I hear she's pretty good."

"Ok, let's talk about it more later," said Dick, "by the way, you want to cut out early today, help me pick out his birthday present?"

"I'd love to but my boss might not appreciate it if I left early," said Robbie.

"Would you like me to talk to him?" Dick smiled.

"Oh, right," Robbie shook his head, coming to a sudden realization, "I guess there are perks to being the Chairman of the Boards ward."

"I'll stop by your department at 3:30," Dick grinned.

Back on the streets of Gotham, Damian was speeding up Third Avenue, Titus keeping pace with the boy, thanks to his long legs and wide gate. Damian was deep in thought, much as he hoped the run would clear his mind, all he could think about were his mother and father, how different they were, how they'd been polar opposites and how he felt them pulling on him, even when they weren't around. He wanted to find a way to exercise his inner turmoil but no easy solutions presented themselves.

He doubled his efforts to clear his mind and concentrated on his run, he was sweating profusely, sweat was good, he understood sweat, his body was used to being pushed hard. Damian loved the opera but preferred something a little harder when he ran. The Killers were replaced by Vampire Weekend and Vampire Weekend by The Clash, the music was pumping so loud that he didn't hear the black SUV race up beside him and squeal to a halt. The door flew open and before he knew what was happening, a man with powerful arms grabbed him about the waist and lifted him off his feet.

Titus skidded to a halt and turned on Damian's attackers, no one was going to hurt little master on his watch. Damian struggled against the hold his attacker had him in but it was no use, he was to strong. Titus barked and lunged at the man's arm, his teeth sinking into the soft flesh. The man screamed but he wouldn't release the boy, the dog tightened his grip and drew blood. A second man jumped out of the passenger seat, his face covered in black, Damian thought his shape was familiar but there wasn't any time to ponder the subject. The passenger kicked Titus with all his might, striking the dog in the ribs and sending him tumbling across the sidewalk, yelping in pain.

"TITUS, NO!" Damian shouted, just as his attacker covered his nose and mouth with a damp cloth.

His eyes fluttered, his body went slack, and he was quickly loaded into the back seat, the SUV peeled out, leaving Titus behind. The massive dog quickly rebounded from his injury and chased after the SUV but it was too fast, he lost them as they rounded the corner but he had little master's scent and his keen nose was ready to hunt.

"Damian, Damian."

The voice hovered at the edge of his consciousness, soft and feminine; it roused him from his chloroform induced slumber. The rag that was placed over his nose and mouth had been drenched in the noxious chemical, his head felt heavy as he raised it.

"Damian, wake up my darling," said Talia, gently.

"Mother!" Damian exclaimed, as his eyes focused on her smiling face.

"Hello my angel," she smiled and caressed his face with the tip of her fingers.

"Mother, what is the meaning of this?" Damian demanded.

"It's time for you to come home Dami, I've come to collect you," said Talia.

"If that's all you want, then why am I bound to this chair?" asked Damian, as he came to the realization that his wrists were tied behind his back and his ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.

"Given our last visit together, I was afraid you might be reluctant to leave Gotham City," said Talia.

"Well, you are correct in your assumption, I'm not going back with you, I understood that father made that clear to you," said Damian.

"Father is dead my darling," Talia smirked.

Damian was suddenly confronted with a horrible thought. His father's plane had exploded over the Pacific Ocean, it was one of the many Gulfstream business jets in the Wayne Enterprises fleet, it was expertly maintained, surely the company mechanics would have known if there was a problem before Bruce flew on it, wouldn't they? If it wasn't a mechanical error then it had to be a bomb, how easy would it be for Talia's operatives to infiltrate an airfield and plant something in the engine?

" unimaginable bitch, you killed father!" Damian exclaimed.

Talia's expression turned from a smile to a sneer as she struck him across the face, stinging his cheek.

"I will not be spoken to like that Damian and as for your accusation, much as your father's behavior may have angered me, I could never strike down my beloved," Talia spat.

Damian contemplated her for a moment, he knew her so well, he was fairly certain he could read the lies on her face but he saw no trace of one there now. Perhaps he had jumped to the wrong conclusion.

"Just because father is gone doesn't mean I want to go with you, I have responsibilities here," said Damian.

"Responsibilities that would have gotten you killed if I hadn't intervened," Talia reminded him.

"Maybe so, but if I did die, at least it would have been with honor, standing by my family," said Damian, while his fingers searched the back of his shorts for the butterfly knife he could use to cut his bonds.

"Looking for this?" smiled Talia, as she waved the knife in front of his face, "as for your family, that's precisely what I want to talk to you about, Batman needs your help."

"What are you talking about, what have you done to Grayson?" Damian demanded.

"Not Richard, my darling, the true Batman. Jason!" Talia shouted, summoning him through the door.

Jason Todd strode into the room, tall, broad and imposing; he stood next to Talia and offered his version of a smile. Now Damian knew why the man who kicked Titus seemed so familiar.

"Todd, you're with her now?" asked Damian, in disgust.

"Jason came back to us because he needed our help. Jason will be Batman and together the two of you will kill the Joker. We'll all be together, one happy family," Talia explained, as she kissed Jason on the cheek.

"My mother, Todd!" Damian shouted, "you and my mother?"

"I'm sorry baby bird, I love her," said Jason.

"UNACCEPTABLE!" Damian shouted, "You will never be Batman, you're out of your mind if you think I would ever help you, either of you!"

"I was afraid you might react this way, my darling," Talia sighed, then she turned her attention to Jason, "you know what to do my love?"

Jason nodded his head then Talia leaned down and kissed Damian on the cheek.

"I'll see you when you're feeling more cooperative, Dami," said Talia.

She turned towards the door of the room, which Damian judged to be a basement, from the dank atmosphere and small windows, leaving him alone with his former partner.

"So that night in City Hall, you shot me and ran back to the League?" asked Damian.

"I knew your tunic was bulletproof, I wasn't trying to kill you," Jason explained, "I came back to the League for help, I can't take down the Joker with you and the family standing in my way. I'll be Batman now and then the Joker is history."

"What about Grayson and Drake?" asked Damian.

"I'll miss them," Jason sighed.

"You and mother deserve each other," Damian spat in disgust.

"I know this is hard for you," said Jason putting his hand on Damian's shoulder, "I promise, when this is over, I'll do my best to be the father you never had, that Bruce could never be."

"Take your hand off of me, and don't you ever speak of my father again, he would be ashamed of you," said Damian, struggling not to give Todd the satisfaction of seeing him enraged.

Jason stood and contemplated the angry boy, didn't he understand? For Jason, this wasn't just a chance to be Batman; it was a chance to get rid of the Joker and all the torment that came with his memory. It was his chance to make a life for himself with Talia and Damian, to have his own family, to set his own course. Jason sighed and went to the door; he returned a moment later with a man in a business suit who made Damian think of Alfred from a parallel universe.

"Damian, this is Mr. Berkshire, he's here to make you more, amenable to the present situation," said Jason, as the old man set about connecting a pair of electrodes to Damian's chest.

"So it's to be torture?" asked Damian, defiantly.

"Not at all my dear boy," said Mr. Berkshire, "a simple attitude adjustment."

Mr. Berkshire made some adjustments to his controls and then sent a million volts of electricity coursing through Damian's body.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Damian screamed.

"That was just a test," Mr. Berkshire smiled.

"Todd?" said Damian.

"Yes?" asked Jason, eying Damian curiously, he knew a few volts wasn't enough to change someone as strong-willed as Damian, not that quickly anyway.

"You'll never be Batman," Damian panted.

Jason looked over to Mr. Berkshire and nodded, the old man shocked Damian again, upping the dosage this time.

"Ha, if that's the best you can do, this is going to be a long day," Damian panted.

Mr. Berkshire didn't respond to the smart remark, he simply made another adjustment.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Damian screamed, then momentarily lost consciousness.

Outside, Titus followed Damian's scent to a deserted mansion on the outskirts of town. The yard was in ruins but there were lights coming from some of the windows. The large dog picked his way through the yard, tracing the scent to the driveway, where he found the black SUV that had taken little master away. Titus scratched at the door with his massive paw then whimpered and lay down next to the vehicle. The smell was here but little master wasn't, the pup would have to think about his next move.

Across town, near the university, Tim Drake and Conner Kent were apartment hunting. They planned to live together and wanted to settle into a new place before the semester started in a few weeks. Both boys were excited, this was a first for both of them, first love, first apartment, so many firsts. They were nervous about everything but sure of their love for each other and that was enough for now, the rest would come later.

"What do you think of this one?" asked Tim.

"I think it looks a lot like the last three we've seen," said Conner.

"Oh Con, you have no eye for details," Tim smiled, "this one has exposed brick, a much nicer kitchen and bathroom and it's the biggest one we've seen."

"Ok, I'll give you that, but bro, you think the current tenants will let us keep the old pizza boxes and cinderblock bookshelves?" asked Conner.

"It's a student apartment, what did you expect?" asked Tim.

"I'm sorry, I just, I don't know, don't want you to have to lower yourself just to live with me," said Conner.

"What are you talking about, any home with you in it, is a palace to me," Tim smiled.

Conner Kent was a Kansas farm boy, he'd never expected to meet someone like Tim and fall in love. Not only was Tim a superhero, he was also a multi-millionaire and had been one before receiving Bruce's inheritance. Jack Drake had taken good care of his only soon in his will. Conner sometimes felt like he was taking a handsome prince from his castle and forcing him to live in a shack with the village chore boy.

"Wayne Manor is a palace, this is a hovel," Conner sighed.

"Hey," said Tim, crossing the room and putting his arms around Conner's waist, "I love you, not your wallet; you know I don't care about any of that."

"I know Timmy and I love you too, it's just, I don't want you to have to sacrifice for me," Conner explained.

"Living in a simple apartment like all of our friends and all the other kids at school, isn't a sacrifice," said Tim.

"I know, I'm being stupid, I just want to be good enough for you," said Conner.

"Conner Kent, you are more than good enough for me, you're the best thing in my life, you make me happy, isn't that enough?" asked Tim, flashing Conner his big blue eyes.

"Yeah, you know what, it is, I'm sorry, I think the apartment is great, if this is the one you want, let's go sign the paperwork," Conner smiled.

"Thanks, you'll see, it's going to be great," Tim gushed, then kissed Conner's lips and hugged him tightly.

Conner couldn't help but smile, Tim always pushed the doubts from his mind. He held the lithe boy in his arms and basked in the warm glow of his embrace, certain that together, they could face anything.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Damian screamed, after 3 hours he still refused to submit to torture.

"You need to surrender yourself to your mother's will, Damian, she only want's what's best for you," said Mr. Berkshire.

"Yeah, electrocuting me is doing wonders, she should be mother of the year," Damian scoffed.

Mr. Berkshire pursed his lips and shot more voltage through Damian's system. Jason stood back, leaning against the wall, he wasn't happy about this but he wanted to please Talia. He knew Damian would be tough to crack but that didn't mean Jason relished seeing him hurt. Jason may have been sadistic in his treatment of criminals but Damian, for all his arrogance and lethal prowess, was just a boy, didn't that make him an innocent? Jason was torn between what the little voice in his head told him was wrong and his desire to carry out Talia's will, become Batman and exact his revenge on the Joker.

"Your mother loves you Damian, don't you want to go home?" asked Mr. Berkshire.

"Yes, I do want to go home," Damian admitted.

"Good, you're starting to see things clearly," Mr. Berkshire smiled.

"Home to Wayne Manor with Grayson and Drake, Robbie and Alfred..." Damian began, before more volts sizzled his skin, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"You're doing yourself no service here, my young friend. Eventually you will submit, why not give in now, save yourself more pain?" said Mr. Berkshire, in a gentle voice.

"I'm going to get out of this, and when I do, I'm going to kill you," Damian promised him.

"But killing is wrong, isn't that what your father believed?" Mr. Berkshire taunted.

"I think he would make an exception in your case, he'll understand," Damian grinned.

"Well, it's good to see that you're willing to compromise, soon you'll be embracing the way of the League of Shadows and we'll be finished," Mr. Berkshire smiled.

"Soon, I'm going to open your throat and pull out your tongue so it hangs like a necktie," Damian assured him.

"How very inventive, I'll have to remember that one," said Mr. Berkshire, then depressed his finger on the controls.


"Jesus, how much did you use on him this time?" asked Jason, speaking for the first time since the torture began.

"We're above 5 million volts now, it's natural for him to lose consciousness at this point, we'll take a break and begin again in a few minutes," said Mr. Berkshire.

"How much before you kill him?" asked Jason.

"Oh it won't go that far, the mistresses orders," said Mr. Berkshire, "she wants the boy alive at all costs."

"So if the shock therapy doesn't work?"

"There are other methods for molding a boy's character," Mr. Berkshire smiled, then pulled the cover off of a tray containing an assortment of brass knuckles, knives, whips and razor blades.

"You'd use those things on him?" Jason shuddered.

"It can be a challenge to do ones duty at times, but in this case it's a pleasure, he's such a strong willed little fellow," Mr. Berkshire smiled and ran his hands affectionately over his implements.

The pleased look on Mr. Berkshire's face chilled Jason's blood. Jason wasn't sure how far he would let things go before he found the courage to stop this, he hoped it was long before this ghoul took one of those razor blades to Damian's flesh.

At Wayne Manor, Alfred was hard at work on the food for Damian's birthday dinner. Aside from Alfred's waffles, Damian had never really commented on food, one way or the other, other than to voice a fondness for Mediterranean food, no doubt acquired in his extensive travels. Alfred was determined to make the difficult boy smile at least once today, to that affect he was overseeing a team of caterers who were preparing a feast fit for Caesar himself. As Alfred watched the caterers prep lamb for the oven, he decided to take a break and wound up in the small graveyard on the property, where Bruce's memorial stood.

"Today is Master Damian's birthday," said Alfred, "I only wish you were here to see it, Master Bruce, he's so much like you."

Alfred thought back to Bruce's childhood, he'd never been the same after his parents death, always brooding, getting into trouble at school, trying so hard to find his way in a world he'd ceased to understand. Alfred had given him all the love he could, raised him as his own son, but it had never been enough. When Thomas and Martha Wayne died, Bruce set out on a path that would lead to his becoming Batman, Alfred was by his side, offering what support he could and always fearing that one day, Batman would leave his cave, never to return. That kind of death Alfred would have understood, at least it would have had meaning, to loose Bruce to a simple plane crash seemed wrong.

Regardless of how he passed, Bruce was gone now and Alfred was again left to raise the children of a dear friend. Master's Richard, Timothy and Damian were all broken boys who had suffered so much in their young lives, more than boys should ever have to face. Alfred was determined that he would do his part to make their lives as easy as possible. He sat there, thinking about the family he inherited and realized there were tears running down his cheeks. He'd been honest when he told Damian that there had been dark days at Wayne Manor, that everyone was glad to have something happy to celebrate. The old butler dried his eyes and rose to his feet, he'd cried enough for now, he had a family to tend to and returned to the kitchen.

Back in the dank basement, Mr. Berkshire filled a bucket with water and threw it in Damian's face. He'd passed out for the third time and Mr. Berkshire decided he should move on to a new technique, pressure points.

"This can all end Damian, your mother loves you, help her make Jason Batman and all your pain will go away," said Mr. Berkshire in a sickly soothing voice.

"Can't, can't hurt my family," Damian panted.

Mr. Berkshire held Damian's head in his hands and looked into his fierce blue eyes, defiance burning brightly within them. His fingers moved nimbly along Damian's jawline, coming to rest just behind his jaw, under his ear lobes.

"Young man, are you familiar with the mandibular angle?" asked Mr. Berkshire.

"Yes, it's a...AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Damian screamed, as Mr. Berkshire's fingers dig in behind his jaw.

"Yes, it's a pressure point, I bet you find it useful in martial arts, no?" asked Mr. Berkshire.

When Damian didn't answer him, Mr. Berkshire jammed his fingers into the soft skin again, eliciting another blood curdling scream from his victim.

"Yes, yes it's a pressure point," Damian panted.

"It hurts, doesn't it?"

"Yes, yes it hurts, please don't," Damian whimpered.

"Good boy," smiled Mr. Berkshire, "I'd hate to have to do that again, does that mean you're ready to behave yourself and do as your mother asks?"

"You, you can go jump up your own ass and choke, you sadistic old fuck," said Damian, American television was adding all manner of color to his vocabulary.

"Tsk, tsk, how unfortunate," smiled Mr. Berkshire, applying another round of pressure to the sensitive joint.


At 3:30, Dick stopped by the office of applied sciences, the staff scrambled to look busy in front of the chairman of the board of directors but he wasn't interested in their work, not just now. He found Robbie's boss, spoke to him briefly and soon he and his young charge were back in the car, heading out to pick up Damian's birthday gift.

"I have some great ideas, I've been thinking about what we should get him all day long," said Robbie, as they pulled into the mall parking garage.

"I already figured out what we should get, I just need you to help me pick the right one," Dick smiled.

"Oh, ok," said Robbie.

"Do you need to do any shopping?" asked Dick.

"Nope, I figured out his gift weeks ago," Robbie smiled.

"Great, this shouldn't take long then," said Dick.

They made their way into the mall and quickly found the store they were looking for. Dick spoke with the clerk on duty, who directed them to a wall in the back of the shop.

"This is a great idea, he'll love it," said Robbie, excitedly.

"Yeah I think so to, but which one?" asked Dick.

"Well, orange is his favorite," said Robbie.

"I thought for sure it would be black," Dick chuckled, almost every scrap of clothing Damian owned, aside from jeans and school uniforms, was either black or dark grey.

"Nah, he likes the colorful ones," Robbie assured him.

"Ok, how about that one?" said Dick, pointing at the display.

"No, to perky, if it's for Damian it has to be more aloof," said Robbie.

"Alright, what about the one in the back?"

"To scrawny, he likes the chubby ones," said Robbie.

"I didn't think he was so picky," said Dick.

"Not out on the streets but if it's his own, I think he'd like...that one," said Robbie.

"Oh yeah, that's got Damian written all over it," Dick smiled, then turned to the clerk, "can you put that one in a box for us?"

"A box?" asked the clerk, with a raised eyebrow.

"It's my brother's birthday present," Dick explained.

"Oh sure," said the clerk, "we'll punch a few airholes in it and you'll be all set."

"Thanks," Dick smiled, as they followed the clerk to the counter and paid for their purchase.

The problem with pressure point torture is that if your subject doesn't break right away, it begins to lose its effectiveness. Mr. Berkshire decided to mix his techniques to throw Damian off and keep surprise on his side, he stopped applying pressure to the boys jaw and started to beat the boy with a phonebook. The heavy Gotham City Yellow Pages were slammed against Damian's chest and stomach, bruising his fair skin but not breaking any of his ribs or damaging any of his organs. It was painful, Damian was exhausted, he'd endured hours of electric shock followed by attacks on his pressure points and now the beating, he didn't know how much longer he could hold out.

Damian felt the strength leaving his body, he struggled to hold his head up, he was dehydrated from sweating so much and having nothing to drink. His senses were betraying him, he felt like he was starting to hallucinate, when he couldn't see Todd or Berkshire, but only a brilliant white light.

"Father, father help me," Damian whined, then passed out.

Mr. Berkshire filled his bucket with water but before he could throw it on Damian, Jason stopped him.

"No, let him rest," Jason ordered.

"But we're getting close, he's on the verge of breaking, I can sense it," said Mr. Berkshire, gleefully.

"I said no, give him a minute," said Jason.

"As you wish sir, but if we lose this opportunity, the mistress will..." Mr. Berkshire began.

"This is her son, despite what is happening here, you have your orders, no permanent damage, I said let him rest," said Jason.

"Very well," said Mr. Berkshire, placing the bucket on the floor.

There was nothing but the white light now, it was all encompassing, he was enveloped by it. Damian searched his surroundings but there was nothing there, the light just seemed to go on forever. He started to panic, am I dead, he asked himself, is this hell, will I just be here, in this nothing, for eternity? But then a soft voice called his name.

"Damian," said the soft, masculine voice.

"Father?" Damian asked the light.

"Yes Damian, I'm here," smiled Bruce, as he came into view.

"Oh father," Damian sighed and embraced Bruce, throwing his arms around his waist and resting his head against his father's powerful chest.

"Damian, you've been so brave," said Bruce.

"I won't let mother have her way, I won't turn my back on Grayson and Drake and our family, Todd will never be Batman..." Damian rambled.

"Hey, hey, it's ok," said Bruce, running his hand up and down Damian's back, soothing the agitated boy.

"I don't understand, if I give in, mother will kill them, she'll..." said Damian.

"Son, there is nothing you or anyone else can do to change your mother or what she will and will not do," said Bruce, "no matter how hard you fight, she'll carry out her plans."

"Then why is she doing this to me?" asked Damian.

"Control, it's not enough for her to have custody of your body, she wants your mind too," Bruce explained.

"I won't give in, I won't," said Damian.

"It's ok Dami, I'll still love you, I just don't want to see you hurt anymore," said Bruce

"It hurts so much," Damian sniffled.

"I know, my brave boy, you've been so strong, just let go, there doesn't have to be any more pain, there's no shame in surrendering, you've given it your all," said Bruce.

"I won't give in, I won't," said Damian, he felt Bruce hug him tight and kiss the top of his head, then he woke up, cold water dripping from his face.

Damian coughed and his head dropped, he didn't have the strength to hold it up but he was conscious. His body felt weak but his heart was strong, he had Bruce's permission to surrender and that emboldened his resolve to fight back. Bruce's willingness to love him, even if he folded, helped him to unleash an inner reservoir of strength. Slowly and carefully, Damian worked at his bonds, trying to loosen their grip on his wrists.

"Ah, we're awake," said Mr. Berkshire, tilting Damian's head back so he could see his face, "shall we begin again?"

That's when Damian saw it, there, in the well of the small basement window, sat a fat little Robin, fluffing his feathers and chirping his happy song.

"Robin red breast in a cage, sets all heaven in a rage," Damian muttered, remembering the words the Joker spoke to him the night they met at City Hall.

"What was that?" asked Mr. Berkshire.

"I said, you hit like a woman, bring it on," said Damian, defiantly.

The comment angered Berkshire, he was so close to breaking the boy, he was sure of it, then that goon Jason stopped him and now the boy had regained his defiance. It was clear in his eyes, Berkshire saw it, the spark that he thought he'd sapped out of the boy was now smoldering once more. Berkshire reached for his tray of torture devices and found his brass knuckles, Damian didn't see them until they struck the side of his face. Berkshire had large and powerful hands, the blow split the corner of Damian's lip and covered most of the left side of his face, its' a miracle that no bones were broken.

Damian passed out again, ready to fight as he may be, he couldn't stand up to a powerful blow like that, not in this condition. Berkshire raised his hand and prepared to strike again, when he felt a sharp pain in his throat and spluttered for breath. The torture master never sensed Jason's approach, he crept up behind Berkshire and cut his throat, letting the old man choke to death on his own blood. The final blow had been too much for Jason, Damian was hurt, Berkshire was going to hurt him more and the last remaining dregs of humanity, buried in the recesses of Jason's heart screamed, ENOUGH!

Jason kicked the old man's body aside, then used his knife to cut Damian's wrists free. He knelt in front of the boy and held his face gently in his hands. Damian's hair was matted to his forehead with sweat, there was blood running down his chin from his busted lip and half his face was already starting to blacken.

"Damian, Damian wake up," said Jason, he slapped lightly against Damian's cheek and roused him to wakefulness.

"Todd, is that you?" asked Damian.

"I'm here, I'm right here Damian."

Damian put his hands on Todd's shoulders and held them as tightly as he could, Jason assumed the boy was trying to steady himself and that was a mistake. The only thing more dangerous than a viper is a wounded viper.

"Todd," said Damian.

"Yes Damian, I'm here."

"Todd, you'll never be Batman," said Damian, as he looked into Jason's face with an arrogant smirk.

"What?" said Jason, confused, he tried to pull back, but Damian still had him by the shoulders.

Damian held tight to Jason's shoulders then head-butted him, knocking Jason unconscious. Jason's eye's fluttered and he collapsed against the cold floor. Damian quickly untied his ankles then stood on wobbly legs, it took him a moment to get his bearings, then he kicked Jason violently in the balls.

"That's for Titus you fucking traitor," Damian spat.

Damian's first instinct was to get out of the basement, and whatever building he was in, as quickly as possible. He was wounded and needed to escape while he still had his wits about him. On the other hand, if he left without confronting his mother, she'd just come after him again, he was determined not to let that happen. He knew there would be a guard posted outside the door, it's what he would have done after all. Mimicking Jason's voice, he called the guard into the room, snuck up behind him and broke the unfortunate Shadowman's neck. Damian grabbed the katana sword slung over the man's back, now he was ready to settle things with mother.

He was cautious as he left the basement and entered the main part of the old house, he expected the place to be crawling with Shadowmen but quickly discovered that mother was traveling light. He only encountered a handful of guards, he knew he was too weak to face them, and his mother, so Damian chose stealth over force and took his time moving through the house. He didn't know where mother would be hiding herself but he knew how to find her, the door to whatever room would be guarded by Thomas Gould, her loyal bodyguard.

Damian had known Thomas all his life, the man had served his grandfather, Ra's al Ghul, and was trusted above all others to protect Talia and her son. Damian remembered Thomas from when he was a little boy, he was the man who taught him how to tie his own shoes, who played catch with him and kept him entertained while he spent so much time waiting for his mother and who put band-aides on booboos. Despite those fond memories, Damian also knew that Thomas could be a ruthless killer and as much as he might have cared about the boy, even loved him, he wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck like a twig if he threatened Talia. Damian knew what he would have to do and hated his mother all the more for it.

He found Thomas, standing outside a room on the ground floor. Damian concealed the katana he'd acquired, holding his wrist at an angle and keeping the blade behind his leg. He limped into the hall and let Thomas see him, he hoped that the bodyguard would see his injuries and assume that the torture session was over. If Thomas believed that Damian was returning to the fold, there wouldn't be a fight, he could do it nice and easy, painless.

When Thomas' sharp eyes landed on the boy, his first thought was one of disgust. Damian was limping towards him, his face was bloody and bruised, he knew it was all part of the mistresses plan but Damian was still the child he'd cared for and he didn't like to see him hurt. Thomas went to Damian and placed his hands on the boys shoulders, then gave him a warm smile.

"You made it Damian," Thomas smiled, "I knew you'd tough it out, your mother's waiting for you."


"Yes Damian?"

"I'm sorry," said Damian, as he struck the death blow.

Damian kept his eyes on Thomas, his apology caused confusion and in that time, he brought up his sword, angled the weapon to strike through the ribcage and into the lung. Thomas felt the cold blade pierce his flesh but he was unable to scream or cry out, the wound to his lung made it impossible to make any sound come out of his mouth. He looked into Damian's eyes, saw that there was real anguish there and passed into death knowing that after all these years, he'd finally failed in his mission.

Damian withdrew his blade and the body slumped against him, he gently lowered it to the ground and closed the eyes, then wiped tears from his own. He hated what he'd just done but he knew he had no choice, his mother had seen to that. He had one more gruesome task to perform, with a swift strike from his sword, it was done, now he could face his mother.

Talia waited in the mansions study, it was a large room that had been grand in its day but like the rest of the old house, had fallen into disrepair. She lounged in a chair, facing the window, reading King Lear. Talia had always loved Shakespeare, it was something she'd passed on to Damian, and was in the middle of the play when there was a knock at the door.

"Come in, Thomas," said Talia, without looking up from her book.

"I'm sorry mother but Thomas won't be joining us for the rest of his life," said Damian.

Talia dropped her book to the floor and jumped to her feet, just in time to see Thomas severed head roll to a stop on the rug before her. She looked at the head of her most loyal servant, then at her son, who stood in the doorway, bruised and battered but defiant as ever, a sword in his hand.

"Damian, what have you done!" Talia demanded.

"Nothing I didn't learn from you," he retorted.

"Mr. Berkshire and Jason?" asked Talia.

"Your torture master is dead, your lover won't be servicing you for a while," said Damian.

"What are you still doing here then?" she inquired.

"I've come to end this mother, once and for all," said Damian.

"You would strike your own mother?"

"Matricide, patricide, infanticide, it's the way of our family, is it not? Aunt Nyssa killed grandfather after all," said Damian, coldly.

"What if I allowed you to leave?" asked Talia, more academically then with any concern for her safety.

"So that we can do this again at some later juncture? No mother, this ends today, one way or another, you will be out of my life," said Damian.

"Very well then," said Talia, drawing her own sword, "this shouldn't be too difficult, I taught you everything you know."

"I think you'll find I've learned a thing or two on my own," said Damian.

"Well see," she smirked, then charged at him, blade at her side.

Damian closed the distance with his mother and as her sword slashed at him from the left, he blocked it with his blade, then launched his own attack. His blade slashed within an inch of Talia's eyes, forcing her to step back and reengage. Steal clashed against steal, sparks flew from the weapons, each was a master of the katana. Talia had studied with worlds best and passed her knowledge on to Damian, he was an excellent student and had found experts of his own to hone his skills.

"Getting tired, sweetheart?" Talia taunted.

"You wish," Damian retorted.

"I don't know, all those hours of torture, my poor thing," said Talia.

"Are you afraid mother?"

"Just concerned my darling," she smirked.

"You're not going to talk your way out of this," Damian panted, he was tired and Talia sensed it.

Talia smelled blood in the water, she got him talking, he was breathing hard, he had to be weak, no one could put up with that much pain and not feel exhausted. When he paused to take a breath, she struck, swinging her blade wide, aiming for his throat. Tired as he was, Damian was too quick for her, he ducked just in time to escape her strike, then swung his blade in a reverse arch, he missed her body by a mile, but nicked her fingers, causing her to scream and drop her sword. Damian didn't miss a beat, he raised his weapon and drove her back against the wall, the tip pressing at the soft skin of her throat.

"Do you yield?" asked Damian.

"That was luck, Dami, not skill, you haven't beaten me," said Talia.

"Never the less, you're the one with a blade at her throat, all I have to do is press forward," Damian threatened.

He knew he should kill her, she couldn't be trusted, if he let her live his life would be in danger, his life and everyone he cared for, Robbie, Grayson, Drake, Alfred...

"Alright, I'll give you your freedom, I won't try to take you from Gotham City again but one day, you'll seek me out, you know your destiny," said Talia.

"I will never return to you," Damian spat.

"Then know this my son, from this day forth, you will be an enemy of the House of al Ghul, the next time we meet, I will show you no mercy," said Talia.

"And you can consider yourself an enemy of the House of Wayne, I will embrace my father's destiny and fight against you and everything you stand for," said Damian.

"It seems we have an understanding," said Talia.

Damian stepped back and withdrew his sword. He looked at his mother for the last time, committing her beautiful face to his memory. There had been kindnesses in his childhood, he'd always felt love from her, whether it was real or just more calculation on her part, he didn't know.

"Good bye mother."

"Good bye my darling."

Damian backed out of the room, he didn't trust her enough to turn his back until he was out in the hall. He slipped past her guards as quietly as death and made his way out the back door. As he rounded the corner of the house and entered the long driveway, he encountered a sight that filled his heart with joy.

"Titus, you're ok!" Damian exclaimed, as the massive dog sat up by the black SUV.

Titus ran over to little master, placed his paws on his chest and licked his face. Damian giggled and hugged his puppy, then picked up the end of his leash.

"Let's go home boy, this is no place for us," said Damian, as he set off at a slow jog.

Damian's guests began to arrive at Wayne Manor at 5:30. Tim and Connor returned from their apartment hunting at 4:00 and spent the afternoon snuggling on the couch. When Colin rang the doorbell, Tim let him in, then went to Damian's room to let him know his friend had arrived. Damian wasn't there, there was no sign of him so Tim went to the kitchen to ask Alfred where he might be.

"Hey Alfred, wow, it smalls great in here," said Tim, as he took in the kitchens mouthwatering aroma.

"Thank you Master Timothy, dinner will be served in half an hour," said Alfred.

"Yeah, about that, Colin's here and I looked for Damian in his room but he wasn't there, have you seen him?" asked Tim.

"I haven't seen Master Damian since this morning, he was feeling a little glum about his birthday, I believe he took Titus for a walk. He's probably hiding somewhere to avoid the attention," said Alfred.

"Such a brat," said Tim, rolling his eyes, "alright, I'll look for him."

"Very good sir."

The doorbell rang again as Tim returned to the family room, where he'd left Colin chatting with Connor.

"Hey Colin, could you grab that?" asked Tim.

"Sure," Colin replied.

"What's up?" asked Connor.

"Typical Damian crap, he's hiding somewhere, least he enjoy the party," said Tim.

"Ah give him a break, birthdays aren't for everyone," said Connor.

"Ha, you've had a soft spot for him ever since he didn't kill you on that rooftop," Tim teased.

"Hey, I thought you'd be glad he didn't kill me," said Connor.

"Awwwww, of course I am, Superboyfriend," said Tim, then he stood on his tip toes and kissed Connor softly, "mind helping me look for him, it'll go faster with your x-ray vision."

"No problem," Connor grinned. Timmy got everything he ever wanted from Connor, mostly because of those soft little kisses.

"Hi everyone," said Lien, as she entered the room with Colin, "where's Damian?"

"We're not sure," said Tim, "he's pouting so we have to look for him."

"He's such a brat," said Lien, rolling her eyes.

"That's what I said," Tim smirked.

"We'll help you look, won't we Colin?" said Lien.

"Sure, I just hope he's not in some crawl space, I hate tight places," Colin shuddered.

"Oh I'm sure he wouldn't go that far," Lien giggled.

"Uhhh..." Colin, Tim and Connor, started.

"It's a big house, we better get started," said Tim.

Half an hour later, the group met in the foyer, none of them had found Damian and they'd searched most of the house. Dick and Robbie walked in just as everyone else came back to the room.

"Damian, where's my birthday boy!" Dick shouted, then noticed everyone standing around the foyer, "oh, hey everyone, where's Dami?"

"That's the question of the hour," said Tim.

"What's going on?" asked Robbie.

"I think Damian's on the lamb, Alfred hasn't seen him since this morning and we think he's trying to ditch the party," Tim explained.

"He wouldn't do that," said Robbie.

"Sure he would," said Tim, "he knows everyone else is looking forward to tonight, he'd do it just to spite us."

"I don't know Tim, I think he knows better than to do that, I'd be very disappointed in him," said Dick.

"That's just it big brother, you're daddy now, he's probably testing you," said Tim.

Before Dick could respond, Alfred entered the room and made an announcement.

"Good evening Master Richard, dinner is served sir...have we not located Master Damian?" asked Alfred.

"I'm here," said Damian, standing in the doorway in his soiled clothes, hair a mess, face bruised and dried blood trailing from the corner of his mouth. Titus was sitting beside him, poised to protect his pup.

There was a collective gasp as the gathered friends and family took in his sight. Robbie raced over to him and squeezed him tight. Damian's body was badly bruised and he winced at Robbie's tight embrace.

"Ahhh, don't," Damian moaned.

"I'm sorry, you're hurt, what happened?" said Robbie, asking the question that was running through everyone's mind.

"I fell," Damian lied.

He would tell Grayson the truth but not now. He knew if he told his family what happened to him, they would suit up and go after his mother and Jason, that's not what he wanted, at least not now. He was tired and weak, he wanted to be with his friends and family, he didn't want them going out without him, he couldn't protect them if they left him behind.

"You fell?" asked Grayson, incredulously.

"Well there was rather more to it than that," said Damian, sarcastically.

"Care to explain?" said Grayson, he was in full parent mood, he needed to know what had happened.

"I took Titus for a run in the woods, I was running along a ravine and the ground gave out from under me, it took me all day to climb out," said Damian.

"Well, thank God you're ok," said Grayson, giving Damian a gentle hug, "why don't we get you cleaned up and put to bed?"

"But it's my birthday," Damian objected.

"I thought you didn't care about that?" asked Grayson.

"I've been thinking about it, I'd like to celebrate with you all," said Damian.

"Really?" asked Grayson, pleasantly surprised.

"Yes, I just need a few minutes to compose myself," said Damian.

"Ok then," Grayson smiled.

"Master Richard, there are appetizers waiting in the dining room, why don't we all retire there and give Master Damian some space?" Alfred suggested.

"Great, head for the dining room everyone," Grayson encouraged.

"Come on Dami, I'll help you clean up," said Robbie, taking his hand and turning to lead him up the stairs.

"No," said Damian, his feet glued to the marble floor.

"No?" asked Robbie, a puzzled look on his face.

"I, I want Alfred," Damian all but whispered.

"Oh," said Robbie, his shoulders sagging a little.

"Robbie, it's not..." Damian began.

"No, no it's ok, I understand," said Robbie, flashing him a reassuring smile.

"Come along Master Damian, let's get you cleaned up," Alfred smiled.

Damian followed Alfred up the stairs, Titus right on his heel, it would be hours before the dog relaxed enough to let little master out of his sight. Alfred led Damian up to his room and had him sit on the bed, he retrieved the first aid kit, applied alcohol to a cotton swab and dabbed at the bloody corner of the boys mouth. Alfred checked the black eye and bruised cheek, there was some swelling but nothing that wouldn't heal in a few days.

"Kindly remove your shirt young sir," said Alfred.

"Why?" asked Damian, looking stricken.

"You took a nasty tumble, I saw you wince when Master Robert hugged you, I have to check for broken ribs," Alfred explained.

"They aren't broken," said Damian.

"I'm willing to wait all night, Master Damian, but your supper will be cold and your friends are waiting," said the old butler.

"Okay," Damian grumped and removed his t-shirt.

Damian's chest and stomach were a solid mass of black and blue, Alfred touched him gently, looking for any jagged or loose bones.

"We didn't fall in any woods, did we sir?" asked Alfred.

"No," Damian confessed.

"I assume we're telling tales for a reason?" asked Alfred.

"Yes," Damian replied.

"I further assume that you will discuss the truth with Master Richard before he leaves for work tomorrow?" asked Alfred.

"Yes," Damian sighed.

"Then you've bought my silence until morning. I don't see any sign of broken bones, why don't you take a shower, I'll lay out something for you to wear and join you downstairs," said Alfred.

"Thank you Alfred, for everything," said Damian.

"One is happy to be of service sir," Alfred smiled.

Damian showered quickly, he wanted to linger over the warm water but he was also eager to be among his friends and family, people who really loved him. He came out of the bathroom and found the clothes Alfred had laid out for him, he was grateful when he found jeans, a t-shirt and a nice soft hoodie, rather than his formal dinner jacket. He put on the comfortable clothes and led Titus to the dining room, he stroked the dog affectionately, his loyal friend and faithful protector.

Damian took his seat at the head of the table, in Bruce's chair. Wayne Manor was his house now, Alfred assured him that this was his rightful place. Everyone ate to their heart's content, Damian among them, not only was he exhausted from his ordeal but also ravenous. The food was nothing short of spectacular and the fine meal encouraged conversation and laughter around the table. Grayson was on his left, Robbie was on his right, when he wasn't eating, Damian took Robbie's hand, under the table and held it for comfort.

Robbie knew something was wrong, he knew it when Damian asked Alfred to take him upstairs. If Robbie had gone with him, he would have questioned Damian about his injuries and pestered him until he answered. Damian hadn't snubbed him, he'd dodged him, Robbie didn't know what was up, but he was sure he would find out later and for now he was content to enjoy the evening. When the meal was finished, everyone adjourned to the family room to present their gifts, Damian was surprisingly gracious about the whole experience and Robbie was excited to see his reaction when Dick presented the gift they'd picked out together.

"Here Damian, this is from Robbie and I," said Grayson, trading a wink with Robbie.

Damian looked at the two of them suspiciously, then slowly lifted the lid off the box. Damian's eyes sparkled with delight as he lifted the fat orange kitten from its box and held it out in front of him, then cradled it against his chest.

"I, I love it, thank you," said Damian, then he surprised everyone by kissing first Robbie, then Grayson, on the cheek.

"I'm glad," Dick smiled.

"Yeah, me too," said Robbie.

Damian resumed his seat on the sofa, then held the kitten out to Titus.

"What do you think?" asked Damian.

Titus sniffed the kitten suspiciously and when he decided that the animal wasn't dangerous, he gave a snort of approval.

"I shall call her Iago," said Damian.

"Like the parrot in Aladdin?" asked Colin, cheerfully.

"Like the villain in Othello," Damian corrected.

"Isn't that a man's name?" asked Tim.

"So is Timothy but that's what we call you," Damian quipped.

Tim's mouth hung open, he was about to protest when Damian grinned at him.

"Calm down Drake, I'm only joking," said Damian.

Connor was beside himself with laughter.

"Oh shut up," said Tim, giving his boyfriend a playful shove.

The night progressed and when it was time for everyone to head home, Damian saw his guests out. He hugged Lien and thanked her for coming, then he turned his attention to Colin.

"Thank you for coming tonight, Colin," said Damian.

"You're my best bud, I wouldn't miss it," smiled the red head.

"I'm glad you weren't too busy," said Damian.

"I know, I haven't been around much lately, I'm sorry," said Colin.

"Will you come and see me soon?" asked Damian.

"Yeah, sure I will," Colin agreed.

"Promise?" asked Damian.

Colin and everyone who overheard the request thought that it was out of character for Damian, he wasn't a needy person, he never required assurances like this.

"I promise," said Colin.

"Ok," said Damian, then he hugged his friend.

Damian returned to his room with Robbie and the two stripped down for bed, Robbie saw Damian's bruised chest and tummy, he carefully ran his fingers across the soft skin.

"Does it hurt?" asked Robbie.

"Yes," Damian acknowledged.

"I wanted to give you a special present, I thought we'd make love tonight," said Robbie.

"I want to but I..." Damian started.

"It's ok, I know," said Robbie, as he gently kissed Damian's chest, "I love you."

"I love you too," Damian choked.

"Why don't we just get some sleep?" said Robbie, "I'll take tomorrow off and we can spend the day together."

"I'd like that," Damian smiled.

The boys climbed into bed and snuggled close, or as close as they could with Damian's injuries. Robbie fell asleep quickly but Damian couldn't relax, he kept thinking about the day's events. After an hour of tossing and turning, Damian got out of bed and put on his shirt and jeans, Iago was asleep at the foot of his bed, Titus stirred and followed Damian out the door. Dick Grayson was also having trouble sleeping, he was worried about his little brother and wasn't exactly sure how to handle the situation. Dick stood in front of his window and starred out over the grounds, that's when he saw Damian cross the yard with his dog and sit in the graveyard among the night blooming flowers. Dick didn't like the look of this, he put on his robe and went downstairs to see what exactly was going on.

When Dick reached the graveyard, he heard the unmistakable sounds of a crying boy. Dick was unnerved, he'd never, not once, seen Damian cry before.

"Hey, it's ok," said Dick, he took a seat next to Damian and put a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.

Damian turned to Dick and wrapped his arms around his big brother, he buried his face against Dick's chest and drenched his shirt with his tears.

"I miss father, I wish he was here," Damian cried.

"So do I, Dami, so do I," Dick sighed, as he rocked the boy in his arms.

"Come on, let's go back inside and talk about it there," said Dick.

When they got to the house, Dick sat on the sofa and continued to hold Damian. Damian composed himself and told Dick everything that had happened that day, with his mother, Jason and the torture master, what he'd been forced to do to Thomas, everything. Dick was disgusted, hate for Talia burned in his heart, a boy shouldn't have to take someone's life, especially on the day he should be celebrating the beginning of his own.

Dick wasn't sure what he should do to help Damian but one thing he was certain of, he'd make an appointment for him to see the staff psychiatrist, when he returned to Gotham Prep. Fortunately, he had a few weeks to figure out how to get the difficult boy to cooperate with that decision. In the meantime, he had to make sure Talia never got close to Damian again.

Next: Chapter 12: Gotham Prep II 2

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