Gotham Prep

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Apr 2, 2013


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. They belong to DC Comics. And also, if you are too young to read this, leave... please. Or if this type of thing is illegal where you live then also leave...please. This is a story involving homosexual, or rather gay, sex and love. So if this offends or freaks you out, leave... please. This is purely fiction, it doesn't imply anything about the character's mentioned sexuality.

This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

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Gotham Prep Episode 10: Son of the Bat Part II

When Damian woke the next morning, he reached down and scratched his tummy, then rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He found himself in a strange bed, in a strange room, in nothing but his underwear. What disturbed him most was the discovery that his wrist was handcuffed to one of the bedposts. Damian shot up in bed and struggled to free his wrist, he hoped that the bedpost might be weak and break, but the wood was solid, there was no escape. As he resigned himself to the fact that he was stuck there, the door creaked open.

"Good morning," said Jason.

"Todd!" Damian exclaimed, "where am I, where is my uniform, unchain me at once!"

"Relax baby bird, you're at one of my safe houses, I hung your uniform in the closet and I will let you go, but not until you settle down," said Jason.

"Release me now!" Damian ordered.

"See, it doesn't work that way, you're in my house, I make the rules and I'll let you go when you're more calm," Jason grinned.

"I hope you're enjoying this, Todd, because when I find a way to free myself I'm going to..." Damian began.

"Going to what?" Jason interrupted, "kill me, like you did Zsasz and his guys?"

"How do you know about that, how did I end up here anyway?" asked Damian, as he sat against the bed frame.

"I pay to be kept informed of happenings in my city," Jason explained, "one of my snitches saw some kid cruising in the Batmobile and thought I'd find that interesting. I followed you to Zsasz latest hang out, found you asleep at his desk with his corpse on the floor."

"That was a tactical error," Damian admitted, he should never have slept there.

"I won't argue with that, you're lucky it was me that found you," said Jason.

"Yes, I'm so fortunate," said Damian, looking at his cuffed wrist.

"If you promise to behave yourself, I'll unlock the cuffs," said Jason.

"Fine, just let me go," said Damian, sitting there in his underpants and chained to a bed made him feel vulnerable, he didn't like it.

Jason unlocked the cuffs and Damian moved quickly to get out of bed. Jason seized him by the scruff of the neck and threw him back down on the mattress.

"Easy baby bird, we're not done talking yet," said Jason.

"Why do you always call me that?" Damian demanded.

"Cause, you're the littlest Robin, it's only fitting," Jason smirked, while Damian rolled his eyes.

"Where is the Batmobile?" asked Damian.

"I left it there, that thing sticks out like a sore thumb, besides, you know it's got a tracking device in it, I sensed that you didn't want Dicky-Bird or Tiny Tim coming for you," Jason explained.

"No, no I don't want them to find me," Damian admitted.

"So what's going on?" asked Jason.

"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about," Damian lied.

"Sure you do, when we met on that roof a few nights ago, you wouldn't harm a fly, now you're out slaughtering scumbags like a pro, that suggests all is not well in the House of Wayne," said Jason.

"I can't stay there anymore, they're making me weak," Damian admitted, "I killed those bastards last night to reclaim my sanity."

"You're crazy now?" Jason teased.

"I must have been, I let them turn me against everything I was raised to believe. You were right, criminals must know fear and fighting the same people over and over again, with the same result, is the very definition of insanity. Criminals aren't getting the message, we have to eliminate them," said Damian.

"Excellent, I'm glad you've seen the light, Talia and Ra's would be proud of you," said Jason.

"Don't mention her to me," said Damian, he may have embraced his mother's ways, that didn't mean he forgave her.

"Ok, so what are you going to do now?" asked Jason.

"I haven't decided on my next move yet, I was rather more concerned with waking up chained to a strange bed," said Damian.

"Hey, I only chained you up because I didn't want you to run off before we got a chance to talk," said Jason, "I have a proposal for you."

"And, what is it?" asked Damian.

"Well, now that you've come to your senses, why don't you help me take down the Joker?" said Jason.

"You mean help you kill him?" asked Damian.

"He's Gotham's number one bad guy, eliminating him will go a long way towards putting the fear of God into the rest of the scumbags," said Jason.

"It's not just about revenge?" asked Damian.

"Look, I'd love to pay the bastard back for what he did to me, but that's just the icing on the cake, putting him down will make mopping up the rest of the scum a lot easier," said Jason.

"Fair enough," said Damian, "do you know where to find him?"

"No, he's a slippery bastard, but I think if we kick enough asses, the local dirt bags will roll over on him," said Jason.

"And we would be equal partners in this endeavor?" asked Damian, he didn't want to be anyone's sidekick.

"Absolutely, total team effort," said Jason.

"Very well then, partners," said Damian, offering his hand.

"Partners," Jason smiled, as they shook hands.

When Damian didn't come down to dinner last night, no one was particularly concerned. Robbie told Dick and Alfred that he and Damian had a fight and how he'd stormed out of the room. Everyone expected he was hiding out somewhere in the manor, that he'd show himself when he got hungry or finished pouting, no one wanted to place bets on which would happen first.

When Robbie woke up, he also found himself alone in bed and he missed having Damian wrapped around him. He snuggled with his boyfriend's pillow for a moment, then dressed and set out to find him. It took quite some time for him to search the expansive home and he came up empty. That's when Robbie started to worry, as much as he loved Damian, he knew he could be a broody little bastard but he'd never been gone this long before. He shared his concerns with Tim and together, they went down to search the Batcave.

Tim knew something was wrong the moment they entered the cave, he sensed it. A quick look in the locker room confirmed that Damian's Robin uniform was gone and a moment later, they found the Batmobile missing. Tim sent Robbie to the computer to access the Batmobile's GPS tracking unit, while he called Dick.

"What's up Tim?" asked Dick, when he answered his cell phone.

"Damian's missing," said Tim.

"I told you guys, he's just pouting somewhere, he'll come out when he's..." Dick started.

"No Dick, he's really gone, I'm in the cave with Robbie, Damian's Robin suit is gone and, uh, so is the Batmobile," said Tim, "I've got Robbie trying to activate the tracking system now."

"Damn it," Dick swore.

Bruce's words echoed in his mind, "Damian will test your patience and your sanity," he should have seen this coming.

"Suit up, I'll be right there," said Dick.

Tim changed into his Red Robin uniform, Robbie found the Batmobile and put the map up on the big screen, then they waited for Dick. Ten minutes later, Dick, dressed as Nightwing, joined them at the computer console.

"Where is it?" asked Nightwing.

"Somewhere down in the narrows, it's pretty isolated, you can see the river on the other side of the map, I think it's by all those abandoned warehouses," said Robbie.

"Anyway to determine how long it's been there?" asked Nightwing.

"I don't think so," said Red Robin.

"I hacked into the onboard computer, the last time the engine started was 16 hours ago," said Robbie.

"Good job," said Red Robin, clapping him on the back, "so it's been there all night and most of the day."

Dick felt his heart drop, Damian was out there somewhere, in the bowels of the cities criminal underworld and the fact that the Batmobile had been sitting so long, suggested that he might be hurt, or worse. He'd been so sure, the night before, that Damian was just blowing off steam, that eventually he'd come downstairs and they'd talk things out. Instead, Damian put on his uniform, stole the Batmobile and went out on his own; where he met God knows what end.

"Alright, Tim, let's get going, Robbie, you stay here, if that car so much as twitches, radio me immediately," said Nightwing.

"You'll bring him home, right?" said Robbie.

"Count on it," said Nightwing.

Twenty minutes later, Nightwing and Red Robin were at the warehouse, they found the Batmobile and then made a gruesome discovery. Red Robin noticed a van parked two buildings over, with its side door open, when he and Nightwing approached the vehicle; the stench of death was overwhelming. The front seats were awash in blood and flies buzzed around the bodies of Zsasz henchmen as they decayed in the late May heat.

"Any sign of Damian?" asked Nightwing.

"Nightwing, he did this," said Red Robin.

"Are you sure?"

"Look at the marks on the door and the wounds on the body, they were made with a curved blade, like a katana sword, who do we know that knows how to wield a weapon like that?" said Red Robin.

"You think he just murdered these guys?"

"No," said Red Robin, "look at the footprints in the dirt in the back of the van, the size and the impressions suggest they belong to children, you know what this looks like to me?"

"Zsasz?" said Nightwing.

"Exactly, I bet if we look around, we'll find his hideout in one of these buildings," said Red Robin.

"Do you think he has Damian?"

"I don't know, do you think Damian would have just left the Batmobile there?" asked Red Robin.

"Come on, let's keep looking," said Nightwing.

It didn't take long for them to find the bodies of Zsasz henchmen, the warehouse floor looked like a slaughterhouse, there was blood everywhere.

"My God, he just slashed these guy's to ribbon's," said Nightwing, "this is my fault."

"How do you come to that conclusion?" asked Red Robin.

"The way he's been acting since Bruce died, he's been to calm, he's been holding everything in, then he blew up yesterday and instead of talking to him about it, I let him piss me off and I sent him away," said Nightwing.

"Hey, there's plenty of blame to go around, I'm not worthy of any brother of the year awards either," said Red Robin.

"If you mean the argument you guys had that night in the cave, that was..."

"I slept with him," Red Robin confessed.

"What?" Nightwing exclaimed.

"It just happened, I was weak and vulnerable, he found me crying and when he put me in bed, it just happened," said Red Robin.

"Dude, tell me you didn't, you know, hurt him," said Nightwing, ashamed to be asking the question.

"Of course not," said Red Robin, "it was a mutual thing, I damn sure didn't force him, we both just sort of took advantage of each other."

"That poor kid, I can't imagine what's going on in his head," said Nightwing.

"I can, it looks like he's gone all League of Shadows on us, these aren't innocent people, they're all murderers, worse, child murderers," said Red Robin.

Just then, a door squeaked on its hinges, Nightwing and Red Robin turned, prepared for a fight, only to find a cat. The cat licked at its paws and the crime fighters saw that they were wet with blood. Red Robin followed Nightwing through the door and together they found Zsasz body. Red Robin, master detective that he was, set about the room, looking for clues. The filthy old warehouse made it easy to spot footprints.

"Ok, see those prints there, those are Damian's, they're his size and I recognize the pattern left by his boots," said Red Robin, "look here, he killed Zsasz where he stood, then he sat at the desk but there's no trail of him leaving this room."

"Well, he can't have just disappeared," said Nightwing.

"No, see that other pair of prints?"

"Zsasz?" asked Nightwing.

"No, wrong size, and look where they lead, they come up to the desk, paralleling Damian's, then they leave on their own, I think someone picked him up and carried him out of here," said Red Robin.

"But who, he killed all of Zsasz henchmen," said Nightwing.

"Did he? What if he missed one?" said Red Robin.

"There isn't any sign of a struggle," said Nightwing, "Damian wouldn't go quietly, especially after doing all this."

"True, what if it was someone he knew?" said Red Robin.

"Ok, but who?" said Nightwing, then it dawned on him, "Jason?"

"It makes sense, this is definitely his kind of party," said Red Robin.

"Why would he take Damian though?" asked Nightwing, "and why would Damian let him carry him off like that?"

"I don't know, maybe he was hurt or something," said Red Robin.

"No, we'd know by now, Jason isn't the type to nurse someone back to health, he'd have dumped him at a hospital or brought him home," said Nightwing.

"You don't think, maybe they're working together?" asked Red Robin.

"It's possible, come on, let's get the Batmobile back to the cave and see if we can get a message to Jason."

"Where's Damian?" asked Robbie, when Nightwing and Red Robin returned.

"We don't know," said Dick, "he wasn't there."

"But you said you'd bring him home," Robbie sniffled.

"We will, it's just going to take time to find him," said Red Robin.

"Do you think he's ok?" asked Robbie.

"I'm sure he is, Damian can take care of himself, don't worry about him," said Dick.

"I can't help it, this is all my fault, I was so mean to him the last time I saw him," Robbie sniffled.

"Hey, I'm sure he had it coming, he was being a little brat that day and he probably set you off," said Dick.

"I slapped him," said Robbie, hanging his head and crying.

"Dick's right, he was probably being a jerk and..." Tim started.

"He's not a jerk, he's sweet and I love him," said Robbie.

Tim sat down next to Robbie and put his arm around him. He rubbed up and down Robbie's back, then looked up at Dick.

"What are we going to do?" asked Tim.

"I'll, I'll think of something," Dick sighed.

Damian and Jason cemented their partnership that night. When the sun set and the criminal element came to life, they climbed into an old van that Jason used for surveillance and headed out into the night.

"I can see why you eschew the humble halls of Wayne Manor, Todd, I'm dazzled by the posh trappings of your lifestyle," said Damian, sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, it ain't pretty but this van gets the job done," said Jason, "and remember, no names when we're in uniform, Robin."

"I thought you rejected father's rules, Red Hood," said Robin.

"Hey, it's not all bullshit, I don't want any of the people I deal with knowing my name, they're killers," said Red Hood.

Robin was about to remind Jason that the same could be said for him, but then he realized that there were only murderers in that van and he decided not to give voice to the thought.

"Where are we going anyway, do you have a plan in mind?" asked Robin.

"I meet with my scumbags every Monday night, we'll start there," Red Hood stated.

"Your scumbags?" asked Robin.

"Classic strategy, when I came back to Gotham City, I coopted most of the pimps and drug dealers, now I control a healthy portion of the drug trade," Red Hood explained.

"But doesn't that make you..." Damian began.

"No, I'm not a drug dealer or a pimp, they pay up to me so that I won't kill them, I make sure they don't sell that crap to kids," said Red Hood.

"How do you know they follow your rules?" asked Robin.

"Because, they're scared of me, I killed a few dozen of them right off the bat," Red Hood explained.

"Yours is a truly magical existence," Robin scoffed.

"You've just been at Wayne Manor to long, this is exactly how the League operates, I learned it from your grandfather," Red Hood reminded him.

"Are we there yet, I'm growing tired of this conversation," said Robin.

"As a matter of fact, we are, follow me," said Red Hood.

Robin followed the Red Hood into an abandoned hotel, his senses were on full alert. The Red Hood had these meetings every week, who is to say that one of his associates wouldn't grow tired of Todd's control of things and try and take him out? Robin kept his eyes open, looking for any sign of a potential ambush. When the Red Hood walked into a conference room, he strode confidently, what Robin didn't know was that the meeting locations were chosen at random each week and the conference table was rigged with explosives.

"Good evening dirt-bags," said The Red Hood.

There were six men seated around the table, the facial recognition feature of Robin's mask, started to identify each face he stared at. The men around the table represented a wide range of crimes and atrocities, their criminal records came up with their names.

"Look out boss, it's Robin!" exclaimed Frank Miller.

"Yes, I see him you moron, sit down," the Red Hood ordered.

Miller took his seat and all of the scumbags looked nervous, Robin couldn't tell if it was his presence that had them bristling or Jason's. He didn't ponder that long, it quickly became clear that the Red Hood ran his organization with little sympathy for his employees. His contempt for them was palpable.

"As you scumbags have noticed, I have a new associate, Robin and I are looking for someone and you're going to find him for us," said the Red Hood.

"Who?" asked Rick Marshall.

"The Joker is on the loose again, garbage like you always sticks together, if you're not doing business with him then your associates are, find him," said Red Hood.

"How are we supposed to do that though?" said Juan Espinoza.

"You each have people working under you, I assume they're as afraid of you as you are of me, get creative," said Red Hood, "for starters, let's go for the low hanging fruit, you're all thinking of fellow scumbags you can rat out that I might eliminate for you, let' get begin there."

"What about Raymond Ochoa?" said one man.

"Yeah, that dude's crazy, he did time at Arkham, I bet you he knows something," one of his colleagues concurred.

"Or Jack Robertson, he's just the kind of asshole who would work with someone that nuts," said Miller.

The assembled criminal scum named four more of their associates and Robin took careful note of each name.

"Excellent, I knew you weren't all as dumb as you look, this is a good place to start, I'll speak to these people myself, as for you, you have your instructions. I want the Joker before our meeting next week or there will have to be consequences and repercussions," said Red Hood.

"W-what kind of repercussions?" asked Espinoza.

"Juan, we've been friends for so long now," Red Hood snickered, "I don't really need to explain myself, do I?"

"N-no boss, I got it," said Espinoza.

"Good, now all of you, get out of my sight," said Red Hood.

When they were all gone, Red Hood took a seat and leaned back in a chair, propping his feet up on the conference table.

"Well, what do you think?" asked Red Hood.

"Don't you worry about one of them trying to take you out?" asked Robin.

"One of them tried once," Red Hood grinned under his mask.

"And?" asked Robin.

"And the dogs at the Gotham junk yard ate well that night," said Red Hood, "since then I change the location of the meeting each week, I also rig the place with explosives, the detonator is linked to a heart rate monitor on my watch, my heart stops and BOOM!"

"Not bad, I assume they all know this?" said Robin.

"Wouldn't be much of a deterrent if they didn't know about it," said Red Hood, "more importantly, what did you think of the meeting?"

"They seem sufficiently afraid of you, the names they gave us should be useful, at the very least, it's a good place to start," Robin admitted.

"Yeap," said Red Hood, jumping to his feet, "let's get going."

Robin followed Red Hood back out to the van, he learned that his mask was still connected to the computer in the Batcave and he was able to access known locations of their suspects. The first lucky victim was Jack Robertson, he operated out of a seedy bar on the north shore of the river, it was known to be a hangout for bikers that Robertson used to traffic narcotics. They had a description of Robertson, so Red Hood drove out to the river, they picked a discreet location, parked the van and then waited for their man to make his appearance.

While they sat there, Robin took off his glove and toyed with the signet ring on his middle finger, it bore a green stone, cut into the al Ghul crest. When Damian was preparing to leave Wayne Manor, he made a quick search of the safe in the Batcave, hoping he might find something useful to take with him. It was there that he found the ring, sitting atop an album full of old family photos. Damian couldn't figure out why the photos would be there but he recognized the ring, it had belonged to his grandfather, Ra's al Ghul.

Damian didn't know how the ring had come to be in Batman's possession and he didn't care, he slipped it on his finger and then disappeared with the Batmobile. Damian was thinking about his grandfather a lot, he was the worlds greatest criminal and Damian found it strange that he'd experienced so much affection from the man that the world experienced so much cruelty from. There was never a doubt in Damian's mind about his grandfather's love for him, the old man dotted on the boy, indulged him and was largely responsible for his superior, entitled, aristocratic mean.

Damian grew up knowing that to be an al Ghul was to be part of a dynasty that spanned the centuries. His grandfather had used his Lazarus Pits to cheat death for nearly 700 years before Damian's aunt, Nyssa, murdered him. Ra's goal was to create a world in perfect balance, he created the League of Shadows to help him carry out his plans. For centuries, the League fought against criminals, their methods were draconian even back then. Over time, Ra's and his goal were corrupted, that's when his League turned into what it was today, a vast criminal empire bent on eliminating most of mankind.

Damian didn't know any of this as a child, he thought it was perfectly normal to move constantly, to learn to fight and kill, didn't everyone do that? It was only later that Damian learned what his mother and grandfather truly were and by then, he'd been so indoctrinated that he failed to see anything wrong with it. He still thought about that day, the day he'd completed his training, thought about how proud his grandfather would be, thought about the man the Sensei presented him with, the man he was supposed to execute.

Somewhere deep inside, the part of Damian that was a Wayne, came alive that day and said no, he would not kill an innocent man. He didn't know what to make of things now, he felt out of place in his father's world, and out of place in his mother's world. In the absence of a solution, he played with the ring, he remembered his grandfather wearing it on his pinky but Damian's hands were too young and slender for it to fit anywhere but his middle finger.

"What's that?" asked Red Hood, noticing what Robin was doing.

"Hmmm?" said Robin, looking over at his associate.

"That ring, were did you get it?" asked Red Hood.

"I've had it for a while," Damian lied.

"I've seen something like that before, didn't Ra's..." Red Hood began.

"Look, there's Robertson," said Damian, as their target rode up on a motorcycle with some of his cronies.

"Great, let's go," said Red Hood, as he cocked his pistol, making sure there was a round chambered.

When Robin and Red Hood entered the bar, all conversation stopped. The smart people in the crowd got up and left, the dumb ones who remained, paid for their stupidity with their lives. The Red Hood eliminated six men with his pistol, Robin took out three with his sword and one with a well-placed kick to the nose that sent bone directly into the brain. When they were finished, they found Jack Robertson cowering under the bar.

"Please, please, I don't know anything," Robertson spluttered, as Red Hood hauled him over the bar.

"You don't even know what we want yet," said Red Hood.

"I-I-I," Robertson choked.

"Shut up!" Red Hood ordered.

"Ok, ok, sorry, sorry," said Robertson.

"We just want to ask you a few questions about your old buddy the Joker," said Red Hood.

"But I don't know anything about that, look, I did some business with him a few years ago but the son of a bitch let me take the fall for him, I did two years in the joint because of him," said Robertson.

"I want to know where he's hiding," said Red Hood.

"I'm telling you man, I don't know anything," Robertson spluttered.

"Why don't I believe you?" asked Red Hood.

"I don't know man, I'm telling you the truth."

"Come on Jack, you and I both know that scum like you doesn't tell the truth," said Red Hood.

"I swear to you, I swear, I don't know anything."

"Robin, break one of his fingers," Red Hood.

"Excuse me?" said Robin.

"Please man, please," Robertson pleaded.

"You heard me, if Jack doesn't want to tell us the truth, we're going to have to entice him a little," said Red Hood, "now do it."

Robin approached Jack Robertson and held his wrist down on the bar, he took the man's index finger and slowly began to apply pressure.

"Please man, please don't" Robertson pleaded.

Robin didn't like this at all, it was like that day before the Alter of Shadows, he couldn't kill a man whose only crime was trying to feed his family. How could he spare that man only to torture Jack Robertson for professing his ignorance? He wanted to let Robertson go, but he didn't want to show weakness in front of the Red Hood.

"Do it Robin, you already killed those other guys, all I'm asking you to do is break some fingers," said Red Hood.

Yes, he had killed men, a bunch of child murderers and some bar scum who had attacked him, Robin wasn't sure if Robertson met those standards. He was sweating as he applied more and more pressure to Robertson's finger, he bent it slowly, he could almost hear the tendons stretching.

"Do it Robin, do it now!" said Red Hood.

Just like that, he pushed a little harder and the finger snapped. Robin pulled back from his victim and Robertson screamed in agony.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck!" Robertson shouted.

"Now, tell me where the Joker is!" Red Hood demanded.

"I don't know, I don't know!" screamed Robertson.

"Do it again, break another finger, Robin," Red Hood demanded.

Robin grabbed Robertson's wrist again, it was easier this time, he blocked his feelings from his mind and with a sharp snap, another finger was broken. Before it was over, Robin broke all of the fingers on Robertson's right hand.

"I'm begging you man, please," Robertson cried, "please, I don't know anything."

"You know what Jack, I'm starting to believe you," said Red Hood.

"Thank you, oh thank God, thank God," said Robertson.

Red Hood raised his pistol and pointed it at Robertson's forehead, Jack saw it through his watering eyes.

"NO!" Robertson shouted, as Red Hood pulled the trigger and sent a .45 caliber slug through Robertson's forehead.

"Why did you do that?" Robin Demanded, "he didn't know anything."

"Now we don't have to worry about him telling the Joker we're looking for him," said Red Hood.

"I think the Joker probably knows that," said Robin.

"Don't go getting soft on me, you slaughtered fourteen people last night, surely you don't begrudge me one drug dealing dirt bag?" said Red Hood.

"Whatever, where's the next target?" said Robin.

"In the narrows, but we won't get to him tonight, its late," said Red Hood.

"Ok, where are we sleeping tonight?" said Robin.

"I've got a safe house just up the river," said Jason.

"Fine, let's just go," said Robin.

When they got back in the van, Red Hood's cell phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and discovered a message from Dick.

D. Grayson: Where is Damian, if you have him, I want him back.

Red Hood looked over at Robin, smiled to himself, then sent his response.

J. Todd: No idea what you're talking about Dicky.

"Are we going or would you rather sit here and text all night?" asked Robin.

"Sorry, just checking a message, I thought one of my scumbags might have scrounged up a lead," said Red Hood.

"And?" said Robin.

"It was nothing," Red Hood replied, as he started the van and drove into the night.

When they reached the safe house, Robin stripped off his uniform and began to regret not bringing a change of clothes with him. The place they were staying was a dump shack on the banks of the river, the Red Hood had safe houses all over Gotham City, and chose them at random each night. This one was among the more shoddy, the wind was blowing and the place was so poorly insulated that Damian stood there, shivering in his underpants. He folded his arms across his body and held himself tightly, to ward off the chill.

"What's the matter with you?" asked Jason.

"I'm cold," Damian admitted.

"Yeah, this place is a little drafty, here," said Jason, tossing him a hoodie, it was the only thing hanging in the closet.

"Thanks," said Damian, as he put it on, it was much too big for him, it hung down to his hips, but at least it was warm.

"Come on, let's get some sleep," said Jason, gently, his tone softened when he took off his mask.

"Yeah, ok, but uh, there's only one bed," said Damian.

"So, we've shared a bed before," Jason reminded him.

"Right, ok," said Damian.

Damian crawled into bed and the threadbare sheets made him want for his soft and warm king sized bed back at Wayne Manor. He was starting to think he'd made a serious mistake in a moment of anger, when Jason stripped down and climbed into bed behind him. Damian missed Robbie, missed Alfred, Grayson and Titus, even Drake, he was comforted when Jason put his arms around him and pulled him close.

"It's cold, this will keep us warm," said Jason.

"Ok," Damian yawned.

Jason lie awake for quite some time after Damian nodded off. For a while, he thought about the Joker and what his next move would be, but when Damian rolled over and buried his face against Jason's chest, his thoughts turned to how cute the child was. Jason had been alone for so long, he wasn't gay but the closeness he felt at that moment between he and Damian, was the closest thing to love he'd experienced in years. If anyone understood how messed up Damian's childhood had been, it was Jason, who underwent training with the League of Shadows after clawing his way out of the grave.

As gruff as he was, Jason was getting older, part of him wanted to give up his life as the Red Hood, take the money he'd extorted from his scumbags and leave this place, start a new life with a family of his own. He looked down at Damian's face, stroked his cheek and smiled. He's a scowlly little bastard, even when he sleeps, thought Jason. Jason snuggled close to Damian, held him tight and kept him safe and warm that night, he fell asleep thinking that in another life, his own son would probably be like the boy in his arms.

When Damian still wasn't home after two days, Tim called on his boyfriend for help. Conner Kent, aka Superboy readily agreed to help his boyfriend find his wayward brother. He patrolled the skies over Gotham City and used his x-ray vision to scan buildings for Damian. It was on the second night that he got lucky, he spotted a beat up old van winding its way through the narrows and when he looked through it, Damian's Robin uniform was instantly recognizable.

On his second night as the Red Hood's partner, he and Robin tracked down Raymond Ochoa. It was the same as the night before, Ochoa didn't reveal anything and the Red Hood made Robin break his fingers, this time on both hands. It felt wrong, Robin had never tortured people before, even when he killed them he wasn't sadistic about it, he always gave them a quick and clean death. He was glad the night was over and when the van pulled into an alley between a pair of run-down apartment buildings, Robin was ready to get some sleep and put the events of the day behind him.

Robin recognized this alley, he'd climbed this fire escape before, at Christmas, when he'd dropped in for a surprise visit with Jason Todd.

"I thought you said you'd never use this place again?" said Robin.

"I haven't until now, but I figure you're the one that tracked me here before, it wouldn't hurt to bring you here now," said Red Hood, as he proceeded up the fire escape.

Robin began to follow his partner but something drew his attention to the sky above. When Robin got to the landing outside the Red Hood's covert apartment, he stood there and scanned the sky for a moment.

"You coming in?" asked Red Hood, noticing Robin's peculiar behavior.

"I think I'm going to go up to the roof for a while, get some air," said Robin.

"Alright, just keep a low profile," said Red Hood, "most of the neighbors are asleep or strung out on whatever they're addicted to, still, it wouldn't do for them to see Robin on the roof."

"I got it," said Robin, "I won't be long."

When Robin reached the roof, he again scanned the skies with his keen eyes, aided by the night vision feature of his mask. He thought he saw a shape out of the corner of his eye and when he turned to follow it, he came face to face with Superboy.

"Kent, what are you doing here?" Robin demanded.

"You're whole family is looking for you, it's time to come home, Damian," said Superboy.

"I-I can't do that, I can't lead that life anymore," said Damian.

"I have to take you with me, I promised Tim I'd bring you home," said Superboy.

"Whatever promises you made to Drake don't concern me," said Robin, growing irritated.

"Look bro, I know you're Mr. Attitude and all that, but I'm not your brother, I don't have to put up with it. I love Tim and he wants you back so that's how it's going to be, now you can come willingly or by force, but either way, you're going home," said Superboy.

"You can't talk to me like that, like you said, you're not my brother so I don't have to take any shit from you..." Robin began.

"Ok, I gave you a chance, we'll do this the hard way," said Superboy, as he grabbed Robin by the scruff of his cape and tried to haul him to his feet.

Superboy should have been able to lift the smaller boy off his feet without any effort at all, but he found himself unable to even move him. He tried again and still couldn't lift him. Robin looked confused as well, he expected Superboy to try and take off with him, he was thinking of strategies for fighting him in midair but they hadn't moved an inch. Superboy eventually released him and dropped to his knees, panting for breath.

"Kent, what's the matter, are you alright?" asked Robin.

"I-I don't know, something's not right, feel dizzy," said Superboy.

"What can I do, how can I help?" said Robin, kneeling down beside his brother's lover and placing his hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know, I..." he began, then he noticed the ring on Robin's finger, "Damian, where did you get that ring, what is that stone?"

"It was my grandfathers, I believe it's an emerald," said Robin.

"It's no emerald, it's green kryptonite," Superboy panted, once he saw the stone he recognized the symptoms.

"It's hurting you," Robin exclaimed.

"It's too small to kill me, but it's making me so weak," said Superboy.

"Kent, I promise, I didn't know what it was," said Robin.

"It's ok, I believe you," said Superboy, "just throw it off the building, I'll be fine."

"Will you leave me alone once your powers are restored?" asked Robin.

"I-I promised Tim, promised to bring you home if I found you," Superboy panted.

"Are you sure this stone can't kill you?" asked Robin.

"Sure as I can be," said Superboy.

Robin let out a sigh and took off the ring.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you drag me home," said Robin, as he took off the ring and sat it on the ground next to Conner Kent.

"Damian please," Superboy pleaded.

"I'm sorry, I..." Robin started.

"What the hell is this?" asked Red Hood, surprising both Robin and Superboy, he was on the roof, approaching fast, gun drawn.

"Drake sent him to find me," said Robin.

"Well, let's send a message back to Tiny Tim then," said Red Hood, he cocked his pistol and aimed it at Superboy's head.

"Jason no!" Robin shouted.

Damian lunged for Jason's arm and knocked his gun askew. Jason pulled the trigger but Damian had ruined his shot, the bullet embedded itself harmlessly in the wall next to Conner's head.

"Damn it, what's the matter with you?" Jason demanded.

"You can't kill him, he didn't do anything wrong!" Damian shouted.

"He's a..." Jason began.

"No, he's not a criminal, there is no justification for this, it would be cold blooded murder, I will not let you kill an innocent boy," said Robin, putting himself between Conner and Jason's gun.

"Fine," Jason groused, "what do we do with him then?"

"Go start the van," Damian ordered, "I'll take care of him."

Jason holstered his gun, then turned towards the fire escape, Damian stood firm until he was gone, least Jason try and take him by surprise.

"You're working with that guy?" Superboy whispered.

"Don't talk, it'll only make you weaker," said Damian.

Damian knelt beside Conner again and searched his pockets until he found his cell phone.

"I'm sorry Kent," said Damian, "I can't have you following me."

Damian searched through the list of contacts and found Drake's number, then pressed send. Drake picked up on the second ring.

"Hi Conner," Drake answered.

"One-five-two West 125th Street, on the roof," said Damian.

"Damian, is that you?" asked Drake.

"Come quickly Drake, Kent is hurt," said Damian, then he hung up.

"When Drake gets here, have him destroy that," said Damian, pointing at the ring.

Superboy nodded his head.

"Damian, don't go with that guy, wait for Tim," Superboy whispered.

"I'm sorry Kent, I can't do that," Damian sighed, then climbed down the fire escape and into the waiting van.

"He can't follow us," said Jason.

"Don't worry, I took care of it, just get us out of here," said Damian.

Jason drove across town to another of his many hideouts. When they arrived, Damian flopped down on the bed and went to sleep without even changing out of his uniform, he was exhausted. Back on the rooftop, Red Robin arrived with Nightwing as backup.

"Conner, Jesus, what did he do to you?" asked Red Robin.

"Get rid of that," said Conner, pointing at the ring.

"What is it?" asked Nightwing when he picked it up.

"Stone, it's kryptonite," Conner panted.

"Nightwing, you have to throw it away," said Red Robin.

Nightwing took the ring in his hand and flung it as far from Conner as he could. The moment the ring was gone, Conner felt his strength return and he was able to get to his feet.

"Where did Damian get kryptonite, I can't believe he did this to you," said Red Robin.

"He didn't know what it was," said Conner.

"He said that, you believed him?" asked Red Robin.

"Yes, I saw the look on his face, he was shocked, besides, he saved my life," said Conner.

"What do you mean?" asked Nightwing.

"I was sitting there, I couldn't move, that Jason Todd asshole showed up, he was going to blow my head off but Damian stopped him," Conner explained, "then he called and told you where I was."

"But he left with Jason?" asked Nightwing.

"I think so, once they went down the fire escape, I don't know where they went," said Conner.

"Did he say anything?" asked Nightwing.

"He wouldn't let me take him, I tried to convince him to wait for you guys to get here but he wouldn't," said Conner, "for what it's worth, I don't think he wanted to go with Todd, I don't know what's going on in his head."

"Alright, let's get you home," said Red Robin, "we can worry about Damian later."

"Thanks, I'm still a little too weak to fly," said Conner.

Red Robin hugged his boyfriend, then helped him down the fire escape. Damian had a fitful night, he tossed and turned, and didn't fall asleep until the wee hours of the morning. He couldn't get the events of the last few days off his mind, he hated torturing those men, hated the way he'd left Conner and hated the way Jason seemed to be losing it. Damian feared that Jason was so eager to get revenge on the Joker that he would stop at nothing. And here I am, helping him along the way, he thought. Damian grumbled when Jason woke him less than an hour after he'd finally fallen asleep.

"What is it?" Damian yawned.

"Get up, look what's happening," said Jason, gesturing at the TV.

"...and so it seems that City Hall has fallen to the Joker. The Joker and his gang stormed the building early this morning in a lighting raid that..." read a news caster.

"What the hell?" said Damian.

"He's always wanted control of Gotham City but..." Jason started.

"Todd, look," said Damian, pointing at the screen, the Joker preempted the news broadcast and presented his own image in its place.

He was sitting behind the mayors desk, the American and Gotham City flag's draped behind him. Damian saw feet sticking out from behind the desk and made the assumption that they'd once belonged to the mayor.

"Good morning Gotham City, Joker here, Mayor Joker that is," he cackled, "as you can see I've taken over City Hall but let me begin this new era in our fair city by saying that you have nothing to fear from me."

"What is he up to?" asked Damian.

"I don't know," said Jason, "just listen."

"...but I've always loved Gotham, it's been good to me over the years and now I want to give something back. For years, the Batman has made me his fall guy, distorting the facts and disparaging my good name," he cackled again, "so, I'm giving you, the good people of Gotham, five days to hand him over to me. If he has any decency, he'll surrender to me at City Hall by Friday at midnight, if not, well..."

"Here it comes," said Jason.

"...I've armed ten rockets with VX gas, if Batman fails to turn himself in, if the people of Gotham fail to hand him over, if anyone attempts to remove me from office, I will launch the gas..."

"Ok, that's enough," said Jason, switching off the TV.

"VX gas, that could kill a million people," said Damian.

"Yeah, he's just that crazy," Jason agreed.

"Alright then," said Damian, jumping out of bed, "now that we know where he is, let's go get him."

"Slow down, it's not that easy," said Jason, "we need a plan, he'll be expecting Batman."

"Right, of course, what do you think he'll do?" asked Damian.

"It'll be impossible to approach the building from the street, he'll have it covered by snipers," said Jason.

"Maybe we shouldn't concentrate on him, maybe we should find a way to disarm the rockets?" asked Damian.

"He'll have them under heavy guard, we might not be able to get to all of them in time, if he's under attack, he will launch," said Jason.

"Ok, this is going to take some serious planning, I need a map," said Damian.

Dick Grayson watched the Joker with Tim, Alfred and Robbie, they'd hardly left the Batcave since they started looking for Damian. Dick's initial instinct was to put on the Bat suit and give the Joker what he wanted, Tim quickly explained how stupid that was.

"Come on Dick, he's one of the few people that's seen Batman up close and personal, he's going to know you're not the real thing and then he'll probably launch his rockets anyway, hell, he's crazy, even if he did believe you, he'd probably still launch," said Tim.

"You have a point, but do you have any better ideas?" asked Dick.

"I had Robbie look up the blueprints for city hall and the map for downtown, the Joker couldn't have picked a better natural fortress," Tim stated, "the way the buildings have developed over time, it's like a series of natural canyons, he could easily cover all of the approaches with snipers."

"Ok, so a direct assault is out, what about an indirect assault, maybe through the sewers or something?" asked Dick.

"I don't know, it's possible but with just the two of us..." Tim began.

"Five of us," Robbie interrupted.

"Having trouble with your math there sport?" Dick smiled.

"I know Conner will help, so will Colin, and you're not going without me, not this time," said Robbie.

"Robbie, you haven't been trained and..." Dick started.

"Damian's been teaching me some moves at school, I'm no ninja but I can take care of myself, besides, I might be needed for technical support," said Robbie.

"I can disarm the rockets, if I can get close," said Tim.

"Wait, the key factor here is the rockets, if we weren't worried about them, it would just be a matter of chipping away at the Jokers men, right?" asked Robbie.

"Sure, once the threat against the city is removed, that would basically be all that was standing between us and the Joker," Tim agreed, "but getting all the rockets will be difficult if not impossible and we might not get them all in time."

"What if we could take out the rockets without even touching them?" asked Robbie with a grin.

"I take that sly smile to mean you have an idea?" asked Dick.

"They rockets are dispersed throughout downtown, if we could get to Main Street, say Dent Square, I could jam the signal between the launchers and the controller," said Robbie.

"You can do that?" asked Dick.

"Sure, rockets like this, they can't be that high tech, the really fancy stuff would be under military control, if he's got old surplus equipment, he's probably using standard radio controlled launcher's," Robbie explained.

"If we can get that close, can you teach me how to do it?" asked Dick.

"I could, but there could be different variables on the ground, I might have to think on my feet, I need to go with you," said Robbie.

"Ok, let's see if we can come up with any better ideas before we commit to this, but Tim, talk to Conner, Robbie, talk to Colin and see if you can make your theory work," said Dick.

Robbie and Tim nodded their acceptance of Dick's orders, then set about making the necessary arrangements.

Over the next two days, Damian and Jason poured over hard copies of maps and blueprints, they made hundreds of plans but each one came up short, the Joker had really thought this plan through. Damian was sullen, he wished Bruce or even his mother were here, he was missing something, he needed another strategist to talk things out with. Jason was clever and tried to help, but he was more of a blunt force kind of guy and both he and Damian knew that wouldn't work in this case.

It was just after sundown on the third day of the Jokers City Hall siege, Damian was sitting at a table, going over maps he'd looked at hundreds of times, trying to see what he missed. Jason was asleep, his head down on the desk, that's when Damian was interrupted by another breaking news cast.

"This is WKGV Action News with an emergency bulletin, for more we go to our reporter in the skies above downtown Gotham City, Clint Weber, Clint..." said the anchor.

"Todd, wake up, something's happening," said Damian, shaking Jason's shoulder.

"What is it?" asked Jason, the TV answered his question.

"This is Clint Weber reporting live from the WKGV News Chopper, nothing short of a battle has begun on the streets of Gotham City. Moments ago, local superhero's began an assault on City Hall in an attempt to free the city from the Joker. The Joker has responded with devastating force, he's amassed a small army of henchmen who have pushed the hero's back to Dent Square..."

"Look, there's Grayson and Drake, that's Kent and that's...Colin," said Damian when he spotted his friend, Abuse.

"The rockets, why hasn't the Joker launched his rockets?" asked Jason.

"Robbie," said Damian.

"Hmmm?" asked Jason.

"Robbie, he's a genius, he figured out a way to stop the launch, I'm sure of it," said Damian.

As if to add punctuation to Damian's point, the news camera panned over a small figure, who looked to be wearing one of Damian's ninja yoroi's. He was taking cover behind a car and focused intently on his iPad.

"Oh shit, look," said Jason.

"...we just witnessed an explosion, it looks like Nightwing is hurt, the large man we've been unable to identify seems to be dragging him to safety while Superboy and Red Robin provide cover..."

"Grayson's hurt," said Damian.

Just then, there was another explosion, the scene on the TV showed Robbie racing from cover, he helped Red Robin to his feet and together they made it back to the car.

"They're pinned down, Dick looks down for the count, can't tell how bad Tim's hurt but the Jokers guys are pushing them back," said Jason.

This can't be happening, thought Damian. He just lost his father, now, everyone he loved was either hurt or in danger of being killed at any moment. Yes, he loved them, forget mother and grandfather, forget the League, I love my family, thought Damian.

"Todd, we have to help them," said Damian.

"Are you nuts, we've been trying to devise a plan for three days and we've got nothing, you see what's happening down there, they're getting slaughtered," said Jason.

"That's why we have to go!" Damian exclaimed.

"Look, baby bird, I've been dead once before, I don't relish the idea of trying it again," said Jason.

"Todd, they're our family, the only people who are ever going to give a shit about you or me, we have to help them," Damian pleaded.

Jason looked at the boy and could tell he was set on a course of action.

"If we do this, we do it my way," said Jason, handing Damian an MP-5 sub-machine gun from the rack behind him.

"Fine, then pass me that M-4, if you want me to use a gun at least make it one that will put an enemy down, not tickle them like this toy," Damian grinned, as he tossed the MP-5 on the table.

Robbie was terrified, he held Nightwing in his arms, wishing he'd wake up but his eyes just wouldn't open. At least he wasn't dead, that much was evidenced by the slow rise and fall of his chest as he took shallow breaths. Red Robin was hurt, but he was still fighting, Superboy was ok, he was using his heat vision to slice off bits of building and crush the Jokers henchmen. Abuse was absorbing a lot of bullets but his ability to heal himself was holding up against the worst of it. Robbie had never felt more helpless, all he could do was cower there and hold on to Nightwing while he monitored his iPad, thank God his program was holding up and the Joker wasn't able to fire the VX rockets.

Robbie could hear everything that was going on, the bullets were getting closer, the Jokers men were advancing and the good guys had nowhere to go. It was in that moment that a figure appeared over him, this is it, this is the end, thought Robbie, as he closed his eyes and waited for death. When death didn't come, he opened his eyes and found a glorious sight.

"Damian!" Robbie exclaimed.

"It's Robin on the streets," he smiled.

"Thank God, Nightwing is hurt, so is Red Robin, they've got us pinned down, I don't know what to do," said Robbie.

Robin moved his M-4 riffle to his shoulder and fired two rounds, dropping a target with each, before he answered Robbie.

"It's ok, I've brought back up," said Robin, pointing to an adjacent rooftop.

"Is that Red Hood?" asked Robbie.

"Yes, he's up there with a Dragunov sniper rifle, he should be able to pick off targets from here to city hall," said Robin, "are you ok here?"

"I just have to protect my iPad, I'm jamming the Jokers signal so he can't launch his rockets," said Robbie.

"I knew it," Damian smiled, "Here take this."

"Robin, I don't know how to use a gun," said Robbie, as he accepted the pistol Robin pulled from his utility belt.

"It's loaded, don't point it at anything you don't intend to shoot, use it to protect yourself, Nightwing and that computer, got it?" said Robin.

"Yeah, yeah ok, go help the others!" said Robbie.

Robin gave Robbie a boyish smile, then headed into the fray. He fired several short bursts, forcing some of the Joker's men to take cover while he got close enough to check on Abuse and Red Robin.

"Robin, I never thought I'd be so happy to see you," said Red Robin.

"Likewise, I brought Hood, he's on the roof with a rifle," said Robin.

"You know we don't kill," said Red Robin.

"In this instance, with over a hundred men bearing down on us with heavy weapons, I think father would forgive us," said Robin, as he dropped another of the Jokers men.

"You know, I think you're right," Red Robin grinned, as he heard the report from Red Hood's rifle and saw another henchman bite the dust.

The hero's held their ground for almost an hour but the Jokers men regrouped and pressed their attack. Robin was down to his last magazine when he found himself taking cover next to Robbie.

"We're fucked, absolutely fucked," said Robin.

"Then let's get the others and go," said Robbie.

"We can't, I imagine we'll lose the ability to interrupt the Jokers signal if we move much further away?" asked Robin.

"Damn it, I forgot about that," said Robbie, "what do we do?"

"We need help," said Robin.

"The cops tried but a bunch of them were killed and the others took off," said Robbie.

"Hold on, there might be someone," said Robin, as he put down his gun and began scribbling on a pad, "if I give you the tracking number for a satellite, can you break into it?"

"Yeah, it's like an access code, it shouldn't be a problem," said Robbie.

"Good, here is the number," said Robin, "I want you to send a message on the frequency I wrote down."

It took a moment, during which, Robin dispatched several more henchmen, but Robbie finally got through.

"I'm in!" Robbie exclaimed.

"Ok, send exactly what I tell you," said Robin.

"Ok, go."

"To: Desert Rose, Gotham City, SANDSTORM, SANDSTORM, SANDSTORM, Ibn al Xu'ffasch, sends."

"Got it," said Robbie, "I set it to repeat every ten seconds, what did we just do?"

"We sent an emergency action message via the League of Shadows, Dark Star communications satellite, hopefully mother is paying attention, if we're lucky, help is on the way," said Robin.

"But we don't know where she is, it could take hours, we don't have the time," said Robbie.

"If that's the case, then we're screwed, but didn't you once tell me, "act as if yee have faith and faith will be given to you?" asked Robin.

"Right, help is on the way," Robbie grinned, "who the hell is Ibn al Xu'ffasch, anyway?" asked Robbie.

"It means, Son of the Bat," said Robin, with a wink.

Half a world away, in a fortress high above the Himalayan Mountains, shadowmen on duty in the League's communications center received Damian's message. A text was immediately sent to Thomas Gould, Talia's bodyguard, in London. Thomas took one look at the message and bolted for his mistress room.

"Mistress, mistress, wake up," said Thomas, while he shook her shoulder.

"What is it?" Talia demanded, she knew it was important, her shadowmen would never wake here for anything frivolous, they valued their lives to much.

"An emergency message from Ibn al Xu'ffasch," said Thomas, handing over his phone.

Talia read the message and made an instant decision.

"Initiate Operation Nightfall," she ordered.

"But mistress, the boy..." Thomas began.

"My son calls for help, see to it that my orders are followed, at once!" she exclaimed.

"Yes my lady," Thomas bowed.

The League of Shadows doesn't have a retirement plan as such but that doesn't mean they don't look after their operatives once they've become old or infirmed. The League is a vast network with operations all over the world, when members reach a certain point where they are no longer able to carry out daily operations, they are assigned to support facilities around the world. Like sleeper agents, they wait to be called upon to perform their assigned duties. High in the Canadian Rookies a man named Richard Jorgensen woke to a cryptic text message: Initiate Operation Nightfall.

Richard's humble cabin was a front for the bunker beneath it, he quickly retired there and began the process of reviving his cryogenically stored charges. The process was quick and when they were conscious, he loaded them aboard a rocket, then returned to his cabin. Richard quickly armed the rocket, packed what few things he needed, then set a 60 second countdown. He hopped into his truck and speed off into the night, the rocket launched and activated the buildings self-destruct sequence, the rocket was well on its way to Gotham City when the building erupted in flames.

Robin snatched a bag of fresh magazines from one of the Joker's dead henchmen, he used the rounds to continue dispatching targets but now, all of his friends and family were forced to take cover. Robin was taking aim at his next target when a light flashed overhead, everything seemed to stop while the hero's and villains looked to the sky above.

The League's rocket rode a ballistic track to Gotham City, arriving minutes after its launch. At a height of 20,000 feet, doors opened and the passenger's leapt out as though skydiving. Ten seconds after the last passenger left, the rocket exploded in mid-air, drawing the attention of all those on the streets below.

"Hey, what is that?" said Robbie, pointing to the sky.

Robin looked up and saw them too, twenty tiny black shapes, falling from the skies.

"Um, duck," said Robin, as he grabbed Robbie and pulled him to the ground.

"What are those things?" asked Robbie.

"Well, a number of years ago, Dr. Kirk Langstrom was studying hearing loss, he created a formula that was intended to give human's the same echo-location capability as bats," Robin began, "there was one side effect, the formula caused him to turn into a giant, half man half bat creature with enhanced sight, hearing and superhuman strength. Mother acquired the formula and used it to create her own private army of..."

"You mean those are..." Robbie interrupted.

"Man-Bats," Robin smiled.

The man bat's swooped down on the Joker's henchmen and proceeded to rip them apart. They grabbed men and flew into the sky, then dropped them, smashing their bodies on the concrete, they used their superhuman strength to rip them limb from limb and when all else failed, they used their fangs to gnash and gnaw on their flesh. When the Man-Bat's were done, Main Street was a sea of blood and stray body parts. When the screaming stopped, Robin stood and walked bravely into the colony of Man-Bat's. The bat's immediately recognized the son of Talia al Ghul and knelt at the boy's feet.

"Rise my friends," said Robin.

The bat's stood and the dominate bat walked up to Robin and bowed.

"You have done well, I am grateful for your help," said Robin, "I release you to return to your cave.

The lead bat let out a sharp squeal and as quickly as the bat's arrived, they rose into the air and disappeared into the night.

"Holy shit," Red Robin exclaimed, when he and the other hero's regrouped around Robin.

"When mother send's help, well..." Robin shrugged.

"We have to go after the Joker," said Red Robin, grunting from his injuries.

"Look, there goes the Red Hood," said Abuse, "he's gone into City Hall."

"Let's go," said Red Robin.

"No," said Robin, "you're hurt, you stay here, get medical help for yourself and Nightwing, I'll go after Red Hood and the Joker."

"Let me come with you," said Superboy.

"Stay here and protect my family, I can handle this," said Robin.

"You might need my powers," said Superboy.

"I'll be fine, just look after them," said Robin, then he ran for City Hall.

Robin entered the building cautiously, it appeared deserted but you never knew just who might jump out from behind an overturned desk. He place was in a shambles, there was paper blowing all over the place and someone had plastered poster's all over the wall, they depicted the Joker, dressed like Uncle Sam only the caption read, "Vote for Me, or I'll Kill You." As he made his way through the building, Robin found several of the Joker's henchmen, each of them bore a .45 caliber bullet hole in their foreheads, the calling card of the Red Hood.

When Robin reached the Mayor's office, he was confronted with a terrible sight, there, on the ground, lie the Red Hood, the Joker stood over him, beating him with a crowbar.

"It wasn't nice for you to come back from the dead and steal my costume," cackled the Joker, as he brought the crowbar down, again and again.

The Red Hood groaned in pain, Robin came up behind them and as the Joker raised the crowbar for another blow, Robin yanked it from his hand.

"HAHAHAHAHA," the Joker cackled, "a robin red breast in a cage, puts all heaven in a rage, HAHAHAHA."

"Get back," Robin ordered.

"Awwww, don't you wanna play, HAHAHAHA," laughed the Joker.

Robin looked down at the Red Hood, who was bleeding and struggling to get on his hands and knees. He thought about his family out on the street, two of them hurt, he thought about all the years his father spent pursuing this asshole and his minions.

"Yeah, I do want to play, and I think I'll use your toy," said Robin.

Robin brought up the crowbar and struck the Joker across the face, sending him tumbling over the mayors desk.

"Hey kid, that smarts!" said the Joker, as he spat out a couple of teeth.

Robin leapt onto the desk and swung the crowbar again, this time when the Joker went down, Robin followed and continued his assault. He beat the Joker until he was a bloody mess, then raised the crowbar high above his head to deal the death blow. This isn't right, father devoted his life to stopping this madman but he never killed him, to kill him is to become like him, Robin thought to himself.

"Do it," coughed the Red Hood, "kill him."

The crowbar started to tremble in his hands, he wanted justice for Jason, wanted to pay the Joker back for all the pain he caused, but Jason was still alive. I don't want to be like him, screamed the voice inside Robin's head.

"Don't do it," said Red Robin.

Robin looked up and found Red Robin, supported by Superboy, Abuse carried Nightwing in his arms and Robbie stood at his side.

"Kill him now, do it," said Red Hood, stumbling to his feet.

"Yeah kid, do it," the Joker laughed.

"Robin don't, it's murder," said Red Robin.

"How many men have you killed now, what's one more matter?" said the Red Hood.

"That was self-defense, this is wrong," said Robin, lowering the crowbar.

"Oh yeah, Zsasz was self-defense?" asked Red Hood.

"No, and I shouldn't have done that, but I can't change that now," said Robin, letting the crowbar fall from his hand.

"Robin, no!" Red Hood exclaimed, as he dove for the crowbar.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA," cackled the Joker, he pulled a flash-bang grenade form his pocket and dropped it on the floor.

The flash-bang exploded in deafening sound and light, when the effects subsided, the Joker was gone.

"Damn it, you had him, you had him," said the Red Hood, shaking Robin by the shoulders.

"Jason, it's wrong," said Robin, gently.

"It's not, he killed me, I..." said Red Hood.

"That was another life," said Red Robin, "come home with us, Jason, we can help you."

"Help me, you let him get away, all of you, you're no better than the Old Bat, none of you understands," said Red Hood, as he walked towards the door.

"Jason, wait..." said Robin, as he tried to catch up to his erstwhile partner.

"I'm done waiting," said Red Hood, as he turned and shot Robin in the chest.

Robin went flying across the room and landed on his back, his friends and family raced to him as the Red Hood made his escape.

"Damian NO!" Robbie screamed, sliding down to his knees and leaning over his friend.

"It's alright," Damian coughed.

"He shot you," Robbie sniffled.

"It's alright, he knew my tunic was bulletproof," said Damian.

"You mean, you're ok?" asked Robbie.

"I wouldn't say that, it hurt like a son of a bitch, but I'm not bleeding," said Damian.

"Thank God," said Robbie, hugging his friend.

"Come on, let's get out of here," said Damian, getting to his feet, "Nightwing and Red Robin need doctors."

Dick slept for two whole days, he was lucky that he wasn't seriously injured when a car exploded right in front of him. When the boys brought him home, Alfred tended to his injuries, then put him to bed, Damian kept a constant watch over him, he felt responsible for Grayson getting hurt and, they had something important to discuss. When Grayson woke, he was able to make out Damian's shape, sitting at the end of his bed, looking out the window, there was something in his hands.

"Damian?" said Grayson.

"Hey, you're awake," Damian smiled.

"What happened?" asked Grayson, struggling to remember the events of the past few days.

"It's a long story, let's just say we won," said Damian.

"I remember going to City Hall with Tim, Robbie, Colin and Conner, then it just fades to black," said Grayson.

"There was an explosion, you were hurt, you'll be ok though, Alfred says you don't have any internal injuries," Damian assured him.

"You came to help us?" asked Grayson.

"I brought Todd with me," said Damian.

"Really?" asked Grayson, in surprise.

"It didn't end well," Damian sighed.

"Is he..." Grayson began.

"No, he's not dead, he's just angrier now then he was before, I, I couldn't kill the Joker," said Damian.

"Hey, that's ok," said Grayson, reaching out and putting his hand on top of the boys, "I wouldn't have killed him either. So, does this mean you've come home?"

"For now, whether it's permanent or not is up to you," said Damian.

"What do you mean?" asked Grayson.

Damian picked up Batman's cape and cowl from his lap and placed them in Grayson's.

"What this whole thing has taught me is that we need Batman just as much as the people of Gotham do," said Damian.

"I don't know if I can do that," said Grayson, holding the cowl in his hands.

"That's why it has to be you," said Damian, "It can't be me, or Todd or Drake, we're either not ready or we're corrupted by our own motivations. I don't think father wanted to be Batman, he had to be."

"What if I'm not ready?" said Grayson.

"The symbol of Batman goes a long way, the rest will come to you in time," Damian assured him.

"So if I say no, you'll run away again?" asked Grayson.

"We need a leader Grayson, I think father intended for you to be that leader," said Damian.

"I need time, will you let me think about this?" asked Grayson.

"Of course, you need your rest," said Damian, rising to his feet.

"You won't go anywhere until I've reached a decision?" asked Grayson.

"I give you my word," said Damian.

"Good, hey Dami?"

"Yes Grayson?"

"I'm glad you're back, I was worried about you," said Grayson.

"I'm glad you weren't killed," Damian smiled, then kissed his big brother on the forehead.

Damian left the room feeling like he'd set things right with Grayson, he had no intention of running away again, but he didn't see the harm in letting that thought hang in the air, if it led his brother to the right decision. There was one other thing Damian had to do to make things right, he left Grayson's room and headed for his own, but the person he was looking for wasn't there.

"Looking for Master Robert?" asked Alfred, as he brought clean laundry into Damian's room.

"Yes, did, did he leave?" asked Damian.

"I'm afraid he's moved on, sir," said Alfred.

"Where did he go?" asked Damian, he felt like he was going to cry.

"Just across the hall sir," Alfred winked.

"Damn it Alfred," Damian smiled, "if I weren't so relieved I'd have to get you back for that one."

"I'll consider it my lucky day sir," the butler grinned.

Damian walked across the hall, then knocked on the door.

"Come in," said Robbie.

"Hey," said Damian, when he walked in and found Robbie, starring out the window at the south lawn.

"Hello," said Robbie.

Damian walked up behind him and put his arms around the boy, then rested his chin on his shoulder.

"You said a lot of hurtful things, Damian," said Robbie, "then you walked out on me."

"I'm sorry," said Damian.

"You think you can call me the things you called me, run away, scare me to death and that saying sorry will make it all ok?" asked Robbie.

"No, but it's a start, isn't it?" asked Damian.

"Yes, it's a start," Robbie admitted.

"I was so messed up, I wasn't sure how to feel about father, I kept thinking of my mother and grandfather, I was so conflicted, I just blew up," said Damian.

"I understand that things are difficult for you, all I've ever wanted was to help you," said Robbie.

"I know but I had to help myself," said Damian, "I don't want to lose you, I came back because of you."

"Really?" asked Robbie.

"I saw you on the news, you were there with Drake and Grayson, you were so brave," said Damian.

"I was scared to death," said Robbie.

"I know, that's why I had to come help, I couldn't let anything happen to you, I'd never forgive myself," said Damian.

"I missed you so much and I was so worried about you," Robbie sniffled, then turned and hugged Damian.

"I'm sorry I put you through that, I'll never leave you again, I promise," said Damian hugging him back.

Robbie looked up at Damian and saw the truth in his words plastered across his face, he stood on his tiptoes and kissed his raven haired lover on the lips. The taste of Damian's lips reminded Robbie of just how hungry he was for his lover, how much he craved him, how much he'd missed him. He nibbled on Damian's bottom lip then their tongues met and battled for dominance while Robbie unzipped Damian's hoodie. He put his hands on Damian's firm chest, rubbed up and down his body and then slipped his hands under the t-shirt so he could stroke the soft skin.

Damian had also missed Robbie, his hunger was just as great and while his boyfriend felt up his abs, Damian began to unbutton and unzip Robbie's jeans. He pulled the denim down and started to rub Robbie's tight little bottom, just as Robbie started working to get Damian's pants down. After nearly tripping and breaking their necks, the boys broke their kiss so they could take off their clothes. When both boys were in nothing but their briefs, Damian pushed Robbie back on his bed and mounted him, bringing their lips back together and grinding their hard cocks through their undies.

Robbie wrapped his legs around Damian's waist, then rolled on top of him, he kissed down his neck and chest then pulled his briefs off and sucked his hard five inches. Damian lie back and enjoy the warm, wet sensation on his penis, he savored the exquisite feeling but then, confronted with a craving of his own, me moved into a 69 position with his lover. Damian had never sucked Robbie before, while Robbie devoured his cock, Damian was tentative as he stuck his tongue out and licked the cute little head. To his surprise, he liked the flavor, he licked harder, licked the shaft up and down, then took it in his mouth. Damian emulated Robbie's performance and the two boys moaned in pleasure.

Damian knew what he wanted, he'd thought about it ever since his mistaken night with Drake, he released Robbie's cock from his mouth, then maneuvered himself back on top. Robbie was running on pure instinct, he put his arms around Damian's neck, wrapped his legs around Damian's waist and let out a sharp moan when Damian entered him. The feeling was hard for him to describe, it hurt but felt so good at the same time. Damian had learned much from the many pummelings Robbie had given him, he rocked his hips back and forth, pressed himself forward, trying to get as much of his cock as he could into his lover. The boys came in a crescendo of moans and grunts, Damian spilling his seed into Robbie's bottom and Robbie spraying his all over Damian's abs.

"Wow, I see why you like that so much," Robbie panted.

"I did it good?" asked Damian, like an excited little boy.

"You were great," Robbie smiled, then kissed him on the nose.

"I just thought you might want to try it," said Damian.

"I loved it," Robbie admitted.

"You'll still do it to me though, right?" asked Damian, he didn't want to miss out on this pleasure himself.

"Oh yeah," Robbie grinned seductively, then punctuated his comment by grabbing one of Damian's buns.

"Does this mean you forgive me?" asked Damian.

"It's a start, love, it's a start," said Robbie, then they held each other and slept the afternoon away.

Two days later, Damian and Robbie enjoyed another rousing romp, this time it was Damian's turn to surrender his bottom. When it was over, he rested soundly, Robbie was wrapped around him and Damian basked in the glow of another superb round of love making. Robbie woke around midnight and rubbed at his eyes, he was blinded by bright light. When his eyes adjusted, he gripped Damian's shoulder and shook him awake.

"What is it?" Damian yawned.

"Look," said Robbie, pointing out the window.

"The Bat Signal," said Damian.

"Yeah," Robbie nodded.

"The question is, is there a Batman to respond to it," said Damian.

"Yeah, only one way to find out," said Robbie.

"I'll be back soon," said Damian, he kissed Robbie on the check and put on his bathrobe.

"Damian," said Robbie, as his boyfriend headed for the door.


"Be careful," said Robbie.

Damian smiled, then headed down to the music room. He played a few notes on the old piano, when the secret passage opened, he followed the winding staircase into the Bat Cave. He entered the locker room and found it empty. Damian let out a sigh, then changed into his Robin uniform, if Grayson couldn't perform his duty, then Damian was resolved to go out alone. He was about to jump into the Batmobile, when a dark figure startled him.

"What took you so long?" asked the figure.

"Damn it Grayson, you scared me," Damian cursed, "I didn't know you were down here."

"The Bat Signal came on, didn't it?" said Grayson.

"That's what brought me down here," said Damian.

"Then I guess we have work to do," Grayson smiled.

"You're sure, Grayson?" asked Damian.

"It's Batman when we're in uniform, Robin," he smiled beneath the cowl.

"Sorry, Batman," Robin smiled.

"Partners?" asked Batman, extending his hand.

"You bet," Robin smiled and shook the offered hand.

"Let's go," said Batman.

"I'm driving!" Robin exclaimed.

Seconds later, the Dynamic Duo speed out into the night, it's funny how much Batman shrieked over a little aggressive driving.


Stay tuned for Gotham Prep Season II coming this summer.

Next: Chapter 11: Gotham Prep II 1

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