
By Jack Santoro

Published on Jun 2, 2005



Gordon By jackinnm@yahoo.com

I hang around the Internet Chat Room a lot, and my contacts there have led to a few meetings. One was with Gordon, who was ten years younger than my 63 years and lived in Hawaii. We'd found each other interesting because we both have long thick foreskins covering our shapely helmet heads, and we'd cyber-jacked together many times, to our great joy. When Gordon told me he was coming to the mainland, we arranged to meet. I went to his hotel room that afternoon, lightly dressed because of the summer heat. Gordon remained behind the door as he let me in, for he was naked, and I saw the fur on his body. He truly was a "bear," and proud of his hirsute nature. I was out of my clothes in a minute, my eyes never leaving his body as I undressed. He was already half-hard in anticipation. As we faced each other naked, we took in each other's appearance. Gordon was about 6'1", 215 lbs., hairy of course, and with brown hair and eyes. The outline of his bulky glans distended the long foreskin covering his cock, which arced boldly over a low-hanging scrotum. I was about an inch taller, 210 lbs., with a roll of middle-aged fat and my cock appeared smaller than his, the big helmet's outline clearly visible through my long, nippled foreskin. Unlike his, my scrotum was tight against my body. "I can't wait," Gordon said. He lay down on the unmade bed on his right side, and I joined him quickly. "I want to feel you," I said. We lay facing each other on the queen sized bed, and I ran my fingers lightly through his mat of chest hair, working down to his stomach. Gordon caressed my flank, then slipped his fingers between my thighs. We saw our pricks responding to these peripheral caresses, and within seconds both were fully hard. "You've got a nice six-incher," he remarked, fingers lightly touching my scrotal hairs. "It's a grower, not a shower." He was referring to my prick's being smaller than his while limp, yet expanding to respectable size when filled with blood. Gordon's limp prick had seemed much larger, but erection had made it rigid but not much larger, and his hard cock was only about half an inch longer than mine. The head was about the same shape and size as mine. "Both heads are still covered with foreskin," I replied. "I think that's really sexy." We both knew that many uncut guys had shorter skins than ours, and that with erection, their cocks lengthened and pushed the heads right out of their fleshy envelopes. "Yep. Makes handling them a lot easier and more fun, too." His fingers gently squeezed my glans, provoking a responsive throb in my cock-root. "I can feel your bulbo-cavernal reflex," he said. Gordon was truly a sexual sophisticate, which pleased me greatly. He kept squeezing my cock-head, making my cock throb with every squeeze. I slipped a finger inside the opening in his foreskin and pressed against his meatus, sliding around in the thick lube he was secreting. I spread his lube in small circles around his hole, then slipped my finger farther into his hood, stretching his nerve endings as I probed for his corona. We both saw the outline of my finger driving deeper into his foreskin until it reached the flaring ridge. Now I ran my fingertip around the ridge, down one side until I reached the hot spot under the head. I pressed my fingertip into the cleft between the twin lobes of his glans, and my thumb compressed his flaring corona through his hood. This produced a powerful throb in his cock, and Gordon sighed deeply. "Man, you sure know how to make my prick feel good," he said. He pulled forward on the edge of my foreskin, stretching it beyond the head, stretching the nerve endings. Then he twisted my foreskin slightly over the head, delivering that delicious sideways friction that was so arousing to me. I responded by thumbing the skin over his engorged corona, compressing and rubbing it at the same time. His breathing became more rapid as the sensations I was producing dominated his attention. Now he stopped working my prick. "I want you to retract me," he said. I knew this was an important moment for him, the moment when I'd lovingly slide his long thick foreskin back to reveal the glorious glans. We were both glans worshippers, another factor that made us so compatible. We felt that the glans is by far the most beautiful part of the prick, especially the uncircumcised model, and that skinning it back to reveal its beauty is a very sexy and defining moment. Nature had been good to us, providing us each with a large, well-formed glans, shaped like a helmet and with a high flaring ridge that stood out above the shaft. Both were purple, although his was a bit more reddish than mine, and both darkened significantly when we neared orgasm. Both our cock-heads had smooth, shining surfaces studded with nerve endings, and both were protected by long foreskin that kept the precious heads moist and tender. With thumb and forefinger, I lovingly stripped Gordon's prepuce back, going slowly so that he could feel every stretch of the nerve endings. The lips of his long slit were parted by a large drop of clear lubricant. I worked his hood forward to engulf the drop of lube, then pulled it back to spread the fluid over the glossy surface of his glans. I continued to pull back, feeling the resistance increase, until the foreskin stretched to the max over the thick flaring corona. Now one final tug made it snap down into the deep groove behind the head, and I held it there to stabilize his prick while I continued to excite it. The index finger of my other hand traced small circles around Gordon's long slit, spreading the fluid that continued to ooze from its lips. I heard him sigh deeply, as this was very arousing for him. "Now I'll retract you," he said, his fingers taking a firm grip of my foreskin. I felt the gentle pressure on my glans as he began to ease back the long hood. Retraction was as arousing for me as it was for him, and we both stared, fascinated, as the opening widened to reveal my meatus. Unlike his slit, the lips of mine pouted when the glans engorged with blood, forming a beautiful teardrop shape. We saw that the teardrop was filled with clear fluid, and Gordon used a fingertip to spread it over the sensitive surface around the orifice. "Let me give you a shot of Astroglide," he said as he held the small bottle over the end of my hard prick. I'd told him that I don't secrete much lubricant, and used Astroglide to lube my foreskin. He dripped several drops into the wide orifice of my foreskin and pulled the skin back slowly to spread the colorless lube evenly over the head. The liquid felt warm on my mucous membranes, because Astroglide is part glycerin. I felt the stretchy feeling increase as the skin rode over my flaring ridge, then Gordon gave a final tug to bring the skin snapping down into the deep groove behind the ridge. Now both our tips were open to view, purple and glossy, with their thick collars of skin bunched behind the coronas and filling the grooves behind them. Now I pulled back harder on Gordon's skin, baring the back face of his sensitive corona and the deep groove behind it. I ran my fingertip around the sensitive ridge's back face, caressing the studded nerve endings and probing the groove. Gordon shuddered as I traced the outline of his rim, working my way down to the hot spot underneath. "I'm going to give you a little Astroglide, just to make sure your lube doesn't dry out," I said as I poured several drops onto his shining glans, working the lube in with my fingertips. "That makes the head feel nice and warm," he said. "It's the glycerin," I replied as I caressed his cock-head thoroughly, from the bulbous dome to the sexily flaring rim. I rubbed a fingertip across the broad upper surface, then around his slit, then worked back to the fleshy purple corona, making his nerve endings sing. "OOOOOOOOOHH, that feels so goood," he sighed. His fist wrapped around my shaft and gently worked my foreskin up and down my glans, pumping the thick fleshy collar over the rim, then downhill to the front dome, stretching it out, then pulling back again slowly to make me feel every ripple of sensation. Now he skinned me back again and worked his fingertip in small circles around my hole. As I gently traced the outline of his sexy corona, I saw his balls tighten against his body, a sure sign that he was becoming very aroused. When I pressed my fingertip hard into his hot spot under the head, he shuddered and groaned. "I need to come, Jack, I really need it," he moaned. I knew that he was so aroused that the need to release his juices produced a hot feeling of urgency. "Okay, Gordon, I'll make you cream. Just lie on your back like we'd done on the chat, and I'll make your prick spurt." I nudged him onto his back and straddled his thighs, exactly as I'd described during our cyber-sex chats, holding his shaft with one hand as I cupped his balls with my other hand. I worked his foreskin up and down, lightly bumping his ridge each up-stroke. Gordon's fist still encircled my cock, but not stroking it much. I knew that holding my cock and moving my skin was very arousing to him, but I was in no danger of premature orgasm. I wanted to keep my focus on making Gordon cream, because we both knew that this produced more intense orgasms than trying to come together. "Do it, make me come!" He urged in a tortured voice, and I knew that the time for mild and measured stimulation was over. I spread a towel over his stomach and chest to catch the juice. I steadied his shaft with my fist, pulling down hard on the skin to bare his sensitive glans right down to the groove. I used the fingertips of my other hand to massage his glans lightly, working around the sexy contours, keeping my fingertips moving to avoid tiring out his nerve endings. Keeping the sensations fresh was the key to this technique, and Gordon began moaning from the first moment. I ran a fingertip down his slit and under the head, probing the deep valley between the twin lobes under his glans, then thumbed his corona to complement the sensations. I ran my fingertips all around his ridge, first on the flare, then in the groove. I felt Gordon's hot glans harden under my fingertips, and when I saw his eyes close, I knew I'd be feeling his orgastic pulses soon. "Your tip's hot and hard, Gordie," I whispered. "I can feel you're close." Gordon just moaned, moving his head from side to side. I felt his fist tighten on my hard shaft, and I pressed hard under his head. His prick pulsed in my hand, and I hard him moan "AH-HAH-HAH," as I pressed. I knew he was on the brink. "I'm going to keep you on the edge for a few seconds, Gordie," I said as I relaxed my pressure. I knew we both enjoyed those delicious moments of anticipation as we felt the force of the orgasm swell. His hot tip reddened even more, and the rim was deep purple. Clear juice oozed from his slit, running down the hot hard glans under my fingertips and cushioning the sensations to let me keep him on the brink a few more precious seconds. His eyes were closed tightly, his scrotum tight and wrinkled against his body, and I knew that within the next few seconds the intense explosion would begin. I continued to massage the hard glossy surface of his wet tip with my fingers, provoking more moans: "HAH-HAH-HAH!" I saw his stomach muscles rippling under the towel, and his legs trembled between mine as I straddled him. His slit was distended with the steady stream of lube pouring from it, and I saw that the clear fluid was now slightly milky, a sign that he'd blast off within a second or two. His hot cock throbbed hard in my encircling fingers, and a thick white stream shot from the end as Gordon blew his load. His cries of joy changed to "NNNG! NNNG! NNNG!" in time with each ejaculation as he hot white jets erupted from his slit. His body strained against mine as he tumbled helplessly into the free-fall of orgasm. Anyone listening would have thought he was being brutally tortured, but I knew he was crying out in the joyful agony of orgasm a s he went "NNNG! NNNG! NNNG!" and writhed under me. His hips bucked hard as his body sought to thrust his throbbing tip through my caressing fingers. The jets arced ten inches onto the towel, as his release was in full force. Now the jets slackened, slowing in rhythm and the jets turning into dribbles. His cries subsided into heavy gasps, and he was coming down off his high. Finally, he lay utterly still under me, and I felt his penis begin to soften in my hands. The beautifully contoured tip lost its hardness and returned to its usual spongy state. I slipped the long hood forward over the head, until it was totally encased. His penis lay limp on his balls. Gordon's eyes opened, and he smiled at me, sweat running down his forehead. "Wow! That was really hot! It was nice on the cyber, but feeling your fingers on me was seventh heaven!" I returned his smile. "I loved making you come, Gordie," I said. "It felt wonderful, straddling your legs and knowing that I was pulling the orgasm from you." I felt his fist tighten on my hard prick, and I knew he was eager to return the favor. I lay on my back and Gordon spread another towel over my body. He straddled my legs as he held my shaft tightly in his fist. I felt his hand begin a slow and rhythmic stroke up and down my shaft, peeling back my hood from the engorged glans, then pushing it forward again to envelope it as my arousal increased. His strokes became longer, and I felt the strain in my nerve endings as he pulled the long thick foreskin back hard, totally baring my glans, corona, and the deep groove behind it. "I'm going to pour on more Astroglide," he said as he held the bottle over my rock-hard prick. The drops fell onto my exposed tip and then he began spreading them carefully over the hot surface with his fingertips. His other fist held my foreskin tightly back as he massaged my bare glans, working his fingertips into every groove, following every contour, making me moan in delight. My eyes closed, but I could feel every touch as his hot fingertips sent hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into my glans, fueling my excitement. I knew I could not hold out, and that his maddening caresses would bring on orgasm within seconds. "Your turn, Jack," he murmured. "Now you're going to shoot for me." I felt my cock root throb in response, and my leg muscles began trembling as his had during the last stage of the build-up. My awareness of the world around me dimmed as my attention focused totally on the sensations in my cock. Now my entire body tightened up, even as I was trying to remain relaxed, and I knew I'd blast my juice any second. "Your tip's hot and hard," he said as his fingertips caressed the contours. I felt his touches run around my engorged rim, tracing it down to the triangular groove, then running up the other side. Now they moved to the dome and worked in circles around my orifice. "You're really seeping, Jack," he said. "When you get this hot, you pour it out just like me." I felt my engorged tip, fully swollen, and a gentle tickle inside my prick as the lubricating fluid flowed up my tube. The sensations were building up, and I heard myself moan in the distance. Suddenly, my cock root contracted, and I felt the first hot burning gush shoot up my urethra, and I cried out helplessly as Gordon's fingers massaged the orgasm from my body. My whole world was in my cock, and my consciousness dimmed as I went headlong into the abyss. My entire body shuddered as I screamed in agonized ecstasy, and each gush felt like a torrent of hot lava as it burned its way up my tube. It felt as all of the fluids in my body were extruding through my narrow tube, distending it and stretching its nerve endings. Gordon's fingers insistently tortured my throbbing glans, pulling more jets from my prick, and I let myself go, helpless in his hands. Slowly I became aware that my prick was throbbing more slowly, and the gushes had slowed to trickles. I felt each drop as it distended the lips of my orifice, and realized that Gordon's fingers had stopped because my tip was too sensitive now. I began to relax, savoring the last weak contractions of orgasm, enjoying the delicious relaxation that was creeping over me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Gordon smiling down at me. "Boy, you sure poured a hell of a load out," he said. "I didn't think you'd ever stop. I normally shoot a lot, but you shot even more. It's all over the towel, and one jet landed on your neck." He wiped my neck with a corner of the towel as he spoke. I was speechless, stunned by the aftershock of orgasm. I felt his body alongside mine as he lay down beside me, and we cuddled for a few minutes before going out to eat.

The end

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