Good Sub

Published on Jan 7, 2008



I saw his ad in CL:

"40's BiMWM looking for NSA hookup while at convention. Total top here, but that doesn't mean my buddy won't get his, too. Can get into domination if you want, but I'll keep you safe and it sane--no pain, no humiliation, but you'll def know who's in charge here..."

I don't know why, but something about the ad caught my eye. I've never been into that whole "leather chaps and gear/bondage" routine. But lately, when my wife and I are going at it (or, more often these days, when I have to take care of myself in the shower), I keep getting images of big guys--like the guys on the football team I used to work with, and later, some of the burly NCO's in my unit. At first, flashes of their builds as they shower (thinking back to when we all showered up after workouts, or after coming back from the field'). Then, seeing them getting wood, standing over me, jackin' it together...or just on me.

Wierd stuff! I mean I'm straight, married 17 years, kids, house in the suburbs and all. Maybe it's being the only guy in a house full of females with PMS (hell, even the dog & cat--and they've been fixed!)...all that estrogen is rubbing off on me, messing with my head in a way that even the 2-a-days on the Bowflex couldn't seem to straighten out. And that wet dream last week--hell, I knew it had been too long since I rubbed on out! All I know is, I went to bed frustrated and pissed off, planned on sleeping in; spent the night tossing and turning; and then wake up on my belly, boxers (and the bed beneath me, it turned out) drenched in jizz. Usually, you don't remember much about your dreams--wet or otherwise. But this one was so vivid, and so frickin' weird: I was lying prone, MSG Nelson pinning me down, my arms and legs spread-eagled, both of us bare assed naked and wet with sweat. He was grinding his crotch into my butt crack...I could feel his boner (he was a big boy, & not just his muscles, if ya know what I mean--hell, you live with guys and share showers in the desert for a year, and sooner or later, nobody has any secrets, what with our peckers leading the way to the latrine every mornin'. The Declaration may read, "all men are created equal", but that sure isn't true in the Company showers, that's for damn sure...) Anyway, he's grinding on me (were we wrestling? practicing ground-fighting?), we're all naked and slick, and all of a sudden, his prick connects with my asshole, hangs up there, and then-wham! He's driving up me on the next thrust! All man & a yard wide...and balls-deep into me in one thrust!

That's the last thing I remember before I woke up dripping wet & pubes matted with my own jizz, and had to shower up, change my shorts and the bed sheets, throw all the "evidence" into the washer and remake the bed before "the girls" got back from church.

I've never done anything with a guy (well, maybe a little circle jerk action in HS)--so I've got nothing to compare it to. But this dream was so vivid, so frickin' intense, I swear I was walking funny all morning. And I don't remember the last time I've cum that much--or that intensely!

And now, I just can't seem to get that shit outta my head.

Sure, I've been cruising the personals on CL for fun (you would not BELIEVE some of the shit I've seen on there!). And every once in a while, some babe'll have her pics posted there that are actually worth posting...provides a little inspiration of the next rubout. So this morning, I'm cooling-down from my workout, goofing-off on the PC while sucking down my second cup of coffee, and I got a wild hair, clicked on the "m2m" tab, and there was that ad...

So I figure, "What the hell...he's from out of town, I've got the day to myself (I hate Christmas shopping; I'd rather fork over the credit card and go for a root canal without Novocaine, than deal with those crowds)...I won't know him, he doesn't know me, we're both normal married guys we'll never see each other again...might as well get it outta my system..." (you know, all the usual rationalizations, but, hell, it works for me).

I dash off a quick response, figuring, he won't be interested in some middle-aged Dad like me, or he's just a gamer. But I give it a try. Not a minute later, "You have Mail!" chimes up. That was fast. He must be logged on right now.

"You sound like we have a lot in common. I'm definitely interested, and have time this morning. You available? Got a pic?"

He's staying at a big-name chain convention hotel right near here. Nice place--not the super luxury, but solid, upscale business class nonetheless. Must be respectable. And damn! His pic looked good. Not big, necessarily, but still pretty tight at our age.

I didn't have a pic, but since I was in my skivvy shorts and just finished working out, that wasn't anything a quick mirror shot with the cell phone cam couldn't fix. Not great, but enough to show him I'm not some fat old geezer. A quick synch, click "reply", attach & send.

Again, I've got mail right back.

"I definitely think we're a match! Got a number I can call? Let's do this, man."

Oh, what the hell! "In for a penny, in for a pound" as my late Mum used to say. So I hit him back with my cell--the personal one with the "number only" voicemail greeting, not the business one--I'm no fool.

It's like barely off the PC when I hear the mobile ringing in the bedroom. I jump up and run to get it to answer ('cause you never know when the hospital is calling, and those nurses can be so bitchy if they get voicemail for the on-call guy). And that's when I realize I've sprouted a woody! Where the hell did that come from! I readjust myself with one hand, while I flip the phone up and to my ear with the other. That's better--but only a bit.

"'s Jack. This Pete?"

"Huh? Who? Oh yeah, sorry about that--didn't figure you were gonna call that fast!"

The guy sounds pretty normal--no flamer, that's for sure. Deep voice, can't quite place the accent.

"Yeah, well, I don't believe in waiting around or wasting time. If I've got a goal in mind, I go after it. What are you into, Pete?"

"Into? I'm not sure...I mean...I dunno. What do you want to do? I don't have a whole lot of experience in this stuff...never done anything like THIS before, that's for sure. . ."

Shit! I'm babblin' like a frickin' schoolgirl! Oh well, I guess it's pretty much out there now.

"But you've been thinking about it a lot, right?"

"Yeah, you got that right!"

Did I just admit that to a total stranger? I mean, I haven't even admitted that to myself...until now. He's right on the money, though. What is it about this guy that got me to do that, anyway?

"You're married, right, Pete? Me too. But every once in a while, when I'm outta town, I like to play around a bit. And with another guy, it's, no-strings-attached. Not like it is with the women. So, you want to come over and mess around?"

"Ah, yeah--I'd like that, I guess. What are we going to do, anyway?"

"You ever been dominated, submitted to another guy, Pete? Role play can be hot--'make believe' for big boys. Kinda like 'playing Army'...except the guns're between our legs..."

"Uh, no--I haven't. I don't think I could keep a straight face. I've never really thought much of that whole 'S&M' business. I'm not into pain or humiliation."

"I'm not either, Pete. It's all about giving up control, putting yourself and your experience in the other guy's hands. Symbolic surrender, not physical pain. It's amazing how intense it can be! And hell, if you're really not into it, we can always just strip down to our briefs and have some fun the old fashioned way. Wanna come over?"

"Well, I just got done working out...gotta shower and shave and all...may take me about an hour to get there."

"That's cool. I still have to get breakfast yet. Why don't you get cleaned up (and you know what I mean by that, don't you, boy?), and I'll meet you down in the lobby at 11'"

"Ok, sure--11 it is...lobby...How will I know you?"

"Don't worry...I'll find you. What will you be wearing?"

"Ah, I guess (looking over my closet) khaki's, light blue button down...I've got a moustache..."

"This is an upscale hotel, Pete. Why don't you wear a tie and blazer, too."

"Yessir, tie & blazer. Will do, sir."

("Sir"' Wherethehell did THAT come from? I'm Southern and ex-military and all, but at my level, I'd pretty much given up all that "sir-ing". But it just seemed like a natural, somehow.)

"Oh, and can you bring some lube? I've got rubbers, but you'll have to bring the lube if you want it."

"Sure I can bring some lube." (What's that about? I just use hotel hand lotion when I'm jerking off on a road trip.)

"Good. See you at 11. Don't be late."

Click. Dead air. Looks like I'm committed now.

Or maybe I should be committed--as in "Baker Act-ed"!

No time to waste. 3 S's on the double. Trimmed the pubes, shaved the sack and crack (just feels more sensitive that way); skip the pit-wipe, leaves a messy aftertaste; easy on the aftershave, pop the Cialis (not gonna let "performance anxiety" mess this up--no boner means I'm the bitch, right?), brush the teeth, dress, and out the door. Even stuck a soapy finger up my tail once or twice, 'cause you never know when ya might get a good rim job, now do we?). Nothin' up there, by the way, but I made sure to rinse up real well after, and wash that finger really well too. Don't want a "yuck moment"

I get to his hotel, no problem. Even get into the lobby with a few minutes to kill. Don't want to look like I don't belong there...he was right about the jacket & tie, by the way. Now I look like any number of other guys in the lobby on their way out to the convention center. Must be a show in town or something. I sit down, grab a paper, and try to act inconspicuous.

My cell rings--11 on the dot. Man, this guy is anal! I get my phone to my ear on the third ring.

"You down in the lobby?"

"Yessir, I sure am. Where are you? Shall I come up?"

"No need, I see you." Click.

I see a guy walking up. Is that him? About my height, maybe a few pounds less, a few years younger, looks early 40's, but in good shape. Tight. This isa man who works out regularly, and always has. Short haircut, looks amateurish, done-at-home--would be buzz cut, if it were thicker. Crisp blue jeans, clean white tee, open shirt--weekend layered look stuff. Something about his walk, carriage. Swagger? Nah, not really. Confidence. He looks like a guy who's not used to taking shit from anybody, somehow. I wonder if he's military...or a cop.

"Pete? I'm Jack."

I shake the hand he holds out. Firm grip...two businessmen meeting up to go over a proposal. But this is like no meeting I've ever taken before, that's ferdamnsure!

"I see you didn't have any problems finding my hotel. You made good time." His touch on my left shoulder ushers me towards the elevators, around the corner, away from the lobby and the front desk.

"Yessir, I know these hotels pretty well. My work has me in and out of this area fairly regularly. You here for the convention?"

"Yeah, ITISEC. This is going to be my only day off, so I thought I'd make the best of it. I must say, I'm not disappointed..."

We're at the elevators. He's pushed the button, stepped back, and I can see he's eyeballing me up-n-down, pretty intently. I return the favor.

"So, you still think you wanna go through with this? No pressure, but here's your chance to back out, if you want to."

"Not just 'yes', but 'HELL YES'! I mean, no, I don't want to back way, sir! Oh, and you're not a cop, are you?"

Cocky grin. "Good boy! I think we're gonna have a great time."

Our elevator's here; there's his hand again, this time in the small of my back, right above my beltline, just above my butt, ushering me in.

"And no, I'm not a cop. I work around cops and military a lot, but I'm not a cop myself."

(He didn't say "...and I'm not military...". I wonder if this guy is military--Canadian, from the sound of his accent? That would sure explain a lot.)

We're at what I take it is his room door. Key card in and out, lock clicks, he opens the door and again ushers me past him, into the room. I enter, and immediately notice that's it's very neat; one king bed; all the bed covers stripped off, folded up neatly and on the floor in the corner; laptop open on the desk, a pack of Trojan Magnums in plain sight. Nothing on the bed but the bottom sheet and all the pillows. Fresh towels on the bedside table. I hear him put the "Do Not Disturb" card in the key slot, close, latch and chain the door.

"So, let's get started, shall we?"

I turn around to face him, kinda expecting him to close with me, hug me or something like that. But no.

"Go ahead and strip down to your underwear. You can put your clothes on that chair".

Jees, you'd think he was a doctor or something! But I just do it. I go over to the chair, and before I sit down to take off my shoes, I reach into my coat and pull out the bottle of AstroGlide I brought, and put it right out there next to his condoms.

"Good man--you must've been a Boy Scout, Pete!"

"Yessir, I was at that."

Wedding ring, watch, cell phone off, put'em in the shoe. Socks off--those long, brown, knee-length "executive hose"--a real pain to take off and put on, but that's all that was clean this morning. Fold'em neatly over the chair arm.

Stand up, take off the blazer, turn around, my back to him as I fold it over the back of the chair. Open the belt and pants, slip the belt out of the why the hell did I do that' I never do that at home! Pop the top button, slide down the tie, un-knot it. Tie goes next to the socks...and belt...keep all the loose stuff together in case I gotta grab & run. Shirt next, unbuttoning the cuffs, shrug out of it, fold it. It goes next to the jacket. Nothing but the Dockers now. I skin them down off my hips, bend over to step outta them. I must be giving him one hell of a view of my ass in the jockeys! I'm usually a boxers guy--especially in this heat. I wonder why I grabbed the tighty-whities today?

I straighten up, fold my khaki's, place them over the back of the chair, real neat-like. I feel like I'm on active duty somehow...gotta keep the quarters neat for inspection.

I turn around, in my fresh white tee shirt and new white Jockey pouch briefs, feeling like a high school freshman undressing for the first time in a locker room. I almost fold my hands in front of my crotch--but hell, I've got nothing to be embarrassed about. We're both guys, I'm in pretty good shape (but I regret that dessert last night right about now...suck it in, boy...). I've stood around barracks and locker rooms in my skivvies with the guys for hours. Why should I feel self-conscious now? Hands at my sides...try to look natural, relaxed. Yeha, "fake it 'til you make it", I always say. I look across the room. Jack hasn't really moved, but he has lost his overshirt. Let me revise my earlier assessment: This guy is TIGHT! It's like the tee and jeans are sprayed on, without looking artificially so.

I catch his eye.

"Lose the tee shirt. I'll leave your shorts on for now." I comply, no questions. It's like I'm following orders on the range..."safety on...clear your weapons..." And he delivers the order in about the same way. Flatly, firmly, matter-of-fact. He expects the order to be obeyed. And somehow, I don't challenge...or even question.

I comply.

Is this what "Dom/Sub" is all about?

"Stand over here...let's get a look at you."

I take a few steps to the center of the room, about 2 or 3 feet from the side of the room, to where he pointed. It just seems natural to assume "Parade Rest" position...even after all these years. He walks around me in a tight circle, coming back in front of me from my left. He's standing about a foot in front of me, his erect nipples rising under his tee. Jack reaches up, real casually, with both hands, and gives my nipples a little tug, both of'em simultaneously. I gasp, startled, looking up into his face--like, "what the hell?!"

"Keep your eyes down!"

"That's right, just keep looking down, right like you are."

All I see right now is his flat tee-encased belly and the top of his blue jeans. Damn, that's one hell of a bulge he's got growing there! I mean, his profile said "Cock size: Above average"--I don't think he was kidding. I see his hands come up again, each back to one of my nipples, gently stroking, mounding them into erection.

"Your nipples sensitive, boy?"

"Yeah, I guess they are", I mutter in amazement...I never realized they were, but they sure are today.

"I can't hear you, boy!" Not shouting like a DI, but firm, authoritative just the same.

"Sir, yes sir, my nipples are very sensitive right now, sir!" Not shouting my answer like a terrified plebe, but speaking clearly, firmly, eyes downcast the whole time. I'm used to making and keeping eye contact. But not now. All I see is his hands on my pecs and nips, stroking and tweaking, rubbing the fur and flicking my nips. That, and his crotch, now straining to burst his zipper.

"Yeah, I can see that", he says, tweaking my nips one last time and reaching down to cup my crotch through my skivvies. "I can sure see that"

Right about then, I realize I've got an erection, pushing straight down toward the ground, over my nuts...A hard-on like I've never had a hard-on before in my life.

"Kneel down."

Without thinking, and without hesitation, I do as I'm told. I keep my eyes down like he told me to. Which means I'm face-to-face with his crotch. He takes a half step up toward me, puts his hand on my head, and pulls my face into his jeans-covered crotch. I realize right then that I'm shaking. Is it fear' Excitement' Damned if I know. I can't think. I just breathe deeply, trying to catch my breath without hyperventilating.

"You scared?"

"I dunno, sir. Excited, scared...I can't tell. I have nothing to compare it to..."

His man smell is intoxicating. His strong musk is permeating through his clothes, into my 'stache. A little fresh man-sweat, maybe cologne, but something else...different from what my own crotch smells like (hey, we all scratch-n-sniff--it's a guy thing). Oh, yeah, his profile said "UC"--I guess that means uncircumcised? Is that the smell of smegma? Being cut myself, I don't have a clue. It doesn't smell bad, really...just stronger, different. His hands slide down off the top of my head; caressing my ears, drift down to rest where my neck meets my shoulders. He starts rubbing my neck and shoulders, like any good buddies would--but different somehow. But it is reassuring, calming, and somehow makes me feel better, safe, & secure nonetheless. I like it.

"It's OK, buddy. You're in a good hotel, where they've got my credit card and ID on file. I'm not about to do anything stupid. We're just two married guys who are gonna play a little game, have a little fun. I like to use "green, yellow, red". Anytime you want to stop, just say 'red'. Anything you're not comfortable with, say 'yellow'. Otherwise, it's all 'green'. You can trust me...I'm gonna take good care of you, and I'm sure you're going to take good care of me."

The entire time, his hands keep up that buddy neck-rub routine. Seems as normal as what we used to do to each other to keep loose before a wrestling match, when the guys were so keyed-up. It worked for them then, and it's working on me now. I find myself leaning into it--leaning into him--oh, hell, might as well say it--leaning into his crotch. Jack's slowly working his hands lower, onto my shoulder blades, down my back. He slides the finger tips of each hand under the waistband of my shorts. Since he has to bend over my back to do that, my head is sandwiched now between his bulging crotch and tight abs. All I can do is just breathe him in. His finger tips trace the bottom of my butt. He cups my butt in his hands, pulling the band of my shorts out so he can get a good view in the process.

"Damn, but that's a nice ass! Gonna be sure to take full advantage of that today. But first, I've got an idea. Don't move."

He straightens up, walks away behind me, leaving me kneeling by the bed, arm at my side. I could look up.

I could turn around to find out what he's up to. But I don't. He didn't tell me to. So I just kneel there, eyes downcast, like he told me to do. I don't have to be told twice often.

I can still smell him on my moustache. I sense Jack behind me now.

"Close your eyes."

I feel him hold something against the back of my head.

Something soft, hanging down the back of my neck. Must be my tie. He's wrapping it twice around my eyes, tying it in back. It's snug, but not too tight.

I try to open my eyes, to cheat, to see if I can see anything. It's no use. I can't see a thing. Where is he now?

I don't have to wait long for the answer. He is standing in front of me again. His hand goes on the top of my head, pulling my face to his crotch, giving me my bearings.

"Open my zipper and get my cock can use your hands."

I reach up to find his fly. Right hand can feel the straining bulge, left fumbles trying to get the tab of his zipper down. I'm really trying hard to do exactly as he says. But his jeans are so tight now that he's hard, and I can't see a damn thing.

"That's OK. You can open the button, too. Pull my the front of my briefs down, get my cock and balls out. That's it..."

My right hand slides up under his tee to the top of his shorts, feeling what has to be almost a beercan (well, at least the size of a Red Bull can)-sized erection through his briefs, and then a tight, furry set of abs. Using both hands, I carefully pull the band out and down, feeling his sack, letting his gear ride up over his shorts. There's that smell again. He hasn't told me to touch his genitals otherwise. He hasn't given me permission. So I don't. I kneel there, blindfolded and disoriented, hands at my sides, waiting for instructions.

"Open your mouth. Wider. Now stick out your tongue. That's it."

I sense, rather than really feel, his prick looming in front of my face. Have you ever tried holding your mouth as wide open as you can, with your tongue sticking out, for much more than a few seconds' I feel the strain in my mouth. He rubs the head of his cock along each side of my face, over my nose, leaving wet traces as he goes. It's like he's marking his territory. And then I taste it, at the same time I feel it'another man's cock in my mouth. He's big alright, way bigger than I am. Kinda salty--sweat & pre-cum, from the way it feels. I ought to be grossed-out, but I'm not. It's not bad at all. Smooth and silky, hot, yet hard and soft at the same time. His glans feel different, somehow, on my tongue than mine feel in my hand. Smoother, softer, fuller--must be the uncircumcised part. But what do I know about that stuff, really?

"Good man. Now take it in your mouth, get it nice and slick. Easy now...yeah, that's it, swirl your tongue around the teeth! Yeah, nice suction...relax your mouth on the way down...just suck as you pull up...that's it, that's the way. You're sucking cock like a natural.'

"Sucking cock like a natural"' Anybody told me yesterday, and I would've punched them out. Right then, however, it made perfect sense. I've got the same equipment. I know what I like to have done, what feels good to me. So I just do a lot of the same to my new friend's prick. This morning, I never would have thought about sucking cock. But right at this moment, it's like I can't think of anything else. I follow Jack's instructions, like a good soldier. Up--suck, swirl. Down...relax the jaw, swirl the my tongue on the underside of his prick. Pull back, gentle suction, swirl, down again. Without warning, Jack puts a hand on either side of my head, pulling me further down on his cock than I had voluntarily gone 'til then. I start to panic--I'm gonna gag--but he somehow knows just how far he can push me, and then holds my head still. I can't pull off...I can't move at all. He's in control.

"That's it...relax your're taking it...just breathe...that's it...Good man!"

A split second before I start to choke and blow chunks, Jack eases up his grip, and I can back my head off. I grab his cock with my right hand, jacking and twisting, just tonguing and sucking the head for a few seconds 'til I can catch my breath, don't feel like I'm gonna hurl.

"Oh, yeah, jack and tongue it...yeah, hot wet tongue on my glans...oh man! that twisting motion is fantastic--where'd you learn to do that' Ok, now take it back in again...that's it."

"Here, take a break for a second."

Jack steps back, and I sense he's moved away from me. I hear the rustle of clothing...I guess he's stripping off now. He's back in front of me now, but not so close. I can't feel him, even when I lean forward a bit. I hear the bed creak a little, then feel his feet just inside each of my knees.

"Spread your legs a little"

A gentle nudge to each of my knees, and I spread my legs another six inches. That stance puts me off balance a little, and I have to squat down, lean forward a bit, to compensate. I guess that was the whole idea.

"Now slide in until I tell you to stop. That's it."

Jack's hands reach out, guiding my head forward.

"Now you just lick my your mouth, stick out your tongue...there you go. Oh yeah, you like sucking my nips, don't you?"

"Yusth thirr ahh dooo", I hum my reply as I worship his furry pecs, tonguing and slurping my answer.

"Oh yeah, that's good. Now the other one...yesss!"

I lose track of time, going back and forth across his chest. I must have missed my target, because now I hear him saying, "Oh yeah, lick my pits! Oh, fan-fuckin'-tastic!" He's grabbed my head, pinning it in his armpit. The musk is overwhelming. I just lick, tongue, suck & swirl. He moves my mouth across his left pec, into his left pit, where I repeat the process.

"Ah, that's hot. But now I want your mouth back on my cock. Get down on it."

It's easier now that he's sitting. I don't seem to choke as much, even when Jack pulls my head down further, and holds it just 'til I'm gonna blow. I seem to be able to go deeper, hold it longer, each time. Jack notices it too.

"That's it, you're getting the hang of it now."

He pushes my head down onto his pole again, and he doesn't stop this time. I feel the head of his cock, backed by that steel tube of his, battering my soft palate, demanding entrance. And now, getting it. I don't know whether I'm more relaxed, or stretched, or what, but I feel his glans go over my tongue, and it's like I'm swallowing his cock. For the first time, his pubes are in my nose, and my chin is on his balls. He's in me to the root. And he's not letting me pull off.

I can't breathe...I'm starting to choke. And then I hear his firm, soothing voice, feel that "buddy rub" on the back of my neck.

"Just relax, you're doing great. You're an awesome cocksucker!"

And just like that, I do. I relax, and I can breathe and still keep him in me.

I submit. It feels natural. It feels good...oh hell, it feels fuckin' fantastic!

Jack's letting my head up. I guess I've learned the lesson. Just to prove the point, I go right back down on his cock, taking it to the root and holding it there. Only this time, his hand is only stroking my head, not pushing, not holding. I reach up and gently tickle his nutsack with my right hand, the inside of his thighs with my left.

"Oh yeah, that's good. Now lick my nuts...don't suck, just lick...good. You want to go further, don't you?"

I feel J shift his position, pushing my head down further. My cheeks are wedged between his thighs, his testicles on my forehead. My 'stache is riding that area between his sack and asshole. The smell is intoxicating. Again, musky, but not shitty or gross. It just makes me want more. I stick my tongue out, like I'm tonguing pussy. Like a hundred times before, except I'm not going down on my wife. This is a man's butt I'm munching! And the reaction is even more intense than my best efforts with her ever produced.

"Oh FUCKIN'-A FANTASTCI! Shit, that feels awesome, boy! Keep it up'oh yeah, work that tongue around'.good boy. Now some long strokes, that's it, take it from my hole all the way up my nuts, oh yeah..."

There was something about it that really made me want to keep on, to please him. "Kiss my ass!" was always meant as an insult, to demean 'cause nobody in their right mind would actually DO that, right' But here I was, eating my buddy's butt like it was snatch, and doing it on command. And it wasn't bad. I liked it: the praise, the encouraging directions, his hands stroking my head, guiding my lips, tongue and ''tache to where it could give him the most pleasure.

Oh hell, I was flat-out loving it!

I don't know how long I spent there, blindfolded and on my knees at the side of his bed. 20 minutes' 2' I guess I kinda zoned out, my face wedged between his thighs, and I lost all sense of time. But eventually, my body brought me back to reality. My knees were killing me. Hey, I'm no pup, and soccer, wrestling, and a whole lotta ground-pounding have left their mark, ok' So I have to pull back, lift my head up & take a breath.

"Hey, why are you stopping' I didn't tell you to stop?"

"I know sir, I'm sorry sir. But my knees are killing me. Can I have a pillow to kneel on?"


"I've got a better idea. On your hands & knees, on the bed, butt towards me."

Uh-oh, here it comes. I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

It's one thing to suck his cock (and it damned near choked me), and to eat his ass. It's another thing to take that prick up my nearly-virgin ass (OK, so I tried my wife's vibrator a couple of times when I was jackin' off; hurt like hell, but really felt weird, and the one time I could cum with it in me,it was just way too intense). But I guess it's too late to back out now. And his firm hand grasping my right arm near my pit, helping me up, guiding me onto the bed, really doesn't leave me a whole lot of time to thing about this.

So I do as I'm told.

"That's it. Now back up toward me. That's good. Spread your knees--more--hat's it. Now, head down. . ."

I feel his hands on my ass, caressing, teasing under the leg bands of my briefs.

"Damn, that's a nice ass. I told you I was gonna get some of that. You're doing such a great job. . . you are a natural at rimming and cock sucking."

Abruptly, Jack jerks the back of my shorts down below my butt cheeks. I feel his calloused hands stroke my ass, then reach between my legs, cupping my nuts and pulling my gear down and back, snapping the back waistband of my shorts up, pinning my erection so it points straight down. The pressure on the sensitive top of my cock head is driving me crazy. Reflexively, I stick my ass up to relieve the pressure on my dick. I guess that's what he wanted.

"Yeah, that's it, show me what you've got. Oh, look at that hole--all pink and puffy like a pussy. I'm gonna enjoy that!"

I feel him touching my ass cheeks, spreading them widely for his inspection. I can feel cool air on the inside of my ass. . . I must be spread that wide.

"Damn! Look at that--your hole is all pulsating'. You must be liking this."

Yeah, it's pulsing, alright. I'm trying to close my sphincter, squeezing down to protect myself. But he's got me so pulled apart back there, my muscles can't fully close; that must be what he thinks is pulsing. I feel his fingers touching the edge of my pucker. As if by reflex, I try to close my butt cheeks, pull my knees together. Wrong move! I feel a firm but definite slap, right on my asshole. Damn, that stings!

"C'mon, now, don't go trying to close up. Your ass is so hot-looking, you shouldn't be ashamed to show it off. That's it, relax. . .let me enjoy you."

The fingers come back, gently stroking my inner thighs, perineum, and then the inside of my cheeks. He's teasing his fingertips around my asshole. God, it feels good. I mean, I've known for a long time that my butt was one of my hot buttons, but I only thought my butt cheeks, not my hole itself, was the erogenous zone. But just as I'm starting to relax, to loosen up and enjoy these new sensations, I feel his fingertip jab past my sphincter, up to a knuckle or two.

"Ow! C'mon, man, that hurts! Take it easy, will ya?"

"Hey! I don't think that you should be talking to me like that right now, do you? You're in no position right now to be giving orders now, are you?"

I feel that dry finger worming in. . . it's really starting to burn.

"OK, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir. . just please, go easy on me sir. . . can you use some lube or something' Please sir!"

"Lube? Nah, not just yet--not for this. I've got a better idea."

The finger is pulled out. Thank God! It really WAS hurting. I feel my butt cheeks spread tightly, the air playing on the inside of my asslips. Only now, it doesn't seem as cold. Holy shit! That's not air--he's blowing on my anus!

Oh, man, this is so kinky. . . .and then I feel it. Warm. Wet. Smooth but rough at the same time.


Jack's using his tongue on my ass. Yeah, I can feel the stubble on his cheeks on the inside of my butt cheeks. Oh, wow! Now I know why he was going nuts when I was munching on his ass. This is fan-f'in-tastic! Before I realize what the hell I'm doing, I've put my head down on the bed, and I'm thrusting my ass in the air, into his face, onto his tongue. I must look like a bitch in heat.

"Oh, god, sir, that feels fant--oh, oh--yessss.."

I don't know how long he went down on my ass. What do you call it? Oh, yeah, "rimming". But he wasn't on the rim of my ass. No sir, he was in it, all around it, on the sides, driving me nuts.

"That's enough for now. I want you to suck my dick some more--you are so damned good at it"

I feel his weight come up on the bed to my left. "No! please, do ME some more!", I'm thinking. A little more motion. . .I hear what sounds like pillows being fluffed, then he grabs my shoulder, pulling me to him.

So I pivot on my hands & knees, blindly going where he's guiding me.

"Good boy. Now, open your mouth."

I start to get pissed. Damnit, I'm no 'Boy''! Hell, I'm older, better educated, more successful than he is, by the looks of things. I'm about to say something, then figure he'll probably put his cock in my mouth if I open it, so I just lock my lips in a passive gesture of defiance. That lasts about a second, until I smell his crotch smell again. Stronger now, more musky. I can't help it; I inhale his scent deeply.

"That's it. . . get a good whiff. . . now open your mouth. There you go. . ."

It's like some sort of primordial reflex or something.

I smell that manscent, and I'm drawn to it, open-mouthed. Pheromones? Whatever the hell is doing it, I want more. His hands are on either side of my head now, firmly guiding my head, guiding my open mouth, to his cock. I feel its spongy-hard tip on my nose, then on my cheek, then rubbing on my moustache, then the head is thrust into my mouth--or maybe my head was pushed down onto it. Either way, his prick is now back in my mouth. Remembering my crash course in cocksucking a few minutes ago, I swirl my tongue around his glans, getting a good pool of saliva in my mouth, deep breath through my nose, then I take him balls-deep again on the first try. His firm hand on the back of my head locks me in place, and he's rocking his hips from side to side.

"Oh, yeah, that's it..hold it. I won't give you more than you can take. . . just relax and let it happen."

I hold down as long as I can, but I'm starting to choke. Just then, he eases up, lets me off. I bob up and half-way down again, reaching up with my right hand to steady myself'but really, so he can't jam my head down to soon. I feel the pressure on the top of my head, I relax my grip on his prick, and down I go again. This goes on for a while. . . my neck and jaws are starting to cramp from the position. So this time, I just play with his cockhead with my tongue, while I jack him off.

"Yeah, that's very nice. I like that. But didn't I tell you 'no hands'' Back up--kneel up straight."

Jack's off the bed again. I feel pillows being put in front of me.

"Hands behind your back."

I comply. What is it about this guy, that I'm doing whatever the hell he tells me to?

'If you can't keep your hands under control, I guess it's up to me''

He pulls my wrists together, tying them securely with what I guess is my belt. He tugs on them, testing his handiwork. I try to pull my wrists apart. It's no good. They're tied firmly. My hands aren't going anywhere. I feel a pillow being held in front of my belly, right above my hardon. In fact, it's kinda pushing it down, bringing the sensitive underside of the head of my dick into contact with the pillow. Without a word, Jack pushes me forward. And unceremoniously, I flop forward, trapping my cock between the pillows on the bed and the pillow on my abdomen, making my cock and balls the meat in a pillow sandwich. I feel Jack's pelvis line up against my butt, then his entire body weight as he sprawls on top of me. His chest hair is coarse on my back, his belly fur rasping against my smooth ass. He wedges my thighs further apart with his, and I feel his steel-hard erection riding between my ass cheeks, the underside of his glans, then his shaft, then his hairy nuts teasing my ass lips in turn. Blindfolded, hands tied securely behind my back and now pinned by his body weight, there isn't a damned thing I can do about this now.

"That's it. . . this is what you want, isn't it? Wanted it for a long time? Big, strong, hairy man lying on top of you, covering you head to toe, ready to fuck you? Yeah, this IS what you wanted all along, dreamed about, isn't it now?"

Shit! This is EXACTLY what my wet-dream was all about! How in hell could he know that? I feel the head of his cock slide up, then down, then stop right on my pucker. Jack shifts his hips, lining up his cock with my hole. His weight is now more on his chest & on my back, and there's nothing I can do about this now. My ass is slick with our sweat, my saliva on his cock, his on my hole. I feel this incredible pressure on my asshole, as he begins to bore into me.

"Hmmmph! Owwfnnsff! Shhhtttpp!"

"What's that? I can't hear you." He licks my left ear, as he playfully mocks my muffled protests. He put his right hand between my shoulders, pushing me down further while he uses his other hand to align his hardon with my hole, and pushes.


"Yeah, it is a tight fit. . . doesn't look like it's gonna fit. But I AM gonna fuck that fine ass today, sooner or later, with something."

His weight eases back, eases off me, and I can feel something cold, wet, being dribbled right above my hole, running down the crack of my ass. Jack takes hold of my bound wrists, pushing them up my back, out of the way, pushing my face and shoulders firmly into the soft mattress. I feel his fingers teasing my ass lips again, but this time they're slick, slippery. . . feels as good as his tongue. Well, almost as good, maybe. Without warning, he forces a finger through my sphincter, all the way into my ass. I can feel it worming around in there, pushing, rubbing, prodding. All of a sudden, he rotates his finger, and hits something that makes me moan--my prostate? Daayum! It never felt that good as a medical student, when we practiced examining each other. And it damned sure doesn't feel anything like this when I go for my prostate check from my own doc!

"Hmph! Hmph! Unngh Hmmphh!"

"'Oh, you feel something? Let me check that--feel the same?"

Oh man, he's driving my nuts! Teasing, rubbing, pulling out, tickling, then going back in. Feels fucking fantastic!

"Yeah, I think you're ready for another finger now..."

Jack pulls his finger out. I feel empty back there. Without thinking, I try to push my ass back, push it up.

"Easy does, it boy, hold yer horses. We'll get there."

I feel more pressure at my ass--must be two fingers, all right. Jack wedges his knees just inside of mine, then spreads his legs, and mine, as he does so. This must be exactly what he wants, opening my glutes, spreading me wide, for his fingers. Slow, steady pressure and his fingers sink in as far as they can go. In the process, I'm being pushed even further into the mattress. He starts wiggling his finger tips, right on my prostate, by the way it feels--so intense-fuckin' outrageous! I start to moan, but the sound won't come out. My face is being pushed so firmly into the mattress and pillows, I can't breathe.

My ass feels great, but I'm starting to panic--hell, no--freak out. I can't fucking breathe! But I can't get the words out. I start thrashing from side to side, trying to get my head up, to turn my head to the side, to breathe, dammmit!

"Hrredtth! Hrrreddttthh!"

Jack must've heard me. The fingers come out, and he lifts my left shoulder. I'm gasping, but at least I can breathe.

"Hey, pretty intense, wasn't it? Your first time getting your prostate rubbed?'

"Yes'.No..It's not that, sir. I couldn't fuckin' breathe! I was afraid you were gonna suffocate me. . . you were into breath control or something. . . you scared the hell outta me! Let me up!'

"Oh, man! I'm sorry buddy! I didn't know! I didn't mean to do that to ya. I guess I just got carried away in that hot ass of yours. Here, let's roll you over onto your side."

Jack rolls me over, onto my left side. His weight is off me, but his fingers haven't left my butt. They're still there, tickling, stroking, and teasing in between my glutes. I pull my top leg up, opening my tail up to him in this position.

And I do it without even knowing I'm doing it.

"Yeah, you know how to do it, don't you? Looks like you're a natural butt bottom, aren't you?"'

Now I AM embarrassed! How the hell did that happen? I mean, I know this opens me up-how many times have I used this position on patients--but I did it without thinking--instinctively.

"Yeah, well don't you worry, we'll get you back in business.''

I feel his two fingers go to my ass again, and feel and hear the squirting of the Astroglide onto them. He slides in again, easily to his third knuckles, and resumes his sensuous torture of my ass and insides. I hear this moaning, groaning--is that ME?

"Yeah, you're getting opened up nicely. Let's try a third finger''

I grunt. It doesn't hurt, not like his cockhead did a few minutes ago. But it doesn't feel good like two fingers did.

"Just relax. You'll loosen up..."

The fingers are withdrawn, but only for a second. More lube, and they are eased back inside. Not so bad this time. . . starting to feel good again.

"Yeah, that's it. . .only a little more to go. . .lemme spread those fingers a bit... relax! Yeah, that's it, your hole's nice and open now. Those fingers, when I spread'em, are about as wide as my cock. Bet it'll feel better, too. You're ready now, boy. You want this?"

"Yes sir, I do sir. But please, let me see the look on your face when you take me. I want you to see mine as you take me, please, boss, fuck me face to face this first time."

"Ok, then, roll over on your back. . .get me good and hard now."

I take Jack's big, spongey, semi-hard cock into my mouth. I can easily get it past my gag reflex, get it good and slick with throat spit before it gets all the way hard again. Jack's stuffing a pillow up under the small of my back, another one under my head. My hands are still bound behind my back, but my body weight isn't full on them anymore now. All too soon, Jack's' cock is rock hard and ready to go. But then, so is mine.

The sound of the condom pack ripping, the squirt of lube. Jack is on the bed, between my legs now.

"Lift up. . . that's it, let me put your legs on my shoulders. . ."

Jack hooks the back of my knees on his shoulders as he leans forward. My thighs are spread, pushed toward my belly, then my chest, as he opens me up to him. His left hand goes over my face, over my eyes, pushing my tie/blindfold off my eyes before coming to rest behind my neck. He lifts my head, locking my eyes onto his, as he lines up my ass with his prick at just the right angle to penetrate me. God, my asshole wants this so frickin' bad!

"Easy now. . .best to just let me do the work. When I tell you to, push down like you're taking a dump. Ready now? OK, push down--push out a big one."


"'Ow! Oh shit! Stop, pull out, pull it out!"

"C'mon, you can take it. It'll feel good in a minute--hang in there. . now, cough!"

I cough like I've been told, and right then, his head wedges in. Jack follows through, pushing a little further, wedging his prick firmly into my hole.

"That's it. . . you're taking me''

"Oh shit! It hurts! Feels like a fuckin' freight train rammed up my ass!"

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Yes! I mean, no! Just give ma a minute to get used to it, OK. I've never had anything like that up there before. . ."

"C'mon, bigger things have probably come out, and this isn't all that much bigger than my fingers--and you liked them. Look at me!"

I make eye contact. His face, flushed, sweaty, the veins on the side of his head standing out, the look of total concentration on his face. Our eyes lock now, and I feel him starting to push forward. Slowly, inexorably, Jack's big cock is driving up my rectum I realize I've lost my erection when he took me.

"Just relax--don't fight it, don't try to help. . .just go limp and let it happen, let me in. You can't stop me now, anyway."

He's right. The position I'm in, hands secured under me, behind my back, my legs in the air, I don't have any leverage. I'm gonna get fucked. I AM BEING fucked--and there's not a damned thing I can do about it. I sag, utterly defeated. I've got to try to relax, go limp, and let this happen...let him take me... there's just no other option.

"That's it, now you're listening. Just relax, open up, and let your buddy in."

I can feel Jack's hardon surging up my ass, steadily, no stopping. I feel his pubes on the insides of my butt, right behind my nuts.

"Yeah, now you've got it! I'm all the way in now. See, I told you, you could take this."

Jack isn't thrusting now (mercifully). He's just sort of rocking, side-to- side, then back and forth. He's hitting something inside--it's kind of like a cross between 'I've gotta pee really bad' and 'I'm gonna come'. Except, I'm not hard--not at all--and this just keeps building as he rocks inside me, side-to-side & back and forth. All of a sudden--without warning'--I never regained my erection...the feelings suddenly build, and I feel like I'm gonna nut. But nothing's touching my cock, which isn't even close to hard.

"Oh god! Stop! Stop--hold still--It feels like I'm gonna..."

"Now way am I stopping! You just relax, open up, and let it happen. . .we can clean you up later."

And just like that, as he rocks slowly, agonizingly, back and forth, I realize I'm gonna nut, & there ain't anything I can do about it.

It's like he's reading my mind. Jack lifts me by the thighs, kneels upright, and then pulls my ass onto his pendulous prick. He must've seen something in my eyes, because he's taking slightly longer, fuller strokes now, each one torturing that spot deep inside me...

"That's it. Just let it IS gonna happen. . .you can try to hold back as long as you can, but you can't stop it."

He's right. It's no use. It's kind of like I'm being tickled inside. Suddenly, I can't stand it anymore, can't hold back any longer. I start to come, but this ejaculation isn't like any I've had before. My come is just flowing out of my limp dick, like piss--a steady stream, no spurting, although it does seem to keep time to Jack's pumping. All the while, as I'm pissing my come out, that deep tickling feeling just keeps building, on and on. Finally, I can't take it any more.

"Stop! Stop! Please, just stop! Too intense right now! What the fuck was that? What did you do to me?"

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you just had your very own first, hands-free anal orgasm! How was it. Boy?"

(There's that word again! But, like, at this point, who cares? Not me, not after what just happened. I guess losing the erection really does make me his bitch, after all. But if he can give me more of this, who the hell cares?)

"Oh god, sir--fucking fantastic! Thank you sir!"

"That's it'. . .pretty good eh? Now it's my just lay back, and squeeze down when I tell you to."

So now, here comes the serious fucking. Long, deep thrusts, then short jabs, then circular thrusts. . . man, I like them. . . this guy really knows how to use his cock! I should probably take notes, practice some of these moves on my wife. He's got me bent up onto my shoulders, frog-legged out & opened wide, while he's long-dicking me. Then I'm on my side, while he fucks me from behind. . . then on my back again, and he's drilling me with slow, firm, full-length thrusts.

His face is a red, sweaty mask of pure concentrated lust. And every once in a while, if he really pumps me deep, I feel an aching cramp in my gut. But the next time he thrusts, it's gone--he must be rearranging my guts to accommodate his cock.

"I'm getting close. . .where do you want it, boy?"

"O, man. . . wherever, sir, just don't nut inside me bareback. . . come in me, in the rubber, or on my face, or belly. . . or in my mouth. . .wherever you want, sir!"

"All right, this is going on your chest."

Jack pulls back, pulls out, letting my widespread legs fall apart, 'til my legs are spread-eagle around his knees,. He peels off the rubber, leaving his red, wet, angry-looking prick hovering over my belly. He's jacking so fast, it's a blur. . . now I see his foreskin closing over his cock head, then pulled back. . . pretty neat, what an uncut guy looks like as he's getting ready to shoot. Piss lips gaping, red. I lift my head, to get a better look at his pounding meat, heaving chest, and tight furry abs.

"Here it comes--take it--yeah, now!"

And just like that, he freezes his hand, his steel-hard prick centered over my belly, and starts to shoot his cum. Man! It's hot, it's thick, and there's a helluva lot of it. The first few shots hit my face. One even went up my nose.

And his orgasm just goes on, and on. Finally, his climax is over. Jack is leaning over me, face flushed, eyes closed, panting. Spent.

"Hey, buddy! Help me out--some of that went up my nose. . . and it feels like some is gonna run into my eyes. . .let me up, will ya?"

"Up your nose? Man, that can't be good!", Jack says, with a chuckle. "Here, let me help you. . ."

With my eyes closed to keep his spray out, I feel Jack take a finger, rake it up my belly, wipe the jiz off my moustache and from under my nose, then come up to my forehead, wiping up the cum from there, too. Now pretty sure that my eyes are safe from the semen monsoon, I open them in time to see Jack bring his finger to my mouth. The look in his eyes tells me 'open', and I do. Jack sticks his finger into my mouth, feeding me a mixture of his load and mine.

Then, the connection is broken. Jack pulls away, jumps off the bed.

"I'm gonna hit the shower."

"Hey, man, wait a sec. . . ."

"I told you, once I come, that's it. It's over. I get kinda funny. I've gotta go take a shower. We're done here."

"Ok, but first, can you untie my hands?"

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that."

Jack rolls me over onto my side, unties my wrists, then smacks my top ass cheek--you know, the way the coach does when the QB comes off the field after running the scoring play, just like saying, "Good Job!"

"You can have the shower after me."

I wait my turn, like a good sub.

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