Good Pups Club

By Randy Peters

Published on Oct 20, 2016



As of October 2016, this work is authorized for display only on the story archive. It should not be republished or redistributed anywhere else.

This story contains male nudity and consensual sexual acts between adult males. If you do not wish to read about such content, or if it is illegal where you are, stop reading now.

Though this story contains some real elements, the acts and characters within are completely fictional and any similarities to real people or events are purely coincidental.

Good Pups Club [Part 1]

I was one of the lucky ones. My master gave me pretty much everything I needed or wanted. I was well fed, had comfortable sleeping accommodations, and my computer was able to play all the latest games maxed out with lightning fast internet. I knew there were some pups out there that got the bare minimum, were left to sleep on the floor at night, got scraps when their masters were done with their meals, and had very little to keep them occupied when they were alone.

Don't get me wrong, none of the pups were mistreated and they always got the minimum to stay healthy and safe, but they were under much stricter rules than I ever was. I very much enjoyed giving up control of my life to my master, and I was eager to please and serve him, but I never wanted to "rough it" or have him push my limits that far. Sexually we were pretty adventurous, but when it came to the rest of our lives we were pretty normal. I was just never into the "extreme" pup scene and I had no plans to go there.

I didn't judge, though. If the other pups were happy with those situations, there was no reason they couldn't stay in them. We all knew if there was a problem and it was addressed quickly and fairly. Our group was always on the lookout and the members agreed that the safety and happiness of the pups was the number one priority, even over the masters' needs.

Let me step back and explain. I was part of a group of masters and pups that looked out for each other and met regularly for various events, like cookouts and movies and, yes, sometimes sex parties. It was an entirely male group, all masters and pups were gay or bisexual men. One of the conditions to join the group was that the master and pup had to be together willingly with the pup happily serving his duties, the pup and master were allowed to separate at any time for any with no ill will toward either and they could stay in the group and bring their new pup or master with them when they found one, assuming they agreed to the rules, and any master found to be mistreating a pup would be expelled and the pup would be cared for by the remaining masters. Although we all had to agree to those conditions, we had never had to enact the third, as all of our masters were kind and made sure we were well cared for, even if some pups wanted to be strictly controlled in areas other than their sexual encounters. We'd never had a master so much as lay a hand on the pups out of anger or frustration, and we were hoping it would never happen.

When my master and I joined the group was very small, only four other pairs, but it had grown to almost a dozen over a few years. It was amazing how kind and close-knit we all became, it was like a family. A big, kinky family. If a master had to be away and the pup was not to be left alone, another master would have the pup stay with them for the duration under whatever orders the master would leave. Sometimes it would be as simple as the rules for feeding and cleaning, but other times it would include instructions for sexual upkeep, like playing with the pup's hole to keep it loose or teasing the pup's cock and balls, but not letting him cum, so he would be primed for the master when he returned. I never had to worry about that, my master let me stay home by myself with the other masters checking in on me every so often or coming over and cooking for me if I was having a particularly hard time being alone. I was a pretty introverted pup, but I really liked my master's company and there have been a few times where I missed him so much I had to cuddle with another master almost constantly until he returned. Still, nothing could be a real substitute for my master.

My master's name was James. He was about 6 feet tall, dirty blond hair, bright, piercing blue eyes, a fair complexion and a smile that lit up the room. He was fit but not bulky, enough to keep me in my place when I was being feisty, and just about all of his muscles were clearly defined and rock solid. His nipples were pink and pointy and sensitive, he loved having them sucked on or licked, and his ass was round and firm, perfect for the occasional time when he wanted to feel cock inside him and I was allowed to give it to him, or when he needed a good rimming session. The prize, though, was his cock. It was big and heavy when it was soft, hanging down beautifully, and when it got hard it was about 8 inches and moderately thick, enough to fill me up and even stretch me a bit but not too big that it was hard to get in. I loved it, whether it was in my mouth or my ass, and he had big, round balls to match that were always full of hot, tasty cum.

My name is Ralph. I'm 5 foot 9 (10 on a good day) and I'm pretty average. Brown hair and eyes, 200 pounds, not a twink but not super fit or overly muscled. My master loves my ass, it's plump and round with just enough give to make a top feel like he's really plowing in, and he says my cock is pretty, even though it's only about 6 inches and not as thick as his. It's enough for the job it has, giving me pleasure and having something for James to suck on, play with, or fill his butt when he has the rare urge for it. Or, more often, it gets locked up because he loves to watch it strain against the cage when he fucks me and teases me, and it drives him wild when I leak but I'm not allowed to touch it or cum. It hasn't happened yet, but he said he would love to see me ride him enough to make me cum while I'm locked up. It's definitely something I would love to see (and feel) one day, too!

Now, we were all obedient pups in the end, but a few of us were in the "Good Pups Club" within our group. We were the pups that were the best behaved for a given period of time, usually a week, and we are given some sort of treat or reward as a thank you for being such great pups. I'm often good enough to be in the club, as are my buddies Luke and Jake. We spend a lot of time hanging out together because of that, and we've become really good friends.

Luke is a big, hairy bear pup, he's covered in thick, dark fur all over his chest and stomach, and his crotch is harier than anyone else I've ever seen. He's around 6 foot 2 and looks intimidating, but he's the sweetest guy I know. His cock is pretty short, maybe 5 inches, but it's really fat and he produces a lot of precum, especially when he's getting fucked or someone is playing with his hole.

Jake is the complete opposite. He's a tiny twink, about 5 foot 5, maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. Virtually no hair to speak of, except for his head and a puff of pubes around the base of his cock. That includes his face, he couldn't grow a beard if he tried. Despite his small stature, the guy is hung like a horse. His cock is about 10 inches hard and as thick as a soda can, but he's the textbook definition of a grower because when he's soft it's maybe 4 inches long and 1/3 as thick. It's a shame, though, we don't get to see it grow too often because he's nearly always locked up in chastity. His master skillfully has him stuffed into the tiniest cage possible, so even if his monster tried to get hard and grow to its full size, the cage keeps it nice and snug and stops it from reaching more than about a quarter hard. It's really impressive, seeing it confined to such a small space when we know it could grow to nearly the size of his forearm!

Usually, when we got together in the club, we just hung out and played video games or watched a movie or something. But sometimes, our masters would let us do whatever we wanted with each other, or give us special instructions on what to do with our time together. There was one particularly fun night when we were together. It was just Luke, Jake and me, and our masters had talked amongst themselves and gave us our orders. Luke and I were to tease Jake all night and get him really worked up, because his master was going to let him out of his cage later that evening when they got home and he wanted his pup to have a huge load of cum worked up. It was probably going to be huge anyway because it had been several months since he was last out and allowed to cum, but he wanted to make sure it was going to be as big as possible. Luke and I were definitely up to the challenge, and seeing Jake squirm was one of the most fun things we could think of. He would squeal and wriggle when we did anything even remotely pleasurable to him and it was a delight, and it usually got us going as well.

We happened to be at a house that had a sex room, so Luke and I knew exactly what we were going to do. We took Jake there and watched him blush as he looked around at all the toys and devices we had at our disposal. There was a sling which would be perfect to get him in a good position for us to play with. He sheepishly sat on the edge and we pushed him down onto his back. There were leather shackles which we used to keep him in place when he tried to wiggle and squirm, which we knew he was going to do. Once he was secured Luke and I smiled at each other and at Jake, and we could see his cock already filling out the cage and we hadn't even started!

Jake's master, Colin, hadn't given us any special instructions besides teasing the crap out of him and getting him horny, so we took that to mean only the standard rules applied: play safe and honor the request to stop. Only masters were allowed to fuck their pups bareback, pups were allowed to fuck other pups with the master's permission (when given instructions like ours, that was considered implicit permission) and each pup had a safe word or signal to say when they'd had enough and that must be respected. We knew all the safe words in case we were playing in a group and someone wanted to stop. We all had pretty good ideas of each other's limits, so we rarely had a safe word uttered in all the time I had been in the group.

I looked at Jake and traced my fingers down his arm gently. He shuddered and gasped, and I moved toward his chest, and circled around his nipple. It reacted by starting to harden and point out, and I flicked and pinched it gently. His gasps turned to moans and I could see his cock already starting to leak out of the holes in the cage. I didn't know how long we would have to play with him, but at this rate he was going to be so horned up he might cum the instant his cock was free from the cage and gripped by his master! I pinched both of his nipples and his cock and cage twitched, leaking more, dripping down his smooth ballsack and glistening in the light.

Luke, meanwhile, grabbed a couple toys from the shelf and covered them with condoms. He had a small butt plug, a medium sized dildo, and a larger dildo that had bumps on it. He lubed up the butt plug and rubbed it against Jake's hole. As he started to slide it in, Jake squirmed and his hole twitched. I rubbed his nipples gently as Luke started to slide the plug in, with Jake moaning and letting out a big gasp as it popped into his hole which hungrily gobbled it up. I wasn't surprised that it went in so easily, Colin's cock was almost as big as the last dildo Luke grabbed, but we were just trying to tease him, not stretch him out.

After a little bit of play, Luke pulled the plug out, prompting Jake to gasp again. His cock was leaking even more, so much that Luke used his pre to lube up the first dildo. I felt it was time to give Jake a little bit more, so I turned his head toward me and stuck my caged cock in front of his face. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out, and I moved forward so he could get to my cock. He licked at the bits of exposed flesh and I shuddered and moaned, and I felt his tongue flare as Luke started to push the dildo into his ass. He flinched a little and I moved forward more, resting my balls just in front of his lips, and I could feel him starting to lick them and take them into his mouth to suck on them. He moaned into them as Luke fucked him with the dildo, and I looked down to see him leaking like a faucet. I had never seen him leak that much! He must have been really horny, and we were only making it worse! Or better, depending on how you look at it!

After a few more minutes, Luke pulled the dildo from Jake's ass. He must have been jealous of it, because he decided to grab another condom and stick it on his cock. He was rock hard, turned on from the way we were using Jake, and he wanted to get a piece of the action. He lined his cock up with Jake's hole and pushed his head against it. I positioned myself so I could play with Jake's excited nipples while he continued to suck and lick my balls. As soon as I started to pinch at them, Luke thrusted himself forward, prompting a squeal and some writhing. Luke started to pound Jake's hole and I reached down and ran my finger along the seam of his cage, pressing at the flesh and streaking pre all over, which only made him squirm and leak even more! I took the pre and tasted some of it, nice and sweet with a hint of salty, and rubbed the rest on his nipple and swirled my finger around it.

Luke continued to fuck Jake's exposed asshole, panting and howling the whole time. Sweat poured from his brown and his chest hair was matted down with it, but that didn't stop him. I leaned toward him and he pulled himself forward, thrusting his cock even deeper into Jake, and we started to kiss. He moaned into my mouth and after a short while he howled and pulled himself hard into Jake, and I knew he was emptying his balls. His body shuddered and as his orgasm subsided he broke the kiss and slowly pulled out of Jake. He pulled the condom off and tossed it, and he motioned for us to switch positions. It was my turn to play with Jake's hole.

Luke must have still been horny, because he stuck his cock right up against Jake's face. He was eager to take it into his mouth and suck the last bits of cum from it that hadn't been caught by the condom. While he enjoyed his new taste of man meat, I prepared the bigger dildo and rubbed it against his loose hole. With only a slight effort the dildo slid in, filling his ass, and he moaned into Luke's crotch and squirmed in the restraints. When I got it about halfway in I started to fuck his hole, pushing it slightly further with each thrust, delighted at the stream of precum that continued to leak from his caged tool. I leaned down and licked at it, my tongue making his already excited cock twitch and leak more, to which my response was to wrap my mouth around it and get as much as I could. As I swallowed the sweet, salty nectar, I managed to work the dildo the rest of the way in, I was fucking his hole deep and hard with the toy, and getting even more of his delicious pre as a reward.

I heard Luke howling, obviously turned on by the display and the talented mouth around his cock, and after about ten minutes I saw his body begin to shake and tense up again. I knew he would be shooting another load, this time in Jake's mouth, and that only made Jake more eager to suck at his cock. Jake's moans were enough to put Luke over the edge, and he grabbed Jake's head and held it in his crotch as his cock pulsed and pumped his seed against Jake's throat. Jake swallowed like the good pup he was, and finally Luke backed away and collapsed on a nearby chair, spent and exhausted.

After a few more hard, deep thrusts of the dildo, our masters came into the room, finished with the night's festivities and ready to collect their pups. I stood there, looking at Colin, and he nodded to give the dildo one more big thrust. I did so, making Jake howl in pleasure and leak down his balls and on my hand, and Colin and the others grinned in pleasure. "How are you doing, Jake my boy? Did Luke and Ralph take good care of you?"

"Y...yes, sir... they... they sure did!" We undid the shackles and helped him down from the sling. "You can probably tell..." He looked down at his cock, bulging against the cage and still leaking and dripping.

"Yes, I can see that! Come on, let's get you home and get that cleaned up." Colin grabbed Jake around the shoulder and guided him out the door. "Thanks, boys! I can tell I'll get a big load out of him tonight, thanks to you!" We both grinned and waved as they left the room.

"Come on, Ralph. We should get going, too. We have a big day tomorrow!" That's right, tomorrow was the day James was going to take me to the store to get a brand new toy, something neither of us had tried before, but that we were both really excited about. We'd go out, pick it up, and bring it home to play with all day... or as long as I could handle it! I waved at the others and ran out the door in excitement.

"See you guys later! It was fun, as usual!" We grabbed our stuff, I got dressed and followed James out the door. I was wound up and nervous and didn't want to go home and sleep, but I knew I should rest up for my big, exciting day!

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