Good Looking Latino Model

By John E. Smith

Published on Dec 29, 2022


Good-Looking Latino "Model," Part 5

My prediction turned out to be correct. He prodded his passion probe into me with such force that his hips slammed up against my buttocks with a resounding slap and his lust lance thrust into me so far that, if it had been just a little longer, it would have come out of my mouth. He plunged into me deeply, and rolled his hips so that his pinga stirred my guts like his Mother mixing a pot of paella. Then he pulled his dork out of me completely, leaving my insides feeling abandoned and empty. Just as they were adjusting themselves to fill in the aching void his absence created, he plunged rapidly into me again, dilating me again, forcing my innards to adjust quickly to his sudden reoccupation of my netherlands.

"OOOOHHHHH, GGGOOODDD!" I moaned, pleasantly pained by the deep ache his merciless attack had caused me. Somehow, perversely pleased by my response, he did it again. He withdrew his plug from my socket, and waited even longer for my viscera to adjust to his absence, his pinga flicking up and down with his heartbeat, like a conductor's baton beating time during a silent break in an orchestral performance, until he plunged back into me again. I moaned again, rolling my head from side to side on the pillow, reacting to the agonizing ecstacy his plummet, like a snake bird diving for a juicy fish buried deep inside of me, had caused me.

Pleased by my response, he plunged into me again and again, until my passion pit, exhausted from his unrelenting abuse, prolapsed and lay there unresponsively like the pussy of a dead corpse getting fucked by a necrophilic.

Jorge evidently sensed my submission. He evidently felt the complete loss of determination by my passion pit to resist his onslaughts. "Tighten your asshole," he ordered, like Jeff Stryker in all of his porno tapes. I did as he ordered. He repeated his abuse of my passion pit several times, plunging into me fully, and waiting for me to clamp down on him again before he pulled out of me only to plunge into me again.

He started a new game. He stuck just the naked head of his ass tickler into my passion pit and ordered, "Squeeze down on it, Baby." I did, forcing him out of me as if he were a big Cuban cigar. As soon as I relaxed a little again, he pushed just the head into me again. "That's it, Baby, nurse on that sucker," he ordered. "Let me know how much your ass loves that big brown Rican dick."

Now, he decided that he wanted to challenge me with another competition. He decided that he wanted to see how much suffering my penitant passion pit would endure. With the fattest part of his cock dilating me delightfully, he swept his hips sideways, hunching his hips into me so that his cock tortured my asshole delightfully, stretching it to its limits in every direction, prodding and punishing my prolapsed passion pit like a proctologist looking for polyps.

It seemed as if he was testing me, trying to see how much abuse I would accept, challenging me to endure, as a symbol of love, all the punishment that his prodding penis was able to perpetrate on my penitent pussy-ass. I accepted his challenge. I accepted his abuse and magnified its effect by squirming my hips around under his prying prod. I wriggled and squirmed under him like a Bangkok whore trying to please her favorite customer.

Then, with his dagger half in me, he swept his hips to one side and lay on me so that his prod pried at my ass like a soldier in the battlefield opening a can of beans with his bayonet. "UUUUGGGGHHHH," I moaned in sweet agony from the pain, each time he pried me, as he worked around the rim of my can. With each pry of his bayonet, he seemed to be hostilely punishing the enemy within him, expressing all of the pent up anger from unacknowledged resentments toward himself for selling his self esteem, and toward me for taking advantage of his vulnerability by buying it.

At this point, I felt that he had stepped over my boundary. I felt that he was testing me to see how far he could go, what he could get away with. Before my experience with Todd, I would have let him. I would have been so fearful of his rejection if I objected, that I would have submitted to his abuse. I would not have challenged him. Now, come what may, I decided that I was not going to enable his free expression of his existentialistic anger. I decided that I was not going to allow him to rampage in my body like a petulent child. I had asked him to make love to me as he made love to his wife on her wedding night, and here he was treating me like the most despicable slut he had ever abused. No longer was he going to whip my pussy-ass into submission. No longer was he going to have unrestricted access to the portals of my soul. If he wanted an angry fuck, I'd give him an angry fuck! If he wanted a fight, that was what he was going to get.

Instead of moving compliantly to his lead, I resisted him. Instead of allowing him to plunge in me freely, I frustrated him by clamping down and twisting so that his cock broke in the middle, slid harmlessly out of my ass, and skidded down my back. He tried his hostile plunge several times, but I would have none of it. Each time, I clamped down and arched my back so that his cock cracked, slid out, and slid off my body harmlessly.

Then, it was almost as if I could hear him say to himself, "Whoa! What's happening here?" All during his hostile fucking, he had not kissed me. He had held himself up from my body, with his arms above my shoulders locked me under him so that I could not escape from under him as he punched his hips into me like Iron Mike trying to knock out an opponent in the first round. With the realization that I would not accept his hostility, that I would not accept blame for his circumstances, the combative tenseness left his body, he melted lovingly into my arms, and he whispered "I'm sorry," so softly that afterward I thought that I had only imagined that I had heard it.

But, his behavior changed. He kissed me again on the lips and he tried to insinuated his irresistable Rican pinga back into me again, so gently, so pleadingly, that he seemed to be saying, "Please forgive me. I'll be a good little boy. Just let be back into the family again where I belong."

At that point, the nucleus of my anger at his silly little rampage dissolved and my heart went out to him. Like the father of a little boy who was pleading for a treat, I didn't have the heart to deny him. I allowed him entrance to my love tunnel.

At the same time, his hostile attack saddened me because it revealed how vulnerable I was to the abuse of the people around me. His loving caress had built a trust that had been violated with his angry rampage. Loss of that trust saddened me, because it symbolized more than just an angry fuck, which, at the right time and place, with consenting partners, can be lots of fun. I was disappointed because, despite my resolution to the contrary, I had subconsciously begun to view him as a "lover" willing to respect my vulnerabilities. I was saddened and frustrated when my expectations went unmet. Like a disappointed child, I felt a tear squeeze from the edge of my eye as I blinked. He noticed it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you," he apologized, as he wiped the tear from my cheek.

"You didn't hurt me physically," I said.

"Some of my customers like to get fucked that way," he said, defensively trying to justify his attack.

"Not me," I declared, bravely, setting my lips in a firm line that I hoped communicated determined resolve and concealed a quiver that would have revealed how really close I was to crying. "Just gentle love for me," I replied, ignoring the hostile roots of his behavior.

From that point on, our sex games were gentle. He made love to me the way I imagined that he made love to his wife on their honeymoon. He cuddled and placated me and worked his love machine into me so gently that I hardly knew its immense bulk was in me except that I felt it swell my belly, not uncomfortably, like a pregnant woman with a ten-pound baby in her.

At first I did not respond to his tender care because I was still too pissed at him for what I felt he had tried to pull on me. He sensed this, and pleaded, "Please, Baby, don't be mad at me. I didn't mean to offend you. Some guys like to get fucked that way. Now I know you don't like it, I won't do it again. Just because I tried something with you that you didn't like, please don't hold it against me."

He was pleading so cutely, like a little boy who had been naughty and knew it, that I could not help but forgive him. "All right," I said, "I'll forgive you. Just don't try it again because I respect myself enough not to let anyone use me as a punching bag."

"Agreed," he said. "Now, please make love to me." I did as he requested. As he kissed me and moved on me, I responded. When he moved his pinga into me, I responded by moving my hips up to meet him. When he stirred his hips around, so that his pinga stirred my lovepot like the love potion in a witch's kettle, I moved the kettle to scrape its sides with his paddle. I complemented his every move with an appropriate response, communicating, with my willing participation, my approval of his efforts.

After we had performed this love ballet for a while, in which I played partner to his role as Premier Dancer, he stopped moving his body, with his cock deep inside of me, and made his cock pulse inside of me as if he were cumming. "Work your pussy-ass on my cock. Make me know how much you love that big Latino pinga in you," he ordered, again assuming the assertive, directive role that he seemed to favor.

I didn't object to. With his order, he was also requesting reassurance, testing me to see if I had really forgiven him. I did not disappoint him. I did as he requested. I worked on his cock with my ass muscles like a "peg boy" in a Phillipine brothel trying to please an American sailor. I wriggled and squirmed and massaged his cock inside of me with every muscle I could summon to the task, using a few that I didn't even know existed, performing sexually for him as if his request had been a Command Performance by the Queen.

"That's it. That's the way to do it. That's it, work on that brown Rican pinga. You know I like it rough. Really grind me up inside of you and eat me like a Nathan's hot dog, with relish, buns and all. Suck my cock into you. Eat my cock like a Hersey bar, nuts and all. That's it, really work on that cock." I did as he ordered, inspired by his lewd instructions, whispered in my ear as we fucked, like a dirty old man teaching Lolita how to do it. I worked my ass muscles on his cock like an army of oriental geishas trying to please a puissant potentate who had a twelve-inch piece. "AAAAHHHH, that's it," he moaned. "Work that pussy-ass of yours on my cock. . . That's it, jerk me off inside you."

God! His dirty talk made me hot. I wanted to treat his cock to sensations from my passion pit that he had never felt before. I wanted pleasure pit to suck on his pussy-sticker so hard that when he came, as in a surrealistic dream, his whole body would collapse and be sucked along with his semen, into my body. When he ejaculated, I wanted his whole body to pour out of his urethra into my anal cavity.

We kept up these delightful sexual games for a long time, I don't know how long, it must have been for days because, in the ecstatic state of suspended time-sense that he had generated in me, time had no meaning. I was on an exciting sexual trip as unaware of temporal events as if he had used his beef injection to shoot me full of LSD. I was a slave to the passion he produced in me, as much a slave as if I had been shackled to the bed, unable to exercise my free will, unable to divert my attention from the sexual events that were taking place within me and around me.

Jorge kept up this virtuoso performance, using his fire hose to gradually extinguish my forest fire of sexual passion, the forest fire that he had ignited, that had been raging joyfully out of control. Then, with an unerring sense of timing, when he somehow knew that more sexplay might cross over that fine line between pleasure and pain, he pulled his cock out of me and said, "Why don't you lay on your side so I can get you off when I come off," he suggested considerately.

I did as he suggested. He lay behind me and reinserted his still-slick pinga back into the love-nest from which it had just emerged. "That's it, John, let me show you how much that Rican cock likes that pussy-ass of yours. Let me show you how good it can make you feel," he whispered in my ear, over my shoulder. "That's it, work that pussy-ass of yours on that Rican cock," he encouraged, acknowledging the fact that I was responding again, that I was working my ass muscles on his cock, matching my motions to his.

At the same time his pinga was taking care of my back end magnificently, his hand was taking care of my front end, rhythmically strokinging my love muscle with a firm authority that would eventually bring me to climax. "That's it, John. Let me see how much you appreciate that big Rican cock in you. Let me see you dump a big load for me. Let me see you shoot about a quart of scum when I dump my load in your ass."

With that challenge, he started to climb for his climax, fucking me more rapidly, but always gently, as he frigged my cock more rapidly with his hand. Faster and faster he fucked. Faster and faster he frigged, until he pulled my body to him and lay very still. Like an elegant nobleman at a concert by Mozart, almost apologetically, his groin sneezed its life-giving snuff into the lace-edged handkerchief that I offered him gladly for his use. "UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH," he moaned softly and I felt his macho Rican lust-machine deliver again, deep inside of me, another trillion or so of his Latino-baby sperm.

He lay there, with his pinga still in me, encouraging my prostate to rid itself of its unwanted burden with prods from his still-rigid rod. Even as I felt his body deliver its precious cargo to mine, his hand continued its frantic frigging of my cock. His hand, sensing that I was near the brink of the precipice, continued its frantic frigging with unbroken rhythm until my cobra spit about a quart of venom onto the sheet in front of us. "UUUUGGGGHHHH," I moaned as my prostate, gently prodded by his pinga, like a gun in the hand of a highwayman, delivered up its treasure to his outstreached hand. "AAAAHHHHH," I sighed, from the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction that flowed over me, like the dawn of a beautiful Florida day, with our mutual climax.

With our climaxes, he continued to hold me tightly to him as we rested from the exertion, his exhausted body crushed against mine delightfully, his rapid heartbeat, thumping in his chest, beating on my back like an African native beating on a jungle drum, announcing to the world the successful completion of a magnificent connubial embrace between two native princes whose right to reign depended upon their sexual performance with each other. Here, the drum announced, were two perfectly matched contestants for the honor of "Best Fuckers in the World". Here was a male nymphomaniac and a satyrist, two sex fiends who delighted in their addiction, getting off together, like heroin addicts in a shooting gallery, satisfying each other's addiction. Here was a marriage made in heaven.

We lay there resting, in that position, for a long time, not talking, just relaxing from the exertion of our activity, and enjoying the shared intimacy of our successful sexual embrace. Suddenly, a sharp knock on the door startled us from our reverie. "Time's up!" a voice of an attendant announced from the other side. "If you want to stay longer, you'll have to pay."

Evidently, the front desk didn't realize that I was a VIP guest who could stay as long as he wanted to without paying additionally. "I'll settle that interruption with them later," I thought. "We don't have to leave if we don't want to," I reassured Jorge.

"That all right, its nearly dawn. Why don't we shower and go get some breakfast? I've got to get home, anyway," he replied.

That's what we did. We showered, got dressed, went out and had breakfast at one of the near-by all night diners. "Why don't you call me again when you need a model?" he asked me as I paid him for his night's work, and gave him a sizeable tip.

"I will," I replied, sincerely, feeling that Jorge had certainly given me my money's worth, and then some.

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