Good Friends

By moc.liamtoh@eojnikih

Published on Nov 29, 2008



Phil and Joe worked out together. Usually just some laps around the track and then a game or two of basketball, but it was enough to work up a sweat and get the blood flowing. Once a week, they'd go to a nearby spa to relax afterwards, take a hot tub or sauna, and shower. They usually didn't talk much, and that was part of what made their workouts enjoyable for both of them -- no pressure, not even to make conversation if they didn't want to. This week though, Phil seemed to want to chat and after a while Joe figured that it must be because he and his girlfriend had broken up, and Phil was feeling kinda lonely. Joe was happy that he could help his buddy out, even if only by quietly listening. Joe suggested that they might stop for a couple of beers on their way to the spa, and Phil readily agreed. Over beers and as they walked to the spa, Phil spoke more openly about his girlfriend, how he missed her and especially missed they great sex they had. As they arrived at the spa and undressed at their sauna room, Phil began to ask Joe about his girlfriend. 'Yeah, things seem to be going great with us, so far,' Joe answered, not too enthusiastically. 'And the sex is hot, dude?' Phil asked. He'd never asked any kind of explicit question like that before and Joe was thrown off somewhat, not offended or anything, just surprised. He thought that the beers had loosened them both up a bit and actually, now that he thought about it, it was sort of strange that they hadn't talked about sex before. 'You are having sex with her, right?' Phil asked again after Joe hadn't said anything for a few seconds. 'Oh shit, yeah man, of course. It's great, y'know, but...' 'What? Having trouble getting it up?' Phil teased. 'No man, not that. Just, well she's not really into oral. I mean, she let's me go down on her, and I like that, but I'm not so sure how much she does. And she...well she won't do me.' 'Are you fucking kidding me, Joe? You've been going out with her for what? A year? And she won't suck your cock? Bullshit, man, that's what that is.' Phil seemed genuinely angry on his friends behalf and Joe felt, oddly, touched. He also realized that the sex-talk had aroused him somewhat and that beneath the towels draped over his lap, his cock had started to rise slightly. Of course Phil and Joe had seen each other naked many times, and from time to time one or the other of them had gotten semi-hard from the water-jets in the tub or the thought of their girl waiting for them afterwards, but this seemed somehow different to Joe and he felt a little unsettled by it. And a little excited. Phil was silent for a few moments, thinking that maybe he'd said too much, offended his friend. 'Sorry, buddy. It's just that that's something I really loved with my girl and when she did me, it was real hot, but also something else. Like she was really taking care of me, and really into me. Did she ever say why she wouldn't?' 'Yeah, well that's the thing that made me feel like, well, that she had a pretty good reason. I mean, you've seen me dude, I'm pretty big and all, and when it gets hard, it's really thick. She said she'd never get her lips around it. She tried to make it like a complement for me, I guess, you know, like 'You're so huge and hung, baby. I love to feel that big thing in me, but I just won't put it in my mouth,' something like that.'

Joe saw Phil sit up a little awkwardly and reach under his towel to make some adjustment there and he figured that the talk was getting to him too. Phil paused a minute then said, 'Well, you're not small, it's true. You may not have noticed, but niether am I in that department. In fact, I think I might be a little bit bigger, and my girl always seemed to be able to fit most of it in her mouth. Or, enough anyway, so that when, damn, when she bobbed up and down on my hard slippery dick, she'd have me shooting in no time at all!' Phil said this last with a half nervous, half triumphant laugh at the suddenly raunchy turn he'd taken. He glanced at Joe, and Joe looked up too. 'Now, I know that you must have had your cock sucked by one of the girls you've gone out with, so I know you know what I'm talking about. I don't mean to get all explicit in here,' Phil said, then added with a glance towards Joe's slightly tented towel, 'I'm already half hard as it is, and you're on the rise too, my buddy.' 'I guess I've been kinda unlucky,' Joe admitted, ignoring the reference to the two rising cocks in the room. 'Not that I've slept with so many women anyway, but shit, I mean I don't really talk about this kinda stuff with, well, not really ever. I mean, I haven't really ever gotten good head. Not much at all really. I mean I'm normal, keep myself clean and all. I don't think there's something wierd about my cock or anything, you've seen my dick, dude, but she's never really gotten into it and sucked me off, taken care of me. You know I want it too, right. Blow-job porn is the best, y'know? I want some of that!' Joe and Phil had been working out, taking saunas and showers together for years, but niether of them had talked this way to each other before and they were both a little freaked out, but also excited. It was good to be able to talk with a friend the way they imagined women did all the time. 'Joe, I can tell you that it's not you, or that your cock's too big, or wierd, or deformed,' Phil said and they both laughed a little. 'Hey, listen, this is gonna sound fucking wierd, so just say forget it if you want, but it seems like: you need to get her to give you some good head, right? But she won't, and you don't really know why, right? Maybe you need to know what it's like. I mean to take a guy's dick in your mouth. No, wait, listen dude, how can you really get her to do it, if you don't really know what you're asking her to do?' Joe couldn't believe he was hearing this, that he was still even listening at all, but he said, 'Go on.' 'So, my cock, which is, by the way, hard as hell right now... as we can see,' and Phil tugged away his towel, to reveal his cock, hard as a pole and pointing towards his navel, 'my cock is as big or bigger than yours, which, by the way, is also pretty stiff right now... as we can see.' Taking the cue, Joe slowly pulled his towel away to reveal him in the same state, 'Anyway, my cock is as thick or thicker than yours, but I bet you can fit your lips around it just fine. Go ahead, buddy, try,' he finished, almost whispering. Joe was stunned for a moment. Here were he and his old work-out buddy, sitting naked on a sauna bench like they had many times, only this time they were both sporting huge straining erections and not only talking explicitly about sex, but Phil had just suggested that Joe might lean over and suck his cock! He was not, as he would have imagined, repulsed by the idea, but was aware of something, some feeling deep inside that had wanted to do just this for as long as they'd known each other, or at least as long as they'd been working out, undressing, and showering together. But Joe was afraid of the feeling of... what was it? Curiosity? Desire? Some combination of the two, and something else: not love or romance, but committed friendship. The kind where two friends understand the needs of each other and are willing to help a friend out, in any way they need. A kind of secret friendship that Joe now realized he'd wanted for years, ever since he and his boyhood buddies had stopped jerking off together, jerking each other off, and even occasionally sucking each other's dicks, and moved on to chasing girls and then women. He felt a rush of longing for those days, when a couple of friends might get together in a tree house, barn loft or behind the locked door of a bedroom, and help a buddy out with just the kind of stroke of the hand or lick of the tongue that was needed. They knew what to do because it was exactly what they wanted too. Girls were the mystery that frightened (and titilated) them then, but with a buddy, it was all familiar. Same stiff cocks, same balls too full of cum, same grunts of relief when finally they'd get off together. After, during hasty clean-ups, there was inevitably some embarassment, shame even, but that would all be forgotten the next time, when they'd hornily unzip together again. Phil and Joe hadn't played that way together in high school -- their groups of friends didn't overlap much back then. Now they were good friends though, and now Joe was ready to lean in and take his first mouthful of cock as a grown man. The big erection that Phil was offering to him now seemed to Joe to be just pure sex. Thick, hard, near-to-bursting SEX! His head swam with lust, but Joe was still nervous, and it occurred to him that Phil's stated intention of helping Joe get some head was just a pretense to get some himself. Hadn't he recently broken up with his girl? Wasn't he saying earlier how much he needed pussy? Joe was confused by the intense feelings he was having, his desire for his buddy's big hard-on, and fear. He looked up at his friend. 'Hey dude, if you're just looking for a blow job, you can find it somewhere else. I ain't queer you know. If you really want to help me figure this out, why don't we see if my cock fits in your mouth. If you can do it, so can she, right?' Joe angled. He knew that this was more logical than the other way around that Phil had suggested, but Joe wasn't sure he wanted to let the chance to taste his buddy's big boner pass. Nevertheless, he thrust his hips towards his friend, his erection swaying. 'Right?' Joe repeated. Now Phil looked up too, with a look on his face that matched exactly the feelings surging through Joe's mind: confusion, affection, fear, amusement, and lust. 'Right,' Phil nearly whispered. Then, affecting a joking, clinical tone added, 'Now to be fair, it must be said that I may have a slightly bigger mouth than your girl, so this won't be a completely accurate measure, but if you think that it might be um... helpful, why then I think I may be able to assist, um...' 'Phil, just shut up and try it!' Joe interupted his goofy rant. 'Try it,' he said again, more urgently. Phil reached over and wrapped his fist around Joe's cock. They both gasped. Instinctively, Phil began stroking up and down the length of Joe's dick, pulling the soft skin over the stiff shaft slowly. His grip was firm, the way a girl's seldom is, Joe noted. It felt almost like his own expert hand, but with the extra thrill of knowing that it wasn't. His buddy jerked on his boner and it swelled in his hand, thickening and throbbing. 'It sure fits right in my hand,' Phil rasped out, breathing heavier. 'Let's see...' He leaned in, lowering his head, licking and opening his lips. Joe felt his hot breath and then Phil actually took his cock into his mouth. His buddy was really doing it, sliding downward still, his wet soft lips gliding over Joe's cock-shaft. Phils' tongue pressed against the underside of Joe's stiffness, and as the head of his cock neared the back of Phil's throat, his lips stretched to accomodate the thick base of his buddy's rod. Phil had taken all of that stiff cock into his mouth. He held it there for a moment. 'Mmm. Oh! Oh buddy!' Joe moaned in pleasure and surprise, and his buddy grunted something back, muffled by the length of hard dick stuffed between his lips. Phil began to come up off Joe's cock, licking and sucking as he did. When the tip of Joe's boner slipped from his mouth, Phil paused there for a second with his lips barely kissing the hard, shiny cock head. The sight made Joe want more that anything to plunge the length of it back in, but before he could, Phil spoke. 'Well, that's settled, dude. She can definately get this dick in her mouth. Fuck man, she's crazy not to. Y'know, that's some nice cock you got there buddy. If I was a chick, I'd go fucking nuts for that. In fact, I... uh... can I try it again, man?' Phil looked up from Joe's cock, his hand still wrapped firmly around the base, his lips inches away. Joe answered with a thrust of his hips that pressed his cock against his friends lips and back into his now-eager, wet mouth.

Joe's big dick was not the first Phil had ever had in his mouth. Like Joe, he'd fooled around with the guys he hung around with as a youth, but he hadn't sucked much cock back then and he sure hadn't done any of it since those fumbling, horny days. But from the gasps of pleasure coming from Joe, his lack of experience did not seem to be standing in the way of him sucking his buddy's cock like he'd always been doing it. He licked all around the swollen, flared cock-head until Joe's wimpering and twitching told him it was time to dive right on down on his friends pulsing dick.

'You want me to suck you off, Joe? I mean, I could try if you want,' Phil panted, looking up into his buddy's eyes, his fist still stroking slowly the length of Joe's rod.

'It's not gonna take long,' Joe responded, breathing equally hard. 'Are you sure you...Aaaaah'

Before he could finish, Phil's wet warm mouth was on him again, fully enveloping his cock, and as soon as his lips met the thick base, up he came. And back down again -- Phil's head bobbed over Joe's gently thrusting hips, working deliberately towards getting his buddy off. He knew that sometimes what you needed was a good, single-minded blow-job and he was suddenly intent on giving one to Joe. He really just wanted to help a good friend out, he told himself, even as he sensed, and yearned for, Joe's imminent ejaculation. He sucked a little bit tighter, worked his mouth down on Joe a little bit faster. Joe's hand moved to the back of his head and urged him on. As he felt the cock in his mouth swell, the thrust become a bit more urgent, he heard his buddy moan and utter a warning, but he'd already decided to finish it off right. He wasn't really sure he wanted his friend's spunk in his mouth and on his lips and tongue, but he knew he was about to find out when Joe suddenly grunted and shoved his big cock up into Phil's throat. Phil pulled back a little and felt the first shot spurt onto his tongue. In a flash he knew it would be okay and he sucked and worked his mouth on Joe until the last of the warm cum pulsed onto his sticky lips and his buddy's erection began to soften in his mouth. Only now he realized he'd actually swallowed it all, as if by instinct, and he felt perversely proud.

'Let's see her do that!' he said with a quiet chuckle as he licked his lips.

'Buddy, what do I need her for,' Joe asked as he rubbed his friends shoulder and sighed. 'That was the best. I'm not sure I can do it that good, but... want me to try?'

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