Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Aug 16, 2005


"James Marcum?" asked Officer Tate as he entered the office.

"Officer Tate? What has happened with my Mother and wife? Why couldn't you tell me over the phone?"

"Perhaps you'd like to take a seat sir."

"Tell me what is going on. Why are you here?" said James as he steadied himself on the arm of the chair. Sitting down, his face was turning whiter by the moment.

"Sir, there has been an accident. Your Mothers car with her and your wife inside was found overturned on the West Grand exit from I-17. A truck had jackknifed and your Mother was evidently traveling too fast for conditions and could not stop, she swerved to avoid the truck and went off the exit rolling the car down the embankment. I am sorry to have to tell you but women died at the scene."

"God NO! Where are they now?"

"They have been removed to the city morgue. We identified them from their driver's licenses and verified the car's plates. If you think you possible could, we would like to have you verify their ID. I can take you to the morgue for that if you will allow me to. Please let me say how sorry I am for your loss."

"What am I going to tell Jimmy? He should be in school right now. They were going to pick him up after school today to do some shopping."

"What time would that be? Perhaps I could take you to the morgue now and afterward we could pick up your son."

"Yes officer, but I don't want Jimmy to be frightened by being picked up in a police car."

"No problem sir, I'm driving an unmarked vehicle. Shall we go?"

"Dad? What are we going to do now?"

"Jimmy, for now I need to contact your grandmother's attorney and get the arrangements started for the funerals. Son we'll get through this, I don't know just how but somehow."

"Will they be buried at Greenwood Memory Lawn Cemetery close to Grandma's family?"

"I think that would be the best place, I know your Grandmother always said when the time came that's where she wanted to be."

"Jimmy, it's getting late how about we head for bed. There is a lot to do in the morning."

"OK, I'm pretty beat too. I was tired when you picked me up after football practice at school and then with Mom and Grandma I'm tired but I don't know if I can go to sleep."

"Try son, just try. I'm here if you need me."

James and Jimmy headed for their respective bedrooms. As James entered his he broke down in tears as the realization came over him that never again would Lily be with him in the room. He was to be alone in the king-size bed. He slowly made his way across the room disrobing as he went. Dropping his clothes along the way he headed into the bathroom and took care of his nightly routine. Tossing his boxers into the hamper he strode nude back across the room and pulled back the duvet and climbed in between the sheets.

In Jimmy's room a similar scene played out. At fifteen Jimmy had long ago grown out of wearing pajamas. When his mother was around he always kept a pair of shorts handy. It was common practice for him or his father to wear just a pair of boxers or shorts around the house. Sometimes his father didn't even bother with those but he couldn't do that. Now that his mom wasn't there maybe he wouldn't need them anymore. He couldn't help how he felt, whenever his Dad was around in his boxers or less he always got the weirdest feelings. He wished he could be closer to his Dad. At night when he heard sounds from his parents' room he fantasized what it would be like for him to be with his Dad, to have him running his hands over his body. To be kissed by his Dad and he be able to kiss him back. As he lay on his bed he knew he would not be able to get to sleep, at fifteen years old he had needs. His dick was at full staff, hard and pulsing, he wanted to jerk off, but in his mind he kept picturing his Dad. He didn't want to jerk himself off, he wanted to be with his Dad. His words ran over and over through his mind, "I'm here if you need me." He hadn't run to his parents' bed at night since he was a little boy. Fear of a storm or some other nightmare wasn't on his mind tonight. He longed to be near his Dad. Rising from his bed he headed for his Father's bedroom. There was no need for lights; he was all too accustomed to the way.

Quietly he opened the door to his father's room and crept near the bed. His Father heard him and softly asked if he needed something.

"Dad, can I sleep with you? I don't want to be alone in my room tonight."

"Sure son, crawl in," he replied as he realized his state of undress and started to get up to get his shorts.

"Dad, where are you going?"

"To get something on."

"Dad please don't ."

"What, why not?"

"I'm nude too Dad, I want to feel you against me, I want you to hold me."

"But son, it isn't right."

"Dad, I love you please let me, " pleaded Jimmy.

Jimmy crawled into bed and moved as close to his Father as he could. Reaching out his hand he gently took hold of his Father's wrist and directed it towards his groin. James started to pull away as he realized where his hand was heading but Jimmy held fast and placed his fathers hand on his engorged dick.

"Son, we shouldn't do this."

"Please Dad, make me feel better, make me cum."

As James wrestled with his thoughts he hadn't moved his hand away yet. Jimmy quickly took his own hand and grasped his Father's rod as it began to swell under his hand.

"See Dad you are enjoying it too, please let's do each other."

James found his mind going blank as Jimmy massaged and caressed him. He was growing to his full eight inch length and become hard as his son skillfully handled him. Stroke after stroke was bringing him ever so much closer to release. With out thinking, his own hand kept up his manipulation of his son. Both were sweating, their breathing growing deeper and quicker. Jimmy had thrown the covers off of them. As if in concert their backs arched, stars appeared before their eyes as they both reached orgasm. The volleys of cum burst forward striking the headboard of the bed and then their faces as shot after shot cascaded into the air falling back like raindrops over their bodies. Though the time was actually short, it seemed to last an eternity. Spent, Jimmy rolled over towards his Dad and pulling him into an embrace their lips met in a kiss. Cum, splattered across their lips, enticed them to open, and their tongues began battle sharing their fluids. Their chests rubbed together as their cum mixed and coated them. Their dicks still engorged rubbed together in their own wild dance.

"Dad, I've wanted you for so long. Take me, I want you in me."

"We shouldn't, Son, I love you too, I don't want to hurt you."

"You won't Dad, please do it now, I want to feel you in me. Use our cum as lube, please Dad I need to feel you in me." "On one condition Son, I know this may sound weird but I want you to take me first."

"Really Dad, do you mean it?"

"Yes son, but before you do I have another request. I want you to spank me."

"Dad, are you sure?"

"I'll explain later but right now I want you to let me lay over your lap and I want you to spank me as hard as you can. Then I want you to bury your cock up in me and take me."

Jimmy scooted to the edge of the bed pulling his Father with him. James moved into position, his hands on the floor in front of him his feet on the floor, his groin over his sons lap with his cock between his son's legs. Jimmy moved his legs together and captured his Father's cock and balls. Raising his hand high in the air he brought it down on his Father's right ass cheek.

"Thank you son, please give me another."

Again the hand came down, this time on the other cheek.

"Thank you son, please give me another."

As Jimmy continued the sides of his legs became wet with the precum dripping from his Father. James' ass was turning a bright red as handprint after handprint overlapped. Heat emanated as the beating continued.

After some unknown number of swats Jimmy stopped and reaching over his Father and wiping the precum from his legs he took his other hand and pried apart the ass crack in front of him. With his cum covered hand he began to spread the nectar in the cleft and worked more and more of it towards his Father's hole. First with a single finger he pressed on the rosebud and gained entry. Slowly he worked the precum into the sphincter as he messaged and stretched the hole before him. A second finger added to the assault and then a third. When he felt he had his Father ready he softly placed his hands on his shoulder and indicated his desired movement. Getting him to rise he then had him lay on his back. All the while Jimmy's cock was holding as hard as steel and dripping. Knee walking his way up on the bed between his Father's legs he picked up each leg and placed it on his shoulders. Pushing forth he brought the tip of his cock in contact with his Father's rosebud. Gently pushing forward, James opened and Jimmy's cock disappeared inside. Sinking all the way in Jimmy started to retreat. James, grabbing the sheets around him in his fists, begged Jimmy to ram him, drive his dick home, and pound him. Jimmy pulled himself almost to the point of his glans slipping through the sphincter when he reversed and with as much force as he could muster rammed his dick into the depths of his Father's rectum. Each and every thrust was bombarding James' prostate as he flew higher and higher. Jimmy could feel his cum begin to boil as it rose within him and forcing its way started exploding through his piss slit and raining into his Father. The feeling washing over James took him over the edge and as he moved his legs to encircle his son's waist, he pulled his son further into him with his leg's scissor-like grip, his sphincter contracted sending Jimmy even further over the edge and his own cum shoot between them in what seemed a solid stream coating their chests and abdomens.

Leaning forward Jimmy scooped up cum from their chests and with his finger brought some first to his Father's lips and then his own. Using his tongue to pick more of the cum he proceeded to kiss his Father exchanging cum with saliva and continued with their battle of the tongues.

James placed his arms around his son's shoulders and rolled them over, placing Jimmy below him. Supporting himself with his elbows and knees he began at Jimmy's face and began to lick and kiss his way down to his chin then the cleft at the base of the neck, to one nipple and then the other. Each movement was caressing and tantalizing the flesh as he cleaned away any remnant of cum. As he stopped at each nipple he pulled it into his mouth and sucked and then bit it just enough to drive Jimmy into a frenzy. Jimmy was now grasping at the sheets with his head turning from one side to the other as his body seemed to be on fire with lust and desire. His cock was getting harder: feeling as if it were about to burst. James worked his way down the center of his son's chest into his naval, exploring it with his tongue. He slowly followed Jimmy's treasure trail and soon was basking in the aroma of Jimmy's crotch. Avoiding the straining seven inch pole in front of him he licked his way around to one side and then the other and down behind the balls. Playfully he retreated to capture one testicle in his mouth and roll it around, only to release it and inhale the other to tease it with the same treatment. Instead of releasing it he recaptured the other one and massaged them with his tongue as he gently applied a vacuum pressure pulling them further away from the body. Releasing them he took his tongue to the underside of Jimmy's shaft and with just the tip of his tongue teased his way up and down finally moving first to one side and then the other constantly continuing his gentle torture. As Jimmy's cock pumped more and more precum James suddenly engulfed the entire shaft into his mouth swallowing it completely, his nostrils buried in his son's pubes. Backing off a little, just enough to bring the glands out of his throat and into his mouth he circled the corona with his tongue. Jimmy was thrashing about so uncontrollably that James had to hold him down with his hands at his waist.

James pulled his mouth off of Jimmy's dick and dove down thrusting the tip of his tongue into the rosebud before him. Lifting Jimmy's legs up and out of the way, James licked, and massaged the rosebud with his tongue. Between thrusting his tongue into the anus James gingerly began to bite around the lips to his son's ass. Getting the area as wet as he could with his spit he reached up and scooped up precum to complete his preparation. Proceeding from one finger to three he opened the flower before him as his son emitted sounds like a wild animal and writhed below him. Deeming him ready James lifted himself into a kneeling position and slowly gained entryway into his son.

In and out he pistoned his son as Jimmy shouted at his father. Previously spent, this cum would not occur quickly and both sweated and sweared as their bodies climbed towards release. Pounding thrusts assaulted Jimmy's prostate and his balls tried to pull up tight but each time he was almost there, ready to go over the edge, James grabbed his scrotum and pulled bringing him just off the precipice.

Feeling he was about to die if he couldn't cum Jimmy begged his Father to let him cum, take him over the top. James acquiesced and with a deep and final thrust he unloaded into his son. Jimmy body went out of control and as his dick unloaded and his ass tightened down on his Father's cock. Fireworks went off in his head and he all but blacked out.

James fell to the side of his son and putting his arms and legs around him pulled him tight against his body as they regained their normal breathing pattern.

"Think we better shower son," said James as they finally came back to earth.

"That and change the sheets if we want to sleep here," replied Jimmy in a very weary voice."

Jimmy rose the next morning to the smell of bacon and coffee, his Dad no where to be seen.

"Good morning sleepy head, it's almost 10 o'clock, weren't tired were you?" asked James as Jimmy walked into the kitchen au natural.

"That late? But I did sleep well your help!"

"I don't know that we should repeat last night son. It really isn't right."

"Dad, it felt too good not to be right, I know I can't say anything to any one because of my age, but no one else is around now, it's just us and if we don't have each other who do we have? Besides, if you aren't willing to do that again I may just have to attack you in your sleep, tie you up and have my way with you!"

"That could get interesting!" countered James as he looked at his son with a grin across his face.

"Just wait, Dad, I'll get you!"

"Or have fun trying, huh son?"

"You got it Dad."

As the phone rang James turned and answered it.

"Hello. Yes this is James Marcum. You are my mother's attorney? Yes I can meet with you today. What time? Three o'clock at your office on North Third and East Van Buren St. Certainly, no problem."

"Well that was your Grandmother attorney we'll meet with him this afternoon. I think we can talk to the funeral home before then. Let's hurry up and get ready. OK son?"

"Sure Dad, do I need to wear a suit?"

"I think that would be best, how about your new dark blue one with the fine stripe?"

"If you say so, you know I hate to wear suits."

"Yeah I know, you don't care for any other than your "birthday suit" do you?"

"DAD that one's only for you, you know!"

"OK Hop to it!"

"Hello Mr. Marcum, Mr. Wisener is waiting for you sir. Is this your son with you?"

"Yes, it is. Thank you."

"If you will follow me I'll take you to Mr. Wisener's office."

"I'd appreciate that, Son this way."

"Mr. Marcum and is this Jimmy?"

"Yes, it is. Hello sir."

"Please have a seat, your Grandmother spoke often of you son, I almost felt as if I knew you. You are quite the young man she described."

"Thank you sir, I appreciate you compliments."

"And well-mannered as well, James, may I call you James? "


"Everything your Mother has told me seems to be right you have brought up a very fine young man."

"Thank you, but could we get on to the purpose of this visit?

"Of course, I'm sorry. Your Mother left very implicit instructions with me should something happen to her. Her estate was put into a trust a number of years ago so there will be no problem with probate and all that silly nonsense. I will give you a copy of that trust since you and your son are the only surviving heirs. There is one other detail she asked me to handle though." "And that is?'

"I know you have had many questions about your father?"

"My Mother would never tell me anything about him; I don't even know what his name is. She always used her own family name and I carry that today. Why do you mention it?"

"You're correct. Your Mother did not feel it necessary to burden herself with a husband she didn't need. Her family wealth allowed her all the comfort she ever wanted. In her mind, if she would have brought your father into the picture, she thought he may only have wanted her money. As she got a little older and Jimmy here was born, she began to think that perhaps, she owed you an explanation and some information that could help you to find him. She felt that as an adult with wealth of your own, if you decided to establish a relationship with him it would be up to you. She could never bring herself to give you the information for as long as she was alive there would always be the possibility of other problems. With her death no claims would be possible."

"So there is a chance that we could actually locate my Father?"

"Yes James, and per her instructions I have turned the information over to a detective and had him do the foot work before calling you about it. He was quite easy to find with the information she left. I don't know why she refused to tell anyone before. I am not allowed to divulge his name until I have contacted him and, explaining the situation, gotten the permission to give you the details. At that point you will be allowed to determine whether or not you wish to meet with him. I will give you a full background and picture of his status to work with. I'm sorry I am not in a position to do any more any sooner, but that was the way the instructions were given to me."

"After all these years I guess I can wait a little longer but please now that you have told me what you have I don't know how long I can wait."

"I should be able to finish things off by tomorrow. Can I call you early afternoon to let you know the status and perhaps, make further arrangements?"

"Sure that should work. By the way I have spoken with the funeral home and the funeral is planned for the day after tomorrow. Visitation will be tomorrow evening. Interment will be at Greenwood Memory Lawn Cemetery."

"Yes that's where she requested. If you have any other questions give me a call. The secretary has some other financial information that may assist you in the arrangements. She will give them to you on your way out. I'll look forward to talking with you tomorrow. Take care and it was very nice to meet you Jimmy, I'm just sorry it had to be under such conditions"

"Thank you sir, it was nice meeting you too," replied Jimmy.

"Until tomorrow. Mr. Wisener, good bye."

"Mr. Bellows please."

"Do you have an appointment sir?" asked the receptionist.

"I'm afraid not but I have a very important matter to discuss with him. I am Joseph Aries a private detective. Could you check and see if he would be so gracious to allow me a few minutes. It is of great concern."

"Let me check."

"Mr. Bellows, there is a private detective here by the name of Joseph Aries to see you sir. He says he had a very important matter to discuss with you but did not give me any other details. Yes sir, I will show him in."

"Mr. Aries if you will follow me, Mr. Bellows will see you."

"Thank you"

"Mr. Aries, I am Craig Bellows, how may I help you sir? Please have a seat."

"Mr. Bellows, I appreciate your taking the time to speak with me and I know your time is valuable so I'll get right to the point if I may."

"Please do, not every day do I have a private detective come into my office and say he has something of am important matter to discuss with me."

"Sir, I am not here to cause you any trouble and what I have to present to you will be information to do with as you would so desire. If I may ask a few questions for verification that I am addressing the correct person?"

"Yes, go ahead I can always refuse to answer if I feel it is an inappropriate question."

"Very well sir, pardon me, but do you recall a co-ed by the name of Sandy? You probably would have met sometime around your freshman to sophomore years at college."

"Sandy, I'm not sure, can you give me any more information?"

"Well, her last name was Marcum, but I don't know if she ever told you that. She may have used the last name of Miller that was her mother's maiden name."

"Sandy Marcum or Sandy Miller let me think... There was a young lady I dated that called herself Sandy Miller. I remember she was quite a character, quite an expensive wardrobe if I remember right. We met in the spring of my freshman year, I believe she was a year or so older and at end of the semester she left, never to be seen again. I tried to get in touch with her but she seemed to disappear. Why do you ask?"

"Sir I realize this is rather personal but did you ever become intimate with her?"

"Why do you ask, what business would that be of yours? We're talking quite a few years ago."

"I apologize sir but would you answer the question? It is very important."

"Don't tell me after all these years she is trying to come after me for some type of child support!"

"No sir, would you please answer the question?"

"Very well, it was a disturbing period and yes I do seem to remember one afternoon when things went a little too far. But she never said anything and then within four or five weeks it was the end of the term and as I said I never saw her again, she vanished."

"Sir, Sandy Marcum was a member of the influential Marcum family. She just passed away. In her final instructions she left the information leading me to you. I don't know of anyway else to tell you sir but she had a son, James, from your afternoon. Being a very independent person she decided to raise him alone. He married and also bore a son, Jimmy. Sandy and her daughter in law were involved in an accident and perished. The information was left so that James could establish a relationship with his Father if both parties agreed. My job was to find you and present the circumstances. If you agree then I shall present your information to Sandy Marcum's attorney who will in turn give that information to James. Should James agree then the attorney will facilitate a meeting between you, James and his son. I assure you sir, they are not seeking any thing monetarily as the family is quite well off and the estate has now passed to James."

"I can't believe what you are telling me. For various reasons our company has complete medical records, so blood type, DNA or any thing else that might be used for comparison is readily available. Can you offer similar data for James to establish paternity?"

"I believe so, may I contact your records department and arrange for a comparison to be done?"

"Yes I believe it can be completed within the day if you have the needed records on your side."

"Very well sir, if I can talk with your secretary and get things going we should have verification very shortly. If paternity is proven do you know how you wish to proceed?"

"If you can verify paternity, I will have a dossier available and would certainly like the opportunity to meet with my son and grandson. Thank you sir, my secretary will assist you per your request,"

"James, Mr. Wisener here. The information is here can you see me this afternoon?"

"Certainly, three o'clock at your office?"

"Excellent, see you then"

"Jimmy, we're going to Mr. Wisener's office again let's get ready to go,"

"Mr. Wisener, glad to see you again so soon, you have everything?"

"Yes, James, your Father is a gentleman by the name of Craig Bellows, he and his partner Greg Forester own and operate a rather large and successful medical manufacturing supply company here in Phoenix. The rest of his information is here in his dossier. He has agreed to meet with you, and hearing of the passing of your Mother, has requested to be allowed to attend the visitation this evening as well as the services tomorrow."

"I don't see that as a problem but I would like to meet him before the services at the funeral home tonight. Can that be arranged?"

"Give me just a moment and let me check, I'll be right back"

Returning a few moments later, "James he agreed and has asked if you and Jimmy could come to his office. I have written the address on this note."

"Thank you, Will we be seeing you this evening?"

"Certainly, I'll meet you there."

"Mr. Bellows, or should I say Father?"

"James? And is this Jimmy?"

"Yes sir, on both counts."

"I am sorry to hear about your Mothers. My condolences to both of you."

"What do you do James?"

"Well I actually have a law degree but I only work part- time. I have sufficient finances that I could spend the majority of my time with my family. Now that Lily is gone I'm not sure just what I want to do. I do have Jimmy here to take care of though so I guess we'll see,"

"Jimmy I understand you are fifteen?"

"Yes sir, a month ago."

"James, can I be honest with you? I don't want to scare you away. But you need to know more than what was in that dossier."

"Go ahead, I've waited this long to meet you I might as well find out everything, then we can decide where we want to go from here."

"I would ask you if you would like to have Jimmy leave the room or under the circumstances would you like for him to stay?"

"At this point Jimmy is my life. If anything is going to change he will be a part of it, he might as well stay and whatever is said would only need to be repeated to him as we are not keeping secrets from each other."

"Very well, I know you are aware of my partner Greg Forester, he is also my life partner, and we are gay. He has a son Phil; my godson, who is more like a son to me, but also is another lover. Phil has a son Evan who is close to your age Jimmy. We have a very close knit family of all men in our household. We would be happy to welcome you both to our family, but it is your choice. If you find the situation to be too uncomfortable than so be it. I am overjoyed to find that I have a son and grandson but my life is long established, I would like nothing more than for us to become part of each others lives but I do not want to force you into a relationship that would be uncomfortable."

"Wow, a couple of chips off the old block huh Dad?" said Jimmy as he turned to James while both James and Craig looked at each other in shock.

"Jimmy where are your manners, why would you say that?" asked James.

"Sorry Dad, I guess I just outed us didn't I. If Grandpa is gay I guess I know where we get it from, don't we?"

"James, did I hear what I think I heard?"

"Father or can I say Dad? Your grandson just spilled the beans. I guess our secret is safe with you. Jimmy has decided he is gay and has managed to make me feel that perhaps I am as well. We, thanks to Jimmy, have become involved. So I guess the question becomes one of can you accept us?"

"And the pot calls the kettle black! There is nothing more that I want than for all of us to be together. How about we have dinner, then we all go to the visitation. I'm sure Greg, Phil, Evan and George would all be happy to go. By the way George is Evan's mother's father. "

The visitation and funeral were very somber occasions. The influence of the Marcum family made for a very good showing of all the right people. With the status of Greg and Craig many attendees were acquainted with them as well. All in all it made for somewhat of a social affair, especially when it was discovered that Craig was James' long lost father.

Though James and Jimmy found consolation between themselves they quickly grew uncomfortable in their home. This had been the place where Lily had mothered them. She had decorated the mansion in her own style and as the two would go from room to room they found the entire house to be a constant reminder of their loss. More and more evenings were being spent with Craig and his gang. Everyone seemed to falling into a very familiar feeling. All the men were comfortable with each other. It soon became very obvious, the solution to their problems were for James and Jimmy to move in with Craig and Greg and the rest of the gang.

The meeting with Evan was more of a surprise. Due to both families social standing, Evan, Bobby and Jimmy actually had met before. Jimmy was on the J.V. Football team whereas Evan and Bobby were on the freshman team at the same school. They had seen each other everyday in the locker room. Moving in together was even greater for the boys; they would soon become the three musketeers.

Late in the evening before going to school together for the first time, Evan and Jimmy were playing x-box together they began to discuss the football teams.

"Jimmy what do you think about the freshman coach?"

"I'd say he's pretty hot! I'd love to catch him in the shower."

"You really mean that? Would you get off on doing something with the coach?"

"Sure who wouldn't? But I'd bet anybody would have a snowball's chance in hell at getting anywhere with him. A guy like that, that bod, he's got to be straight as an arrow."

"Oh yeah, he's straight aright, about nine inches straight and hard as a rock."

"Hell man what are you telling me?"

"Let's just say tomorrow after practice you stick around, you need to anyway since we'll be getting picked up together. Bobby and I will make the introductions."

"Since we're on the subject do you know anything about spanking as a part of sex?"

"I've heard of it why do you ask?" "Well I probably shouldn't say anything but when I asked my Dad to fuck me, he had me spank him and fuck him before he would do me. He said he knew it sounded weird but would explain later and he's never said anything more."

"Jimmy from what I understand it's not really all that weird but you know around here we can go to my Dad or either of the grandfathers and ask anything we want and they'll give us a truthful answer. Would it bother you if we asked my Grandpa Greg?'

"I guess that would be better than Grandpa Craig I don't know what he say if he found out about Dad."

"Let's go ask."


"Sure they've always said if I had a question ask it, no matter when. You'd shit if you heard some of the things Bobby has asked, and we got straight answers right away, no bull, no snide remarks or any thing."

"Grandpa Greg, can you come to my room to answer some questions for Jimmy and me?" asked Evan as soon as his Grandfather had answered the phone.

"Sure I'll be right there."

"Ok guys what kind of question do you have?"

"Gramps, is it weird for someone to want to get spanked when they are about to have sex?" asked Jimmy.

"First of all I'll answer your question. No it isn't necessarily weird, some individuals get off that way, it provides them with another level of excitement. May I ask why you wanted to know?"

"I don't know if I should say so but you know that Dad and I have sex don't you?"

"Yes, none of us have any problem with that, what the two of you do between yourselves is your business. I'm glad you and your Father love each other so much."

"Well, the first time I asked Dad to take me, he told me that I had to take him first and before I did he had me spank him."

"So James liked to get spanked? Did it seem to excite him?"

"Oh yeah, he got harder than ever and started dripping all over."

"Yes son as I said, it is normal for some people. Now let me ask you another question, you know that Phil, Craig and I all have piercings. Has your Father ever made any comments to you about them?"

"He's thinks they are pretty neat. I asked him if I could get the same and he told me not until I was out of high school."

"Do you think he might like to have them?"

"Probably, but I don't think he would have it done until he would allow me to have them as well."

"Would it bother you if he had them before you did?"

"No, I think it would be cool. I'd love to see him get them."

"Really? Let me talk to your Grandfather and Phil and see if something could be arranged. You would like to be involved?"

"Heh, don't forget about me! I'm hot chopped liver around here, I want in on the action too!" interjected Evan as a look of glee appeared on his face.

"Sure Gramps I'd hate for it to happen and me not to get to see it!" added Jimmy.

"I'll let you know what the others think. Any more questions for tonight boys?"

"No Gramps, that's all for now"

As soon as Greg had left the room Jimmy turned to Evan and said, "DAMN, I can't believe it, you can ask any question like that and get that straight an answer?"

"Told you we could, ain't it great?"

After practice Evan and Bobby helped put away equipment again and had Jimmy give them a hand. Stalling around and engaging in a little horseplay, the rest of the team and staff had left. The three had hid by the showers until the last of the other players had vacated the area. They quickly showered and made their way towards the Italian- Stallions office.

"Hey coach, how's it hanging?" asked Evan as the three entered the office.

"Jimmy, what are you doing with these guys? Why are you still here?" asked coach.

"Coach, Jimmy is kinda my cousin, he and his Dad moved in with us. We are all family, so he's part of the crew now," said Evan in reply,

"And now we have one more to play coach, don't that make you feel loved?" asked Bobby.

"Hey coach, how come I hear you've been playing around with these two freshmen, you should be ashamed of yourself," said Jimmy.

"They started it; they're the ones blackmailing me."

"Evan, Bobby, I think coach ought to get punished for playing around with students don't you?"

"What do you have in mind Jimmy?" asked Bobby.

"Well, I hear in gym class coach here likes to warm the ass of anybody that goofs around, he even gave me a few swats the first week, I think we should return the favor."

"Good idea, coach strip!" yelled Evan.

"Bobby grab that paddle over there on the wall."

"Coach, as you are so fond of saying, BEND OVER AND GRAB YOUR ANKLES!"

"If you don't mind guys I like to get first swing, in return for the ones I got from coach."

"Sure Jimmy but I want him to count them off and ask for another," said Bobby.


"One, may I have another?"

"Oh, we forgot to say SIR, I guess that one doesn't count does it?"

"Sir, no Sir"


"One, Sir, may I have another Sir?"

"Much better!"


"Two, Sir, may I have another Sir?"

"THWACK" "FLASH" "What the hell was that? Did one of you snap a picture?" said coach.

"Wrong answer! And yes, we're going to keep documentation just in case. Now start over with the count"


"One Sir, may I have another?"

"Hell Jimmy we forgot to tell him to add a thank-you to that, I guess we need to start over don't we?" asked Evan.

"Right, how could we forget. Got that Coach?"


"One, yes sir thank you sir may I have another?"

"Since you asked so nicely, why not?"


"Two sir, thank you sir may I have another?"

Jimmy continued as tears began to course down the coaches face falling on the floor below him. His face was turning as red as his ass. When he had finally counted off twenty- five Jimmy handed the paddle over to Bobby. Bobby took position and swung with fervor.


"Twenty-six sir, thank you sir may I have another?"

"That was number one from me dumb-ass. I guess I'll just have to start again."


"ONE SIR Thank you sir, may I have another?"

"Attitude as well! Let's start again!"


"One sir, thank you sir, may I have another," wept coach with full sincerity.

Coach was trembling, barely able to continue standing when Bobby handed the paddle over to Evan. Evan took his position and raising the paddle high in the air brought it down on Coaches purple red ass. As the paddle struck a "THWACK" could be heard followed by another splintering sound as the handle broke off and the paddle back lashed, bouncing across the floor.

"Well I guess that finishes the swats for today. Maybe now coach you'd like a little dick? I see yours looks like it's about ready to explode."

With one fell swoop Evan thrust into coach burying his cock deeply within.

"Oh yeah, take it coach, squeeze that ass and make me feel good."

Coach's body was racked with pain from the beating but waves of pleasure started washing over his body as the teen-ager plunged in and out of his hole. Each thrust hit his nut just right and he felt as if he were going out of his mind.

"Fuck me, shove it in, ram me you s.o.b.," coach repeated over and over as if it was his mantra.

"OHHHHHH Shit, here it CCUUUMMMMS," yelled Evan as he reached his orgasm and unloaded into the coach.

As fast as he could pull out Bobby slipped in and began his assault. In and out, faster and faster, he rammed into the ass in front of him. Coach was throwing his head from side to side, his mantra barely intelligible as his body strove for a climax. Evan had moved around in front of him and taken his cock in one quick swallow. Keeping a good grip around the coach's scrotum, when ever his balls seemed to try to rise Evan would grab harder and pull, keeping coach from going over the edge.

Bobby soon reached his pinnacle and added his spunk to Evan's inside of coach. With a hard yank coach again had been pulled back from reaching ecstasy. His body was crying for release, the pain throughout his body had turned to some type of pleasure and he didn't know how he could continue without passing out.

Jimmy moved quickly into position and began his rape of coach. Evan, coach and Jimmy were in such a state of overload they couldn't notice the continuous pictures being taken. As Jimmy yelled of his impending orgasm Evan didn't attempt to pull back coach from the edge and when Jimmy felt coach's anus begin to squeeze he pulled out and shot his cum all over the coach's back. Coach let loose with his cum an Evan swallowed some but then pulled back just far enough to catch a mouth full.

Jimmy and Bobby began to lick the cum off of coach's back and with Evan, engaged in a four way kiss trading fluids between the four of them.

"I think it's time for a shower guys," said coach as his breathing finally came under control. Last one in has to give blow jobs!"

As the four darted for the shower they didn't notice the shadow next to the row of lockers. Jimmy had been the last one into the shower and ended up being the last one out that evening. Four tired but spent guys walked out of the locker room. Coach took just a little longer as he gingerly applied a cream to his rear hoping he'd be able to survive his encounter.

After dinner Ted requested a moment with Phil and James. Moving into the study to be alone, drinks were passed around, Ted resorting to his now usual club soda with a twist of lime.

"Sirs, I kept track of the boys this evening per your request arriving a little earlier than needed to pick them up. I found the reason for practice seeming to run as late as it has."

"Really Ted and what did you find?" asked James.

"Well sirs, it seems your son's and Bobby have put the freshman coach in somewhat of a position. They are blackmailing him."

"For what and for what payment?" asked Phil.

"I take it they caught him in a compromising position and since have forced him to have sex with them. This evening Jimmy joined the other two and they gave coach quite a beating with his own paddle before raping him. The way they acted afterward it seems the coach was into it as much as they were. I have the feeling the blackmail is kind of a charade, he enjoys it just as much as they do."

"Thank you Ted, you may leave now. We appreciate your information. As you leave would you ask Craig, Greg and George to come in?"

"Certainly sir, thank you sir, is there anything else I can do for you sir?"

"No, that will be all, thank you" said Phil.

"Dads, I know we have kept any information about BDSM away from the boys but it seems they have discovered it for themselves. Ted has just informed us that they are engaging in it with their freshman football coach. They gave him quite a beating this evening and though he seemed to enjoy it, he was the only one on the receiving end of the pain. Do you have any ideas?"

"They are still too young to be treated to too much of the pain but perhaps we should arrange for a bit of an appetizer. Do you think the coach would like to participate?" asked Craig.

"I'll speak to Ted and have him run interference with the coach. What about Bobby should we talk with his Father first?" replied Phil.

"Good idea I'll arrange to have lunch with him privately tomorrow and discuss it with him. If everything can be arranged perhaps this Friday night would be a good time to introduce the boys to the playroom. I don't want to let them know anything about the training facility at this time," said Greg.

To Be Continued

Written by Rod Email

Well guys are things heating up enough for you? Let me know your thoughts.

Next: Chapter 8

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