Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Jul 31, 2023


As the six guys entered the room Mars and Glenn looked up to see the rest of the men present. Each were wearing leather harnesses such as would be expected of Masters. Leather pouches with snaps on the corners covered their manhood and their skin shone as is it had been polished to a high sheen. Each man was barefoot and the rings in their nipples reflected the red lighting bathing the space. At a slight angle to one another stood two racks, the shiny silver of the chains reflecting the lighting with the soft black leather cuffs attached to each end of the chains.

Without comment Mars was lead to the rack on the right and Bobby and Evan began to fasten the cuffs, first on each wrist, and then on each ankle. At the same time Glenn was taken by Jason and Jimmy to the other rack and restrained in the same manner. As the four stepped away Glenn and Mars could see each other fully as though at an angle, it was such for them to have a full view of everything that was done to their partner. Full mirrors on the walls behind allowed a complete view of the rear as well, so no part of their partners' body or their own was out of view.

Craig stepped forward in front of Glenn and began to speak.

"Glenn, as you have been officially emancipated and can now be considered as an adult, is it your desire to receive rings such as those adorning all the other men in our group?"

"Sir, yes Sir, thank you Sir, if I may, but please just let me cum!" replied Glenn.

"Whoosh, Smack!" could be heard as a strop landed on Glenn's ass.

"The answer to the question was the only appropriate response. No other comment is allowed," stated Craig.

Greg stepped up in front of Mars and asked, "Mars, is it your desire to receive rings such as those adorning all the other men in our group?"

"Sir, yes Sir!" stated Mars, remembering not to say anything else so as not to receive a similar pain as his partner.

"That being the case, I will now allow the ringing to proceed," said Craig.

George repositioned himself behind Mars and gauged his position with the strop. Phil stepped in front of Mars and nodded to George.

"Whoosh, Smack," the strop hit Mars squarely in the center of the buttocks.

Mars held his breath as he struggled to maintain silence.

Just after the blow had struck Phil reached forward and grasped Mars left nip and began to manipulate it roughly causing it to enlarge.

"Whoosh, Smack," another blow struck just above the first.

Phil snapped a clamp on the nip after swabbing it. A shriek escaped from Mars as the clamp bit down on his tender nipple.

"Whoosh, Smack," a third blow found its' mark and increased the reddening of his rear.

No sooner had the strop landed did Phil stab through the nip with the piercing needle. Another shriek emanated from Mars as the pain began to radiate through his left pec.

Another blow and Phil pushed out the needle with the ring. A dab of adhesive and with the pliers the ring was fastened to remain. Phil stepped back and Ted stepped forward.

Another blow struck and Ted followed the same steps as Phil had, first manipulating the nip then swabbing it and applying the clamp. The piercing needle made its' way through the engorged flesh only increasing the pain radiating in the right pec and surmounting that from the blows to his ever increasingly tender ass. With a dab of adhesive and a quick flex of the pliers the second ring was in place.

As Mars' chest heaved as he struggled to regain his breath and overcome the shots of pain through his body he glanced to his side to see Coach approach his partner. Bill had positioned himself in the appropriate position behind Glenn and began his assault with the strop. Coach followed the all too familiar pattern and through the series of steps adorned Glenn with a matching shiny one inch diameter ring through his right nip.

James then stepped forward and with the assistance of Bill with the strop completed his assignment of ringing Glenn's left nip.

George had stepped away from Mars but not before emptying the contents of a syringe into the red and well heated ass cheek.

Jed took his place behind Mars and after working a good quantity of lube deep within Mars and then coating his own shaft he plunged forward quickly impaling Mars. The sounds coming from Mars were almost inhuman in nature as he spiraled ever closer to the edge of the abyss. Just as he reached his pinnacle his sphincter tightened its vise like grip and took Jed over the edge as well. As Jed continued to orgasm Mars shot his ejaculate far in front of him, each shot just a little closer and a little less powerful than the last but still farther than one would think possible. When he finally finished and was struggling to regain his control a line of semen could be seen extending from a point a few feet out to more than ten feet out. If each shot had not been slightly out of line from the last due to the changes in position of his body as it writhed within the bounds of the frame, there would have been a continuous stream the whole distance. Greg had stepped forward as soon as the cannon had completed its last shot and swabbed the end of Mars cock with some type of solution. Jed promptly moved into position in front of Mars and after inserting the receiver tube down the urethra quickly he ran the piercing needle through the base just behind the corona and then pushing all out of the way inserted the PA. Another dab of adhesive and with the aid of the pliers, the final ring was positioned.

Glenn hung watching the procedure on his lover, anticipating the same actions being done to him. His precum was flowing and his level of excitement was overwhelming. All of this should be over soon and he could be with his lover. This was a bond they would never forget. From now on they shared something so deep and meaningful to them and no one on this earth would ever be able to take it away.

As Jed had done, Don took his position behind Glenn and with all the love he could express he prepared Glenn for penetration. Bill had administered the same type of shot that would now allow Glenn's body to finally succumb to the feelings washing through his soul and allow him to also go over that pinnacle and gain full release. After lubing his own manhood Don, without hesitation, took Glenn and began the assault that would take Glenn to that final escape. As he finally could feel the last explosion before his orgasm, Glenn clamped his sphincter down taking Don over the edge with him. As Don emptied his load deep within Glenn's bowels, Glen covered the floor in front of him with his own ejaculate. Due to the positioning of the racks his first volley actually landed on Mars. As Mars looked across at Glenn his eyes exhibited a depth of love seldom seen. Once Glenn was able to control his body and return his head to look at his lover he too exhibited that same look of love.

Craig had positioned himself in front of Glenn and swabbed the end of Glenn's dick with the solution allowing Don the time to get in position and do the piercing. A shout emanated from Glenn as the needle made its way through his tender appendage but so quickly, he found himself to mirror his lover. Finally, after all the time he had desired for this to occur, it had. He was now adorned with three rings, just as all the other men in the house. He had made the passage from being a boy to being a man. He had dealt with his father, and now felt in control of his life. His rite of passage was complete and now he had his lover as well.

As soon as the ringing was complete the racks were set to release their prey. The aftermath of the ordeal left both Mars and Glenn without the ability to stand or motivate on their own. With men on each side of them they were assisted out of the dungeon and back to a set of showers. This time however it was the usual set of showers utilized when the men were using the dungeon and not the special preparation area they had been in before.

Lovingly Mars and Glenn were attended to by the men. Half of the men concentrated on each one. Hands massaged their sore muscles and tender skin, special care was given to the sites of the piercing and after being dried with soft and luxurious towels they were moved to massage beds where creams were applied and they received a full body massage. Needless to say, there were many hands in the massage and it was hard to tell just who was doing what. In the exhausted state of mind that Mars and Glenn found themselves, the massage with oils and creams only pulled them closer to much needed sleep. When their bodies had been properly attended to Jed and Don, with the assistance of Phil and James, moved the two to their own bedroom where, after placing the boys next to each other in the center of the bed, Don slid in beside Glenn and Jed slid in beside Mars to provide companionship and comfort through the night. Not that Mars and Glenn wouldn't be providing companionship to each other, but this was a time for the surrogate fathers to be there to exhibit their love and understanding.

Neither Mars nor Glenn moved through the night but, upon waking before Jed and Don, they decided to wake them in a special way. Carefully moving into position Mars placed himself in line with Jed's ample package and Glenn with Don's. As they signaled to each other that they were ready, they began to perform felatio on their intended recipient. Lovingly they licked and nipped at the scrotums then up and down the shafts until they heard and felt the men begin to stir, then they enveloped the phallus before them and began to suck while they teased and encircled the corona with their tongues. In all too short of time Jed and Don were beyond the point of holding back and let loose with their ejaculate only to be partially swallowed and then some used to bathe their manhood. When they completed their orgasm and regained control with realization of what had occurred, they were approached by their benefactor, who proceeded to feed them some of their own ejaculate followed by deep kissing and playful attention to their nip rings. Breaking away from the older men, Mars and Glenn then turned to each other retaking a position in the center of the bed. They had however, exchanged sides and Jed was next to Glenn and Don was next to Mars. As the older men's still throbbing cocks found their way into the creases before them they began to rub around the rosebuds exposed to them and as the pre-cum moistened the area they reached down and entered one finger at a time massaging the area to open them completely before they thrust forward and through their actions, brought Mars and Glenn to climax, each shooting their semen fully up between them. From their chins down their chests and over their stomach they were covered with the glue of love holding them every so warmly together.

When all four where once again in control, it was decided that another shower was in order and they proceeded to care for each other in the shower. The time was not without additional play, and before the final rinse each had given another load. None had found its way to the drain as all was consumed as a snack to hold them over until the time would allow them to be dressed and seek out a proper meal. Special care had been taken as Mars and Glenn had been brought to climax so that their PA's would not be disturbed. Returning to the bedroom after drying off, the older men attended to applying cream to the still slightly reddened asses and the necessary dressings to each of the piercings.

When the four finally reached the dining room it was close to noon on New Year's Day. A buffet had been laid out in the Den, so they moved there, following their noses towards the aroma of food. It also helped that as they left the bedroom they were greeted by Rainbow who tried to lead them to the other men and the buffet.

Once plates had been emptied and everyone seemed to be satiated, the food, other than munchies, had been cleared away. After all it was New Year's Day, and that meant that the afternoon would be spent right here in front of the multiple TV screens so that they could keep tabs on all the football games. Before the first game got underway, and after the lunch had been devoured, Craig went to the cabinet and pulled out a beautiful humidor. At the same time, Greg opened another cabinet and pulled out snifters and a very ornate decanter of Brandy. Craig went around the room and offered a cigar to each present. Greg followed with Ted's assistance and presented each with a snifter, then poured brandy in each.

"We do not promote smoking, but there are certain times in the lives of men when it is appropriate to share cigars. This is one of those times. I invite you to join me in the enjoyment of a cigar as we celebrate the passage of our two newest sons into our brotherhood."

Each individual began to prepare and light their cigars; Mars and Glenn seemed somewhat lost but decided to attempt to mask their inexperience by mimicking the others. They were doing a rather fine job until they actually started to light them and inhaled their first drag of the cigar. They each began to choke and turn quite red, much to the amusement of everyone else in the room, who where in fact, just waiting for them to react exactly as they did.

"Well I'm glad to see this is truly a virgin experience and neither of you have tried to smoke before. You shouldn't feel bad; your four predecessors did exactly the same thing the first time. Just take it slow and carefully, don't try to inhale too much the first few times. It is something you have to learn," laughed Craig.

"I'd like to propose a toast to Mars and Glenn. May your life together be a pleasure to the depths of your souls. May you never have question of your love and may you attain your goals together with never ending love. May the pain you experience be only that which you endure from each other as you approach that pinnacle of pleasure heightened by the pain to achieve it," offered Greg.

"Cheers" chorused the room.

Mars and Glenn again followed the actions of their mentors and when the first sip of brandy hit their throats they again began to choke and turn rather flushed.

"Well again we have discovered another level of their virginity!" laughed George as the rest of the men joined in laughter. "Sons take it slow and easy just like the cigars, it's an acquired ability and the first time normally does go down rather rough. Just remember that as enjoyable as it may eventually become, alcohol is not something to be consumed in quantity. It is far better to enjoy quality in a quantity that allows you not to give up control and cloud your judgment or sensibilities. You have seen all too well what can happen when drink takes over."

Within a short period of time Mars and Glenn became acclimated to both the cigar and the brandy and though not partaking of any more than initially being given, they were able to enjoy the bonding with the other men through their shared experience.

In just a few days they would be returning to the other house to go back to school. Mars would begin the new semester at the school he had wanted to attend all along and though Glenn would be busy with tutors they would be together finally without the worry of the past. Now all they had to do was keep their grades up to prevent unwanted punishment. But even so they new that they would experience a problem sitting from time to time as their relationship would continue to utilize just enough pain to expand their pleasures.

To be continued.

Written by Rod

Copyright 2006 by Rod

All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; no reference is intended to anyone dead or alive.

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Next: Chapter 28

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