Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Per requests following is a new cast list with the individuals currently active in the story. Hope this will help. - Rod

Greg Forester- main character, father Philip Forester - son of Greg Craig Bellows - lifelong friend of Greg, and godfather to Phil James- son of Craig and Sandy Evan- son of Phil and Judy Jimmy- son of James, grandson to Craig, son of Lily Bobby Rutledge- close buddy of Evan Jason- son of Jed Jed- former police officer father of Jason who became a temp inductee after telling son about center then went to work for Greg Forester and Craig Bellows George Sanders- maternal grandfather of Evan, trainer of Bill Ted Dunham- investigator, later an inductee of the training Program now on staff of Craig and Greg Bill- trainer at facility Don Rutledge -father of Bobby attorney for firm Coach- freshman football coach blackmailed by Evan and Bobby now lives with rest of men in mansion Dan Goodrich- brother in law of Jed father of Mars, murdered Mars mother and her sister Jed's wife. Mars Goodrich- nephew to Jed, cousin to Jason Glenn Johnson- Young man rescued by Mars who became his partner, son of Terrence Johnson Terrence Johnson- father of Glenn Johnson, distributor for company in the East, attempted to kidnap Glenn, had thrown Glenn out of their home when he found Glenn was a homosexual. Matthew Daniels- Long time college friend of Terrence Johnson and his wife, had an affair with Mrs. Johnson and at one point was accused by Terrence as being the father of Glenn. Assisted with the attempted kidnapping and tried to kill Glenn. Became and inductee.

The next several days went by in a blur. Everyone enjoyed the time off from the normal schedule either at work or at school. Unfortunately the boys realized that the day they would be returning to school was approaching very soon.

Don and Glenn had several discussions of just how things were going to work as far as school was concerned. He had missed a whole semester of his junior year but had an exemplary scholastic record up to the point he had left school. Through some special testing and a copy of his records it was decided that he would be able to accompany the other guys to the house so he would be able to be with Mars, but he would have a special series of tutors who would bring him up to date and even advance his studies. If all went as planned he would be able to acquire sufficient credits before August to actually graduate high school. He had scored well on his SAT and with a few strings pulled here and there he had been accepted at the same university the other guys were enrolled in, based on his ability to successfully complete his high school diploma. It was made very clear that the other guys would be responsible to see that he stayed on course. Just as they were subject to certain punishments if they did not keep up their level of excellence, so too would Glenn, but at the hands of the other five.

December 31 started as many of the previous days. It was bright and clear with normal temperatures for the Arizona area at this time of year. Everyone gathered as normal in the dining area to the standard breakfast buffet. The conversation was light and all where in a jovial mood with the common banter between the ages. For some reason the orange juice seemed to be out when Mars and Glenn went to serve themselves and Evan was quick to volunteer to get some for them. After a quick trip to the kitchen both Mars and Glenn were presented with a glass of juice. Shortly afterward the staff brought another pitcher of juice to the buffet. Barely finished with the meal the other guys coaxed the younger crowd to get together for a game of football. James, Phil, Coach, Ted, Jed, and Don would take on Evan, Jimmy, Bobby, Jason, Mars and Glenn.

The game went on for a couple of hours as each side fought for supremacy. It seemed no one was really keeping score. The game seemed rougher than normal. After the banter from breakfast the older men were out to teach the younger a lesson, and the younger attempted to use their advantage in dexterity to avoid the men while constantly continuing their teasing banter. When someone did make contact, it was without holding anything back. If it were the younger hitting the older, they tried to gang up and knock them down as hard as possible. In the same vein if one of the older was on the assault they didn't hold anything back. There would be a few sore muscles later, but psychologically for this group it was a great accomplishment to go all out and release any pent up emotions. The previous month had been difficult on everyone so this was the best therapy available. As soon as the game was over it was time to hit the showers and everyone piled in at the same time. The fathers grabbed their sons, James with Jimmy, Phil with Evan, Jed with Jason, Don with Bobby, Coach grabbed Glenn and Ted took Mars. Each couple lathered each other with as much eroticism as possible.

Erections were rampant and each man brought his partner to a climax with the exception of Mars and Glenn, for some reason though they were harder than ever and feeling closer and closer to a climax their body just wouldn't allow them to climax. Their frustration became evident as they grew larger and harder but never close enough to climax. They became the object of the joking banter in the shower room and blushed continually as their problem seemed to become more serious. It was all the two could do to attempt to control their erections as everyone dressed in preparation for lunch.

The buffet seemed to be more than the normal, with a wider selection than usual, but with the activities so far it was welcome to all. Everyone had experienced quite a workout so far today and with the enormous lunch decided that perhaps a nap would be in order.

Mars and Glenn returned to their room and after pulling off their clothes promptly got into a 69 position to relieve the arousal in their groin. They licked and sucked driving each other mad as their passions soared but in no way could they attain the satisfaction they desired. The activities of the day along with their unfulfilling attempts drove them to exhaustion and they finally moved face to face and after a long and heavy session of kissing and fell asleep intertwined tightly together.

While they were asleep the other four younger guys entered the room and carefully pulled them apart and bound their hands above their head.

Jason and Jimmy took control of Glenn and Bobby and Evan took control of Mars. Once they were properly bound Jason moved into position between Glenn's legs and began his assault. Jimmy had grasped Glenn's ankles and pulled them back giving Jason full access to Glenn. As he began to rim his captive Glenn awoke, startled to find himself in the position of vulnerability.

At the same time Mars was experiencing the same situation with Evan starting with a rim job as Bobby was holding him in position.

"What the hell are you doing, and why are my hands bound?" exclaimed Glenn as he woke and realized his predicament.

"Just relax, your ass's are ours for now, it's time for the two of you to experience a few things if you are going to part of our group!" answered Evan as he pulled himself away from Mars just long enough to respond.

"What happened to cause us to have a constant hard-on?" asked Mars.

"Just a little something in your orange juice this morning to strengthen your erection and keep you from coming. A handy little drug that gets used for the training of the inductees," answered Jimmy.

"Now until you are told otherwise you are to keep your mouth shut unless we decide to put something in it. Any more talking and you'll get gagged," stated Bobby.

For the next half hour all that could be heard were the gasps of Mars and Glenn as their bodies attempted to overcome the cacophony of feelings washing over them with the ministrations being inflicted. Their sphincters were opened as a tongue forced entrance and washed the walls of their innards. Bites and licks assaulted their perineum's causing them to soar as they felt the ever increasing pressure to climax, but their body could not reach that point. Frustration mounted as they felt the warm mouth surrounding their scrotums, pulling, a tongue rolling their testicles and then gentle chewing. Their cocks were growing ever more purple, harder and larger as pre-cum flowed from their tips. While Jason continued to attack Glenn's scrotum Jimmy leaned forward and starting with a kiss to the head of Glenn's cock began his own assault. After cleaning the cock with his tongue up and down the sides, top and bottom he engulfed the entire shaft and took it fully to its root. As Jimmy leant forward his own cock appeared in front of Glenn and though it was encased in cloth Glenn made every attempt to attack the hardened shaft in front of him.

Seeing what was occurring with Glenn and what Glenn was attempting to do Bobby moved one arm to continue his hold on Mars and with the other hand reached over and unfastened Jimmy's shorts then yanked them down releasing his cock completely. Glenn took immediate advantage and quickly swallowed Jimmy as deep as physically possible and began his own assault on his captor.

Bobby then used his free hand to disrobe himself before duplicating Jimmy's attack. Without hesitation as Bobby's cock appeared before Mars it was swallowed as quickly as Bobby reciprocated and took Mars to the root.

Though their throats were blocked whimpers could be heard from Mars and Glenn as their frustration rose with their inability to climax. Such was not the case for Bobby and Jimmy however and finally, they did reach climax and let loose with stream after stream of ejaculate. Evan and Jason had changed positions after their oral assaults and had impaled their captives in one swift motion. As they continued their assault they altered their attack, some times fast thrusts, deep and pounding, sometimes slow and deep, sometimes fast and shallow. Constant changes in angle allowed them to leave no area untouched. Prostates were constantly attacked and Mars and Glenn felt that they would surely black out at any moment, before or after their body would simply explode. No matter how high they seemed to go they still could not climax, never before in their life had they experienced anything like what they were going through.

Within seconds of Bobby and Jimmy exploding within their prey, so also did Jason and Evan. Volley after volley of semen flooded by force into their captives through both orifices.

Spent, the four backed off the bed allowing Mars and Glenn to writhe in their agony as they rolled towards each other and placing their bound wrists over each others head, kissed deeply exchanging the balance of the semen they had not swallowed.

The four guys redressed themselves and after straightening their clothes, reached forward to pull their victims from their bed.

After pulling them up to their feet Jason and Jimmy each grabbed one of Glenn's arms while Bobby and Evan took hold of Mars. Without comment they pulled them towards the door and down to the dungeon.

Upon entering the dungeon they entered an exercise room. It was immediately visible that the equipment here was similar to that in the training center. Various forms of attachment for the user had been added to all the equipment and provision existed for encouragement. Mars and Glenn were unceremoniously attached to a machine each and after a few entries had been made to a computer the machines began. Neither of the guys needed to be told what would happen if they did not keep up the pace but in their physical and psychological state it wasn't possible to always keep up. Each time they fell behind the encouragement refocused their attention and they managed to get back up to speed.

The equipment varied from treadmills to a full array of machines to replicate weight lifting. As the time progressed the resistance changed. Glenn had participated in the forced workouts with the other men, but never had he experienced what he was going through now. After the appropriated time on each machine they were transferred to another and started again. The series of ten machines seemed to constitute a circuit and before they were done they had completed three circuits. Every muscle was sore and screaming with pain but their cocks were still hard, purple, engorged as never before and proudly forcing its way forward and pointing towards the sky.

When the forced exercise ended the two were taken to the shower room. Once again the cuffs had been placed on their wrists and upon entering the shower area they were suspended on a hook above which was then raised to lift them to the balls of their feet.

Jason, Bobby, Evan and Jimmy stripped and suddenly shaving cream appeared. Jason covered Glenn with the cream taking extra care as he massaged it into the crevice of his ass and around the genital area. Bobby did likewise with Mars. Then taking a razor from Jimmy, Jason began at Glenn's neck on one side as Jimmy began on the other side with his own razor. Evan and Bobby did likewise and began to shave away all body hair from Mars. From the neck to the waist across the back all signs of hair was removed then the arms, from shoulders to fingertips. The pits followed, then the chest and down the treasure trail towards the waist. The genital area was skipped and the razors started at the toes and worked their way up the legs all around until they finally ended at the hips. As one man held the cheeks apart the other made quick work of any hair along the rear crevice. Jimmy reached around and held Glenn's cock as Jason removed all hair from the perineum and scrotum. Evan duplicated Jimmy's actions as Bobby proceeded to shave Mars. With all other hair but that above the cock and balls removed Jimmy proceeded to remove all but a single inch high bar across from side to side above the still pulsing protuberance. Jason had to hold down the man pole so Jimmy could complete his task. Bobby then assisted so Evan could complete the shaving.

As the shower rinsed away the residue the only hair remaining was on their head and eyebrows, all other circled down the drain. A quick rinse and Mars and Glenn were moved to the opposite wall where they were removed from the previous cuffs and refastened with each wrist extending out and up from their torso. Their feet were pulled out from center and fastened securely. There was what seemed like a hole in the wall into which their cock was inserted. As soon their cocks entered the hole it began a vacuuming action holding its prey securely. Shortly a stoking action began when added to the vacuum only served to intensify the desperation each of the two were feeling.

An application of lubricant was followed by the insertion of a tube which suddenly began to grow inside their rectum as pressure could be felt on the outside as well. Soon a warm flow began to fill them eventually building in pressure and causing their stomachs to extend. As the pressure became more uncomfortable Bobby stepped forward and began to massage Mars' stomach as Jason began to do the same with Glenn. When they felt they wouldn't be able to handle any more the flow stopped and they just hung as their emotions fluttered in all directions. The pressure in their abdomens and the constant actions on their cocks only confused their state of being. After fifteen minutes the tube was opened and the pressure could be released. No sooner did they feel the relief of the expulsion from their intestines and the whole process began again. Slowly the pressure increased again and again their abdomens were massaged so as to reduce the stabs of pain generated within. Another period of time and release came again. As before, the pressure began again and once again they found themselves filled to capacity. The only difference this time was that the tube was removed and they were warned that they must hold the contents within until directed to release. The restraints were removed and they were escorted to the center of the room. After being placed ten foot apart and facing each other they were instructed to begin to do jumping jacks and under no conditions should they release the fluids within. After doing jumping jacks for ten minutes they were instructed to do push-ups, face to face while continuing to hold their enemas. After another five minutes they were lifted, one of the guys on each arm and moved over a drain where they were allowed to release. For good measure one more rinse was executed with the hold time being held to a matter of seconds.

A shower with plenty of shower gel and only hands to massage their body followed with their wrists once again tethered and fastened on a hook above their heads. Every inch of their body was caressed and every orifice entered. Genital areas were erotically massaged while fingers entered and massaged their prostates. Whimpers and sighs filled the room as the two attempted to deal with their situations.

After thoroughly being rinsed towels stroked their bodies from head to toe removing any moisture left from the shower.

After their hands were refastened behind them again one guy on each arm escorted them out of the shower room and on to the next stage of their encounter.

To be continued.

Authors Note: A special thank you to Ben for assistance in editing and consultation.

Written by Rod

Copyright 2006 by Rod

All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; no reference is intended to anyone dead or alive.

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Next: Chapter 27

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