Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Dec 21, 2005


Good Counsul?-22

Your comments would be appreciated. Emails to:

From the last chapter:

Once the door to their room was closed Mars walked up behind Glenn and putting his arms around him pulled him tight up against his chest. "I never want to leave you again," he said as he placed kisses all over Glenn's neck.

Glenn turned and before placing his lips squarely on Mars' lips said, "And I never want you too!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"We shouldn't do this you know," murmured Mars.

"I don't care, after the chance that we could never be together again I have to have your love and give you mine, it doesn't matter what my age is or yours, I want you in every way, I can't be without you. Please make love to me," begged Glenn.

"I understand, the time we've been apart has been rough on me too, and then to find that you were kidnapped and could have died, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't in my life."

"Make love to me Mars, and promise you'll never stop. I'm yours, please undress me," said Glenn.

"Only if you'll do the same for me," Mars replied as he began to unbutton Glenn's shirt before him. As each button parted he slid his hand under the edge of the shirt and caressed the smooth skin beneath.

At the same time Glenn reached his arms around Mars and with one slow and intentional movement pulled up on the tail of Mars pullover and lifted it up towards his shoulders. As the shirt rose Mars lifted his arms so the garment could pass over and be thrown to the floor. Immediately his hands returned to their task and finished the last buttons on Glenn's shirt, he lifted the fabric from under the waistband and slid the shirt back over Glenn's shoulders and let it drop on the floor behind him. With one hand he reached out and caressed a nipple before him while with the other he pulled Glenn closer to him and began a battle of tongues as they were lost in each others embrace.

Glenn lifted one foot and with his other toe pushed his shoe from his foot. Changing position just slightly he flipped off the other shoe and stood sock footed before his lover. Mars had done the same and clothed only in their jeans and socks they moved towards the bed. Mars pushed Glenn back against the bed and gently pressing against his pecs signaled Glenn to lie back. Taking one foot at a time he slowly removed the sock and with his mouth began to kiss each foot and playfully nip at the bottom of Glenn's foot before slowly and seductively sucking on each toe. As he finished with one foot and turned to the other and repeated his previous actions. Glenn lie there writhing in the feelings awash over him as his jeans felt more and more restrictive with the pressure and confinement building in his groin area. Pulling Mars up to lie beside him on the bed he turned and engaged in another long and passionate kiss. As they broke from the kiss Glenn sat up and scooted off the bed to take a position where he could now minister to Mars' feet as his had been done. Slowly and sensually he repeated his lover's actions and basked in the moaning form Mars as each sensitive spot was addressed, each toe caressed with love. Mars found himself it the same position; his jeans showed a very healthy erection bound behind the denim. Glenn moved up and after teasing Mars with his tongue licking the front of Mars' jeans and his mouth attempting to capture the prize beneath he finally grasped the zipper with his teeth and slowly slid it down. Mars erection lifted the area between the zipper and his briefs extended beyond the fabric of his jeans. One side at a time Glenn used his teeth and pulled at the fabric on each side. As Mars lifted his body slightly Glenn managed to pull the jeans down to the top of Mars thighs. Shifting his body he grasped the legs of the jeans and pulled them away leaving his lover clad only in his briefs jutting up and dampening just under the waistband. Again he assaulted Mars clothing with his teeth and began to pull away the briefs. He rubbed his chin over Mars manhood as he took the edge of the waistband in his teeth and pulled it forward then down. As the cloth moved out of the way the steely hot dagger before him rose to touch his forehead then slide upwards towards his hair as Glenn moved his head downward to uncover his prize. Wanting to waste no more time Glenn reached up with his hands and pulled the briefs quickly down Mars legs and off of him. Glenn started to dive back into Mars groin to enjoy the pleasures there but Mars deftly moved and began his assault to remove the last vestiges of clothing covering Glenn. He followed a similar pattern but found that as he opened the zipper on Glenn's jeans his penis rose out of the separated fabric. No briefs or boxers would impede the way as Glenn had enjoyed being commando this day.

"I've waited so long for this," said Mars as he began to lick around Glenn's shaft and head for the area below. Licking and nipping at the area below his balls then gently swathing each side of the scrotum tenderly and hungrily at the same time. He engulfed each testicle, slowly sucking it in bathing it with his tongue and then lovingly letting it go to take on the other one. After both had been tortured several times he let them go and began his assault up Glenn's shaft. His tongue tantalizingly made its way from the bottom to the top, up and down on the bottom and then each side and then in between until Glenn felt as if he were ready to burst. His shaft pulsed with each beat of his heart, throbbing in its excitement, straining as the pressure rose within. The head was becoming darker as the blood was trapped causing every centimeter of his skin to rise ever higher in sensitivity. Every touch of the tongue or breath of air was bringing him closer to the edge. Slowly and lovingly Mars settled on the plum standing so proudly before him. His tongue teased the edge making only the lightest contact before it dug deeply into the slit on the end then lovingly he swallowed the full shaft embedding the tender glans in his throat. His muscles massaged as he swallowed and Glenn was just ready to go over the edge when Mars reached up and with his hand firmly around Glenn's scrotum pulled off and pulled him back from the abyss.

"Why did you stop?" asked Glenn.

"Because I don't want you to blow just yet, we have plenty of time for that, I want you to enjoy it all the more," replied Mars.

"Well in that case let me work on you for a while, I'm just too close, start again and I will blow, and real quick!"

Mars lie down beside Glenn as he started to rise up and take a position over Mars. "Do you trust me?" Glenn asked as he began to kiss Mars around the neck and then slowly started to work downward towards his chest.

"Of course I do, with all my body and soul!" answered Mars.

"Then you won't mind this then will you?" asked Glenn as he reached up and pulling out ropes from the head of the bed he began to tie each of Mars wrists pulling them up and away from his body.

"No love, I surrender to you. I know you wouldn't harm me," purred Mars as a lust began to deepen in his eyes.

"I want to heighten your feelings; I've learned that there is a fine line where pain and pleasure compliment each other. I want to take you to a place you've never been before. If anything I do is too much just say "yellow" and I will stop immediately and let you loose. Any thing else you might say, I will continue. No matter how many times you may say stop or no I will keep on, but just say "yellow" that's your safe word and I promise I will stop. I've spent some time with the other men and I can't begin to explain how I've felt as the pain pushed me to feelings of ecstasy I've never before experienced. I want you to feel those too."

After pulling the wrist bindings tight he began to work across Mars' chest. He licked every inch and paid special attention around each nipple, then kissing each one back and forth, then nipping at each one, then carefully lightly chewing on each. As Mars' writhed in feelings of pleasure Glenn began to chew on each. As they grew not only larger and more engorged with blood it was evident how tender they were becoming. Mars' moaned constantly and his cock rose straighter and harder as it began to push forth pre-cum. His cock glistened in the soft light as the shiny coating flowed over the glans and down the shaft. Glenn worked his way down the center of Mars' abs and stopped momentarily to ream out his navel as Mars' began to buck in place on the bed. With a hand on each hip Glenn held him down as he worked his way towards the flowing spigot in front of him. Slowly, teasingly he ministered to the hot flesh writhing before him. Lifting his legs out of the way Glenn attacked the rosebud before him, forcing his tongue in and out as Mars' willed his sphincter to open and accept all that he was receiving. Glenn backed away for a moment and with his finger coated with Mars' pre-cum he begin a circular motion around and into the pink winking rosebud, inviting him in. A gasp escaped Mars' throat as Glenn's finger found the prostate and began to lovingly massage it.

"O Gawd, put it in. Open me up and fuck me, please!" shouted Mars.

Glenn rose up and took his position behind his lover and with one quick movement buried himself into him. Mars' eyes shot open as the sudden invasion burned at his wanting tunnel, he drew in a long hissing breath. As his pubes rested against him he held still momentarily waiting for Mars to overcome any discomfort he might be experiencing.

"Fuck me, oh fuck me, pound me, Glenn I need you so bad don't stop. Ram me let me feel you in me!" shouted Mars.

Glenn wasted no time and pulled almost out then rammed back in, the force of his attack moving Mars' entire body. In and out, he continued his assault and then in all too short a time Glenn burst, shooting volley after volley of his sweet fluid up into his lover. Mars' was so close but not quite there when Glenn fell forward and kissed him hungrily on the mouth with a passion never before felt by either of them. As Glenn pulled out he realized that Mars' was still hanging on that precipice not yet ready to go over. Lifting himself off of the bed he found the ropes hidden at the foot and fastened them first to each ankle pulling it outward and down towards the end of the bed and then with another length he circled Mars' scrotum and bringing it up tight pulled his balls away from his body and fastened the rope in such a way that any movement of Mars' ankles would put more pressure on his scrotum. Without delay Glenn took a position over Mars' chest laying his tackle in the middle of Mars' face. No thought was needed as Mars' licked at the gift being offered and then moving his head just right he managed to take Glenn's manhood in one fell swoop. When Glenn felt he was just about to blow again he backed off. Reaching into the drawer beside him he pulled out a set of clamps and moving back till he was over Mars' groin he leaned forward and after a loving kiss applied one then the other clamp to the still engorged and sensitive nipples. Reaching back and re- anointing his fingers with the ever flowing pre-cum he fingered himself until he felt he was sufficiently open then holding Mars' shaft with one hand to guide it he sat back engulfing the entire shaft in one movement.

"I can't fuck you Glenn, what could happen if anyone found out?" cried Mars.

Don't worry lover you're not. I'm making love to you and it's your turn to get off this time.

Glenn began to rock slowly and then as Mars' moans became more vocal he started to lift and then quickly allow himself to ram back down on his lover's manhood. Each lift took him almost off but each time as he fell back he took his lover as deep as humanly possible. Mars' felt the pain in his chest as the clamps bit at his nipples, the helplessness of his arms and legs fastened so far apart from his body and the strain on his scrotum, increasing with each movement. His head felt as if it were flying off. His vision was overcome with flashes of light as he seemed to feel his entire being rising and then shooting from his cock. His total life source seemed to be gushing at a phenomenal speed, every inch of his body seemed to be focused towards his groin and it was like a cannon was exploded causing a vacuum that was pulling away his life. Shot after shot as he began to lose consciousness, his body entering that state of petite mort, the little death. His breath had escaped him, after the convulsions trembling through his body he went perfectly still. Calmness overtook him as his mind reached heights unbelievable to any man. Then with the tenderness of a kiss he drifted back to earth as he found Glenn once again waging war with his tongue, searching for the soul within his lover. As his consciousness returned he felt the warmth of Glenn's body on his, the stabbing pain of the clamps and the wetness up his abdomen and chest where Glenn had shot at the same time covering him with the fluid of life. Glenn rose and as he took one hand to rub the area he used the other to remove a clamp. As the blood returned Glenn massaged the nipple to reduce the pain. When the first was done he repeated his actions on the second. Moving down on the bed he loosened the bindings on Mars' scrotum and left him bound only at the extremities. He began to lick up his semen cleaning off Mars' torso holding each precious drop in his mouth. When he completed his task he again engaged in a deep kiss with his lover sharing the fluids he had gathered.

After a long kiss, Glenn removed the balance of the bindings, facing each other with arms and legs wrapped tightly around each other they pulled the bedding up and fell deeply asleep in each others arms.

Morning found them still embraced as a knock on the door woke them.

"Are you guys coming down for breakfast?" yelled Evan from out in the hall.

"Sure can we have enough time to get cleaned up and dress?" asked Mars.

"Put a move on it, there's a lot to get done today and it's already 9:30 sleepy heads!" responded Evan. "By the way Glenn, Don has something he wants to talk to you about, sounds important, get moving!"

"All right, all right we've moving," replied both as they reluctantly rose from bed and headed towards the bath.

Their shower wasn't the fastest ever but between washing each other and a few kisses here and there they managed to get out, get everything done as needed get dressed and head for the kitchen.

"Good morning!" welcomed Don as the two entered the room. "Everyone else has gone on to finish some part of their prep for Christmas. I think a few of the trees are already done. How are you guys coming with the trees?"

"Good morning to you too! I think they are coming along should have them done today, Mars will have to see what his partner is doing and pick up from there, you and I should have everything under control if the stuff we ordered has arrived. Evan said you had something you wanted to discuss with me," said Glenn.

"Yes I do but grab a plate first and I'll explain."

As the two finished filling their plates they seated themselves next to Don at the table.

"Well shoot Dad, what's up?" asked Glenn.

"First of all I notice a certain glow around both of you this morning, would I be wrong to imagine you became much more closely reunited last night?"

"Sir, I know there is a problem with our ages but we truly love each other, is there any thing you can do to help us?" asked Mars with a note of heavy concern in his voice.

"As a matter of fact there is, that's what I wanted to discuss. Glenn with you being under eighteen that poses a problem, not only for you as a minor, but for me as your guardian and for 7(,)I presume Mars as he is over eighteen. However if the court were petitioned to have you emancipated then you would no longer be viewed as a minor, but as an adult."

"Is that possible?" asked Mars.

"In this case I really believe so. Since technically Terrence Johnson is no longer alive and Mrs. Johnson most definitely is not either, with the estate and the situation leading to the current circumstances I believe that I could as your attorney petition successfully for your emancipation. Greg and Craig thought about it and asked. After investigation it seems that the benefits might be worthwhile. Of course I would no longer be your guardian; I would just be your attorney."

"Could I still call you Dad?" inquired Glenn with a rather mischievous look.

"Son you can always call me Dad no matter what, and if you get out of line I'll still turn you over my knee and blister your ass!" said Don with a chuckle.

"Oh please, Daddy would you?" begged Glenn.

"I think we have a monster on our hands!" sighed Mars.

"No not on our hands I believe more likely over our knees. Mars I don't know if you are fully aware of just what this miscreant desires," said Don.

"I believe I do and I think perhaps it is all the more reason for his emancipation, it might be easier on everyone around here," said Mars.

"Very well then as soon as I have the papers ready I'll have you sign them Glenn and hopefully it won't take too long for them to be processed."

"Thanks Dad!"

"You're welcome son!"

As soon as breakfast was finished, Mars went hunting for Coach and Don and Glenn went to check on their delivery.

By noon all the trees had been finished. Lunch was a free for all with everyone commenting on how no one else had a chance, their tree would be the top one. Craig just laughed to himself as he thought about the fact that in his mind they were all winners and craftily along with George and Greg they had devised six categories and each tree would take the award for their own category. All would be first place winners.

After lunch Craig pulled Mars and Glenn aside and asked them if they were ready to meet with their fathers and in Glenn's case with Matt as well. Each affirmed that they had thought about what had been said and being no time like the present agreed it was time to face the three men who had caused such devastation in their lives.

Mars entered the room occupied only by his father. Cameras were trained on each part of the room so that it was under constant surveillance. Any action would be seen and with the collar that Mars father was wearing, he could be halted in any action instantly.

"Mars, can you forgive me?" asked his father as he entered the room.

"Forgive you? For killing my Mother and wanting to kill me, why should I ?"


"Don't call me Son, you lost your right to that when you took your stand against me and then murdered Mom and my Aunt!"

"I'm sorry, oh I wish I could make you understand just how sorry I am! I love you and wish that you could love me," he said as tears began to fall.

"Craig Bellows felt that I should treat you as the slave you have become so that I can set in my mind the fact that I no longer need to answer to you. I have grown and become the Master of my own life and perhaps if I treated you as a Master would treat a slave we would both understand that and I could go on with my life."

"Please do as you wish with me, I have been taught the type of love I condemned you for. I wish that you would show me your love, take me do as you wish, I am here for you to command. Nothing would please me more than to share that love I denied you before."

"I believe you, I've seen some of the training and how you have responded. You hated me when I told you that I needed to love another man, I couldn't be happy with a woman. You vowed to end my life and when Mom stood up for me you went after her and took her life. If I raped you now as a Master would do a slave it would only be showing you the love I wished I would be able to give to you. But now, I can't see you deserving that love. I want to love you but if I did, I would regret for the rest of my life that we could not remain in a position to exchange our love. You are now in a state of mind where you have learned to crave the attention of another man. You see what you have done to me and want my love, the love that you so callously tried to not only throw away but destroy. You destroyed that which I loved most dearly. If I so much as touched you let alone fucked you I would only be giving you what you desire. No, I'm not going to do that, I'm going to call in the whip master and have him whip you in my presence and then I am going to ask that you be removed from here to someplace distant where you will never be able to see me again nor ever hurt anyone."

`Sir, I understand and await your pleasure - I truly am sorry - but I understand, Sir.'

Hearing Mars request and second guessing what he would say and do, Craig had readied the Whip Master and had him enter the room as Mars had fallen silent with his statement of intentions.

"Thank you for coming Whip Master, I want you to punish this man who was supposed to be my father. With my Mother I was conceived. When he found my life's desires he disowned me. My wish is for you to leave marks for him to remember this day for the rest of his life. He has come to enjoy true sex with other men and if you can, I wish for you to leave him with disfigured genitals that will never again bring him pleasure. Should your whip act serve as a knife I would wish bobbing and the loss of his balls to be his fate."

"Mars, Sir, you don't really mean that do you? You would have that done to your own father?" pleaded Dan as the Whip Master looked on without emotion.

"My father is dead to me! He died totally when my Mother was laid to rest. If I believed my father still existed I would run to him and want to share my love with him. The being I see before me now is not my father. A father could not reject his son as you have done. Whip Master would you begin."

Mars stepped back against the wall so as to be out of range as the whip began its punishing path through the air. The whoosh of the air suddenly being snapped as the crack resounded throughout the room followed by the blood curdling cries as each blow cut through the skin. As Mars had been lecturing, the Whip Master had bound Dan Goodrich to a frame to prepare him for what was coming. It had only taken moments for him to be secured to the frame and with a kidney belt placed to hold the main shaft of his dick upright in place against his body his glans would still be accessable, when Mars ordered, the Whip Master had commenced his task.

Each of the blows was sure to leave permanent scars as it tore though the skin. Dan would be lucky not to bleed to death from the ordeal. As the tip of the whip attacked his scrotum the screams turned more animalistic in nature until the hoarseness overcame him and Dan became incapable of sound. Any contents of his stomach soon vacated his body. Urine stained the floor and had he not been thoroughly cleaned out he would have been sure to have lost any contents of his bowels by now. He passed out and the whip came to a halt until he could be revived. On the fourth snap of the whip his eyes glazed over as the tip took with it his scrotum and contents and they were slung against the far wall. The sight and realization of what had happened caused him to pass out once again. As soon as he was revived one more skillfully placed blow removed the head of his dick, never again would he gain pleasure through his useless appendage. From now on it could only be used to rid his body of piss. Only his rear tunnel remained for other men, real men to bring them to the height of passion. Again he passed out only to be revived immediately with another bucket of salt water. As he regained consciousness he sobbed as he realized what had been done.

"Enough!" ordered Mars, the task was completed, it was time to move on to other things, the man he had known as his father had been dealt with, he turned and exited the room.

The doctor, standing by, entered, and with cauterization equipment ready, cauterized the stub left, to stop the bleeding. He quickly used a solution over Dan's entire body to help stop the bleeding and with the assistance of the Whip Master, removed Dan from the frame and placed him on a gurney to take him to another area where he could attend to his wounds. Craig entered the doctor's exam room and viewed the carnage, then checked with the doctor on the amount of time that would be required for Dan to recover sufficiently to travel. With that information in mind he made preparations for Dan to travel to Dahra. He knew that Dan would not be a slave that the Retrainer would want and let the slave house know that it would be preferable for him to be sold to the most notorious slave master in Dahra, known for his ill treatment of slaves. Whether his life would be shortened or not, he knew at least, the balance of it would be as painful as possible. Craig didn't usually wish to be spiteful but felt that in this way Mars would come to grips with his father. He didn't really feel that Mars was spiteful but instead had subscribed to the biblical "eye for an eye" administration of justice.

Glenn had a totally different opinion of his desire in handling both his father and the man he had thought to be a good friend.

He requested that Matt be brought in first he wished to deal with him then leave him there as he dealt with his father. He had requested an assortment of tools to use with the two men. As Matt was escorted into the room he verified that a collar had been attached to his neck and in Glenn's possession was one of the controllers. He decided that a test would be appropriate and set it at about thirty percent of its possible strength. When Matt entered the room he welcomed him and then hit the button to charge the collar. The burst of energy brought Matt to his knees quickly as agony was all too apparent on his face.

"You lied to me, and said you were really my father! Then you tried to kill me. All of my life I thought you were my friend but then when my father kicked me out you were no where to be found. Why did you do this to me?"

"Your mother wanted it done, I have always loved her, whatever she wanted I would have done. It may not have been right but we don't need any more queers in this world so by helping her and your father I was trying to help the world."

"Really and you think a queer is someone who takes it up the ass or sucks on another man's dick don't you."

"Yeah that's most of it!"

"You think so? What if you were to do that? Would that make you a queer? From what I understand you all ready have done it," shouted Glenn.

"I've been raped since I've been here, I didn't enjoy it, I'm not a queer!"

"Really, well we will see about that. Over the horse!"

"You little shit, you think I'm going to obey you?"

Matt crumpled to the floor as Glenn raised the power by a notch and zapped him.

"Now would you like to reconsider? Or shall I turn it up a little more?" asked Glenn as Matt returned to control of his body. Lifting himself off the floor he reluctantly headed for the horse.

"Lie down on your back!" ordered Glenn. Pulling one arm and then the other Glenn fastened Matt's wrists to the legs of the horse. He then pulled a strap over the abdomen and pulled it tight. Lifting one leg at a time he pulled it up and over just out from Matt's ear fastening it in place. Then the other leg was fastened as the first had been. With the legs up Matt's ass was raised and his sphincter was in a very prominent position. Glenn dipped his fingers into a jar of lube and tenderly began a sensual massage of Matt's rosebud. As one hand messaged the entrance to his ass the other hand worked it's way up and down Matt's shaft as it grew and stood straighter and sturdier under the ministrations. Pre-cum started to flow from his piss-slit as sounds of moaning could be heard. One finger penetrated the sphincter and worked its way around, in and out, messaging its way deeper and deeper into its prey. Then another finger joined the first and stretched and massaged. As the two found that pleasure button Glenn deftly worked the organ felicitating more sounds of pleasure to come from Matt. All the time the other hand was slowly milking Matt's cock. It was now straining as the pleasure was rising within him. The third finger made its way and now Matt's ass seemed to pulling the fingers in, each time they began to withdraw the sphincter seemed to tighten trying desperately to hold them within. As the muscles flexed they seemed to be drawing the fingers deeper and deeper into the cavity. As the glans under his ministrations began to flare and pulsate more Glenn pulled back and grabbed the scrotum with a death-like grip and brought Matt back from the edge. He then took his position and ever so gently positioned his own cock right at Matt's passageway. With a little nudge the sphincter opened like a flower and vacuumed his dick into the velvety passage within. A sigh of pleasure escaped from Matt's lips as Glenn slowly and lovingly started his movement in and out. Within moments Matt was shouting," Fuck me, ram it in, let me feel it!" Glenn continued to piston his body within Matt. As Matt continued to yell encouragement Glenn moved the angle of his thrust ever so slightly. Each thrust struck a slightly different area, most of them assaulting the prostate in same way. Suddenly Matt clamped down as his orgasm overtook him and sensing what was happening and his own impending orgasm Glenn pulled from Matt and as he added just a further stroke or two with his hand, shot from Matt's forehead, across his chest with numerous spurts and finally deposited the last of his shots on Matt's abdomen. At the same time Matt had blown off and his volleys had reached from his chin downward mixing with those of Glenn, with the last several flooding down over his shaft and he became totally drained.

Glenn moved around to his head and lowering the support caused Matt's head to lean backward towards the floor. "Now clean me off, queer!" ordered Glenn.

Without hesitation Matt opened his mouth and accepted Glenn's cock. He lovingly began to suck and lick removing any vestiges of that which might have been left behind.

"Now who's the queer?" asked Glenn as his hand moved across Matt's chest gathering the semen with his fingers and lifting it let it fall into Matt's mouth. Matt swallowed every drop and licked his lips.

Matt could only close his eyes in shame; he realized that he had done what he had always wanted to do. He had been humiliated and topped by the one person he had always lusted for. Every since Glenn had started to come of age he had started to grow into the type of guy that Matt would not admit he lusted for. His bravado had kept him from admitting it and now this boy turned man had taken him, totally and completely without reservation.

Little did he realize that Terrence had been positioned to have to watch what was happening. He had continued to comment on the circumstances as the scene had developed. He would not be humiliated this way; no little shit was going to do that to him. Matt ended up being just a much of a pansy as Glenn was. He'd show them both how a man acted.

Matt was left on the horse as Terrence was shown into the room.

"So, do you think that proves anything? Matt evidently wasn't much of a man if a little shit like you could turn him queer like that."

"Oh, and I guess you think you'll be impossible to break?" queried Glenn.

"I sure as hell won't be broke by some little queer like you," he spat at Glenn.

"Really, I guess we'll just have to see about that," said Glenn as he hit the reset control and zapped Terrence with a fifty percent setting.

Terrence ended up floundering on the floor like a fish as his nervous system seemed to explode within himself.

With the assistance of the guard accompanying Terrence he was soon on a frame, his wrists bound above him stretched to the limit, his ankles done likewise.

As Glenn opened the cabinet door he pulled out several items and put them on a cart and rolled it over in front of Terrence. First there was a series of weights that fastened nicely on the PA hanging through his dick. The weight pulled his dick towards the floor and started a general ache in his abdomen. A ball stretcher found its way encircling his scrotum and forcing his balls downward a good distance from his shaft. Soon bungee cords were attached to the d rings encircling the leather apparatus and they were extended downward to a round weight with holes around the edges to accept the hooks of the cords. An even greater pain began through his abdomen; this pain was beginning to become serious.

The next item Glenn pulled from his collection was a set of butterfly clamps with a chain between them. So delicate in appearance but when the wings took their bite on each side of the nipples and then the chain was let to drop the weight forced a very painful level of compression on each nipple. Terrence let out a yell as each butterfly sank its way into his nipples. The chain being not quite long enough Glenn added a small bungee cord to it and stretched it to the PA. The additional stress kicked the pain up another notch and it did nothing to relieve the pressure downward on the PA and his dick.

Enlarged and unbelieving eyes stared back at Glenn as he picked a small tawse in his hand an approached Terrence once more. With a flick of the wrist the tiny strands of leather felt like bee stings as Glenn addressed each square inch of Terrence's body with the tawse. Little red welts appeared everywhere as the blows became harder and harder. Just as Terrence thought Glenn must surely be done, Glenn fastened a bar across the frame in front of him right at waist level. With the flick of a few switches Terrence's body was bent in half with his upper torso parallel with the floor. Glenn moved around behind him and with expert accuracy began to assault the back of his balls and the crack of his ass. The dozen or more strands of the tawse changed in feeling from bees to hornets as Glenn worked his way over the area. He laid down the tawse and picked up another instrument, a single leather strand with a stud placed in the end. With an immense amount of power the stud found its way forcefully on first one of his testicles and then the other. Terrence passed out with the pain that emanated from his midsection. After throwing a bucket of cold water on him to revive him, Terrence came too only to realize that the cold water had also contained salt and each and every wound with its tiny spot of blood now shouted in pain as the salt interacted. One more flick of the leather strand and it hit dead center on his rosebud. His animalistic cry of pain shocked even him as he could not believe such an unearthly sound could come from any earthly creature.

Glenn put down his tools of torture and stepping up behind Terrence began to massage the area most recently accosted. On his fingers was an anointment that would deaden the pain. As the pleasure increased, the pain decreased. Again as he had done before he worked one finger around and then in. The first was followed by two fingers, as they went deeper they assaulted the prostate and caused more pleasurable feelings to wash over Terrence. The weights had remained on his cock and balls, but Glenn found time to remove the clamps from his tits and once the shock of the returning blood had subsided the area also received a gentle massage. The occasional brushing of the hands over the nipples only heightened the excitement. The shrieks of agony soon were replaced with the moans of pleasure. Once Glenn felt he had successfully opened Terrence's ass he inserted a metal dildo, well lubricated. He fastened a lead to the PA and insuring sufficient conductive gel turned on the power source. The setting was very gently at first then increased to a more stimulating level. At no time did he wish to approach a discomforting level so it was kept low.

With this approach the pleasure could only increase. Glenn kept a cautious eye for any signs that Terrence might be ready to approach orgasm and saw to it to make any adjustments needed to avoid that occurrence. For over an hour Glenn and the machine continued to stimulate Terrence. He was becoming delirious in his desire to come to orgasm. Suddenly Glenn turned off the power supply and pulled off the lead and then removed the dildo. Terrence almost cried as the empty feeling washed over him. He actually asked for it to be returned. Instead Glenn stepped up behind him and thrust his cock into him. Allowing just a few moments he then began first a gentle and then a forceful fuck of his victim, all the while, he was being begged to continue. Glenn climaxed before Terrence could and Glenn promptly pulled back out, allowing his juices to run down Terrence's legs.

Glenn went over to the horse and unfastened Matt from the horse. As Matt had been able to watch all that occurred with Terrence his cock was standing at full attention. Glenn reached forward and grabbing him by his cock led him over behind Terrence. Without a word he pushed Matt forward lining him up with his cock still in his hand. Having picked up a cane from his cart he removed his hand as Matt's cock found its way home, a swift flick of his other wrist and the cane landed solidly across Matt's rump. The shock drove him forward and he buried himself in the tunnel before him. Glenn pulled him back slightly and struck again with the cane. No sooner had he bottomed out Matt pulled back and without further encouragement thrust back in. This continued for several minutes until Terrence's sphincter clamped down as he hit that orgasm. The force of the tunnel's contraction brought Matt over the edge as well and he exploded sending another ample quantity of his sperm, this time into Terrence's rectum. When the two had finished Glenn pulled Matt away from Terrence and moved him around in front. With Terrence still in the bent over position, Glenn simply moved Matt forward as he also grabbed Terrence's ear to lift his head. Terrence knew what was expected and opened his mouth to receive Matt's dripping cock.

"I guess we have seen how the queers are around here haven't we?" declared Glenn as he pulled Matt away from Terrence one last time.

"I think we will have to arrange a few more get togethers for the two of you since you seem to enjoy each others company so well!" laughed Glenn.

With a cuff he fastened Matt to the edge of the frame while he unfastened Terrence. Then he had them both standing next to each other he grabbed a couple more sets of handcuffs and placing one end each through their collars brought their faces within inches of each other. The other set of cuffs got one end each attached and clamped as far closed as possible around the root of their cocks behind their ballsacks, with the short chains attached to the cuffs they were held together quite closely at the neck and the groin.

"I think a little time alone fastened this way should prove enjoyable for both of you. Since Matt, you have had a chance to fuck Dad I think it only right that he should have the chance to fuck you. I know it might not be the most comfortable position but if you try I think you can manage it. Besides I think it should be entertaining, so go to it.

They each were afraid to speak but couldn't figure out what to do. As they stood there not moving Glenn reset the controller to activate both of the collars and at about twenty percent. A quick zap and they suddenly figured out a way to do as they were told. With them on the floor as the zap had left them Matt lifted his legs and Terrence rotated the cuff around Matt's balls so that the chain was underneath. This position allowed him to line up his cock and enter Matt. It took some doing but penetration was finally achieved and they went at it. The fact that they were fastened at the neck didn't make it any easier but as the passions rose their tongues got busier and they were soon just as serious on either end. Sweat covered their bodies as they labored faster and faster towards a climax. The meds they had been kept on were certainly working to their advantage. Otherwise two men of their ages would never have been able to climax as often as they had this afternoon.

After Glenn had left the room, Greg oversaw the transfer of the two men back to the cell block. Finding it entertaining the way Glenn had left them he gave instructions that they not be separated until the next day. It seems that the two would get even more acquainted that evening.

Mars and Glenn met with Craig in his office after the whole ordeal was over.

"Do you feel any better?" asked Craig.

"I do but I'm just concerned if I was too harsh?" responded Mars.

"In what way?" asked Craig.

"He was my father, is it right for me to treat him the way it 10(he) seemed to treat me?" replied Mars.

"You were justified in what you did, it may have been drastic but he did murder your Mother and your Aunt. Do you feel sorry for treating him the way you did?" asked Craig.

"To a certain extent, I guess what I had done to him he deserved but maybe he shouldn't be sent away."

"That's your decision, just tell me what you want and I'll arrange it, or unarranged it."

"I know I couldn't have a physical love with him, no matter what, but maybe it would be better to keep him here if that's all right with you. I don't know which would be more punishment for him, to be here and aware of what I am doing and the fact that I am alive and thriving or sending him off where he could die earlier and not have to think about me, or at least not be reminded of me all the time."

"I think he will be reminded of you all the time no matter where he is. Here his life will probably be longer and so he could suffer more but it would not be on your conscious that you sent him off to a place where he was worked to death and probably mistreated. Here he will suffer pain but at the same time excellent medical care and not be worked to death. Whatever your decision may be I will follow through."

"Thank you, Just don't send him away quite yet. Let me think about it for a day or two, OK?" asked Mars.

"No problem, that I can do. And you Glenn how do you feel about things?"

"Great, I found a way to get rid of my anger and let them know just how I felt while I managed to degrade them totally and turn them into what they seemed to find so wrong with me."

"You have started a very delicate but subtle changing of their psyche. They will never be the same again. From this point they can be restructured to accept their new life and actually learn to enjoy it or they could be buried in a quagmire of uncertainty and confusion. I know at this point you wanted to cause them pain and that you did but do you want them to be rebuilt or totally destroyed?"

"Now that you put it that way, I think I understand. I need a certain amount of pain to enjoy certain aspects of my pleasures. I find uses of pain to heighten my relationships and show my love because through the pain I can bring someone I love to a greater level of passion. Perhaps for all the hate I have had for both of them I can show them love if we set about now to realign their mindset and teach them to accept what we are giving them. Perhaps with the right training they could learn to accept and welcome that love. Wouldn't it be funny if we caused them to fall in love with each other after all these years when they were competing for my Mother's love and she really wasn't willing to give it to either of them?"

"I think you both may have grown more than you think today. Mars let me know what you decide."

"Yes sir, I will, and thank you. I don't think a team of psychologists could have accomplished today what you have with both of us."

"I think it's time we get ready for dinner but first, Glenn stop by Don's office, I think he has some papers for you to sign and then if you guys are interested we were considering a work out session this evening for whoever's interested."

"With full "encouragement"?" asked Glenn.

"That is our normal you little imp, now that you've wormed your way into them."

"Wormed his way into them, what am I missing?" asked Mars.

"Let's just say if you would feel more comfortable asking your Uncle Bill I believe he can explain but on the other hand if you are as serious about Glenn as I think you are, you will probably be there anyway," answered Craig.

To be continued

Written by Rod

Copyright 2005 by Rod

All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; no reference is intended to anyone dead or alive.

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Next: Chapter 24

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