Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Oct 18, 2005


"Don, this is Jed, security is concerned with Glenn, it seems his car is still in the parking lot at a mall in Scottsdale, but he is moving north along 87 towards Payson. Do you know of any explanation?"

"No I don't, I think we should treat this as if he has been abducted. I wouldn't want to lose any time because we didn't take action. Start the crisis procedures for an abduction. Security should have the complete checklist and know all the appropriate steps. I'll notify Craig, Greg and Ted. I'll let you know if there is any thing else they want to do."

"Yes sir I'll get things started, let me know if there is any thing else I can do."

"I will, and pray everything will be all right."

"Yes Sir"

"Craig, this is Don, there is a possibility that Glenn may have been abducted. Is Greg and Ted with you?"

"Yes Greg is and I can get Ted on the line right away. Do we know where he is headed?"

"Thanks to that locator in his id bracelet we were alerted that he was moving north on 87 towards Payson, Arizona. At the same time the locator in his car wasn't moving from its position in Scottsdale. An alert monitor questioned it and brought it to Jed's attention. He called me and I told him to proceed with security as if it were an abduction because I honestly think it is. Glenn has not presented any problems and I can't understand any reason why he would leave his car and travel otherwise. I would just like to know who could be behind this."

"You know this is a contingency we have always felt we needed to be prepared for, that's why we designed the id bracelets and insist everyone wear one, so hopefully we will be able to keep on top of things and get him back before any harm could come to him. I'll have Jed and Ted spearhead the search along with our specialist from security."

" OK, Let me know if there is anything else I can do and keep me posted, please," said Don.

"Jed, this is Craig, I have called Ted and he is on the way to meet with you. I presume vehicles have been moved into position to track the vehicle carrying Glenn."

"Yes Sir, there are a number of vehicles that were called into position and we are keeping them a safe distance but within site of the van the signal is coming from."

"I would like to know who is behind this so I think it would be best if we just keep them under observation for now. As soon as they arrive at their destination or if there seems to be a danger for Glenn go in and get him otherwise let's hang back and see if we can get more information first. His safety is the highest priority so at cost be sure he is safe."

"They have pulled into a deserted building in Payson, three men walked Glenn into the building. He appears to be all right though they have him bound and gagged. He was walking on his own with one of the men leading him by his arm. Within a few minutes we should be able to set up eavesdropping equipment ready to listen in on whatever is going on in the building. Would you like for us to patch it across so you can listen as well?" said Ted.

"Yes do that as soon as possible, perhaps we can hear something that will allow us to take action quicker and get Glenn out of there," said Craig.

"The equipment is in place, I'll set up the patch. The next thing you hear should be the abductors sir."

"Well, Glenn you certainly have caused some people a lot of problems. Don't worry we aren't going to hurt you. We are just going to hold you until our boss gets here then it will be up to him what he wants to do."

A series of tones were heard as a cell phone was being dialed. Another moment and the call evidently was answered. "The pain in the ass is with us now boss. Yes, sir, no problem we picked him up in a men's store in Scottsdale. You want us to hold him till you get here? You'll get here tomorrow? Should one of us pick you up at the airport? No problem, Sky Harbour at 3:30 in the afternoon. Sure not a problem. Any thing else you want us to do till then? Just keep an eye on him and give him something to eat. Ok will do, see you tomorrow boss."

"Greg, let's start checking, can we get that number dialed from the tones we heard."

"I think so, I'll have the techs get started on it. As soon as we have a name we can check for what flight the person is on, and decide what to do from here."

"Good, let's get moving, I don't want Glenn there any longer than he has to be."

"Why are you doing this to me?" asked Glenn as the tape was ripped away from his mouth.

"Like I said before, you have caused a lot of problems for some people and it's time for you to pay for it. It's not up to me to tell you anything else, so don't bother to ask. You'll find out in time. Tomorrow you'll get what you deserve you little fag," said the guy in charge."

"Sir, this is John in the technical support area. We have been able to track the tones to a number and find the listing."

"Good, and the listing belongs to?" asked Greg.

"It belongs to a Matthew Daniels, Sir."

"Do we know anything about this Daniels guy? See what you can find out and let me know by the time he lands tomorrow. Check on his flight and let me know what flight, gate etc. "

"Yes Sir shouldn't be any problem Sir."

"Ted, the boss is a Matthew Daniels, he was the one called. I want you to take whatever force you need and rescue Glenn. Bring his abductors back here. We should be able to get the information we need."

It only took a matter of minutes. A squad of twenty men entered the building form all four sides at the same time. They had timed the assault when one of the men had made a trip to the bathroom. Needless to say they all got caught with their pants down, just one physically as well as figuratively. Each man on the team had been trained properly and the three abductors were in cuffs and being led out the door before they knew what had hit them. Glenn was released from his bonds and assisted out of the building by Jed.

Jed drove Glenn back to Scottsdale with another of the men riding along.

"Glenn, would you like for me to have someone drive your car home for you, I imagine you are a little to shook up to drive right now aren't you?" asked Jed.

"I do want to go home but would you mind if I drove my own car and just followed you?" answered Glenn.

"Sure son, but are you sure you can drive?"

"I think I need to, is that OK?"

"All right, but let's just be careful, Don would be the first to ream me a new asshole if anything happened to you, Greg and Craig wouldn't leave anything left of me for Mars to get once Don was done."

"I understand, and truthfully I appreciate it. Did you find out who was behind my abduction today?" asked Glenn.

"We did, but I think it would be best if Don, Greg or Craig discussed that with you."

"OK if you say so, I've learned it's best for me not to argue with any of you guys and you've all been too good to me for me to do so anyway."

"You are getting smart. Just rest, we should be at your car within the next half and hour."

"Mr. Bellows, the men have been brought into the facility."

"Put them each in a separate interrogation room, they should have been brought in separate and I want them to be kept separate. I do not want them to be able to talk to each other at any time."

"Yes Sir, I believe that is the way they were being handled, but I will see to it."

Craig entered the first room to find one of the assistants cuffed to the table.

"I understand you were the driver of the van?" inquired Craig.

"I don't know what you are talking about?" replied the man.

"Look, Steve, yes I know your name, Steve, we had you under observation from ten miles outside of Payson so I know you were driving. Would you like to volunteer the information I want or shall we force the information out of you?" said Craig.

"Who were you working for?" asked Steve.

"I only know Ron the guy that was in charge, he hired me a week ago and told me he pay me a thousand dollars to follow his instructions. He said we would abduct some rich kid but then would turn him over to his boss and we would get out. We weren't going to hurt the kid just hold him for someone else. He didn't tell me anything else. That's all I know."

"I'm glad you decided to share that with me, are you sure you don't have anything else to add?"

"Nothing else, I swear that's all I know."

"Fine then I'll take your story in your own writing, I want you to write out your total involvement in this whole scheme."

"And then what are you going to do with it? If I write that out it could put me away for a long time."

"Let's just say its either take your chances with that or the alternative will tie you up for the rest of your life. Of course even if you do write it out where you would end up going could bring a sooner end to your life."

"Look man I've been in the joint before and I know what can happen if word gets around that you're in because you did something against a kid. I'm as good as dead the minute I would go in. I don't think I want to deal with that."

"Fine, your choice, I take it you chose the alternative?" asked Craig.

"Do I really have any choice, I think you pretty well have me by the balls here don't you?" replied Steve.

"Your choice, sign here."

"This is an agreement for voluntary servitude!"

"You have a choice, which is it, the joint or voluntary servitude?"

"Like I said you have me by the balls, I'll sign."

"Since I have you by the balls as you put it, let's see them. Strip!"


"You heard me, Strip! or, I will have a guard come in and do it for you," ordered Craig.

Craig buzzed and a guard entered the room. "This inductee is waiting to strip for us, would you please unfasten his cuffs and standby in case he needs any assistance?"

The guard pulled a key form his chain and unfastened the cuffs releasing Steve's wrists from the table.

Shaking and with a look of disbelief Steve stood and after rubbing his wrists began to unbutton his shirt. As he pulled it out of his trousers he removed it completely and started to toss it on the table.

"Fold all articles of clothing and stack them neatly as they are removed," ordered Craig.

His shoes followed his tee shirt then his socks. He placed the shoes to the side of his shirts and then folded his socks and stuffed them into the shoes. He undid his belt pulling it from his trousers and rolling it neatly placing it too within one of his shoes. His trousers came next and after the contents of his pockets were laid upon the table, he folded the trousers and placed them neatly on top of the stack.

He stood placing his hands on his sides. The shame on his face was evident as he held his head slightly bowed and looked towards the floor.

"I said strip! Do I need to keep telling you what to do?"

With a sigh of resignation Steve placed his thumbs in the waist of his briefs and slowly pushed them down and added them to the stack. As soon as the briefs were on the pile he moved his hands in front of him to hide his genitals.

"Hands at your sides! There is no reason to hide anything as it now belongs to me, as does all your body and soul."

Steve's hands moved to his sides as a blush covered his face and chest.

"So let's see the family jewels, jack yourself until you're hard."

"What? You don't expect me to do that, do you?"

"Crack!" resounded as a cane struck Steve across the shoulders.

"Does that answer your question? Now get yourself hard, or do I need the guard to do it for you?"

Steve began to fist himself as he mumbled "No way do I want some other man jacking me!"

When Steve was hard and showing a good erection Craig told him to return his hands to his sides. The guard handed him a tape measure and he proceeded to measure the length and circumference of Steve's dick. "Decent, seven and half inches in length. Five and a quarter inches in circumference. Get up on the table on all fours facing away from me."

Craig had written the measurements into the file. He put the file down and with both hands began a tactile inspection of Steve. His examination ended as he examined Steve's ass kneading and rubbing each cheek as he pulled the two apart and began to work the side of his hand up and down the cleft. With a dip of his fingers into some lube he began to work a finger at a time through the sphincter. Deeper and deeper he pushed with his finger until it was buried to the knuckle. When the second finger was just as deep he began to examine the prostate, rubbing in between his two fingers. A wave came over Steve as he began to sweat and breath heavier. Craig continued his assault as Steve began to moan with pleasure. Just before he could reach an orgasm Craig pulled out and picked up his folder to jot down some more notes. Steve appeared in agony as his body was so close to that brink. Craig said nothing and waited for Steve to calm down. When his breathing seemed to be closer to normal Craig told him to sit up resting his ass on his heels with his knees apart. Steve moved into position blushing all the more as his cock stood at full mast thrusting out from his groin.

The next order caused an even deeper embarrassment to Steve as the realization hit him that he had just been told to jack himself off to an orgasm. Not wanting to endure the wrath of his new master he brought his right hand forward and began his all to familiar mode of self pleasure. It didn't take him long to get back to that pinnacle and even in his humiliation he went over the top and began to shoot. The first shots went high in the air above his head then fell to the table in front of him. Each successful shot went a little less high in the air but plopped down on the table. A total of eight volleys finally landed. Craig put his finger into the nectar and brought it to his mouth to taste it. Commenting on it being of a thick consistency, slightly nutty in taste, and good volume, he added to his notes. His next order further confused Steve as he was told to clean up his mess. As usual it required a further explanation that he was to lick it up before Steve understood how he was to follow the order. With his humiliation greater than he had ever experienced he leaned over the table and cleaned it completely with his tongue. As he stood again his head stayed down, too ashamed to look at any one.

The guard escorted him out of the room and on his way for further processing.

Mean while Greg had entered the second interrogation room following the same script, with the same results. The other assistant knew no more than his partner had and when presented with the same options made the same choices. His humiliation was no less than his partner, however when he had been instructed to jack himself off he wasn't able to do it. Craig ordered the guard to assist him and with an examination glove on his hand he brought the man to climax. Again a good quantity of ejaculate was produced.

The two met up with each other in the shower area. As was the normal practice, they were suspended by their wrists from hooks in the ceiling and warned not to speak to each other. The attendants proceeded to shave their bodies in the normally prescribed manner. All hair was removed other than a slight and well trimmed bar on their groins above their dicks. Without ceremony they were then moved to the wall and introduced to the enema. Three enemas later they were finally showered then taken off to the doctor's examination room.

The doctor was quick and efficient in his exam and with the assistance of a guard had taken blood samples and implanted something into their shoulders just under the shoulder blades. A collar was chosen to fit and encircled their neck.

A guard came in and moved them on to the next room in the processing center. As they entered they were fastened down into a frame and secured in such a manner that they were unable to move. An attendant picked up an odd looking machine and after referring to the file reset several dials then placed the machine over one of their shoulders. Hitting a button the machine began its whirring sound and thousands a pin pricks could be felt under it. In a manner of a minute or two the attendant removed the machine and a series of numbers could be read across their shoulder. The attendant then reset the dials and performed a similar tattooing to the other man.

Another assistant came up behind them with a leather strop and began to thrash them from their waist down to their upper thighs. As they screamed in pain and tears streamed down their faces someone grabbed their nipples one at a time and in an instant pierced them and inserted rings. A touch of adhesive and a snap and the rings were sealed in place. The beating continued as a hand gripped their cock and in a matter of moments placing a tube over the head of their dicks and pulling the excess skin downward. With a quick slip of a scalpel the excess skin fell away. A quick swab of some foul smelling and burning solution brought them to another level of pain as a stab from the underside of their dick took them to yet another plane of pain. Another ring, much heavier than the ones in their nipples was inserted into the end of their dicks and when the hand finally released their manhood they could feel the tug as the weight of the ring worked with gravity to make its presence known. A triangular cup was placed over their genitals and fastened with a small padlock removing any ability to touch themselves.

They were pulled down from the frames and drug to individual cages. Again there hands were cuffed above their heads. Their ankles were also cuffed out to each side. They were forced to position themselves in a crouching position, knees bent and separated. Their arms and wrists rose above them, and were fastened with the wrists as far out from their bodies as possible. Through the cage was a phallic shaped nipple which would supply them with water. As they looked around the room they could see how the water supply was to be used. It was with great embarrassment that they learned to use the water supply. At irregular intervals their collar gave them just enough of a shock to disturb any sleep they might try to get.

Ron had been waiting in the third interrogation room. Craig entered and began his questioning. "Who hired you to abduct Glenn?" demanded Craig.

"None of your damn business!" replied Ron.

"Are you sure that's the way you want to go about this?" said Craig as he hit him with a shock from his pocket prod.

When he managed to regain his composure he just stared at Craig with a look of contempt.

"Would you like to try that question again?"

"No way in hell am I telling you anything, I don't care what you think you can do to me."

"Guard help Ron get ready for the Red Room."

Ron was sitting with his wrists cuffed to the table in front of him. With the assistance of another guard a thick collar was placed around his neck and one at a time his wrists were released from the table and refastened on either side of the collar. Pulled into a standing position one of the guards pulled out a small but very sharp pocket knife. With a few quick swipes Ron's clothes fell away. His shoes and socks had been removed by one of the guards and he was left standing in just a pair of boxers. Another swipe with the knife and they too fell to shreds at his feet. The guards each grabbed an elbow and pulled him out of the room and down the hall to the red room.

As he entered the room he saw the whip master standing by the wall selecting his weapon. The whip master was dressed in a tight pair of leather shorts, boots and a leather harness. His musculature was all too evident as each of his muscles seemed to be framed by leather. The leather appeared to be embedded in his skin as it formed the low points of his body. Between the leather, the muscles rose inches higher as if the harness was holding together a balloon ready to burst in its expanded state. A sheen glowed over his entire body as it appeared to be oiled akin to a Greek god. Leather straps encircled his arms only emphasizing his softball size biceps and tremendous triceps.

The guards expertly fastened Ron into the frame and in a matter of moments Ron was in a standing position suspended entirely by straps holding his body in midair. In front of him was a mirror in which he could see a full reflection of not only his front but with the mirror on the opposite wall he could see his full back at the same time.

Craig's voice came over the intercom system as the whip master took his position cracking the whip to judge his distance and correct position. Each crack of the whip sounded like a gun being fired.

"Since you have decided not to cooperate we shall try another tactic. We'll start with twenty-five lashes of the whip. When you have taken all twenty-five, we'll ask again. In the meantime until you have received the twenty-five we will not stop to talk, even if you have changed your mind. You have one opportunity, now to answer my question. If you don't then we shall begin. By the way should you pass out, we will revive you before continuing, we wouldn't want you to miss any thing after all."

Several moments passed and not a sound was to be heard. "Whip Master please begin"

"CRACK," went the whip as it connected with Ron's mid back. Air gushed from his lungs as a scream filled the room.

"CRACK," sounded the whip again as it hit just below the shoulder blades and the tip wrapped itself around and into his arm pit. As the tip snapped back it brought with it a tuft of hair ripped from its victim.

"CRACK," went the whip again as it wrapped further around his torso and the tip bit at his nipple. The force split the nipple in two and blood began to flow forth. A blood curdling scream resounded through the room astonishing its source more than anyone else. Ron could not believe such an animalistic sound could come from any human let alone from himself.

"CRACK," repeated the whip again as it made its first assault across his ass. The tip again wondered and bit at his scrotum. Ron's bowels and bladder released. Excrement ran down his legs and his piss covered the floor in front of him. Any humiliation felt before was just multiplied.

"CRACK," another lash struck at a slightly different angle crossing his ass again and biting his scrotum once again. This time with nothing left in his bowels or bladder he retched the contents of his stomach before he passed out. An attendant directed a hose over the area washing away the mess then raised the hose of cold water to revive Ron. In a matter of moments Ron regained consciousness and the Whip Master continued his assault.

To be continued

Written by Rod

Copyright 2005 by Rod

All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; no reference is intended to anyone dead or alive.

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Next: Chapter 21

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