Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Oct 16, 2005


"I see Dan has progressed to the point where he is allowing others to give him a blow-job," said Craig.

"Yes it took about five days but he seems to want the other men to service him now. Whatever reservations he had seem to be gone," commented Bill.

"I think it's time for the next step, we will let the other men know that if they service him again they will be punished. However we will let him fuck them. Any other activity on his part will cause him to feel a shock from his collar. I don't think he will mind being a top; it should be an easy transition for him. Many straight men take an attitude that it is all right to fuck another man, as they consider a hole a hole. Mentally though, we will move closer to where we want him to be."

"I'll get the orders passed down and let the observers know what they need to watch for. When I have my session with him tomorrow I'll instruct him as to what is now expected."

"Good, let me know how he progresses," replied Craig.

The following morning as Dan finished his workout session with Bill he was informed of the change in his after hour activities. Dan looked like he was about to argue, but before he allowed the first word to exit his mouth, a defeated look crossed his face and he kept his comment to himself. Perhaps his training was taking effect; he knew what would happen if he ever failed to accept an order.

In the block that night Dan was in turmoil. He had become so accustomed to having the men service him. He longed for the attention to his cock. He couldn't understand the thoughts that raced through his mind. Just a few short weeks ago he would have tried to kill any other male who would even intimate any type of sexual contact with him or even another male. Now he was longing for another to service him and bring him pleasure. In all his sexual experience, of course with women only, he could never remember receiving such pleasure as he had in the last few days. Now he was being told the only way he could get satisfaction was to actually fuck another man. That couldn't be acceptable. It wasn't right to have relations with another man. But, he had accepted the services of other men and enjoyed it, maybe under the circumstances he could fuck another man. Was it really so different if it was a man instead of a woman? So long as it wasn't him who was being fucked, he wasn't gay. He had tried to get one of the men to service him and when he did, not only did he get shocked but the guy got drug away after receiving several strikes of a cane. No one else would come close to him, at lest not with any willingness to suck him off. If he approached someone, they would turn with their back to him and bend over. The need in his groin was growing ever greater and his dick was standing at full attention, even with the PA ring weighing it down. His pre-cum was dripping in a steady stream. His previous obsession against gays had to give way to his sexual needs. He decided there was no other choice; he would take the next man he could.

The drugs in his system were working as designed. His desire and need for sexual contact was all he could think about. As he approached the next man and he turned and bent over Dan quickly moved into position and without comment put his hands on either side of the mans' hips and thrust himself forward impaling his dick into his partner in one quick thrust. As he pushed and pulled, both men moaned with sounds of pleasure. Their pleasure continued to mount as they sweated over each other, with an overwhelming feeling of ecstasy Dan climaxed, shooting blast after blast into his partner. Even after such an earth shattering orgasm Dan's cock didn't wilt. It stood straight and hard as steel. His desire to continue was beyond his comprehension, never before had he been able to come so violently and still need to come again. It was without hesitation he turned to another man to continue his attack. The special drugs he had been given were doing as expected. He found himself without thought, seeking only to bring himself to orgasm and then, when he had somehow landed back into reality his body ached for another encounter. His dick continued to drip with pre-cum as he found himself delirious with the desire to copulate. Only after four encounters with mind-blowing orgasms did he find himself too tired to continue, even though his cock would not deflate and ached for more attention, he could not physically force his body to begin another assault. As he lie upon his mattress he slowly began to work his cock in an attempt to quell the feelings within, only to receive a shock from his collar warning him as he well knew that to masturbate was not allowed. It was with a high degree of difficulty that he finally drifted off to sleep. In his dreams he started with the pleasure of his orgasms but then slipped into a nightmare of his own self judgment condemning him for his unnatural relations with other men. Each time he awoke his exhaustion lead him back to sleep to start his cycle of dreams followed by nightmares all over again.

The next morning Bill worked him as hard as ever and brought him past the point of exhaustion. With the troubled sleep of the night before and the constant barrage of condemnation ever present in his head he was in a state of mental as well as physical total exhaustion. Bill had been even more severe in his punishment this morning and there wasn't an area of Dan's body that didn't yell for relief.

When their session was ended Dan was looking forward to the normal short but needed respite he normally received as he would return to his mattress for a short rest before his first lecture class of the day. But today when Bill finished the session he did not call for an escort to return Dan to the block, instead he moved him to a horse at the side of the room and pushing him face forward over it, then proceeded to fasten him down securely. Once Bill was assured that Dan was tightly secured he moved behind him and with an ample amount of oil began to work his hands over Dan's buttocks. Gentle massaging and kneading each butt cheek with almost a loving degree of attention. As he moved his hands closer and closer to the cleft between them he switched to a heavier lube and began to apply it to the cleft before him. Slowly he worked towards Dan's anus and gently as possible he began to rub around the rosebud. Switching from his hands to his mouth and tongue he began the assault on Dan's ass hole. Licking, sucking then biting all around the edges, forcing his tongue into it while Dan was falling deeper and deeper into a trance, his body reacting with heights of pleasure from areas he had never experienced such feelings from before. After being worked over sufficiently by Bill's tongue, Bill began to use first one finger, constantly introducing more and more lube into the hole. As Dan became enthralled with the feelings overcoming him, Bill proceeded to add another finger and then another, constantly working in more and more lube, rubbing, stretching the sphincter to a point where it was becoming ever so more pliable and giving. When he was successfully finger fucking him with four fingers Bill removed his fingers and replaced them with his dick, slowly he forced himself into Dan as Dan continued to moan with pleasure. Dan begged for Bill to give him more and with one thrust Bill impaled the rest of his cock into him. For the first time, Dan felt the hair in Bill's groin as it pressed up against his ass. In the position he was in Bill balls smacked against Dan's creating a feeling previously unknown to Dan. Slowly and with such care Bill began to withdraw. Bill begged as he began to feel empty and Bill accommodated his request by thrusting back into him to the hilt. In and out, changing the angle ever so little, so that each thrust would attack a slightly different area. Soon he was assaulting Dan's prostate and Dan was practically in tears as he begged Bill to ram him, to drive that cock into him with all the force he could. As Dan saw flashes of light before his eyes his nervous system exploded like a thousand fire crackers as he reached that final pinnacle and he gushed forth with volley after volley of sweet cream exploding forth from his cock. His sphincter tried to clamp shut forcing Bill over that final threshold as well. Bill shot at least seven times filling Dan with his nectar. As Bill pulled back, his cream began to run down Dan's legs. As Dan attempted to recover he found Bill standing in front of him. With a look of horror Dan heard Bill instruct him to open his mouth and clean him off. As Dan slightly hesitated his collar came to life reminding him of his lack of choice. Opening his mouth he grudgingly accepted the cock presented him. Bill instructed him in what he was to do, if was after all, but a reminder, as this topic had been covered in his classes numerous times. He just could not believe that he would be forced to do it. As he closed his lips around the warm invader Bill leaned forward over him and with one hand he again entered Dan and began another assault on his prostate. As the feelings of pleasure mounted he began to work his tongue around Bill's cock trying to impart as much pleasure as he was receiving. Again he was approaching an orgasm. He sucked on Bill's cock cleaning it completely and bringing forth moans of satisfaction. In a matter of moments both men reached orgasm again. Dan shot adding more of his cream to that all ready dripping from the frame of the horse. Bill's cream found its way down Dan's throat until Bill pulled back just enough so that he filled Dan's mouth. Never having experiencing such a thing before Dan did not know what to do and held the cream in his mouth, sensing he could not even think of spitting it out. Bill pulled his cock out completely and then bent down and placed his mouth directly over Dan's. With his tongue he forced Dan to open his lips and then he sucked some of the nectar back into his own mouth before giving it back to him. As his tongue explored Dan's mouth Dan found he could do nothing but swallow and soon became involved in a battle of tongues with Bill.

As Bill released him from his bonds he told him for this evening he would be fucked by the other men and would clean each of them off afterward bringing them to another orgasm which he would swallow.

The doctor had closely monitored the drugs Dan was receiving and throughout that evening the other men in the block took turns fucking Dan and then being brought off by him as he first cleaned their cocks then brought them to their second orgasm.

All of his actions were monitored and reported back to Craig. Craig seemed quite pleased with the reports he received and instructed Bill and the doctor that the drugs should continue and Bill should continue with a heavy exercise program with as much pain inflicted as possible followed by a good fucking. In the block when Bill felt the timing was appropriate Dan should be instructed to engage in all sexual acts with whoever should approach him and do whatever requested. He should both give and receive. This should continue until decided otherwise.

Glenn was settling in well. He enjoyed the freedom afforded him with his new car and reveled in the changes to his life with the restoration of those items he had held so dear. He had met with a doctor and a psychologist several times. Apparently he had managed to overcome the effects of the drugs. Mars had successfully gotten him off of the drugs and said the right things. Glenn had no desire to take drugs again; he was enjoying life too much and appreciated the relationship and acceptance of the men now in his life. Nightly he had discussions with Don and was quickly growing affection for his new father. He still maintained his feelings for Mars but was beginning to understand how with him being sixteen and Mars just being a little over nineteen it would not be a good idea at this point for them to have sexual relations. Mars had tried to tell him this and refused to do anything more than a mutual jack off with him. He only wished he could be with Mars, but he understood that Mars was finishing the semester out east and then was transferring back to Arizona. If he played his cards right perhaps he could convince Don to let him move in with the other guys and attend school there. He enjoyed being with the older men and especially with Rainbow but he would rather be with the younger guys, perhaps he could convince them to let Rainbow go with them to the house. After all, Bobby and Evan also expressed the fact that they missed having Rainbow around. Christmas would be coming soon and everyone would be back at the mansion for the holidays. It would be a Christmas like he had never had before.

One evening after his discussion with Don he knew the men were going to have a workout session. He knew that the older men worked out together at least three times a week but he had never been asked if he would like to join. He knew the room where they worked out as he had access to it at other times. He had gone there a number of times to use the equipment, but being alone, he never felt like doing very much. He decided this evening he would try to join the men. Since nothing had ever been said, he thought he would just show up a little bit after they got started and see if he couldn't just join them.

He went to his room and changed into some shorts and a tee with a pair of gym shoes and socks and made his way the exercise room. He knew that the men had been in the room for at least five to ten minutes when he approached the locker room just outside the exercise room. He quietly entered and hearing the voices from the other room decided to wait a few moments to listen to what was being said. He overheard them discussing the draw tonight for who would be in charge and heard the announcement that Phil would lead the session. The first exercise started and he heard the crack of a cane as Don was verbally being chastised for not keeping up. Surprised at what he heard he stepped through the door just as the cane was coming down again on the nude body of Don. His eyes doubled in size as he gasped in shock at the sight and sounds before him. All of the older men were in the room, all were nude and Phil was standing over them like a drill sergeant as he instructed, reprimanded or punished them. As the door slammed behind him the men realized his presence and could see the shock on his face.

"I'm sorry, I guess I shouldn't have come in, but what is going on?" asked a very bewildered Glenn.

"You're a little young for this but I guess you are due an explanation now that you have seen what you've seen," replied Don.

"Please, I am sorry for coming in but what are you doing, I thought you were just having an exercise session and I wanted to join in. I didn't really mean to do anything you wouldn't want me to do. It's just too lonely to try to exercise alone."

"Glenn it's all right, I guess really it is our fault for being careless enough for you to be able to walk in on us, but at this point I guess we do owe you an explanation," said Greg.

"You know that we are all gay, don't you?" asked Phil.

"Sure, that's one of the reasons I feel so comfortable around all of you," answered Glenn.

"Well beyond that we are into S&M, just as we push the inductees with physical punishment to get them to exercise more strenuously, we use the same methods with each other," said George.

"We also play with each other sexually so we enjoy exercising in the nude. The exercise along with the punishment serves to become a type of foreplay for us," added Don.

"Wow that really sounds neat. I don't imagine you'd let me join in would you?" asked Glenn.

"You know how we feel about you having sex with anyone older Glenn, all of us are definitely over 21 and it would not be appropriate," stated Craig.

"Could I at least work out with you?" asked Glenn.

"That I guess could be possible but are you sure? Perhaps we should put on at least shorts," said Greg.

"I am sure I'd like to join you. You don't have to put anything on because of me, really I'd just as soon shuck my clothes if you'd let me. I don't know if I'd like to feel that cane either but I wish you would think of something to push me some too, I think I would like that. I know you won't do anything sexual with me but I don't think you'd mind if I get myself off afterwards would you?" Glenn blurted out hardly taking a breath and crossing his fingers behind his back wishing they would go along with his request.

"Glenn, would you step back into the locker room for a moment and let us discuss this. Ted if you would accompany him so he doesn't try to listen at the door we will discuss it and let you know in just a few minutes," said Craig.

"Sure sir no problem, but please let me join you," said Glenn.

"Glenn let's go," said Ted as he escorted him back to the locker room.

"So any opinions?" asked Craig.

"Honestly, Glenn is gay, living here in the house it's not like we are going to not be as open with him as we always were with Evan, Bobby and Jimmy," said Phil.

"But we didn't let the boys know about this side of our relationship until after they were eighteen," said George.

"We know Jimmy was aware of this lifestyle before he was eighteen and we all remember the incident with Coach and the boys long before they were eighteen," said Don.

"That's for sure, I can still remember the pain of a few of those sessions as if they were yesterday," added Coach.

"Perhaps it would be best if we included him. But careful with the pain to be inflicted, remember his age and no penetrating sex. We could allow him to participate in a jerk off or so but that should be the extent of it," said Craig.

"After all wouldn't he be safer with us rather than seeking out similar treatment elsewhere?" asked George.

"I think so, and from what he has said I do think he would seek it out elsewhere, we don't want a situation to develop like with the others a few years ago," said Coach.

"If we handle it right he should get all he wants right here. Besides if he does move in with the other guys I don't think they would exclude him and you know they get just as serious as we do," said Bill.

"Coach why don't you call Ted and Glenn back in and we'll let him join in," said Craig.

"Glenn you can join us but we will watch the level of pain inflicted and other than to jack off there will be no penetrating sex between us," said Greg as Ted and Glenn entered the room.

"Great, I can work out with you! Thanks!" said Glenn excitedly.

"Strip!" barked Phil.

"Sir, yes Sir!" replied Glenn as he rushed to tear away his clothing.

Over the next hour the group of men was pushed through a series of exercises. Everyone felt some type of pain at some point. Phil had pulled a tawse from the cabinet and expertly used it for the balance of the evening. When Glenn needed its ministration Phil used just enough strength to make him aware of it, it stung for sure and the pain felt intense but it wasn't long lasting. By the time they hit the showers no signs remained.

As the men shared the shower Glenn turned to Don and asked, "Is there a particular reason that all of you men have nipple rings and a ring through your dicks?"

"Actually there is a reason. We all enjoy a similar lifestyle and those items you pointed out are an expression of that lifestyle. You will find that Evan, Jimmy, Bobby and Jason all have them as well. It has been a rite of passage for each of them, they waited until they were over eighteen and then during a special ceremony they received them. They had wanted them for several years before they actually received them," answered Don.

"Could I get them too?" asked Glenn as they stepped out of the shower and began to dry off.

"In time when you are old enough and truly decide that they are what you want."

"I'll have to talk to Mars I wonder if he would like to have them as well, I think they are really sexy. That was some work out; I notice everyone ended up with a hard-on."

"That's normal after one of our sessions; we go through it not only for the body building aspects but as a way to get ready for sex."

"So now it's time for sex?"

"Well yes, usually."

"I guess I'm not allowed to suck you off and I can't get you to do that to me either, but could we give each other a hand job?"

"I think that would be allowed," said Don as he reached out and took hold of Glenn's steel hard dick. Gently he began to work his fist from base to tip as Glenn allowed his head to fall back. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt a wave of warmth flush over him.

With an excitement building in his gut, he reopened his eyes and lifted his head to attention as he reached out with his hand and took hold of the equally hard dick of his partner. As Don made each movement Glenn mimicked them on Don. Their breathing deepened and became raspy. A light sheen developed over their body as they approached a climax. They continued to stroke each other alternately staring deeply into each others eyes and closing their eyes as waves of pleasure washed over them. Finally Glenn could hold out no longer and began to explode, his shots reigning down over Don's chest, then stomach then groin. As the first volley hit Don squarely in the chest he too exploded and covered Glenn in a similar fashion. After some minutes they both were able to regain their senses and with a laugh returned to the showers, Don with his arm wrapped around Glenn's shoulder and Glenn with his head resting comfortable against Don's pec. They tenderly washed each other then left the shower to dry each other with the fluffy towels ever present in the locker room. After returning to his room Glenn slept better than he had in a long time. He had been accepted by men who truly loved him and this night he felt their love and acceptance. The ache in his muscles never felt better, he couldn't remember feeling so good.

Morning came all too soon, but Glenn arose with a burst of energy. Rainbow stayed by his side as he prepared himself for the day and bounded down the stairs to go to breakfast. As Glenn ate and talked incessantly with anyone within earshot Rainbow stayed by his side happily gulping down any tidbits Glenn slipped under the table to him.

"Any plans for today?" asked Don.

"Just thought I'd try to get a little Christmas shopping done before the guys get home, that way I can get things hid away before they are around to see them," answered Glenn.

"Smart thinking, do you need any money?"

"Gee Dad, does that mean you'd give me some if I said I did?" kidded Glenn.

"Yes Son, if you said you did I would give you some, do you need any?" replied Don with a bursting smile and laugh.

"Well I don't really Dad, but then if more was in my pocket I might spend a little more," said Glenn with just a hint of mischievousness to match the twinkle in his eyes.

"Here's an extra hundred I think that might help, just remember who gave it to you when you picking my gift," said Don as he laughed, handed Glenn several bills and returned the devilish grin.

For a December day it was still quite warm as Glenn decided to drive to Scottsdale and go to one of his favorite malls. Don had taken him there shortly after his arrival in Phoenix and he knew there were a few favorite shops where he could find things for the men. Beside there was also a pet store and he could pick up something for Rainbow as well.

Checking out a men's store he was looking at a new pair of Levi's so he took them into the fitting room to try them on. He had no sooner taken off his slacks and standing in his briefs he was surprised as another man pushed into the fitting room and grabbed him from behind placing his hand over Glenn's mouth so as to prevent him from saying anything. In a hushed tone Glenn was instructed to put his own slacks back on. Carefully he did so as the intruder continued to keep his mouth obstructed. When Glenn's pants were properly back on and his shoes tied, the man looked out of the room then warned Glenn if he said anything he would die right there. Glenn felt the barrel of a gun sticking into his side as the man removed his hand from Glenn's mouth and wrapping his arm around Glenn escorted him out of the fitting room. Quickly he moved him through the store and out the door. A van in the parking lot had its side door slid open and the man pushed Glenn in following him so as to not lose his grip. The door slid closed and sped out of the parking lot. Two other men were inside the van and Glenn was quickly bound and gagged so he could not cause any problems.

To be continued

Written by Rod

Copyright 2005 by Rod

All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; no reference is intended to anyone dead or alive.

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Next: Chapter 20

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