Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Sep 12, 2005


Each of the four were taken again to the shower room. The cuffs were again manipulated so as to reposition them above their heads and an enema was again administered. A total of four flushings cleansed there intestinal tracts leaving them empty and clean for the coming activities. A shower cleansed their skin and removed the grime and sweat accumulated over the day of exercising. A disinfectant was applied to their nipples and cocks.

The four sons were escorted into another large room. Frames similar to the ones they had seen before stood in the center of the room. Five frames sat waiting side by side, glistening with their chrome plating. A single cabinet, but of good size stood on one side of the room. As the other room in the East wing of the house two of the walls were covered with mirror allowing full view of anything occurring in the room.

As the eight men entered, the four sons and their respective fathers, the other men of the family could be seen, gathered together for the ringing ceremony, Craig, Greg, Bill, Coach, and the doctor.

Evan was taken to the first frame and as the cuffs were removed they were replaced with leather ones on chains. These were attached to the top of the frame. Additional leather bindings encircled the ankles and attached to the bottom of the frame.

Bobby followed and Don repeated the steps taken by Phil with Evan. In a matter of minutes Bobby found himself bound in similar manner in the frame next to Evan.

James brought Jimmy forward and followed the same steps, removed the cuffs, replaced them with ones of leather on chains, attached them to the top of the frame and then fastened similar ones to the ankles and attached the chains to the base of the frame.

Last but not least Jason was affixed in similar manner to the fourth frame. After affixing Jason to the frame, Jed stepped back to assume a rest position as had the other fathers.

Craig stepped forward and said, "Jed, when you were originally ringed a larger than normal set of rings were placed into your nipples, I believe I am correct that you have expressed a wish that they be of similar size to the other fathers, but you would prefer to keep the slightly larger PA. Am I correct?"

"Sir, Yes Sir," answered Jed.

"Very well, Bill if you will please place Jed in the fifth frame," ordered Craig.

Bill turned to Coach and requested his assistance. Jed was stripped; his clothes laid aside and replaced with a leather harness that emphasized his good build. It had not been that long a time since he had gone through the induction and he had managed to keep himself shaved ever since the experience. Between Bill and Coach Jed was quickly placed in the leather cuffs and the chain ends were attached to the frame.

As Coach tightened the last chain to the frame Bill flipped the controls causing the frame to move the chains and extend each of its occupants to a well stretched position. As Jed was being prepared and fastened into the frame the other three fathers changed from their clothing to attire of just leather harnesses as Jed had been dressed in before being put into the frame.

Greg and Craig approached Jed as the rest of the room looked on. Coach had moved behind Jed and taking aim with a leather strop, let loose with the first of several blows with the strop. Jed shrieked as the strop made contact with his ass. Greg and Craig each simultaneously clamped down on one nipple each. Following the next blow they cut the old ring. Another blow with the strop and they inserted a receiver tube to push out the ring and hold the opening. Another blow and a new ring forced out the receiver. A quick sealing of the ring and the task was done. Greg stepped behind Jed and after applying lube entered Jed's rosebud with a fast and forceful insertion. As Craig jacked Jed's cock Greg continued to work his way in and out, taking Jed just to the brink of an orgasm. As Craig saw Jed's balls start to rise and prepare to shoot he reached forward and with a violent grasp pulled them back down and inhibited his moment of ecstasy. Both men backed off and waited a few minutes to allow Jed to regain his composure even with his frustration of being brought so close only to be denied the final pleasure.

Bill flipped a switch and the fifth frame came alive moving Jed's arms and legs back towards a more normal position allowing him to be released from his bonds.

The four sons had remained in agony as they had watched the treatment Jed had received.

Phil stepped forward to Evan and with Greg at his side prepared to ring his son. Coach had moved behind and struck with the leather strop. Under Greg's supervision Phil placed the clamp on the left nipple. Another blow of the strop and the piercing needle punctured the nipple. The piercing needle fell away as the ring forced its way through the delicate tissue. Each step was accentuated with a blow of the strop. The steps were duplicated as the right nipple became similarly adorned. Phil moved behind his son as the doctor stepped forward and gave Evan an injection and Greg took over. He grasped Evan's cock firmly and held it as Phil penetrated his son from behind. Phil stood still as Greg inserted the receiver tube into the urethra. A quick puncture with the proper size piercing needle and it went right into the receiving tube. The PA replaced the previous invaders and was soon closed into a seemingly endless circle. As soon as the PA was in place Phil began to lovingly fuck his son. Evan moaned louder and louder as he lost all control of the sensations coursing through his body. Phil gently reached around his son and with a very light touch stimulated his son's newly pierced nipples. Evan began to shoot, his sphincter clamping down on his fathers' cock forcing him over the edge. As his body reached a crescendo his shots flew far out in front of him. Each eruption of semen came from deep within his body. Explosions of fireworks blocked his sight as his body went into convulsions in its attempt to ejaculate time after time. After more than a dozen firings his nervous system overloaded to the point that he blacked out while his body continued to convulse. It was a full minute before he came back to his senses, taking all his possible effort to regain control of his breathing and wait for his pulse to slow from the thunderous rate during his orgasm. All energy had drained from his body as he hung suspended by his arms. Bill manipulated the switches and the first frame came to life allowing its captive to be freed. Phil sat back cradling his son within his arms.

George stepped forward to assist Don with Bobby. Coach took his position behind Bobby and began with the first strike of the strop. Don placed the clamp and Bobby shrieked a loud moan as the pain radiated from his tender breast. Another strike of the strop and the piercing needle had accomplished its invasion. Yet another strike of the strop and the needle was replaced with the ring. History repeated itself and the other nipple succumbed to the same treatment. Don took his position behind his son, waited for the doctor to give the injection then made penetration as George proceeded with the piercing and insertion of the PA. Upon its successful insertion Don began his lustful dicking of his son. Bobby son felt the effect of the antidote and his body was reacting more positively than it had all day. He yelled to his father to give him everything he could, to ram his cock into him. Just as Don was reaching his own orgasm Bobby felt the cacophony of his senses exploding into an unknown height. His mind was blinded as he lost all sense of everything but the overwhelming pleasure that was invading his entire being. Every gram of his being was focused into the forceful release of his precious fluid while at the same moment there was no way he could explain the million different sensations detonating in every fiber of his being. He too left and unimaginable quantity of his nectar sprayed across the floor in front of him. Bill quickly worked the controls so that he too could be removed from his bonds. As soon as Bobby was released he too found himself wrapped within his father's arms, cradled by his body.

Jimmy's turn was next and Craig stepped forward to assist James with his grandson. Coach took his position behind and began on cue from Craig with the leather strop. James followed the established procedure and soon had adorned his son with the nipple rings. Again the doctor gave the injection of the antidote and James moved into position and took his son. Craig proceeded with the piercing and insertion of the PA. James began long-dicking his son as Jimmy begged his father to do him harder and harder. Jimmy soon succumbed to the urges building within his body. As his father pushed him to higher and higher plateaus he finally felt his orgasm flood his body. Every muscle seemed to tighten and suddenly burst as rockets were unleashed throughout his system. Spurt after spurt of come shot from his cock flying across the room before splattering with a thud on the wooden floor. The tightening of his sphincter made James feel that his cock was going to be cut from his body. The sudden massive pressure brought him over the threshold immediately and his fluids filled his son with great intensity. Jimmy came very close to blacking out but as his father held him tightly in his embrace the moment passed and Jimmy managed to hold on just long enough for the feeling to pass. He did lose contact with that which was going on around him for a few moments as his mind could only handle the immensity of sensations within him. As with the previous two, Bill enabled the frame to alter its hold on the chains and Jimmy once released from his bonds, sank into the comfort of his father's embrace as James sat back on the floor to cradle his son.

Jason had witnessed the events as each of his new brothers had gone through the ordeal that would signify their passing into adult ranking and formalize the bond between father and son. From this day forward the tie between them would be multiplied bringing it to a new and stronger level than they ever thought possible. Bill stepped forward and each step led Jed's hands as they performed the tasks the other fathers had completed. Coach continued to play his part and imparted the blows of the strop with the same intensity and frequency dealt the other three. As soon as the nipple rings were in the doctor administered the antidote and Jed took position behind Jason and began his further part of the ceremony. Bill proceeded with the adornment of the PA and all too soon Jason found himself begging and prodding his father to bring him to orgasm. No different than with the others, Jason finally reached that magical pinnacle and his body exploded in the pleasurable sensations that stole away momentarily his touch with reality as every pore of his body detonated like a fireworks warehouse in the midst of a firebomb. Merciful loss of consciousness overtook his body as the convulsions within him attempted to subside. A rope of his nectar covered the floor from his body to a good ten feet away. The quantity lying on the floor would made one think that Jason had ejaculated not only his own nectar but that of his father's as well as fast as he had spewed it forth into his son. The frame moved for its last time that day and Jason was released into the arms of his father as he too sank down on the floor to support the weight of his son.

As soon as all composure had returned and George and Bill had cleaned up the cream so evident around the room all of the men adjourned to the showers where each of the sons were lovingly showered and caressed by their fathers and grandfathers. Jason was attended to by his father and Bill, Bobby was assisted by his father Don and George. Wrapping themselves in great fluffy robes the men exited the center and headed for their private residences in the West wing.

As had been done years before, the sons were taken to their fathers' rooms. Jed had been assigned a guest room and took Jason there. The grandfathers and Bill left the rooms leaving the fathers and sons together. Each man lied in bed holding his son within his embrace. Intertwined as they were, all sank into a deep sleep.

Each of the rooms received a call an hour later and the men were instructed to dress and come to the dining room for dinner. Casual dress was expected, nothing fancy this evening.

It took a little time for the fathers to get the son's and themselves ready, but all were famished to the extent they had great reason to get to the dining room as soon as possible. The sons certainly felt a meal was needed and wondered how the inductees could survive on the provisions they had been provided. Each had a new and different respect as well as outlook on just exactly what the purpose of the center was. There would still be many questions they wished to ask, but the main concept of the centers purpose and methods were deeply implanted. From this point on, they were confident that further information would come through discussion. No further hands on experience would be needed. At least, not of the nature that made it their body that the hands were on.

Dinner though certainly casual, was delicious. None of the sons could remember prime rib tasting so good. Each and every bite was savored with a new appreciation never before experienced. The newness of their adornments was a constant reminder as to the ordeal they had gone through today. They had insisted on learning about the center and their wish had certainly been fulfilled. They knew they enjoyed a rougher side of sex and their limits had been pushed. They saw how an extension of what they enjoyed could be used to control another person, to break them and force them to do the will of another. They certainly understood with the additional emphasis given today that their actions could lead to circumstances so undesirable in their mind that no matter what they might encounter in life, their was a line to be drawn and it was only right not to ever go over that line.

They also began to realize the true purpose of the center. There were people at all stages who could either benefit by the training given or simply enough, be removed from society so as to never again unleash their madness upon others. In the following days, weeks and possible even years they knew that facets would unfold before them only reinforcing the ideals upon which the center was based. They were proud to be part of this service to humanity and even happier that they could live their lives on the proper side of the entire operation.

Dessert had been served and Craig suggested the men retire to the study. Once all had been seated he went to the cabinet and removed the proper number of brandy snifters and putting a small quantity of brandy in each, offered one to each of the men in the room.

"To our sons, the most precious beings a father can experience. In a manner it is the greatest honor when a son considers his father his master. No greater honor can be bestowed upon a man than to have the worship and love of the fruit of his loins. In turn each is honored by his own son or sons. In this tradition the work of the father can benefit the son and so forth. The legacy passed on should be one to treasure, especially when that legacy can be built by the both of them. It is truly an honor when a third generation can step forward and join in the endeavor with a common goal. There was a point in time when Greg and I wondered if we would have any son to pass our life's work on to other than Phil. Phil has always been the son I never had and I have loved and appreciated his very being since the day he was born. But as life always gives us surprises, we were blessed with the arrival of Evan. Bobby came into our life as a friend of Evan and captured our hearts to no less degree. With the discovery of James and Jimmy our home became all the grander. With two sons and including Bobby three grandsons it would difficult for us to ask for anything more. But it was not to end. Coach and Don came into out family and only multiplied the camaraderie to be experienced by all. With Evan came George, another man of our same cloth who in loving our grandson earned our love without reservation. Bill was introduced and with the events occurring with Evan's arrival into our family an idea was born for the center. It has been as if some higher power has brought each step to fruition developing a single idea to a service for mankind. Circumstances brought Jason and Jed into the fold and with the open acceptance of our grandsons to Jason we feel that another grandson has been joined with us. In this spirit we welcome Jed into our family as well. Today our grandsons, all four of them have passed a great milestone. In reaching their age and taking a stand as adults, they have left behind the vestiges of childhood. They are still our sons or grandsons but they are now men, peers to share our lives, our endeavors and most importantly our love in a greater fashion than every before possible. Even as they are men, it is out duty to protect them and cradle them when needed, but we also acknowledge their ability to stand beside us and work with us in tasks before us in life. No longer is it wise to keep things from them, unless of course it is to be a surprise, and then it will be revealed in its proper time. Men, with all of these things in mind I propose a toast to fathers, sons, and the bonds that make them one." Craig lifted his glass as he concluded his speech, all of the men seemed to have a tear in their eye and a smile on their face as they joined in raising their glass and with an echo of "Amen," each drank from their snifter.

Greg turned to the cabinet and pulling out a beautiful wooden humidor began to pass out a cigar to each present. As he moved through the room he began, "It is not the custom to smoke in this house and we do not wish to in any way promote it, but, the ceremony of today calls for a celebration among men. For this reason I have given each of you including, our grandsons, a cigar to celebrate their coming of age and passing into manhood. Fathers, if your son is in need assistance please do so at this time. Shall we all light up and enjoy these fine Cubans in the spirit intended."

The sons began to cough some with their first few attempts to enjoy a cigar bringing laughter to all. The red face of embarrassment was soon replaced with a glow of pride as they became more accustomed to the task and followed their elders' example in the enjoyment of the moment.

They were practically through with the cigars when Ted came into the room and pulled Craig off the side. "Sir, Dan Goodrich has been apprehended and being brought to the center. There is also a report of a possible bombing not far from where he was stopped. From what information I have been able to gather the bomb may have been at his former home."

Craig turned to the assembled men and announced, "Jed and Jason I want you to come with me. Bill if you would join us as well, it seems Jed, that your former brother-in-law has been picked up but it may have been too late, there may have been a bomb in Alice's home."

"Dad, was mom with aunt Alice?" asked Jason with tears beginning to fall down his cheeks.

"Yes son, she went there this morning and was planning to stay. I was planning to join her on Monday and stay there a few days myself."

"Jed, Jason, Bill and Ted if you will follow me. If everyone else will just remain here we'll let you know as soon as we can find out something." Craig turned and left for the center followed by the other three. The rest of the men sat too astounded to know just what to do but follow their instructions.

To be continued. Written by Rod

Copyright 2005 by Rod

All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; no reference is intended to anyone dead or alive.

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Next: Chapter 16

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