Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Sep 7, 2005


"Ted, everybody home?" asked Evan as he entered the kitchen from the garage.

"Yes Evan everyone is in the study, how was the drive from school?" answered Ted.

"The traffic was heavy, I think half of the school was heading this direction," added Jimmy as all four dropped their luggage just inside the door.

"Shall I see that your luggage gets to your rooms? "asked one of the servants in the kitchen.

"No we'll take it up ourselves, thank you. We'll freshen up and Jason can see where he'll be staying," said Jimmy.

"As soon as you guys get ready, come on down to the study, the men are waiting for you, they ask me to let you know just to dress casual for dinner," said Ted.

"Sure, no problem, see you in there in a few," said Bobby.

"By the way Jason this is Ted, Ted, Jason Elroy," introduced Evan.

"Nice to meet you Jason, welcome."

"Grab you bags guys, Jason follow me, you can bunk in my room, if that's all right with you," instructed Jimmy.

"Sure lead the way," replied Jason with a laugh.

"Wow, some room or should I say suite?" said Jason as they walked into Jimmy's suite.

"Nice isn't it? But It's just home as far as I'm concerned. By the way if you're up to it the other guys can join us this evening," said Jimmy.

"Up to it, around you guys it's hard for me not to be up, or up to anything one of you suggest," Jason replied with a chuckle and an evil grin.

"Well snap your ass to it, everyone is waiting for us and I've got a feeling tonight might be some conversation either before, during dinner or both. Evan is pretty hyped with the info you told him. He's got a shitload of questions for his dad and our grandfathers."

"Gawd, I'm sorry I said anything, I would hate to think I caused a problem."

"Don't worry. All we have ever heard was how important it was to be open and be able to discuss anything, now we find out our Dads and Granddads have been holding out on us. Better to get the air cleared. Everything will be all right. Evan will lead the questions for us, you'd think he was an attorney the way he approaches things."

"Jimmy, Jason are you guys ready to go down?" asked Bobby knocking at the door.

"Sure be right with you," answered Jason.

Walking down the stairs towards the study Evan turned towards the other and with a serious look said, "Well I guess the time is here, either we start WWIII or we get some straight answers."

"We're behind you brother, but we'll let you do the talking," said Jimmy.

Jason stayed a good step behind the three as they entered the study.

"Hi guys!" said all the men as they saw the four enter.

"Hi," said all of them as Evan, Bobby and Jimmy each approached and hugged their Dad's.

"Oh, Dads and Granddads, Coach, Bill this is Jason Elroy a good friend from college, I believe you may know his father Jed Elroy," said Evan.

"Jason this is my father Phil, Jimmy's dad James, Bobby's dad Don, my grandfather Greg, Jimmy's grandfather Craig, my grandpa George, Coach, our former high school Coach, Bill a good friend and employee of our family business, and you've met Ted another of our family's employees."

"Nice to meet you all, good to see you again Bill."

"You know Bill?" asked Evan.

"Sure, Bill is my father's cousin so we related but don't see each other very often."

"Well welcome to the family," said Craig.

"Are we sitting for dinner right away or do we have time to talk?" asked Evan.

"We can sit and talk first if you wish," answered Phil.

"Dads and granddads, we have always known that you operate a medical manufacturing supply company, but are you also running a training center to deal with DWI offenders and those who may wrongly assisted them?"

"Straight and to the point, you're not beating around the bush are you son?" replied Phil.

"Dad you have always told us to ask anything we wanted to ask, may I have the courtesy of a straight answer to a straight question?" said Evan.

"You're right, you aren't asking anymore of us than we have asked of you. Yes it is true, we do operate a facility that deals with DWI offenders and those who would enable them," replied Craig.

"The fact that you run the center doesn't bother any of us, what does rip us up though, is the fact that you felt we should not know about it. Can you tell us why?" continued Evan.

"How old are you boys?" asked Greg.

"Grand dad you know how old we are, Jimmy is 19 and Bobby and I are 18."

"OK, and are you aware of the methods of treatment used in the center? Or have you found that out yet?" asked Craig.

"No sir, we only know that some kind of program exists and it treats the individuals we mentioned," answered Evan.

"From what I understand you are aware of slave/master relationships, and BDSM?" continued Craig.

"You understand, we are aware of it? Yes we are but how did you know?" questioned Evan as a worried look came across Jimmy and Bobby's faces.

"Don't worry sons, the fact that you know about it is not a problem at this point in time. But, a year or more ago it would have been. We all felt that you should not be aware of it until you became of age. In this case, at least eighteen years of age. The center utilizes those methods. We decided that until all of you came of age we could not have you become aware of what was going on. In addition, due to the nature of the operation and the individuals involved it can not be of general knowledge what goes on there. It is held, or least is supposed to held, in complete secrecy within the law enforcement community. Its success or failure is based upon its anonymity," stated Craig.

"So our age was the reason you didn't tell us? It wasn't as much the center but how it's run that you didn't want us exposed to?" asked Evan.

"Exactly, but in all honesty, we have a question for you," said Phil.

"And that question is?" said Evan.

"You four have discovered and enjoy that particular lifestyle, don't you?" asked Phil.

The four began to blush and seemed to lose their voices as shock came over them.

"No answer?" said James.

"Dads and Granddads, yes we do," replied Jimmy in a soft voice.

"We know, and since you are old enough to make that decision you are old enough to enjoy it if you desire. Honesty has always been what we seek, so we can't deny that each of us enjoy it as well. The question now is whether or not you would like to join us."

As the look of worry was replaced with one of surprise Bobby said, "Dad does that include you too?"

"Yes Son, all of us feels the same way, why do you think we have all moved in here together?"

"Really, everyone here, Grandpa George, Coach, Bill, Ted?" asked Evan.

"Yes, one and all!" said George.

"Wait a minute, OK I think we understand all of that but getting back to the center, now that we know about it when can we see exactly what goes on?" asked Evan.

"I believe tomorrow Jason's parents are to be here for Thanksgiving dinner, so how about we take that issue up starting Friday? We'll give you a full tour then and provide you with all the details," said Craig.

"We've waited this long, I don't see why we can't wait tell then. Our ringing ceremony, are we still on for Friday?" asked Evan.

"Yes, we had planned on it, if you still want it," added Phil.

"Jason I understand you are interested in receiving rings as well?" asked Bill.

"Yes," said Jason.

"Could Jason join us?" asked Jimmy.

"I'll ask all of you now, Evan, Bobby, Jimmy, and Jason do you wish to receive rings during a ringing ceremony? The procedures of which we will not divulge before," asked Craig.

"Yes Sir!" replied all four together.

"Do you consent to whatever procedure utilized in that ceremony, submitting of your own free will?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!" echoed all four.

"Very well, I think it is time for dinner, shall we?" said Greg.

Later in Jimmy's room. "Hey Bobby, still have that set of dice?" asked Jimmy.

"Sure I'll be right back with them," said Bobby.

"What did you have in mind Jimmy?" asked Evan.

"How about everybody throw the dice, high roller gets to top

low man, and the other two get to roll again to determine

high man to top low man," answered Jimmy.

"You're on," said Bobby as he rolled a six.

"Eleven, Yow," said Evan as he threw the

dice. "Aw man, four," said Jason.

"Baby, come to daddy, Ha, twelve!" yelled


"Ok, Jimmy tops Jason, Evan and Bobby, roll

again. "Eight," said Evan, "beat that


"A Ha, ten!" proclaimed Bobby. "Evan you get to serve me tonight."

"Hey Bobby shall we start by warming their asses?" asked Jimmy.

"Yeah you still have that four inch razor strop?"

"Sure right here, boys grab you ankles," said Jimmy.

"How about fifteen strokes each, think that should warm them up Jimmy?"

"Five each then we'll switch back & forth till

we finish," suggested Bobby.

"Sure, since you have the strop you start with


"Count off."


"One Sir, thank you Sir, May I have another?"

said Evan. "Whack"

"Two Sir, Thank you Sir, May I have another?"


"Five Sir, Thank you Sir, May I have another?" said Evan as a few tears started to flow.

"Now for you buddy, May I borrow the strop

Bobby?" said Jimmy.

"Sure, be my guest."


"One Sir, Thank you Sir, May I have another?"

said Jason. "Whack"

"Two Sir, Thank you Sir, May I have another?"


"Five Sir, Thank you Sir, May I have another?" said Jason as he too began to tear.


"Fifteen Sir, Thank you Sir." Said Jason as the last lash took its toll.

"I think you two can get on your knees and suck some cock, think so Bobby?"

"Yeah, right here Evan, make me feel good. And hands off your cock."

Jason took his place in front of Jimmy and Evan in front Bobby as they began to lick around the base then up and down the sides, finally circling the corona and swallowing the cocks in front of them. Jimmy and Bobby began to moan as their pleasure increased. Just before they were ready to shoot they pulled back to regain their composure.

"Up on the bed, Jason and Evan in a 69. Now! You two can help each other out," instructed Bobby. "Now, if you would like to take Jason I believe I have a hot meat injection for Evan"

Evan and Jason moved into position with Evan towards the head of the bed and Jason towards the foot.

"Just to add some interest put your arms above your heads and grab your buddy's ankles," ordered Jimmy.

With a quick move and a few knots Jason's wrists were roped to Evan's and the rope was stretched and tied to the end of the bed. Likewise Evan's wrists were roped to Jason's ankles and they were tied off to the head of the bed. Leaning Jason took Evan's cock down his throat and began his adoration. Not wasting any time Evan too leaned forward and Jason's cock disappeared down his throat. As the two became more and more involved with the other Jimmy positioned himself behind Jason and with one thrust buried his cock into Jason. In a similar manner Bobby buried his cock into Evan. Each men began to thrust deeper and deeper as sounds of pleasure could be heard from all four.

Evan could feel Jason's cock enlarging as each thrust of Jimmy drove them closer together. Likewise Jason could feel each thrust of Bobby as he plunged into Evan forcing him further and further down Jason's throat. Jason suddenly reached that magical point of no return and gushed his precious cream down Evan's throat. As he did his sphincter bit down on Jimmy and took him over the edge. Shot after shot from Jimmy coated Jason's love tunnel. Simultaneously Evan shot down Jason's throat and clamping down on Bobby pushed him over the edge forcing him to unload into Evan. Though it was only a matter of moments, the four felt like an eternity passed, as their bodies convulsed, they felt that contraction within their groin emptying out their loads into their lovers. It was several minutes for the four to regain some semblance of control.

Jimmy gently removed the bindings at the foot of the bed while Bobby removed those at the head. Evan rolled over to pull Bobby into his arms and Jason did likewise with Jimmy. As they pulled each other together they exchanged the semen still within their mouths. Finally breaking their embrace they changed partners and began their embrace once again.

Jason and Evan each pulled a piece of rope from the bed and while involved in a deep kiss, Jason reached behind and managed to bind Bobby's hands while Evan did the same with Jimmy. As soon as they were assured the ropes were tightly in place they pushed their partner back on the bed forcing them to lie on their bonds, unable to move their arms or hands. Evan and Jason switched positions, Evan retaking Bobby and Jason taking Jimmy. They began at the nipples and licked, then sucked, then began to bite each nipple as their partner began to writhe in the pain and agony of pleasure being induced.

After working both nipples to an overly heightened state of arousal, they began to work their way down through the center of the chest, down the treasure trail and around to either side of the groin, avoiding the dick in front of them. They bit at the inner thighs of their captive and then worked their way down to the feet. As they lifted each foot they began to massage and suck on each of the toes. Gently moving back up the leg they teased and nipped at the skin along the way until reaching the thighs once again where they teased the area behind the scrotum and moved over to the other thigh. Back down the other leg to the foot then after paying homage to each toe they began their path back up. When they reached the thighs again they rolled their partner over and placing one hand on each ass cheek opened the bounty before them and with their tongues teased the length of the crevice.

As Jimmy and Bobby tossed their heads to and fro, moaning in their excitement, Jason latched on to Jimmy's ass lips and began too bite and suction while inserting his tongue as far in as he could reach. Bobby was writhing under similar feelings as Evan was working over him fervently. Leaving as much saliva as possible, they each drew back and knee walking on the bed, moved forward placing the head of their cocks against the gasping rosebuds. Pressing even slightly more forward, each rosebud opened, pulling the cock within.

Just having come within the last twenty minutes it would be longer to reach orgasm this time and as Evan and Jason pistoned in and out of their prey all of the men where covered in sweat. Heat rose from their bodies, their hair was soaked as their energy was channeled into the pleasure at hand. With a roar and a final thrust Evan imbedded himself deep within Bobby and held his position as he unloaded again. Within seconds Bobby spewed forth depositing a lake of fluid on the sheet below him.

Jason let go with a similar yell as he made one final plunge holding himself within Jimmy as his cock shot volley after volley. Jimmy let loose with his own explosion and formed his own lake on the sheets and up his stomach. Jason pulled back and rubbing and caressing the luscious globes in front of him dove in and began to suction his come back out of Jimmy.

Evan looked over and with lust in his eyes repeated Jason's actions invading Bobby. Bobby and Jimmy continued to writhe in their uncontrollable lust as they were not allowed to rest after their previous orgasm.

Pulling back Jason and Evan began to kiss exchanging the semen just recaptured. Turning Bobby and Jimmy over they once again began their passionate embraces with them. When the bindings were removed the four spooned together and soon fell into a deep sleep not to be awoken until morning.

Morning came and the four continued to sleep. When eleven o'clock came and the four had not been seen Phil went to check. Knocking on the door he opened it to find them tightly entangled, sheets thrown to the floor, Jimmy was on the far right with his back to the edge of the bed. The front of his body firmly pressed close to Jason. Jimmy had his head tucked into Jason's shoulder, his left arm over Jason's side and his hand resting on the side of Jason's hip. Jason in turn was nestled into Evan with his left arm bent at the elbow and his hand on Evan's upper arm. Jason's right arm was extended forward and Evan had his head comfortably resting on it. Jason's left leg was lifted and covering Evan's hip with his foot extending over onto the middle of Bobby's calf. Evan was pressed tightly against Bobby with his arm over and tucked up against Bobby's chest seemingly holding him tightly to his breast. Bobby had his other arm curled under his head while his left arm was back with his hand in position intertwining his fingers with Jason on Evan's hip.

Phil spoke softly to them and not getting a response ducked out of the room long enough to grab his camera and returning, took a few shots to save for a future rainy day.

Raising his voice Phil bellowed, "Anyone planning to get up today or shall we feed Thanksgiving Dinner to someone else?"

All four suddenly awoke and though they all started to blush, they smiled when they realized who had interrupted their slumber.

"Morning Dad!" said Evan as they tried to untangle themselves and run for the bathroom.

"You missed breakfast guys but I think you might find something in the kitchen to tide you over till we serve at 2:00. That is if you can get up, clean up and find your way downstairs to the kitchen," said Phil as he laughed and headed out the door.

Showers were a combined effort and with the large shower room in Jimmy's bath they all fit quite comfortably. They did try to put a strain of the water heater as the shower seemed to last a little long. By the time they began to dry each other off, each man had reached orgasm at least once through some means of assistance from someone else. The three had long ago decided that self-pleasure was not allowed and Jason had immediately been informed that the edict included him as well.

By twelve-thirty the four were rushing into the kitchen to see what they could find as their stomachs seemed to lead their onslaught.

Forewarned that dinner at two would be quite a feast, they were hard pressed to just try to quell the pangs of their appetite and wait for the banquet to follow. The chief, fully in control of his kitchen was quite capable of riding herd on them and soon they were accompanying the rest of the men in the house as they awaited the arrival of Jason's parents.

At precisely one o'clock Jed and Abby Elroy arrived and were escorted into the study to join the rest of the diners.

"Welcome! Jed, this is your wife Abby?" asked Craig as he nodded to Jed and reached forward to shake hands with Abby.

"Yes Mr. Bellows this is my wife Abby, Abby this is my new employer Mr. Bellows," said Jed.

"Hi Mom!" said Jason as he came forward to give his Mom a hug.

"Hello son. I'm glad I at least, get to see you today. I thought you were coming home for the holiday and when your Dad said you weren't but that we were invited here, well, I appreciated not having to cook, but I only get to see you today?"

"Mom, aren't you going to see Auntie over the week-end any way?"

"Well yes but, you're my boy I'd like to spend some time with you as well. Oh Mr. Bellows pardon me; I don't know where my manners went. I do appreciate you invitation today for dinner. At least I will get to spend some time with my son and won't even have to clean up after him."

"Mrs. Elroy, or may I call you Abby?"

"Please do Sir."

"Abby you are most welcome to join us today, after all maybe a lady in our presence will keep these guys on their best behavior," said Craig as everyone began to laugh.

"Well, I can say from experience sir, Bobby, Evan and Jimmy better watch out, cause if Mom treats them like she does me, they could get a backhand on the noggin if they do something out of line," joked Jason.

"Abby, you have our permission to knock some sense into any of them if needed, you don't even have to ask," chuckled Greg.

"I'm sorry I didn't finish introductions," said Craig as he began to go around the room and do so.

"Bill, it's been a long time since we have heard from you. What happened, did you fall off of the earth or something?" asked Abby.

"No Abby, just have been real busy, glad to see you though, how is your sister?" replied Bill.

"Not too well, it's bad enough that she has to be so sick but with that ex-husband of hers as a constant threat I don't know what will happen. I'm just afraid one of these days he's going to blow the whole house up and take her with it."

"Abby, I didn't know there was a problem with your brotherin-law. What happened?"

"He found out their son, Mars was gay and he went off the deep end and blamed my sister, he has threatened to kill all of them several times. He says it's too much of a disgrace for him to live with. Mars got away, went out east somewhere to school, but that leaves my sister all alone. After the divorce he moved out and can't be found, but seems to show up at the weirdest times. We don't know what to do."

"I'm sorry to hear that Abby, if there is anything we can do, let us know," said Greg.

"Just keep us in your prayers, just keep us in your prayers, that's all I know we can do."

"I think dinner is ready to be served, would you like to say grace before dinner Abby?" offered Craig.

"Thank you, if you don't mind, I would like to. Heavenly father, we thank you for all the bounty you have brought our way. I ask that you would bless these folks who have asked us here today. May your blessings be upon them as they have given my husband and my son new jobs and a new future. Bless each one in attendance today and lay within their hearts your love and guidance as they carry out their mission in life. Enrich those gifts you have given them and use their strengths to overcome their weaknesses as they strive to benefit mankind. Let their love be known and allow them to leave an unforgettable impression with those they strive to assist. We pray for a world of understanding, that each of us may be accepted as we are, be with those who are less fortunate. May we each come to recognize the gifts we have received and be thankful for them. Teach us to accept our inadequacies and give us the strength to overcome them. Bless this house and all within it. For these things we pray, Amen."

"Beautiful Abby, thank you for a lovely blessing," said George as they took there seats at the table.

After a long dinner each guest found it was all they could do to move from the dining room to the den where the traditional football games would be viewed. Abby had to talk to the chef, and spent the next hour and a half discussing recipes and complementing him on the job well done. She felt the pies he had served were about as good as what came from her own kitchen and was embarrassed to finally meet someone she felt could be as successful with a pie crust as she was. After all, in her youth she had managed to win quite a few blue ribbons at the state fair for her pies.

As Abby and Jed were about to leave, Craig asked Jed if he would come around in the morning about 9:30. There were a few things he wanted to go over with Jed before he got started. Jed said that would be fine, he would be there.

"Jason, what was your Mom talking about when she said you and your Dad got jobs with our family?" asked Evan.

"Mr. Bellows, offered Dad a new job, he's starting in a week or so and he also offered me a position when I graduate. I don't know all the particulars, you would have to ask him," replied Jason. "Any body else feel like raiding the kitchen for a turkey sandwich?" asked Jason wanting to change the subject.

"Sure!" echoed half of the room as they all proceeded to dart to the kitchen.

"I'll take another piece of pie!" exclaimed Don as he elbowed his way in front of Bobby."

"Sure you will, if you can beat me to it!" yelled Bobby as he ducked under his father's arm and sprinted in front of him.

"I show you what I'll beat, if I get my hands on you young man!" retorted Don.

"Sure old man, wish away!" laughed Bobby as Evan, Jimmy and Jason all began to laugh as well.

"Just wait, we'll show who isn't as old as you think!" added Phil as each man started grabbing supplies from the cooler and pantry. The work table was soon covered as each man began to build their own sandwich and grab for any other item that struck their fancy.

Once everything was cleared away and the evening munchies had been satiated, it was the general consensus that a good night of sleep was in order. Before anyone could get away Craig made the announcement that breakfast would be served at nine in the morning and everyone should be up and ready. It was time for Evan, Bobby and Jimmy to learn about the center. Perhaps it would be a good idea for Jason to accompany them through the orientation as well. All agreed and each headed for their rooms.

Evan and Bobby had their own rooms but usually

stayed in one or the other. Jason went with

Jimmy and would stay with him for the night.

After the previous night, with the feast today,

and the expectations of finally finding out the

details about the training center and then their

own ringing, tomorrow would be a busy day. They

would need their sleep tonight. Who knew just

what lie ahead tomorrow?

To be continued

Written by Rod Copyright 2005 by Rod

All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction; no reference is intended to anyone dead or alive.

Your comments are encouraged. Flames will be ignored. Your comments are the driving force that keeps the chapters coming. Thank you to all who have written.

Next: Chapter 14

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