Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Sep 4, 2005


"This way gentleman," said Ted as he led Jason and his father into the mansion dinning room.

"Wow, this place is something!" remarked Jason as he was handed a glass of lemonade.

"Care for something to drink before dinner Jed?" asked Greg.

"Sir, yes Sir, thank you Sir, a glass of lemonade would be fine if I may Sir," responded Jed avoiding eye contact.

"Hello Jed, how are you cousin?" asked Bill as he joined the group.

"A little sore Sir, did you have to work me over Sir?"

"I see you learned to address others properly, do you think that work over may have been part of the reason?"

"Sir, Yes Sir, I guess it did, but we're cousins!" continued Jed.

"So, and I have a job to do. I did it. And now, you understand more of what your job was, don't you?"

"Sir, Yes Sir. I do."

"Can you tell me it didn't turn you on some as well? I saw your dick each time I landed that cane on your ass."

"Dad! You reacted with an erection?" asked Jason as he turned red.

"Jason, your Dad is a man just like many others, he just doesn't realize it yet. I'll bet you'd do the same thing."

"Oh No! I can't imagine that happening."

"Jason, you are technically an employee of the center now,

correct?" asked Craig.

"Well Sir, Yes I guess so. Why Sir?"

"What would you say if I gave you an assignment?"

"But what about school Sir?"

"Oh this would be at school and shouldn't interfere with anything," replied Craig.

"What would you like me to do Sir?" inquired Jason.

"I know we pulled you off of campus today and we will see that you get back by morning. Tomorrow Evan, Bobby and Jimmy are to attend some kind of a party that the college football coach has set up. Some celebration for the just ended season. I want you to be there as well and report back to me as to what happens."

"Sir, I can get into the party, I had an invite, but I wasn't planning to go, from what I hear those particular guys that are throwing the party get pretty wild."

"Wild? How so?"

"I don't know for sure but only males attend the party and it doesn't end till the next day. Everybody there doesn't seem to leave till late the following afternoon and they are pretty worn out when they do. I've seen some of the guys look like they got into a fight or something. I don't know what they do."

"Well Jason, that's why we want you to be there. I want you to let us know just what our boys are doing. You will be paid for your efforts. As a matter of fact you are being put on the payroll as we speak. Let's just say that you'll have a weekly allowance, and occasionally we will want reports as to things going on involving our boys."

"Sir, I take it they should not know what I am there for, should they?"

"No, I trust that you realize how important it is for you to do your job and keep details only to those with who you are to report. Telling anyone else could cause things to become uncomfortable, as to which your father can attest I believe."

Jason looked towards his Dad seeing the look of pain expressed as his father nodded his head in agreement.

Phil, Don, James, George and coach had entered just at the end of the conversation.

"Jason be assured you are not betraying Evan , Bobby or Jimmy, your observations will be of value to them as much as they will be to us. They just will not know about it for now. We'd like for you to become a better friend with all three. If you seem to go along with them you should be able to find out what we need, keep your mind open and remember you are working, do what is needed to be done, go with the flow. Who knows what the future may hold if the four of you become good friends, and you are working here."

"Shall we sit down for dinner I believe everything is ready," announced Greg.

"By the way Jed we'll leave it up to you whether you wish to spend the night or leave after dinner, and Jason likewise, we can arrange for you to get back to school in the morning or leave after dinner," said Craig.

"Dad can you stay over tonight, I'd like to talk if we can," asked Jason.

"Sure son if it is alright with Craig and Greg, Sir?" said Jed.

"I'm sure there would be no problem in arranging that," answered Greg.

Later in a guest room. "Dad I can't believe what you went through the last two days, I don't know if I could take it, it had to be embarrassing," Said Jason.

"More than you'd ever believe, but it was weird at the same time," said Jed.

"How so Dad, and what is this bit about you getting an erection?"

"I know we've always been close, but I never thought we'd have this discussion. Yes it was weird, I felt pleasure like I've never felt before. Sometimes the pain became so great and then somehow it converted itself to pleasure. I can't explain it."

"Dad, when I saw you and they told me why we were there I was really afraid."

"I was afraid, but not because of what I had gone through but what they might do to you, especially if they did the same to you as they did to me."

"Dad can I see your rings again?"

"Sure son, you've already seen everything so I can't see where there should be anything wrong with that. I'm still sore though can you help me undress?"

"Sure Dad, let me help you."

Jason approached his father and as carefully as he could he began to unbutton his dad's shirt, pulling it out of his pants. He gingerly lifted it away without looking at it as his eyes centered in on the rings adorning his father's chest. "May I touch them Dad?"

"Sure, just be careful."

One at a time he fingered the rings lovingly then moistening his finger, he began to gently rub around the nipple, closer and closer until he began to massage the nub with one finger as a finger from his other hand held the ring so as not to put any pressure on his father's nipple. His father began to moan and Jason moved to the other side of his chest performing the same examination to the other nipple. Within moments each nipple stood engorged and bright pink. Standing so close to his father he could feel the tenting in his father's pants.

With one hand he released the ring he was holding and reached down cupping the front of his father's pants. "Dad, are you getting all excited again?"

"Yes, son, go ahead, you wanted to see all the rings, bring the other one into view."

Jason moved his hand from his father's crotch and unfastened his belt pulling it out and laying it on the bed beside them. He then unbuttoned the button and slowly slid down the zipper tab.

Placing his hands through the zipper he moved one to each side as the trousers separated and fell to the floor. Jed raised a foot at a time and stepped out of each pants leg having already kicked off his shoes when they entered the room. With a thumb on each side of his father's briefs he pushed them down towards his knees. Jed's engorged cock caught the elastic in the waist and Jason had to bring his thumbs forward to release it. As the material freed its captive, Jed's cock slapped up against his belly. The PA glistened reflecting the single light on in the room as it was becoming covered with precum leaking out above it.

Jason looked into his father's eyes and then with a very soft voice said, "Dad I never told you how I liked to be with men, I thought you wouldn't understand, may I taste you?"

A look of shock covered Jed's face but just as quickly as it had appeared it was replaced with a grin. "Son you can taste or have any part of me you want, now or anytime, you never need to ask again. After what I've felt the last two days I want you in ways I never thought possible, please I beg you."

Jason knelt before his Dad and with the greatest reverence began to service him. He licked, and sucked like a beggar at a banquet. Jed was going weak in the knees as he could barely continue to stand as son brought waves of pleasure coursing throughout his body. Through his moans he asked his son to allow him to move for support against the bed. As Jason mouth was working on his father's cock he was exploring with his hand. Each time his finger seemed to touch his father's rosebud he heard a loader moan emanate from his father. Pulling his hand away he returned it with a slap to an ass cheek.

"Oh yes son, spank me!"

Jason began to spank his father with an open palm. His father's cries of excitement echoed through the room. With each blow his father begged him for more. Suddenly Jason felt his father's glands begin to enlarge even further and get even harder.

"I'm going to come!" yelled Jed.

"Oh no, you don't!" yelled Jason as he pulled his mouth off of his father's dick and grabbed and pulled on his balls. "Not yet!"

Stepping back from his father Jason watched as his father took giant breaths of air and with his eyes squeezed close clamped down his impending orgasm.

"Oh son that was close I didn't know if I could stop."

"You better had, I want to get close and have us come

together Dad!"

"What do you want me to do Son?"

"Dad would you spank me?"

"Are you sure that's what you want?"

"Dad, I don't know but the way you almost went off and everything I've heard I'm willing to try it.

"Get rid of your clothes then, STRIP"

"Yes Sir." Jason began to strip quickly; he soon noticed that he too was as hard as his father had been. Jed had gone down some, but was just a bit off of hard and totally upright. As Jason's clothes found their way to the chair he seemed to be getting harder and harder. Totally striped he stood before his father.

Jed reached out and putting his hands on Jason's shoulders maneuvered him towards the side of the bed where he had him lay down face first. Using his foot to spread his son's feet he moved beside and behind him.

"Are sure you want this son?"

"Yes Dad, go ahead."

The first, then the second blow hit and Jason turned to his father and said, "Dad I know you can hit harder than that, remember you used to punish me at times you can use the belt."

"Ok son if you really want it." Jed made the next one felt. Likewise each one thereafter, tears began trickle down Jason's face. When he had seen the totally red bottom in front of him and looked up to see the tears in his son's eyes, he stopped his blows, threw down the belt, and pulling Jason by the arm pulled him to him. Jed wrapped his arms around his son and kissed him squarely on the lips. Jason opened his lips and passionately returned the kiss.

When the kiss broke, they both looked down and began to laugh. Their cocks were at full mast and seemed to be dueling as if they were swords.

"I guess you get excited too don't you son?"

"Yeah Dad, that's why I asked you to spank me I figured I was no different than you. Dad will you take me?"

"Son I wish I could but it will be about six months before I am healed enough to do that, would you take me instead?"

"Dad, you want me to fuck you?"

"Sure son, don't you think you are man enough to do your old Dad?"

"What do you mean "Man enough?", lean over the bed and I'll show you who is man enough, I'll plough you but good Dad."

Leaning over and spreading his legs to give his son the best access, Jed taunted, "Go ahead son show me what you're made of, prove you're the man you claim to be! Let's see what you can do!"

For the next half hour Jed began to question his effrontery, Jason worked him over with every style of stroke, often varying his attack just in the knick of time to throw his father off course for an orgasm. He slow fucked him, then rabbit fucked him then long-dicked him to the point where he was begging to get off. The sweat was rolling off of both of the men as Jason continued to pound his father. Finally as Jason reached in front of his father and pulled on one of the nip rings Jed exploded in ecstasy. His climax caused him to clamp down his sphincter and Jason was catapulted over the brink, his juice spew forth in volley after volley forcing its way into his father then overflowing in its volume such that it found no other escape but to erupt from his father's hole around Jason's dick and coat his pubes.

"Dad, I love you," said Jason as they shared a tight embrace.

"I love you too Son, more than you could know."

"Dad do you think I could get rings like you have?"

"I guess so Son, you're old enough to decide that for yourself, let me talk to Bill."

"Ok Dad,

Jed managed to get to work Saturday, but had a long talk with his supervisor and put in his two week notice. He didn't really explain everything; he couldn't and certainly knew better. His commander felt there was something not being said and told him that everything could be arranged, with his twenty-two years on the force he would be eligible for an eventual retirement benefit. He couldn't draw on it now but it would be there when he did retire eventually. With his other retirement planning on the force he had a decent sum to fall back on if there were any problem. The Commander would also arrange for an outstanding letter of recommendation and asked that he stay for a week so that the schedules could be re-arranged. He could take off for a week of vacation before he started what ever new job he had. He would still have off the previously requested days for Thanksgiving so really he was only asking him to work Saturday thru Tuesday. Jed thanked him and couldn't wait to contact Craig with the news.

Jason arrived back on Campus by noon and made preparations to attend the party that evening. He had some studying to do and it was all he could do to get through it in time. He knew more than he wanted to say at dinner. He had attended one of these parties before.

In preparation he knew it would be best to eat light and spent sufficient time in cleaning himself before dressing for the party. He knew some of the games the guys liked and he couldn't decide if he wanted to layer his clothes or go light. He decided he would compromise and pulled a thong, boxers, t-shirt, slacks, button down shirt and pullover sweater to go with his socks and shoes. He knew to leave any jewelry and his wallet in the dorm. Just the key to his room pinned inside his coat and he was off the party.

An alumnus of the school and stanch supporter of the football team provided the site for the annual bash. If truth be known, this type of party was actually held at least once a month, but each time there was a different excuse, or supposed theme. The locations differed but the attendees where the same and the agenda didn't change.

Unusual for college parties, there was no alcohol served. For the activities these men wanted, alcohol or drugs did not have a place. The only so-called drug to be found was poppers and then it was only a portion of the attendees that used them.

Jason arrived a few minutes after 8:15. The party was supposed to start at 8: PM but no one every showed up right on time. By 8:30 however everyone who was going to attend would be there. Promptly after the last arrival at 8:30 the doors were locked, the surrounding fence to the property secured and from that point on no one would be able to enter or leave.

Evan, Bobby and Jimmy had arrived at 8:20 and didn't notice as Ted had managed to gain entrance and gotten by them.

Coats had been hung in a huge front foyer closet and all the men proceeded to the living room. To all outward appearances it was the beginning of a normal and somewhat subdued gathering. Soft drinks were being served at the bar and various munchies and hors d'oeurves were available throughout the room.

Precisely at 8:30 the host called for everyone's attention. "Gentleman welcome to my home. I trust everyone will enjoy themselves this evening. We will now adjourn to the basement area to continue with the evenings' activities. Please remember we will use the safe word of canary this evening. If you will follow me.

The group of fifty men including the host and college coach exited the living room and made their way to the basement.

Entering the room one could see tables set in the center, each with five chairs around them. A deck of cards placed in the center of the table and a number. Around the room were items of all descriptions. Various other pieces of equipment were scattered throughout the perimeter. Two of the walls were covered with mirror and the lighting was set on low. The food was being stocked in one corner next to the bar.

Each of the guests filed by the bar to pick up a drink or refill then as they started to leave they drew a chip from a large brandy snifter set predominantly at the end of the bar. On each chip was a number which corresponded with a number to be found in the middle of each table.

Searching out their prospective assigned table all the men were soon seated.

"Evening fellows," began Denis the college coach. "You all know how we get things started. The cards are in the center of the table. Under one chair is a star. That person will begin as dealer and then for each hand you will follow clockwise to the next person. In other words the person to you left will be next and so forth. It will be high card decide, low man suffer. Once a guy has lost all his clothes high man will decide what he wants low man to do for five minutes. Once the last man at the table has lost all his clothes high man will decide the role, slave or master, for low man at the table, and for himself. Second high man will decide role for himself and third high man will decide role for himself and next man. Unless the safe word is used each of you will continue in your role until midnight when we will draw and decide again establishing roles for the rest of the night.

Jimmy had landed at the same table Jason had drawn. Evan and Bobby had likewise drawn a different but same table together.

Checking under their chairs, Jason was to be the first dealer. Another guy at Evan and Bobby's table had become dealer. The first shuffle of the cards and each man was dealt a card.

At Jason's table Jimmy had gotten the high card and another guy had gotten the low card. Jason's card was right in between. Jimmy had the guy remove his shirt.

Bobby had been dealt high card and Evan had gotten low card. With an evil grin Bobby instructed Evan to remove his pants.

Laughter could be heard around the room as each table had men getting up to remove some item of clothing as his fellow players laughed or snickered at his predicament.

Dealing seemed to be pretty even all the way around and very few individuals sat still heavily clothed.

Jason ended up being the first at his table to be completely disrobed. He sat in anticipation waiting to get low card again and be instructed to do something. His only hope was to either be dealt high card or get passed over. With luck someone else at the table would be missing all their clothes shortly and just as prone to carry out some form of service.

Bobby had started well, but though not the first at his table to lose everything, he came in a close second and was soon sitting staring at Evan left in a pair of socks. By far he didn't feel in any worse condition than Evan but at least he had one more item before he would have to perform a service.

The next hand and Jason was dealt low card. Ben, another guy at his table had gotten the high card and seeing with a grin that Jason had nothing left to remove ordered him to give him a five minute blow job but not bring him to climax.

Evan soon parted with his socks and Bobby smiled from ear to ear at the prospect of either receiving service from or watching Evan have to service someone else at the table.

The next hand removed the smile from his face as Evan was dealt high and Bobby was dealt low. Evan had Bobby come to him and bend over his knee. Placing his other knee behind Bobby and spreading Bobby's feet, he was held trapped and exposed. Evan playfully began to use his open hand to redden Bobby's ass. The five minutes were soon up and with a reddened bottom Bobby returned to his chair and carefully sat down for the next hand.

As the deck hit the bottom the cards were reshuffled and they started dealing from the top again.

Jason soon was dealt high card and Ben was dealt low. Jason instructed Ben to come around the table and rim him. Jason moaned with pleasure as Ben reached all the right spots and had him dripping on the floor next to the table.

The short periods of service soon came to an end as each table had its final occupant lose the last item of clothing. At Evan's table Bobby was dealt high card and another guy got low card. Bobby decided that the other guy should be the Master for the next few hours since Evan had the second lowest card and someone would be deciding for him as well. The second highest card holder declared himself a master and the third man declared himself and Evan as slaves. Without further discussion the five rose and following the two masters, the three slaves accepted their fate. Bobby knew that Evan would be deemed a slave and knowing the man he had deemed Master, Bobby was quite sure they would enjoy the next few hours.

Jimmy had become Master at his table and through some quirk and a little knowledge on the part of some of the other guys all the others had been assigned the part of slave. Jason had been assigned and had not had the opportunity of making a decision. He usually avoided these parties but tonight he had a different state of mind considering the previous night and was more open to what might happen.

Soon sounds of belt, strops, lashes and paddles could be heard around the room. A few energetic Masters had even garnered canes. Wails of agony from the pain being inflicted resounded off the walls. Individuals could be seen in every position imaginable around the various equipment. Some were bound, some were freely standing bent over at the waist accepting whatever punishment was being dealt them. A few where strung up with additional binding adorning their bodies. Ropes could be seen everywhere. Ball spreaders had been attached as well as weights from not only parachutes but also nipple clamps. A few of the men had been hooded and were undergoing breath control. Still others had funnels attached to the hoods and were kneeling in various places being used as receptacles for any one needing to relieve their bladders. Paddling and other infliction of pain was soon replaced with sounds of moaning and begging as masters pummeled their slaves in any orifice available. The odor of the room soon became one of bodily fluids, sweat, urine and cum.

At the stroke of midnight a bell was sounded and each man helped those in restraint and all returned to their tables. The dealer shuffled the cards and then after having the next man cut them he fanned them across the table. Each man selected a card from the display and once all men had a card they turned them all over at once.

Jason had become a Master along with one other at his table. Bobby and Evan had become Masters at their table.

The play resumed and whether the rolls reversed or not, each Master attempted to employ some other type of torture to his slaves, no one was vindictive each had a role and all enjoyed playing it. Only one individual had used the safe word and when he had, the master with him immediately stopped and released his bonds. He was assisted by two of the servers behind the bar to another room and after being cleaned up was bedded down for the night.

As morning approached each of the men reached a point of exhaustion and as they decided to call it quits were shown where they could shower and sleep for the night. Their clothes were brought to their bedside and folded neatly awaited their arousal on Sunday.

Though the four men had not all played together, Jason had managed to stay with Jimmy and joined the other two in the shower and subsequent sleeping quarters.

Tired as they were they each shared a passionate hug and kiss before finally retiring. Since Jimmy and Jason had played together that evening and through the night when Jason seemed to stay with Jimmy he accepted him into the group and then finding one particular king size bed they fell into it together. In the close quarters they moved into a position to spoon each other and maintain contact throughout their slumber.

Close to noon they all arose within moments of each other and rushed together to the toilets to relieve their morning wood. Playful in the shower they continued to share each others company. Dressing together they found their way to the breakfast buffet that was being served.

"Jason, I didn't know you were in for this type of action, I've never seen you at any of the previous parties," stated Evan as they chowed down on pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, orange juice, fruit and coffee.

"I admit I haven't been to one of these in a while but I figured why not, it could be fun. I know I sure enjoyed being with you Jimmy."

"Thanks man you were pretty good yourself. Do you always get that turned on when someone is working your ass over with a strop," asked Jimmy.

"Really that was a surprise for me. I didn't know if I'd

like it or not but when you laid into me with it, Hell I

don't know I just seemed to really get off on it. I hope we

can play again some time, and not with the numbers of people

around like last night."

"Didn't you say that you live in Phoenix Jason?" asked Evan.

"Yeah why do you ask?"

"Well hell man, are you going home for Thanksgiving?"

"Sure, my ma would really have my hide if I didn't show. I realize I'm twenty-one but my mother will treat me like I'm seven when I have grandkids that age."

"Well we wouldn't know about that, none of us still have a mother around just our dads. Do you think you could spend some time with us over the holiday? I'm sure our dads wouldn't mind. Besides didn't you say your Dad is a cop and knows our place?"

"Yeah, hey I'm sorry I spilled the beans the other day. The cops aren't supposed to be saying anything and I could get in a lot of trouble for discussing it. If you don't mind could we kind of shelve it for now?" said Jason with a hint of worry in his voice.

"No problem, I plan on talking with my Dad and Granddad over the holiday anyway and forcing them to tell us all about the whole thing. I just can't understand why they have kept it a secret all this time. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Sure we can shelve the conversation for now, don't want to get you uncomfortable, at least not that way. I can think about at least a dozen other ways I would rather make you uncomfortable instead," said Evan.

"Bring them on buddy, but from what I remember you like both sides too, just like I do, so turnabout is fair play. But then I would just like to play, how about you?" retorted Jason.

"Then it's a deal, spend some time with us over the holiday and we all play together, what do you think," asked Bobby.

"So long as I have dinner with Mom and Dad on Thanksgiving I don't think there should be a problem."

"Hell man, you know you have an invite to stay with us, I'm sure we can find a bed for you and I don't think you'll need any extra blankets," laughed Evan.

"Ok then it's a deal, by the way how are you guys getting home, wouldn't be any chance I could bum a ride is there?"

"Bum a ride, your bum can travel with us anytime, we're leaving just as soon as our class is over afternoon, probably about 2:30, we can pick you up from your dorm around then and take you straight to the house, hell, if you play yours cards right maybe we can have your Mom and Dad come to our house for Thanksgiving, think she'd consider it?"

"Well, she has been going to my Aunts pretty often lately, she's not feeling too well and certainly wouldn't travel to our place. If you check with your Dad's I can call home or maybe your Dad's can extend the invite?"

"Done, I'll call Dad this afternoon and let you know what they say by dinner. Why don't you join us this evening for dinner, I know what the food is like for Sunday dinner. I think they let all the cooks off on Sunday and the busboys fix the stuff," said Evan.

"Dad, this is Evan."

"I think I know your voice by now son," chided Phil.

"We have a good buddy here at school by the name of Jason Elroy, he's a senior and lives in Phoenix."


"We'd like for him to stay with us over Thanksgiving, would that be a problem?"

"Not as far as we are concerned, but what about his parents, what do think about the idea?" queried Phil.

"His dad is a cop with the Phoenix PD and his mom has been spending a lot of time out of town visiting her ill sister. Do you think there would be a chance we could invite them for Thanksgiving Dinner and save her the work of cooking?"

"I know when I was little Mom and Grandma always liked the holidays but complained about the work, think she would appreciate not having to do any of the work this time?"

"I understand, that might be a nice gesture, how are we to arrange it? Any suggestions?"

"All things considered I thought if you wouldn't mind maybe you or Granddad could ask them. I'll send their address, names, and phone number over the fax if that's OK."

"Sure I'll handle it, how is, did you say Jason, Going to get here?"

"He's going to ride home with us."

"Oh, OK"

"Dad, you know I do have some things I want to talk to you about when we get home."

"I do remember you mentioning that before, whatever it is, you seemed to indicate you didn't want to discuss it over the phone, so I presume it can wait till you get here?"

"Yeah Dad it will have to."

"Ok then let's discuss it when you're here, whatever it is let's just leave it alone till then, OK?"

"Sure Dad, see you Wednesday for dinner, and remember we will have Jason with us so have a place set for him. By the way he can stay with one of us, you won't need to set up a guest room."

"Gee, is there something else I should know."

"Not really, we'll talk about things when we get there. Love you Dad!"

"Why did I get the feeling you're trying to pull something over on me?" said Phil laughing.

"Dad, I wouldn't do that to you, would I?"

"Sure, good thing you aren't here right now, I can imagine the expression on your face. We'll see all of you guys on Wednesday. Bye Son!"

"Bye Dad!"

"Dad, I just got off the phone with Evan, it seems Jason has become good enough friends that the boys want him to spend the holiday with us," said Phil after dialing Greg on the house phone.

"Good, did he have anything else to say?"

"Oh yes, he wondered if we could invite Jason's mother and father to Thanksgiving dinner as well. "

"I think that would be a wonderful idea, I'll call Jed and extend the order, I mean invitation, I'm sure he will accept."

"I'll let the staff know, should be a good group with

everyone here," said Phil.

"That it will be, Son" "Jed Elroy please"

"He is in the office, one moment and I'll

connect you," "Thank you."

"Officer Elroy here, may I help you?"

"Jed, this is Greg Forester."

"Sir, Yes Sir, hello Sir, May I help you Sir?"

"It seems that Jason has done very well, as a matter of fact he has gotten an invitation from the boys to spend the holidays with us at the mansion."

"That's great Sir, but his Mom will be disappointed Sir if he isn't home for Thanksgiving dinner, Sir, It's more difficult for her this year with her sister's condition and she is looking forward to being with us for dinner even though she will be pressed to fix it, Sir"

"That's just the point of my call, the boys want the two of you to join us for Thanksgiving dinner, I don't think that should be too much of a problem, should it?"

"No Sir, not at all Sir, if I ask her just right and sweet talk her a little I think she will be more than happy to pass on the work and dine with my new employer and with Jason there how can she refuse? I have only told here that I have taken a position with you Sir, an offer that I couldn't refuse considering the raise in pay. She's as happy as can be with the new salary. I haven't told her anything else Sir."

"Good, keep it that way and there will not be any problems. Have you told her about Bill?"

"Yes Sir, only to the extent that he also worked with you Sir."

"Good, you may tell her that he will be at dinner as well, since he is single and is a high ranking member of our corporation. You needn't offer any other explanation but simply plead ignorance of any other knowledge."

"Yes Sir, of course Sir. We will be honored to join your family for dinner Sir."

"Fine, Be there about one we'll serve about two, that should give us time for introductions and the like."

"Yes Sir, as you say Sir, I'll be looking forward to it Sir."

"Good Bye then, I'll see you on Thursday and you'll be starting here the following Monday or the one after that?"

"That would be up to you Sir, but I thought perhaps I might go with the wife to see her sister the first part of next week, of course I'll be there whenever you say Sir."

"Not a problem, take the time and see your sister-in-law, rest the balance of the week and we'll get started the following Monday. By the way you are already on the payroll as of Wednesday. We didn't want any conflict with the city's policies so we held off till then, automatic deposit has been set up so check your bank on Friday following the week of Thanksgiving, the first deposit should be in there by then."

"But I haven't started working for you Sir, why the pay Sir?"

"Are you questioning me?"

"Sir no Sir, with respect I am just asking Sir"

"You have obligations to us at this point, that puts you on our payroll, so long as you perform as we request you will be paid, understand?"

"Sir, Yes Sir, Thank you Sir, you have been more than kind to me and my family Sir.By the way Sir, may I ask you one other question Sir? "

"Go ahead, what would you like to ask Jed?"

"Well Sir, it concerns Jason Sir, he has asked me if he could get rings like mine Sir?"

"Really, and what did you tell him?"

"That at his age it was his decision Sir, but I would ask about it, I thought I would ask Bill but since I was talking with you I thought I would ask you Sir."

"Do you think he would like them soon, maybe during the holiday?"

"I wouldn't be surprised Sir."

" Perhaps something can be arranged the boys will be getting theirs this holiday as well."

"Really Sir, would you consider allowing him to get his as well Sir?"

"There is a ceremony but it would be his choice to participate."

"That sounds fair Sir, should I say anything to him Sir?"

"No, leave that to me, do you think you could get away from your wife Friday evening through Saturday to participate?"

"If I arranged for her to go to her sister's

that wouldn't be a problem Sir."

"Very well, I will see you on Thursday, Good


"Good Bye Sir"

"Hello, Craig here." "This is Jason Sir."

"I'm glad you called, you have a report for me?"

"Yes sir, I do."

"Good give me all the details, don't leave out anything." As Craig listened to Jason's accounting of all that had transpired at the party Ted ducked in long enough to hand him a thick manila envelope. While continuing the conversation Craig opened the envelope and started to look through the stack of eight by tens taken by Ted at the party. It seems that with the special digital camera he had been able, while posing as one of the servers in disguise, to get shoots of all four of the men in almost every position one could think of. Over the set of photos a complete range of participation was reflected, each had received and inflicted every type of punishment they could think of and each had taken the position of both a Master and a Slave at some point. Craig's mind began to reel as this information fed his plans for the upcoming ceremony with the boys, and now there would be one more.

To be continued

Written by Rod

Please forward all comments to me at Remember, your comments are the driving force that keeps the chapters coming. Without responses it is hard to justify continuing to write. If you are enjoying the story or have an opinion let me know. If you have a complaint, email me. Flames will however be ignored. Be sensible. Be safe. All rights reserved Copyright 2005 by Rod

Next: Chapter 13

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