Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Sep 1, 2005


"Training Center, Induction desk may I help you?"

"This is Officer Elroy, I have a possible inductee."

"Is he on the DWI List?"

"Yes Sir, a Steve Edwards, age 27, white male, 5'10", 155 lbs. Blond Hair, Blue eyes, two prior offences, previous offence went to court yesterday and was released on his own recognizance. I just stopped him on another DWI after getting off the interstate, at the corner of West Grand and West Encanto Blvd. How do want me to proceed?"

"Are you clear to bring him in or do we need to arrange a pick-up?"

"I can deliver if you wish; I'm in an unmarked car that I keep, I have a lunch period, I can sign out."

"Fine, bring him to the North 52nd Ave. entrance off of Van Buren. Are you aware of the proper gate?"

"Yes sir, ETA approx fifteen minutes."

"Dispatch this is Officer Elroy, request sign-out for dinner."

"10-4 Elroy, Duty Captain says all is quiet this evening, since you have already put in eight hours he wants you to sign out for the shift. Just come in to the station on your next shift to sign in, I'll sign you off the system."

"Appreciate that Maggie, looking forward to the next two days off. I'll see you Saturday when I come by the house to sign in."

"10-4 Elroy, have a good one."

"Officer Elroy here with an inductee, please open the gate."

"Sure, pull on into the garage."

"Officer Elroy thanks for dropping him off."

"Can I ask a question?"

"I'll try to answer it if I can."

"I ended up signing off of my shift and have the next two days off. Is there any chance I could follow this louse and see just what happens to the guys we bring in?" asked Elroy.

"Tell you what, wait here and I'll phone up and check. In the meantime why don't you pull Edwards out, keep him cuffed and just keep him in this area till I get Intake down here to take him."

"Mr. Bellows, I have an officer delivering an inductee who has the next two days off and would like to see the initial procedures an inductee goes through. Would that be possible sir?"

"Who is it?"

"Officer Elroy, he's brought about six guys down, even had his son along a time or two when he came. Between his father and brother they have probably brought in about eighteen men in the last year and a half. Now that I think about it I believe he is some relation to Bill Sir."

"OK, let him fill in for one of the guards, brief him to follow the lead of the guard but not say anything else to the inductee. Wait a minute, I'll be right down and talk with him a moment first. Just hold him and the inductee in the garage till I get there," said Craig.

"Officer Elroy, nice to see you again. I understand you'd like to see what one of the inductees goes through?"

"Yes sir, if I may, I have the next two days off and with my son off to college and my wife at her sisters no one is at home. I've been curious about what happens ever since I first started dropping off these guys. Since I finally moved out of a regular patrol car and into an unmarked I don't need to use my own car to drop them off and ended up signing off of my shift a few minutes ago. So if you'll let me stay I can see what happens."

"You have a son Jason, don't you?"

"Yes sir, he's come along with me on a drop-off or two."

"I think we can arrange things, sure I'll let you see things tonight and over the next day or so. I hope you don't mind the accommodations," said Craig.

"Not at all sir, I'm sure they will be fine," answered Officer Elroy.

"I want you to fill in for now as if you were one of the guards. Just follow the other guard, if he gives you an instruction just follow it without question and there shouldn't be any problems. Can you do that?"

"Sir, yes Sir, whatever you say. I've always wanted to see what happens after I leave."

"Very well, I'll let you get back to your inductee, but first why don't you go through that door over there and I'll have one of my men get you ready. Can't have you acting as a guard in your regular civvies, can we?"

"Sir no Sir, I'll be more than happy to change Sir, specially if your providing the uniform."

As Officer Elroy exited the room, Craig turned to the phone and after dialing instructed, "Officer Elroy will be staying here this weekend. He wants to see what happens to an inductee. I have a little reason to show him just what he wants. Send Dale Williams in to see me. Give him a uniform to change into and have him help with Edwards. Set up the next interrogation room for us to use later."

"Dale, how are you this evening?"

"Sir fine sir, how can I be of service sir?" asked Dale as he stood at proper respect, eyes downcast to the floor before him.

"I have a special one for you to handle this evening."

"The new inductee Steve Edwards Sir?" asked Dale.

"No I will handle him; I have someone who will be waiting in the next interrogation room, an Officer Elroy."

"Officer Elroy Sir? He, his father and brother have brought a number of inductees in sir, is there a problem with him sir?

"Not a problem we can't handle. After all these years we have been trying to keep the information about the training center from the boys, Officer Elroy has brought his son several times when dropping off an inductee. Through our monitoring of the boy's house we overheard his son Jason spilling the beans about the whole program to Evan. Now the boys know enough about the program and when they get here next week for Thanksgiving I bet that is what Evan wants to ask about. Elroy wants to see what happens, so, I think we will just let him see, making him think he is an inductee. I want all the normal documents, his charge will be the fact that he has allowed information about the center to be known to others outside of the force. What he won't know is that come Friday evening I will sit down with him and discuss the situation after which we will allow him to leave. But from the time we start he will think that his life is over and he too has been inducted. Can you handle this Dale?"

"Sir Yes Sir, since I finished the training myself and joined the staff I appreciate what we do here Sir. You can count on me to carry out your wishes sir. What about branding etc. shall we refrain from marking him?"

"I'll give the instructions to the techs, we will make him feel like he is being branded, and we'll use an excuse to tag him rather than tattoo a SIN. I am going to go ahead and ring him though. He can always remove them but I feel them necessary for the induction."

"Sir, Yes Sir, shall I leave and begin Sir?"

"Yes, and Dale thank you, you have become a valuable servant."

"Sir, thank you Sir. I appreciate your complement Sir."

"Elroy, what is your first name?"

"Jed sir, why do you ask?"

"In front of any trainees we do not use last names for various reasons, so from now on while you are here we will refer to you as Jed, not Officer Elroy. It could cause problems if you know what I mean."

"Certainly Sir, I understand, thank you Sir."

"Now that you are ready if you would like to join the other guard the two of you can accompany Steve Edwards to the interrogation room."

"Edwards, this way."

The two guards, one on each side took Edwards by the arm and down the hall to the first interrogation room.

After seating Edwards at the table, the guards took their position to either side behind him. Craig soon entered with a folder under his arm and took the chair across from the inductee.

"Steve Edwards is it?"

"Yeah, why am I here?"

"We'll get to that, from your record, I see that you have two previous DWI's ?"

"So, what's it to you?"

"You were in court just yesterday?"

"What business is it of yours?"

"Oh, it is my business, it seems that you manage to slip through the court system unharmed and then go right back out and have too much to drink before you get behind the wheel. You and who knows who else have been lucky so far. People like you usually cause an accident with fatalities. Unfortunately for the other guy it is almost always them and possible their loved ones if they are with them that end up on the way to the morgue. You end up walking away to do it again another day."

"I still don't see where in the hell what I do is any of your business!"

"I'm going to give you a chance."

"I don't want any of your fucking chances let me out of here."

"Let's be rational, you've been convicted twice, you have not even been sentenced on the second conviction and you violated the law again tonight. How much chance do you think you will have in court now? Besides now that we have become aware of your case we find it imperative that you do not have the opportunity to violate again. So you can enter our program voluntarily or we'll just arrange for something a little more lasting to happen."

"What the hell do you mean a little more lasting, you can go fuck yourself for all I care, I ain't volunteering for a damn thing."

"Really? And here I thought that with your college degree you had some intelligence. I guess we'll just have to arrange a demonstration of what will happen if you don't sign."

"What do mean what will happen?"

"Guards take Mr. Edwards to the Red Room I believe someone is waiting for him there." As Craig rose from the table the two guards assisted a resistant Mr. Edwards from his seat. As he came to a full standing position, Craig reached across the table and grabbing the front of Steve's shirt tore it from him. "I don't believe you will need this where you are going."

"Get your fucking hands off of me," Steve shouted as he was dragged down the hall to the Red Room. As the door opened he saw a frame standing in the center of a twenty foot square room. As the one guard led the way Jed quickly followed suite and assisted in binding Steve's wrists and ankles to the frame. With a flick of a switch the attachments pulled tight and Steve found himself stretched and firmly secured.

"Since you would not even consider the alternative we'll start with fifteen lashes. Nothing will stop the fifteen. At the end of them however, I will give you the option to reconsider whether you would like another fifteen. If you would like to sign at that time we will discuss it. It is totally up to you. I do warn you though I have all night, and several men who can handle the whip to administer the lashes. I wouldn't want any of them to get overtired. And you won't need these," Craig said as he slashed through Steve's trousers and briefs allowing them to fall to the floor. "Whip Master you will begin."


"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwww, " yelled Steve as the whip found it's way to his mid-back, forcing every ounce of air from his lungs. His mind exploded as a great flash appeared before his eyes, momentarily blinding him as the pain began to sear through his body. Never in his life had he felt anything like what he was now experiencing.

Jed jumped in place as the sound of the whip had connected with Steve and the animalistic wail had come from him.

"SNAP!" sounded the second blow, sharp and crisp as a rifle shot, a deafening assault on the ears of all in the room.

"Fuuuuuuuck!" cried Steve as the pain only intensified. "I'll sign anything you want me to sign just stop he yelled as tears began to streak down his face.

"SNAP!" echoed the third lash as it tore apart his skin and blood was cast in an arc as the whip flashed through the air and ridded itself of the substance it had drawn from it's prey.

"Aggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," cried Steve as his voice reached an even higher animalistic tone such as he had never heard. The realization that the sound was coming from him was far overshadowed as the searing pain shoot through his hips. Each blow had been placed at a different location on his body. His entire being felt as if it was in the bowels of hell and the all consuming fire was consuming him.

Each additional lash inflicted its anger as his voice grew so hoarse he could make no sound other than the gasps of air before the strike of the whip that seemed each time to force every bit of air to expel from his lungs. His chest was rising and falling with each blow. The tip of the whip bit into his chest and turned his nipples a deep red then purple as the whip master skillfully would land a blow to his mid- back and have the whip wrap itself around to assault Steve into higher agony. A little higher and at the right angle and the end of the whip caught and pulled the hair from Steve's pits. He was no longer in control of any of his bodily functions and both his bowels and bladder had released, adding to the pungent odor permeating the room. Leather, sweat, blood, piss, and feces mingled into an overbearing assault on the olfactory senses. The sight of the convulsions emanating from him, restrained by the bindings and the sound of the whip brought Jed to a point where he to felt he would lose control. He could feel the bile rising in his throat as the lashes continued.

Soon fifteen strokes had been meted out. The other guard grabbed a hose and began to hose down both Steve and the mess below him. Steve appeared as if he had passed out but was revived by the rush of the cold water as it hit him with appreciable force.

Craig stepped forward and inquired,"Do you wish to sign the forms now?"

With as much energy as Steve could commandeer, he slowly nodded his head in agreement.

With a nod from Craig, the two guards removed Steve from the frame and dragged him back to the interrogation room.

Upon entering Craig turned to Jed and informed him that they would handle things from here for the moment and he was needed in the next room.

Jed nodded and exited the room stepping just ten feet down the corridor to the next door. He opened it and stepped inside the empty room.

A moment later the door opened and Dale entered.

"Hello, Jed, my name is Dale Williams, please have a seat."

"Hi Dale, I was asked to assist in this room, what would you like for me to do? I am here to observe what happens with a new inductee," said Jed.

"I know, but Jed we have a problem," started Dale.

"A problem Sir? How so?"

"I understand you brought your son with you a few times when dropping off inductees?"

"Yes sir, and."

"I expect your son is aware of the program here?"

"Well yes Sir he is, I didn't think it would be any problem he is at college."

"That is exactly the problem, you didn't think!"

"Sir, what?"

"You didn't think, you know the secrecy of this program and yet you let a civilian become aware of what was going on here and where the location is" continued Dale, his voice rising in volume as he continued his tirade.

"But Sir, I'm sure my son wouldn't tell anyone, he knows how important this is!" said Jed almost in tears.

"Well he has told someone who should not have been told, and for that you will have to pay!" retorted Dale.

Pulling out a folder he had brought with him he laid the papers in front of Jed.

"Voluntary servitude? Oh God why are you doing this to me?"

"At this point you have the option of signing, or getting a real feeling of what Edwards just went through until you decide to sign. It is your choice. You were informed how important it was to maintain the confidentiality of this facility and you violated that trust. What is your decision, you have thirty seconds to sign or be escorted yourself to the Red Room."

"I'll sign, I'll sign, just please don't use the whip on me, I could never stand it. My I have your pen? I'll sign now, please just don't take me to the whip master."

"Good decision, now that I have your signature I'll give you a moment to contemplate what you have done before the next step in YOUR induction."

Jed held his head in his hands as tears began to flow. His body began to shake as he worried not only for himself but also if something was to come to his son for his actions. He should have known not to bring his son along those times. He always shared things with his son; they had been close as long as he could remember. Jason always said he wanted to follow his father into law enforcement; he was even studying at school so he could get a better position than his father. He never thought he was causing a problem, but he had heard that the center dealt swiftly and painfully with anyone who caused a problem. Oh Gawd ! What had he done? Was he jeopardizing his life as well as his son's? He couldn't bear to bring the wrath of the center down on his son, maybe he could negotiate a deal. They could do whatever they wanted with him but would leave his son alone.

The door opened and Greg entered. "I understand you have signed the papers for voluntary servitude, under the circumstances I think you made a wise decision."

"Sir, may I ask one question please?" inquired Jed barely able to speak through his tears.

"One question at this point, but I do not know if it will be answered," responded Greg.

"Sir, may I take whatever punishment you may have in store and beg that my son not be brought before your organization?"

"Your son's status with this incident has not been determined; I would suggest you put forth your best effort to cooperate with the program, not only for your sake but perhaps for your son's sake as well. What will eventually happen with him is yet to be determined. You may or may not be informed of what will transpire."

Jed felt as if his entire world was closing in around him. As he felt himself spiraling downward all suddenly became black as he passed out.

"Jed, wake up, we must proceed!"

He awoke to find Greg holding a vial of smelling salts under his nose. He shook his head as his consciousness returned and he became once again aware of his location and predicament.

"Stand up and strip!" ordered Greg.

Without hesitation Jed began to unbutton the shirt. As each button parted with its buttonhole, his hands continued to tremble. Though he could not cease the shaking of his body he knew that the only chance he might have was to comply to the fullest extent of his ability. The shirt was removed and folded neatly to lie upon the table. Next he removed his shoes and placed them next to the shirt. As each sock came off he placed it within a shoe. Without hesitation he unfastened his belt and carefully but quickly removed his trousers careful not to disturb any of the contents of the pockets. After being neatly folded they were added to the shirt. He turned and looked to Greg placing his hands to his sides.

"I said strip, that means everything!" demanded Greg.

With a deep red flushing his chest and face he placed his thumbs into the sides of his briefs and pushed them down over his hips, past his knees and then lifting one foot at a time withdrew it from the briefs. Soon they too were on the stack of clothes. Standing totally nude he lowered his head, tears continued to fall as his humiliation only seemed to increase and saturate his entire soul.

"The first thing you will learn is that as of now, you, and your body and soul belong to me. I will do with you as I see fit. When you address me you will refer to me as Sir. I realize that through your police training you are accustomed to the appropriate terms of address as you have been using them this evening. You will continue to do so or feel the punishment earned in your failure. You will soon be taken through induction and a number of things shall be done to your body. It is not that they are in and of them self necessary, but are to firmly imbed in your mind that as of now, I do have complete and total control. You have no choice in what will be done, when or how it is done. Before we begin you will, as my newest possession begin by being examined, first by me and then later by others as I have deemed fit to do so. I want you up on the table on your knees; put your shoulders to the table. Spread your knees apart so that you may be examined."

Jed moved as quickly as possible into position. The red flush covering his chest and face seemed to deepen and cover his entire body as he forced himself to carry out the instructions no matter the degree of shame and degradation he felt.

As he settled into position Greg opened the folder he had brought along. After donning a pair of examination gloves he dipped his finger into a jar of lube and with one forceful thrust inserted his finger into Jed's anus. As he probed his finger in the warm moist cavity he located the prostate and inserting a second finger, began to squeeze and manipulate it. The manipulation continued causing Jed to become aroused. A charged wave seemed to wash over his body as he began to moan. His penis extended becoming harder and redder as veins seemed to pop out along the side of his shaft and his precum started to flow from his piss slit. The feelings of pleasure were countered as shame could only rise to a greater level. He had never felt such ecstasy, and never at the hands of another man. He loved his wife, never since his teenage years had he ever even thought about sex with anyone other than a woman. He and his brother had gone through the normal period of exploration of sex and jacked off together but they had never touched each other. What was wrong with him, how could he enjoy this so much?

While Greg tortured Jed's prostate with one hand the other hand roamed about his body, rubbing and grasping his ass cheeks, then under him lightly making way through his treasure trail up the center to his chest, over to each nipple, slowly circling each one then centering in rubbing, then pinching each nipple in turn as they enlarged and became harder and more prominent. As his nipples were being worked over, the sensations became greater and greater, his dick throbbing as it seemed to beg for release. Greg's fingertips traced their way back down the center of the chest and into the pubes, then circling around to explore the perineum between the anus and the base of his dick. Just as Jed thought he was about to explode, Greg removed his fingers from the depths of Jed's ass and with the other hand strangled the area at the top of his scrotum, yanking down his balls and pulling him back just at the brink of orgasm. Jed's tears had turned to moans of pleasure and once again they turned back to tears as he was prevented from going over that edge to ecstasy. Grabbing a tape ruler Greg measured the length and circumference of Jed's cock.

"Sit back on your heals with your knees apart and jack yourself off!" ordered Greg.

Stunned that at forty years of age he was to jack himself off in front of another man and ordered to do so, a look of disbelief took over his face. Between his countenance and his ever so slight hesitation, Greg stared right into his eyes and said, "Ever bodily function is under my control, you will do as I order, you are mine to do with as I please. JACK OFF NOW!"

Jed's hand moved into position over his throbbing cock and making a fist around it he began to move in his familiar pattern. Each time as his fist began to approach midpoint he would rotate it slightly then on the return rotate again simulating a figure eight, his other hand reached for his scrotum as he cupped and massaged his balls, as he worked his hand around them he stretched one finger back and as it found its way into his rosebud he climaxed with shot after shot expelling from his shaft as his body convulsed seeming to push his semen from the outer edges of his body to his abdomen where it was directed and propelled through his shaft to fly high above the table only to fall back and splat in front of him. Volley after volley continued until he was finally spent and fell backward on the table, exhausted and fighting only to regain some semblance of control over his being.

Greg picked up his pen, and beginning to write commented, "Prostrate walnut size, hard in structure, ejaculate voluminous, penis length nine and a quarter inches, circumference six and a half inches, cut tight." He placed one finger into the liquid on the table and brought it to his mouth. "Ejaculate of moderate viscosity with a sweet nutty taste." Turning to a recovering Jed he instructed, "Get off of the table and clean up your mess."

Jed moved from the table and then turned his head from side to side to scan the room. "Is there a towel Sir to clean with?"

"Lick it up you don't need a towel!"

Leaning over the table Jed began to clean the table; he didn't know how his embarrassment could be any worse but knew at that moment it had to be worsening.

"Follow me," said Greg as he started for the door.

Jed started to grab his clothes but Greg turned and said, "You will no longer need those, leave them there."

They walked down the hall, Jed trying to cover his privates with his hands. Greg walking along side reached over and flicked his hands away. Jed moved his hands to his sides and proceeded along the corridor.

They turned and entered a door labeled "Med Exam Room 1", as the door closed behind them Jed looked about seeing what seemed to be a standard doctors' exam room.

From an adjoining room a white coated man entered and instructed Jed to be seated on the exam table. He proceeded to do a standard examination, checking the ears, nose, throat, eyes, listening to the chest etc. Jed was instructed to stand and was checked for hernia, his testicles were rolled in their sack as the doctor gauged their size and consistency. He had Jed turn and lean over the table and he continued with a prostate exam. Reflexes were checked and feet and legs were examined. Seated back on the exam table the doctor took a blood sample and turning to Greg informed him that by morning they would have the results of the blood work and would know if their were any diseases to be concerned with but as was the standard operating procedure Jed should be quarantined for the night until the tests were returned.

Receiving a clean bill of health other than the blood results which would be in my morning it was time to move on to the next stage of induction.

The next room Jed was escorted to brought forth a feeling of fear. In the center of the room was a three foot by eight foot frame suspended in midair on a pivot thru the center, under it was a gurney with leather crisscrossing from one end to the other. Jed was instructed to lie down upon the gurney as the tech and his assistant began to tether him to the frame with the leather straps. A flat seemingly steel bar was behind his lower back just above his waist covered with leather while another leather strap wrapped over his stomach and through loops on either side next to his waist succeeding in firmly removing any mobility. Additional straps bound his wrists, ankles, knees and chest in such a way that after the gurney was removed he could be rotated in any position without his body moving within the frame.

The tech rotated his body into an upright position as if he were standing before him. A dab of some type of gel was applied to each of his nipples and then a small bulb was attached. As the tech squeezed the bulb it created a vacuum on the nipples and forced them to again enlarge and become more sensitive. Meanwhile on the counter lie a branding iron in what seemed to be a super-low cooling bath. Jed had heard of branding with a super cold iron, cooled by nitrogen. From what he knew they were just as painful but healed faster and didn't give off the burnt skin odor when being done. They were just as permanent though and left a cleaner brand. Beyond any greater humiliation he could possible suffer his blush had gone leaving a white cast of fear across his body. It seemed that all of his blood had retreated from his skin.

Returning from the counter the tech approached Jed from the rear and plunged the iron onto his right ass cheek. The super cold felt like fire as the tech held the iron there for close to a minute before pulling it away. Jed screamed in agony as the pain made itself known.

The assistant removed the bulbs from the engorged nipples and stepped away to allow the tech access. As the tech dabbed the area with some type of solution Jed experienced fireworks in front of his eyes as the force of a paddle landed squarely across his ass checks multiplying the pain already there. In the next instant a clamp bit down on his left breast mashing his nipple to the thickness of a dime and similar size. Immediately following was a stab of pain as a piercing needle made its way through the sensitive tortured tissue and was pushed out as a two inch diameter ring became its replacement. Once the ring was fastened, another blow of the paddle was felt, then another, and then another. Jed could not recognize the sounds coming from his throat as he screamed in pain. Then another clamp bit his right nipple and the procedure repeated itself until he now could feel the coolness of the metal rings on either side of his breast pulling down on his nipples and lying against his pec.

Before he could recover he felt an invasion in his ass. Something large and cold but slimy seemed to be forcing its way into him. It was hard and ungiving. A ring was pulled tight around the base of his dick and a mild tingle began to course through him from his groin to his ass. The intensity was ever gradually increasing until it reached a crescendo that went beyond pleasure to pain. Once again his cock had risen to attention and was throbbing and leaking his pre- cum. With a swab of some solution again he felt something being shoved into the end of his dick. A jab through the underside sent his senses again beyond overload. Within moments the hand of the tech was removed and he could feel a weight pulling on the end of his cock, weighing it down towards the floor. He had been given a heavy PA. The realization seemed to only further turn his world upside down.

As he came back to his senses he heard the tech, "I should tattoo your Slave Identification Number on you but there is some question as to the number to be assigned. I don't know if you should get the next number in sequence or since the previous one was on a slave that got sold overseas, perhaps I should reuse that number. For now I'll just write the next one on a tag and attach it to you new tit ring. Once I complete the scan of your hand print I think that will suffice for tonight."

Fifteen minutes later the tech and assistant had managed to release Jed from the frame, completed the scan, and called for the guard.

The guard entered and placed cuffs on Jed wrists and led him away. Entering a shower room Jed saw two nude men approach. "You can leave him with us, we can handle the cuffs."

One of the men took Jed by the cuffs and moved him just off the corner of the room. Attaching the cuffs to a hook suspended from the ceiling he loosened up the slack and soon had Jed suspended by his wrists his feet barely on the floor.

Quick work with a pair of clippers and Jed lost the coat of hair that had covered his body. Even his head had met with the clippers and his previous flat top was now reduced to practically nothing. His pubes had been trimmed to a slave cut, an inch high and the width of his groin with the hair no longer than an inch. With shaving cream and a couple of razors the two men soon had removed all hair from Jed's body save the little stripe above his dick. Even his eye brows and eye lashes had been trimmed. The razor in a single swipe to each side had removed every hair or his previously thick and prominent eye brows. A shower followed and Jed was led to his cell.

His cuffs were again attached to a chain from the ceiling and he found that he could not do more than crouch down to a squatting position. The cell, actually a cage in which he had been locked was only about four and a half feet tall, certainly short of his six foot stature. With his arms held above his head he found it almost impossible to find any comfort. A single tube extended down from above his cage providing him with some type of nourishment, he knew it didn't taste like water but had to be something else. There was a hole in the floor within the limitation of his movement and he could only presume its purpose was for his bodily relief. It would be a long night. The pain, humiliation, shame, and mixture of feelings he had experienced tonight had taken him beyond any since of reality he had ever experienced. He truly was owned by another. He no longer had any control of what was to happen to him. At the moment only the fact that he could breath on his own was left for him to control. Anything else exceeded his control. For all he knew whether he lived or died was no longer within his grasp. He had no way of ending his own life, but was only to aware that someone else could do just that if they so desired, and he could do nothing to alter it.

Sleep came but with great difficulty, his mind continued to torment over what had happened in such a short time this evening and overwhelming all else came the fear that his son could come to a similar fate, all because of an error in his judgment

Morning came only too early as he was awoken by a torrent of cold water assaulting his body with the force of a million needles. As his mind attempted to assess his situation the shower stopped as quickly as it had started. He was told to consume more of the liquid from the tube as that was his sustenance for this morning. Further instruction to shit and piss reminded him of his level of degradation. As soon as he had completed his functions and not without a degree of difficulty, he again felt the sting of the high pressured hose as it worked its way around him cleaning not only his cage but every inch of his body.

Prodded out of his cage and his cuffs removed, he was led to a field where he became one of more than a hundred men, staged looking towards a giant of a man in front of them, his cousin Bill. He stood in position keeping his eyes forward. He could see a number of the other men. He noticed similar adornments on their bodies to his, nip rings, PA's, and brandings. The other men also had tattoos of a number across the upper part of their arm. He noticed there were no tan lines, just a deep even tan and none of the men had clothing of any kind.

The giant in front of them began to bellow out orders after pulling one of the men to a position next to him. Another guard began to count out a cadence and each step of each exercise was done in complete unison. As soon as the first exercise had begun Bill began to walk around the field observing each man and their execution of the exercise. The slightest falter and the cane that he carried rained down across the buttocks, thighs or back of the miscreant. Jed was struggling with a particular exercise and Bill took position next to him and with each mismove the cane struck yet another area of his body. Bill did not even acknowledge his cousin. Jed's full attention became focused on perfecting each movement to the satisfaction of his overseer.

After a good two hours and total exhaustion on Jed's part, the session ended and while the men seemed to know where they were to go, a guard seized Jed by the arm and directed him back towards the building.

Entering the "Med Exam Room 1" once again Jed was instructed to place his uncuffed hands behind his back. A collar was placed around his neck and then one hand at a time was fastened to either side of the collar. Hands in place and out of the way the doctor then reached forward and with a snap fastened a metal collar just above his balls over his scrotum. The size of the collar constricted his ball sack and forced his balls below it. Another snap and a divider was in place separating his balls as they were held away from his body. A dull and ever increasing ache began to radiate from his testicles into his groin and up into his stomach. Had he eaten anything of real sustenance that morning he was only too sure it would have come back up.

"Mr. Forester, this is the doctor, the blood tests for Jed Elroy are back and he is completely clear, no STD's, HIV or other indication of any problem."

"Good, I didn't think there would be a problem, have him moved into the general population in Block C. I don't want any conversation with any other trainees. Make that clear to him before the move."

"Certainly, no problem sir."

"Jed, your tests are clear so we can move you into the general population. I will warn you though, you are going to Block C, no conversation is allowed between trainees of any kind. If a single word is heard, both individuals, the one speaking and the one spoken to will be punished. After what you have already gone through I don't think you want to experience that. Oh and by the way with your PA it will take about six months to heal so you aren't in a position to do any fucking. Block C does allow for sexual activity and no one can refuse. If you are approached there will be no discussion, the other person will simply initiate the act. I think you are smart enough to understand what is being requested. Should they be requesting that you fuck them you will have to point to your PA, shake your head no and move into position to rim them. They all know the rules and that should avoid any problems. Remember though, say a work and you will be punished."

His hands were again freed and the collar removed, he was taken to a large dorm where he was assigned a mat to sleep on. At the end of the room it seemed lunch was being served. Falling in line he soon found that lunch consisted of a bar of some type and water. Being cautious not to speak he took what he was offered and quickly wolfed it down. Making his way back to his mat he thought he would finally get some much needed rest. As he lay down on his mat two other men approached.

One of the men appeared to be about thirty five years old, over six feet tall, about a hundred and fifty pounds. His body was well toned, every muscle bulging, his waist quite thin below wide and bulging shoulders. His ass was muscular as well, but high and tight, his cock led the way protruding a good ten inches in front of him. The hair above his dick was a dusty blond and his eyes a bright iridescent blue.

The other man was a bit younger probably around twenty-nine to thirty, about 5'10" and a little heavier build at about a hundred and eighty pounds. He appeared to be a wrestler or football player with thick muscles covering his large frame. The little hair left on his body was as black as it could be and his eyes were a bright copper color with what appeared to be flecks of gold that danced as the light reflected off of them. His dick was not as long as his partner probably about seven to eight inches but it was the diameter of a beer can, swollen and dripping as if it were a cold can of beer and the condensation were running off of it on a hot summer day.

Both men were covered in a layer of sweat that caused their tans to only glisten as their muscles moved gracefully while they strode closer to Jed.

Without a word the blond moved behind Jed and with his hands on Jed's waist pulled him on his knees in front of him. The other man stepped in front of Jed and placing one hand on each side of Jed's head beaconing him to swallow the shaft in front of him.

As the monster cock in front of him started to disappear into Jed's mouth the blond began ever so slowly to impale his spear into Jed's ass. In a matter of moments the blond was long-stroking Jed, his moans being drown by the invader buried in his mouth. As one man would push in the other would be pulling out, their movement in total synchronization. Jed felt as if he were about to explode as the men increased the intensity of their thrusts. Just at the moment he thought he would come, Jed felt both men pull completely out. As he cried within with desire to go over the edge the men switched positions and began again. The size of the cock at his rear was stretching him to the point of pain. Each thrust just as painful as the last until suddenly, after a few minutes, the pain started to subside and each thrust just made him feel full and for some reason he could not fathom, satisfied. In sync again he hurdled higher and higher until he reached that point of supreme ecstasy when his own dick shot forth with a force he couldn't remember previously experiencing. As his sphincter clamped down from his orgasm the black haired hunk exploded sending volley after of volley into his ass. The blond reached his point of no return and thrusting deep into Jed's throat forced his nectar straight down into his stomach. The cock had been buried so deep not a drop could be tasted until, as the blond felt he was about to eject his final blasts, he backed off just enough to land them in Jed's mouth. The amount being released was still sufficient to fill his mouth and before Jed could even think to swallow, he didn't know what he should do, the blond pulled himself completely out and planted his lips over Jed's and began to suck the precious cream from him. When Jed parted his lips under the pressure the blond forced his tongue through the lips and exchanging spit for his own cream enticed Jed into a battle of the tongues.

His mind, unable to hold a single continuous thought, felt the withdrawal of the reamer in his ass and the sudden replacement at his rosebud with another feeling, one he could not describe. The unknown feeling changed from a moist licking to a fervent sucking then the intrusion of what had to be a tongue. As his hole was opened once again he felt a pair of lips taking hold of him and vacuuming the contents of his ass. In his wildest dreams he could never have imagined the feelings that poured over his body at that moment.

Left on his mat, the two men disappeared as fast as they had appeared. He could only hope he would be undisturbed long enough to rest. He sorely needed to regain some strength. His body was wracked from lack of sleep, exhausted from the physical exertion he had been through and psychologically flying from the experience he had just had.

Sleep came quickly but ended all too soon as he and all the other men were herded off to a large class room. The speaker spent the following hour going over proper slave behavior and what was to be expected of each and every slave. Topics covered included the proper honoring of a master, appropriate responses, body positions, and acceptable actions when in the presence of a master or someone instructed to be addressed as Sir. Following the class they were all moved to another room. In this room was row after row of different types of exercise equipment. Each row seemed to be a duplicate of the row next to it with a series of different types of machines as one went from the front to the back of the row.

Each man was stationed at a piece of equipment and placing their hand on the control screen the equipment recognized the individual and set itself for the proper parameters of the exercise.

Jed was surprised to find the system recognized him and then read out the intensity of the exercise, number of repetitions he was to do, and any other pertinent information.

The equipment soon signaled the start and each man began to perform what was required of him. As was the case in the earlier session there were several supervisors walking around the room giving encouragement in the form of a swipe with a cane to any one not keeping up with his preset program.

As completion was attained at each machine, each individual in the row would move back one station with the last in the row moving forward to the first machine. Each change of station brought them one step closer to the end of the session.

When all repetitions were completed one of the supervisors checked a computer screen and after consulting with the other supervisors, two groups of five men were pulled to the front of the room.

One group of five were praised for their top performance overall on the machines today.

The other group of five, of which Jed found himself to be a member, where promptly strapped over an odd item resembling something like a sawhorse, but wider on the top covered with a pad, and Velcro on the legs allowing their wrists, arms, knees, and ankles to be fastened in such as way that their asses were elevated and their legs separated with their balls and cocks fully in view. After being fastened down the other group of five men took positions, one behind each horse, and upon the proper signal with one great thrust, forced themselves into the ass before them. With all the vigor they could muster in their celebration of victory, they thrust themselves in and out without abandon raping the victim at their mercy.

As each man recovered from his ejaculations he stepped aside to allow a supervisor to take his position and with tawse in hand begin his reign of terror on the asscrack, balls, and cock of the unlucky bastard bound by his unsuccessful and pitiful achievements in the exercise session.

The result of the ball spreader and separator Jed had been forced to endure only served to intensify the effects of the assault.

Jed retuned to Block C but not without some assistance. It took all the energy he could summon to get through the line and receive his bars of food and cup of water. A few of the other men helped him to the shower and got him sudsed down and cleaned then returned to his mat for some sleep.

An hour later he was again awoken from a deep sleep and escorted to yet another room where he was met by Greg.

"You have been here just about twenty-four hours now, who is your master?" asked Greg.

"Sir, you are Sir," replied Jed, humbly.

"Do you understand the ramifications of your actions?"

"Sir, Yes Sir, I am sorry that I went against your wishes Sir, What can I do Sir to make things right Sir?"

"I just wonder if you are truly sorry or just trying to avoid punishment?" asked Greg.

"Sir, I am truly sorry Sir, is there anything I can do Sir to show you how I feel?"

"You claimed to be straight before coming here did you not?"

"Sir, Yes Sir, I had never had any relations with a man before yesterday Sir."

"And to do so was sickening to you, was it not?"

"Sir, Yes Sir,"

"And now?"

"Sir I have found myself to enjoy it Sir, I have felt more enjoyment than ever before as I have brought pleasure to others Sir."

"And would you want to bring pleasure to me?" asked Greg.

"Sir, Oh Yes Sir if that would be your wish I would be honored Sir"

"Get over here on your knees then and honor me."

Jed took his position in front of Greg bowing his head as he awaited instructions.

"You may pay homage"

Jed reached up and pulling down the tab of his fly tenderly reached in and extracted Greg's cock from the confines of his trousers. He then leaned forward and placed a single kiss to the glans. Bowing he kissed the right foot and then putting his head on the floor lifted the same foot and placed in on his head.

Greg lifted his foot off of Jed's head and told him to rise. As Jed rose Greg placed his hand upon his shoulder signaling for him to return to the kneeling position. Jed looked up into Greg's eyes and with his own eyes asked for permission. With a nod of the head Greg granted permission and Jed leaned forward and began to service Greg. He licked along the shaft, circled the glans and then encompassed the entire cock, gingerly working his tongue around the PA and gradually took it down his throat until his nose was buried in the pubes before him. He worked his way up and down the shaft until Greg finally erupted within him. Ever so gently Jed cleaned him and replaced his cock within his trousers and redid the fly.

Greg then left the room instructing a guard to return Jed to his mat in Block C.

The next morning Jed awoke to find another man cleaning his privates with his tongue. As he awoke the man lifted his legs and continued to lick his way back to Jed's anus. Though he sorely needed to relieve himself Jed reached orgasm and covered the man's back with his own nectar as he was being rimmed and Jed shot over his head and along the man's spine.

He had awoke to a feeling of physical pleasure. His mental attitude was unlike any he remembered. He no longer had any other worries other than doing what was expected of him. His every effort could be focused on the task at hand, nothing else mattered. He had no concerns for money, bills, or any other responsibilities. Though the possible situation with his son could be of concern he realized that he no longer had any control, it would pain him greatly if anything happened to his son due to his actions but he could not help the situation at this point. What will happen will happen.

His day went very similarly to the previous one as far as exercise sessions and a class. In the afternoon session with the exercise equipment he managed not to be one of the five to receive punishment, but he didn't make it as one of the five to be exulted either. Under the circumstances that was fine with him.

He was involved in several more encounters and witnessed a violation of rules. Two men in another area of their block had spoken. The guards swiftly grabbed both of them and twenty lashes with a cane were administered without hesitation. The men's backs, asses and upper thighs had red welts evenly spaced and they were unable to lie on their backs that afternoon. It would probably be several days before they could do so.

Following the last meal of the day Jed was again summoned and taken to an interrogation room. As he entered the room he felt he was about to faint. Sitting on one side of the table across from Craig was Jason his son.

"Jed, how nice of you to join us," said Craig as he could see Jed gasping for breath trying to remain in control of his senses.

"Sir, yes Sir, thank you Sir," replied Jed afraid to say anything else for fear of reprisal.

"Dad, what happened to you?" asked Jason.

Jed remained bowed looking at a spot on the floor.

"Jason, we have a bit of a problem," said Craig. "It seems that your father brought you here several times and told you of the program."

"Yes he did, but what does that have to do with anything, what has happened to my Dad?"

"It is imperative that no one else know about the program here, anyone connected participates with a vow of secrecy, your Dad violated that vow in telling you. It would have not been so bad except you did not keep it to yourself and passed it on to someone else."

"Oh shit, did I cause this to happen to my Dad?" asked Jason as he scanned his father's changed body.

"Yes, in a way you did."

"Is there any thing I can do, please will you release him? Dad why aren't you saying anything?"

"Jason, he has learned his lessons well and knows that unless I give him permission to speak he must remain silent. I understand you are majoring in Law Enforcement?"

"Yes Sir, I want to follow the family tradition. Or at least I thought so up to now."

"Good, your family has actually produced some very fine officers. I would hope with proper training you would also excel."

"But Sir, what has happened to my Dad?"

"He was curious about what happened to inductees after he would leave them here. With the screw-up that he caused we decided it was necessary to get across just how serious we are here in dealing with problems."

"Why was I brought here Sir?"

"Well you became part of the problem when you repeated information you should not have known in the first place."

"But that was my mistake, why has my Dad been punished for it?"

"Because he made the first mistake, without his, you would not have been able to make yours."

"Am I to be treated as he was?"

"That depends on you?"

"On me sir, what do you want me to do?" asked Jason.

"You have how much time left at school before you graduate?"

"I have the spring semester; I am a senior this year."

"And what do you plan to do when you graduate?"

"I was hoping to apply to the Phoenix PD and get on like my Dad and Grandfather and Uncle, Sir,"

"Would you consider something different?"

"Such as what Sir, if it will help my Dad I'll certainly try,"

"I don't think you would find it too bad, would you be interested in coming to work for the center?"

"For the center, Sir?"

"Yes, we would discuss your responsibilities later but for now we would agree to a contract where as soon as you graduate you would come to work here."

"I'd be glad to but, what does that have to do with Dad?"

"Let me explain, first of all you must not say anything else to anyone about the center. As an employee you would be held to a code of ethics and approved procedures, violation of any facet could put you in a position such as you find your father right now. If you can agree to these terms and your father can also do so, as well as to a special contract that we will prepare for him, he will have the choice to return to the Phoenix PD or come on board here as well."

"I will agree Sir, may my father speak sir?"

"Jed you may answer, are you willing to abide by such a contract and restriction?"

"Yes Sir, of course Sir, may I ask a question Sir?" said Jed as his enthusiasm seemed to be increasing.

"Yes go ahead what did you want to ask?"

"Does that mean I would be released Sir? Would I be able to continue to serve you working for the center?"

"Are you agreeable to such terms, Jason and Jed?"

"Yes Sir, if you please Sir" answered Jed without hesitation.

"Of course, I would not only have a job, but it seems, help to rectify the problem I caused for my Dad," said Jason

"Good I'll have the contracts brought in." said Craig.

"Sir, how am I going to explain the branding Sir?"

"What branding Dad?"

"The one here," said Jed as he pointed to his hip.

"There isn't any brand there Dad, what are you talking about?" asked Jason.

"Jed, you felt a very cold iron against your skin. It was cold enough to cause pain but not enough to alter the skin. We hoped this couple of days could straighten things out and we didn't want to do anything that would permanently alter you. As far as the rings you can take them out and heal over or even change sizes if you would want to have perhaps smaller ones. The confusion over the SIN was so that we could make you think we were just delaying the tattoo. We didn't really want to do it, again because we didn't want to do anything that wasn't easily reversible. That's also why we had to put you in Block C, no mirrors exist there and with out communication allowed we could keep you form finding out that you didn't have a brand."

"Dale, would you come in here please and bring the folder with you."

"Here you are sir, everything per your request."

"First of all just to let you know, Dale is one of the trainees, he was an attorney before his induction and after finishing the program has been kept on staff. Here is the document you signed; I assure you this is the only copy. We will see to it that it is shredded. Now here are the two contracts, one if you wish to continue with the Phoenix PD and one if you wish to come on board with us here. Which shall it be?"

"All things considered I think it would be better if I came to work for the center Sir, if that would be your preference, I'll honor your decision Sir."

"I'm glad to hear you answer that way; I think we will be able to offer you a very fulfilling position within the center. So, if you will sign this one, we'll get things taken care of."

"Sir, thank you sir" said Jed as he signed the contract.

"Jason, here is a contract for you. The first part of the contract stipulates your complete silence from here on as to anything concerning the center even to its existence. The second part outlines that we will offer you a position upon graduation and stipulates a starting minimum starting salary."

"Wow, isn't that more than what Phoenix PD pays you now Dad?" said Jason as he turned the contract to his Dad and pointed to the figure."

"Yes son but take a look at this," he replied as he turned his contract towards his son and pointed to his new salary.

"I hope you will both be very satisfied. Jed, you have had a taste of the first forty-eight hours of what happens to an inductee. Remember each of them come in here with an alcohol problem. Our goal is to rid them of that problem. I would imagine you can now see that with our methods, though extreme, we take them to hell and back and leave no room for alcoholism. There are several other steps to which you were not introduced, each inductee goes through them as well, all designed to insure our total success.

I believe the clothes you arrived in are being held in the locker room for you, I'll let you and Jason go there and you can get dressed. Someone will also be there to help with the removal of the ball stretcher. Then I would like for you do join us for dinner. I'm sure after Jason being pulled from campus this afternoon to come here and what you have been fed with the slave bars you would both appreciate a regular meal."

"Sir, yes Sir, that we would, Thank you Sir," replied Jed. "By the way sir would there be any possibility of seeing Bill? He is my cousin Sir, and he didn't even recognize me as he laid into me with that cane."

"He will be with us at dinner, but just remember he was given his instructions and as head of our physical and psychological training programs it was imperative that he ignore any relation to you and treat you as he would any other inductee in the program if we were to have you go so quickly through training to the point we wanted to achieve."

"Sir, thank you Sir, I will remember what you have said Sir"

"Dad can we go get you ready?" asked Jason. "I'm starved now."

Jed and Jason left the room for the locker room, with their arms around each others waists.

"Dale, I wasn't planning on it so soon but I think I know how to handle the boys when they get home Wednesday. I'll discuss things with you and Bill later. The boys are going to get their ringing by next week-end and a real eye-opener while we're at it."

"I'll bet they will Sir, I bet they will."

To be continued

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comments are encouraged. Send them to Copyright 2005 Rod All rights'eg'd to be addressed as Sir. master, appropriated r

Next: Chapter 12

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