Good Counsul

By Rod

Published on Aug 27, 2005


Authors Note: There have been mixed reaction to the last chapter. Some have written me asking for more, for the boys treatment to be repeated. Others have expressed being offended by the actions the boys endured. To anyone who may have been offended I apologize. This story is fiction. The characters and the story line somehow can at times take on a life of their own and this has dictated the scenario. I personally do not wish to condone or in any way encourage such treatment for minors. I do contend that between consenting adults, any limit is that which they have agreed upon. In all cases I would promote safety first. Fictional characters are but words in a story, untouched by pain, or illness. Reality is another thing. Be safe and take precaution. Your responses are a very important facet of the driving force that keeps each new chapter coming. So please continue to send your comments or criticisms. Rod <>

"Don, Phil here, how are you?"

"Pretty good, and you? By the way how is Evan doing? I haven't seen much of him this week."

"We're both doing fine, I think his soreness has passed, I know he has been a bit more attentive this week, paying a little more attention to school and the like."

"Same with Bobby, couldn't ask for better behavior, if it wasn't for knowing what happened last week-end I would think he was up to something. So, is there something I can do for you?"

"Actually I wondered if you might like to join the rest of us on Saturday for our workout. Bill, Craig, Greg, George, James, Ted and I get together each week and work out together. To be honest, one person takes on the role of taskmaster and drives the rest of us. It usually ends up being a pretty good session, with a few enjoyable additions. Now with the coach here and things that have happened we wondered if you might like to join us."

"I've been meaning to get back into some regular schedule of exercise besides what I do at home, that sounds great, count me in, just let me know what time. Do you know if the boys have any plans this week-end?"

"From what I've heard they have something in mind, at least their normal session with Bill Friday evening, hasn't Bobby asked you yet about staying over Friday night?"

"No he hasn't but that's no problem if he wants to. He usually does go over there on Friday, I guess it is for their workout session. It seems the boys have been together at one house or the other for years now. He often doesn't say anything until the last minute."

"Well you know you are welcome to stay over as well if you want, after the week at the office it is nice to lounge around the pool after dinner Friday evening, catch a movie with the boys sometimes and then just not have anything else to do."

"You make the invitation sound too good. I'd be a fool not to take you up on it. Besides do you get a chance to play with Bill, Coach and James occasionally?"

"Yeah once we get the boys settled for the evening or at least into their rooms sometimes we can. I can't guarantee just when they get to sleep."

"That figures, so I guess I'll see you Friday for dinner. Can I bring something?"

"Sure, yourself!"

"Ok, see you then, Bye for now"

"Bye" said Phil as he turned to the boys. "Well that's all set Don will be here Friday for dinner and staying over at least through Saturday."

"Yea Hoo!" chorused the three, "And another one down, and another one down, and another one bites the dust!" they sang as they left the room.

"Bill, everything is set for Don to join us Saturday, would you be sure everything is ready?"

"You got it, we'll be ready" replied Bill as they both hung up the phone.

"Are you guys ready for a workout session tonight?" asked Bill to the three boys as they were about to finish dinner Friday evening.

"Sir, is tonight a regular session in our regular gym?" asked Jimmy as the three looked intensely at Bill.

"If you insist, didn't you like the gravity boots?" asked Bill with as straight a face as he could manage.

"I guess they would be OK sir but I don't think we want to use them any time soon if that's alright with you Sir," said Bobby with as much humility as he could muster.

"Gee, and here I thought you guys would like to hang around with me some this evening," he replied as he started to laugh breaking the serious mood the boys had been in. "No guys, don't worry, just our regular session this week."

There was a collective sigh of relief as the smiles returned to the boys' faces as their fathers began to laugh.

"Last week-end is something we never want to have to repeat," started Greg without laughing, " I do know what you suffered and perhaps it was a bit overboard but it was a serious matter and at the time we felt it needed to be dealt with in a serious way. Just so you always remember that we love you more than anything else on this earth. Our goal was to get to the bottom of things and nip it in the bud."

"Well gramps, I think the other guys will agree with me you guys certainly got to my bottom and whatever might have been in the bud is gone now," said Evan.

"I know it's not something to be laughed about, but you did get to all of our bottoms, and though I'm sorry to say it happened, I guess we deserved it, I know we all love you too, Dads and Granddads," added Jimmy as the group started to laugh about the puns just tossed around.

"Bill, do you mind if I join you guys so I can see what you're doing? These guys have been tearing up everyone else on the team. I'd like to see your program," said Coach.

"If the boys don't mind, it's all right with me," replied Bill, "Boys what do you think?"

"Coach, are you watching, participating or administering?" Bobby asked as they all seemed to hold their breath.

"I'll just go through the same exercises that Bill puts you guys through, OK?"

"In that case, great, we'll be glad to have you with us. Anybody else want to join us?"

"Sir, would it be alright if I joined in?" asked Ted as he turned and faced Craig.

"I don't see any reason why not. Yes Ted you may join the rest of the group," answered Craig.

"Sir, thank you Sir," said Ted.

Evan and Bobby looked to each other with puzzlement.

By the end of their session the boys were very tired and sore. A short respite through the hot tub and then off to bed was the consensus of opinion. Coach and Ted had fared well through the exercises. Coach did pick up a few pointers and commented that he would use some of the new ideas with his team.

Ted kept up with all the exercises without fail. The boys however took notice that Bill seemed quite vigilant to keep him moving and his tone of voice seemed sterner than the one he used with the boys.

All in all, the boys were overjoyed to once again participate with Bill in a session like they had normally experienced before, he was lavish with the compliments and made each of them feel proud of their accomplishments.

The hot tub had a full house that evening as the workout crew found the rest of the men already relaxing there when they arrived. The six new arrivals quickly discarded the towels they were wearing after their showers and joined the others. Each of the boys took a position next to their father and just sank into the water closing their eyes and enjoying the warmth and massaging effects of the swirling water. Seemingly ready to fall asleep, it was but a short time before the three were shooed of to bed.

"Don and Coach, our Saturday morning exercise sessions usually start at about 8 o'clock so we'll serve a light breakfast about 7 first. Don't oversleep. I don't think you would want Bill to come after you to get you up," announced Craig.

"Not a problem," replied Coach, "I'm used to an early rising on Saturdays, that was the only time I could catch up for the week. I just want to thank you again for having me move in, I can't believe how great it is living here."

"We're glad to have you; it eases things a bit in our mind. Keeps everybody out of the possibility of trouble if you know what I mean."

"As the boys' coach you know I get reports from each of their teachers, in order to be sure each player still qualifies academically to play. It seems today the reports I received are telling me that not only are all three boys doing well, but the teachers have noted an improvement in their attitude both to them and the other students. You should all be proud of them; I've noticed they are trying to be a positive influence on their teammates as well. I had one of the players start to mouth off the other day and Jimmy pulled him aside, I don't know what he said, but the kid actually came and apologized to the whole team for his unsportsmanlike behavior. I've never seen this kid act like that before."

"Good, I just hope it keeps up," said James.

"From the way each of the boys has been acting, I think the message came through loud and clear," added Phil.

"I hope so, personally I would not want to go through that scene again until they were older and had asked for it," said George.

"And you would consider it under those circumstances?" asked Phil.

"What ever is of mutual consent is OK, when it's adults," answered George.

"Agreed," added Craig and Greg.

"Sometimes an adult needs something like that whether he agrees to it or not," stated Ted. "I should know."

Don gave Ted a questioning look as the other men seemed to just turn to Ted and smile as they all proceeded to leave the hot tub and go to bed.

As the men headed for the East wing and their bedrooms Coach and Bill walked together.

"Bill, I noticed that Phil, Craig, Greg, George and you all have nipple rings and PA's, they really look hot to me, have a recommendation where I could get some like that? With the current arrangement school shouldn't be a problem. I've always wanted them but felt like I'd be an outcast if I got them. Around here it's like I'm an outcast without them."

"You really are interested in getting them Coach?" asked Bill.

"Hell yeah, I like how they look. The other guys look great but you look fabulous with them."

"Tell you what, let me talk to Craig and I'll see what he could recommend."

"OK, good night," said Coach as he headed into his room.

"Craig, this is Bill. Would you care to add Coach to the ceremony in the morning? He approached me about having the same type of rings we have. I know the supplies are available I'll just have to grab another set from the training school supply room."

"So, Coach would like to join us too. Sure it's alright by me. I'll bet the boys will get a kick out of that. Maybe Evan would like to help with Coach since the other two will be helping with their fathers," replied Craig.

"Everyone ready for this morning's first routine?" asked Bill.

"Sir, yes Sir," shouted James, Phil, Greg, Craig, George, and Ted as Don and Coach looked on.

"Coach, Don," ordered Bill, "front and center. You BOYS may not be aware of how things work around here but as long as you are in the room today you will answer to me as Sir."

"Sir, yes Sir," they replied.

"I am the taskmaster this week, I will see that all is done and will provide any extra encouragement needed to see that you complete each task appropriately. Now fall back in line and resume the rest position."

"Sir, yes Sir!" they replied as they hurried into position.

"We'll start with push-ups, on the floor and give me fifty. Greg count cadence!"

Each man dropped to the floor and took their starting position.

"And one, and two and." shouted Greg.

The men moved in unison as the counting continued. As they approached forty Ted began to falter.


Don and Coach looked to their side and saw the cane as Bill pulled it back from Ted's ass.

Ted grimaced in pain as he pushed to catch up. Soon the count of fifty was heard and the men stood returning to the rest position.

"That was just a little encouragement gentleman, the way we do things during these sessions. Do you have a problem with it?" asked Bill.

"Sir, no Sir," replied Coach and Don.

"Very well then, pair off and I want to see fifty crunches each. Craig count off."

"And one and two and." yelled Craig.

James started to lag as they approached forty-five. "Smack"

"Ow," yelled James as he felt the sting of the cane across his thigh.


James reddened as he held back his exclamation this time realizing his previous verbal response brought about the second sting of the cane.

Exercise after exercise was counted out and performed by the group as Bill oversaw every movement. Every deviation had its reward and not a man remained who had not felt the sting of the cane at some point during the session.

At the completion of the exercises all of the men were instructed to return to display position.

"James, Don and Coach step forward and stand side by side!" ordered Craig.

"Sir, Yes Sir," said all as they moved into position.

"I understand that each of you have expressed a desire to receive rings such as we wear. Is that correct?"

"Sir Yes Sir," replied Coach.

"Sir yes Sir, but I thought I would wait until Jimmy was old enough to receive them as well," replied James.

"Sir yes Sir, "answered Don as soon as the other men had spoken. A smile seemed to work its way across his face.

"James I believe someone has something to say to you on that score. Jimmy!" shouted Craig.

Jimmy, Bobby and Evan entered the room. This time they were dressed in the Black Harnesses and tight leather shorts.

"Dad, there is no reason to wait for me, I have no problem if you go ahead and have them now, I am going to wait until after high school like we discussed. I think you will look so hot with them please go ahead and let it be done now," stated Jimmy

"All right son, I don't have a problem then," said James.

"Good, now since that is settled, Boys do you have a question for your dads?" asked Craig.

"Sir, Yes Sir," echoed all three.

"Dad, do we have your consent to perform an initiation ceremony and ring you?" asked Jimmy.

"Yes son, you have my permission and consent," replied James.

"Dad, do we also have your consent to perform an initiation ceremony and ring you?" asked Bobby.

"Yes son, you also have my permission and consent," replied Don.

"Coach, do we have your consent to perform an initiation ceremony and ring you?" asked Evan.

"Yes, you do have my permission and consent," answered Coach.

"Gentleman you have consented and given permission for a ringing ceremony, I warn you the details of which have not been made evident. If you do not wish to continue you may say so at this time and leave the room. Otherwise please reaffirm your consent and we will begin," warned Craig.

"I reaffirm my consent," said each of the men as they looked at each other with a look of wonder as to what was about to happen.

"Evan, Bobby, and Jimmy if you will begin preparations. Bill please assist Evan with Coach, Ted please assist Jimmy with James, and Phil please assist Bobby with Don," requested Craig.

Each of the six stepped forward and taking a wrist apiece escorted the three men back to the frame. Wrist cuffs were attached to the frame and then attached to each of the wrists. Ankle cuffs were then attached the same way. With a flip of the switch the frame came alive and arms and legs were stretched into the familiar spread eagle position.

Returning from the locker room the three boys took position in front of the three men placing their bucket of supplies down beside them

Drawing out a pair of scissors each they began to cut away the exercise outfits covering the men's bodies. As the shreds of material fell to the floor each of the men exhibited an erection.

The boys pulled cordless clippers from their buckets and handed them to the men assisting them. Bill, Ted and Phil turned on the clippers and starting at the back of the shoulders clipped away all visible hair from the neck down the back over the hips and down the back of the legs. After moving in front of the men they again began at the top of the chest at the collar bone and down to the waist. Leaving the waist they cleared the arms from the back of the fingers all the way to the shoulder and through the pits. Returning to the waist they moved down the legs leaving the private area till last. Any treasure trail was gone. Then with one hand moving each dick as needed, in a matter of moments the clippers skimmed over their scrotums as the hair was trimmed as closely as possible. The clippers then attacked the pubes and when finished had left only a bar about an inch high and the width of their groin. The hair had been trimmed to a length of no more than an inch. Satisfied with their barbering, the men nodded to the boys who began to cover each of the initiates with shaving cream from the neck down.

The three men then were handed straight edge razors which they sharpened on a razor strop and then proceeded to remove any remaining vestiges of hair the clippers may have left behind. A quick wiping with a warm damp towel and the shaving was declared finished.

Each of the boys then stepped forward and took one nipple into their mouth. As they began to lick then suck the nipple it began to enlarge. The boys worked their way back and forth causing the men to moan in the pleasurable feeling emanating from their breast. As the nipples became engorged the boys began to bite down on them with their teeth slowly applying more and more pressure until they were actually chewing on one and then the other nipple as the men moaned louder and louder trying to squirm under the sensations assaulting their bodies. Each man's erection was growing stronger as a steady stream of pre-cum came forth.

When it was felt that each was in sufficient agony, the boys quickly stepped to the side and ducked behind their prey. They were replaced by the man assisting them who without hesitation, swiped both nipples with a disinfectant daub then grabbed a clamp and snapped it down on the left nipple in front of him. As the clamp was attached each of the boys had picked up a paddle. The same paddles used the previous week on their own asses, and, just as the clamp was gripping its victim the paddle was swung forth connecting with a sharp burst of noise. No sooner than the pain began to radiate from their rears, did they feel another stab of pain in their chest as the piercing needle forced its way through the tender engorged tissue of their nipple. Right behind was the force of the ring as it pushed its way through, replacing the needle. Once the ring was sealed the clamp was removed, causing another gush of pain as the blood attempted to return to the area.

The paddles struck again and a clamp bit down on the remaining nipple causing each of the men to shriek in agony as pain shot from both sides colliding and exploding within their nervous systems.

It was lucky for the three men attaching the clamps as they had moved just off to the side to get better purchase of the clamps, for as the clamps took hold each of the men had their bladder release and a pool of yellow formed in front of them.

George and Greg grabbed some towels and quickly swabbed the mess off the floor.

Within an instant the pain of the needle struck again as it was forced through the nipple now clamped. Followed quickly by the ring, the job was soon completed. Each man was now adorned with a set of gold nipple rings fastened in such a way that they would have to be cut to be removed.

The boys and men again switched positions. As the men stepped up to the initiate each began to work a finger into the anus so beautifully displayed before them. Lube was liberally being forced into the opening with a gentle massage. More fingers were added as they could be taken.

In front, the boys had engulfed the cocks in their mouth and were licking sucking and otherwise worshiping the offering. Each man was coming closer and closer to an orgasm. As the men watched for signs, just before an orgasm could occur, they clutched the scrotum and yanked, pulling the man back from the abyss. As the boys sensed the movement they again ducked out of the way and switched positions with their partner, discarding their shorts into a pile along the wall.

The men stepping back in front, applied disinfectant and deftly inserted the receiving tube into the urethra of each man. With the entry of the tube each boy impaled the ass in front of him with his own straining and dripping cock. Waiting for just a moment while a needle made its way through the underside of each man's shaft followed by a ring, the three then began their thrusting in and out as each man's cry of pain became a moan of pleasure. It took but a short time for the men to reach that abyss again and as each of them began to shoot volley after volley on the floor in front of them, their sphincters clamped down causing the boys to follow suite, injecting them with their own sweet cream.

Drained, spent and newly adorned the three men were removed from their bondage and escorted to the showers. The same pair who had performed the ceremony for each continued to assist lathering their body, massaging and giving their man a shampoo. Don, James and Coach were not allowed to do anything for themselves; all was completed by the two individuals with them. Following the shower a special solution was applied to each of the piercings to aid in their healing. The men were then escorted to their room to lie down for a nap. Bobby stayed with his father and crawled into bed beside him in the guest room again assigned to him this week-end. Jimmy had escorted his father to James' room and likewise stayed with him removing the harness and nestling up as close as he could to his father. Evan had asked the Coach if he could accompany him to his room and the Coach had agreed leaning forward and engaging Evan in a deep kiss of some length. Evan assisted the Coach to his room and joined him in his bed for a nap.

After a matter of a few hours each of the men began to stir and as they did, the boys lovingly impaled them once again, not stopping until they had mutually reached orgasm once again. A quick assisted shower, a minimum of clothes and the six left the rooms in search of the others and some food. The men were surprised at the depth of their appetite but the boys had no different an appetite than normal. At their age if it wasn't nailed down it might get eaten. The kitchen was in for a real raid.

The rest of the week-end was relatively quiet. Don, James and Coach were definitely only on the receiving end for about six months now until their PA's could heal. The boys had exerted a bit more energy than normal but by Sunday were back to normal. Under the circumstances that meant they were ready to play together, and the father and grandfathers didn't see too much of them. They did hear a lot of commotion Sunday afternoon as Rainbow frolicked with all three in the yard. The other men just tried to relax. Craig got called away Saturday night as another inductee with somewhat of a bad record was brought into the training center and he needed to deal with the situation. With the other goings on in the house he had been able to sneak over to the training center and get back without his absence being noted.

Don was a successful attorney, but servicing the medical company, though Craig was quite happy with things as they were, the thought crossed his mind that perhaps Don could be brought on board with the training center, and if he could be convinced to join them in the mansion, they could all be closer and Don would no longer have the hassles of the office. The almost empty house that Craig and Greg had lived in while Phil was away at college was certainly not lonely anymore. The joke that there was no expectation of any children in the house unless Phil adopted was certainly not even a consideration any more. With everything that had happened, they were building quite a family now. Even if not all the occupants were actually related, they might as well be, as they had become quite close-knit.

Life returned to a dull roar as the time passed. The men had their play sessions and each of the boys played at some point with the other men in the house. At first it was just Coach or their fathers but later they began to approach their grandfathers, as well as Ted and Bill. Each of the men was careful to restrict their relations to loving, vanilla type sex. James restrained himself and no longer participated with Jimmy in any scenes involving paddling or any other type of pain.

Things were not the same however, when the men got together without the three boys. Their weekly Saturday morning exercise sessions became more and more strenuous, the men alternated acting as taskmaster, each remembering that the next week they might reap what they had sown, but as the weeks progressed they continued to push the envelope just a little further. Their bodies were becoming more and more in tone. Each of the men looked and felt healthier than ever.

Don had jumped at the chance to move into the mansion and take the new position. The only problem that reared its ugly head was coming up with an explanation for the boys how Don would no longer be at the office daily and instead would be at the mansion all day. Greg had finally suggested that Don had simply moved into one of the offices utilized by the company in the West wing and all seemed to accept that explanation.

The football team, with its new program was breaking all previous school records. The other coaches kept asking questions of what was being done that caused the freshman team to excel. Jimmy on the JV team was making a record of his own and through his leadership the JV team had a better record than the Varsity.

As the boys went into their next year at high school the three were all named to the Varsity team. With his record, Coach was asked to replace the retiring head coach. In a move of diplomacy he suggested that he would share the position with the coach who had been perceived to be the next head coach. The two would continue to take the team to new heights and the program utilized by the freshman team the previous year was instituted for all the squads. Alumni and faculty couldn't be happier.

Jimmy, Evan and Bobby continued to perform at the top of their class in all aspects. As the opportunity arose they agreed to tutor other students. Projects for various good causes could always count on them for support.

Jimmy became valedictorian his senior year and graduated with honors. He had readily been accepted by the university he had chosen. As ever, he had consulted with Evan and Bobby, the choice of university had actually been a combined effort with just the right amount of guidance by the other men of the family. The highest criteria, besides the quality of the university, was that it had to have all the programs that the boys were collectively looking for. It was going to be difficult enough for Jimmy to be off to university for a year without the other two, but at least after they graduated the three could be back together again.

Considering it as a rite of passage, Jimmy having graduated, was asked by his father if the time had arrived for him to receive his ringing. Jimmy replied that he would wait until Evan and Bobby had also graduated. For the last three years they had done everything together, there was no reason for that to change. No, his ringing would be with his brothers, as that was the way they viewed themselves.

Ted had ceased to provide transportation for the boys when Coach had moved into the mansion. They simply rode back and forth with him each day. Of course Coach's car had been replaced. His old junker was donated to the vocational arts department for the auto repair classes and Craig had replaced it with something a little more apropos for a football coach with three teens, coming too and from the mansion. They had chosen a new silver Hummer. All were quite satisfied at the drooling of the rest of the team as the four would arrive and leave each day in that honey of a set of wheels.

Time soon seemed to come when the boys passed their own driving tests and in each case a father had the expense of providing his son with a car. Don and Phil thought they would fare better than James as Evan and Bobby couldn't fathom the idea of driving separate cars so they had decided they wanted one car for the two of them. Since only one car need be purchased the boys logic concluded they could get a more expensive vehicle, and being accustomed to the oohs and ahs as they rode with Coach they too decided they would like a Hummer, but they wanted one in solid black, with as much chrome as possible. It didn't take much to convince their fathers and as soon as the first one had a driver's license they had the car, to the envy of most of the student body.

Jimmy was not too far away at university but still was not in the mansion except on some week-ends. The beginning of his freshman year had been the worst. He went out for football and had to stay on campus for many of the initial week-ends due to games or other team activities. It was only after football season that he got to return home more regularity on week-ends.

Evan and Bobby continued with their various activities at school. Neck and neck academically, it would be difficult to say that one was doing any better than the other. As the end of the year came and final grades were tallied they tied for the same highest average in their class. It an unprecedented situation the graduating class that year had two valedictorians. Some students jokingly complained, as that meant that there would be two Valedictorian addresses at graduation. The popularity Evan and Bobby had achieved however overshadowed any complaint and both boys were cheered as they gave their remarks to the fellow graduates.

James returned home at the end of his first year just in time to attend the high school graduation. They would have the summer to be together again and then in the fall all would leave together to attend university. A few strings had been pulled and a house had been purchase nearby the university. Staff was being lined up and when the boys went to school they would have their own home to reside in.

Much of the summer was spent in getting the new house ready. Permission had been given for the three to decorate and furnish the new abode. Of course each decision was subject to approval but it was soon determined that Bobby had quite an eye for decorating and was making some very astute decisions in outfitting their new place. By the time it was needed the house would be fully finished and staffed ready for the new school year. Fathers and Grandfathers were only concerned as to just how much they would see the college men, with them having a home of their own. Their fears were for naught as the new college men soon found that by coming home over the weekends, they could save on staff expenses and spend time with the men they loved.

Craig had wisely set up accounts for the house's running expenses and the house was under the management of the three. Anything saved would reflect well on their ability to manage and could be divided among them. If they came up short due to over expenditure it would be out of their own pockets to make up the difference. Evan had calculated once they had gotten through football season, when they needed to stay over the weekends and could not go back to the mansion, they could save almost a thousand dollars a month in comparison to what they needed to spend otherwise.

Evan had learned from Ted that the security system set up to protect the property had been tied directly into a feed that could be monitored back home at the mansion. Though neither of the three had been tempted to do anything out of line, they still all remembered only too well the punishment for their previous crimes; the knowledge was just enough incentive to keep out of any trouble at school. They occasionally did hold dinner parties, but kept them to a minimum, kept them small and always had the staff there to supervise that nothing got out of control.

Just after football season and the week before Thanksgiving Evan made a new acquaintance. It seems the fellow he met was from his home area and was in the law enforcement program at the university. The two had been introduced by a mutual friend. Jason was a roommate to a guy who had come to Evan for tutoring. It seems that Jason was descended from a long line of cops. It was considered a family tradition for the sons to join the force. Jason was attempting to do one better than his father, who had graduated from high school, gotten on the force and was still a patrolman. It was Jason's dream to get his college degree and then get on the force and make detective.

It was during their discussions and the common, "where are you from?"," where did you graduate from?" etc when Evan revealed his home location, Jason immediately perked up.

"Wait a minute did you say you live in the mansion on the far west side of town on W. Van Buren between N 51st and N 59th Avenues?" asked Jason.

"Yeah, why do know the place?" asked Evan.

"What did you say your last name was?" probed Jason.

"Well my name was Sanders but when I was united with my Dad I took his name, Forester."

"Any relations to a guy named Bellows?"

"I consider him as a Grandfather, he lives there too, why do you ask?"

"Gawd man, I've been with my dad when he dropped off some drunk driver to the training center there."

"Training center, what are you talking about?" asked Evan.

"Shit man don't you know anything about your own house? Every cop in town knows that if they come across a repeat DWI offender all they have to do is call the induction desk at your place and then arrangement will be made to drop the asshole off or they will be picked up to get straightened out. From what I hear some guys have even been shipped out of the country as slaves. Anyone going into the program gets some pretty rough treatment and goes through hell. Afterwards, they are either on the straight and narrow or they may find their ass as a slave overseas. You wouldn't believe how many people worship the ground that Bellows guy walks on. There has been such a drop of DWI screw-ups; it has been beyond anybody's wildest dreams. The court system used to just fuck everything up and the assholes could get off without anything happening to them. Now even the jerks that used to screw things up are afraid to step out of line. I hear a few of them, even attorneys included, have been taken into the training center as well and treated no differently than the jokers they used to get off. "

"Hello, Evan here."

"Oh, hi dad, yeah we are planning to be home for Thanksgiving. We'll leave on Wednesday afternoon early and should be home for dinner."

"Yeah dad, we have discussed it and we all three would like to have our ringing ceremony over the weekend. We agree it's time."

"Dad, when we get home I want to talk to you, I have a few questions."

"No I'd rather not get into them over the phone, they can wait till we get home, OK?"

"Bye Dad we'll see you in a few days."

To be continued

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Next: Chapter 11

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