Good At It

Published on Jun 17, 2020



Good At It

                                                 Good At It

In these lockdown times when many are left to just their imaginations and fantasies, I had a whim to attempt something that might appeal to a range of tastes. I must stress that what follows is pure fantasy, and to any Sams, Bennys and Pauls out there who are about to read this, though of course none should and any such are warned they must not, I strongly urge that you should not try any of this at home.

May I also urge legal and legitimate readers (if there are any) to make some donation to `Nifty' so that you continue to have stories to read.

`Good At It' is a fantasy involving three boys, two of whom are brothers, and a teacher with a cane.

A fantasy by Ivor Sukwell

Sam's fingers curled in Benny's silky blond hair as his fourteen year old brother's talented mouth worked its regular morning magic. No-one could suck cock as well as Benny did, Sam thought for about the millionth time as his younger brother used his lips to peel Sam just enough for tongue to tease the exposed and super-sensitive slit of his teenage pride.

Benny could get Sam's spunk to spurt just by doing that, never taking more than the very tip of Sam's decently thick six inches in his mouth, or he could swallow Sam whole, sensuously sliding wet lips down the entire length of Sam's rigid shaft, right down to the base, opening his throat for cock without a hint of a gag.

Of course, Benny wasn't new to sucking sibling cock, he'd been sucking since he was nine so he had enough experience to be good at it, even though Sam's was still the only cock Benny had ever sucked.

That was something Sam really couldn't understand. Sam had had eleven other mouths round his cock and none of them were in the same class as Benny's, though naturally Sam had enjoyed them all – what boy of getting on for sixteen didn't enjoy having his cock sucked?

Sam stopped thinking for a bit, sucked in breath as his balls drew up and his body tensed ready to squirt spunk into his brother's eager mouth. This was the best bit; not just the orgasm but the knowing that Benny would swallow, eat and relish every drip of Sam's spunk. Not all the other boys who'd sucked Sam had swallowed; some did, but none with the obvious enjoyment of, and liking for, spunk that Benny had.

Sam swallowed as well of course, he liked a mouthful of warm spunk as well as any other boy, but when Sam was fed a mouthful he swallowed it, Benny kept it in his mouth as long as he could, relishing and savouring it before he allowed it to trickle down his throat.

"Nice one, Ben," Sam whispered as his brother used Sam's hip as a pillow, nestling his head there, close to Sam's spent cock, ready to lick up any afterthought dribbles that may appear while he took his time savouring sibling spunk.

"Nice spunk, bro," Benny told Sam's softening cock, and gave the wet, glistening foreskin tip a little kiss. "Need a shave this morning, though," he commented, running delicate fingers over his older brother's thighs.

"Won't have time before school," Sam replied, "Do it when we get home after."

Both boys were smooth as they always had been, Benny having insisted when Sam's hairs first began to show, that no way was he going to suck hairy cock, and, as Sam had no intention of not getting his cock sucked because he loved getting sucked, Sam had shaved and stayed shaved.

Benny had inspected himself daily after that, searching for any hair around his cock or on his legs, and gleefully shaved the baby down from his thighs and arms so he was proper smooth, because it felt much nicer that way when they cuddled up in bed.

That was another thing that puzzled Sam; from the very start, when Benny was nine and Sam getting on for twelve, it had been Benny who initiated things, Benny who had insisted that he hated wearing jammies at night and gone to bed naked and demanded that Sam do the same. It had been difficult enough for Sam to conceal his newly discovered delight in his developing cock when the boys had worn pyjamas, but going to bed naked made Sam's enjoyment of his new found toy impossible to conceal.

It may never have happened at all, or certainly not as quickly as it did if it hadn't been that the boys shared a bed. They lived with their father in what had been a `one up, one down' Victorian workman's cottage that had been extended slightly to provide a kitchen downstairs and a bathroom above with a tiny, cramped space left over that served as bedroom for the boys.

It had always been the boys' parents intention to move to somewhere a little larger when the boys grew and needed space, but mother had popped her clogs when Sam was eight and Benny seven and the move had never happened.

Their cramped little space, tucked under the eves, didn't have room for two beds complete with boys, and the sharply sloping ceiling made bunk beds impossible, so the largest bed that could be inserted into the room was a four foot six inch queen that was plenty big enough for two small boys to share.

Small boys grow, but their bed remained the same size, and by the time Sam was pushing twelve and Benny nine, some boy to boy night time contact was inevitable.

That was fine, even for an almost twelve who had discovered that he had a cock, until Benny insisted on night time nudity and so discovered that his brother had a cock instead of a willy and wanted to play with it as well.

Sam could have said 'No', perhaps should have said `No', but Sam wasn't far off twelve and his hormones had begun to come out to play, so he let his brother have a turn on his cock and found he liked being played with, and liked it even more when Benny had expressed a wish to suck it.

Sam had liked being sucked and had rather liked sucking Benny as well, even though he still had a willy rather than a cock, but willys turn into cocks as boys get older and Benny was fourteen now and definitely had a cock!

Not as big as Sam's, but well on the way to being five inches, and though nowhere near as thick as Sam's, that had advantages when it was used as cock is supposed to be used.

Naturally, being teenagers, the brothers assumed that their father had no idea of the real reason why the boys insisted that they were quite content with where they were, had no wish to move to somewhere bigger and have their own, private space and bedrooms, completely oblivious, as teenagers usually are, of the fact that their father had once been a teenager himself.

Father, of course, did the washing, and the boys' bedsheets were unnaturally stain free, and despite careful and assiduous searching, no sign of cum rags could be found, which meant there were only three possibilities.

One, that the two boys were destined to join some order of totally celibate monks; two, that they managed to satisfy their teenage needs while having their daily showers, or three, that there were no cum stains or cum rags because the boys never wasted their cum.

Of the three possibilities, the boys' father, having remembered that he had once been a teenager and that there were now no pyjamas to wash, considered the third to be the most likely, and wisely decided to remain silent, though he did have a passing wonder why he discovered a Wilkinson Sword, five blade, battery razor when neither boy showed any signs of facial hair.

"Really don't know why you not got a boyfriend," Sam said to his younger sibling as that boy caressed Sam's not-quite-smooth-enough thighs, "You're ace at sucking and snogging and you like fucking, so why you still single?"

"No-one ain't asked me," Benny shrugged and licked the wet tip of his sibling's cock. "How you getting on with that kid you fancy?"

Although Benny had initiated everything that now went on between himself and his older brother, he was much slower than Sam about finding non-related cock, waiting for it to come to him rather than searching for it for himself. Perhaps if Benny hadn't snogged, sucked and fucked with his brother quite so often he might have been in greater need of non-sibling cock, but as he was getting as much as any normal horny teenage boy could want, Benny just didn't see the need to go looking for more.

Sam was getting just as much as Benny, in fact he had got more than Benny as Sam did not limit himself to Benny's cock alone and enjoyed the hunt, chase and kill; the thrill of finding a boy who interested him and getting at that boy's cock, mouth, and, if he was lucky his arse as well, excited Sam almost as much as orgasms did.

"Pretty sure he'll give," Sam said, thinking of the boy in question, who  Sam had been stalking for three weeks now, "Reckon he's sussed that I'm after him and ain't seen no signs that he ain't into being fancied."

"Don't mean to say he'll give, though," Benny stated, "Could be the type what wanks about it, but no way is he gonna drop them."

"Could be," Sam agreed. There are boys like that, boys who wank about the idea of being wanked and sucked, possibly even fucked, but who are too fixated on the foolish notion that they must only actually do things with girls, never with boys. "Don't think Paul's one of them, though. Probably not got round to thinking of tits and cunt yet. Fucking made for cock though," Sam grinned lasciviously, thinking of the milk-chocolate coloured delight with Afro hair and wonderfully thick lips that begged to have cock to wrap around.

"Probably only just started wanking," Benny teased his brother, "Doubt if he's able to give you anything to swallow."

"Probably not," Sam agreed, "But he's gorgeously slender. Long legs, and he won't have a single hair on him yet."

Benny knew the boy his brother was currently lusting after; Sam had pointed him out at break one morning, when he first began to stalk the boy.

"Year Seven," Benny said saying what he knew, "Certainly won't need shaving if you manage to land him."

"Oh, I'll land him," Sam boasted, "He knows I'm after him and he's always where I can get to look at him at breaks and lunchtimes. He wouldn't do that if he wasn't interested."

"Have to be careful," Benny warned though his warning wasn't necessary, Sam was well aware of the dangers that came with being a Year Eleven boy hunting down a Year Seven. The danger was part of the thrill.

"You looked at his arse?" Sam asked his brother, not for the first time. Sam always talked to Benny about the boys he chased; talking dirty about boys was a regular feature of their conversations after Sam's spunk had been eaten and they waited for his hormones to start jumping around again and get him ready to suck off his younger brother.

"Has he even got one?" Benny teased, "Skinny as a rake."

"But that's so hot!" Sam sighed, "He'll be so fucking tight! And you gotta admit his mouth is just made for sucking cock."

"Doubt if he'll be any good at it, though, being Year Seven an' all," Benny hinted, jerking his own slender inches that were in some need of being sucked.

"You were then," Sam grinned.

"Yeah, but I'd had a couple of years of practice by then," Benny giggled, "Don't 'spose Paul has even seen a hard cock that ain't his own."

"That's what'll make it so horny when he tastes mine for his first," Sam grinned, his own cock starting to come back to life, "Nothing like a first time mouth."

"Or arse," Benny sniggered.

"Pop goes the cherry," Sam lusted and, as his hormones were dancing again, he went for his brother's hard, slender cock. "Let's see if you managed to make a decent load while you were sleeping," he said, and engulfed sibling cock with his spunk-hungry mouth.

Sam couldn't help thinking of young, skinny, milk-chocolate coloured Paul Ford while he sucked his brother. Of course, Paul wouldn't have anything like Benny's cock to suck but that didn't matter at all. Sam liked his meat young and fresh, and chocolate Paul was definitely young and, Sam was sure, fresh and untouched.

Benny, on the other hand, was thinking something very different, very different indeed. Sam teased him for not having a boyfriend, and Benny's excuse was that no-one had come after him, but Benny was fairly sure that he had been made a target in the last few weeks. He'd not said anything to his brother because, as he had said to Sam, you had to be careful, and if a Year Eleven boy had to be careful when he was hunting down a Year Seven one, how much more careful did a Year Nine boy have to be when he was being hunted, not by an older boy, but by one of his teachers?

And, of course, the teacher had to be super extra careful as well, so Benny wasn't going to mention that he felt Mr Jones, his English teacher, had set his sights on him.

If, just if, Benny luxuriated to himself as his nearly five slender inches were  expertly nursed by his brother's mouth, lips and tongue, Mr Jones did have him in his cross-hairs, would he be as good at sucking as Sam was? Cos Sam was really good at it, and if Mr Jones was even half as good, Benny was up for being teacher sucked any time Mr Jones wanted.

"How's it going with Paul?" Benny asked while Sam was shaving the back of his legs and doing his crack as well. It was easy enough for both boys to take care of their own fronts, but you can't see what you're doing at the rear, so the brothers took care of that for each other, not so they didn't nick or cut themselves, but to make sure nothing was missed.

Benny had spotted some depil foam in Lidle's and they used that now instead of ordinary shaving foam. It said on the can that you just sprayed it on left it for a few minutes and then washed it off, but the boys liked to make sure of important things, so they shaved it off instead and were chuffed to buggery by the results. Not only did the stuff leave them super smooth, but silky as well, and it took longer for hairs to start growing back so they didn't have to smooth anywhere near as often.

"Hooked him," Sam announced as he smoothed out Benny's crack. Benny had only just started growing arse hair, but if you're going to be smooth then you have to be properly smooth was the boys' motto, and neither one wanted a single hair anywhere below their eyes.

Sam had decided that his chocolate, Year Seven target was up for being hunted and caught, or, at the very least, ready enough for a move to be made on him, so Sam had parked his bike in the school bike shed right next to Paul's and waited beside them for Paul to appear.

"Nice one," Sam said to the milk chocolate delight when he arrived for his bike to cycle home. Sam made no effort to conceal that his words referred not to bike but to boy, and Paul, only a month or so short of being twelve, and utterly innocent in terms of sexual deed, was not so innocent in mind.

Year Eleven boys do not fraternise with Year Seven boys; they might swear at them, tease and taunt them, push them around or, more usually, ignore them completely, but they do not initiate conversations with them.

Not unless they want something, and Paul had seen Sam around quite a lot in the last few weeks, been smiled at by him and smiled back, and Paul had watched enough porn to have a fair idea of what it was that the older boy wanted, and had had a few wanks thinking about it, and for a Year Eleven boy to be perhaps wanting that with him was both exciting and flattering, so Paul hadn't shouted, "Fuck off, perv!" but, going a little weak at the knees, had said instead, "Don't suppose it's as nice as yours."

"Could find out," Sam checked that his hook was properly fixed, "Go for a ride in the woods on Saturday. Try out each others?"

"Mine's probably a bit small for you," Paul played his first ever word game, hoping he wasn't making a mistake.

"Nah, won't be," Sam's balls stirred, "Be just about right. And you should be able to manage mine."

"Can try," Paul's heart throbbed as he embraced seduction and wondered just how big a Year Eleven boy's cock would be. From what Paul had seen in porn he was sure it would be huge, and from what he'd read in dirty stories, boys of that age had enormous ten inch cocks, and while it might be fun to wank one that big, he'd never be able to get it all in his mouth, and he only had just three and a bit very skinny inches himself, and would that be enough or would he get laughed at and told to bugger off?

"Going for a bike ride in the woods on Saturday," Sam gloated as he finished with his brother's crack, "Don't think there'll be too much bike riding though."

"Nothing after Friday night, then," Benny stated, "Wouldn't want empty balls if he does come across would you?"

"Wouldn't," Sam concurred, and thoughtfully asked if his brother was okay with that, missing out on his regular pre-breakfast treat.

"Fuck yes," Benny assured his older brother, "Wouldn't do at all for a Year Eleven not to have a decent load to spurt for a Year Seven, would it? Destroy your image, bro."

Sam reached round Benny's front, giving his smoothed out cock and balls a loving fondle. "Thanks, bro," Sam nuzzled his brother's neck while he fondled him, "Make it up to you. Promise."

"Know you will," Benny sniggered, thinking how well things seemed to be working out. Benny had his own plans for Saturday and Benny had been wondering how he was going to be able to have full balls himself, because if things worked out he hoped he was going to need them.

"Thanks, Sir," Benny gushed as he settled himself in the passenger seat of Mr Jones' car, making sure his school footy shorts were showing off as much silky smooth boy thigh as possible without being too obvious about it.

Benny's cunning plan had worked to a tee so far and he was excited about the possibility of everything continuing just as successfully.

His school Year Nine team had an away match, but not so far away that the boys could not make their own way there and back and Benny's cunning plan had been to cadge a lift with a mate in his dad's car. A lift there, but not a lift back.

"I thought you came with Jenkins in his father's car," Mr Jones, who ran Benny's school side, said when Benny asked if it might be possible for him to get a lift back to school.

"I did, Sir," Benny said, all helpless fourteen year old innocence, "But not back, Sir. I need to get to school, Sir, cos my bike's there. It's got a puncture, Sir, and I need to fix it. I brought a new tube with me, Sir," Benny pleaded.

Benny knew a teacher would need a good reason and excuse for having a Year Nine boy, or any other boy, in his car, so Benny thoughtfully provided Mr Jones with one.

"Be quick getting changed, then," Mr Jones tried to make it sound as though he was doing the boy a reluctant favour while wondering how he would be able to manage to keep both hands on his steering wheel with the boy he seriously fancied sitting beside him.

"Yes, Sir," Benny gushed, "Won't have a shower, Sir, just change me boots so I'll be really quick."

"Get that mud off your knees," Mr Jones smiled and Benny smiled back.

He did have a quick knee wash and also took the opportunity to get his briefs off as well. Briefs were necessary for when he was playing football to make sure everything stayed where it should stay, but not at all necessary for what Benny hoped was going to happen in Mr Jones' car.

Benny was sure that Mr Jones would appreciate not having to get his hand inside sweaty boy briefs, and he would feel much safer and happier when he found Benny didn't have any briefs, sweaty or otherwise to get a hand inside.

Mr Jones mentally licked his lips when he set his eyes on Benny's exposed thigh. Boys of fourteen are usually fairly smooth of thigh, but Benny seemed to be exceptionally smooth. Not only was there no hair to be seen, there seemed to be a complete absence of peach fuzz down as well. The boy couldn't have smoother thighs if he shaved, was Mr Jones' thought. Followed by what it could mean if the boy did actually shave his legs!

Benny hadn't gone to all the trouble of setting up his cunning plan just for his legs to have sneaked glances at them, so he moved his right knee as close to the car's gear lever as he could and waited for something to happen.

Mr Jones tried to be good, tried very hard not to give into temptation, but he'd been drooling about the boy for months, far longer than Benny had any idea he was being drooled about, and he just had to venture one clumsy gear change and a little finger brushed over Benny's tempting knee.

Benny didn't flinch away from the contact, but he did shift a bit on his seat so if Mr Jones did another clumsy gear shift his finger would make contact with Benny thigh rather than Benny knee.

Mr Jones, of course, wasn't sure if Benny had done that deliberately or was unaware of how tempting his thigh was, but he did risk a shift down to second when they came to some traffic lights, and left his hand on the gear knob and thus against Benny's thigh while he waited for the lights to change.

Benny moved his leg a fraction, a fraction closer to Mr Jones hand, not away from it, and started getting hard at the same time.

With nothing to keep his cock in place, Benny's developing bone was impossible to miss if Mr Jones looked and Mr Jones did look.

He looked at Benny's shorts, then he looked at Benny's face, right into Benny's eyes.

"You could move away," Mr Jones said, hoping that Benny wouldn't.

"And if I don't? Benny dared to ask.

"Then I suspect you have some idea what could happen next."

"Would that be what I think might happen, Sir?" Benny grinned.

"Would that be why you conned me into giving you a lift?" Mr Jones requested confirmation.

"Would that be why you agreed to, Sir?" Benny wanted a little bit of seduction before giving everything he intended to give.

"You do know, don't you?" Mr Jones asked.

"That you fancy me? Thought you might, Sir," Benny admitted.

"Fancied you since you were in Year Seven," Mr Jones confessed, "And you're okay with it?"

"Oh yes, Sir," Benny sighed as Mr Jones began to slide his hand up Benny's silky thigh, "Want you to, Sir," he admitted as Mr Jones' hand slipped under the leg of his shorts. "And sorry, Sir."

"Sorry? What for?"

"For not noticing before, Sir," Benny mumbled.

Benny wasn't Mr Jones' first ever boy, not by some considerable number, but he was the first one to not be wearing any knickers to get inside, and the first fourteen he'd encountered without any pubes and Mr Jones was delighted with what he found.

"Nothing to be sorry about. Now, school for your bike, or my place Benny?" Mr Jones asked as he felt hard Benny cock.

"Me bike can wait, Sir," Benny sighed happily as he was played with.

"How did it go with Paul?" Benny asked as soon as the brothers were alone together. He was dying to know if Sam had scored and eager to recount his own success as well.

"Guess," Sam beamed as he undressed and lay back, naked on their bed.

"Oh wow!" Benny enthused, "You can tell me all about while I suck you."

"Won't get much out," Sam sniggered, "Paul's had it all."

"He wanked you? Oh wow. Well done, bro!"

"More than wanked me," Sam grinned, "And he swallowed as well."

"No. Never. Did he really? He done it before? Was he any good at it?"

"First time. And for his first time he was magic. You'll never guess what he said after."

"Tell," Benny insisted.

"Well, I said he didn't have to swallow and he said he thought he had to because you were supposed to swallow when you sucked and then he said he was sorry if he hadn't done it properly, but it was his first time and he'd do it better next time."

"He's up for doing it again?" Benny had to ask, even though he was supposed to be sucking cock.

"Wants to," Sam sighed happily, "Asked me if I wanted him as a boyfriend or just for occasional sucks."

"What you say?"

"Said it was up to him, really. Like could be awkward for him being Year Seven to be going out with a Year Eleven."

"And?" Benny encouraged.

"He said he'd manage, and it was up to me what I wanted, but he wouldn't be letting me fuck him if we weren't boyfriends. Wanking and sucking's fine, but no fucking if I don't want him as a boyfriend."

"And?" Benny encouraged again.

"Told him he was gorgeous, which he bloody is, and if he was my boyfriend I would really want to fuck him."

"Do you? You know, want him for a boyfriend?" Benny was curious. Of course he knew Sam had been with other boys, but none of them had been proper boyfriends, even the ones Sam had fucked. They'd all never been more than just boys to have some sex fun with, and there was nothing wrong in that. Sam was just lucky like that; he found boys who just wanted to get some use out of their cocks now and again and were up for using their hands and mouths, and sometimes their arses as well, but they'd all been boys who were friends, never one who was a real boyfriend.

"Dunno, Benny," Sam pondered while his brother licked and kissed rather than sucked; Sam's cock was a bit tired and declined to rise to full hardness, so Benny wasn't trying to work him for spunk. "He really is fucking gorgeous. Couldn't do it naked in the woods, of course, so I ain't seen him proper yet, like, but I reckon when I do get him stripped, I'll spunk just from looking at him."

"Sounds like you got it bad," Benny grinned and licked Sam's smooth balls, "He certainly emptied these for you."

"Did," Sam also grinned, "Four times, and swallowed every time. No problems with snogging, either."

"Your sort of boy," Benny approved, "Better get a ring on his finger before someone else gets at him."

"Knew I was after him," Sam sighed, "Said he's been wanking about me for weeks."

"And like you ain't been thinking of him when I been sucking you," Benny chortled. "Gonna be difficult going out with him, Year Seven and Year Eleven and all that, but you'd be daft if you didn't give it a try. He's got you hooked just as much as you got him."

"Has, Benny," Sam confessed. "Won't make any difference to us though. If I do go out with him I mean."

"Course it won't," Benny agreed, "Give us something to talk about in bed as well."

"Yeah. Serious though, Benny, I shouldn't be the only cock you suck. You ought to have a wank mate at least. Change of scenery, now and again, like."

"Yeah, well," Benny took the opportunity to reveal his own news, "Think there's someone who wants to put a ring on my finger as well."

Sam was instant, curious, eager alertness, forgetting all about Paul's slender, still eleven year old, milk chocolate body and his thick, cock sucking lips.

"You had some cock?" he asked, panting for information.

"Not exactly," Benny smirked, and related the full details of his day with Mr Jones, leaving nothing out.

"Fucking hell, bro," Sam breathed in admiration, utterly delighted that his younger brother had scored at last, "That took some balls, getting yourself done by a teacher."

"Not really," Benny thought about it, "I was pretty sure he fancied me, but I spose I knew he'd never make a move unless I gave him the chance to. Too dangerous for him. Bit like your Paul, really, I spose. Like he knew you were after him and he wanted you to get him, but he couldn't do nothing about it till you gave him the chance to."

"Spose," Sam agreed, "What you gonna do about Mr Jones though? You gonna let him do you proper?"

"If he wants to. Told him that it's his hands and mouth only unless he shaves. Said no way am I getting anywhere near anything hairy so it's up to him what he wants."

"He okay with that?"

"Said, just wait till next time, so I reckon I'll be sucking teacher cock fairly soon."

"And getting fucked by it."

"Hope so. If he's as good at fucking as he is at sucking, I can't wait to have him in me."

Sam had enjoyed a really good Saturday but his cock was tired again and it would be just snogging and cuddling with his brother tonight, though if things had worked out for Benny, he probably wouldn't be wanting a lot more than that anyway.

Sam had seen Paul around school as often as usual during the week but he'd been sensible about it, so it was always from a decent distance with secret smiles at each other; Paul might be still eleven, but he wasn't stupid and knew the score as well as Sam did; school had to stay a risk free zone as far as possible.

Paul had insisted on a bike ride first, happy to go to the woods again for cock and kissing, but nothing more unless Sam declared his intentions to be honourable and would ask Paul to be his boyfriend.

"Wanked about you all week," Sam told the delicious young boy when they found a safe place to stop. It was of course, a total lie – Sam never wanked, he had his brother's mouth and arse, so why would he need to wank? He thought it would sound romantic though, telling the boy who he wanted to fuck that he had wanked about him.

"Did you?" Paul beamed, clearly delighted that he had been an older boy's wank thought, "I wanked about you as well."

`Did you?" Sam said in his turn, "How many times?"

"Thirty seven," Paul giggled, "I made a note each time so I wouldn't forget how many."

"Thirty seven?" Sam squeaked, "That's a lot of wanks for a week!"

"Not really" Paul protested, "I can't spunk yet remember, so I can do it until it gets sore."

"Even so," Sam was really impressed, "That's five a day plus a couple. You do it for the feeling every time?"

"Of course!" Paul was quite indignant at the implication he hadn't had a dry one each time he wanked.

Sam was flattered that he'd been the subject of thirty seven dry eleven year old cums. Paul must really fancy him, or he was a super sex mad kid, or possibly even both! Both would be just about perfect!

"Sounds like you like me," Sam gave the young milk chocolate delight a really nice smile.

"Do," Paul declared, waiting and hoping for Sam to declare that his intentions were honourable, "Hope you want me to be your boyfriend and do lots of really dirty stuff with me," he prompted.

That, to Sam, sounded very much like `both', and he did really want to get at skinny, milk chocolate arse.

"Didn't bring a ring or nothing," Sam said, his cock making his decision for him, "But think you'll make a fab boyfriend."

"I got a ring you can use," Paul lewdly offered, "Was hoping you'd want us to be boyfriends cos you got a super cock and I want to do loads and loads of really dirty things. Where can we go?"

"Dad's at work till eight, so we can go to mine," Sam offered and Paul said he'd race Sam back home so Sam could try his ring out for size.

Sam and Benny had never fancied rimming each other, but Benny had said that having a tongue poking around your arse was brill cos Mr Jones had done that to him, so Sam gave it a try on Paul's skinny arse to see if it got him in the mood to get fucked, and it worked a treat!

Paul writhed and moaned and gasped and panted so much while Sam was tonguing him that Sam forgot all about any possible downsides of eating out a boy's arsehole and really went for it, getting as much tongue inside the milk chocolate eleven year old as he could, till Paul was begging for tongue to be replaced by cock and Sam just had to oblige.

"Know it hurts," Paul said, "And I'll probably scream, but you mustn't take any notice. Just get it all in and fuck me."

Paul had screamed, and Sam had fucked him, and after a bit Paul stopped yelling and started gasping instead and demanding more cock, though everything Sam had was already in him.

"Only fucked him once," Sam said to Benny as the boys readied themselves for bed, "Cos his arse was too sore to do him again, but he did gobble twice and swallowed, and he wanted to have his face painted, so I did that for him as well. Said he'd read about facials in dirty stories and wanted to find out what it felt like," Sam giggled.

"Sounds like a waste of spunk to me," Benny shrugged, "But I spose if you pumped a load up him and a couple in his mouth, it's okay."

"Actually," Sam paused, his skimpy briefs the only thing left on him, "It was a bit weird. It was like the sexiest thing  I've ever done somehow." Sam peeled off his briefs,  allowing  his tired, nearly sixteen year old cock to flop into view. He stood, briefs in one hand, the other resting on his hip so his brother could get a good look. The boys were, of course, intimately acquainted with each other's best bits, but both knew the other never tired of looking and both liked being looked at and admired.

"He was on his back and me kneeling over him while he wanked me and rubbed my cock all round his face, like he was sort of giving himself up totally to my cock, and when I spunked, he used my cock to rub it all round his face and then refused to clean it off. He just let it stay there. Had my spunk on his face when he went home. Weren't a lot, cos it was my fourth time, but it was still my spunk on his face. Sort of like he was saying I owned him and could do anything I wanted with him."

"Think I know what he meant," Benny said quietly, and removed his own  clothing – he didn't have any briefs to remove as he hadn't worn any for his afternoon with Mr Jones.

"What the fuck, bro?" Sam gasped as Benny presented his arse for viewing. The dozen or so red stripes across it hadn't yet started to fade, and stood out, plain to see on the whiteness of Benny's arse.

"You don't know what a fuck's really about until you've been caned first," Benny said.

Mr Jones had been delighted when he undressed Benny; a perfectly smooth fourteen who hasn't bothered with underwear is clearly a fourteen who has every intention of being thoroughly molested and is making it as obvious as possible that he is safe to molest, a reassurance that teachers welcome when they get extra-curricular with pupils. Benny's lack of knickers was a green light to proceed.

"Hands and mouth only if I haven't shaved?" Mr Jones questioned as he fondled naked Benny.

"Dead right, Sir," Benny confirmed, "Hate hairs Sir."

"And if I have shaved?"

"Anything you want, Sir," Benny grinned, "Except for piss and shit, of course."

"Of course," Mr Jones agreed, "But apart from that?"

"No limits, Sir," Benny shrugged, expecting that he would be required to eat teacher spunk and take teacher cock up his arse, but he wouldn't have been naked in Mr Jones' bedroom if he hadn't been ready and willing for that.

"You might change your mind," Mr Jones warned, but Benny ignored the warning.

"Doubt it," Benny said, "Not if you've shaved, Sir."

Mr Jones had shaved and teenage Benny enthusiastically indulged in the delights of being molested by an adult male, revelling in the uses made of his fourteen year old body by a man who knew what he was doing and was good at doing it.

Sex with Sam was fun, always had been, but sex with a man was different in a way that Benny felt but could not easily describe. Benny and Sam played with each other, but Mr Jones didn't play with Benny he used him and Benny adored being used.

Mr Jones' cock wasn't much bigger than Sam's, a little bit longer and a little bit thicker and Benny could get it all in his mouth with no problem and he knew he'd have no trouble taking it up his arse when Mr Jones got round to fucking him, and by the time his arse had been well eaten and his hole seriously tongued, Benny was more than a bit eager to take his first man cock inside him.

That was when Mr Jones showed Benny the cane.

"Boys don't really understand what fucking's all about till they've been caned," Mr Jones said, "You want to change your mind about `no limits'?"

Benny was far from sure he wanted to be caned but he badly wanted to be fucked, and he had said Mr Jones could have anything he wanted if he'd shaved, and Mr Jones had shaved.

"That's gonna fucking hurt!" Benny stated the obvious.

"Of course," Mr Jones confirmed, "No gain without pain. A few strokes of this and you'll be a good, obedient little teacher's pet."

"That what you want, Sir?" Benny asked, "Me as an obedient pet?"

"Your choice," Mr Jones made clear, "We both know I want to sink my cock balls deep in your schoolboy arse, and you want teacher cock spunking inside you, and you'll be mine to fuck till you're legal if you go for the cane. I'll own you, Benny, so do you want to be owned or just one-off fucked?"

Benny could get fucked every day by his brother, so fucking alone was nothing super special, but being owned by his English teacher was something definitely special.

"You gonna give me good marks if I'm your pet, Sir?" Benny grinned.

"Lovely, sexy, red marks on your arse," Mr Jones confirmed, "And I rather think you'll enjoy getting them."

"Give it a try, I spose," Benny conceded, "As long as you fuck me after, please, Sir."

"While you're still howling," Mr Jones promised.

Benny had bent over a chair and Mr Jones had thrashed his arse, having lubed him up first so he could plunge straight in when the caning finished.

Benny had winced at the first, gasped at the second, whimpered on the third, bit his lip at number four and howled at the fifth then screamed for the next seven, though his cock had gone rock solid by six and at twelve, though he was yelling and blubbering, something inside him didn't want it to stop and he wanted to submit to the cane and be caned to spunking.

Mr Jones thoughtfully gave him another couple after the dozen, then grabbed Benny by his hips and plunged straight in, and somehow the burning agony of his caned arse combined with the feel of the ravaging cock that now owned him plundering his insides, ensured that Benny experienced the best fuck of his life.

There are many and considerable well-documented problems associated with being a boy of almost sixteen who has an eleven year old boyfriend, and more with being a boy of fourteen who has a teacher who is also his Sir. Problems also for the eleven year old and the teacher involved in such relationships, and should those problems be combined with the fact that the two older boys had a long-standing enjoyment of incestuous copulation, the social consequences of discovery needed to be carefully considered.

There were also some advantages for the brothers; Benny had no need to worry about having to conceal his cane marks, which would have been more than a shade difficult to do as they shared a naked bed, and Sam was able to gush about the joys of having an eleven year old boyfriend who adored his teenage cock and had lips to die for, both for snogging and sucking.

Benny attempted to explain the satisfaction he found in submitting his mind and body to the desires and demands of his English teacher, insisting that the canings and strappings he received added enormously to the sexual pleasure of his Saturday encounters, whilst Sam waxed romantically lyrical about the delights of having a pre-teen boyfriend who was sexually insatiable.

Once a week though was not sufficient for a romantically inclined fifteen and a sexually insatiable eleven, and Benny and his English teacher wanted some holding hands and kiss and cuddle time in addition to the Saturday sessions with the cane or strap. This, the brothers decided during a long and thoughtful sixty-nine, could only be achieved with any degree of safety if each pair was aware of the other pair's existence. A Year Eleven meeting up with a Year Seven would sooner or later involve unwanted comment as would an English teacher meeting up with a pupil.

"Well dodgy you seeing me on my own, Sir," Benny said to Mr Jones, "But if my brother Sam and his boyfriend were around as well, and we all turned up together at your place after school a couple of times a week, we could make up some crap about us all being hooked on some stupid poet or other if anyone wondered what was going on, Sir."

"Your brother has a boyfriend?" a surprised Mr Jones asked.

"Yes, Sir. Paul Ford in Year Seven. They fuck like rabbits on Saturdays while you're giving me the cane, Sir."

"And your brother knows you know about him and his boyfriend?"

Course, Sir. We tell each other everything, Sir."

"Everything?" Mr Jones wondered if it was time for him to panic.

"Course, Sir. Like I could hardly keep it a secret that you cane me, could I, Sir? Not with us sharing a bed and always sleeping naked."

"You sleep together?" Mr Jones was intrigued.

"Always have, Sir. And, yes we do, Sir. Have done since I was nine."

"Really?" Mr Jones began to harden. Incestuous brothers was an erotic thought.

"So, we could use your bedroom, Sir, and Sam could play with Paul in the other one. I don't think I could take being caned more than once a week, though, Sir, cos you hit me pretty hard now, so it would have to be just ordinary stuff like kissing, cuddling, sucking and fucking, Sir."

"I thought you liked it hard," Mr Jones said, "You're always telling me to really hurt you."

"Love it hard, Sir. Don't see the point of it if it don't make me scream, Sir. Wouldn't turn you on either if you just tapped me, would it, Sir?"

"No, it wouldn't, Benny," Mr Jones agreed, "And you do scream most wonderfully. So, your brother is obviously safe, but what about his boyfriend, Paul?"

"Sam says he's a sex maniac, Sir. Sam can't even manage a semi after he's been with him, and I know how much it takes to wear Sam out, Sir."

A Year Seven sex maniac appealed to Mr Jones as much as did a fifteen who fucked his younger brother, and if all three boys always came together, the chances of suspicious tongues wagging was much reduced, so Mr Jones agreed.

Inevitably, though, Mr Jones fancied both eleven year old Paul and fifteen year old Sam, as boys who shed their clothes without a second thought are always boys to be fancied, and Paul found he had a desire to be fucked by the cock that fucked his boyfriend, so a certain degree of mix and match was unavoidable.

Sam, however, made it clear that he had no wish to be caned, and would much prefer it if Paul did not have a marked up milk chocolate arse either. When it came to kissing, sucking and fucking though, all three boys were quite willing to demonstrate their expertise to Mr Jones, and although the teacher was only permitted to give marks to Benny, he freely admitted that all three boys were very good at it.

The regular sessions with Mr Jones proved to be quite educational for the boys and helped them to define their future career paths. Sam decided that he would become a full-time paedophile, specialising in boys of eleven and twelve; Benny that he would need a Sir until he left school and trained as a teacher so he could cane schoolboys, and Paul that, as he so much liked older boy cock, he'd be quite happy to take on the boys that Sam had finished with when he was older, even more so if they'd also been taught by Benny.

Mr Jones of course, was happy to fuck all three boys through their schooldays and even got to cane Paul once when he was thirteen and thought he'd like to find out what it felt like to be marked up, but although it did make Paul spunk really big, teenage cock was what the boy wanted and he never tried it again.

Paul did stay with Sam though and got married to him while he was in Year Eleven and sixteen, though Sam had long since ceased to fuck him as sixteen was far too old for Sam, and Sam's cock was no longer a teenage one and held no interest for Paul.

It was essentially a marriage of convenience with Sam hunting down late pre-teen boys and passing them on to Paul when they stopped being pre-teen, Paul no longer requiring teenage cock that was older than him, any teenage cock would do.

Benny was fortunate enough to find a tutor at University who was kinky enough to enjoy punishing his students and was caned to his degree, and Mr Jones, who had found himself a job as Headmaster at a very old-fashioned boys' boarding school, was more than happy to offer Benny a post where he could learn how to use the cane, strap and paddle on the thighs and arses of boys from thirteen up.

Benny rapidly discovered that a well-caned boy is a much better fuck than an uncaned one, and rapidly rose to the position of Housemaster, whereupon he made it a House rule that all boys in his House must be smooth, thus ensuring that the boys in his House really did find that schooldays were the best days of their lives as very soon no boy in the entire school wanted to have a boy with hairs in their beds and the boys in Benny's House were in constant demand.

Mr Jones found a cottage for the married Sam and Paul on the estate that lay between his school and the prep-school that supplied his pupils, so Sam had plenty of pre-teens to hunt and catch, and Paul had a complete school full of teenage cock to enjoy, many of whom had been cherry popped by Sam and came marked up by either Benny or Mr Jones, or, as was often the case, by both.

Needless to say, all four enjoyed happy and fulfilling lives, and all because Sam and Benny had been obliged to share a bed when they were young.

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