Gonna Be Good

By Malcolm Kroner

Published on Jan 7, 2023


His cock tented his boxers as I knelt before him. Zack sat on the couch. I was on the floor between his meaty thighs. I'd pulled his jeans down all the way and he'd let me pull them off and toss them aside. All that was there was a pair of hairy thighs and silk boxers concealing my prize. He looked down at me with a devilish grin.

I began to pull at the waist band--

"Not yet, hot shot."

I looked up at him, confused.

"You want my cock, you gotta earn it." He lifted his leg, planting his socked foot on my shoulder. "How bout you lick my feet."

I looked into his eyes. And I thought he was into a nice, vanilla blow job (with the occasional name calling thrown in, of course). He smirked. "that is, if you want my cock," he said, moving as if to stand and take away a once in a lifetime opportunity. I wasn't gonna let that happen. I immediately grabbed his foot off my shoulder and gave it a long swipe with my tongue--all the way along the sole from the heel to the big toe, which I then swallowed heartily.

"Oh shit, you are the biggest fag, dude," he laughed as I gave his big toe a tongue bath. "Keep going." He leaned back on the couch, readjusting. He slouched so that his ass was hanging just over the edge. This was apparently most comfortable for him, but it made my job tough. With his ass at the end of the couch cushion, his extended leg was a few feet away. He noticed me struggling to maneuver.

"Shit, now you make me feel bad. You don't wanna be that far from my cock, do you?"

I looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, its big but its not that long. Ask me nice."

"Zack, can I be closer to your dick?"

His foot slammed into my sternum--not too hard, but enough to knock a bit of my wind. "Fuck, man, I said ask me nice."

I took a deep breath and went all out: "Zack, may I please, please, pretty please, be nearer to your awesome cock I want to suck so badly?"

He practically howled with laughter at that one. "Oh shit, we've got a live one!" He was bouncing in his seat, giggling. "What is it you want to do?"

"Suck your dick."

"Why is that?"

"Cause I like to suck dick."


"Because I'm gay."

His foot slammed into my chest, this time harder. "Jesus, Zack!"

"Don't Jesus Zack me, dipshit. Tell me why you want my bone in your throat."

"Cause I'm a horny faggot."

"Yeah, man! That's the spirit." He leaned back on the couch, ass hanging off, then he lifted his legs, bringing his knees to his chest. Now his feet were right by his crotch. "Start licking, fag boy."

I dug right in, swiping along his heel, back up to his big toe. I went on like that for about five minutes, taking his whole big toe into my mouth like the head of his cock I wanted so badly. Then he said, "Between the toes." It was more like a grunted order, just kinda tossed at me.

I complied, sliding my tongue between his big toe and the next. Then between the next to, all along his right foot. He seemed to like this. He sighed loudly and smiled big.

"Yeah, dude, yeah...shit that tickles." He was laughing full on now. I paused, looked up at him. "No one told you to stop, faggot--keep it up." I went back to his toes, flicking my tongue at the salty slits between toes as his giggles turned into loud, hacking laughs.

Then, it happened. He farted. Not the biggest or loudest fart, but certainly noticeable. Aimed directly at my face.

"Shit, man, oh fuck, sorry! It just slipped out." He was remorseful, but he was still laughing. It was then I made a quick decision: if he was going to treat me like some faggot worshiping his manhood, then fuck it, that's what I was. With his fart fresh in the air, I didn't back away. I took a deep breath--loudly.


Then I pushed my face into his boxer covered ass and sniffed even louder.

"Oh, man. You are one dirty homo. If you like that, my friend..." he trailed off as he squeezed and clenched...and let out another, louder fart.

This one I could feel the gust of air hit my face. I sniffed loudly. He howled.

"Shit--wait. If you're gonna smell my shit gas, the least you could do is lick my fucking hole."

I looked up and smiled. Music to my ears.

"I hit the jackpot tonight, man," he said and he slid his boxers down his thighs. Then he leaned back, lifting his knees again to his chest, his hairy asshole exposed.

"Dig in..." he smirked at me. I licked my lips.

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