Golfing with Mike

By Donnie Honey

Published on Aug 21, 2020


DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW. Please donate to to keep all the fantastic stories free and flowing!

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Golfing With Mike - Part 4

Aug. 20, 2020

No golf today. Just a special time with Momma.

I still felt a glow from Tuesday's discovery and my new family/lovers. Louis told me to visit Mike soon because I needed to start my training. I have no idea what that training consists of, but I am overjoyed for an excuse to visit Mike. Especially if it is just the two of us. Mike insisted I get there by 9:00 because his wife would be gone in the morning but will return midafternoon. I thought about asking Mike what we would be doing but then decided I would rather be surprised. I am guessing it will be some rules on how we show act around and treat Louis. Probably a little tedious but if all goes well, I will get a little snuggle time with Mike.

I arrived promptly at 9:00. I rang the door bell. Mike answered his door with his usual toothy grin, sparkling blue eyes and pure white thick short hair. He reached for my hand and led me inside. I love holding hands with Mike; his large hands and thick strong fingers wrapped around my smaller more finely boned hands.

Once inside and the door is closed, I reach up to his shoulders and lock my fingers behind his neck pulling myself towards him to give a deep loving kiss. "Hi Mommy, do you have anything special for me today," as I giggled like a little schoolgirl. I love being the daughter/lover of our trio. Louis and Mike both make me feel so special. I am already hard and could feel Mike's bulge grow as I grinded into him. I could feel a wet spot on my pink panties growing as we gently kissed each other; just loving being together.

"Let's sit down sweetie. I need to tell you a story about Papa," said Momma suddenly becoming serious.

"Papa and I have been together for 5 years. It has only been the two of us until now. We have talked about adding another member to our family but no one interested us before you showed up. After that rainy day that I invited you over and I tried to entice you into love making I told Papa all about it. When I said your name, Papa was so pleased; that was the first time I realized you two already knew each other. And when You invited Papa to play golf with us, it felt like destiny was bringing the three of us together. Papa and I immediately started to conspire on how we could seduce you. I knew you wanted me, but did you want Papa? We were not sure of that. It worked out perfectly the day we were golfing, and Papa's house was empty that day. I pretended I was feeling poorly so you might take up Papa's offer to go to his place. Papa said if he got you alone, he was quite sure he would seduce you. Papa laughed as he told me that you were the seducer and was quite aggressive towards him. He planned to fuck you several times so that you would feel weak and subservient to him. And it worked quite well; don't you agree?"

I laughed, "Oh yes. Papa is so powerful and demanding I could not resist him. At first I did not like his tough guy attitude towards me but after a while I realized that was his natural way and he made me feel even more amorous and sexy as he fucked me over and over again."

"Papa loves how sexy you are and appreciated how you obeyed him and was eager to please him. He really was excited to tell me how you fainted for a few minutes. He said that really put him over the edge and by the time you awoke his cock was blasting loads of cum into your ass. He said at that moment he knew you needed to be our daughter."

Momma held me in her arms as I laid my head on her breast enjoying the moment as her breathing gently rocked my head.

Momma continued to hold me. Speaking low and softly, "I must tell you more about Papa. Do not ever speak to him about what I am about to tell you. The memories haunt him, and it puts him in a bad place. Do you promise me, Princess?

"I promise you Momma," I lifted my head and straightened up. I was keenly interested in what Momma was about to say.

"Papa had another family like us long ago. Papa was in special forces in Viet Nam. He had lots of down time because they saved him for the most dangerous missions. He met his first wife, Ngoc, during this down time and they found a daughter like you, Ai, and started a family. I have a picture of them. Would you like to see Ngoc and Ai?"

"Oh yes, Momma." Momma handed me a photo of the three of them. "Papa is so slim and young, such a hunk. I would have loved to have met him back then. His wife and daughter are gorgeous. I am a little confused are they gay like us?

"Yes, they are."

"They are so beautiful and feminine I would have never guessed."

Momma smiled, "When we were younger it was much easier to get pretty like them but they both were also blessed with very feminine features. I love looking at this picture they look so happy together. Even with the war surrounding them they were very happy."

"What happened to them Momma?"

A tear ran down the cheek of Momma as she told me the rest of the story. "At the end of the war when everyone was abandoning Saigon, Papa oversaw part of the evacuation. He told Ngoc and their daughter to meet at the embassy and he would get them on a helicopter. He told them he would take them back to America and they could live there. But something happened. We do not know what, but they never made it to the embassy. Papa had to leave on the last helicopter and he never saw them again. He returned to Viet Nam years later but was unable to find them."

"After he returned to the states, he met his wife but could not overcome his homosexual tendencies. Papa does not think he is homosexual. To him most men are feminine. Only those who served in special forces are real men. This is what he believes but I think we both know he is gay but never try to convince him. It will make him very angry and he might lose control of himself."

Momma looked at me sternly, "Never ever talk to him about this."

I was a little shocked. Momma had never talked to me so sternly. I was a little afraid too. "I will obey you Momma," I said in a very low weak voice.

Momma continued, "Papa always desired to have another family like the one in Viet Nam but it has always been difficult for him to find the right people. He told me several years ago that I was Momma and he wanted to find a suitable daughter. We had almost given up on that until you showed up. Papa felt it was destiny when he found out how well you knew me and said he had always had deep feelings for you."

"So that is the whole deal. Never bring this subject up to Papa. You have never seen him angry. If you do, I swear to you it will be something you regret."

"I swear I will not. Thank you for telling me all this. I think it helps me understand Papa much better."

I reached up and gently kissed Momma on the lips. "Momma, please make love to me."

She smiled at me her blue eyes sparkling and happy again. "Let's get you undressed, Princess."

We both undressed and Momma led me to the bedroom. I watched Momma walk in front of me; her hips wider and her ass larger than mine. I wanted to kiss her all over as she walked ahead swaying her sexy ass.

Her cock is very hard and so is mine. I am super charged and cannot wait for Momma to enter me. She lovingly stoked me and whispered how much she loved her daughter. I feel so safe with her. "I am already lubed Momma. I always am in case Papa wants me or if you want me."

"Such a good girl," Momma said. She was beaming so proud how I obey in all ways. Momma thought to herself, "I can hardly wait till I can teach Princess more but there is not time now. I must fuck my little girl today."

I laid on my back and spread my legs for Momma. She crawled up to my cock and stroked it with her mouth. She was so expert at it. I had never had a better lover. When my cock reached her throat, she had a way of opening it up so it would easily enter and once the head was in her throat it closed on it and was somehow massaging the head. I felt I would explode but Momma quickly pulled away.

Momma looked at me, "You were not expecting that? I will teach you how to do some very special techniques so you can pleasure Papa. But now Momma needs to fuck her special girl."

She entered me and I grasped her waist with my thighs and she slowly pumped me. It felt delicious with her loving me so. Dizzy with lust I felt her quicken the pace and could feel her coming closer to orgasm. I pounded back with my hips and we danced together until she exploded inside of me.

"Such a good girl. I love you so much." We stared into each other's eyes and I continued to grasp her waist with my thighs not letting her go. I could feel her hardening again. I wanted her one more time. I wiggled my ass on her cock and Momma got signal loud and clear. We made love the rest of the afternoon.

Next: Chapter 5

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