Golfing with Mike

By Donnie Honey

Published on Aug 19, 2020


DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW. Please donate to to keep all the fantastic stories free and flowing!

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Golfing With Mike - Part 3

Aug. 18, 2020

Tee time 9:40

We had the same threesome as before, Louis, Mike and I. Ben and Phil were unable to play again so I invited Louis to join us again. Louis was very happy to join us and I am sure he had plans for me. I was a little worried; with Louis around, it will be impossible to seduce Mike. Besides that, I worry what Louis might say to Mike. If Mike knew what Louis and I did, he might never want me. That would be so sad. My insatiable need for sex might ruin everything. On the other hand, I was quite excited to see Louis again even if I must satisfy him in the front seat of his car in the parking lot. The thought of that tryst is giving me a woody. Unbeknown to the golfers walking into the club house my head on Louis' lap while he his furiously fucking my mouth, how delicious.

I almost hope Louis would not have a chance to fuck my ass this week. I am still a little tender from our last session. Louis really gave me a workout. He fucked me 4 times; the last two times both took an eternity before he cummed. I could not believe how much jism he was able to produce the 3rd and 4th time. During the 4th ass rimming I fainted from exhaustion. When I regained consciousness, he was climaxing into my hot little hole. Even though I was unconscious my cock was not; upon my awakening my cock was shooting rope after rope of cum onto the already soaked sheets as Louis was filling my ass with his creamy cum. I had never experienced anything like that; He has a way of making me want more and more. He was finished after that, but I was still crawling all over him wanting more. He thought it was sweet how much I desired him, but he was satisfied and was not concerned with my needs. After a while he became irritated with me and threatened to "whip my bitch ass...." If I did not calm myself. I do not know what he was turning me into, but I changed after that session. The aroma of sensuality mixed with fear of Louis's dominate masculinity clouded my mind.

We all greeted each other with fist bumps when we met at the clubhouse to pay the fee and get assigned a cart. It seemed ridiculous fist bumping with Louis but that was all I offered him. Louis stuck his hand forward for a handshake and firmly grasped my hand as he playfully reached down and pinched my side just above my hip. No one in the clubhouse seemed to notice which relieved my anxiety. Louis is in rare form and I am really afraid what he might say in front of Mike.

As we played, each time I was on the tee, I noticed how Louis and Mike were always chatting with each other. They acted like old friends, smiling to each other and playfully pushing into each other. Sometimes while they were talking, they would look at me both smiling like they were sharing a secret. It was nerve wrecking for me. I wished I knew what they were saying and was fearing the worse. At every tee they wanted me to hit first. Always saying the same thing. "Let's see what you got Donnie. Stroke it Donnie." Then they would both giggle like naughty boys. I thought the jig was up by the time we reached the par three fourth hole. I was only thankful that Mike did not seem to be bothered about anything they were secretly sharing. "It is probably my imagination going in overdrive," I thought.

On the 7th hole there are restroom facilities. The groups ahead of us were backed up and the group ahead of us were still at the tee box. Louis wanted to take a pee and went into the men's room, Mike followed him. I went into the women's room. Once inside I could hear their shoes scrapping on the concrete floor; they were speaking low so I could not understand their words. It became very quiet for a short while and then I heard Mike say thank you. We all walked out at the same time. Louis had his hairy arm around Mikes neck as they walked out. Mike's pants were tented with his hard cock pressing at the seams of his zipper. They were smiling to each other. When they noticed me staring at them, they both smiled at me.

"Mike's house is free; we are having a little party," Louis announced.

"Please come, Donnie," said Mike. "I have cold beer in the fridge."

"Sounds good," I replied. The vibe was so odd. As I accepted the invitation I felt like I was floating outside my own body.

"I am not sure how much time we will have for beer," laughed Louis as he hugged Mike a little tighter and kissed his forehead.

"I must confess to you, Donnie," Mike added. "Louis and I have been friends for quite some time. Louis told me all about your fun at Louis's place. I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear about that. I was hoping you were gay. Ever since we first played golf together. I had almost given up when you did not move on me when we were cold, wet, and naked in my garage. We will have plenty of time for the three of us to get better acquainted."

Mike walked over to me and grasped my shoulders with his hands and kissed me deeply. "It seems like I waited forever for that, Donnie."

The final three holes were a blur. My head spinning from the revelation. At every opportunity we were touching and stroking each other. The tension was high among we three. Pleasant thoughts floated through my mind as our rendezvous at Mike's came nearer and nearer. At last we finished the 9th. And headed back to the club house to unload and fetch our cars. As I left the parking lot I ran into a curb and was shook back into reality as my car bounced over the curb. I managed to get ahold of my senses and backed up into the street and tried to focus on driving so I could get to Mike's place.

When we got to Mike's place we all entered the house through the garage. Memories of the last time I was with Mike in that garage. The image of him standing naked in front of me etched in my memory. I was such a fool not to have grabbed Mike at that moment. I was shook from my thoughts by Louis as he said, "We all need to get cleaned up a bit. Mike, why don't you fill your jacuzzi so you and Donnie can get cleaned up. I have some other preparations to make."

We walked into the living room and Mike took my hand and led me into the master bathroom. He turned on the water and tested it with his hand. Satisfied the temperature was ok he moved to me and helped me undress; giving me sweet little kisses each time he removed an article of clothing. When he pulled my panties off, he delicately rubbed my cock and balls and told me to get in the Jacuzzi. I complied as he undressed himself and then joined me. He sat behind me in the tub. I was sitting between his legs. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my lower back. Mike grabbed soap and wash cloth and began bathing me. After he cleaned my face, neck, arms, chest and back he commanded me to stand up. My cock was rock hard. Mike resisted sucking my phallus dancing in front of his face; instead, he finished bathing my legs and feet. The he washed my cock and balls and thoroughly cleaned my ass; even penetrating my ass with the washcloth for a really deep cleansing.

Then it was my turn to wash my beautiful Mike. It felt so good to serve him this way. I did it the very same as he. I slid behind him in the tub with him between my legs. The tip of my hard cock was gently brushing his lower back as I scrubbed him. Face, neck, arms, chest and finally back. I told Mike to stand in front of me. His hard cock waving above my face, I stretched my neck towards him wanting to kiss it. "Not yet," Mike said sternly. "There will be plenty of time for that. We must clean ourselves for Louis now."

Suddenly, I was aware that Mike was as subservient to Louis as I was. My curiosity peaked as I wondered how this would go. I finished my job cleaning Mike's legs and feet and then rising to wash his very large hard cock and full hanging balls. His balls were full and large like a bull's. "What a powerful lover he must be," I thought. He then turned so I could clean his ass. I did just as through of a job on him as he did on me. I was especially thorough in cleaning deep his ass; Mike shuddered as I entered him. His canal was warm and inviting and opened up to accept my washcloth covered fingers.

We stepped out of the tub and Mike could not stop himself from kissing me. Our cocks and bellies touched as we embraced. I felt I was going to cum but Mike moved away just in time to prevent that from happening. Mike drained the tub and I started to leave the bathroom, but Mike stopped me. "We must prepare Louis's bath before we leave."

Always the thoughtful Mike I thought. Thinking of others. Then it occurred to me that it was not thoughtfulness. Louis expected us to serve him. Our roles suddenly became clearer. Louis is the master. Mike and I were his servants. We were there only to please him.

We both tested the water as the tub filled to make sure Louis would be pleased. We stayed there until the tub was full. Rubbing and kissing each other but making sure we did not have an orgasm. We needed to wait and cum when we were with Louis.

After the tub was full, we walked out to the bedroom naked and hard. Mike had his arm around my waist and led me to Louis who was lying on the bed. He stood up and inspected us to make sure we were properly prepared. He touched our cocks and balls briefly and then stuck his finger up our ass, first me and then Mike. Once the inspection was complete Louis directed our attention to the bed.

On the bed was an assortment of lingerie and silk stockings. "Decide between the two of you what you will wear. I will assess your decision after I bathe." He then walked into the master bathroom and we heard him as he stepped into the water in the tub and sat down.

"Do you want me to bathe you, sir?" Mike asked.

"No, your job is to make sure Donnie is prepared properly for me."

Mike shut the bathroom door. "I think you will look best in the white ensemble, Donnie. I will wear the pink. Louis considers this to be your wedding day; a bride must be all in white." Mike's eyes sparkled as he said that and wrapped his arms around me gently kissing me on my neck.

Mike sat me down on the bed and put the white lace hosiery on me. Next, 6-inch spiked heels. He raised me to my feet and installed the white garter carefully adjusting it so the hosiery fitted just right on my legs. Last, he added the white lace panties. The panties exposed my ass so that Louis could easily enter me. Mike then circled around me carefully inspecting each detail. Once satisfied he said, "Donnie, please help me get dressed."

I helped Mike as much as I could, but I was not nearly as skillful as he with the hosiery and adjusting the garter. Mike was very patient and explained in great detail how to get it perfect. After Mike was ready, we stood together, arm in arm, in front of a full-length mirror. He in pink. I in white. We really looked hot; I was so excited think about Louis inspecting us together like this. I leaned my head into Mike's chest glowing in the moment.

"One last thing," Mike told me. "You must always have your ass well lubricated. Louis might want to fuck you at anytime so you must always be ready for him." He then applied lube to my ass and I applied it to Mike's. I lingered a bit with my finger up his ass and Mike smiled sweetly at me.

Louis stepped out of the tub and into the bedroom with a towel in each hand. He was dripping wet. We both hurried over to him and carefully dried him with the towels. He stood there, legs spread hands on hips and observed us caring for his needs. "Donnie, I will give you the privilege of drying my cock and balls. Mike you dry and powder my ass."

We both went right to work on our respective jobs. As we dried Louis, his cock quickly reached its full length and girth. I very carefully administered the towel to his cock and balls. Louis gently rubbed my head as I knelt before him. I looked up to him and he smiled at me. "Donnie, it is time for you to understand our family. I am Papa. Mike, my number one wife is Momma. And you, my new bride, will be known as Princess. Your place is very special because you will have two roles. One as my second wife. And second as Momma's loving daughter. Momma will be your Mother and will train you and will answer any questions you have. You will always obey Momma; when she tells you to do something consider it a command from me."

Momma then knelt beside me and wrapped her arms around me. "I will always be here to help you, Princess. I will love you as any Mother should." She then lifted me to my feet, and we stood in front of Papa. I wrapped my arms around Momma as Papa inspected both of us.

Papa circled around us and carefully inspected our clothing. He stuck his finger in our asses to make sure we were well lubricated. He stuck two fingers in my ass, and I shivered and moaned in pleasure. "I am well please, Momma. You have done a fine job with Princess. Princess, it is time that you show your respect for Momma." Then Momma climbed up on the bed and swayed her ass as she crawled across it to the headboard. She then leaned her back against the headboard and spread her legs. I took the hint and crawled on the bed toward Momma slowly rotating my ass as I crawled to please Papa. I reached for Momma's huge balls and fondled them as I bent down and swallowed Momma's big dick. "Hmmmm, you are such a good daughter, my darling," she said as she moaned and twisted under my wet full lips stroking her up and down.

I felt the mattress move as it gave way to Papa's weight. I spread my legs wider inviting him inside me. "Welcome to our family sweetheart," Papa said as he mounted me and thrusted his cock deep inside me.

I am euphoric between Momma and Papa and able to please them both. I whimpered a little as Papa started driving his huge cock into my little Princess ass. But I made sure not to let my lips leave Momma's cock during the ordeal. My muffled moans encouraged them both and I made Momma and Papa cum together.

"We are family now," I thought to myself. More than I ever imagined; a dream come true.

Next: Chapter 4

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