Golfing with Mike

By Donnie Honey

Published on Aug 18, 2020


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Golfing With Mike - part 2

August 4, 2020

I got another 8:10 tee time.

Mike told me Ben would be unable to play. Since we were short a player, I invited Louis. But when I got there, Mike announced that Phil could not make it either. That was OK we could play with three just as easy.

I was hoping it is not a big mistake inviting Louis. He knew we played on Tuesdays and was begging me to invite him; His wife and Alice are good friends so to keep peace at home it is important to be nice to Louis. Louis knows things about me. He caught me and a mutual friend of ours in a compromising situation. After that Louis was always after me to have sex with him. I really do not want to fuck Louis. He is a career Marine and real bossy; borderline cruel. I am afraid what he might try if he had his dick up my ass holding shoulders down drilling me. I could see him going overboard and possibly violent; I am not into that. Besides that, he has a belly the size of a beer barrel, not really my type.

I thought I should dangle a new carrot for Mike. I am always thinking how to start a good conversation without being too obvious. But I must be a little obvious or it will be another day of failure. My legs have a nice shape and totally hairless. I do not even shave them. I have had straight guys make comments about them plenty of times; they usually do not believe that I do not shave them. Once we went swimming with friends Belinda and Jerry. Jerry commented to Belinda about my smooth legs and how I must shave them. Belinda, who does not have a filter, mentioned it to Alice; she said Jerry thought I shaved them. Alice told her I did not shave them and how my body was pretty much hairless. I don't think Jerry bought it; I could tell the way he acted around me afterwards that my smooth thighs were often on his mind.

I decided to wear my shortest shorts. I religiously use sunscreen and my legs had gotten a nice tan. Also, I have the habit of lying nude in the sun in our backyard when Alice is out walking so my tan goes all the way up my legs. My shorts only go about 3 inches below my crotch and the legs are a bit snug. If anyone cared to notice they do look a little sexy. They are not super tight around my ass; I did not want it to look too obvious. Not yet anyway. I toyed with the thought of wearing knee high support stockings. They really made me pop but not obvious as a lot of guys wear support stockings these days. I nixed the idea and thought I would see if Mike would make a comment about my legs with just the shorts. After our time together at his place I learned that Mike's curiosity will make him ask a question you might least expect. And I think we have broken a couple of barriers standing naked together in his garage.

I am sorry to say Mike did not take notice of my flirtations. Mike, as you know, is on chemo and today I could tell he did not feel well. I think my legs were the last thing on his mine.

Mike quit playing after nine holes. Louis had been behaving himself; he was not at all obnoxious. You might even call him pleasant. I felt like playing some more, "Louis, would you like to play 9 more holes."

"I was thinking the same thing," Louis smiled at me. "It's not super-hot and the wind is keeping things cool."

So, we said our adieu's to Mike and headed to the 10th hole. The back nine looked empty. It seemed that most folks were only playing 9 today. I decide to put on some more sun block. "Louis, I need a moment before we start."

There was a small restroom at the 10th hole and I went in and took a leak. When I came out the door Louis was there sitting on his cart. "I need to put some sunblock on."

I took the bottle out of my bag and applied some to my face and neck. Then I rubbed some on my arms pushing up the sleeves to do a thorough job. When I started on my legs Louis interrupted me. "Can I help you with that?"

Louis had been a good boy today so I thought I would give him a little treat. "Sure, I would appreciate that," I said nonchalantly.

Louis walked over to me with a little grin; I handed him the lotion as I sat down on a bench next to the outbuilding. Louis put a liberal amount of lotion on my calves and rubbed down my lower legs. It was more of a massage than applying lotion; it felt nice and I leaned my head back to enjoy the attention I was getting. He squirted some lotion on my thighs and continued the massage. Louis was very thorough and made sure he got the lotion on any part of my leg that could get exposed. He even rubbed some up under my shorts hem but stopped just short of touching my cock. "How unusual," I thought, "Is Louis turning over a new leaf and becoming a gentleman?"

I was still sitting on the bench when Louis said, "Stand up so I can get the back of your legs." I stood up and turned my ass towards Louis as I spread my legs a little and leaned into the building steadying myself with my hands pressed against the building. I was getting a little turned on by the attention Louis was giving me but did not want him to see my hardening cock. I did not want Louis to get any ideas and try and fuck me out here in the broad daylight; but I knew it was too late, Louis massaging was getting deeper and harder.

Louis applied more lotion on the back of my upper legs and began rubbing it in. He was being very thorough. Unconsciously, I spread my legs a little wider. As he got closer to my ass, I knew he was going to get a little feel and he did. My shorts were short enough that a tiny bit of my cheeks was exposed. "We must not miss this fleshy part," he said as he pushed his hand up my shorts and rubbed lotion on my cheeks.

"Oh Donnie, you forgot your panties."

I had completely forgot about that. Louis took full advantage and poked one of his sun blocked lubed fingers in my ass. I rotated my ass on his finger really enjoying the moment. And then snapped out of it realizing where we were. Somebody was sure to come by and catch us.

I giggled a bit then pulled my self away. His finger came out of my ass and I was sad and felt suddenly empty. "Louis let's play golf. If you are a good boy and can beat me, I will give you a special prize." I bent down to him and gave him a little kiss on the cheek.

He stood up, obviously aroused and smiling. "Ok, let's have a little competition. And Donnie, you should tidy yourself." Nodding towards my crotch. My hard cock was peeking out below the hem of my shorts. I laughed and arranged myself and gave Louis another kiss, "Thanks for watching out for me." My attitude towards Louis was quickly changing as I became more sexually charged.

We both played terrible. Neither of us could concentrate on our golf. I just wanted to get done and could care less about any competition already determined to give it up to Louis. The only thing I had on my mind is where we could go to have a little privacy. We only made it to the 14th hole when we decide to quit. On the 11th hole Louis told me Cindy was gone and we could have all afternoon at his place. I can't believe we lasted to the 14th.

We drove back to the clubhouse to get our cars. Normally when I unload my cart, I carefully put everything away and wipe down my clubs but not today. I just tossed my bag in the trunk and told Louis I would follow him. I did not need to follow him; I knew exactly where he lived but I wanted him to be there when I got there.

We arrived. We wasted no time after getting inside; or might I say Louis lost no time. As soon as the door was closed, he had my pants down and was licking my ass. My ass felt sweaty as hell, but Louis did not seem to mind as he lick my ass like a Labrador Retriever in heat. There was a fan running and it cooled my ass where Louis had licked me. I pulled my shirt off, eager to get down to business. I turned around and attempted to get his clothes off, but he quickly got on his knees and gobbled up my cock before I could undress him.

"Louis baby, let's move upstairs so I can work on you." Trying to get control of this animal.

"Sure sweetheart, I have plenty of ideas for you."

I grabbed his belt buckle and led him to the stairs. I walked up the stairs with Louis behind me and a few stairs lower. I made sure to walk up the stairs slowly putting one foot in front of the other, so my ass was swaying and rotating right in Louis's face. Halfway up the stairs I felt his hands grab my hips as he pulled my ass into his face. He had me on all fours on the steps of the stairs gobbling and generously licking my ass. He felt really good, but the stairs were hurting my knees. "Cum on baby, take me to your bed," I purred.

He led me the rest of the way up the stairs to his bedroom. Louis is a real take charge guy and I knew I would be the bottom in this sexcapade.

"Let me look at what you got," I moaned. My hands reaching for his belt and released his cock. He had a nice boner and a great size cock. About 8 inches long and thick. I would have to calm him enough to go slow. It will take time to fit that monster between my tight little hineys.

I gently pressed on his chest until he laid back on the bed. His cock erect and inviting, I moved in moistening my lips with my tongue. I cupped his balls and pushed his cock up to my awaiting mouth. Swirling my tongue around the base of his glans then taking him deeply into my mouth. Louis grabbed my head and pushed his cock into the entrance of my throat. I gagged a bit but then relaxed and took him deeply. I stroked him deeply as he removed his shirt. I looked up and saw his huge exposed hairy belly; now moving up slowly to his deep large navel I licked him deeply there the tip of my tongue touching his belly button. Louis moaned and pulled my head in closer. He gasped as I dug deeper. It was a sensitive erogenous zone for him. I licked more as I realized he would probably enjoy my cock pumping him there.

I started crawling up on him to nestle my cock in his naval, but he did not give me a chance. Grabbing me, "Let's quit fucking around I've wanted your ass for a long time, Donnie."

He rolled me on my belly and applied a generous amount of lube in my ass, pushing it in deeply with three of his fingers. "You are going to need plenty of this, baby. You are tight and I will need to push the limits real hard," he growled.

He pushed hard into me. I breathed deeply a he penetrated me. Louis did not try to go slow at all and before I knew it, he was driving his cock hard and deep. I gasped at first but was soon moaning with pleasure as he rode me hard. He felt really good and this guy who I had feared was becoming a wonderful lover. His groans told me he was going to cum fast; I knew he was not concerned if I had an orgasm; he was only concerned with satisfying his desires. He made a grunting noise as his seed filled me; I was enjoying the wave after wave of his cum filling me and spilling out of my ass leaking on my thighs. When he finished, he pulled out quickly and gave me a sharp slap on my ass. "Clean me bitch," He commanded.

I was shocked at his coarseness but loved him for it at the same time. He rolled on his back and I cleaned his cock thoroughly tasting the mixture of salty sweat, his cum and my ass. I enjoyed the blend of flavors as I hungrily fed on him. "You are a good bitch, Donnie. Lick me clean and I will give you more."

His cock was hardening again. "I will last longer this time. Make sure you satisfy yourself on the next go round," he muttered as he moved me onto my belly again and pushed his hard cock back in my gaping hole. I was enjoying the power and command he had over me. He was really rocking my world as he drove even harder into me this time. I tried to grab my cock to masturbate as he drove me, but he was not making it easy. "Please, Louis. Help me cum this time," I pleaded with him.

My pleas excited him more and he pumped me even harder. I was feeling him even more and as his cock rubbed on my prostate on each stroke, I was getting harder and harder. I could feel the cum boiling in my loins as he worked my ass. I could feel his cock expanded and knew he was close to cumming too. As his cock started flinching in my ass spewing his juices I came as well. I came so hard the sheets were getting soaked with my cum. "Oh Louis," I squealed. "You are so awesome. You are draining me and filling me. I am so happy as your sweet bitch."

Louis only grunted as he spilled his seed. He did not acknowledge me at all as he had his pleasure with my body below him. He is a brute, I thought. But such a lovely brute. As soon as he finished, he pulled out and rolled on his back out of breath breathing heavily like a beast.

I rolled over to him into his arms. "You are a lovely man. We will have to go golfing again, soon."

He looked at me with a smile on his face. "Oh, you think we are done?"

What a stud, I thought. As I nuzzled closer to him.

Next: Chapter 3

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