Golf Weekend

By moc.loa@efasdraW

Published on Jan 6, 2007



Having memories of my ex-wife clear in my head, I was looking forward to playing a little golf and taking the time to get my life back in order. I started to hit the course at least twice week and my game started to pick up a bit. I have a flexible schedule that allows me to play Tuesday and Friday afternoons at a small public course in Portland that ties nicely with my travel schedule to the area. After playing a round on Tuesday I stopped at the bar for a quick glass of wine and planned to be home by around 10:30 that night. Sitting at the bar I struck up a conversation with a good looking guy, sexy even, named Eric who had just moved to the area and was recently divorced himself. It seems his schedule for playing matched mine and after having a few drinks we agreed to meet on Friday to play around 2:00 and maybe have dinner after before I began the drive home.

Friday came and I met Eric at the club house and we hit the course. I was having a good day and Eric seemed a bit nervous and wasn't concentrating very well. I shot an 86 and Eric hit 97 which is a full 7 strokes over his handicap. He suggested we hit the bar and have a few drinks before dinner which was fine with me since I had decided to spend the night at a local hotel and drive back in the morning.

After a couple of drinks Eric seemed to relax a little and the conversation turned to women and ex-wives. We both agreed that for what they cost they just were not worth the trouble. He said at this point in his life he was happy to just jack off for relief and didn't miss the emotional attachment. He commented that he just wanted some excitement with sex and wanted to try some things he had never done. The comment struck me as a little strange and I decided to probe a little to see where the conversation was going. I asked what kind of things he had in mind and his response was that he would consider almost anything as long as the other person was over twenty one and healthy. After a bit of silence, I asked if he was limiting the experience to women. He said he was open to anything and had actually thought about what it would be like to be with a man. Now it was my turn for some honesty when he asked if I had ever been with a guy. I said no. Then he asked if I had ever thought about being with a guy. I said yes sometimes. He smiled and said that was about where he was in life and he was getting tired of just thinking about it. Whoa, this conversation was going very fast and I needed time to think so I changed the subject and asked about his problems on the course today. Well, I thought I had changed the subject until he answered my question. He said he was very nervous on the course because he new he wanted to have this conversation about sex with me tonight over dinner. Still needing time to think, I suggested that if we were going to talk over dinner we should get started to the restaurant.

He said why don't you just leave your car and ride with me since we have to come back by here on our way to my house and to your hotel. We drove in silence for a while and he finally reached over and touched my thigh and started to say he was sorry for bringing up the sex thing and he hopped it didn't make me uncomfortable. I felt a strange tingling sensation in my groin with his hand on my leg and just sat there not knowing what to do or say. I touched his hand and said there is no reason to be sorry and I smiled and said that we should continue our discussion over dinner. His eyes seemed to brighten at my comment.

The restaurant was dark and not crowed so we got a small corner booth where we could talk in private. We had another drink and he asked if I had ever gone beyond thinking about sex with another guy. I said only looking at some gay porn on the internet and I admitted that once I had called an Asian man that advertised full body massages with complete satisfaction guaranteed for men but that when he answered I chickened out and hung up. Next was the subject of anal sex and he asked if I had ever used a dildo or vibrator up my ass? I said that I had and even admitted that it was something I had done since I was a teenager. He said I noticed that when I touched your leg in the car you didn't move or object. I said that his touch made me feel something I had never felt before and it wasn't a bad feeling. As he reached under the table and ran his hand up the inside of my leg he said he would be happy to make me feel good if I was willing. When his hand reached my crotch he squeezed my cock through my pants and I became instantly hard and closed my eyes enjoying the sensation.

We ordered another drink and the subject centered on what kind of sex two guys could have and did I find the idea of sucking a cock offensive. I told him that I just didn't know what I could or could not do with a guy. Then I said something that surprised even me. I said the only way to know for sure is if we try things and then we will know. He smiled and squeezed my cock again and said why don't you cancel your hotel reservation and stay with me tonight. I think at this time we had both decided that we were going to try male/male sex tonight and dinner was the last thing we were concerned about. We both ordered light meals and ate quickly and were headed out the door to his place in about fifteen minutes. On the drive he asked if I had though about kissing another guy and I said not really but kissing is kissing. We stopped at my car and I followed him to his house.

On arrival at his house we entered through the garage and as soon as the door closed he came up behind me and put his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck and ear. My cock instantly filled and was pressing at my pants making me uncomfortable. I could feel his pressing against me. We headed for the bedroom and left a string of clothes along the way. We took a shower and took turns washing each other and exploring every detail. He was cut and about six inches and stuck slightly up toward his belly when hard. I on the other hand was uncut about eight inches and stuck straight out when erect. After drying off we hit the bed and started talking about what and how far we would go.

I finally said shut up and reached over and pinched his nipple making him groan and lean toward me asking me to kiss him. His mouth touched mine and as if on autopilot it opened for his probing tongue. I have never had a hotter kiss and my cock was rock hard and dripping. I slowly traced a line with my finger down his stomach until I reached his pubic hair where I stopped and then with some hesitation continued until I could feel his cock in my hand. The tip was wet and slippery and felt so hot. I let go of his cock and continued down until I reached his balls which were drawn up tight and shaved clean and smooth. I started to slide down his body with my tongue tracing the line I had followed with my finger. When I got to his cock I opened and let his cock slip in until he was at the back of my throat. Through ragged breathing I could hear him saying "oh fuck it's as good as I thought it would be". I could taste his pre-cum and knew he was not far from exploding in my mouth I slid my finger down behind his balls and continued until I was pushing against his shaved hole. He started to pump at my mouth and I knew he was close and I wanted to feel his cum squirting into my mouth so I pulled back a little and pushed with my finger against his willing hole which allowed my finger easy access. Hitting his prostate with my finger sent him over the edge and I could feel long ropes of cum being deposited into my mouth filling it with the taste of sex.

Within minutes he had my cock in his mouth and was running his hand down the back of my legs and found my ass which he teased with his finger until I was going crazy. I told him to give me his finger and I stuck it in my mouth and covered it with saliva and he gently pushed into my eager hole striking my prostate and causing me to explode into his mouth. Wow we had done all of this in less then ten minutes and were lying there looking at each other with a stupid look. He spoke first and asked if I would like another drink. I said no I think I would like this to all be done sober so I could remember it. I suggested we dress and take walk to rest up for what ever was coming next.

I should have suspected something when he picked up a small nylon bag as we headed out the door but thought it was just his wallet and keys. After walking and talking for about a half hour the sun was down and we entered a small park along side the river. Stopping at a picnic table to rest and enjoy the view I noticed Eric was smiling and obviously had something in mind. He leaned over and whispered in my ear that since it was dark and there was no one around he wanted to fuck me. My response was that is not going to happen out here in public. He said oh come on, and asked me to close my eyes so he could surprise me. Being a trusting type and liking Eric, I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew he had a handcuff on one wrist and had turned me around facing the table and brought the other hand behind my back and snapped the cuff to it. Holy shit I thought this guy is going to fuck me right out here in front of the world.

He turned me around and kissed me and squeezed my cock in spite of my struggle and said you're going to get fucked so relax and enjoy it. He undid my belt snapped my pants and pulled my zipper down. While still kissing me he slid his hand into my pants and squeezed my hardening cock. All of the sudden the idea that I was going to get fucked in public while restrained turned me on big time. My cock was now rock hard and he pulled my pants and under ware down around my feet spun me around and bent me over the table. He fumbled in his nylon bag for some lube and before I knew it I felt his cold finger lubing my ass. At this point I want to get fucked so bad I am moaning softly. The big surprise came seconds later when I felt some pain and a large butt plug being inserted in my ass. As it popped in he spun me back around and pulled up my under ware and pants and fastened my belt and kissed me like nothing had happened. He released the cuffs and put them in his bag and said lets finish our walk. What the hell just happened I asked? He just smiled and said the fun is just beginning. As we passed a nearby bar he suggested we stop and have another drink. Now I'm starting to think this guy is off the chart for crazy sex and wondering what I have gotten into. By now I am used to the butt plug and other than the fact that it rubs on my prostate when we walk and keeps me about half hard I don't really notice it.

We enter the bar and sit, which with the butt plug is a new sensation, at the bar on stools and order a glass of house red wine. The place is reasonable full and has a large number of men to women and then it dawns on me that we are in a gay bar. We sit drinking our wine and he looks at me with a funny smile and says that he has a surprise for me. He opens his nylon bag and removes a small plastic control that looks like an electronic car door opener. As his smile gets bigger, he says watch what happens when I push this button. All I can say is oh fuck! The butt plug he inserted starts to vibrate and my cock gets hard. He shut it off and said, what do you think? My response was to suggest that I have just met the craziest bastard I have ever met and we both started to laugh. This is what I meant about trying everything and enjoying sex. Do you think you're up to the job? Before I could answer, he excused himself saying he had to go to the bathroom.

By the time he got back to the bar I had time to wonder what the hell he was going to do next. He sat down next to me and explained that while he was in the restroom a good looking blonde guy offered to give him a blow job. He then looked right into my eyes and smiling pushed the button again and left it on. My cock was rock hard and after a few minutes I asked him to please turn it off. He just smiled and looked down and my crotch. This is starting to get scary because I can feel my balls tighten and my cock swell a bit and I know it is not going to be long and I am going to have a giant orgasm. I was concerned that when it happened I might yell or make noise letting everyone know that I just shot a load in my pants. I said fuck Eric, please turn it off before I cum. He just smiled and turned up the power. That did it I closed my eyes and could feel my ass tighten around the butt plug and cum start filling my shorts. All I could say is oh fuck why did you make me do this? I had a large wet spot in my pants and he had a big laugh. Trying to be a good sport, I just went along and said every dog has his day. As we left the bar two cute guys near the door commented that we looked like we just couldn't hold it and had a big laugh at my expense.

We walked back to his place and on entering he once again snapped a cuff on one wrist and spun me around locking my hands behind me. He grabbed the wet spot on the front of my pants and squeezed telling me that I smelled like sex and was making him horny. I had given up with this guy. He was some kind of sex freak and I never knew what he would do next. The sorry thing was that I was finding it all very exciting. In spite of the fact that I had cum twice in the last two hours, my cock started to harden and I was ready for more of what ever had had in mind.

He walked me to the kitchen, threw a towel on the table and forced me to bend over and lay on the table. He reached around and undid my pants pulling them and my shorts down at the same time. He untied my shoes and removed them along with my pants and shorts. Here I was, handcuffed, bent over the table wearing a shirt and socks and nothing else. He said don't move and opened the nylon pouch and took out some lube and a condom. He told me to spread my legs and he quickly strapped them to the table legs leaving my ass open to his wants. He grabbed the butt plug and popped it from my ass leaving me feeling like I wanted it back. He smeared lube around my hole and teased me with gently finger strokes for a long time making me want something more. He slowly pressed against the puckered opening and his finger easily slid in. This guy clearly knew how to light a fire. I'm moaning and grunting as he turned one finger into two and then three. After adding more lube and fingering my ass for about ten minutes I was begging him to fuck me. He dropped his pants and just shoved his cock up my ass. With a hand on each hip he pounded it into me making me feel like some kind of wanton whore needing to be fucked. He started to tense up and pick up speed and I felt his cock grow and become stiffer. The noise he made was strange but the feeling was that he pushed as deep into me as he could get and I felt him pulsing and knew he was spraying my insides with cum. He slid from my ass and said that was incredible.

He undid the cuffs and released my legs and told me to sit on the edge of the table. I did and he lifted my legs and reinserted the butt plug and pressed the remote button. My cock was throbbing and dripping when he took it in his mouth stopping only to tell me that I smelled and tasted like sex and then continued to suck. It took about five minutes for the plug and his sucking to bring another orgasm. He nearly choked when I forced my cock deep into his throat.

We went to bed and talked about when my next trip to the area would be. I asked what he had in mind for entertainment on that trip. He smiled and asked if I liked enemas. He reached over and pinched my nipple saying don't worry about it I'll think of something to surprise you. I'm sure he will.

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