
By Patrick Carter

Published on Jun 20, 2006


Calvin had arrived back in England. But he wasn't in London. Before returning home he decided to go to Manchester. Manchester was the place where one of the best light drama shows was filmed. Shameless is a big hit because of how it tells such a wonderfully weird story. The actors Gerard Kearns (Ian) and Jody Latham (Lip) are being so British, to the extreme that they aren't being British at all. Calvin always wanted to know what it was like to play a gay character on television. Bruno Langley is one person he could've asked but now he's left corrie Calvin couldn't be bothered to track him down. For Calvin to actually get on set to a lot of sweet talk to an ugly, but very horny Security guard. The fact that Calvin was a huge celebrity held no bearing with this security guard. Once on set Calvin looked for his first target. "I sorry dear but Jody is currently filming a scene on the other side of Manchester, he won't be back until this evening. Gerard is still on set but he's filming a scene at the moment." Calvin made his way to where the scene was being filmed. When he got there his jaw dropped. Gerard Kearns was there in the bedroom with another actor and tongues in each other's mouths. The moved to the bed, Gerard removed his shirt while his co-star climbed on top of him. The two kissed again before Gerard turned over and the two simulated sex. Calvin stood there open mouthed, and bloody horny.


The scene was over and they were done for the day. When Gerard saw Calvin he decided to talk to the familiar and yet unacquainted face.

"Hello there. I'm Calvin..."

"I know who you are. What are you doing here?"

"Shameless is like one of the best television shows ever I love it and you're a really good actor."

"Thanks. You're a really good singer... Or so I'm told. I've never actually listened to one of your songs."

"Yeah. I get a lot of that. What are you doing this evening?"

"Nothing much, did you want to do something?"

"Sure. What about Jody, do you know what he's doing?"

"He's probably fucking his new girlfriend." Said Gerard with what was a distinct tone of jealousy. Calvin had found a little opening.

"Actually I'm free now if you wanted to hang around. I live close by we can just go to my place instead of the pub."

"That would be better. I'm still not quite 18 so it's a nightmare getting anyone to serve me."

"What makes you think I will?"

"What better way to socialise than with a beer or three."

"Ha. You're right there. Just let me get my clothes on."

Calvin had spent the whole time trying to avoid looking at Gerard's erect nipples and his sexy washboard chest. Gerard appeared not long later fully in his own clothes and ready for a night in.

"Alright mate you ready? Let's go. That's my car there."

Gerard's driving didn't fill Calvin with too much confidence especially as he spent most of the journey with his nails dug into his seat. The arrived back at Gerard's flat. It was a decent place with one bedroom in a clean block with a balcony.

"Nice place you got here. I would've expected it to be a bit bigger though."

"I get that a lot. I think people over estimate my pay on Shameless. Its reasonable pay it's not a film star salary."

"Well it might be small but it's still nice."

It became a real afternoon. The boys watched Soccer Saturday while drinking lager and having Chinese for lunch.

"So what is it like working with Jody?"

"It's great. He's the best friend a guy could have. He's always trying to hook me up with girls he think would suit me but he never seems to get it right."

"Yeah. But what is it like having to kiss al those men on Shameless?"

"You get used to it. Sometimes I wish I didn't but the truth is some guys are better at kissing than girls are."

"Do you know how gay that makes you sound?"

"What do you mean?"

"I've kissed guys and girls and I know that guys are much better."

"You've kissed guys?" Gerard suddenly showing much more interest.

"Bloody hell. The amount of times I've played spin the bottle and had to kiss a guy with tongue is beyond my memory."

"You kiss guys for fun?"

"Well you know when you're drunk, you do things you wouldn't dream of doing if you're sober."

"Your not drunk now are you?"

"No. What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing. Just don't want you throwing yourself at me all evening. Want another drink?" Gerard seemed like he was going to ask Calvin something but obviously Calvin had given the wrong answer.

"Sure. I'll have the same as before please."

"Okay just don't clean me out." Calvin returned with a drink for each of them. He threw one to Gerard and sat next to him on the sofa.

"Can I ask you something? When you're kissing all of those guys, what are you normally thinking."

"Just how long until it finishes usually. Once it's done it is a bit of a relief."

"Can I kiss you?"


"Can I kiss you? Why does that surprise you?"

"How many guys do you get approaching you asking you for a kiss?"

"Quite a few actually but I just want to compare. See just how good you are especially as you've had a lot of practice with guys."

"Ummm. I don't see why not then." The two moved closer together. Their lips met but Calvin wanted more pushing his tongue through Gerard's lips. Gerard seemed to relax as Calvin took control of the older boy. He pulled Gerard in closer so their chests were touching. Calvin wasn't quite sure, but he thought he could feel Gerard's cock responding to Calvin's pressure. Calvin decided to go for it, he reached Gerard's shirt and started to pull it up.

"What are you doing?"

"Shit. I'm sorry I just thought that..."

"Seriously. You want to do that with me?"

"Do you know what you look like!"

"Yes. Not the best..."

"Shut up mate. You're fucking gorgeous. Now where were we." Gerard pulled his shirt off and threw himself back into Calvin's face. The moaning between the two boys grew louder and louder. Calvin pulled away and started licking on Gerard's nipples, swirling and biting at them as Gerard moaned on in pleasure. Calvin continued down Gerard's body poking his belly button with his tongue. He reached Gerard's tracksuit bottoms, which were being stretched by his 7' boner. Calvin sucked as hard as he could through the fabric Gerard was wild and randy pushing his hips into Calvin's face. Calvin just continued to tease Gerard soaking the fabric his trackies while Gerard's soaked the front of his tight boxers in the other side. Gerard had enough and pushed Calvin's face away. He pulled down his trackies followed by his tight black CK boxers. Gerard reached up and grabbed Calvin's head and forced him down on his throbbing cock. Calvin gave no resistance as Gerard pulled his head up and down. Gerard wanted to dominate though, the first time with another guy and a younger one, he had to be the dominant one. He pulled Calvin off again and pushed onto the sofa. Gerard then knelled on the sofa himself and fucked Calvin pretty face. Gerard used to jerk himself off imagining Jody's sexy body. This time he just kept looking down at one of Britain's sexiest teenagers as he shoved his long dick into Calvin's experienced mouth. Gerard was so horny he could've knocked Calvin's teeth out, he pummelled Calvin's face smashing his balls into the boy's chin. Gerard felt that surge and shot his load of cum straight down Calvin's throat. Gerard pulled out of Calvin's mouth and flopped onto the sofa next to him.

"Sorry man. Sorry I didn't pull out. I was just so fucking horny you don't know. That was my first ever time with a guy."

"Well your gonna have to make it up to me."

"Okay. What's the terms?"

"Bend over." Gerard looked at Calvin; there was an evil look of mischief in his eyes. Gerard pulled off his boxers and trackies completely then got on all fours in the middle of his front room carpet. Calvin whipped off his clothes quicker than ever before and licked Gerard's hole. Gerard wasn't sure but fair was fair and what Calvin was doing felt sooo good.

"How many guys have fucked you before?"


"Well your gonna love it." Calvin thought as it was Gerard's first time he wouldn't bother loosening up with the fingers. Instead he just slowly pushed his cock into Gerard's ass slipping past Gerard's ring. Gerard had acted so many times as if he had had another guy stuffing his ass but this time it was for real. Calvin worked his way to and fro moving his cock further and further in with each push. Finally Calvin pubes were stroking Gerard's soft ass and Calvin's picked up the pace a little more. The pain Gerard felt before hand had subsided and he was really getting used to the added presence of Calvin's bulging penis. Gerard was grunting louder and louder with every pump as Calvin's own sexual drive forced him to pick up the pace. The two were moving rhythmically as Gerard bounced off Calvin legs every time. Calvin had hold of Gerard's hips pulling him in harder onto his boner. There was that familiar feeling and Calvin let go straight into the belly of the newly popped Gerard Kearns. Calvin slid out and lay down.

"That was so fucking great. I've never felt anything as good as that before."

"Well your much better looking than you give yourself credit. Plus you play a gay character on TV. If you want a to pull a man or even a woman just show them some of your Shameless stuff."

"It's ashame that its not you though."

"I have to return to London and Aaron soon, I've been away too long."

"Well can we at least see each other one more time in the future and maybe I can give you head and I can fuck you?"

"You wanna fuck me? What about Jody?"

"Jody is way out of my league."

"And I'm not. Thanks."

"This morning your were out of my league, this afternoon you were in my ass."

"Just ask Jody, subtly if you don't want to mess up your friendship. And about fucking me. If you're up to it we could go right now." Gerard could see that same mischievous look in Calvin's eyes as he went and lay on his back in the sofa. Gerard didn't need a second invitation he was up and put all his body heat on Calvin. Just sharing another kiss with Calvin was enough to get Gerard hard again.

"Just slide it in. Don't worry about licking me up."

Gerard just did as he was told. His penis huge once again was now sliding up Calvin's rectum. The feeling in Calvin's ass was so great. He had never had sex with this much friction but it felt so good. Calvin's hot hole was also making Gerard very happy. Calvin wrapped his legs around Gerard's waist, as the older boy pumped into the hot hole harder and harder. Calvin's head was bouncing off a strategically placed cushion up against the wall. Gerard loved it so much and he was making sure he felt every corner of Calvin's chute. He powered into the boy's rectum, as Calvin demanded more. Gerard was done and gave a huge grunt as he filled Calvin's stomach with his cum. Calvin also shot a second load all over their chests. Gerard was so in the mood, he licked cum out of Calvin's cute belly button.

After a long day of sex, sex and more sex Gerard was tired as fell asleep naked and beautiful. Calvin joined him wondering what Aaron would say of his worldwide adventures.

Next: Chapter 7

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