Goldie and The Three Bears

By Pamela Peters

Published on Nov 2, 2020



Good Morning...

I wake up smiling and hard beneath a heavy pile of fur blankets. Saying goodbye to sweet dreams before I open my eyes. I yawn and stretch and crawl my way to the top of the covers, peeling them back. I cringe and shiver, the room is bitter cold.

I wrap my arms around my shoulders, my teeth already chattering. On the other side of the glass wall snow falls, covering the trees and the ground.

As beautiful as this scene is; soft pink skies, white puffy clouds, tall

green pines like on Earth, I resent the cold that leaches through that

transparent barrier. Ugh! I hate the cold.

I slept good, though. No nightmares. No dark shadows. Just dream after dream of me and my wonderful Masters. My body warms and suddenly the cold has lost all its sharpness. I yawn and stretch and savor the last moments in my big comfy bed.

I look down at the state of my cock. Morning arousal is not unusual for me, having three Masters keeps me ready at all times. What I do find surprising is just how much I want to touch myself right now.

It is forbidden for Servants to touch themselves without the presence or permission of his Master. A Servant uses his body for the arousal and pleasure of his Master. A Servant's pleasure is in the giving.These are not just rules from the canon but by the very nature of a Servant. I take pleasure in pleasuring. In serving. In being needed and useful.

So why do I feel so impatient? Why does the blood coursing through my veins, my muscles, my skin, feel electrified and anxious?

Only once was I commanded to bring myself to climax and that was more for punishment than pleasure.

It was a couple of months after I'd arrived on Omega 9. A Servant is not supposed to talk about his previous Master and I would never utter that name in this household, however, I will explain that he was a very cruel person and after him I was as weary and worn as I'm sure my beloved Masters were when the Valdien wars were over.

I'd gone through a very long and slow process of healing spiritually and physically but sexually, I couldn't seem to attune.

I was allowed to begin my Servant's duties only but I was much too eager to please. I took no pleasure in my Masters' pleasure. I was proud that I gave

physical satisfaction but I wasn't experiencing my own.

Because of this I was cut off. My Masters refused to touch me or let me touch them until I had pleasured myself. I was ordered onto the hardwood floor, naked and shivering, my legs spread wide while my Masters sat in chairs surrounding me. They drank ale, tore chunks of meat from bone and laughed while I struggled to pleasure myself. I was unused to pumping my own shaft, and when I did come the orgasm was weak, I came all over myself. They ridiculed me, used the tip of their boots to spread my thighs further apart and made me do it all over again. It was humiliating. Degrading. Undignified. They made me do it every night for days. I dreaded it.

Then, one of those nights, as I performed the horrible little show for them, I watched Master Frederick get down on one knee. He pushed his middle finger into his mouth and pulled it back out glistening and wet with saliva. He reached down and pressed the tip of that finger right on my sphincter. He drew a slick little circle around and around and around and around till I felt like a wind up toy. Like one of those hand wound generators but gearing up to power an entire city. The center of my body grew hot and as I pumped myself to the rhythm of his swirls it spread throughout my whole body, up to the tips of my hair follicles and down to my toes. It didn't take long until I was bucking my hips and panting. The climax was as if the armor encasing my soul had exploded, shattering into a billion little pieces. My juices were flying over my own head and I was screaming and convulsing and laughing...and I was back. I was turned on.

Call me a prude, I still don't like to jerk myself off but I am rather good at it now, that's for sure. Bottom line, a servant needs touch. He needs to make love to his Master. But back then I was being punished for my arrogance. My detachment. For my lack of passion and intimacy and looking back, rightly so. Before I came here I had been depleted of any joy and pride in my work but my Masters gave my gifts back to me.

Across the room, in the hearth, a heap of ash collapsed from the cradle with a thud, reminding me that it's time to start my morning duties.

I crawl out from beneath the warmth and place my bare feet on the ice cold floors. I pull on my night shirt, too thin and too short to shield me from the chill and then my thick gripper socks from yesterday.

I can't decide whether to pull the hem of my night shirt over my persistent erection or my goose pimpled ass, it's not long enough for both. I decided on neither even though I look awkward and much too eager. Ready to spill all over myself at a touch. A Servant should be ready but controlled. He

should show his Master that he is more than his own physical needs which, magically enough, creates more physical arousal but no matter, my Masters should still be sleeping and gratefully won't see me in such an immature state.

I open the door carefully, my Masters have sensitive hearing and I keep forgetting to oil that squeaky hinge. Sleep is very important for soldiers, even for those who no longer fight in wars but still today like most, my Masters have a long day ahead of them. The upstairs corridor is dark except for the soft glowing track lights along the baseboards. I pass by Master Liam's room, Master Frederick's room and finally, Master Raymond's room but five will get you ten he's not in there. He rarely ever is. I walk down the staircase at the end of the hall.

Halfway down, I stop and sit on a cold step to watch Master Raymond working behind his big desk in the dark of the room. Only the monitors lighting up his handsome face. I take in his thick furrowed brows, those penetrating eyes, that burly black beard against warm brown skin. He's concentrated, one pointed, focused on his duty of guarding the vulnerable gods of this

planet who lay in slumber along its surface. I sigh and my body grows warm with love and admiration.

Behind him, through the great glass wall, the sky turns a paler shade of pink above snow capped mountains. I watch him a little more from the dark of the steps. I want to go to him. I want to have him all to myself. Time alone with Master Raymond is a rarity. He's not like Master Liam or Master Raymond, whose hunger, to my great delight, is never satiated. He only seems to need me half the time as they do and it drives me mad. My only solace is that he does love to watch. I see his eyes over the console watching his men go at me, but rarely ever taking his turn, rarely ever joining in, never wanting more than my mouth when they're done with me. I suck him happily, greedily, lapping up the salt and honey flavor of his cock while he sits back and watches those screens. His shudders and his large hand on the back of my head are the only things that let me know he is aware of me.

I want to offer myself to him before the start of my day. Before the others wake up. But there are rules in this domain: Never disturb my Masters unless performing my duties or being commanded. So, until duty calls, Master Raymond, until duty calls.

The Caves...

I quietly walk down the rest of the steps, turn, walk down the hall, then make my way down another flight of stairs which leads to the linen room. The warmth coming from the marble springs below is such a relief.

According to Cotton the mountain that this plateau is attached to was once a fierce volcano. However, it, like most of the gods who inhabit this planet, have been peacefully sleeping for hundreds of years and, also according to Cotton's secret wisdoms, will not be waking for another few hundred years. Still, hot molten lava at its core heats the sweet waters passing by underground causing it to rise through the cracks of the marble caves below, creating warm springs of healing waters. And I can't wait to get in it.

I take a piss and brush my teeth in the small bathroom. While removing my night shirt I hear the low hum of an orb above my head. Master Raymond doesn't like too many orbs in the main house so Except for the one that roams the halls and bedrooms upstairs every hour for pest control purposes and then two more outside of the cabin for security, they're mostly centered down here, below ground.

Red lasers scan my face, blinding me, and I shoo it away. I stuff my nightshirt and then my socks into the hamper and start the annoying task of unbraiding my hair as I walk over to the elevator and press the button. I lift the door when it arrives. The orb follows closely behind. It quickly enters the elevator with me. I close the gate and press the button and we lower down into the caves.

Being in the caves is like being in a god's think room, if a god needs a think room. It is an immense, white marble palace with tunnels that quite possibly lead to the other side of the planet, Cotton says. Sunlight enters from an opening above us on the other side of the mountain. It reflects off of several surfaces creating sufficient and breathtakingly beautiful light within.

Cotton considers this part of the land most sacred so he asks that anyone who comes down here to enter naked and to keep their mind pure and free of any worries or bad memories. When I hear the calming sounds of water sliding down rock or the pitter patter of little waterfalls onto the smooth rocks below. I feel a new calm wash over me and it's not so much that I'm being freed from any stress or strife but instead a loosening of sexual tension and ravenous hunger. The orb leaves my side and floats over to Cotton...

Who is Cotton? In a time where anything you need to know about anyone is readily available, I haven't a clue as to who Cotton is. He has no history, not even a mention on any universal database, at least none that I could find, which is not impossible, but quite remarkable. Of course, there are other individuals who don't but even then your whereabouts could still be

tracked by facial recognition, DNA or skin shed residue, something. With Cotton, there was nothing. He was the only man I knew who existed in the present moment only. Even if he wasn't in front of you or in the room with you, when Cotton needed you, you knew.

I know he's a cherished and true friend of my Masters but whether he was already here on the planet when they arrived or whether they sent for him to be the caretaker of the cabin, them, me, I don't know. I know he's deeply connected to this planet but I also know that his wisdom goes beyond it too. Physically, he defies age. Looking healthier and youthful than that long silky, silver braid would suggest. He is a great healer. He speaks a dozen languages. He's read every book that I've ever mentioned and acts as both a servant and a master with perfect balance and equal grace.

When I was first brought here to Omega 9, to this cabin, I trusted Cotton before I trusted my Masters. Which indicates just how damaged I was. Being a Servant is sacred to me. It is my passion. My calling. To bond with someone who isn't my Master is sacrilege to my own heart. Cotton's compassion, his therapy, his healing and his guidance brought me back to what I love to do. And although he isn't my Master I pledge my allegiance to him forever...even though he's still a mystery to me.

He's standing behind his work table covered with dark bottles of oils and tinctures and herbs. He's wearing a gauzy orange tunic and pants and rubbing oil into his palms. Two orbs float around his head, their reason for doing this is lost on me since they're basically floating computers. The one that followed me down here is programmed to guide anyone who uses the elevator. Just in case one of us is in danger of crushing a limb or its cables break and the lift begins to fall, the orb takes action.

But they hover about him, not protectively, more like....preferably.

"Good morning, Cotton." I say.

Without looking at me he smiles which makes my heart skip a beat. "Good morning, Goldie." He says with an accent I can never place. Finally, he looks at me and there is a sparkle in his eyes, a look that tells me he's only just come in from the outdoors where he'd spent all night running with the wolves. Maybe he's one of them.

I take meaningful steps towards him but just before entering his workshop area, I stop and wait for permission to enter.

He nods his permission and I enter.

I close my eyes and inhale. It smells wonderful in here. All these individual scents together should be overwhelming to the senses but instead they've made a kind of aromatic harmony.

Starting from my face, Cotton's eyes travel down my body, surveying me, when he sees my engorged cock his eyebrows lift up.

"And good morning to you, too," he says.

I laugh even while squirming with embarrassment. I want to place my hands over my crotch but I resist the urge. "I know how he's feeling this Morning." he continues, "But, how are you?"

"Wonderful dreams last night," I said dreamily. "which are still affecting me this morning, apparently."

Cotton's attention is back to mixing his oils and this gives me a chance to take him in more closely. The gauzy material he wears is becoming transparent from sweat and I can see his tight muscle bound buttocks underneath.

I want to worship that buttocks. I want to get down on my knees and kiss those beautiful smooth cheeks where they swell out the furthest. And then I want to run my tongue slowly from his taint all the way to the dimples of his lower back.

He turns to look at me and I swallow hard. I don't know if Cotton can actually read my thoughts. I would never try to suppress them, either way, but that doesn't mean that the very real possibility this man knows what I'm thinking doesn't mortify the fuck out of me.

For a Servant, at least for the kind of Servant that I am, his Master is the only person or persons, depending on the nature of the union, that he serves. He cannot willingly sleep with another person without his Master's expressed permission. Technically, he can't sleep with another person with his Master's permission either since a Servant's every motive is the fulfillment of his Master's sexual desire. Gaining permission means asking the question and no true Servant would ever be so blasphemous as to ask such a thing.

I have three Masters, which isn't unheard of but it is uncommon. Cotton is not one of my Masters.

Besides this, Cotton is celibate. He's brought me to orgasm more times than I can count but that was only with his hands during massage and was more for endurance and stamina than it was for pleasure. When I wanted more from him...a touch his part those cheeks, which you can always see through those flimsy damn trousers of his, he said this: "I know you're eager to bond, to get back to your path, to serve, let me help you get there." Then he took my hand off his ass, kissed it, parted my legs and proceeded to give me a body quaking, eye rolling, hand job.

It was one of the most pleasurable let downs, ever.

Cotton is the first person I see every morning and just like every morning I want him to make sweet magical love to me, right here in his sweet magical cave, but since that won't be happening I'll settle for those sweet

magical hands.

He gestures to a cup sitting on a stool. I pick it up and drink it all even though I struggle with the too sweet and too sour taste.

My face still contorted from that awful tasting drink, I walked over to a large water filled basin in the ground. Two orbs followed me, no longer struggling to unbraid my hair it was now free, spilling down my back. Purple lasers strike the floor behind me, disintegrating any strands of hair that fall from my head. I step into the warm water feeling the sand beneath my feet and between my toes.

Cotton enters the water behind me. I sit down in the sand, facing him. He bends down to take a scoop of the white sand. Thoughtfully, I extend my foot to his other hand where he begins to scrub the souls of my feet. He makes it tickle on purpose, I giggle and squirm but resist the urge to pull my foot away. Then it feels so good. Servant that I am, I want to do the same for him but that's out of the question. He scrubs my legs and thighs then my buttocks, my stomach and chest and shoulder. He lifts my arms and scrubs even my pits. When he gets to my hands, which are a bit larger than his, I feel like this is more intimate than all the other parts he touches. I'm not sure why, it just moves me.

He sits on the edge of the basin and watches me while I wash off the sand. I watch him too, You can have a whole conversation with Cotton just looking into his eyes.

"Released some tension?" He asks, referring to my cock which is no longer at attention.

"All this is just a temporary distraction." I said, shaking my head jokingly.

He chuckles and then my stomach gurlges and groans which kills the peaceful moment. That was quick. I placed my hand on my belly, abashed, even though the drink does what it always did.

Cotton makes a sideways movement with his head. I step out of the basin and walk behind an alcove. Here is where I squat to eliminate the contents of my stomach.

When I'm done I enter a bathtub (the only thing man made in this cave) which is filled with hot soapy water. I rinse off under one of the falls. Cursing at the knots in my hair which I'd forgotten to oil first. Body clean, my belly hollow, I walked back over to Cotton who was now waiting by the massage table. As always after bath time his pants were even more transparent and his cock looked firm and delicious beneath the fabric. I tried not to stare at it in wonder. Like there weren't three of the most beautiful cocks I'd ever seen right upstairs, eagerly awaiting their morning services. My unruly thoughts alone

were a testament to Master Liam's belief that ten good hard spanks no matter how minor my misstep would do a world of good for my discipline.

I lay on the sheet covered table. He rubbed his hands together and looked down at my penis which lay, calm for now, against my belly. He rubbed an earthy scented oil between his palms letting the excess spill onto my chest and abdomen. He ran his hands over my skin. They are so smooth and warm. He's heavy handed one moment, squeezing some part of my body till I feel like the blood vessels are near to bursting and then gentle again. The parts he gives the most attention to feel awake and alive again and sensitive to touch. Instantly I began to relax. He worked the oil into my pectorals, my clavicle and shoulders, each arm, each hand, each finger and toes. All without saying a word. (I want to talk but although Cotton welcomes conversation, sometimes I can feel that words shouldn't always be said) All while ignoring my hardening cock. I'm such a mess this morning.

He stands above my head and frees my hair out from under me, letting it spill almost to the floor. It was barely shoulder length when I arrived here a year ago and now it nearly reaches my buttocks, a thick mane of wild curly hair, it's never been this long in my whole life. I didn't even know my hair could grow this long or be this curly but it has just kept on growing like wild Kudzu. I don't know if it's the food or the water or the oil cotton uses but my hair is healthy and shiny and long...and I hate it. Master Liam wants it cut, he says it gets in the way but Master Frederick says he likes it long. He likes to bury his fingers in it to grip when I'm sucking his cock

but Cotton says the decision belongs to Master Raymond. He is the Captain. Our leader. The head of the household and he has yet to decide. I agree with Master Liam, it does get in the way but I also agree with Master Raymond, because I do sort of like when he pulls at it but it mostly gets in the way of my duties and it takes forever to dry and braid. It's also gone gold for some reason...hence the nickname. Cotton reaches for a brass bowl filled with oil with one hand and runs his fingers through my hair with the other. I looked up at him and our eyes locked. Beyond a greeting Servants don't speak unless spoken to. Not all Servants, of course, but generally it is the responsibility of a Servant to learn to communicate with his Master without the use of words, this way he comes to understand his Master on a deeper level. A level that is far greater than words could ever express. But to be honest, even if my vow of limited silence wasn't a factor, I still wouldn't speak very much, I've never really cared much for talking. I'm the middle child of nineteen children, raised in a happy but small apartment in a big city, noise was constant, space was precious, individual attention was a rarity.

A Servant learns to stay still. To communicate as much as he can without words. A look, a touch, a vibe. Which happens to be perfect for a house full of traumatized, post-war weary vets. Master Liam, for example, who still struggles the most with his memories of battle as well as controlling his temper, needs peace and pleasure like the sick need medicine. With Cotton I can ask questions or advice or just vent my insecurities. But I'd still prefer to receive his permission first.

He holds the bowl above my forehead and I close my eyes and feel the warm liquid pour onto my third eye, and then spread out around my head, past my temples, through my hair towards the back of my head and then down the shafts of my hair. I always feel like my body lifts just a bit when he does this, like my soul becomes lighter. He keeps pouring the oil till my hair is drenched with it. It smells very lightly of oranges and sandalwood.

Cotton massages the oil into my hair and scalp and it feels so good. He runs his fingers through it loosening the knots. Then he rings out the excess oil and rubs his hands on a towel. He applies more oils to his hands and rubs them into his firm, soft flesh as he stands at my waist and looks down at my erection again. He places a hand on my lower belly careful not to touch the tip of my cock and pushes the other hand between my thighs, careful not to graze my scrotum.

"You really are in a particularly high state of arousal today." I nod my head. He placed a thumb firmly between my eyes and for a second I felt dizzy, like I was flying.

"Tell me about the dreams you had."

I took a deep breath and thought back. "I was making love to everyone. At first one at a time. Master Raymond then Master Frederick, then Master Liam. But in the dream they weren't my Masters they were their formal ranks: The Captain. The Commander. The Lieutenant. You weren't there Cotton, not in physical form but you were still inside of me...somehow. And then it all got bigger and I was making love to the whole planet and it was too much. I couldn't contain it all. Then I woke and I was like this." I felt the arousal rise in me again.

"Hmm." He says moving his hand up to my chest.

"You've always excelled at staying in a balanced state of arousal. Not too tight. Not too loose. Ready and eager. Ready and patient."

I thought he would interpret my dream. Tell me it means something special, especially today.

"Today is..." I began but then changed my mind. "Never mind." I shook my head and closed my eyes. Reminding myself; a Servant never talks about his past.

"Today," Cotton began, "is the anniversary of the day you arrived." I opened my eyes.

"That was a very special day...for all of us." He says, leaning down and kisses me on the lips. It's such a sweet, warm kiss I almost can't contain myself. My eyes well up and tears fall into my ears.

"Thank you, Cotton."

"You are welcome." His hand slid up my thigh and grazed my scrotum. I trembled and closed my eyes.

"You will be with them in just a few moments." He says rubbing my thighs and my upper belly.

"My body is impatient today." I said. "I feel a...hunger." I say. "I don't

know what's wrong with me."

"Nothing is wrong with you."

So sensitive, so heightened were my senses becoming that Cotton's hands started to feel hot and my skin electrified. I endured it but it was making my condition painful. I squirmed. When my

hips bucked I apologized.

"I've never seen you this urgent before."

"I know. I apologize for my lack of discipline today."

"I admire your control."

"I don't feel like I'm in control. I'm worried I may give in and touch myself. I'm worried that as soon as one of my Masters touches me I'm going to explode. I don't want to dishonor my work by disappointing them."

"You won't. This seems to be a very emotional day for you. I can understand that. I feel that." He waved his hands slowly over my body. Feeling my aura. I swear I could feel that too. "I'm just glad you're in a state of joy rather than the dark times of a year ago."

Cotton reached between my legs and caressed my sack. My eyes rolled back.



You would have thought he had never touched me before. Wasn't it him who helped me to gain back my control when I first arrived here? How many times had he brought me over the edge with these very hands. My cock should know his hands like my own and yet it felt like the first time he had ever wrapped them around me. I spread my legs wide while he stroked my shaft, slowly at first, but with a firm grip. I placed a hand on the inside of my thighs and pushed my knees further apart. I rocked my hips up and down trying to keep up with his rhythm. I thought of how much love I have for him while he stroked me. I thought of my Masters and the taste of them. The feel of their hands. Their cocks, pushing inside of me, stretching me, the pleasure and pain of it and then I exploded. My hips bucked wildly. I whimpered and begged him not to stop even though I knew he would never be so cruel and he didn't, not till every drop of come was out of me. When my hips bucked for the last time. I closed my eyes and smiled, my head rolling back and forth.

Ah! Sweet release!

"Thank you Cotton, thank you thank you thank you."

He wipes away the semen from my belly, thighs and his hands. He tells me to turn over where he spends a long blissful time massaging my back and buttocks and calves and feet. Then he grabs a sharp knife from the table. He begins to scrape away any newly grown stubble from my face, underarms, chest and legs. My Masters don't care about body hair, that's why I sometimes call them the three bears, they are a hairy and rugged sort who are above vanity, but as for me it cuts down on friction and negative odors. However, Master Frederick is very particular about my groin. It is not to be shaved under any circumstance. He loves to bury his face in my hairy nest.

I wash my hair and body of the excess oils under one of the falls and when I'm done Cotton gets a towel and dries off my hair and body. He takes longer with my hair to help it dry faster and then he's done and I'm off to begin my duties for the day.

The Three Bears or A Servants Chores are never done...

I go back to the linen room to get dressed in my daily uniform which consists of a long sleeved cream colored tunic that comes down to mid thigh. Winter time garments are thicker and longer than spring and summer. Those are so thin they are practically see through with no sleeves and stops just under my groin and buttocks.

My feet were in a very bad state when I first arrived here and it took a lot of time for them to heal properly so I don't wear shoes anymore and I probably won't for as long as I live. I'd prefer to walk barefoot but Master Frederick has a love of feet and likes to include my feet in our foreplay so Cotton doesn't think it proper to offer house tred feet when my Master's in the mood to suck my toes, so I wear socks; thick, soft, creamy colored socks that keep my feet clean but also warm and toasty while I go about my chores on these cold floors.

Everything I wear is the color of cream which not only reflects my path as a Servant but also cleanliness and touchability. I pick up a jar of coconut oil from the shelf, scoop a little with my

finger and massage it into the rim of my asshole and inside of my anus as far as my middle finger will go. I pull a creamy, thick tunic over my head and then pull on a pair of knee high socks with grip tabs on the bottom so I don't go sliding all over these shiny hardwood floors. I pull my hair back and start to braid it but the braid is too wet and heavy so I take it out again and let it continue to air dry. And lastly, I pull on my apron, tying it around my waist. There, I'm now dressed and ready for my day. I feel clean and dry, warm and soft. I'm excited to start the day's duties and I can't wait to see my Masters.

First chore of the day? Lighting the hearths...

The Great Room: This is the first room when entering the cabin. It's also where my Masters get dressed and undressed before and after a hunt. Here is where one of the largest hearth's is in the house and always the first fire that I light each day. In front of the hearth I take a piece of fuel cloth from the bin and place that on the cradle, then I place the logs on top and light the cloth. I watch it catch flame. As a rule, I never leave till I see that the log is ignited, but it is agony. Right next door, in the Watch Room is Master Raymond. I can feel him through the wall. My nipples grow hard, my mouth waters and I pray that at the very least he lets me suck his morning wood.

When I see that the flames have caught hold of the log I stand, smooth down my apron and make sure I'm presentable for my Master.

My heart pounding, I stand at the threshold between the Great Room and the Watch Room.

The Captain is ruggedly handsome, he's got a thick, salt and pepper beard and a thin scar along his left cheek. He's tall with a broad body. And strong, I've seen him lift entire trees that were taller than he is. As always, he was wearing his fatigues, a black, long sleeve form fitting shirt, dark green fatigue pants and black combat boots. Also as usual his eyes were glued to those monitors.

I softly clear my throat. "May I greet you this morning, Sir?" I ask.

At first he seems not to hear me. He never takes his eyes from the monitor. His face on one side is orange from the sky outside and the other side is white from the monitor. When he doesn't answer my heart sinks. And I can't hold my smile. I let my hands fall to my sides. Time to move on to my next duty. I won't ask again. It would be inappropriate to do so. It's clear he heard me and doesn't wish to be bothered. I turn to leave.

"Why must you ask me every morning if you can greet me? Is that one of your

Servants duties?"

The smile returns to my face. My hands join again and my knees start to tremble.

"Not a duty, Sir. A privilege." I tell him brightly.

"How about from now on you just come in and get on with it?" he said.

I took, first a small step towards him and then a whole step till I was standing between his tree trunk thighs. I bent down and kissed him on the lips. Then at the center of his chest. Then I knelt down, placed my hands on his thighs, leaned forward and kissed his groin. I buried my nose in him and inhaled him. That's not part of the ritual, just something I like to do. I felt his cock twitch on the inside of his pants. My own cock stiffened so that I felt myself almost back to the state I was in this morning.

When I stood the hem of my tunic was bunched between my belly and my erection and I felt no embarrassment. I wanted this to entice him though I wasn't doing it on purpose. Being eagerly seductive is not honest. I want my Master to want to touch me. I wanted him to want to kiss me. I want him to want to be in my mouth. My whole body vibrated with need for my Master.

He sat back in his chair and looked at my cock peeking from underneath the hem of my tunic and my work apron. I didn't dare move.

The sides of his eyes turned up in that almost invisible smile.

"There now, you've greeted me, off you go." He said that so calmly, almost kindly, and yet it felt so cruel as he began to watch the monitors again.

My body slumped with disappointment. My cock and asshole were both throbbing. I nodded my head once. "Thank you, Sir." I said and turned away trying not to let him hear my teeth grinding together. Next, waking Master Frederick.

It's difficult for me to explain being in love with three Masters. Truth be told I've never experienced anything like this. Most Servants are trained to bond with only one Master although we are trained to pleasure and be pleased by multiple sex partners. But as for me right now, as I walk up the main stairs, I'm still hungering for my Master Raymond in the most intense way while still in complete, heart fluttering anticipation of my next encounters with Master Frederick and Master Liam. I don't know how my heart accommodates each of them but it does and it's full because of them.

I wasn't going to, because of my impatience, but I decided to stop in the Captain's room. His is easy because he hardly ever comes in here. I kneel at the hearth, I sweep up the ash. I lay the starter on the cradle and place two logs on top of it. I take a starter from the coffer and place it

under the logs. I light it. I never leave till I know that the logs are engulfed. I place the screen back in front of the fireplace. I stand and look at the bed which is still as neat as it was when I made it two days ago. At least he left his dirty clothes for me to pick up and place in the hamper. I take it as a sign. A sign that he considers me when I'm not around. I place the clothes in the hamper. I don't bother taking new sheets for his bed because there's no need, I could do it anyway, just for the sake of the soot that gets trapped in that fur blanket but I'm too eager to get to Master Frederick. So I moved on.

I knock lightly on his door. He usually sleeps later than everyone else. In secret, I call Master Frederick The Mouth because he's the only man I knew who seemed to feel pleasure through his tongue. My dick now ached for that mouth. But knowing that on the other side of this door was the man who was going to give me one of the many extraordinary suckings I would experience did not fill me with the kind of anticipation you would think. My cock began to ache thinking about his hot greedy mouth sucking me in. A Servant does not release before his Master or at least, not until they command it. I say this with no disrespect intended but Master Frederick is hungry, he sucked long and greedily and holding back was agony with him. I hear his smooth and sultry voice on the other side of the door telling me to come in.

I turned the knob and opened the door. I pushed it open all the way, till the knob hit the wall. When the house is awake all doors are to be left open. When it's time for bed all doors are to be closed. I don't know why this is but it is one of the many peculiar but vital rules of the household

that must be obeyed without question.

Master Frederick is awake, his long body naked under the covers. He's beautiful with long locks like mine that he keeps tied on the top of his head and a rugged goatee. His lips are as red as strawberries and his eyelashes are dark like he's wearing black liner. He has a gold hoop earring in one ear and he looks like a space pirate. I smile big from my feet to the top of my head. "Good Morning, Master Frederick." I said a little out of breath. Even I was in awe of how happy I was to see him every single day.

"How is my Golden Boy this morning?" He said softly, sleepily.

"I'm wonderful this morning Master Frederick."

I walk over to him intending to give him a Servants greeting but his hungry stare at my crotch stops me. He lifted the bottom of my tunic revealing my erection. "Has the Captain instigated this?"

I look away sheepishly. I don't want him to think I'm not present with him. That this is not for him because it most certainly is. "I have three Masters, Sir. My arousal is constant. All of your names are written on my heart and on my body."

I want to say more. I want to say that I am here for so much more than physical pleasure. I am here to love and care for them and to grow from caring for others. I am here to serve them with comfort, pleasure and compassion. I don't want them to see me as a shallow little thing. A body with no heart, an erection, a hole, with no soul or who lacks conscience. I began to move towards the hearth to set his fire. He told me to get in the bed instead and I quickly obeyed, climbing over him and getting into his bed.

"Turn." He commanded. I turn excitedly, my buttocks facing him. I pulled up my tunic to show him my smooth sweet smelling ass. He leaned up and pressed his nose into my taint, inhaling long and deep, rubbing his nose around and into that wonderful spot that tickled so excruciatingly. My eyes rolled back. He kissed each of my cheeks then he parted them. I felt his face push between my winter-plump buttocks and lick the rim of my anus. I shivered and gasped and bent down further lifting my buttocks as I spread my legs wider. He licked and licked circles around my anus till I began to pant.

"Turn." He said again. I barely heard him, I was so lost in sensation, but I did as he commanded a half a second later. If I were with Master Liam he would have already scheduled disciplinary action for my hesitation. When I turned, the tip of my dick hit his cheek and he groaned then buried his face into my nest of pubic hair. I looked down and caught a glimpse of his cock which was so erect it touched his belly as if it were glued there.

He opened his mouth and took me in. I was still watching his dick so I was caught a little off guard and my hips bucked and I almost came. He slapped the inside of my thigh so that it made a loud stinging popping sound which managed to cool my libido but only just a little. He used his tongue to circle the head and I convulsed. "No!" I almost spit out the word, but I kept my mouth shut. I closed my eyes and whimpered while his tongue played with my head over and over. This sucking wasn't for my pleasure but his and it was my job to endure till he told me to come while his tongue licked the tip, circled it, suckled it and nipped at it softly with his teeth.

Each of my Masters were cruel in their own extraordinary way. Master Raymond was distant and aloof. Master Frederick overwhelmed me with pleasure to the point of near disgrace and Master Liam....well, he was a different kind of torture that had the power to undo me.

Master Frederick moved his mouth all the way down my shaft till I felt the back of his hot throat then he pulled his mouth away and came back sticking his long tongue under my balls letting his tongue juggle them, bounce them up and down, left one, right one, left one, right one. I laughed and so did he.

Then he took them both in his mouth and the laughter was over. I was back to the fight to remain steady. If Cotton hadn't given me release this morning I wouldn't have made it this far. It is a rare and wonderful gift to have a Master that loves to suckle. It's not taboo by any means it's just that it's not a common thing. Master Frederick is uniquely talented for such a dominant man. I've never really had a favorite act or position, anything that brings my Master's pleasure is my favorite but I have to say if I didn't have to struggle so, this would be it but only with him. Only

Master Frederick could make `taking' such a grand feat. It was stimulating for the mind and strengthened my resolve. Pleasure-torture. I gasp and moan louder. I'm trying to let him know that I'm getting close. He spanks the inside of my other thigh again this time harder, sharper. He pulls back and makes a looping motion with his finger. He lays on the bed and I straddle his upper chest. I bend down and kiss his lips then lift up and push my dick into his mouth. He takes his member into one hand and the other hand he places on my ass. I grab the headboard while he pushes my backside forward, pushing my dick deep into his mouth and even further to the back

of his throat. My cock is only one of many cocks in this house. It may not be the biggest but it is impressive. He never chokes. Never gasps for air. I let him make the rhythm. If I do it, if I roll my hips and thrust the way I want to I will burst down his throat too soon. I am close to coming and all I can do is beg for mercy by whimpering and groaning like a spoiled pup. He pushes me forward my dick deep down to the hilt. My scrotum lay on his chin. Then back and forth, back and forth and back and forth from the base to the tip, then stop and deep in his mouth. My sight is going dark and I'm on the edge. Behind me he was pumping himself. His hips were tilted up and the bed bounced with his hand movements. He was getting close too. Oh thank God! Just don't let me come before him. Please let me hold on.

Master Frederick let go of my ass so that he could use both hands to jerk himself. One caressing his own scrotum the other pumping his shaft widely. I keep pumping into his mouth following the rhythm he's set. Listening to him moan and slurp is driving me crazy, it aches but I think he's almost there, I think I can hold on just a bit longer, then, unexpectedly, my Master pushes his thumb deep inside my asshole and that was it, game over.

"Oh! Oh God! Oh! Oh! Ohhhh!" I shouted through gritted teeth as ecstasy overtook me and I came pounding into my Master's mouth at my own rhythm now. My head tilts back, my eyes squeeze shut, I grit my teeth and I'm squealing like a pig. I am deep in the middle of pure oblivion while the thought floats far away that I have failed. I came before my Master. Have I become too comfortable? Am I spoiled? This just won't do. This can't happen! Then I hear him groaning loudly and feel his hot wet spray on my back and buttocks. The relief makes me come even harder and my body convulses with one more short but powerful thrill. His hands return to my buttocks and he's still suckling me, forcing, agonizing aftercoma thrills through my head. I hate this. It's torture. I squirm and try to pull out of his mouth but his hands keep me in place. This is a mean game but I endure it. I let out a shout as my body jerked hard. It's like the tip of my dick is being shocked with electricity.

If I had done this while making love to Master Liam he would have stopped mid fuck to spank my ass with his huge bare hand. When Master Liam spanks you, you hope he uses his belt. Master Frederick was more forgiving of my mistakes and was much more merciful. He stopped teasing me and I collapsed my groin onto his face. I am so weak, yet so relieved. My master reaches up and pushes his hands under my arms, picks me up and lays me down on my back. Then he turns me over.

Oh dear God, yes! It's not over.

Master Federick has a great appetite, not usually in the morning, but when he wants it...

I lay my face and chest on his soft sheets, smiling to myself. The agony of a few moments ago is gone and just like that I am blissful and ready again. I spread my knees wide and bend my back, pointing my ass up so that my anus opens like a flower in bloom.

I hear his breath become ragged behind me. I thought he was going to suck my ass first but instead I am surprised to feel the head of his erect cock at my opening.

Just as I feel his slippery head enter the opening of my asshole I get the feeling we are being watched and so I look up and see Master Liam standing at the doorway. He's not wearing his shirt, just his fatigue slacks.

He looks at me, grimaces disappointingly and then leaves. I wonder why he doesn't join us. I suddenly feel worried for him. Have I neglected one Master for another? I want to go to him. Then Master Frederick slowly pushes the shaft of his cock into me and I forget everything.

Suddenly we hear the Captain's voice come through Master Frederick's comband. "Frederick. Watch Room." Two words. That's it. Master Raymond never wastes words.

"Shit!" exclaims Master Frederick.

He pulls out of me and we both sigh with disappointment. He steps down from the bed and presses the intercom button.

"I'll be there shortly, Sir." he says with a hint of melancholy.

I step off the bed and step to one of the night tables. I take out a towel and a bottle of herbal water. I pour some onto the cloth and clean the semen from his chest, belly and groin and then he pulls on his fatigues, kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

I use the towel to wipe my groin then throw it in the hamper. I place the bottle back in the drawer, turn to the hearth and start building the fire quickly so that I can go to Master Liam's room...if he's still there. I hum as I set the fire. My body, buzzing with satisfaction. When I'm done I check my clothes for wet spots. Smooth out any wrinkles. I check my hair, it's a little more dry so I pull it back into a long braid. I make sure I'm composed and dry and ready. There's always bottles of scented oil in every room so I grab the bottle and rub it into my belly between my legs and the rim of my anus again. I go to Master Liam's room. I'm a little ashamed to admit that part of me is hoping he's not in there. Not because I don't want to be with him, I always do. But god, he is not an easy Master, and I still don't know quite how to handle him. When I discover that he's in there my heart leaps with joy and excitement while my stomach flops with fear and intimidation.

When I open the door he's lying in his bed staring up at the ceiling.

"Good Morning, Master Liam." I say a little breathlessly. I bow my head because I don't know if he'll let me give him the Servant's greeting but he doesn't answer me or even look at me. As usual. I go to the hearth and begin to light the fire. "Don't bother." He says. I straighten up and look at him, waiting for him to explain. His thick red eyebrows knit together in the middle. Anyone else would have thought he looked furious. My heart beat speeds up. With apprehension I leave the fire and walk over to his bedside. I reach for the covers at his chest. He knocks my hand away. I reach for them again but this time he lets me pull them back slowly revealing his hairy bare chest, belly and groin. I step closer and bend over to kiss his lips but he turns away. He doesn't always turn away from my kisses, but when he does, it hurts my feelings.

Master Liam and I share a bit of history. In my former life, with my former Master, I had a very high position and a lot of power because of who my Master was. I wish that I could say I was unhappy back then, even miserable would have been better. Let us just say I was not in my right mind. One day, I made a decision. A decision based purely on fear and arrogance. Because of that decision I caused the death of someone Master Liam cared for deeply.

Though the person's death was never my intention, I was still at fault. No matter how indirect my involvement I have never once pretended that I was not responsible.

My duty as a Servant is to serve my Master heart, mind and body, it's what I love to do more than anything even though my last Master nearly drove me further away from it. But with Master Liam, I owe a little bit more than I owe the others.

I kiss his bearded cheek instead of his lips. At least he let me do that. I kissed his chest right in the center and finally the spot just above his cock. He has one arm behind his head and the other is slightly off the bed. I decided to be a bit brave this morning and I try to kiss his lips again. I press my groin onto his hand. I run my fingers through his thick red beard and as I draw his face closer to my lips he takes my scrotum into his palm and squeezes. I suck in my breath. It doesn't hurt but the shock of it... It's a warning.

Too bold.

Oh, but Master Liam knows how to torture me! I want him to not be angry with me anymore. I want him to forgive me. I want him to love me. I want him to make love to me not just fuck me. Although, I would happily make do with a good fucking from my Master Liam but his rejection pains me and he knows it and he relishes it.

I don't do a good job of hiding my embarrassment. I feel the sides of my mouth pull down as if to cry but I turn it around instead and smile. I start to pull back. He squeezes even tighter. I give him a look of confusion. His eyes shift from my eyes to my lips.

I've only had physical relations with Master Liam for a few months now. Before that he found release with Master Frederick and even sometimes the Captain but not me. After the god-mating we did have our first real one on one session and it did not go well. Between his anger for what happened to his friend and his war weary mind and my own trauma, his need was just too rough and angry for me and I had to do what a Servant never wants to do, I said no. The Captain and Cotton ordered that we be separated for a time and all sex acts between us must be while the Captain is present.

I have needed intervention on a few occasions but we're getting better, Master Liam and I. His grip tightens.

Well, we

getting better.

Someday he'll come to love me and we'll make love alone without anyone's watchful eyes on us, unless that's what he wants.

I placed my hand over his hand, the one that has a grip on my balls, and he lets go of my scrotum and slides his finger up the underside of my shaft. He runs his thumb over the head. The sensation makes me shiver. I suck in my breath. "Don't move." He growls. He teases me gently, circling the tip, around and around as I was getting wetter. My hips buck again. "Don't move.

Don't come. Or I'll whip you naked on the front porch while Cotton watches." he says, and I know he means it. He's done it before. The whipping only stings but it's the humiliation of having Cotton, my counselor, my mentor, stand there and watch me be punished. It doesn't matter that everyone knows Master Liam has a huge chip on his shoulder with my name on it, he can only punish me if I give him a reason, even a petty one. If I have disappointed him in any way he can exercise his rights as my Master and punish me and Masters Raymond and Frederick will do nothing to interfere. So I remain there not knowing what to do when just then Master

Raymond is heard through the comband: "Liam, Watch Room."

He let go of me and I felt relieved.

"On my way, Captain." he said into the intercom, his voice like a growl.

I watched him put on his shirt and his boots. I looked at his crotch to see if our little battle had gotten him even a little stiff but I couldn't tell.

When our eyes met he rolled them at me as if I were a mosquito that had just tried to sting him. Abashed. I felt my face grow hot and I looked away.

I felt the vibration of his heavy footsteps under my feet as he left the room.

I swallowed and wondered for the thousandth time if Master Liam will ever accept me. And I worry that he knows I will never stop trying to please him. I sigh, will my body to calm itself as I go back to the hearth and tend to lighting the fireplace.

I stand, still feeling a frustrating mix of emotions, I rip Master Liam's furs off his bed and onto the floor. I yank the sheets from the edges of the mattress. I hear something tear but I don't care. By the time I'm stuffing the old sheets in the hamper in the closet tears are falling down my face.

I lean over so that they fall onto the old sheets. So that all this chaos and sadness and frustration I feel will go down the drain along with the dirt and sweat and nightmares dreamt into them.

I wipe away the tears and wipe my hands on the soiled clothes. I close the hamper and think about love. I think about Cotton and wonder what magical thing he's doing right now. I think about my new home that I love and the Masters I serve. I think about Master Fredericks' beautiful hungry lips around my cock this morning. His hot tongue circling my anus. I think about the taste of the Captain in my mouth, all salty honey, and my mouth waters with anticipation, and I imagine what the Lieutenant will look like when all of his walls are down and I feel his body shudder against me. When I exit the closet I feel better. Much better. My skin is tingling again and I feel the smoothness of my own skin against the soft warm fabric of my tunic.

On the other side of the glass wall a wildcat makes fresh paw prints on pristine white snow. The white sun is shining through pine trees but it's too cold for its heat to melt even a flake on their branches. A strong breeze blows and a mist of powdered snow falls over the wildcat's scrunching face and back. It's tail is all puffed up and I can tell that it's got its eyes on some prey I can't see. Maybe a rabbit or a squirrel or a winter rat. I don't know which to wish my luck to.

The sky is almost fully blue now, the yellow phase doesn't last long and it's pretty much gone.

I take fresh clean sheets from the shelf. I make sure to keep my thoughts pure and my heart full of love as I wrap the mattress with them. I kiss them. I rub my cock over them. I embed my scent, my essence, my words of devotion into them. If I were allowed to touch myself I would pump my juices all over them.

I once knew a Servant who did that. He even let me watch once. He stood at the center of his Master's bed and got real quiet and concentrated. He started to mumble something to himself and then he pulled up the hem of his tunic revealing his hard stiff cock. He started to roll his hips again and again till...fuck, even I was rolling my hips with him. And then just like that, cum started shooting out. He turned around so that it went all over the bed. It was fucking amazing. It took him a while to come down. It got real emotional. Servants aren't usually allowed to touch each other beyond greeting but I couldn't help it. I wrapped my arms around him and we held onto each other so tightly I could still feel his body trembling, the tip of his wet dick on my thigh.

I never did ask him what he was mumbling.

Did he break a rule? To be honest, I don't know. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. What I do know is that I could hear the pleasure-screams of his Master all the way down the hall every morning and every night. And what I also know is that his Master was just as devoted to him as he was to his Master. Maybe that happened because of a few drops of cum on the sheets.

Master Liam is hot natured so just one fur to cover his bed. It's a fairly new Mammoth Bear fur so it weighs nearly 30 pounds or at least it feels that heavy.

As with every morning I was growing exhausted wrestling the thing. I had to stop in the middle to rebraid my unruly hair because it kept getting caught in the fight. A couple minutes later the bed was made, I was covered in a sheen of sweat and growing hungrier by the second.

I did a quick scrub of the washroom. I took off my tunic and placed it in the hamper. I washed my hands, arms and face, pulled on a fresh tunic and headed back downstairs to the Dining Room.

The Dining Room is off the Great Room. Separated by solid wood sliding doors. Inside there's a long table made from one thick plank of fallen Ram's wood down its center. Off to the side against the wall, there's the buffet, where fresh coffee is waiting in the coffee maker.

I walk over to the food station in the corner of the room and touch the green panel on the side. It's light changes to red and the door lifts. Inside on the platform is a rather large linen lined basket filled to overflowing with pastries and breads and next to that was a carafe of fresh cream.

I see my favorite fastcake: cherry wine current and oatnut sitting right at the top of the heap. Too hungry to wait, I take a huge bite of it and hold it between my teeth while I carry the heavy basket to the table. I take the carafe of cream and place it on the buffet near the coffee and sugar.

I take another large bite of my fastcake and chew it while I carefully walk back over to the food station opening.

I peak my head in but only slightly. I know these things have sensors so it won't actually come down and slice my face off but still...I was raised in a modest, boot to gravel household, uber tech will always be a bit creepy to me.

"Thank you" I whisper-shout to the hollow opening, careful not to let anyone hear me but the person who may be on the other side of this contraption.

Cotton won't say who it is that lives inside these walls or what is even on the other side of the walls. I imagine a spacious kitchen with a bed. He only gives a firm two word description:

`The Cook'.

At the time, my question wasn't meant to pry, I just needed clarification regarding meal time duties, and he knew that, still, I was intentionally rebuked and although I knew I hadn't crossed a line with my question I knew never to ask it again.

I touched the button again and the door slid closed. I ate the rest of my fastcake while lighting the hearth when suddenly I heard the booming voices and heavy boot falls of my Masters entering the dining room. I quickly placed the screen in front of the fire and stood.

"It's a bit late to hunt, isn't it?" I heard the Commander say to the Captain.

"It's never too late to hunt for something." the Lieutenant replied, his tone of voice always on the sharper side. "Besides, it's just barely sun up."

The Commander rolled his eyes. "Okay, let me say it another way, It's too damn cold for hunting today."

I quickly went to the coffee station and took three mugs with one hand and the coffee carafe with the other. I handed each of them a mug and then poured their coffee.

I wasn't expecting them this early. Usually at this time they were either out hunting or having one of their sessions with Cotton in the caves downstairs.

Master Frederick was the only one who didn't take his coffee black so while he was adding cream and sugar I was standing at the ready, getting high off the scent of their musk. My mouth watering every time I hear that grinding sound of their leather boots.

Once, Master Liam made me hump his boot while he was still in them. He'd made a demeaning little game out of my punishment. They laughed while I struggled to squat and thrust my groin into his ankle. He got mad when I came all over his laces.

He wanted to punish me...again.

Ten spanks with the flat of his hand.

I would rather have his leather belt across my ass than those battle calloused things.

Luckily for me, Master Frederick pointed out that I'd already had my punishment and I'd done what he'd instructed and if he didn't want me to come on his boots he should have told me not to come on his boots.

My dick tingles whenever I see those boots now.

The Captain's deep commanding voice pulled me from the memory. "I said we

do some hunting while we were out there but we're not necessarily hunting. There are a few things I want to check on out there, some unexplained movements, shadows and the like, we'll only be gone for a couple of hours."

"We need more wood too." That was Cotton, who, as usual, appeared in the room without anyone having heard him enter it.

I smile. I feel like I haven't seen Cotton in forever instead of just a few hours ago.

I could hear Master Liam's jaw tighten. "You know," he began slowly, turning towards Cotton, "one of these days you're going to catch me in a bad flashback."

Cotton's smile was warm and patient. "One of these days I would like to catch you in a good mood, Sir."

Master Frederick snorted into his mug. Master Raymond's features remained neutral as always while the curls of Master Liam's head, ears and beard seemed to turn a brighter shade of red. Sometimes, I think that if Master Liam ever went into a full out rage he'd burst into flames.

"Dead wood, if you can find it, please."

Cotton had peculiar beliefs. He didn't believe in killing what wasn't ready to be killed and since there are few ways of knowing whether something is ready to die, none of which either soldier knew, he preferred them to take what was already dead from the forest, like the Ram's wood table, for example. It's named that because rams practice head butting these particular trees before going head to head with other rams. They'll ram into one till either they or the tree fall over.

"Fine." The Captain says on the verge of impatience.

"And we don't need any meat. We still have deer from the last hunt."

"Doesn't hurt to put some on ice." Liam says before exiting the dining room.

In other words, Liam was going to do whatever the hell Liam wanted to do and if he wanted to put a hole in whatever animal got in his crosshairs, so be it.

"Also, Captain," Cotton added, "It might be good to have Lyncoln tag along. I'm sure you could use a squire for the journey."


Have I mentioned how much I hate wearing shoes?

Believe that I'm grateful, even excited, to spend the day with my Masters, but outdoors? No matter, I am grateful to be of service to my Masters, no matter how big or how small the task.

Besides all my tunics and a coat for gathering wood from the yard, I don't actually have clothes to wear. Master Liam gave me a pair of his hardly worn fatigues he said he didn't like. I'm well above average height and yet I am swimming in them. We had to make a new hole in one of the Captain's belts to keep them up. Master Liam's boots came the closest to fitting so long as I wear three pairs of socks with them.

We all got ready in the Great room. I sat on the floor feeling overdressed and frankly, a bit grumpy. I had to wear my heaviest tunic as a top. Cotton told me he would be ordering me new winter clothes while we were gone.

Just in case Cotton really is telepathic I asked him several times why he would suggest such a thing with just my mind but nope no reply not even one of those knowing crinkle smiles he gives everyone.

Maybe he was sick of me? Maybe he just wanted my energy away from him for a few hours? Suddenly, I felt a pang of real rejection. It had never occured to me that Cotton could be sick of me.

My hands seemed to lose feeling and I was having a hard time tying my laces.

Then Cotton was there, tying them for me. I couldn't meet his eyes. I was too humiliated.

"You are to do everything your Masters tell you to do."

"Yes, Cotton." I said.

"Carry their food and drink carefully, keep it dry and safe and at the


"Yes, Cotton."

"And don't wander off. You tend to go in the wrong direction and get lost."

I furrowed my brow at that, confused. I've never hunted with my Masters, I've never even been more than a few paces from the lodge. What did he mean? "I would never wonder off the trail." I assured him.

"I wasn't talking about the trail."

Still confused, I met his eyes. He was smiling.

"I know it'll only be for a few hours but I'll feel so uneasy without your soft pitter pattering about this house.

I smiled. It had also never occured to me that Cotton could be the one who thought I needed a break from him.

"Same." I said.

"Have fun and do as you're told."

"Yes, Cotton."

Cotton re-braided my hair making a comment about the decision as to whether my hair was to be to be cut or not.

"I don't care if it's cut or not." The Captain replied.

I smiled brightly.

"I do." said the Commander. "I like it the way it is."

My smile fell. Cotton gave me a look of sympathy. `Oh well, I tried.' that look said.

To complete my ensemble, a fur cap whose follicles blocked a good portion of my view.

We left the house in this formation. The Captain. The Commander. Me. The Lieutenant. And I was given explicit instructions not to maneuver from this order.

The wind that came through the open door was bitter cold and the sun didn't help much because it was still white. I'm from Earth. I'm used to the sun rising and melting ice away but it takes a while for the sun to turn from white to yellow on Omega 9. Yellow being its hottest state.

It was the harmonious sound of birds singing that made me forget about my clunking shoes. The sky was blue and the clouds were the lightest shade of lavender. So busy was I watching purple birds flit from one branch to another that I nearly fell head first into a rather pointy rock...if not for Master Liam snatching me up before the tumble.

"My gratitude is yours, Sir." I said, both embarrassed for my clumsiness but also swooning because my safety was included in my Master's lightning speed instincts.

"Just pay attention to where you're going." He said, chastising me.

Beneath this itchy cap my earlobes were burning.

Further down the hill the land began to plateau again and we walked along a stream that hadn't completely frozen over.

My mind was in too many places: My pants, that were too big. My balls, which were scraping against the crotch of these pants because I wasn't wearing any underwear. My feet, which were sliding all over the insides of these boots because I had too many socks on. The uneven terrain beneath my feet. How much I already missed the warm coziness of the cabin. And the fact that I haven't been properly fucked by either one of my Masters and it's almost after morning.

On the inside I'm scowling with misery. On the outside I would never burden the loves of my life with an unenthusiastic countenance.

Ankles burning, feet already hurting, sweat forming on my back in spite of the cold, I smile and stick close.

We suddenly stopped when Master Liam saw an animal in the distance. He took out his gun. I was surprised to see that he had a bullet gun and not a lazer. They are so rare these days and so much harder to use, I mean, you have to have real aim, the computer isn't doing it for you. They're also less humane. With a laser the animal doesn't feel a thing. With a bullet, well, that's where good aim becomes a necessity.

The Commander seemed to want to tell Master Liam to let it go but didn't. They stopped and let Master Liam have his shot. The noise of the thing would surely wake the gods. Afterwards, he went to fetch the poor thing. I'm not sure what the animal is called. I tend to give things names that are the closest resemblance to what I would see on Earth so let's just call it a rabbit...but with six legs.

He shoved it at me. I took it, held it by two of its furry back legs the way he'd instructed but I stumbled so much I nearly jostled the poor thing's head off. Master Liam accused me of purposely trying to set a blood trail for Mammoth Bears so he snatched it from me and tied it to his belt instead.

The only lie I've ever told my Masters was the glower I wore for not being able to carry Master Liam's disgusting spider rabbit. Blech.

Two hours later, we came upon a sunny patch of grass to rest and eat while the Captain set up his scope. It was warm enough up here to shed our heavy coats.

I noticed that I was feeling strange. Sort of like I was floating. When I'd first arrived on this planet it was hard for me to unwind. To let go. Too much baggage from a past that wasn't far enough behind me. I was only ready to be touched by Cotton, although I wanted to be touched by my Masters. One night during a massage session, Cotton rubbed this oil all over my body. It made me feel light as a feather, inside and out. That's how this feels but instead, it was more like something at the center of me was floating and I was being lifted with it. I didn't say anything to my Masters. I just concentrated on preparing their lunches.

I spread a thin tarp on the ground and then a silk blanket on top of that. I spread out the food: bread, cheese, meat from last night's dinner, nuts and fruit. There are small fold out stools that attach to their backpacks so I detached them and set them around our little picnic area.

The Captain always eats last. So I serve Master Liam first and then the Commander who gives me a tasty kiss as a thank you and then I take food to the Captain. I didn't realize that our little piece of land was looking over a canyon. It was immense. It was a quiet unassuming canyon, just

imagine if you're not paying attention, walking in the night, you could fall right over, plunge thousands of feet to your death.

I felt a sudden panic that my Master was too close. I didn't want to sneak up on him and frighten him.

"Master?" I said low.

He didn't answer me at first. I thought maybe he didn't hear me. He had his eye pressed to the end of the scope.

"You know I don't like being called that." he finally said.

"Master Raymond?" I offered.

"Same thing." he said calmly. He pulled away from the scope and looked out over the canyon. There was a rush of noise in the distance. Before it just sounded like the white noise, a waterfall made in the distance but now...

I brought my attention back to Master Raymond.

"Captain Master?" I chuckled but the Captain didn't look very amused.

"Captain Raymond?"



"You can sit it on the ground."

I looked down at the ground. At all the little bugs going to and fro, performing their own daily chores. They would get all over my Master's food and that wouldn't do. So I sat down on the ground instead and held his food safely in the palm of my hands.

He looked down at me curiously and subtly shook his head from side to side.

Now, with my other Masters settled; Master Frederick lounging on the blanket eating and watching clouds go by. Master Liam skinning his rabbit spider. I was no longer tripping over rocks and roots and the sun had finally turned warm yellow while the sky had changed to a mint green. I only had two things to think about: the fact that this canyon was the reason I was feeling so strangely, and the way Master Raymond's muscles glistened in the sunlight.

I wanted to kiss his lips, feel his tongue in my mouth. I wanted to play with his fatigue covered balls. I wanted to hump his plump ass till I squirted all over his back. I wanted to drop my pants, wrap my arms around a tree trunk while he pounded my backside till I spilled my seed all over

its roots. The image in my mind was getting more and more vivid till it was all I wanted.

Suddenly, I felt a heartbeat that wasn't my own. No, not a heartbeat, a rhythm. I felt it inside. I felt it from the ground. I felt it on my skin. My asshole began to throb and get hotter and hotter. I began to get hotter and hotter. I took off the fur cap and sat it on the ground, placing the Captain's plate safe inside. I untied my belt and sat it on the grass. I stood and removed the pants without even removing my boots.

The Captain pulled away from his scope and looked down at me. "Later" he said, but he was staring at my erect cock pointing out from beneath my tunic hungrily.

"Can you feel that, Master Raymond?" I asked him. I was running my hands over my own arm which felt like thousands of electric currents were running beneath my skin. I took off my tunic. My skin lit up with tiny white-gold

lights. It sparkled and when I ran my hand over my chest and arms there were tiny popping sounds.

The tip of my cock was wet and the precum seemed to sparkle. I laughed giddily.

I felt my Master close to me. I could feel the heat from his body transferring into mine.

"Goldie," I heard him say from far away but also everywhere, "it's the planet...the gods. You have to control what you's amplified here."

I could feel the truth of what he was saying but it wasn't quite right...all of your good feelings were amplified here. All I could feel was love. Love on every level.

He placed his hand on my lower back and the orgasm washed over my body like an ocean wave. I didn't ejaculate. I don't really know where the climax was centered. It seemed to come from everywhere. My screams of pleasure were loud enough for Master Liam and Frederick to hear.

Instead of pulling back I felt the Captain come closer and wrap his arms around my waist. I felt his breath on my ear as he spoke and it was hard to concentrate on the words. His breath felt like the very essence of his soul...and it was good. I knew then and there that my Master's heart was true. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I wrapped my legs around his waist and I kissed him so hard his tooth punctured my lip filling our mouths with a little of my blood.

I felt terrified for a moment that he was going to pull away from me but then I felt his arms squeeze me tight and he pushed his tongue deep in my mouth, just like I had imagined a few moments before. My body trembled with another hard climax. I screamed it into his mouth.

He pulled away from me and said something like, "You have to control your emotions, Goldie." he said these words with such gentle authority that I told him I loved him.

"I love you." I whispered. "I love you, I love you, I love you." Our eyes locked while he unzipped his pants. I got down and wrapped my arms around the trunk of the nearest tree. I took several steps back and stood with my legs spread wide so that my buttocks parted and my asshole was visible. The cold breeze and the hot sunshine charged my skin which was so sensitive I could have come at will. I didn't need to look back, I knew all three men were surrounding me. If anyone said a word I heard nothing. Anything they had to say I would know by the feel of their dicks inside of me. The Captain was first. He grabbed my hips with those

calloused hands. I heard him spit into the palm of his hand and then felt him enter me slowly. The friction felt so good I groaned into the bark of the tree. The way he pounded into me let me know that whatever was happening to me was happening to him too. And I could feel what my Master was. He was strong and decisive and loyal. Still full of love for all his men who had gone in battle. But especially full of love for the two men at his side. A love so deep it was almost

incomprehensible. It was true and everlasting and whole and he was pumping me with that love and then he was coming and I could feel his orgasm as much as my own so that when he finally came I was coming for him and for me. He came hard and so good his whole body shook with it. I felt so much gratitude for his pleasure that I wanted to sob.

A Servant who pleases his Master is filled with twice the bliss.

When I turned around the Captain was zipping his pants with shaky hands. The Commander had

his hand on the Lieutenants backside, I saw his arm moving up and down while he whispered something into Master Liam's ear. I saw the way the Lieutenant was watching me. I needed his hands on me. His mouth on mine. His cock in me. I reached out for him and he came to me. I licked his lips which, at first, remained closed to me. I became frustrated, I used my hand to pull apart his lips and I licked his teeth. I pulled his head closer to mine while feeling his body squeeze me against the tree. The Commander whispered something to him again and he opened

his mouth to me. I stuck my tongue into his mouth. Tasted his tongue which tasted of the bitter coffee I'd served him with his meal. That bitterness kept going down and down into his soul. And then he tasted like a strange mix of things. Like red oranges and bitter dark chocolate. Like spicy ginger and salty olives. He tasted of hate and rage but also so much love it overwhelmed my senses. There was love for Master Raymond, his Captain, the man who his soul belonged to and there was love for Master Frederick, who he considered his heart personified. My Master Liam was not all good. Not all true. He teetered back and forth between a balance of these things but a sort of balance was maintained.

There were so many faces inside of his mind. Faces to be punished...extinguished, but mine was not one of them and that was a great relief. I spread my legs wide and wrapped my boots around his back, I felt him enter me smoothly thanks to Master Raymonds juices and he was allowed to go deeper inside of me then. My body rocked up and down. The slapping sound of his hips against my ass cheeks was loud and crude and like music. My body exploded, I screamed into his mouth, down his throat. And I was back there inside of him and this time he was inside of me.

I opened myself. I let him see all of me. All of my past. All of my intentions. All of my wants and needs. All of it. But there was too much anger in him and he couldn't see and he didn't care. Rejected, I began to cry but he was fucking me hard now which brought me back to my body. I felt the tip of his cock touch somewhere inside of me and I came so hard I couldn't make a sound. My cock spurted semen between us. I felt him come, spraying his load into me but he didn't stop till I was coming again and he was coming again too. It was like we were in battle inside of each other and the harder I came somehow meant I was losing. Which was hilarious. These were the rules of his inner reality. To conquer, even with pleasure. Battle was the nature of my Master Liam.

Acquiescence is defeat. Love is cruelty.

My Master didn't hate me, I'd gotten that all wrong. My nature is to love and obey without question and to someone like Master Liam what others express as love can look like weakness. And Master Liam does not like weakness. He didn't trust me. I hadn't earned my place in his heart.

I kissed him again and he kissed me back hard, hungrily. I couldn't feel his pleasure when he came. He wasn't open like the Captain was, but I knew he was in pure ecstasy when he let out a

loud guttural scream.

He pulled out of me and my feet touched the ground again. We were gasping for air as we watched each other.

My journey with Master Liam is going to be a hard one. I would have to be let in at his pace and by his rules, he's going to punish the hell out of me all the way to his heart but that is a challenge I gladly accept. I could hear his heart beating even with the distance between us. He put his cock back in his pants and zipped up. He looked at me like he wanted to either fight me or fuck me again but I could feel that the spell had been broken and I was spent. He hadn't really beaten me, not like he thinks he has, because I know with complete and utter certainty that I am in love with Master Liam.

We continued to watch each other. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and adjusted his cock in his fatigues.

He rolled his eyes at me and walked away. One step forward, two steps back with my love, Master Liam.

And Master Frederick? He was sitting on the ground facing me, his back against the Captain's back. The Captain was fueling back up after our session by eating the food I'd brought him. The Commander's legs were bent at the knee and spread wide, he was still stroking his cock, but I could see the wetness on his stomach. I felt hurt that he had found pleasure without me.

He saw the look of disappointment on my face and gently pulled me down to him. He wrapped me up in his arms and kissed me. You didn't need the power of the gods to know what Master

Frederick was made of.

When the Captain was finished, he went back to his scope. I washed myself with a cloth and river water, dressed, ate and packed up what was left of the food.

The strange current of energy that had affected me was gone. Whatever god that was, it'd had its fun and had gone back to sleep. I felt a new sense of intimacy. A new connection. I feel stronger. I'm in love. A new and deeper love that's gone past the boundary of Servant and Master. What happened gave me a glimpse inside of Lieutenant Liam. Dare I even entertain the belief that he might be falling in love with me too? Isn't that why this all happened? Isn't that why he fights me so? Somewhere inside, beneath that barbed wire, is a heart that might be falling in love with me?

On the trek back to the cabin, I feel shy and hyper aware of Master Liam's presence behind me. My body is already sore and tired. My asshole still tingles with electric arousal. I'm just glad it doesn't hurt yet.

To my utter shock, Master Liam orders me to get on his back when he notices I'm having a difficult time with the trail. I gladly wrap my arms around his neck while he carries me through the last hour of the journey.

I felt like our hearts were beating in tandem.

Cotton was waiting for us at the door. Master Liam put me down right at his feet. I don't know why, it was just instinct, maybe some of that love left over from the gods but I wrapped my arms around Cotton's neck and he wrapped his around me too. Could he see everything that happened to us out there?

Good night...

He pampered me like a sacred prince, bathed me in a tub made of pink salt for my sore muscles. He washed me, oiled me, massaged my feet, pressed a place between my toes that made me have a small but very gratifying little climax. He washed and, thanks be to the gods, cut my hair. All while I told him everything that happened. Even my new revelation about Master Liam. I thought he would think I was foolish and that I would see a sad sort of patience in his eyes but instead he smiled with approval and delight. The only thing he said is this "Liam needs as much love as any of us can give him. This is a good thing to hear."

I did not anticipate the amount of joy and relief I felt when he said that.

He fed me a delicious early dinner because I hadn't really had a proper meal all day and by the time he was done with me it was after dark and I was ready to continue my duties.

I felt warm and soft and safe back in my creamy tunic and socks. My head felt so light I thought it might float off my shoulders. When it dried it was just above my shoulders. Besides having to always blow hair out of my eyes, I have no complaints. I was still a bit sore so I wasn't moving at my fastest. The Masters took showers and dressed in fresh clothes and I served them a quiet dinner in the dining room.

It was a hard day so after dinner the Masters retired in the Watch Room. I relit the fireplace, pulled down the watch screen and served drinks and desert while they watched martial arts and football tournaments.

One of the famous footballers that Master Raymond and Liam were rooting for was my sister but I didn't tell them that.

Master Liam let me straddle him and feed him chocolate covered nuts and cherries. It was a mean task. He took pleasure in biting my fingers with every morsel of food I placed on his tongue. When he asked me for my lips I kissed him passionately only to be halted by his teeth pressing into my lower lip. He never bit hard enough to break the skin but lord it hurt. His love bites only fueled me on and turned me on. I covered my erection with the hem of my tunic. I was still feeling a bit sensitive and didn't want to suddenly ejaculate all over his stomach and chest but then he uncovered it and pulled off his shirt. He opened and unzipped his pants, took his cock out and entered me. I felt a little bit of that delirium from the forest return but he wouldn't let me move or start a rhythm. Instead he asked for more chocolate and I continued to feed him. He continued to bite my fingers, then ask for a kiss and bite my lips. It was so fucking frustrating. Instinctively, I'd started to move my could he stand it...just sitting still like this while inside of me but he spanked my ass with a slap so loudly, it woke a napping Master Frederick. Lesson learned. I fed him another piece. This time he bit me hard enough for me to let out an "ahh!" and pull my throbbing finger from between his white teeth again. Then he puckered his lips, that meant he wanted a kiss, I went in. He let me kiss him for a long time before he came down on my bottom lip and then it was happening, without moving that place inside me started to pulse. The climax built so slowly I wondered if I'd overstimulated my poor prostate but it was so intense that my whole body started to tremble. The harder he bit my lip the more the orgasm seemed to be anchored by the pain and then his teeth released me and he pulled me close, holding my shoulders from behind, pulled me down and himself deeper into me. We came at the same time, barely moving.

He gave me time to recuperate and come back to my senses before standing, carrying me with him, and lying me down next to Master Frederick.

I slept curled up next to his long body for an hour before Cotton woke me up and told me to go to bed.

I did as I was told.

I took off my tunic and socks, got under the furs, and went right to sleep, my ass still a little wet with Master Liam spunk.

I don't know what made me wake up. I peel back the covers. The sky was red, it was late but not near morning yet. I crawled out of bed. It was already freezing. Once the fires go out this lodge gets cold real quick.

Even though I was cold I could have easily left the room without dressing in my tunic but Cotton says I am to never walk around the house naked unless strictly ordered to. So I pulled it on over my head and left the room.

Master Frederick's bedroom was closed which meant he was in bed. So was Master Liam's. Of course not Master Raymond. I decide to take a peek at him downstairs in the Watch Room. Maybe go in and see if he needs anything; a glass of water, a midnight snack, a dick sucking. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

I was surprised to see the firelight. Usually once it goes out he just likes to sit in the dark watching his monitors.

I came downstairs quietly. I didn't hear anyone talking but I did hear something. Master Raymond wasn't at his desk but he was in the room. I could sense him here. I walked in and saw two people on the rug by the fireplace. Naked in the firelight. Master Liam was on his side. Master Raymond was behind him. His large arm around Master Liam possessive, protective... as if Master Liam was the most precious thing in the whole world. Master Raymond was inside of Master Liam. Their bodies moving in tandem. Master Liam's face showed a kind of ecstasy I thought I knew of but realizing now, I knew nothing of, not really. When I tell you of my shock it's not because they were fucking, I knew they had fucked. They were all partners. Lifemates. But this wasn't fucking. This was lovemaking. Raw, true, lovemaking. Their movements were slow, their kisses long and deep. They smiled smiles of pure bliss...I'm such a fool. Who did I think I was? The heart, the soul of this household? I'm nothing but a butler with perks. A page boy. A glory hole. How arrogant I am to think I was anything other than that.

My feet were frozen to the floor. Tears fell down my face while the two men that I love... one of them I am

love with, made sweet love to each other in front of a roaring fire. When Master Raymond covers Master Liam's neck and face with hungry kisses I can't contain my hurt any longer.

Lucky for me, Cotton, stealthy as always, managed to pull me into the Great Room before the sobs overtook me.

He didn't ask, he didn't chastise, he didn't send me back to my room. Instead, he sat me on the sofa in the Great room and held me while I wept into his neck.

I don't remember going to bed. I just woke up there. It was still dark, a little earlier than I was used to but at least I was rested and wide awake.

The hurt of last night hadn't gone but instead had morphed and settled into me in the form of humility.

I am a Servant which is what I love to be. And I have three Masters, each that I love with my whole heart. I have a true friend in Cotton. I love my home. I love who I am. And today is the start of a brand new and wonderful day.

I pulled on the tunic from the night before. I go downstairs and greet Cotton. I won't be getting a

massage today. I just want to smile at him and feel my heart swell when I smell his scent and see if he looks like he's been running through the forests all night.

I took a clean tunic from my closet, shower in the washroom, prepared my body and dressed for the day. Before I light the fires and because I need a bit longer before I can face my Masters, I decide to go to the dining room first. I didn't get a chance to clean or refill the coffee station last night so once I cleaned it I set it for a fresh brew.

I was starving. When the door to the dumbwaiter slid up my favorite wasn't on the top today. Instead it was a different pastry, it looked delicious whatever it was, smelled like some kind of squash and when I opened it inside was the most delicious cream I'd ever tasted.

I couldn't help but smile. I sat the basket on the table and came back to the lift. This time I felt a little bit braver than a whisper.

"It's delicious...thank you." I said aloud.

And, slightly muffled, in a deep voice I'd never heard before yet somehow sounded familiar someone on the other side of that wall said, "You're welcome."

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