Golden Collar

Published on Jun 13, 2022




"THE EIGHT BOOKS OF THE GOLDEN COLLAR" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
written on January 7, 1995
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by a friend

BOOK EIGHT - Where is told
how Friend remains faithful
to Sky, and how he is made First Councillor of the Empire.
The Emperor finds a real lover.

"You don't have to ask my forgiveness, my Lord. You are the Law."

"A good sovereign is one who gives fair orders. I wasn't either a good sovereign, or a good lover. But, Friend, I always loved you. And I still love you. Come back with me. You will have back your honours, more than before. And anything can happen, I will believe you, you have my word. Come back with me, Friend. It is not the Emperor asking you, it is Powerful."

"I cannot, forgive me. Sky loves me, I love him. I cannot betray him, nor leave him. I never could. Forgive me."

"Forgive you? For being faithful? Faithful to the point of asking me to kill you? No... I love you, Friend, and admire you. If I can no longer ask you to be my lover, I want you as my Councillor. Come back to the Court, with your Sky, of course. You will be my Councillor. I need people like you at my side."

"My Lord... my Lord... don't ask me things I cannot obey. Sky loves this place. If I asked him, for love, he would accept. But I know he will not be happy, and what I want is only his happiness. I cannot ask him to do that. Don't become angry with me, my Lord, but I have to say no."

The Emperor laughs: "Friend! Do you know that you are the only living person that dared to tell me 'no' three times? How strong must be your love for Sky! I envy him. I won't ask you anything more, that you have to answer with a no. Here, please accept this. I give you my collar, and I make you the First Councillor of the Empire. No, please let me finish, you will remain here. If I need you, I will let you know. Even then, I'll only ask you and Sky to come to Court for a few days. This, at least, you can do for me, right? Now, give me some writing tools, I have to leave a letter for Sky. I will stay to eat with you, but then I must return to my encampment. My people must be worrying about me."

"You don't stop here to sleep, my Lord?"

"No. I desire you too much, I don't want to risk coming to bother you, during the night. Your Emperor is a weak man, in some matters. Give me some writing tools, now."

The Emperor sits at the table, writes a long letter, fold it and seals it.

"Here, this is for Sky, give it to him when he returns. And now, I hope dinner is ready, I really have a great appetite!" he says cheerfully.

They eat a good meal that Gift and Noon serve, then the Emperor changes back in his clothes. He bids them farewell and leaves, accompanied to the edge of the forest by Friend, Gift and Noon, who prostrate on the ground while the Emperor departs.

A few days later, Sky is back, Friend tells him about the Emperor's unforeseen visit, in all the details, then hands him the letter. Sky opens it and reads it aloud:

"To Calm-Autumn-Sky of the family of the Eagle, of the people of the Sun.
Cousin, may health and peace be always in your home.
During your absence, I had the chance to visit your home and to be welcomed by your lover Last-Friend-Of-The-Moon.
To see him again, and to feel attracted by him, was only one thing. So I asked him to lie with me.
He refused, because he loves you.
I envy you, cousin, you have the ideal lover, who I let escape from me because of my blind and foolish jealousy.
I understand I was wrong not to believe him then, and I understand I have been wrong in asking him to come back to me, knowing that he is your lover.
For that, I ask you to forgive me.
I have learned important things, in these hours in your home, thanks to your Friend.
Keep him, dear and precious.
I have named him First Councillor of the Empire. I hold you responsible for his health, his happiness and his life.
At times I will ask you to come to the Court, when I need his advice. But it is not said that I can't come to visit you, now that I know where you live.
I will send the nomination edict, and each year, I will send you the revenue that is due to Friend for his new responsibilities.
Anything you need, just let me know. I am ready to give it to you.
I bid you farewell, my dear cousin.
May the Gods assist and bless you, as I myself bless you."

Sky deeply bows in front of Friend.

"What are you doing?" he asks, and bursts out laughing.

"Do you realize that you have become the most important person in all the Empire, except for the Emperor Himself?"

"I thought I already was, for you."

"For me, you are more important than the Emperor. Didn't you already know that?"

"Yes, I know. Thank you."

"Thank you. May I see the collar, the Emperor gave you?"

"Sure, here it is."

"It is really beautiful. It is the collar He was wearing at the Harvest festival. It is an important gift. Nobody else has such a beautiful collar."

"It is yours."

"No, love, you cannot give away a gift from the Emperor, did you forget? No it is yours. And only you, can wear it. And then, I don't need it, I have something better."

"You never showed it to me! Where is it?"

"It's you." Sky says, embracing and kissing him.

At the end of Summer, an Imperial Messenger arrives. He bears the nomination letter and is accompanied by several slaves, bringing the annual revenue and various gifts. He also brings an invitation to come to the Capital for the festival of the Spreading Night of the Autumnal Equinox. They decide to attend. They wear their most beautiful clothes and Friend wears the golden collar he received from the Emperor and the First Councillor's emblems. Gift holds the honour sunshade, Noon his armour and weapons. The small group is stately. At the village first, and then at the town, everybody prostrates at their passage and the town-chief forms an honour squad of armed men to escort them to the capital.

Friend makes his entrance into the Imperial Palace, and everybody deeply bows at his passage. Finally, he is in presence of the Emperor, in the great hall of public audiences. Friend goes forward, between two wings of aristocrats and warriors, deeply bowing, until the Emperor make him sit at his right. Sky stops among the aristocrats.

They remain, as guests, in the Imperial palace for the three days of the festival. After a long conference with the Emperor, they prepare to return to their home in the mountains. On his way back, Friend prefers to wear plain clothes. So they stop at the house of Sky's father, to change their clothes, and there they meet Finedear, Hare, Flower and Gazelle. And finally, with Gift and Noon they make their way back home.

At night, at the gates of the small town. Friend hears a light noise. Thinking it is some animal, he searches and notices an abandoned child's basket. He approaches and crouches: a small baby wrapped in a little blanket, looks at him and smiles.

"Hey, an abandoned child! Look Sky, he is a boy. Can we take him with us?"

"Do you want him?"

"Yes... There is the moon, we will call him First-Friend-Of-The-Moon-Of-The-Spreading-Night."

"And how will we call him, Friend like you?"

"No, First. Look at him, how he smiles. He is beautiful, isn't he?"

"Yes, my love. We will rise him, I will teach him to fight, and you, to read and write. We will prepare him for the Imperial School."

"Sure. We will raise him strong and beautiful, wise and good hearted."

Happy, they stop for the night in the local inn. The following morning they go up to their home, after stopping at the village to buy diapers and suitable food for the baby.

Winter arrives and they close themselves in the house. First's presence takes a lot of their time. He adds even more happiness to their already happy lives. The baby is lively; but quiet, and doesn't give them any problems. They take the child into the bath with them, and First shows he likes very much to soak and cheerfully laughs. Also Noon and Gift grow affectionate with First, so he is never left alone.

Spring comes and First starts to walk on all fours. He recognizes voices and when they call him, he turns with a wide smile and merrily prattles.

Friend is summoned a couple of times to Court, and he promptly goes, but he always is back as soon as possible. Their friends, hearing about First, come to see him, bringing gifts to the baby that Sky made inscribed into the Eagle Family.

At the end of Spring, the Emperor comes to visit them and stops for a few days. He really enjoys holding First on his lap and to playing with him.

"I feel comfortable, here at your place, I have to come here more often. In your home, there is warmth. There is love. Will I ever have love again, the love I let slip out of my life?" he asks Sky.

The man smiles: "I wish you find it."

"It is not easy. I'm always surrounded by respectful and obedient courtiers, and yet I am always lonely. But here at your place, I don't feel lonely. Could I find somebody, who sees in me a man, a man more than the Emperor, the God on earth? It is uncomfortable. At times, I think that I would like to leave everything, to come here to live with you, but I can't. I am prisoner of my... of my power."

"Powerful is your name. In the name of a man there is, in some way, his destiny." Friend says gently.

"Then, I would like to have had as a name Grass-Blade... or Squirrel..." the Emperor sadly says.

Friend leaves the room and soon returns with some clothes he got from Gift.

"Wear those, Powerful. Try to become Squirrel for a few days."

"You think? Why not." he says standing up, and changes his clothes. "And now?"

"Now, Squirrel, come with me."

"Were are we going?"

"Into the neighbouring valley. We will be away for a few days. You and I, will be the servants of some noble man. We will go get drunk, in the low dives, and play the shell game or stone-throw. Will you come?"

They leave, with a bundle of food. They reach the valley behind the mountain, go down to the village they saw from the heights, and look for a tavern. They enter and buy some drinks. It is the first time that Powerful sets foot in such a place, and he looks around, full of curiosity.

A man addresses them: "Where are you from, and where are you going?"

Friend answers, inventing a story.

"And what do you do?"

"We are a noble man's servants."

"He seems more a soldier than a servant."

"Yes, he was a soldier. But got tired of the barracks life. He feels better with our master, now."

"And yet, they say that soldiers have a good life..."

"Yes, when they don't load themselves with too many debts..." Friend answers.

"What's that, your friend can't talk?"

"Yes, sure..." Powerful says, uncertainly.

"May I offer you a drink?"

"Yes, thank you."

The man calls the tavern boy and asks for a beer amphora. The boy looks at Powerful with interest.

"Hey..." the man whispers to Friend, "the tavern boy seems attracted by your friend. If he likes boys, that one is ready to do it."

"I think yes, but I don't know if the boy is his type." Friend answers.

"What are you plotting, you two?" Powerful then asks.

"Nothing..." Friend says.

"Tell him." the man says with a cunning smile.

"What?" Powerful, curious, insists.

"He says that the boy, who brought us the beer, seems attracted by you, and if you liked him..."

Powerful turns and looks, and notices that the boy is looking stealthily at him.

"No, he is not my type. Too young and feminine." Powerful says shrugging his shoulders.

"And what's your type?" the man, amused asks.

Powerful points at Friend: "Here, one like him. It's a pity that he is not game." says, with a sly smile.

"Ah, you prefer older boys? Then, there is the other tavern boy, his name is Trust. Do you want me to call him?"

"But, why do you take so much interest in my finding a boy?"

"Here in our village we are hospitable with foreigners. Hey, you aren't thinking perhaps that I am a go-between?" the man says, with an offended air.

"No, sorry, I just am not used to it."

"Why, would you tell me, that you never went into a tavern or an inn to look for a girl or a boy? Especially, when you were a soldier?"

"I didn't think that also in small villages..." Powerful, confused, stutters.

"Here, at least, they don't do it for a gift, it is real hospitality. But all the tavern or inn keepers hire only available staff, to increase their business. Villages are not different from towns, believe me. It's just that here, they possibly are less greedy. It's evident that you two don't travel too much. So, do you want me to call Trust, or not?"

"Bah..." Powerful says, uncertain.

Friend is amused, seeing Powerful's confusion. The man calls Trust: it is a boy around twenty years old, with a gentle but virile beauty. Friend sees that Powerful is attracted by the young man.

"Your name is Trust?"


"A nice name, are you really trustworthy?" the Emperor asks.

"If I wasn't, it will not be me to tell it, no?" the youth answers with an amused smile.

Friend and the man laugh, and soon, Powerful joins the laughter.

"How can I help you?" the youth asks.

The man makes a gesture with his hand, like to say it is nothing important: "I just wanted you to meet these two travellers. They will stop here, tonight."

"Ah, I see. I hope they have a good rest. If you need me..." the young man says and leaves, but after throwing an eloquent glance to Powerful.

"Yes, your friend made a hit. Actually he is a handsome man, he could even pass for a noble man." the man says to Friend.

Friend laughs heartily: "A noble man, him? No way! Anyway he is skilled in imitating the nobles, you know?"

The tavern keeper warns that it is closing time. The man tells them good night and leaves. Friend and Powerful go upstairs to the common room, where they lay on two neighbouring beds.

Powerful whispers: "It is all so strange, so new to me. Here too, is in force a kind of etiquette, even if it's different from the one at the Palace. For instance, what does one do here, if he desires a boy?"

"He just tells the inn keeper, so that a meeting could be arranged."

"Really? As simple as that?"

"Yes. Do you want to go to ask for Trust?"

"I'm almost tempted..."

"Do you like him?"

"I'm attracted..."

"Then, go now, before they go to bed..." Friend suggests.

Powerful leaves his bed and goes downstairs. Friend doesn't see him return, and the next morning, when he wakes up, Powerful's bed is still empty. Friend goes downstairs. After awhile, he watches Powerful return.

"So?" he at once asks him, and notices that Trust has also arrived and starts to work.

"I had an incredible night. That boy is hot, like a full Summer afternoon. We didn't really sleep, all night. I felt like I couldn't get enough of him... He really knows all the tricks. He knows how to keep awake a man's lust, and then how to satisfy it..."

"Good. So, what do you want to do, now? Do you want to look for another village?"

"No... Trust made me promise that tonight, I will be here..."

"Then, he too enjoyed you."

"Why, did you doubt it?" Powerful, cunningly asks.

"No, sure... Anyway, you enjoyed him very much, then."

"He is... I'm not able to find the words, he is a force of nature. You see him, so calm, quiet... in bed he is completely different. He makes you feel desired, important, he makes you feel the most sensual man in the world. Do you think he is that way with everybody?"

"What do you think? Did he ask you to stay longer?"

"Yes, he begged me..."

"So, then..."

All day long, they stroll and chat with the village people. Powerful is fascinated with a thousand things.

"I didn't know that my people lived this way. I have to go around more often, clothed as a servant, having them call me Squirrel."

"You told that to Trust? That your name is Squirrel?"


"Then I have to call you by the same name."

"Sure. I like this name, more than my own."

At evening, after closing time, Powerful again withdraws with Trust.

The following morning he tells Friend: "He asked me to stay longer. I told him I can't, so he asked me if I would come again to this village. I said him I didn't know, and he seemed really sorrowful..."

"Would you like to come back here?"

"Yes. He likes me, do you understand, me Squirrel, not the Emperor. He likes me very much."

"And you?"

"I like him very much, too."

"Then, try to come back here, no? At my place you can always find Squirrel's clothes. Gift will be glad to give them to you."

"But, it will, and can never, became a serious thing."

"For a start, you can just enjoy it, right?"

"Possibly you are right. It is a great feeling, to be desired as a person and not for the role you have. Up to now, only with you, have I been able to feel that way."

Powerful comes back to visit Friend, and together they return to the tavern to meet Trust. Friend asks himself if the youth is, for Powerful, just a passing fancy or something more serious. True, the Emperor feels strongly attracted by the tavern boy, and starts to bring him small presents. And once, re-emerging in the morning from his encounter with Trust, Powerful says to Friend:

"Last night Trust told me that he wants to become my boyfriend! He asked me if I could have him hired by our master, so that he can stay near me, with me. He said that he doesn't want to see me just once in a while, and that he always thinks about me..."

"Hey, you've conquered him! Would you like to have him as a lover?"

"I think so. But my problem is: once he discovers who I really am, wouldn't he change? Wouldn't that go to his head? Wealth, power, often make people change, for the worst."

"Or make people run away..."

"One case or the other..."

"What do you think you want to do, then?"

"I don't know. He also says that working here, he has to occasionally please other clients, and that he doesn't want to do that any more, now that he knows me. He insists so much, telling me that he wants to come to work with us..."

"And what did you tell him?"

"That I don't know if it will be possible. That I will talk with our master. Just to gain some time. But I really don't know what to do..."

Friend thinks about it, then suggests to Powerful: "Listen, we can do something. We can tell him that it was a lie, that we are not really two servants, but two aristocrats, and that you cannot bring him with you because you are married and your wife is incredibly jealous. But that you want him for only for yourself. He can become a servant in my home, where you will come to meet him."

"Yes, but then?"

"So I can observe him and see, for instance, if the fact he is the lover of an aristocrat, makes him assume a superiority behaviour towards the other servants of the home. Especially, if we tell him that he is your servant, and not mine. Do you see? And Gift and Noon can also study him up closer, even better than we could..."

"But, will he not discover who I am?"

"The four of us will never tell him. When you come to see us, you have only to not to wear the Imperial emblems. We will all continue to call you Squirrel, also Gift and Noon, to keep up the game. What do you think?"

"It could be interesting. And then?"

"If he passes this test, we will tell him that you are in fact a very important aristocrat. In the end, if you see that he is really what you hope he is, you can take him at your Palace without any worries. Don't you think so?"

"Perhaps... Yes, thank you. It could work. But, at your home, even if he doesn't know I am the Emperor, he will understand you are the First Councillor."

"Well, we will tell him that instead you are just a provincial aristocrat, not important, of the minor nobility. But for that, you will have to... to bow to me..."

Powerful heartily laughs: "Sure, why not? Let's do as you suggest!"

Before leaving the village, Powerful calls the youth and says: "Trust, we have to leave, now."

"Will you come again? Will you ask your master?"

"Well, you see, I really like you. But I have to tell you something... We two, in reality, are not really servants. We are two noble men. At times we put on these clothes, just to relax, to amuse ourselves."

"Noble men? Are you pulling my leg?"

"No, Trust. We have no intention of mocking you..." Friend says.

"I... oh, forgive me, noble Squirrel, I didn't know..."

"I like you very much, Trust. I would like to have you as my lover." Powerful says.

"Are you serious, noble Squirrel?" the young man says, in confusion.


"Then... why don't you take me as your servant? I will be faithful, devoted. Take me away from here! Take me with you!"

"I would like that very much, but I'm married and my wife is very jealous. That's why I go around in disguise like this. I could not keep you in my house as a lover."

"Oh... But you can have me accompany you on these travels you do, so, at least some times we can..." the youth says, half way between daring and shy.

"But at home, I certainly could not treat you as a lover. Anyway, in the long run, my wife will notice that you are always the only one to come with me, and..."

At this point Friend intervenes: "Take him as your servant like he asks, but instead of taking him at your home, he can remain at my home, my guest, so that, when you come to visit me, you can meet him without any problems."

" Would you really do this for me, noble Friend?"

"Yes, Squirrel, really willingly."

"Trust, do you accept this solution?"

"Oh yes, sure!" the youth radiantly says.

So Trust tells the tavern keeper that he is leaving. Friend precedes them, to prepare the people at his house for their part in the story. Sky, Noon and Gift accept, amused. A short while later, Powerful and Trust arrive. A bed is assigned to Trust. During the night, Powerful takes the youth into his room, where they again make love. Then in the morning, hiding his Imperial clothes and emblems in a bundle, and wearing Sky clothes, Powerful bids farewell to everyone and goes back to the nearby town, where his escort is waiting for him.

Trust, when Powerful has left, asks to talk with Friend: "I thank you from bottom of my heart, noble Friend, for what you are so kindly doing for me. Tell me, how I can be useful to you, please, you may consider me at your complete disposal."

"Trust, you are not my servant, but Squirrel's servant."

"Yes, but while I live here, what can I do to earn the hospitality you are giving me?"

"I'm doing this for my friend Squirrel. Anyway, if you want to make yourself useful, ask Gift, what you can do. He is the one running this house."

"Certainly, noble Friend."

The youth smoothly becomes part of the household. All day long, he busies himself with keeping everything clean. He carries out anything they ask of him, and not only Friend or Sky, but also Gift and Noon, promptly and always with a smile on his face. When Flower and Gazelle arrive, Friend warns them of the story they maintain for Powerful and Trust. The two women find this the most amusing thing they ever heard.

One evening Gazelle calls Trust: "I would like you to spread this unguent on my body, I feel so tired. Come into my room." She says and takes the young man into her bedroom. While he massages her body with the unguent, Gazelle says with languishing eyes: "I like you, Trust. Come away with me. Not as a servant, but as my lover. I can have you adopted by my family, the Monkey family. So you can come with me to the beau monde..."

"I am just a servant, madam. One of the common people. You honour me too much."

"But I want you... Don't you like me?"

"You are very beautiful, madam. But I belong to the noble Squirrel, I cannot."

"You are not his slave, right? And also, you will not be a servant with me."

"I prefer being the noble Squirrel's servant, madam, forgive me."

"But he is a lesser noble! I can make you almost his peer. I'm rich, with me you can have all the comforts, and even all the honours."

"I thank you very much, madam, but I ask you not to insist. I cannot. Don't be angry with me."

It is Noon who proposes the second test and all agree. One morning when the two youths are alone at home, Noon lets Trust understand that he desires him.

"Nobody is at home. We can take advantage of that to amuse ourselves a little..."

"Noon, you are a really agreeable boy, gentle and handsome. But I belong to the noble Squirrel who graciously gives me his attentions. I cannot."

"But you meet him so seldom! Don't you desire to have some pleasure?"

"Desire? Yes, I have a lot of it, but I'm keeping it for my Lord."

"At the tavern, you didn't have so many problems, from what I hear."

"On the contrary, I did, after I fell in love with the noble Squirrel."

"Are you in love with him?"

"I never was in love with anybody before him. He is beautiful, like the sun, strong, gentle and passionate. Everybody should have to fall in love with him! Don't insist, Noon. I thank you, but don't insist, please."

And it is Gift who thinks up a new test: "Trust, I always feel uneasy giving orders to you. You are not one of this house's servants, and moreover you are the lover of the noble Squirrel..."

"I'm just a servant, and you are the senior servant in this house, therefore it is just logical that you give me orders, when my master is not here. I live in this house, with you. Please, don't make me feel a stranger, a parasite. Your orders are always welcome."

"But I am just a servant, you are a noble man's lover..."

"But I too, am just a servant, Gift! Where is the problem?"

When Powerful is back, they tell him all these facts and Powerful is deeply pleased. Now it has been several months that he knows Trust. He is more and more in love with the youth. Trust loves Powerful with sheer passion and full devotion. So, one night, after making love, Powerful tells him:

"I feel I love you very much, my dear Trust. I want to do something for you. Tell me, what do you desire?"

"To be yours forever, Squirrel."

"Yes, but what can I do for you? I really would like to do something to show you all my love."

"You are showing me all your love, coming here to see me. If just I could live at your side, even just as a slave... But as this is not possible..."

"It would probably become possible. If for instance I asked a friend of mine, like Sky, to adopt you, I could have you in my home as an assistant in my affairs, and I could bring you with me at the ceremonies and festivals, at my side. And you could have your servants and slaves..."

"I, my Lord? I never could pass for a noble man! No, I am comfortable as I am. I don't want to become your peer, I want just to be yours. I would feel so ill at ease, acting the noble man..."

"But if this was what I desire?"

"If you really want it... for you I am ready to do anything. But I'm afraid to disappoint you. I am just a mountain boy..."

"But you are my lover."

"For your kindness, not for something that I earned."

"I will ask Sky and Friend to prepare you, so that you can stay at my side without giving a poor impression."

"As you wish, Squirrel." the youth murmurs.

So, Friend and Sky start Trust's transformation. But the young man, even learning all his lessons and applying himself with diligence, continues to carry out all the house works; exactly like before. Slowly, he learns reading and writing, to walk, greet, bow as an aristocrat. Sky teaches him how to handle the weapons. Even if the youth doesn't become a champion, he manages to become proficient in his ways. Powerful observes his progress with pleasure.

And he finally judges, that the time has come take the final step. He goes again to visit Friend and Sky, but this time he wears his Imperial clothes and emblems and waits for his Trust in the hall. Friend makes Trust wearing the noble's clothes and tells him:

"In the hall, is the Emperor, who comes to visit me. Now, you come with me to pay him homage."

"The Emperor? No, please! I am just a servant..."

"And everything we taught you? Show us now, what you really learned."

"But, noble Friend, in front of the Emperor..."

"You've never had problems with me, and yet you know that I am the First Councillor, second only to the Emperor."

"Yes, but it is different. I knew you, in disguise, and then I could become used to you slowly, mainly, knowing your goodness towards me..."

"I order you to come in the hall with me to pay homage to the Emperor." Friend says sternly, to win his resistance.

Trust bows: "If you order me, I cannot for surely disobey you, Lord. But I tremble just at the thought... Remain near me, I beg of you, noble Friend."

"Remember what I taught you: in front of the Emperor, behave like a noble man, not like a servant."

"But I am a servant, I am not a noble..."

"Just shortly, Trust, just shortly... but now, let's go, the Emperor is waiting, and it is not good to keep Him waiting."

When he enters in the hall, Trust has his eyes lowered and he deeply bows, trembling, so that he cannot see who he is in front of.

"My Lord, this is Trust, you asked to meet." Friend says smiling to Powerful.

The Emperor then says: "Come here, Trust, draw nearer to me!"

The young man recognizes the voice, rises his eyes and looks stupefied at Powerful: "Noble Squirrel, master! It is you! You wanted just to test me..." he says relieved, with a slightly confused smile.

"Yes, I wanted to test you. Come here, kneel in front of me."
Trust, serenely, obeys thinking it is some kind of play.

The Emperor places on his neck and chest the golden collar of the Thunderbolt Family: "I appoint you a noble of the Family of the Thunderbolt, my Trust. And I appoint you Assistant to the Imperial Rooms..." Trust looks without understanding. "This is not a game, my Trust. My name is not Squirrel, and these Imperial emblems belongs to me. And you, my lover, will come with me to Court and live at my side..."

Trust widens his eyes: "Lord, why are you mocking me?"

"I will never mock my lover, Trust."

"I knew you as a servant, then a lesser noble, and now Emperor... who are you really?"

"Your lover, Trust."

"This is the only one thing that I think I don't doubt, but..."

Then Sky says: "Trust, listen. He really is our Emperor. He loves you, but he couldn't know if you really were worthy of him. He needed to test you. The offer to come here, Gazelle's offer, Noon's temptation, Gift's speech, all were tests we submitted you to see what was your true nature, and you passed all the tests. Thanks to your sincere love for Powerful-Hymn-Sung-To-The-Eternal-Sun-God, our Emperor, that now you see in front of you. Powerful loves you, wants you at his side, forever."

Trust deeply prostrates himself on the floor, trembling, upset.

Powerful stands up, bends over him and makes him rise: "A noble man never prostrates in that way in front of his Emperor, a lover never prostrates himself this way in front of his beloved. Stand up, my Trust. Accept my love..."

"My Lord... my Lord..." Trust stutters, his eyes filled with tears, "I am just a son of the common people. How could I have found grace to your eyes?"

"Therefore, you don't want to be my lover?"

"How can I dare to say no to my Lord? I will be for you all you wish. I'm yours, body and soul." Trust again stutters.

Powerful embraces him. "Well, my friends, would you please celebrate with me and my lover, before we return to my Palace, in the Capital?"

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

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