Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 6, 2006


The boys made their way to the shower after a while, and managed to resist further serious assaults on each others trim bodies, limiting their contact to some mutual gropes, and grabs, as they let the refreshing water, and soap, rinse away the evidence of their heated coupling. Ryan felt some tenderness where he rightfully should have, and as much as they both had definite interest in another round, they demurred, thinking it wise to allow Ryan some recovery time. Dried, they slid on some shorts as a hedge against either parent's early return, and headed to the kitchen, both of them hungry, with the energy value of the recent big breakfast they had imbibed having been well spent.

They foraged the refrigerator, and cupboards, piecing together bits of this and that, and had soon slacked their hunger, and thirst. They cleaned up, and moved back to Ryan's room, and stretched out on the bed. Todd rolled onto his side, and gazed lustily into Ryan's eyes, as he idly ran a hand over Ryan's bare chest, and stomach. Ryan sighed contentedly, quivering slightly under Todd's light caresses, and, in spite of his earlier agreement that the recent sex was enough for one day, he felt his penis stiffen in his shorts, as Todd continued to lightly explore his torso. He smiled at Todd, sighed happily again, and said,

"You know, I think I always knew, at least deep down, that....this...is what I really wanted...needed...shit, dude, just look at me...I mean, you just...touch me, and, well...you get it..."

Todd chuckled, fully aware of Ryan's rapidly blooming erection , as well as his own, and he nodded, and replied,

"Yea...damn right, I get it...I get it, and I agree...this...is something I have been thinking about, like, forever...and now....after....well, dunno actually....its just so...what..?...special...amazing...and dude, there is never going to be a time that I don't want it...you....this...!"

With that proclamation, Todd allowed his wandering hand to slip lower, moving over the front of Ryan's now fully tented shorts, and his fingers danced over the rigid penis he encountered there, moving up and down its ample length, as Ryan all but purred in pleasure.

"Man, I don't know the words, even, to try to tell you how awesome I think your body is...your cock...your amazing ass...all of you...and....well...what happened before...me...you...fucking...jeez, dude...that is just so much more than I ever hoped for...and, that you liked it, too...is just...fuck...just amazing, is all...!" Todd managed, his hand busy manipulating Ryan's erection the whole time he was getting it said.

Ryan shared every thought, and word, that he heard Todd speaking, but his focus was suddenly centered on the incredible sensations that Todd's hand was invoking, and he wanted very much to share that, as well. He had kept these feelings, and desires, bottled up for too long, and, now that he had finally kicked open the closet door, he wanted to play catch-up, big time. He muttered some mostly inane remarks to Todd about feeling exactly the same way, then, quickly reached for Todd's shorts, tugging at them anxiously, as he managed to work them down his thighs, freeing Todd's own very stiff erection. Todd immediately surrendered the discussion as well, and followed Ryan's example, as he eagerly stripped Ryan's shorts, and tossed them onto the floor, before finishing what Ryan had started, then, tossed his own shorts away, as well. Both boys once again naked in all of their budding glory, they all but attacked each others lust filled body, hands, and lips seemingly everywhere, as they rolled, and grappled on the big bed.

Naturally enough, without any real planning, or direction, from either boy, they soon found themselves in a perfect 69 position on the bed, each hungrily feasting on the pulsing young cock of the other. Ryan was in absolute heaven, feeling Todd's meaty cock fill his mouth, and his plump balls nestled in his fingers, his senses reeling with how amazingly right this felt, how he strangely felt that he had been doing this forever, and, in his endless fantasies, he had, at least for a very long time. He savored the sense of fullness the rigid penis provided, and the smoothness of the throbbing stalk, as he moved his hungry mouth up and down its length. He loved the feel of the glassy smooth, almost spongy, actually, head, bumping the back of his throat, and the firm, blood filled veins that he slid his tongue over, and the smooth, gliding movement of the outer skin sliding over the rock hard shaft. He lapped hungrily at the tiny slit in the head each time he tasted the almond flavored fluids that he was coaxing ooz there, and flicked the tip of his tongue across the miniscule "v" of skin just at the underside of the place where the shaft flared into the smooth head, and he particularly loved hearing Todd's soft groans of pleasure, and excitement that the was the culmination of all these efforts.

Todd was on much the same page as Ryan, his senses keenly aware of every small nuance of Ryan's thickness plunging into his mouth, steadily spewing ribbons of the slippery, warm fluid of his pleasure, coating over his tongue, as he moved it over Ryan's cock. Even the dull ache he felt in his jaw was a pleasure, when considering its source, and the weight of his plump balls, as he gently tugged, them was simply amazing. He backed off slightly, releasing Ryan's cock from his mouth, and held its base, as he ran the flat of his tongue repeatedly over the oozing head, savoring its glassy smoothness, then, licked his way down to the soft, nearly hairless pouch of his scrotum, where he swabbed the plump sac with his tongue, as his fist moved steadily on Ryan's cock. He poked the tip of his tongue at each firm oval within the pouch, then, captured each in turn, sucking it, before trading off for its twin. Ryan emitted steady noises of pleasure, albeit somewhat muffled by Todd's rigid cock filling his sucking mouth. He tongued the taut sac a bit longer, then, used his hand to gently shift it aside slightly, allowing him access to press his tongue firmly into the lightly ridged tissue just behind Ryan's ball sac. The sweet scent of the recently applied soap flooded over him, balanced perfectly by Ryan's own fresh, natural scents, and made him dizzy with desire, as he worked his way back up the throbbing cock, and once more engulfed it into his mouth.

The room filled with the scents of their combined excitement, and growing sexual fervor, mingled with the scent of their lightly sweating bodies, and the sounds of their mutual moaning, and slurping, and the combination of scent, and sound were near overpowering, fueling the abject lust of the two teens. The whole event was simply too intense, and far too exciting, to draw out, especially considering the newness of it all, and the long awaited pleasure, and excitement it brought for both boys, and all too soon the unmistakable signs of eminent completion were there, right at the forefront of both lust filled boys. Ryan surrendered first, if only by a matter of seconds, his steely hard cock lurching strongly inside the silk-like sheath of Todd's soft mouth, as it flexed, and ejected forcefully, long, and repeated, strings of creamy semen flooding into Todd's mouth, and sliding down his rapidly gulping throat.

Mere seconds later, Todd's own penis swelled even thicker in Ryan's mouth, and exploded, his own forceful discharge spewing into Ryan's mouth repeatedly, as Ryan groaned deeply, and struggled to swallow the copious ejaculate as fast as it presented. Todd bucked his hips, thrusting into Ryan's mouth, as his balls drained, and he felt suddenly spent, and exhausted.

He opened his mouth then, and let Ryan's deflating penis slip from his lips, as he rolled to his back, extracting his own deflating penis from Ryan's mouth. Ryan too rolled over on his back, so that they lay side by side, chests heaving, as they strived for air, and the two spent boys grappled their hands, until they clasped tightly between their heaving young bodies, and they held on tightly to each other, secure in the knowledge that this, what they had mutually discovered, was indeed, something very special.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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