Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 28, 2006


Ryan came awake slowly, first cracking just one eye to peer at the digital clock on his night stand. He registered two facts nearly simultaneously, one being that the bedroom was cast in sunlight from behind the closed drape, and the other the fact that the clock showed it to be just past eight a.m. He rolled onto his back, and rearranged the pillow under his head, then blinked several times, clearing the sleep from his eyes. He stretched, extending his bare arms up over his head, and flexing his naked legs to their furthest stretch points, holding the flex a moment, before relaxing once more back into his mattress. He slid his hands under the smooth sheet that covered his nudeness, and ran his fingers over his smooth stomach, then, gripped his tumescent penis, stroking it lightly, as he let his mind replay the stunning events of the previous evening with Todd.

Man, he thought, that was an amazing turn of events, definitely. When he had begun his solitary and basically pissed-at-himself walk out the pier, the last thing he would have ever imagined happening was it ending up with him trading intense blow jobs with Todd. But, imagine it or not, that is exactly what had happened, and, as he replayed the scene in his mind, he knew that he had experienced a life-altering experience that was likely to change him forever.

His penis thickened, then grew fully erect in his hand, as he vividly recalled the incredible sensation of Todd taking it into his warm, wet mouth, and sucking it to a mind-bending orgasm, and then, recalled the equally intense sensation of returning the pleasure, as he had eagerly sucked Todd's formidable cock in turn. He giggled softly, running his fist gently up and down his rigid penis, and wished that Todd was here now, beside him, and naked in his bed. How he would love to slide under the soft sheet, and take that thick, teen boyhood into his mouth once again, and lovingly wake Todd with another stunning blow job, happily taking his morning load as a protein beginning to his day. He sighed deeply, dropping his hand down to cup his heavy scrotum, as he gently rolled his balls around in the smooth sac, savoring the waves of sensuous pleasure the gesture provided, as he firmly decided that this was it. No more bullshit, no more pretending at wanting sex with girls. Nope, he told himself, this, last night with Todd, is who you are, buddy-boy, no doubt about it. The word "gay" ran over his mind, and he frowned slightly, seriously disliking the label, as he disliked all labels and that one in particular. If his desire for, and enjoyment of, sex with other males had to have a label, he would much prefer the more-to-the-point phrases like "cocksucker," or even `queer," to being labeled "gay," which to him conjured up visions of limp-wristed girly-guys, all swishy, and silly, the kind of person that left him totally cold, and, certainly not anything like himself, or Todd.

As he continued to explore beneath the sheet, and again run the memory of last night through his mind, he really wanted to jack off, but, the building pressure in his bladder won out in the end, and he reluctantly released his pride and joy, and rolled into a sitting position on the edge of the bed, his feet going to the carpeted floor. He looked down, chuckling at the serious tent his erection was causing where it poked against the sheet, and he leaned back slightly, thrusting his hips, as he called softly,

"Todd...hey, baby...looks what I've got for you...!"

Still chuckling, he stood, the sheet dropping away to reveal his nakedness, his tight, toned body smooth and taut, and his throbbing erection standing strong off his groin at a sharp angle. He looked down at it, and flexed the rigid stalk a few time, before moving to his dresser, where he chose clean briefs, socks, and a tee shirt. From the next drawer, he selected a pair of cargo shorts, shut the drawer, and moved to his bedroom door. He opened it a little, and peered out into the hallway, not really expecting to see anyone, given that his bedroom, and bath, was actually in a wing of the house separate from the other bedrooms, and separated by all other rooms. Still, he thought with a chuckle, it wouldn't do to freak out his Mom by a hallway confrontation with her very naked, and very erect, son. Not this early in the day, at least, he chuckled, as he moved across the hall into the bath, and closed the door.

Ryan brushed his teeth, then, did a close visual inspection of his boyish face in the mirror, deciding that today was not going to be one of the two times a week he needed to shave. He turned on the water in the stall shower, and adjusted the temperature, then, slipped into the stall, and stood beneath the pulsing spray, idly soaping his smooth, lean body. As he worked a sudsy hand over his penis, and balls, he grew fully erect once more, and he gripped his turgid shaft firmly, sliding his slippery hand back and forth over its length. His mind wandered once more back to the beach parking lot, and Todd, and he clearly visualized the very good looking boy on his knees before him, his lush mouth gliding hungrily over his steely hard cock, as his hand manipulated his heavy balls. He shuddered, fast forwarding his feverish brain to the turn-around, and he now saw himself on bended knees, eagerly devouring Todd's thick cock, and swallowing his copious load of creamy semen. His balls drew tight in his swinging scrotum, and his cock spasmed in his stroking fist, as a long rope of thick cum ejected from his pulsing cock, and splattered wetly onto the stall wall. The second, third, and fourth, thick strings rapidly followed, then, his penis softened, and reduced its discharge to small dribbles, as the intense orgasm waned, and Ryan sagged against the cool, wet tiles, his breathing ragged, and shallow.

As his breathing returned to normal, Ryan stared at the long strings of thick cum that slowly drizzled down the wall, and chuckled, as he reached up to the shower head, and aimed the water toward the slimed wall, quickly eradicating the evidence of his powerful ejaculation. He moved back under the spray once more, and repeated the soaping of his now very relaxed young body, then rinsed, and got out of the shower. He toweled off, checking out his athletic body in the large wall mirror, and did a silly little hip swivel move, causing his meaty penis, and balls, to sway back and forth between his smooth and hairless thighs, and he chuckled again, as he turned to check out his tight little ass in the mirror, as well. Not half bad, he decided, not bad at all, might just be something that Todd-boy would find interesting sometime, once he got past the novelty of the front-end equipment.

Returning to his bedroom, Ryan began dressing in the clothes selections he had made earlier, his mind preoccupied still with thoughts of his rather cute ass, and his recent thoughts of what it might be like to try some of the ass play he had been checking out on the internet. He was more than a little intrigued with the idea of someone actually touching him there, and was even further intrigued by the countless photos he had perused depicting men, and boys, fingering, and even licking, another males asshole, and actually fucking them, as well. His mind pictured Todd's ample penis sliding into his snug furrow, and he shuddered, feeling his penis thicken inside his boxers at the thought. He forcibly turned off the train of thought, and left his room, dressed now, and suddenly very hungry, as he made his way toward the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he found a note from his Mother, and picked it up, reading that she, and his Dad, had needed to leave early, she for an all day charity event hosted by her woman's club, and his Dad for a golf tournament. The note indicated that neither parent would return until after dinner, and that she had left $20.00 on the counter for him to feed himself lunch, and dinner. Ryan quickly pocketed the twenty, and retrieved a carton of orange juice from the refrigerator, then filled a large glass with the cool juice, and drank it down. He grabbed a banana from the always filled fruit basket on the counter, and peeled it, as he moved to the phone, which had begun sounding its silly, musical ring-tone that his Mother had downloaded onto it; some whimpy tune that she favored, which was undoubtedly older than he was. He snatched up the offending instrument, mercifully ending the lame lament, and said hello.

"Hey, hot-stuff....it's me, Todd...did I wake you up, or...?" came the resonate voice of his last nights amazing partner.

"Nope....up, and showered...foraging for nourishment, actually." Ryan replied.

"Awww, man....you showered without me...?....damn...!"

Ryan chuckled, aware that his penis was reacting to the sudden vision of Todd joining him in the shower, and it being Todd's hand working him to orgasm, rather than his own. He cradled the phone under his chin, and moved his hand to adjust his growing penis in his shorts, and he said,

"Well, dude...I looked, but didn't see you anyplace, so...had to just, um, handle things... on my own...course, I could always take another shower, if you wanna come over...?"

Todd chuckled, and replied,

"Don't tempt me buddy-boy...I can actually think of a lot of pretty fun things that would probably come up, if I did that...!"

Ryan laughed, and realized that he was nodding his head in agreement, then, looked at the banana that he had all but forgotten in his hand. He giggled softly, and brought the banana to his lips, and extended his tongue to lap at the smooth end of the firm fruit, imagining it to be the satin smooth head of Todd's cock. He groaned softly, and slid the ripe, smooth fruit into his mouth, and sucked it gently, closing his eyes, and all but tasting the smooth skin of Todd's cock on his tongue.

Todd heard the soft groan, and the following silence, at Ryan's end of the line, and he furrowed his brow, trying to determine what might be going on at the other end of the phone line, as he asked,

"Dude....what..?...you ok over there...what's up...?"

Ryan moved the banana in and out of his mouth, savoring it's slick softness, and the smooth texture of the fruit sliding over his tongue, and he pressed it fully into his mouth, sensing the slightly pointed head of it pushing at the soft tissue of his throat, as he worked it in and out, stirring up enough saliva to have it be an audible slurping sound that translated into the telephone, so that Todd heard it.

"Jesus Ry...what the fuck...?...you sound like...well...shit...it sounds like you are...sucking...?"

Ryan giggled around the slightly mushy banana still boring into his mouth, then, bit through it, and moved the crumbling fruit around with his curled tongue, as he managed to mumble into the phone,

"Really...?.....so, dude, you remember that sound, huh...cool...actually though, I'm just sorta...uh...practicing, I guess....I'm actually eating a banana, dude...and, thinking of you, of course...!"

Todd cracked up laughing, his mind quickly visualizing Ryan "practicing" on a banana, but, funny, or not, the idea created an instant reaction in his penis, which quickly swelled to erection at the thought.

Recovering, Todd said, "Look dude...I mean, I'm all for practice making perfect, and all, but seriously, dude...no need to up your calorie intake like that...hell, I'll give you all of the practice you want with zero calories...maybe, like, a ton of protein, but....no calories at all..!"

Ryan swallowed the remaining banana, gagging slightly between giggles, then, replied,

"That, my man, is the best, if only, offer I have had so far today...and, I will happily take you up on it, too....but...only after some serious breakfast...out...how about I come pick your sorry ass up, and take you over to Terry's Place for some of her killer calories....then...we can come back here...nobody home all day....and, see about that protein stuff...?"

Todd gave his burgeoning penis another squeeze, nodded his head as if Ryan could see him, and replied, very simply,

That, dude....actually, all of that...sounds perfect...even the calories, if you are going to insist...so, how soon can I expect you, then...?"

Ryan chuckled, and replied,

"Actually, you should prolly already be outside your house....!" And he hung up the phone, hurrying out to his car, eager now to be finished with breakfast, and...well...even more eager to pursue the issue of protein...

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

(Author note: Kind of a short, teaser chapter...more soon...always interruptions...sigh...many thanks for all of your kind email on this little tale...all writers love that, and, I'm no different!)

Next: Chapter 4

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