Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Nov 21, 2006


Summer was all too quickly waning, as is so often the case when ones life is suddenly filled with amazing new adventure, and exquisite pleasures, such as Ryan had enjoyed over the course of this particular summer. As he sat on his beach towel absorbing the late ray's of sunshine, staring absently at the gently breaking surf, he reflected on the past few weeks, and smiled to himself, at his clever sorting, and balancing, that had allowed him to further his new-found sexual exploits with both Todd, and Devon, without either having a clue regarding the other.

He had briefly toyed with the idea of confessing, when the rather exciting possibility of setting up a threesome had crossed his mind, but, as intriguing as that idea was, he was afraid of the likelihood that either, or both, of them would not accept the idea of sharing his body with the other, and, as a result of the suggestion going badly, he could end up loosing both in the end. He giggled at that particular choice of words, given that both Todd, and Devon, had made good use of his "end," or "ends," more the point, on numerous occasions, and, he damned sure wasn't about to risk having them get pissy about each other, and loose interest in fucking him.

No, he decided, better to leave things as they were, and continue his little juggling act between the two, keeping everyone, especially himself, happy thinking they had an exclusive relationship going.

That decided, Ryan dragged himself out of his reverie, and focused on the rapidly setting sun, as it began its daily sinking toward the horizon of the blue Pacific. He got to his feet, and moved off across the still warm sand toward the gentle surf, and paused, as the foamy water surrounded his ankles on its endless surge toward the beach, then, tugged at his feet with the pressure of the ebbing tide rolling back to the sea. Time for one last dip, he decided, and waded deeper into the swell, until the surging surf lapped a this chest, and he plunged headlong into a curl, surfacing on the far side, as it continued its timeless roll toward shore. He took several strong strokes away from the beach, his muscled arms, and shoulders pulling his lithe body through the currents, then, stopped, and treaded water, as he gazed back toward the white sand beach. His body bobbed in the gentle swells as they washed around him, and he savored the beauty of the beach, and breaking waves, as the setting sun washed over them in a soft, yellow-tinted glow. He was once more reminded of his deep love of the ocean, and the beach, and of just how complete his life had become over the course of this summer, as he had finally allowed his carefully guarded desires to surface, and become a very real, and amazing, part of his life. This, he knew, would forever be the summer of his sexual awakening, and discovery, and, he would remember always in perfect detail.

He sucked in a breath, and held it, as he let himself sink below the rolling swells, then, kicked out, and began his power swim back toward the beach. As he reached proximity to the shore, he settled, and let his feet sink into the water, until he felt the compacted sand under him, and stood, finishing his trek to the shore by walking up onto the beach, then, back to his towel. He scooped it up, and shook the sand free, then, toweled off, and wrapped the towel around his wet swim trunks. He gathered up his shorts, and tee shirt, then, slipped into his flip-flops, and headed off toward the parking lot, and his car.

As he opened the car door, he noted movement in his peripheral vision, and looked to his left, spotting none other than Brett, the surfer-come-waiter from The Landing that he had hooked up with kind of on impulse a few weeks ago, following his under the pier tryst with Devon. Brett was descending the stairs from the outdoor deck of the restaurant, apparently headed for his car. Ryan reached inside his car, and leaned briefly on the horn, then, gaining Brett's attention, he raised his hand in a wave. Brett lifted his arm, shielding his eyes from the low-lying sun behind Ryan, then, a wide smile crossed his face, as he returned the wave, and altered his course, ambling across the sandy asphalt toward Ryan.

"Hey, hot-stuff...how cool is this...?...how the hell...and, for that matter, where the hell...have you been, stud...?" Brett asked, bumping fists with the widely grinning Ryan.

"Hey, yourself...studly...how's things...?...I been around...just haven' seen you, is all..." Ryan replied.

Brett chuckled, his gaze flickering over Ryan from wet and tousled hair, to sand coated feet, and back again, lingering just briefly at the sodden towel that wrapped his waist, before slowly relishing his smooth, bare chest, and dark puffy nipples. Ryan felt the wave of warmth wash over him, as Brett's gaze left little to the imagination, and he knew he was blushing, as various sordid thoughts crossed his mind.

"Looking mighty good, dude....definitely mighty good...I especially love the new hairdo, by the way...kind of the dredged-in-salt-water thing....nice...could be, like, a whole new trend, you know...?" he teased, his killer smile piercing straight to Ryan's balls.

Ryan laughed, lifting an arm, and running his fingers through his matted hair, as he replied,

"Actually it's more of the just-had-the-last swim-of-the-day thing...but whatever...I'm happy you noticed..."

Brett once more pointedly dropped his eyes to bore in on Ryan's towel-clad crotch, the look causing a slight thickening of Ryan's penis, as he again felt the twinge deep in his balls, as Brett said, his inference crystal clear,

"Oh, I noticed...am noticing, actually...and, like I said,....looking good, dude...you, uh...got time to drop by my place for a beer, or whatever...I'd like to...see you...again...?"

Ryan felt his penis go fully hard then, and he glanced quickly down to see if it was obvious, which it pretty much was, then, blushed deeper, as he stammered,

"Um...yea...well, I'd like that, too...obviously...but, I'm, like, all sandy, and salty, actually...maybe after a shower...?"

Todd continued to stare at Ryan's now very tented towel wrap, then, lifted his gaze to meet Ryan's eyes, as he winked, and said,

"Well then, how about both...a shower...and a beer...I mean, my place has a perfectly good shower...and a fridge full of cold ones...and hell, if your lucky...I might even offer to wash your back, you know...?"

Ryan felt his penis twitch, and again the tingling in his balls, as he flushed warmly, and nodded his head, mumbling,

"Now that, is an offer that is seriously hard to pass up...all of them, actually...lead the way, dude, and I'm there...!"

Brett smiled the killer grin again, nodding, as he said,

"Excellent...you remember, right...?....in case you miss a light, or something...?"

Ryan took a turn at nodding, as he grinned, still blushing, and answered,

"Oh, I definitely...remember...definitely...!"

Brett chuckled softly glancing around to ensure no passersby were lurking near, then, extended his hand, and subtly groped Ryan's swollen penis briefly, as he said,

"Hmmm....me too...most definitely...see you at the ranch, hot-stuff...and...be sure and bring...this...along, hmm...?"

With that, Brett turned, and jogged off toward his car, leaving a now very aroused Ryan shivering in his tracks. He shook his head, and adjusted is now throbbing penis in his soggy trunks, then, quickly slid into his car, started it up, and followed Brett out of the parking lot. His erection never wavered during the short trip to Brett's apartment building, and, as he again climbed out of the car, his erection led the way to Brett's door, and inside, as Brett opened the door. Once inside, Brett toed the door closed, and reached out to pull Ryan close, his arms encircling his slender body, as he kissed him, his tongue invading Ryan's now hungry mouth. Ryan moaned softly, eagerly sucking on Brett's tongue, as he eased his body against him, subtly grinding his erection into Brett's crotch.

They held the kiss, tongues dueling back and forth, as Brett let his hands wander over Ryan's smooth back, and down, until he was firmly gripping the firm mounds of Ryan's supple ass, as he tugged the towel free from his waist, and let it drop to the floor. Ryan groaned again, humping himself against Brett, as he savored the feel of Brett's hands working his ass, as Brett broke the kiss, and muttered,

"God, you kiss good, Ryan...hell, you do everything good...come on, babe...beer, and bath time...yummy...!"

Releasing his hold on Ryan's ass, Brett gripped one hand, and led Ryan through the apartment, passing through the kitchen to grab two beers from the fridge, then, down the short hallway to the bathroom. Inside, he leaned into the shower stall, and cranked on the water spray, then, turned back to Ryan. He paused a moment, his eyes drifting over Ryan's lithe torso, and lingering again on his tented trunks, then, he settled onto the commode lid to his left, and tugged Ryan to stand before him, as he handed him an open beer. Ryan took it, and tipped it up, drinking deeply, as Brett hooked his fingers into the elastic band at Ryan's waist, and quickly stripped the sodden trunks to the floor. Ryan's erection snapped free, angling sharply upward against his groin, as he shuddered, then, shuddered again, as Brett reached out to gently cup his scrotum in his palm, cradling his heavy balls.

"Hmm...lovely...just lovely...and all for me...and hell, I'll say it again...looking good, babe...looking really good...!" he cooed.

Ryan gasped at the contact, and his knees buckled slightly, as the sensation of Brett's hand jostling his balls coursed over him. Brett chuckled softly, as he stood, and closed his fingers around the pulsing shaft of Ryan's cock, and he tugged gently, leading him to the running shower, and nudging him into the stall, as he lightly slapped at the taut little globes of his butt. Ryan stepped into the stall, and turned, watching, as Brett quickly doffed his polo shirt, and shorts, then the small, blue briefs that he wore, and kicked off his sandals, leaving his muscular body fully naked, his own very erect cock standing nearly straight out from his lightly haired groin. Ryan let his eyes lock hungrily onto the long, tapered penis, and the full, dangling ball sac below, and he gulped, desire filling his body. He lifted his arms, and extended them toward Brett, as he stepped back to make room, and said,

"Did I hear something about washing me...?"

Brett smiled his hi-watt grin, and nodded, as he stepped into the stall, and pulled Ryan's naked body against his own, and held him close, his hands once more capturing the perfect globes of his pretty ass, and stroking them, as he mumbled,

"You did hear that....and...I will, too...going to make every inch of this hot, young body squeaky clean, and then...I intend to lick every inch of it too...and suck it...and...fuck it till you beg me to stop...!"

Ryan shuddered, desire, and pure lust, flowing through him like his blood supply, as he sighed, and mumbled,


Brett chuckled, slipping his index finger between the firm mounds of Ryan's ass to probe his small pucker, as he pulled him closer, and said, just before he kissed him again, he told him,

"Count on it babe...take it all to the bank...no stopping...till you beg for it...!"

Their kisses were seemingly endless, escalating in depth, and passion, as their hands were everywhere on each others nakedness. They passed the shower gel back and forth, working the slick substance over each others heated skin, turning the slippery gel into mounds of thick lather, as they covered each other in the foamy suds, the soaping being merely an excuse to touch every particle of each others body, and searing hot skin. Their open mouths clamped together, as tongues passed back and forth, and soapy fists gripped rigid erections, and cradled dangling balls, and slick fingers probed between smooth ass cheeks, and eventually, Brett settled to his knees on the tile floor of the shower stall, and turned Ryan to lean forward against the side wall, as he gripped the stunning globes of his perfect ass, and parted them. He deftly slid his extended tongue into the tight little crease, and ran it down to the wrinkled little prize that lurked there, as Ryan groaned, and parted his legs widely. Brett dug his tongue into the tiny pucker, driving through the ring of muscle there, to inch its way right inside, moving in and out, as his hand circled Ryan's slim waist, and gripped his turgid penis, stroking it, as he tongue-fucked his tight little hole over and over.

Unable to wait any longer, Brett grabbed the bottle of shower gel, and squirted a large dollop of the thick, slippery fluid over Ryan's flexing entrance, then, added more to his throbbing cock, as he tossed it aside, and quickly pulled Ryan's body down to sit astride him, as he leaned back against the cool wet tiles. Ryan bent his knees, and lowered his pretty little ass, as Brett centered his rigid cock with Ryan's small treasure, and Ryan settled his weight, slowly but steadily engulfing Brett's thick cock into his slippery rectum, until he had it all. He paused, shuddering, as he adjusted to the fullness, and pressure that filled him, as Brett gripped, and worked his own pulsing erection from behind. Ryan groaned, tightening his anal muscles to clamp firmly on Brett's powerful erection, and began moving up and down its impressive length. He sucked in air, and held it, savoring once more the feeling of being filled to capacity with the rock hard cock, then, found his rhythm, and began steadily riding Brett, who matched his strokes with his hand on Ryan's drooling cock.

On and on it went, the small space of the shower stall filled with the sounds of their passion, small grunts, and groans of pleasure, intermixed with the cascading water, and the slapping of their wet, naked flesh, as Ryan continued to ride Brett's plunging cock, and Brett continued to stroke Ryan from behind. Brett shifted under him slightly, his free hand moving up to his chest, to stroke, and pinch at his puffy nipples, as Ryan let his head roll back on his neck, and roll side to side, the added sensation of the nipple stimulation driving him closer to the edge. Brett worked the swollen nipples more, his other hand a steady blur of movement, as he stroked Ryan's oozing erection, and he could feel the tell-tale sensation of his own approaching climax deep down in his balls as the tightly gripping sheath of Ryan's ass clung to his rigid cock.

Brett felt Ryan's rigid cock spasm in his grip, and, if possible, grow even harder, and Ryan released a deep, guttural, groan, as he clenched his inner muscles tightly on his driving cock, and Ryan erupted, his cock jumping strongly in Brett's fist, as his creamy cum spewed forth in rapid bursts, spraying in long streaks over his thighs, and drizzling down over his balls. The added tightness of Ryan's velvet smooth tunnel quickly brought Brett to the edge, and beyond, as his own penis throbbed deep inside Ryan's bowel, and exploded, as he ejected repeated volleys of creamy semen, flooding Ryan's narrow passage, so that the overflow seeped past his now wilting erection, and oozed out of Ryan with an audible squishing sound, as Brett continued to pump into him.

Spent, and gasping, Brett released his tight hold on Ryan's trembling body, and Ryan lifted up slightly, ejecting Brett's spent penis from his ass, as he rolled over on his side, pulling Brett with him, so that Brett ended up spooned against him, wrapping his arms around him, as he held him, his labored breathing warm against his back. They rested there, recovering their normal breathing, then, separated, and shakily got to their feet, moving back under the warm shower to rinse away the evidence of their frantic coupling, Brett leaned in and kissed Ryan, his tongue once more stabbing into his mouth, as Ryan sucked it, and returned the passion of the kiss, giving as good as he was getting. Finally, the warm water gave way to cold, and they stepped out of the stall, toweling each others body with the large, fluffy towels that Brett had laid out. That accomplished, they padded into Brett's bedroom, and stretched out on the bed, talking softly, and lightly touching whatever parts of their naked bodies that was handy.

The afterglow of their shower-fuck, and the warm quietness of the room, lulled them both to tiredness, and they napped briefly, still cuddled together. Brett woke first, slightly startled, until he got his bearings, and smiled at the still snoozing Ryan. He let his eyes roam over the naked teen, savoring every inch of the handsome boy, and especially his pretty penis, flaccid, and harmless now in repose, as it lay across Ryan's smooth scrotum. He extended his index finger, and gently probed the soft missile, relishing its smoothness, and marveling at its ability to appear so cute, and boyish, in it's soft state. He ran his fingertip over the satin smooth little helmet, and stabbed at the tiny slit there, as Ryan stirred, and fluttered his eyes open. He looked down, seeing Brett fingering the head of his cock, and chuckled, as Brett shifted his gaze upward to look into his dark eyes. He smiled, and Brett flashed his killer grin, as Ryan flushed, and said,

"Wow, dude....look...you wore it all out...jeez...I hope its not broke, or something....!"

Brett laughed, and took a firmer grip on Ryan's penis, stroking it gently, as it instantly responded, and began to unfurl in Brett's grip. Brett laughed again, shaking his head, as he replied,

"Not in this life, sonny-boy...no way...hell, it's waking up again, already...!"

Ryan watched shyly, as his penis rapidly inflated, hardening, and lengthening under Brett's touch. He moaned softly, as Brett moved his fingertip back and forth over the glassy smooth head, then moaned again, as Brett leaned down, and slid the pulsing stalk into his warm mouth, sucking it. Ryan's fingers slid into Brett's soft hair, as he laid back, and watched Brett's head move up and down as he suckled his cock.

"Oh God, Brett...oh man...that's so damn good...umm...!" he hissed, clenching his teeth, as the incredible sensations washed over him.

Warming to his task, and encouraged by Ryan's reaction, Brett adjusted slightly, stretching his legs out, as he maneuvered into Ryan's lap, and circled the now rock hard penis with his finger, and thumb, stroking the base, as his mouth glided over the shaft, and head. He placed his free hand on the smooth skin of Ryan's inner thigh, lightly running his fingers over the pale skin, moving upward to the juncture of leg with groin, then, inward, to run his fingers over Ryan's nearly hairless scrotum. He prodded at the twin plumbs that the sac contained, then, cupped his palm over the hefty pouch, and tugged it gently, as his mouth continued to glide over Ryan's pulsing penis. Ryan closed his eyes, and rolled his head on the pillow, his body rapidly building toward orgasm once more, surprising him, given the recent, and very intense orgasm he had just experienced.

Sensing Ryan's obvious buildup to another orgasm, Brett redoubled his efforts, pulling out all of the stops, in his desire to feel, and taste, the boy's effusive discharge. He added stronger suction, and rapidly swabbed the satin smooth head with his talented tongue, as his fingers deftly worked Ryan's balls, and the base of his cock, and he was soon rewarded with a steady flow of Ryan's almond flavored precum. Knowing he was close now, he slowly swallowed the entirety of Ryan's cock, taking the head into his throat, as he felt the silky strands of pubic hair tickle his nose, and upper lip. He swallowed several times, causing Ryan's cock head to encounter the soft tissues at the back of his throat, and his eyes watered, as Ryan's now throbbing cock jerked in his mouth.

Pulling back, Brett held only the head of Ryan's penis in his lips, his tongue washing over the silky smoothness, and stabbing at the tiny, oozing slit, then, eased back down, taking the stiff cock deep once more. He settled into a steady up and down movement then, as his fingers worked Ryan's recharged balls. Ryan pounded at the mattress with balled fists, his chest heaving, as he groaned in pleasure, feeling his balls draw up, and his shaft swell in the warm, wet, mouth, as the orgasm started deep behind his balls, and erupted through his very being, as his cock once again jerked, and exploded, spraying his second load over Brett's tongue, and flooding his already full mouth with his creamy ejaculate.

Brett expertly accepted each strong volley, savoring the slightly acrid taste on his tongue, before happily swallowing, only to immediately receive the next jet of warm cum, to be swallowed once again. Finally, it ended, Ryan's wilting penis reduced to small, dribbling offerings that drizzled onto Brett's tongue, which he held there, as he backed off Ryan's spent penis, and, rising up, he moved his mouth to lock onto Ryan's, as he slid his tongue into Ryan's mouth, and fed him the remnants of his tasty load. They tongue-dueled a while, as Ryan sucked the small pellets of his own essence from Brett's coated tongue, then, separated, as Brett grinned down at Ryan, and winked, saying,

"Gotcha, hot-stuff....and....gotcha good, too...!"

Ryan giggled, nodding his head, as he smacked his lips obscenely, and replied,

"Hey, ya know....you're right, dude...it is good...!"

Brett laughed, shaking his head, as he rolled Ryan over, and sharply slapped his pretty ass a couple of times, as Ryan giggled, and lifted his butt off the bed, wiggling it at Brett, as he muttered into the pillow,

"Spank me, daddy....yea, go ahead....then...ya gotta kiss it all better...!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

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