Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Nov 9, 2006


Ryan looked at the clock that sat atop the night stand beside his bed, frowned, and reached out to pick up the offensive instrument, checking for maybe the fifth time that it was actually still working. It was, in spite of the fact that the hands seemed to be moving as if bogged down in some mechanical problem, if, in fact, they were moving at all.

He set the clock back on the stand, and sighed, then shifted his gaze to his cell phone where it lay on his bed, once more willing it to ring, and once more receiving only silence in return. Emitting another frustrated sigh, he flopped onto his bed, and stretched his legs out, propping a pillow behind his head. In his mind, it seemed like days rather than hours since he had received the text message from Todd, telling him that he was flying in on last nights red-eye from Hawaii, and, that he would call him as soon as he had slept off the jet lag. Ryan was more than eager to see him after a two week absence, and, in truth, he was horny, big time. It had been three days since his amazing afternoon with the waiter Brett, and, in spite of that totally mind-blowing experience, sixteen was a rough age to be going without, now that he had tasted the varied wonders of real gay sex. He had managed only one all too brief encounter with Devon in the interim, and that had only served to add to his current condition, given that their furtive mutual groping had been rudely interrupted by the untimely arrival of Devon's Mother, who had unexpectedly arrived at home just as the sexed up boys had begun to play in Devon's bedroom.

He shot the silent cell phone another stern look, and reached into his lap, adjusting his half hard cock inside the small nylon briefs he had donned after his lengthy shower an hour or so ago. Knowing he would be seeing Todd this morning after two whole weeks had stimulated Ryan to practically leap from bed this morning, and to spend an inordinate amount of time primping, or maybe better said, preparing, his body for the long awaited reunion with his special friend. He had showered long, and hot, soaping every crevice, and crease, of his lithe body, then, carefully chose his wardrobe for the day, even as he hoped to not remain dressed for any length of time, once he hooked up with Todd. His clothing of choice had begun with the sexy little briefs, purchased especially for this occasion while he had foraged the mall the previous day, his lust filled mind very much on Todd, and the reunion.

They were so small, and sexy, as to be nearly embarrassing to hand over to the sales associate, a hunk in his middle twenties, who had painted Ryan with an expression that foretold of how very much he would love to assist the hot youngster in trying the garment on before purchase, or, even after purchase, given the slightest opportunity. Ryan's slight embarrassment had escalated as the clerk's eyes flickered between the small, silky, briefs, and Ryan's crotch several times, and he had felt his penis swell instantly under the obvious scrutiny, which caused his creamy cheeks to flush with excitement as he imagined just what the handsome clerk was thinking, and wishing for. He had struggled to keep his gaze steady on the clerks eyes, knowing that the front of his shorts were severely tented as the good looking man eyed his package, then, met his eyes, and winked, as he had muttered, "lovely," and moved away to ring up the purchase. Ryan had reached for the small bag the clerk offered, their fingers making light contact, and lingering for just a moment, before he had turned, and hurried off, feeling the mans eyes boring into his departing butt.

As he had wiggled into the sexy little briefs earlier, he had posed in front of his full length mirror, admiring how the nylon material clung to the curves and bulges of his package, clearly defining the shaft, and head, of his penis, and the plump pouch of his balls, the nearly shimmering white color giving a mere hint of the shadow of his pubic patch at the base of his penis. Turning, then looking over a shoulder, he had admired how the satin-like garment molded itself to the soft curvature of his tight butt, the material stretched tightly, leaving nothing to the imagination regarding the attractive swell, and roundness, of his rather stunning rear-end, and the way that the cleft dividing the perfect mounds was defined by the sheer material. Nice, he thought, not too shabby at all, and, certainly it says "welcome home," loud and clear.

Next, he had chosen the short cropped off tee shirt that he favored when going to the beach, the one that he had trimmed the hem off of, so that it left bare the smooth expanse of his flat tummy from about three inches below his nipples, down to his slender waist. Adding to the somewhat shameless display of supple young flesh were the slim little straps that went over the shoulders, baring a good portion of his nicely developed biceps, and upper chest, especially if he were to lean forward, allowing the loose fitting shirt to sag away from his chest. Completing the ensemble, he had chosen the satiny shorts that currently clung to his fully rigid penis, the length of which was now clearly defined by the soft, smooth material that gathered at his crotch. Looking down, he smiled at seeing his excited boyhood poking at the soft shorts, and he slipped his hand under the elastic waist, and moved lower, to grip the rock hard rod in his fingers. He groaned softly at the contact, and felt his rigid stalk spasm in his hand, as he closed his eyes, and imagined it to be Todd's hand exploring his excited penis, groping him eagerly, building his already excited, and horny state, as a preparation to fucking his brains out. He shuddered, stroking his erection several times, before abandoning the rapidly growing feelings of pleasure, fearful of actually causing himself to erupt into the new nylon briefs.

He sat up, and dropped his tennis shoe clad feet to the floor, sighing heavily again, then, nearly jumped out of his skin, as his cell phone ring tone suddenly invaded the room. Turning quickly, he snatched the small device off the bed, and stabbed a finger at the call button, as he brought the phone to his ear, and breathed excitedly,

"Hey...it's Ryan...!"

A small, soft chuckle filled his ear, then, Todd's voice floated over the connection, as he said,

"Hey, yourself, sexy...guess who is back in town...and, really, really, wants to....see...you...?"

Ryan almost giggled like a school-girl, his excitement boiling over, along with the feeling of utter relief, to at last actually hear Todd's voice, and the words that he was, in fact, home....and, better still...apparently as horny as him!

"Oh man...oh wow, dude...you have been gone, like, forever...jeez...and, oh yea...definitely yea...I so wanna see you, too...big time...!"

Another soft chuckle floated into Ryan's ear, as Todd pictured Ryan's excitement, echoed by his own, and he felt his cock swell under the towel he had wrapped around his waist following his recent shower. He rocked backward, and sprawled across his bed, his hand moving to tug at the towel, and free it from his waist, as his rigid erection sprang free, and slapped against his abdomen, as he reached for it, and gripped its thickness, as he told Ryan,

"Really...?....well, dude, if you were standing here, like you really should be, you would be "seeing" about all of me that there is to see...I just had a shower, and, well, I'm just sort of lying here, all nakey, you know...?"

Hearing Todd's breathy claim, Ryan's cock jerked strongly, as his mind pictured a naked, and doubtless erect, Todd lying on his bed, and he uttered a small, involuntary groan at the concept, as he mumbled,

"Oh man...that is so not fair, dude...damn...two freeking weeks...you know...?...long time, dude...way too long, actually...!"

Todd chuckled again, his hand idly working the girth of his throbbing penis, and said,

"I hear that, man...definitely...so...how fast can you haul that pretty little ass of yours over here, dude...the house is mine, all mine, until like way late this afternoon...?"

Ryan shuddered, the words like a glass of water to a parched man, and he shuddered again, already getting to his feet, as he replied,

"Don't freeking move, dude...just stay right where...and how...you are...fifteen minutes, tops, and I am so right there...me, and my pretty little ass that has been craving that killer cock of yours for way too long...!"

Todd laughed at realizing that Ryan had already broken the connection, and, presumably, was on his way, horny as all get out, and eager, definitely eager, as was Todd. Unlike Ryan, the close confines of a family vacation, and the somewhat regimented agenda his parents had imposed on the trip, had left virtually no opportunity for Todd to find any private time, save for a few hurried jerk-offs in the shower, the whole two weeks, and, he, very definitely, was charged, and ready for Ryan's sexy body, and that pretty little ass...!"

In what had to have been a land speed record amount of time, Ryan was there, leaning on the door bell of Todd's house. Todd, still naked, padded to the door, and swung it open, and stepped back slightly to allow Ryan to charge through. Ryan stopped in his tracks, kicking backward with one foot to swing the door closed, as his eyes traveled hungrily over Todd's nakedness, going from top, to bottom, then, back again, as a lustful smile crossed his boyishly cute face.

"Damn, dude...that is one killer tan you have there...definitely Hawaiian, and, I really love the white parts, especially...!" chirped Ryan, his gaze once more settling on Todd's semi-erect penis where it jutted saucily from his groin.

Todd chuckled, and executed a small pirouette, wiggling his perfectly shaped, snow white butt at Ryan, before once again turning to face him, as he moved in, and pulled Ryan close. Todd's mouth connected with Ryan's, and Ryan felt his tongue push between his lips, and enter his mouth, as he sucked it in, and wrapped his arms around the naked boy, holding him, as they swabbed each others hungry mouth greedily. Todd imitated Ryan's move, and closed his arms around his slender frame, and gripped the sculpted mounds of his ass firmly, kneading the firm globes, as the kiss intensified. Ryan dueled his tongue with Todd's, and slipped his hand down between their molded bodies, seeking, and finding, Todd's rampant erection, which he eagerly grabbed, and stroked up and down. Todd broke the kiss then, and eased back slightly, staring hungrily into Ryan's eyes, as he continued to grope his bubble butt, exploring the warm crease with his fingers.

"God, I missed you, babe...I mean, really, really, missed you...!" Todd murmured, as Ryan nodded his agreement, and worked his thumb over the now drooling head of Todd's cock.

Todd groaned deeply, his balls singing with a tingling sensation brought about by Ryan's expert teasing of his wide cock head, and he leaned in to kiss him once more, before releasing his grip on the heavenly ass, and stepping back slightly to look at Ryan. His eyes moved slowly, as he took in the stunning sight before him, and he felt his cock discharge a fresh dollop of precum, as he studied the tiny half shirt, and the expanse of exposed, creamy skin of Ryan's flat, smooth tummy. Dropping his gaze slightly, he hungrily eyed the steely erection that poked at the silky shorts Ryan wore, and at the spreading wet spot that belied the boy's abject excitement. In his peripheral vision, Todd could see Ryan's hand working his own erection, and the sight coupled with the sense of feel that the expert stroking was providing, and he smiled, happier at this moment than at any time since he had left for Hawaii. Todd shuddered strongly, his emotions flooding over him, and he deftly reached out to tug at the elastic of Ryan's shorts, lowering them, until they slid down his legs to puddle at his feet. The sexy little white nylon briefs flashed into view, and Todd's breath caught in his throat as he focused on the tiny garment that struggled to contain the burgeoning penis beneath.

"Oh babe...!" he groaned, "how fucking sexy are you....Jesus...I can't decide if I want those on, or off....wow...!" Todd managed, his voice quavering slightly.

Ryan giggled sweetly, rolling his slim hips saucily, as he quickly skinned the small shirt over his head, and dropped it to the floor, leaving him in only the micro-briefs, his half socks, and tenneys. Todd looked him over again, emitting another small groan, as his need, and desire, for the boy overwhelmed him, and he quickly bent slightly from the waist, and scooped the delicious young morsel into his arms, rolling his body over his shoulder in a classic fireman carry, then, wheeled around, and headed for his bedroom, Ryan giggling loudly, and slapping at his back with his fists.

Inside his room, Todd gave the door a back-kick, swinging it shut, as he moved to the double bed, and unceremoniously dumped a giggling, and nearly naked, Ryan onto his bed, before diving headlong after him. He rolled onto his back, and reached for Ryan, dragging him on top of him, as he again covered his soft mouth with is own, once more pushing his tongue hungrily inside the boy's warm mouth, as he gripped that stellar butt in both hands. The tongue duel went on, as Todd mauled the perfect globes of Ryan's butt, and deftly worked the sexy little briefs down his legs, and off. Ryan flexed his hips back and forth, gliding his drooling penis along Todd's smooth, tanned tummy, leaving wet trails of his oozing precum with each movement. Todd traced the soft folds of Ryan's crease, his fingers digging between the firm mounds, to drag over the tiny pucker that lay hidden there, his fingertip grazing across the tiny ridges of tissue that defined his small opening. Ryan groaned, the sound muffled by the deep penetration of Todd's tongue flooding his mouth, and shuddered strongly, as Todd pressed more firmly against his hot little entrance, then, more firmly still, until his finger slipped past the ring of resistance there, and eased up inside him.

Todd held himself in check, resisting the strong urge to jab his finger deeper into Ryan's silky warm tunnel, as he used his other hand to forage under his pillow to locate the lube he had placed there earlier. Finding it, he thumbed open the cap, and quickly eased his finger from Ryan's gripping chute, as he upended the small bottle, and squeezed, releasing a generous dollop of the slippery goo onto his fingers. He shifted slightly, again sensing the wetness Ryan's rampant cock was freely depositing onto his stomach, as he once more located Ryan's very core, and eased his finger back inside, this time plunging deeply into the boy's incredible warmth, and softness. Ryan lifted his head, his mouth agape, and drooling slightly, as he rolled his head side to side, and groaned deep inside his heaving chest, saying,

"Ohhh God....yes...Todd...oh God, yes...need that...need you...bad...so fucking bad...!"

Todd settled into a rhythm of sorts, plunging his finger deeply inside Ryan's tightness, then withdrawing, letting the slick finger move easily in and out of him, as he stabbed relentlessly at the sensitive prostate with each pass. Ryan alternated flexing, and relaxing, his anal muscles, gripping, and seemingly drawing Todd's finger into his depth, as he emitted a steady cadence of small, soft, moans of pleasure. Todd soon inserted a second finger along side the first, stretching Ryan's hungry entrance, as he managed to again upend the small bottle of lube, squirting the slick substance over his rigid and leaking cock. Another series of deft plunges with his fingers, and Todd eased out of Ryan then, and lifted him by his armpits, as he urged him,

"Ryan...God, Ryan...got to have you, babe...lift up...sit on me, babe...hurry...oh God...need you so fucking bad...!" he hissed, his tense voice urgent with meaning.

Ryan quickly shifted, scooting his knees up under him, and raised his perky butt, as he reached behind him, and grasped the base of Todd's rampant cock, and aligned the wide head with is slick, and opened, entrance. Easing back, and down, he flinched slightly, as he felt the wet, slippery head of Todd's cock pass over his small oval. He rose slightly again, and redoubled his grip on Todd's erection, as he moved his other hand back to part the perfect globes of his ass, then, settled downward once more, aligning the wide head of Todd's cock with his hole, then, added pressure, sitting right down on it, and impaling himself with the full length, and girth, of Todd's rigid cock. They groaned in unison, Ryan expelling air from his lungs, as he adapted to the incredible fullness, and pressure, of Todd's cock filling him, as Todd shuddered beneath him, his hands moving to grip the globes of his ass, as he muttered,

"OHhhh, fuuuuck....babe...oh...my...God...!"

Bottoming out, Ryan paused, breathing rapidly, and shallow, the thick cock fully imbedded inside him, as he reached forward, and placed his palms flat against Todd's heaving chest. He sucked in a deep breath, and lifted his weight up on his knees, slowly withdrawing over the length of Todd's throbbing cock, then, paused, holding just the flared head inside his gripping sheath. Todd worked the sculpted mounds of his ass, and moved one hand up and down his smooth back, as he steeled himself against the intense sensations that washed over him, bringing him to the very brink of orgasm so very quickly. Ryan shuddered again, his fingers now trailing over Todd's stiff nipples, as he once more sank slowly down on his partner, impaling his rigid cock yet again.

Up and down Ryan rode, pausing at the apex of each stroke, and flexing, and relaxing his inner muscles, sending waves of sensation flooding through Todd's' tense body, as Todd reached into Ryan's lap, and gripped his rock hard cock, stroking its length, as Ryan continued to ride him, driving them both toward the abyss, the room now filled with the sounds of their mutual pleasure, and their slapping bodies, as their combined scents of animal passion washed over them. On and on it went, the sweat now dripping from Ryan's brow to rain down on Todd's heaving chest, as Ryan added speed, and tempo, rapidly drawing Todd, as well as himself, to the very edge of the cliff, then, over, as their massive orgasms hit nearly simultaneously, Ryan's forceful ropes of creamy cum ejecting strongly over Todd's chest, and stomach, at nearly the same moment that Todd's balls exploded, and filled Ryan's gripping tunnel with an amazing flood of thick, warm semen.

They rode out their nearly simultaneous orgasms, their mingled groans, and grunts of passion overriding the silence of the room, until they were spent, each gasping for breath. Ryan sagged forward onto Todd, who wrapped his arms around Ryan, and rolled sideways, his wilting cock slipping from Ryan's drenched hole, as he hugged the trembling boy to him, sensing the slippery wetness of Ryan's spent semen smearing between their grappling bodies. He kissed him deeply once more, then, pulled back to look deeply into Ryan's eyes, as he told him,

"Holy shit, Ry....Jesus...that...you...are just amazing...damn...I'm glad to be home...I really, really, missed you, babe...!"

Ryan smiled, his body all but glowing with in the aftermath of the intense orgasm, and with his utter happiness at once more being in Todd's arms, as he nodded his agreement, and replied,

"Amazing is exactly right...totally...and I really, really, missed you, too...!"

They cuddled a while then, exchanging soft terms of endearment, and gentle touches to each others body, making up for the long separation. Finally, Todd pulled away, the now sticky remnants of Ryan's discharge smeared over both their torsos peeling wetly as they separated. Todd looked down, chuckling at the chalky substance, and gave Ryan's taut butt a light slap, as he said,

"Well, so much for that shower I had earlier...time for another, now...come on, sexy, I might even let you wash my back, if you're a good boy..."

Extricating themselves from the badly rumpled bed, the boys moved to the bathroom, and shared a giggling moment, as they stepped to the toilet, and held each others peeing cocks, executing an impromptu sword fight with their ejecting streams, before stepping into the large stall shower. Todd worked the fixture, adjusting the spray, and they moved beneath the warm flow of water. Reaching for the soap, Ryan began moving the bar over Todd's chest, creating a froth of lather, then moving the suds over Todd's skin, grazing lower, as the back of his hand brushed across Todd's dangling penis.

"Is this the back that you wanted me to wash...hmmm...?" cooed Ryan, as Todd's penis responded to the light touch by rising slightly.

Todd grinned, nodding his head rapidly, as he answered,

"Yup...that will do just fine...it, um, seems to be...working, already..."

Ryan giggled, dropping his soapy hand to grip Todd's burgeoning penis, and stroking it, causing Todd to shudder at the slippery touch to his sensitive part. Ryan felt Todd's penis thicken, and grow erect in his deft grip, and he moved his other hand down to gently cup Todd's heavy balls, working the loose orbs with his fingers, as he continued to stroke him to full erection once more. Todd leaned back against the tiles, and sighed contentedly, savoring the pleasant sensation of Ryan's hands on his body, as Ryan continued to work his soap covered hands over his cock, and balls.

Stepping back slightly, Ryan turned Todd, allowing the spray of the shower to cascade over his soapy cock, and balls, rinsing him, then, dropped to his knees, and once more gripped Todd's rigid erection, aiming it at his face, where he moved the bulbous head back and forth over his soft cheek, and lips. Todd looked down, groaning at the incredible sight of the boyish Ryan moving his cock head over his nearly pretty face, and groaned again, as Ryan opened his lush mouth, and engulfed the entirety of his cock inside his warm, wet, mouth, while his hands slid up and down the insides of his thighs, and gently manipulated his hanging balls. He threaded his fingers through the wet shock of hair on Ryan's moving head, and groaned, as Ryan expertly sucked his throbbing erection.

Settling into a steady rhythm, Ryan tongued the smooth head of Todd's impressive cock, and moved his mouth up and down the shaft, taking it deep, so that Todd felt his cock head moving against the soft tissues of Ryan's throat. His hips bucked back and forth, as he rocked up on his toes, a strong tingling feeling coursing through his balls, as he rolled his head loosely against the tile wall, and groaned,

"Ahhh, God, babe....so good...fuuuck, that is so hot....damn...!" cooed Todd, the powerful sensations in his balls intensifying, as Ryan deftly moved him toward yet another orgasm.

Ryan gripped the very base of Todd's cock between finger and thumb, holding it away from his body, as he noisily slurped, and sucked the pulsing shaft, licking the oozing head, and flicking his tongue at the sensitive place just under the flared head, as his fingers tugged on Todd's swinging balls. He took the entire length of Todd's cock deep, feeling the wide head bumping his throat, as he looked up at Todd, who looked back at him, jaw agape, and eyes wide, absorbing the incredible sight of his friend swallowing his rampant cock.

Ryan could taste the nutty flavor of Todd's flowing precum on his tongue, and he began stroking the base of Todd's cock in sync with his sucking, aware that Todd's second orgasm was looming. Eager now to feel the eruption, and to taste the tartness of Todd's creamy essence, Ryan picked up the pace, and intensity, administering his A-game of cock sucking skills, as Todd's hips bucked faster, and stronger. He was very nearly fucking Ryan's hungry mouth now, his hips seemingly acting on their own, as he tugged at Ryan's wet hair, and drilled his rampant shaft in and out of his incredible mouth. Todd could feel it then, an electric sensation deep in his balls, a nearly hot feeling, as he once more rocked onto his toes, and drove his pistoning hips faster into Ryan's sucking mouth. He grunted loudly, and gave one last thrust of his hips, and erupted, his cock jumping inside Ryan's mouth, and ejecting rapid ropes of warm, thick cum over his tongue.

Ryan felt the creamy ejaculate dart over his tongue, and he quickly swallowed, and eased back slightly, eagerly awaiting the second volley, which immediately followed the first, jetting forcefully into his mouth, followed then by another strong squirt, and another, and one more, before finally becoming smaller spasms, and mere dribbles of the slightly acrid fluid drooling onto his tongue. He swallowed, savoring the sensation of the thick essence sliding down his throat, and he pulled away then, easing the rapidly wilting, and fully spent, penis from his mouth. He held it gently, leaning forward to plant soft little kisses on the sensitive head, before releasing it, to get to his feet, and capture a slightly shaking Todd in his arms, holding him close. He lapped at the soft, wet skin of Todd's neck, then, kissed his ear, and said, softly,

"Yummy....oh man...you do that so good...!"

Todd shuddered, his heart beating wildly in his chest, as he held tightly to Ryan, and replied,

"Holy shit, babe....you are freeking amazing, what you do to me...just....so...amazing...!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 13

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