Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Nov 3, 2006


Going With the Notion (11) By Storyguy22

Devon and Ryan finally exited the small, hidden room tucked up under the pier, and made their way back to the beach. Ryan could still feel Devon's extensive discharge leaking into his sexy little briefs, and he smiled inwardly at the sensation, and the fresh memory of how it had come to be, so to speak.

Reaching the long strip of white sand, the boys ambled along in the general direction of the restaurant where they had hooked up, and, climbed the steps to the deck of The Landing, found a vacant table, and sat down. They sat back, surveying the now sparse crowd gathered on the deck, and nodded to a couple of school acquaintances. A waiter approached the table, a striking looking, young surfer type that was stereotypical of these beach front food joints, and provided menu's, and water, with a wide, snow-white smile. Ryan returned the rather dazzling smile, as he surreptitiously checked out the little hottie-boy, his eyes quickly scanning the lean, toned body, and the golden suntan, which contrasted nicely with the youths ocean-blue eyes, and nearly white, shaggy blond hair. None of this was lost on Devon, who quietly chuckled, and shook his head, as he opened his menu, and scanned over it.

"I'll give you dudes a few minutes, and be back for your order...unless I can answer any questions, first...?" cooed the waiter, rolling his soulful eyes in Ryan's direction.

Ryan, his gadar pinging loudly, met the blue-eyed gaze, and smiled, saying,

"Maybe just a quick question, if I can...um...Brett, is it...?" he asked, squinting slightly to read the name tag the surfer/waiter had pinned to his polo shirt.

"Right...Brett...that would be me...and, sure...ask away..." he replied, his own eyes deftly flickering over Ryan's face, and frame.

"Cool.." replied Ryan, "I, uh, already had lunch earlier...and dessert , too, for that matter..." flicking a quick wink to Devon, "So, dude....I'll just have an iced tea...and, my question is...what time do you get finished, here...?"

Brett never missed a beat, making a big show of scribbling Ryan's beverage order on his order pad, then, batted his so-blue eyes at Ryan, and replied,

"Ice tea...very good, sir...and...four o'clock, actually..."

He turned then, flashing his alluring grin at Devon, and inquired of his nutritional interests, and dutifully added the order of french fries and a cola to his pad, before once more fixing his attention on Ryan, and saying,

"South side of the building, dark blue Jeep CJ6..." he turned then, and walked away, Ryan's very interested gaze following his retreat.

"Jesus, dude...why didn't you just, like, drop to your knee's, or something...could hardly have been more obvious, if you did...!" chided Devon, a devilish smile on his face, "And, jeez...dessert...?...how freeking subtle was that...?"

Ryan laughed, shaking his head in some wonder at his uncharacteristic boldness, and shrugged, answering,

"Dunno, actually...maybe this...stuff...is sorta like Chinese food, you know...like an hour later, you just want more...!"

Devon rolled his eyes, and replied,

"Sure, dude...whatever...I'll try really hard not to feel hurt that, what?... thirty minutes after I...you know...here you are, trolling your slutty little ass off already...jeez...!"

Ryan grinned wickedly, shrugging his shoulders, and opening his palms outward, and saying,

"What can I say, dude...he's hot...in an "older man" sort of way...and, I do have a lot of lost time to make up for, so...don't take it personal, dude...you were awesome, actually..."

Devon chuckled, shaking his head, as he accepted the well intentioned compliment, and added,

"Older man, my ass...but, yea, he is pretty hot, in a Moon-Doggy kind of way...but, no more than nineteen...twenty, tops...hardly an "older man...!"

Ryan winked lavishly, way overdoing the effect, as he replied,

"Well, stud, I'm barely sixteen....so...it's all relative, right...?"

The discussion died there, as Brett returned to the table, balancing a large, round tray expertly above his head. He swooped the tray down to table height, and skillfully settled the drinks, and a huge plastic basket of steaming fries onto the table, then, laid the check in front of Devon, saying sweetly,

"I assume the snacks are going to be your treat, seeing that just being with this hottie-boy has to be a treat all in itself..." and he cast a quick wink Ryan's way, before moving away from the table.

Ryan laughed, loving it all, as Devon faked a pouty face, but, reached for the bill, telling Ryan,

"Ok, treat....enjoy...I got it...and, definitely worth it, too...!"

The refreshments consumed, and Devon having settled the tab, the boys walked through the restaurant, and out to the front parking lot where Ryan had parked earlier. Ryan checked his watch, figuring he had time to get home, and shower, and definitely change out of the cum soaked briefs he was currently wearing, and still get back here by four o'clock. He gave Devon a brief hug, and climbed in the car, roaring out of the parking lot in a small cloud of dust, and scattered sand, leaving a grinning Devon shaking his head, before he headed off toward the boardwalk to see who might be hanging around.

Ryan hustled straight home, and took a long, hot, shower, brushed his teeth, and walked naked back to his bedroom. He went into his walk-in closet, and perused the rack of clothing, then, moved to the dresser, examining the selections he found there. Finally, he decided on a pair of slightly baggy fitting board shorts, and a bright orange tank top, and pulled them on, deciding at the last second to go commando under the shorts, as he tossed the white briefs he had selected back into the drawer. He got into his white tennis shoes, and white half-socks, then, gathered his wallet, and keys, and went out to his car.

Arriving back at The Landing, Ryan steered around to the parking lot on the South side of the building, and immediately spotted Brett's Jeep parked off by itself in a remote corner of the lot. He pulled in along side it, and parked, and locked his car, then, climbed into the passenger seat of the topless jeep, and settled in to wait for the arrival of Brett, the surfer-boy waiter. A few minutes passed, and Ryan spent them checking out the Jeep's assets, noting the killer CD player, and the multiple speakers spaced about the cab, and rear seat area. He puzzled briefly over a rack mounted below the dash that contained multiple gauges of some sort, and, as he leaned over to get a closer look, he nearly jumped out of his skin when a hand suddenly gripped the cheek of his upturned ass.

He jolted upright, a small gasp of shock escaping from him, as he focused on the widely grinning face of Brett standing just outside the Jeep. He gathered himself, and smiled, as he said,

"Hey...jeez, dude...you, like, scarred the crap out of me there...!"

Brett chuckled, and let his eyes drift over Ryan, moving from face, to knees, and back again, as he replied,

"Sorry man, couldn't resist copping a grab of that pretty little ass of yours...didn't mean to scare you..."

Ryan felt his face flush, and grow slightly hot, at the reference to his butt, and giggled, as he half turned on the seat, and lifted the outside glob of his ass, saying,

"What....this little thing...?...you like it, dude....well then...go for it...!"

Brett laughed, and inched closer to the Jeep, spreading his hand, then, firmly clasped the offered globe of firm flesh once more, kneading it with his fingers, and saying.

"Oh yea...I like it plenty...what's not to like...?...that, and pretty much all of the rest of you I like, too, actually....sort of a lust-at-first-sight thing, you know...?"

Ryan savored the feel of Brett's hand fondling his butt, and smiled sweetly, as he replied,

"Actually, I do know, yea...pretty much how it is for me, too...the lust thing, I mean...!"

Brett stopped working Ryan's butt then, and Ryan settled back onto the seat, part way turning to face Brett, and let his eyes travel over the blond beauty, again registering his stunning good looks, and well developed body, taking particular notice of the obvious erection that poked at Brett's shorts. Seeing it caused his own penis to harden, and tent out the front of the loose fitting shorts, and Brett stared briefly, obviously aware of Ryan's excitement, then, glanced around the parking lot, checking for observers. Seeing none, he extended his arm, and dropped his hand into Ryan's lap, his fingers closing around the shaft of his erection, and squeezing firmly, as Ryan involuntarily groaned quietly.

"Ever been for a ride in a Jeep, hard-boy...?" he asked, still squeezing and releasing Ryan's throbbing erection.

Ryan shook his head in the negative, and moved his own hand onto Brett's extended crotch, and grabbed onto the very rigid, and ample, penis he found there, as Brett gave a small shudder, and said,

"Hmmm....nice, dude...really, really, nice...so then...you want to take a little Jeep ride...?...maybe, like, to my place...?"

Ryan worked the thick penis with his palm, and nodded, barely able to mutter,

"I do want...that...yes...and, sure...I bet I'll like your...place...a lot, too...!"

Brett chuckled, nodding, and he let go of Ryan's cock, and stepped back, causing Ryan to reluctantly release his grip, then, moved around the Jeep, and hopped in behind the wheel. He produced keys, and started the engine, quickly backing the Jeep out of the parking space, then, shifted gears, and roared away in a hale of scattering sand. As he drove, Brett asked Ryan about himself, and in return filled Ryan in on his own basics, stating that he was twenty-two years old, and, soon would be taking his degree from the local community college. That he was that age surprised, and pleased Ryan, surprising in that Brett looked more nineteen, or twenty, and, pleased him, in that a "college man" found him, a high school teen, attractive. Various other small talk saw them to the driveway to the parking area of a fairly large apartment complex, where Brett guided the jeep into a covered parking spot, and stopped. He slid out of the Jeep, and walked around to Ryan's side, and indicated that Ryan should alight, and come with him, which Ryan quickly did. As they reached an outside stairway, Brett stood slightly aside, and indicated that Ryan should ascend the stair, as he followed. Watching Ryan's trim little butt flexing under the damned loose fitting shorts was sufficient to rekindle Brett's erection, and, as they reached the top of the stair, he approached the door on his left, and inserted his key, as his other hand dropped to adjust his rigid penis to a less strained position. Ryan quickly picked up on the move, and sidled in close to Brett, and reached around to give his erection a squeeze, as he mumbled,

"Damn, dude...feels like a serious weapon, here...nice...!"

Brett shuddered slightly at the contact, then, turned his head, and brushed his lips lightly against Ryan's soft cheek, as he said softly,

"Glad you thinks so, stud-boy...he likes you a lot too...and...we both want to get to know you a lot better...like, way better...you know...?"

Ryan flushed again, nodding enthusiastically, then, eagerly followed Brett through the now open door to his apartment. Inside, Brett closed the door, then, leaned back against it, as his arm circled Ryan's slim waist, and tugged him in close, so that Ryan clearly felt the thickness of Brett's erection pushing at his crotch. Brett stared into Ryan's eyes, his senses flooded with Ryan's fresh, boyish, scents, and he asked, his breath warm on Ryan's cheek,

"Damn, little dude...you are seriously cute...and sexy...totally hot...are you even aware of just how hot you really are...?....Christ...I never come on like this...amazing...you just...dunno...but, you....well....just really push my buttons...you know...?"

Ryan moved his hips slightly, rubbing himself against Brett's rock hard cock, and ground his own into Brett's mid-section, as he felt his heart racing in his chest, and replied,

"Do I...?...well....how cool is that, then...cause, dude....you have had me hard as stone ever since you walked up to that table with your little menu's...!"

Brett inhaled deeply, savoring the intoxicating scent of the lust filled teen, then, moved his hands to cup Ryan's face, as he leaned his head closer, and pressed his soft mouth to Ryan's full, lush lips, kissing him, and probing his tongue over Ryan's quickly parting lips. Once invited, Brett slid his tongue inside Ryan's warm mouth, and dueled with Ryan's equally probing tongue, then, sucked Ryan's tongue inside his own mouth, amping up the intensity of the deep kiss, as his hand moved around Ryan's waist, and cupped the perfect little mounds of his ass. Several kisses later, Brett broke off, his tongue tip washing over Ryan's lush lips, then, tightened his grip on Ryan's ass, as he said,

"Damn...awesome...you are one hot dude, babe...and...this sweet little ass is so perfect...and your cock...hmmm...gonna be amazing, little dude...me and you are gonna SO rock...!"

Ryan shuddered, loving the sensation of Brett's hot kisses, and warm, sweet breath, and the touches of his hands were like fire on the mounds of his butt, and he snaked a hand in between their joined bodies, and gripped Brett's rigid cock, as he uttered, breathlessly,

"Oh god...man, do I ever want this...and, I want it, like, right freeking now...I never been this hot for it, Brett...really, dude...I just...well...fuck it...I want this big, hard, cock...!"

Brett flexed the shaft of his erection in Ryan's tight grip, and smiled, as he answered,

"Exactly right, little dude...come on...this is exactly what you are gonna get, too...!"

He turned, and gripped Ryan's shoulder, steering him down a short hallway, and into his bedroom, where he angled over to the queen sized bed, and nudged Ryan, so that he went to his back on the bed, looking up at Brett with hungry eyes. Brett paused briefly, looking at the stunningly cute, and sexy teen prone on his bed, the lap of his baggy shorts distended with his youthful erection, and he leaned over the boy, quickly tugging the tank top over his head, and dropping it to the floor. He stood straight then, drinking in the amazing smoothness, and leanness of the boy, and his cock throbbed even harder, as he once more leaned over, and gripped the waist of Ryan's shorts. Ryan lifted his pretty butt up, and, in one quick motion, Brett stripped away the shorts, working them over Ryan's feet, as he tossed them behind him. Standing once more, Brett released a low groan, as he focused on Ryan's now completely naked young body, clad only in the small socks, and tennis shoes, which somehow enlightened the stunning beauty of his boyish nakedness.

"Hmm...san's undies...nice touch, cutie...I like that in a boy...!" purred Brett, his hungry gaze flickering over Ryan's naked young body.

Ryan giggled, pleased at Brett's reaction to his boldness in deciding to skip wearing underwear, and even further pleased at his lust filled expression as he gazed at Ryan's body. Brett stood at the edge of the bed, and extended his arm forward, his palm settling on Ryan's smooth chest, as he began lightly rubbing his fingers over the silky skin.

"You really are beautiful, little man...so smooth, and toned...flawless skin...perfect cock...I think Mr. B. is going to like this, very much...!" he said throatily, his fingers now circling Ryan's stiff little nipples, and his other hand dropping to Ryan's firm upper thigh.

Ryan's cock throbbed at his groin, his balls filled with the familiar tingles, as he savored the older boy's touches in his highly sensitive nipples, and he preened as sexily as possible, arching his back to further offer up his rigid nubins to Brett's exploration. He moaned softly, as Brett walked his fingers up his inner thigh, and his legs parted of their own volition, as Brett lightly stroked his plump balls. Ryan all but purred, as Brett gently cupped his scrotum, and hefted his balls, and he extended his own hand to grip Brett's rock hard penis outside his very tented shorts.

"Come on, big guy....don't be such a tease...get those clothes off, and let me see this heart-breaker...I want it out to play...!"

Brett groaned softly, reacting to Ryan's grip on his turgid erection, and he released the plump scrotum, moving his hand to grasp Ryan's pulsing cock, and stroke it several times, before reaching to the snap, and zip, of his shorts, and freeing them. He quickly worked them down, and let them, and his briefs, puddle at his feet, then, stepped out of them, as he moved to tug his polo shirt over his head. Naked now, Brett kicked off his sandals, and sat on the edge of the bed, his hand returning to Ryan's hardness, as he resumed stroking its rigid length. Ryan groaned again, his eyes wide, and focused on the long, thick, penis that jutted proudly from Brett's groin. God, he thought, he's big, way bigger than either Todd, or Devon, definitely.

He reached out, eagerly gripping the ample shaft, and worked it slowly, as he stared in awe at its nearly sculpted beauty. An easy seven inches, or more, and about two inches in girth, Brett's cock was beautifully shaped, and proportioned. Smooth as a cylinder of glass, it felt silky in his grip, with a prominent, heavy vein running the underside of the thick shaft, all the way to the perfectly circumcised head, which flared nicely, wider some, than the shaft itself, and shaped as a perfect helmet, or cap. The rounded head was a slightly bluish color, as compared to the pinkness of the shaft, and was divided by the small slit that now oozed a slippery tear drop of his excitement. His balls were hefty, as well, plump, and heavy appearing, as they cradled between his smooth, toned thighs, filling the silky sack nicely. His pubes were nearly white, matching the shaggy hair on his head, and splayed outward from the base of his cock in a soft, silky, pattern, with a thin, nearly white, trail ascending upward to his tiny navel.

His chest was hairless, and as equally toned, and defined, as his legs, the musculature of his shoulders, arms, and chest well defined, nearly chiseled. His nipples were a pale brown tone, and now very erect, the small eraser points standing firm above the small brown circles that surrounded them. Ryan shuddered strongly, fully impressed with Brett's well developed body, and his manliness, and he suddenly realized that he was, indeed, with a man this time, and definitely not another boy-turning-to-man, as were he, and Todd, and Devon. He shifted his gaze to meet Brett's smiling eyes, and felt his face flush, as he mumbled,

"Wow, Brett....you are amazing...so hot...and...well...just....hot...and...oh jeez...all...man...wow...!"

Brett grinned, and chuckled softly, his hands roaming seemingly everywhere over Ryan's nearly trembling body, and he nodded, making no verbal reply, then, rolled backward, and stretched out on the bed along side Ryan. They lay there for some time, not saying much, just enjoying the visual stimuli of each others bodies, and the light explorations, as they slowly touched each other, in particular, each others burgeoning penis, and fully charged balls. Finally, Ryan could take the slow, gentle touching no longer, so infatuated had he become with Brett's impressive cock, and his fully developed, man-like body. He twisted his body to the side, then slid lower on the bed, bringing his flushed face in line with Brett's crotch.

His eyes widened, as his face loomed scant inches from the thick stalk of Brett's manhood, and his senses were suddenly flooded with the fresh, but manly, scent of him, and he gripped the stanchion at its thick base, curling his thumb, and index finger around it. He felt the heat, and the throbbing, of the rigid cock, and his hungry gaze took note of the heavy orbs that hung inside the plump scrotum, and of the clear pearl of fluid that oozed steadily from the small slit at the center of the wide cock head, and he groaned, his mind reeling with sensory overload. He leaned closer, and Brett shuddered, feeling Ryan's warm breath flowing over the dampness of his leaking cock, and shuddered even stronger, as Ryan suddenly swiped the flat of his tongue over his head, then again, before easing the whole bulbous head, and maybe the first three inches, of granite hard meat into his warm, wet, mouth.

Brett gasped loudly, his hips automatically flexing upward, in an effort to impale the boys buttery soft mouth deeper still, but Ryan held his position, savoring the fullness of the thick stalk in his mouth, and the slightly acrid flavor of the tart, oozing discharge. He flicked his tongue against the thick vein that traversed the underside of Brett's penis, then, tickled at the tiny "v" shape where the silky skin of his shaft rolled outward, and transformed into the roll of sensitive tissue that formed the crown of Brett's cock head, as Brett groaned in pleasure, and slapped his balled fists on the bed. Adjusted now to the thickness that filled his mouth, Ryan relaxed his jaw muscles, and eased off on his grip at the base of Brett's amazing cock, and slowly engulfed another couple of inches of the thick rod, then another, until he felt the spongy head bump the soft tissue in his throat. He gulped, his mouth suddenly flooded with his saliva, and he felt the beginning of a dull ache in his lower jaw, as his mouth experienced this much cock for the first time. He eased his head back, then paused, before once more sinking down on the rigid penis, determined to take it all this time. His eyes sprang tears, and spilled over, and he resisted the urge to gag, as the amazing manhood sank into his throat, where he paused once more, adjusting, before slowly easing off, until just the wide head remained resting on his tongue. He wrapped his lush lips in a tight ring just below the head, and sucked strongly, as his hand slid up the inside of Brett's firm thigh, and gently encircled his heavy scrotum. He closed his fingers around the pouch, and tugged gently downward, eliciting another deep groan form Brett in reaction to the added stimulation. Still fondling the large balls, Ryan slowly worked his drooling mouth down the length of Brett's throbbing tool, until he felt the blond pubes tickle at his nose, as the wide head again pummeled his throat.

Ryan settled into a rhythm then, every nerve center in his young body singing with the pleasure of sucking this man, this amazing cock, as he steadily moved his head up and down, sucking and licking, as Brett's hips rocked in response, matching the rhythm perfectly. His fingers threaded through Ryan's hair, tugging it gently, as his ragged breathing, and cracking voice uttered a cadence of groans, and grunts. He endured the rapidly growing urge, need really, to explode, his balls afire with desire to discharge, until he could take it no more, finding himself suddenly at the precipitous edge of cumming, and he tugged sharply, painfully, at Ryan's hair, groaning loudly for the boy to stop, stop now, before he passed the final moment of no return. Ryan jerked back at the hurtful pulling of his hair, and yelped, releasing the seriously pulsing cock from his stretched lips, as he looked wonderingly up at Brett, slightly confused. He ran his tongue through his drooling mouth, relishing the somewhat almond flavor of Brett's copious precum on his tongue, and waited, his instincts practically yelling for him to shove the incredible cock back inside his mouth, and suck it, until he was drowned in what he knew would be an unbelievable torrent of man-cum, but he resisted, trying to get some kind of read on Brett's thoughts, as he watched him.

Suddenly, Brett pitched forward, grabbing at Ryan's shoulders, as he rolled him onto his back, then, all but attacked him, his hands, and lips, suddenly everywhere, as he lapped, and sucked, at Ryan's small, tight, nipples, tongued wetly over the taut skin of his flat tummy, finally ending the oral onslaught by swallowing his drooling penis to its very base. Ryan bucked under the pummeling, his breath catching in his throat, and his already aching balls threatening to explode, as Brett deftly sucked his throbbing cock, and tongue washed his ball sac, covering so much ground, and providing so much intense stimulation, that Ryan thought there actually might be two people attending to his wanton desires.

As quickly as Brett had launched his amazing orchestration on Ryan's now heaving body, he withdrew, and forcefully rolled Ryan's pliant body over, pushing him face down into the pillow under his head, as Brett gripped his slim waist in his strong hands, and lifted his center, so that Ryan's cute little ass was suddenly Brett's focus, as he slid his knees up under him, and again pushed his shoulders down on the bed. Moving in behind the startled boy, Brett ran his palm over the smooth, round globes of Ryan's butt, kneading the succulent flesh, and even pinching gently, as his other hand toyed with Ryan's hanging balls, between his spread thighs, as Ryan groaned into the pillow. Brett was mumbling incoherently, bits and pieces of phrases that Ryan thought described his sweet, boyish ass in broken mutterings, as Brett suddenly caused the bed to shift with his movements. Ryan sucked in a deep breath, his body literally singing with feeling, and gasped loudly, as Brett suddenly invaded the cleft of his upturned butt with the wetness of his tongue.

Ryan shrieked, his senses tilting to overload, as Brett strongly gripped the globes of his ass, and separated them, as his thick tongue delved deeply into his crease, and poked at his small pucker. He probed it, and licked it, the wet tongue moving rapidly, as he pressed firmly against the tightness there, and Ryan willed himself to relax, and push back, allowing Brett's wicked tongue to suddenly penetrate his very core, and slide up inside his warmth.

"OHhhhh fuuuuuck....!" Wailed Ryan, his fingers grabbing at the bed covers, his body screaming in sensations such as he had never felt before, as Brett literally drove his firm tongue in and out of him, fucking him, for lack of any better term, while his hand gripped his swinging balls between his thighs.

On, and on Brett went, driving his tongue deeply into the boy, then out, only to repeat the process, again, and again, until Ryan feared he might actually black out from the sheer intensity of it all. Finally, Brett reached his fill, and pulled back, rising up onto his knees, as he maneuvered in behind the nearly upside down teen, and aligned his throbbing cock with Ryan's spit soaked oval. He dragged the bulbous head over the tight pucker several times, then, aligned it, and pushed, then again, as Ryan hissed loudly, his entire air supply being forced from his lungs in one long push, as Brett steadily buried his thick cock fully inside him.

"AGgggggg.......Jesus....oh.....oh....oh....!" gurgled Ryan, his gripping tunnel filled to capacity, and more, as Brett bottomed out deep inside him, and paused.

Ryan's ass was on fire, wave, after wave, of sensations sweeping through him, as Brett began a steady pumping of his upturned ass, fucking him expertly, as his hand slipped around Ryan's waist, and found his jerking cock, and stroked it in sync with his deep lunges inside the boy. Ryan was blabbering, making nonsensical little noises, all muted by his face being buried in the pillow, as Brett fucked him as he had never before been fucked, deep, and hard, then, slow, and shallow, driving the teen out of his mind with pleasure, and feelings so intense as to nearly defy consciousness. On and on it went, Brett's pace gaining in both speed, and fury, and Ryan suddenly felt his aching balls draw sharply upward in their tortured sac, and explode, his cock spasming sharply, then, ejaculating, long, thick, ropes of his pent up semen literally shooting forth to paint the bed clothes below his jerking hips, again, and again, until he was afraid his very balls would eject from his well drained cock.

The strong contractions within Ryan's gripping chute added the last final straw to Brett's own pending eruption, and, with a final long drive deep into Ryan's bowel, he too jetted his thick, creamy cum, shooting repeatedly into Ryan's yielding gut, filling his sacred passage with what felt like gallons of warm semen.

Totally spent now, and exhausted beyond belief, Brett withdrew, his rapidly diminishing cock popping wetly from Ryan's battered entrance, and he collapsed forward, and to his side, as Ryan released a deep, guttural wail, and collapsed forward on to his stomach, his back rising and falling , as he strained to breath. Brett slid an arm over Ryan's back, and tugged his sweating young body close, and held him, still too overwhelmed to speak. He nuzzled his face into Ryan's neck, and licked the sweat from his skin, as he finally, barely, managed to utter,


(To be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 12

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