Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Oct 27, 2006


Ryan, recovered from the mind-bending orgasm he had experienced from Devon's talented oral ministrations, turned his full attention to Devon's extremely rigid erection. He leaned into the slightly taller teen, and licked at the hollow of his neck, and tongued his small ear, as his hand gently manipulated the pulsing organ that jutted straight out from Devon's groin. Devon ran his hands over the satin smooth skin of Ryan's back, and cooed softly, as the pleasurable sensations of Ryan's touch washed over him.

Ryan pulled away slightly, nudging Devon backward, until his butt came to rest against the work bench structure that was affixed to the wall of the small room. He leaned down then, and lapped his tongue over Devon's small, erect nipples, moving between the small nubs, as he licked, and sucked them in turn, his hand never breaking rhythm as he continued to stroke the rock hard penis. Devon ran his fingers through Ryan's soft hair, and arched his back slightly, as if feeding his sensitive nipples to Ryan's very erotic licks, and sucks. Moving lower, Ryan trailed his wet tongue over Devon's smooth torso, then, stabbed repeatedly into the small cave of his navel, still stroking his now drooling penis, and alternately fondling his hanging scrotum, as Devon moaned with pleasure.

Going to his knees, then, Ryan gripped the very base of Devon's turgid cock, and moved the slippery, wet, head of it over his face, streaking his smooth, flushed cheeks with wet trails of the boys leaking precum. Moving the plumb shaped head to his lips, he moved it back and forth horizontally, causing Devon to shudder strongly. The copious flow of precum wetted his lips, and Ryan extended his tongue tip to lap at the almond flavored fluid, then, swabbed the flat of his tongue over Devon's nearly purple colored mushroom cap, as his finger and thumb stroked at the base, literally milking the shaft, and generating still more flow of the slightly acrid tasting liquid, which he promptly licked up as it oozed from the tiny slit. Devon shuddered again, his small hips bucking forward, and Ryan quickly backed away from licking the over-charged cock head, fearing he might make Devon ejaculate too soon. He ran the tip of his tongue down the length of Devon's cock, then, dipped lower, and swabbed at the plump scrotum that hung heavily between his thighs. He probed at the heavy ovals within the wrinkled sac, and gently captured each egg in turn, sucking it gently, as his fingers slid up and down Devon's silky inner thighs. He wrenched his mouth as wide as possible, and managed to capture both balls at once inside his warm, wet mouth, and used his mouth to tug downward on the plump pouch, causing Devon to groan, and rise up on his toes.

Still sucking on Devon's full sac, Ryan slid his finger in behind Devon's balls, and pressed firmly against his perineum, his fingertip digging into the tiny ridges of the seam, as Devon grabbed at tufts of his hair, and groaned again. Ryan could feel his own renewed erection leaking profusely, and he felt his sphincter flexing, and swelling, almost like an unreachable itch, and he released Devon's now aching balls from his mouth, and again grasped the rigid base in his fingers, once more rubbing the drooling head against his soft cheek. He looked up, his eyes meeting Devon's, both their expressions filled with lust, and hunger, and he guided the flared head of Devon's cock over his face, and said,

"Fuck me, Devon...oh man...I really need you to fuck me...now...!"

Devon's eyes went wide, and he stared hungrily at his nearly purple cock head gliding over the soft, smooth skin of Ryan's cute face, and he felt his tormented balls give a small lurch at Ryan's impassioned plea, and he groaned, nodding his head quickly, as he replied,

"Fuck you....oh man, yea....fuck yea...!"

Ryan moved quickly then, getting to his feet, his throbbing erection jutting obscenely off his groin, and placed his palms on Devon's chest, pushing him backward until he lay flat on the makeshift work bench, then, hurriedly climbed onto the bench himself, straddling Devon's middle. He positioned himself, his knees on either side of Devon's prone body, and reached behind him to grab Devon's rock hard shaft, then, rose up, and centered the leaking head with his twitching entrance. He guided the spongy head through his crease a few times, smearing the free flowing fluids over his small pucker, then, spit into his palm, and reached under him to coat the bulbous head of Devon's cock with the saliva, then, once again aimed it at his winking opening. He lowered his weight, bringing Devon's cock in contact with his hungry hole, then, sucked in a breath, and pushed downward. Devon tensed, a low growl escaping his gaping mouth, and thrust his hips upward, meeting Ryan's descent, and he growled again, as his throbbing cock penetrated the tight ring of Ryan's anus, and slid inside the unbelievable tightness of Ryan's incredibly warm tunnel.

The breath he had taken was sharply expelled from Ryan's chest as the thickness of Devon's cock drilled inside him, and Ryan tossed his head back, rolling it from side to side, as the amazing feeling of fullness washed over him. He continued pushing down until he felt Devon's silky pubic hairs tickle at his ass, and balls, then paused, clenching and releasing his anal muscles on the rigid, thick shaft that filled him, as Devon hissed through tight lips,


Ryan worked his muscles several times, clamping, and releasing his grip on Devon's turgid shaft, then, eased off, and lifted his body, until only the wide head was trapped in his tight ring, then, paused again, savoring the feeling of being stretched, and filled. He put his palms flat on Devon's chest, his fingers exploring the tight little nipples, and again slid down the length of Devon's cock, bottoming out, before lifting yet again. Up and down he rode, finding a rhythm, reveling in the multitude of amazing sensations that flooded his senses as Devon filled him over, and over. Devon matched Ryan's rhythm with a lifting, and lowering, of his hips, driving the fullness of his throbbing cock deep inside the panting boy above him, his mind reeling from the intensity of the feelings that filled him, as he fucked the hungry boy, giving him all that he had to give. His breath was ragged, and rapid, and his nipples felt like fire, as Ryan twisted and tugged on them, his satin-like ass gripping his raging erection so tightly he would not have been surprised had the skin peeled right off the granite hard shaft.

Up and down went Ryan, his head rolling, and his mouth agape, as Devon matched him stroke for stroke, drilling him, until he could take it no longer, his balls drawing up painfully, and his battered shaft swelling still thicker, as his orgasm overtook him, and his molten semen erupted, flooding Ryan's gripping chute with volley after volley of warm, creamy cum. Ryan felt the sudden eruption of Devon's boy honey painting over his clenched rectum, jet after jet of the warm fluid washing the walls of his bowels, and his own cock lurched, untouched, and ejaculated several rapid streams of thick nectar over Devon's chest, and stomach.

Drained now, and totally exhausted, Ryan lunged forward onto Devon's heaving, gasping torso, and Devon wrapped his arms around Ryan's sweating back, holding him tightly, as his spent cock began to wilt, and finally eased out of Ryan's well fucked hole. A veritable flood of Devon's semen began to drain from Ryan's gaping entrance, drizzling down Ryan's thighs, and coating over Devon's drained balls, and upper thighs, as the boys clung to each other, gasping for air, both of them seeing tiny bright lights swimming in their vision field. Finally, Ryan sighed deeply, and lifted his head, his flushed, and sweating face directly in front of Devon's, and he smiled, and gasped,

"Holy sock, Batman...thanks....I needed that...!"

Devon laughed, lightly slapping Ryan's cute little ass, and replied,

"That was....amazing, sweetcheeks...fucking amazing...so, how soon do you figure to need that again....?"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 11

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