Going with the Notion

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Sep 21, 2006


Ryan walked slowly, deep in thought, as he covered about a third of the length of the sparsely populated pier that extended from the boardwalk out into the bay. He stopped, and leaned on the railing that lined the edges of the pier, and stared blankly down into the gentle swells of the ocean, the scent of the sea flooding his senses. He sighed deeply, entwining his fingers in front of him, as he let his mind replay the earlier events of the evening, and his most recent failure with his girl friend, Julie.

Julie. Another deep sigh, as Ryan conjured up a clear mental image of her obvious disappointment, and even anger, as she had clenched her jaw, and exited his car without so much as a word, or even a look back, before she slammed through the front door of her house. He couldn't bring himself to blame her, hell; he even understood where she was coming from with her behavior; or, more to the point, his behavior. Julie, like Ryan, had recently turned sixteen, a high school junior, who was beset with the typical raging hormones that at some point gelled, and fueled the inner fires that led teenagers to believe that they were ready for, very nearly required, that first sexual experience of going the whole way for the first time in their young lives. Julie had made her desires abundantly clear some weeks ago, boldly stating her wishes to gift her precious virginity to Ryan, and the pronouncement had generated a series of cold chills down Ryan's spine.

He really liked Julie, a lot, and the two had been more or less a couple since their freshman year. They truly enjoyed each others company, and the list of their compatibilities was lengthy, as they shared many common interests, and a similar humor. They had evolved as a popular couple, frequently mingling with what was considered the "in" crowd at school, and were always included in any social functions that the group undertook. Both enjoyed high popularity with their peers, Ryan being a standout player on the varsity baseball and football teams, and Julie being on the cheer leader squad, as well as a star on the girl's volleyball team. Both were extremely attractive in a physical sense as well, Ryan clocking in at an even six feet, and 160 pounds of lean, solid muscle, with sandy-brown hair, and dark brown eyes. He was handsome, in a still slightly boyish way, with a ready smile which displayed his perfect, white teeth. Julie was a petite natural blond, maybe five-six, and one-fifteen, with perky breasts that stood proudly on her chest, a slender waist that tapered into a perfect little ass above equally perfect, very shapely legs. Given the same opportunity that she had presented Ryan, any number of studs would have, by now, happily bedded her several times, and been eagerly looking for more.

Ryan sighed again, then, inhaled a deep breath, the moist sea air filling his lungs, as he held it, before slowly letting it go, as he forced his mind to confront the reality of his reason for not acting on such a delicious offer from such a delicious girl.

Ryan, plain and simply put, was gay. The plain fact of the matter was, that try as he might to ignore it, and wish it away, the substantive fodder of Ryan's sexual fantasies, and masturbatory stimuli, were other males, and always had been. From the very beginning of his sexual awakening, at around age eleven, his interest had been in culling any opportunity to see other boys bodies, and in particular their budding young boyhoods, and he had quickly become adept at subtly seizing such opportunities to check out his comrades in their small briefs, or, better still, totally naked, in the locker room at school, in the showers, or during any number of other activities, such as scouts, and various summer camps he had attended. His youthful mind thus filled with such intriguing visions, he would hurry to the privacy of his bedroom, to feverishly stroke his rigid boyhood, as his thoughts wandered to how it would feel to actually one day be naked with another willing boy, as they deftly explored each others penis, and balls, touching everywhere, as their combined boy parts became rigid, and wet, with desire. He had come across someones discarded stash of gay porn magazines while short-cutting through an alleyway in town, and the added visuals of the men depicted within had greatly fueled Ryan's inner fires, as he imagined himself stroking, and sucking, another hard penis, and even possibly having one enter him, as many of the pictures depicted.

Early on, Ryan never gave much thought to the idea of "gayness," only very occasionally pausing briefly to ponder his lack of interest in girl's bodies, then dismissing the thought, as he concentrated on his deep desire to find some way to experience with another boy the incredible sensations that he was able to provide himself in the privacy of his bedroom . His basic environment, and upbringing, had given him to understand that his sexual interests were "supposed" to be toward girls, and he decided that perhaps that would come later on, when girls didn't seem as scary, and giggly-silly, as they seemed at this stage of his life. In fact, as time passed, and Ryan gained further knowledge of the female anatomy via the prescribed "health" classes in school, his lack of interest in the fair sex deepened, as he shuddered, trying for the life of him to figure out why anyone would have much interest in that dank place between a girls legs. While he came to understand the necessity of the species in terms of procreation, to Ryan, it paled in comparison to an erect penis, and dangling balls, in terms of sexual attraction, and excitement.

Whatever degree of doubt that might have remained regarding Ryan's sexual preference was abolished during the summer of his thirteenth year, when a visiting fifteen year old cousin at long last provided Ryan with his first shared sexual experiences. Jason was the son of Ryan's aunt, his mother's sister, and lived in a city some distance from the seaside town that was Ryan's family home. Over the years, it had become the norm for Jason and his mother to visit for several days during the summer, giving the distant sisters an opportunity to catch up with each others lives, and also a way for the cousins to stay in touch. When Jason visited, he always shared Ryan's bedroom, and, this year was slightly different than years past in that Ryan had recently switched from twin beds in his room, to a single, queen sized bed that the boys would be sharing for sleeping. Ryan was secretly excited by the prospect of sharing his space with his cousin, whom he had always found to be very attractive, and, also his bed. He happily recalled past visits wherein Jason had exhibited practically no modesty when changing clothes in the bedroom they shared, including changes in and out of swimwear, or underwear, when the cute teen freely displayed his fully naked body for his cousin's visual pleasure. He clearly recalled the impressive size of Jason's equipment, and, for weeks after the visits, he utilized the mental images of his cousin's body as jackoff stimulation. This trip, he decided, he might even find some opportunity to actually touch Jason's penis, given the closeness that would naturally occur as they shared the bed.

True to Ryan's wishes, on the evening of the third day of Jason's visit, the long awaited event took place. The boys had spent a full day at the local beach, sunning, and body-boarding the rolling surf, and Ryan had enjoyed ample opportunity to secretly drool over his older cousin's ripening body clad only in a small pair of cut-off shorts that clung wetly to the intriguing bulges of boy parts at his crotch. After returning home from the beach, the boys had continued their water based frolicking in Ryan's back yard pool, splashing and grappling, as they wrestled to dunk each other. On several occasions Ryan slyly availed himself of the opportunity to subtly grope his older cousin through his cutoff's, feigning the contact as inadvertent to their grappling. Toward the end of their wrestling, Ryan was sure that Jason's penis had grown in length, and girth, and that thought was confirmed, as Jason broke off the wrestling, and exited the pool. The front of his soaked, and clinging cutoffs were severally distended by his mostly erect penis poking strongly at the material, and Ryan's eyes widened at the sight. Without even being aware that he spoke the thought aloud, he had muttered something along the line of Jason having a really big one, a remark that drew a sly smile from Jason, as he winked at him, and said quietly that he would be happy to let him see it later, in his bedroom. Ryan felt himself blush hotly, but nodded his head, returning Jason's wide smile with a shy one of his own.

The rest of the evening had dragged in slow motion for Ryan, who had been unable to think of anything other than his cousins offer to show him his penis once they were alone in his bedroom for the night. The dinner had seemingly lasted an eternity, followed by the obligatory chatting, and watching television with the family, but finally, Ryan's mom had suggested that the boys should be getting to bed, given the full day of sun, and swimming, they had had, and the equally full day that would likely occur tomorrow. Ryan practically leapt up from his position on the floor in front of the television, a movement that caused Jason to giggle softly, as he, too, stood up, and followed his eager cousin to the bedroom.

Upon reaching the bedroom, Ryan had closed the door, secure in the unspoken agreement that existed between his mother and himself that she would not enter his private space without knocking first. He had turned excitedly to face Jason, who had stretched sideways across the bed, leaning back on his elbows, with his feet resting on the floor. Ryan let his gaze drift over his cousins body, then, settle on the bulging crotch of the small, snug cutoffs, as Jason smiled, and tugged his tee shirt over his head, leaving him dressed in only the small shorts. Ryan had gasped softly, his eyes devouring every inch of the exposed, satin smooth skin of his cousins torso, and lightly hairy legs, then, once again settled his gaze on that increasingly bulging crotch. Jason's grin widened, as he watched the lustful expression on Ryan's face, and he teasingly moved his hand to the snap of his fly, and popped it open, then, slid down the zipper, and rested back on his elbows, leering at Ryan. The fly of the shorts gapped, and, as Jason shifted his compact little butt slightly, parted further, revealing a fair patch of dark pubic hair covering his groin. Ryan starred, groaning softly, as he realized that Jason was naked under the small, open shorts, and focused his gaze on what he was certain was the base of Jason's penis, just barely visible through the dark strands of wiry hair growth. He felt his mouth flood with saliva, and he swallowed, his pink tongue sliding over his full lips, as Jason chuckled softly, and once more lifted his butt, as his hand pushed the cutoffs down his thighs, and his very tumescent penis sprang into view. He winked at his astonished cousin, then, worked the shorts down to his feet, and kicked them away, leaving him totally naked on the bed. He spread his legs wider, and leaned back, and Ryan felt his own penis spring to rigid erection inside his suddenly cramped shorts.

Ryan moaned again, his hungry stare fixed on Jason's rapidly thickening penis, then dropped his gaze slightly, zooming in on the plump, and heavy scrotum that dangled beneath the thick penis. Jason's balls were larger than his own, and looser, too, it appeared, and Ryan once more licked his lips, and unconsciously dropped a hand to his distended crotch to grip his own very stiff penis. Jason had casually reached to his own penis then, and gripped its girth, as his hand began a slow up and down stroking movement over the now fully erect member, as he watched his cousin fondle his cock over his shorts. He grinned widely, and encouraged Ryan to take off his clothes, and be naked like him, and to come lie down next to him, all of which Ryan executed nearly immediately, completely forgetting his abject shyness.

Ryan sat gingerly on the edge of the bed next to Jason, his eyes wide, and fixed on Jason's pulsing erection. His boyish face was flushed heavily with excitement, and his smooth chest rose and fell rapidly with each shallow breath, as he stared at the object of his long pent up desire. Jason flexed his penis, causing the rigid stalk to bounce off his groin, and urged his cousin to touch him, as he watched the boy tentatively extend his arm, his slightly shaking hand reaching for his throbbing penis, and finally closing around it. Ryan released a long, deep groan, his long held desire suddenly becoming a stark reality, as he shuddered at feeling the warmth, and hardness of Jason's penis in his grasp, and he groaned again, as he instinctively began gently stroking the amazing appendage up and down its length. Jason lay fully back, parting his legs further still, and urged his cousin to continue stroking his pulsing erection, and to play with his full balls, as well. Ryan settled into a steady rhythm of manipulating Jason's cock, and eased his other hand between the splayed thighs to gingerly cup the plump pouch of his balls. Jason released a groan of his own at the added contact, and he muttered his encouragement to his cousin, telling him that his movements were perfect, and that it wouldn't be long before his pent up load would be ejecting from his now oozing penis. Ryan made no reply, but simply continued his surprisingly deft masturbation of his cousin as though he had done it hundreds of times before, his eyes glazed, and fixated, on the turgid shaft he held in his hand at long last.

True to his prediction, in a matter of minutes, Jason began bucking his slim hips slightly, a series of soft grunts, and groans emanating from his chest, and Ryan felt the shaft thicken, and spasm, in his grip, as Jason's heavy balls seemed to rise up in the pouch, as he emitted one, long groan. Ryan's eyes widened again, as he watched the tiny slit in the smooth head of Jason's wetly glistening penis spread, and gorge forth a veritable fountain of thick, white cream, followed almost instantly by another, and then, another, finally dwindling to smaller, less forceful discharges that more oozed from the slit, than erupted, as the first volleys had. Jason grunted forcefully with each eruption, his fists tightly balled, and slamming at the bed, as Ryan watched, completely fascinated, as his cousins semen ejected from his spasming penis until there was none left to eject. He stopped his stroking then, and lightly held the softening penis in his fingers, as he shifted his gaze to his cousins seriously slimed torso, awash in long strings of his thick, white semen reaching nearly to his small nipples, and pooling thickly in the concave hollow of his navel. Ryan once more licked his lips, marveling at the copious volume, and creamy thickness, of Jason's ejaculate, and without any actual thought, he moved his hand up to smear the warm, creamy fluid over Jason's smooth skin, coating his fingers into the slick goo, as Jason strived to regain his normal breathing. He watched Ryan spread his cum over his skin, then giggled, and gripped Ryan's slender wrist, guiding his cum-slicked fingers to his grinning face, then, slurping the slimy fingers into his mouth as he licked, and sucked them free of his own semen, while an astonished Ryan watched, wide eyed. Jason steered Ryan's hand back to his navel, and dipped a finger into the pool of semen collected there, then, aimed the finger to Ryan's mouth, indicating with his head and eyes for Ryan to suck it, and he did, his astonished expression changing to giggles, as he savored his first taste of another's cum in his mouth.

And so the dam had most definitely been breached, and the remainder of that evening, well into the night, and all those evenings that remained of Jason's visit, had been all too quickly spent furthering Ryan's sexual explorations, as the two horny boys had left few stones unturned in their quest to quell the fires that burned within them. Ryan, finally, had been able to experience the nearly unbelievable pleasure of being touched, stroked, and sucked, by another, as well as returning each favor, all experiences that he found he had barely touched upon in his dreams, and masturbatory endeavors. Self pleasure, very definitely, paled in comparison. By the day of Jason's departure, Ryan was sure beyond a doubt that he had, in fact, been totally correct in his early assessment that boys clearly offered the ultimate in sexual excitement, and pleasure, and that this was to be his fulfillment of choice as he moved forward through his life.

As if by some instinct, Ryan seemed to understand the socially unacceptable distinction of his chosen sexual endeavors, and he constantly strived for complete discretion, limiting his search for sexual playmates to only those few that he felt certain were like minded, and therefore equally as concerned with discretion. He entered into a brief fling with a neighbor boy that he had dared to share his gay porn stash with one afternoon, acting only after the other boy displayed an obvious interest in the material, and an equally obvious interest in Ryan's erection. That had been nearly like an answer to his prayers, but sadly ended at the end of the summer, when the boy's family relocated to another city. He had surreptitiously searched internet message boards, seeking other local contacts of common interest, and had managed one or two brief, hurried connections for quick mutual jerkoffs, or traded blow jobs in the woods, but was more often than not rebuffed upon actually meeting someone due to his young age, which clearly scared off the more mature candidates he had contacted online. As Ryan entered high school, and often heard the older boy's rants about "faggots," and "queers," he quickly realized that such labels were akin to the kiss of death among high schoolers, so he quietly edged deeper still into the closet. It seemed the perfect disguise, when during his freshman year, Julie had made it clear that she was interested in being his "girl," and he had readily let that relationship develop, giving legitimate cover to his secret desires. It had been initially easy, given his genuine fondness for Julie, and things had been settling in well until she suddenly began expecting that they would become intimate, a level of the relationship that held little interest for Ryan.

He expelled yet another long sigh, as he stared inland at the shimmering lights that decorated the beach front boardwalk, and reflected on the most recent upheaval that had resulted in Julie's obvious disappointment, and the resulting anger. They had gone for burgers at the local hangout, and mingled with friends as usual, then seen a newly released movie, before adjourning to their usual cuddle spot up on the bluffs overlooking the shimmering sea. Their impassioned kisses, and mutual groping, had followed the normal pattern, and Ryan actually enjoyed greatly the sensations that Julie's exploring fingers awoke in him, as she gently fondled his erect penis outside his shorts. He dutifully caressed her firm breasts, and teased at her rigid nipples, an act that never failed to arouse her to a cadence of small purring noises, even though he really couldn't quite comprehend the endless attraction his peers seemed to feel for the female breast. As Julie's passions rose, she had grappled with the snap, and zipper of Ryan's shorts, finally freeing his erection, then laid back across the car seat, tugging Ryan on top of her, as she breathily mumbled her desire for him against his ear, her fingers urgent at his cock. He groaned, suddenly feeling his erection wilting as the thought of actually entering her flashed through his mind, and before he could reject the thought, he was soft, and small in her hand. He groaned again, attempting to nuzzle his face into her soft breasts, silently praying for his erection to recover, while knowing full well it was not going to happen. He felt Julie go tense under him, as she released his flaccid penis as though it had burned her, and she pushed her hands against his chest, muttering unkind comments, as she pushed him off her, and sat up, curling as far against the car door as possible, as she shot him a look that could have melted glass.

Ryan got himself righted behind the steering wheel, and frantically restored his gapping shorts, as he felt his face glowing with embarrassment, and the shame of yet another failure to find the ability to make love to his girlfriend, who wanted it so. He glanced in her direction, mumbling, trying to tell her that he just had too much respect for her to complete the act, a line that fizzled completely with the rejected Julie, who merely grunted, and demanded to be taken home, immediately. Past experiences of a similar nature had trained Ryan to know that no amount of persuasion, or cajoling, would alter Julie's dour mood, so he merely sighed deeply, and started the car, driving silently to Julie's home, where she had exited the car in a huff, very nearly before he had gotten it stopped at the curb. Ryan had watched her slam through the door, then, driven to the boardwalk, parked, and slowly wandered down the long pier, mulling over his thoughts, and frustrations, as he was doing now. He slowly pulled back from his reverie, blinking several times in attempt to clear his head, then pushed off the railing, and resumed his walk toward the far end of the pier, hunching his shoulders deeper into his sweat shirt against the damp chill of the ocean air.

Some ten minutes later, Ryan reached the end of the pier, and once more settled against the railing, staring out to sea, as he contemplated the real possibility of simply jumping off, and seeing how far out to sea he could swim before just quietly slipping beneath the surface, bringing an end to his trauma, and humiliation. As he leaned on the rail, thinking his dire thoughts, he sensed a movement to his right, and turned his head toward it, seeing a person moving though the soft mist in his direction. He squinted in an attempt to bring the face into focus in the dim, and misty air, and before he was able to quite manage it, the person spoke up, saying,

"Ryan...is that you...hey...!"

As the boy came closer, Ryan was able to recognize him as Todd Gains, one of his baseball team mates from earlier in the year, and a casual school acquaintance. He raised his hand in greeting, and replied,

"Hey, Todd...yea, it's me...what's up, dude...?"

Todd walked up to Ryan, and the two exchanged the standard bumping of fists that was the typical method of greeting among the teens these days, and Todd said,

"How's it going, Ry...?" as he glanced around, then added, "You hanging here all by your lonesome...?....kinda getting cold out to be hanging on the pier, dude..."

Ryan nodded, again shrugging into his sweatshirt, and answered,

"Yea...just me...walking, and thinking...actually thinking of a swim to Hawaii...must be warmer over there, don't you think...?"

Todd chuckled, shaking his head slowly, as he gave Ryan a questioning look, his head cocked to one side, as he replied,

"Really...Hawaii, huh...sort of a long-ass swim, dude...and, you'd be getting, like, a really late start, don't you think...?"

Ryan looked into Todd's face, making no reply, as he considered the fact that Todd was incredibly good looking, and he idly wondered why he had made no particular note of that before. At an even six feet tall, Todd's facial features were, indeed, near Hollywood handsome, and very nicely set off by his coal black hair, and unusually light blue eyes. His smile was like a miniature strobe light in the center of his pleasant face, and his even rows of snow white teeth flashed brightly with the reflected lights of the pier, and Ryan focused briefly on the full, lush mouth that smiled at him, his mind quickly processing a thought of how it might feel to kiss that mouth. The thought actually startled Ryan, and he straightened, grinning back at Todd in an effort to cover the sudden chill that washed over him with the idea of kissing this boy.

"Yea, dude....your prolly right...too late to set out swimming to Hawaii tonight...maybe I'll go tomorrow..."

Todd flashed the same questioning look again, and once more tilted his head to one side, and Ryan instantly decided that he was definitely cute, and seriously attractive, once more surprising himself with his reaction, and thoughts.

"Well, whatever, I guess....if it was me, though, I'd give serious thought to taking a plane...night, or day, it's still a hell of a swim, dude...!" Todd said, flashing yet another dazzling smile.

Ryan chuckled, nodding, and asked,

"So, Todd...what brings you to the cold and misty pier at this time of night...and also, apparently, by your lonesome...?"

Todd chuckled, and hummed a few bars of Two lonely people, an old Aritha Franklin standard, and answered,

"Believe it or not, I was actually fishing out here for the last couple of hours, and, when I spotted you standing here, I was headed over there for some hot coffee..." he indicated the small café located on the far side of the pier, and added, "You want to join me..?...I'll buy you a cup...warm us up some...?"

Ryan suddenly couldn't think of a single thing he would rather do than cozy up in the warm café, and share a hot cup of coffee with this good looking boy, so he nodded his head, and answered,

"Yea...that really sounds good, Todd...it really does...thanks, dude...!"

Side by side, both slightly hunched against the chill mist, the boys ambled over to the café, and went inside. The place was all but deserted, the lone inhabitants being the cook who leaned on the counter perusing a newspaper, and two lonely looking soles eating separately at the counter. The cook glanced up, and indicated that the boys should sit anywhere with a sweep of his hand, and they moved to a booth next to the window, where they sat on opposite sides of the table facing each other. The cook called out, asking if they wanted menu's, and both asked for just coffee, which he soon shuffled over to the table in steaming crockery mugs, which he placed before the boys, then, returned to his perch, and his paper. Ryan cupped his hands around the steaming mug, and gripped it, enjoying the warmth of the mug flowing into his hands. He looked into Todd's amazing blue eyes, then, lowered his gaze to again stare at the lush mouth, and full lips, as the intriguing thought of kissing him again crossed his mind. Forcing his eyes away from the temptation, he met Todd's steady gaze, smiled, and said,

"Hot...feels good, actually..." as he indicated the mug with a tilt of his head.

Todd smiled, and reached for his own mug, hoisting it, and taking a tentative sip of the steaming brew, then replied,

"For sure....taste good, too...fresh, and super hot..."

I bet it does taste good, and fresh, and no doubt it's super hot, too, thought Ryan, his mind conjuring up an image of what he guessed Todd's erect penis might look like. Lacking the balls to offer up such a bold reply, he nodded, and lifted his own mug to taste the coffee, then, agreed with Todd's assessment. The two settled back then, easing into a comfortable conversation, reviewing some highlights of their recently completed baseball season, and some speculation on the likely plight of the schools football season which had just begun. Todd provided a summary of his evenings lack of fishing luck, and Ryan chuckled at his anecdotal telling of the experience, then Todd once again asked him of the circumstances that had placed him alone on the pier on a late Friday evening, when he would more expected him to be somewhere with Julie. Ryan leaned back in the booth, and released a heavy sigh, then looked into Todd's azure eyes, and answered,

"Well, actually....I was...earlier...some food, and a movie....then...well, from there, things... kind of went to hell between us...and...I just needed to walk, and think...so...the pier has always kind of done that for me....so...here I am..."

Todd frowned slightly, his smooth brow furrowing slightly beneath his soft, black bangs, and he nodded slowly, saying,

"Ah...I see...well, it's always been my experience that girls... can be...complex...hard to figure, sometimes...and even harder to...please...which is pretty much why I don't go there, other than in a just friends kind of way...you know...?"

Ryan held Todd's piercing gaze, the shade of his eyes almost hypnotic, as he slowly nodded, and allowed the meaning behind the words to seep into his brain. Todd not actively pursuing any girls...?...wow, that's pretty much a surprise...I wonder if...naaw, no way...that's just too much to even hope for....still...he wondered, maybe, just maybe...! Finally, he blinked, snapping his attention back to the attractive boy across from him, and smiled, as he nodded, and replied,

"I hear that, dude...and you nailed it, too....complex....good term...and, as of a couple of hours ago, I'm pretty sure that Julie and I are just friends too, if that, even...she was plenty smoked at me, for sure...and....well, lets just say that I can't really blame her."

Todd nodded slowly, then said,

"Well, Ry...if that is something you regret, then I'm sorry, dude...but...let me tell you, there really is life without the fair half of the species, believe me, and....well...for me, anyway...it's really an ok life...equally as... exciting....and...well...much less....complex...if you catch my drift, at all..."

Ryan hoped, wanted to, be catching the drift loud and clear, and he had, assuming that he was not totally misreading what Todd was saying, and he somehow just felt that he was exactly right with his read of the conversation. He nodded, stalling slightly, then, sucked in a deep breath, and jumped off the cliff, saying, as he looked directly into Todd's stunning eyes,

"What you say, I know, is exactly right...the less complex....and...equally as...exciting...part, I mean...and yea, Todd...I think I do catch your drift, actually...at least I really hope I do..."

Todd returned the intense gaze for a long minute, then, replied,

"Good, then...so maybe my....fishing luck.... isn't going to be as bad as I thought, tonight...is your car around here somewhere, Ry...?"

Ryan felt his heart skip slightly, and he felt a sudden twinge deep in his balls, as he held Todd's steady, penetrating gaze, and nodded, answering,

"Uh huh, it is....parked down by the boardwalk..."

Todd nodded, the corners of his lush mouth turning up in a small smile, as he dug into his pocket, and came up with some folded bills, from which he slimmed of two dollar bills that he dropped onto the table. He slid out of the booth, standing, and extended his arm toward Ryan, as he winked, and said,

"Come oh dude...let's off this pop-stand, and go take a ride someplace..."

Ryan reached out, and gripped Todd's offered hand, his penis jerking inside his shorts at the contact, as he pulled himself to his feet, and they headed toward the door, Todd not relinquishing his firm grip on Ryan's hand. Outside, as the swirling mist surrounded them, Ryan shivered strongly from the sudden dampness in the air, and Todd released his hand, and slipped his arm around Ryan's shoulder, and pulled him close, as they moved back down the long pier, gathering up Todd's fishing gear as they passed it, while Ryan's penis continued to thicken in his shorts, as he dared let himself think of where he thought this just might be going. Oh God, he prayed silently, please...oh, please...!

(To be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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