Going Undercover in Salem

By lightdagger

Published on Jul 14, 2000


Disclaimer: This story contains sexually oriented material, which consists of male-to- male sex. This in no way implies to the sexuality of any of the characters or actors in the soap opera Days of Our Lives. Austin Reed and Eric Brady and the shows characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

Author's Note-Thanks to all who responded to my last fic. I know I said I'd write a part two to my other work, "Latin Love in Sunnydale" but the current Day's storyline inspired me. Hope you all enjoy. Like last time, please send all comments, ideas, and if you really must, flames to lightdagger_98@yahoo.com and tell me if I should continue with this one too. Happy Reading!

Going Undercover in Salem by Lightdagger

A knock came to Austin Reed's door late at night. Austin, who had been catching up on some reading, got up to answer it. He was wearing only gray sweatpants. He didn't wear a top, reveling his huge pecs and washboard abs. He answered the door.


Standing in the doorway was Eric Brady, his next door neighbor, brother to Austin's girlfriend, Sammi. He was wearing tight blue jeans, a red and white short sleeve shirt, and a baseball cap turned backwards. The way he was dressed made him look younger than his 22 years. For a second, Eric seemed to be lost in thought, looking at Austin's bare top. Then he snapped out of it.

Eric began, "Austin. I need your help."

Austin nodded. He said, "Sure, Eric. C'mon in." He waved a hand towards his apartment, inviting Eric in. Eric came in quickly. Austin closed the door behind him and watched as the young guy began to pace the room. Eric was holding a video cassette box. Austin couldn't see what movie it was.

Austin walked over to his couch and sat down."Eric, why are you dressed like a high schooler? What's wrong?"

Eric continued to pace. He took off his hat, revealing his golden blonde hair. He said, "Austin, Nicole's in trouble."

Austin raised an eyebrow. "Again? So what else is new."

Eric stopped pacing. "Austin, I...I found some secrets from her past that. I want to fix."

Austin didn't understand. "What are you talking about? What secrets? What does Nicole need help in?"

Eric said nothing. He simply looked at the box in his hand and raised it to show Austin. Austin scrunched his face in confusion. It was a porn flick! It was called "Locker Room Lolita." On the cover was a hot looking blond.

Austin smirked. "Gee Eric, I didn't know your tastes were of the adult kind."

Eric blew breath through his mouth in frustration. "They aren't! Look at the girl on the cover. Look closely."

Austin looked closer at the box. He leaned over and...his mouth dropped in surprise. It was Nicole! A younger Nicole, but Nicole none the less.

"Oh my god." Austin whispered. "It's Nicole!"

"Always stating the obvious, eh Austin" Eric said sarcastically. "Of course it's Nicole! That's why I'm freaking out."

Austin took the box in his hand and looked closer at it. "Why you so freaked, man? You and Nicole aren't together anymore. This is more Lucas' problem than it is yours. He is her husband."

Eric shook her head. "No, she's still my friend. I still care about her. I want to help her. But if I told Lucas, he'd really freak. He might even divorce her. You should know that. He is your half-brother. I can't do that to Nicole."

Austin stopped looking at the box and handed it back to Eric. "So what do you want to do?"

Eric smiled and said, "Here's my plan. I'm going to go to the warehouse of the porno director. He keeps all his old tapes there. I'm going to get some behind the scenes tapes that will prove that Nicole was underage when she did those films. That way, those guys who made the film will never hurt anyone again."

Austin got up and walked over to Eric. He placed his big hands on Eric's shoulders. "You sure about this, man? I mean, it sounds dangerous. Do you really want to mess with these guys?"

Eric smiled once again. He had a sly little grin on his face. "That's why I want you to be my back up. I'm going to go "audition" as a porn star. I want you to come with me, to watch my back."

Austin's thoughts went to the idea of watching Eric's back...literally. He shook his head and got those dirty, but fun, thoughts out. "So you're gonna do a porno movie so you can get into the warehouse? That's crazy! You're not that kind of guy."

Eric frowned. He took Austin's hands off of him. "What? You don't think I could make a good porno guy? Aren't I good looking enough?"

Austin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you're a hunk, and you know it. But, doing this..this is beyond the call of duty...for any friend." Eric began to pace again. "Please, Austin. I know what I'm doing. Even if you don't help me, I'm going to do this. So, what's your answer?"

Austin shook his head. He looked down and sighed. "Fine. I'd better go, at least to watch you butt...I mean, to keep your butt out of trouble." Austin looked away at something and blushed. Freudian slip, he mouthed silently.

Eric smiled. "Great! Let's go! I'm meeting this guy in a few minutes."

Austin raised his hands. "Whoa there boy. Can't I change first?" Austin moved his arms up and down his body. "I'm not exactly decent."

Eric looked at Austin's bare chest and his tight sweats. He could easily make out Austin's big package. Eric had to repress his instinct to lick his lips. "Remember, bro. These aren't decent people. Just put on a shirt and shoes, and let's go."

Austin sighed again. "Alright. Gimme a minute." With that, Austin walked back to his room. Eric watched Austin walk away, watching his muscular back. Eric's cock began to twitch...

Eric walked into the pornographic warehouse, followed by Austin. Austin had changed into a tight white t-shirt that showed off his muscular body. He looked imposing as well as sexy.

Eric looked around the big building. He saw many doors, leading to this way and that. He knew that the tape he was looking for was in here somewhere. He just didn't know where. He looked back at Austin. "Stick close to me buddy. I don't trust this place."

Austin got closer to Eric. He sure didn't mind. He looked around him. "Yeah, this is the place where dreams are made." he said sarcastically.

The director was standing at the end of the hall in a large room. The room was filled with camera equipment, lights, and people running around. In the center of it all was a large king size bed, lined with red satin sheets. Eric walked up to the director. The director was talking to some scantily clad women. Eric tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Remo m'man! How's it hanging?"

Remo turned around. He had a cigar in his mouth, and was holding a list. "Hey there kid. Who's the hunk?" Remo nodded to Austin. Austin had his arms crossed, and was trying to look dangerous. Instead, he simply looked more enticing.

"This? Oh, this is my pal...um, Lucas."

Austin snickered. He had to stop himself from bursting out laughing. He forced himself to cough instead.

"Lucas, eh? Well, you two will make an entertaining couple." He went back to checking his list.

Eric's jaw dropped, as Austin's did. He no longer looked intimidating. He just looked shocked. He nudged Eric and whispered, "What did he say?!"

Eric's eyes were wide open. He started to stammer. "Uh...Remo? Um...what did you mean, by, um, "entertaining couple."

Remo continued looking at his list. He nodded to one of the girls then turned around to face the boys. "Exactly what I meant. If you two can pass the audition, you'll be the hottest stars out there...in the straight AND gay communities."

Austin's jaw dropped even further. His arms sagged at his sides. He lifted them up and started to protest, "Whoa there.Back up. What...?"

Eric interrupted. "Oh yeah, sure. But, um...I thought I was going to...you know, "audition" with, with a female."

Remo blew a ring of smoke. "You were, till I saw that hunk of meat." He motioned at Austin with his cigar. "Didn't know you was gay, but hey, whatever works. Besides, gay guys are a major market nowadays. You two'll blow `em away."

Eric shook his head. "What makes you think we're...I'm gay?"

Remo blew another puff of smoke. "You mean you're not? I saw how close you twos were standing close to each other. Yous obviously have the hots for each other. And by the looks of it, Lucas here is very talented." Remo was looking at Austin's crotch. Austin felt very dirty...but was getting aroused. He could feel his cock to get hard. He shifted uncomfortably. He thought to himself, I knew I shouldn't have worn sweats!

Eric blushed and looked down. "I'm not sure...if my, um, boy here wants to, you know...this."

Remo frowned. "Well, then. Forget it. I don't have time for this. Time is money, especially in this business. Either get that guy's cock in your mouth, or the deals off." With that he turned around and walked away.

Eric didn't know what to do. He had planned to get into the warehouse, check in, sneak around a bit, find the tape, and vamoose. He certainly didn't expected this. He sighed and turned to look at Austin. Austin seemed to be lost in thought.

"Well, I guess we better get going." Eric said sadly.

Austin blinked. He looked down at Eric and said, "Why? You wanted in, didn't you? This is perfect. We do this, you have free reign of the place, so we'll find the tape and get out of here. No one will ever know."

Eric was taken aback. He said, "But...us? I mean, you and me? Together? In front of these people?" He motioned a hand around the settings.

Austin shrugged. "Look, this is just an "audition" right? Won't even be on tape. We show them that we got "the right stuff" and they'll take us in. Besides, isn't it better to do this with me, someone you know, a friend, then get a complete stranger?"

Eric didn't know what to say. "Gee, Austin. I...I don't know how to...thank you, I guess. This is beyond the call of duty, as you've said."

Austin smiled, "Hey what are friend's for. And just between you and me..." he leaned over and whispered in Eric's ear. "I'm pretty curious how my cock would feel in your mouth."

Eric gasped. Not so much from what Austin said, but from the way he said. He sounded so...sensual. Austin was grinning from ear to ear as he pulled away. Eric blushed and looked down. He noticed that Austin's crotch was moving. He was getting hard! Eric's own cock began to get aroused at the mere thought of what was to come.

"So what's it gonna be, boys? You gonna put out or get out?"

Remo was standing behind Eric. Eric jumped nervously. He coughed and said, "Um, yeah. Sure, sure. So um, where do we start."

Remo nodded and grinned slyly. "Alright. Go over to the bed, and do what comes naturally. Let's see what you boys got." He walked over to a camera, seemed to be checking it out, and sat in his director's chair.

Austin started to massage Eric's shoulder's. "Ready, kid?"

Eric was really getting into it now. He liked feeling Austin's hand on his body. "Oh yeah, let's do it." They both strutted over to the bed.

"Now, action!" Remo yelled.

Eric walked over to the bed, followed closely by Austin. He looked unsure of what to do. Austin didn't. He had an aura of confidence around him, as if this was nothing new. He put his hands on Eric's shoulder's once again and turned him around to face him.

Austin took off his shirt, revealing his tight muscles, his hard six pack, his large chest. He took off Eric's shirt as well, revealing Eric's smaller, but just as defined body. Both their hairless bodies glistened in the lights of the sound stage. Eric began to get into it. He began to run his hands all over Austin's chest, feeling his smooth skin. Austin began to do the same thing. Eric moaned as he felt Austin's big rough hands run over his smooth body.

Austin's hand reached over to Eric's head and pulled it close to him. They began to kiss passionately. Austin's hands were running down Eric's back. Eric was running his hands through Austin's long brown hair. Austin began to slip his tongue inside Eric's wanting mouth. Their tongues met and massaged each other.

Austin broke the kiss and looked in Eric's baby blue eyes. "I've wanted you for so long." he said softly.

Eric nodded. "Ever since I first saw you, I knew I wanted your cock in my mouth."

Austin smiled. "Here's your chance. I want you to suck my cock."

Eric smiled, "With pleasure." With that, Eric went down on his knees. He began to fondle Austin's cock through his sweatpants. By then, there was already a tent in his pants. Austin moaned as he felt the younger man straddle his manhood. Eric put his mouth on Austin's cock through the pants, causing Austin to say, "Suck my cock...please...." Eric continued to mouth Austin's cock through his pants for a while.

Eric pulled back and lowered Austin's sweatpants. He wasn't wearing underwear! There, in it's 9 inch glory, was Austin's beautiful cut cock. Eric helped Austin take off his pants and put his hand on Austin's cock. He began to stroke it. He moved his hand up and down it's shaft. He moved his head in and kissed the tip of it. Austin moaned. Eric's tongue went out and began to lick it's way up and down the hard cock. He moved his head so he could reach Austin's almost hairless balls. His tongue began to run over them, causing Austin to moan even louder.

"Eric...please...suck my cock...."

Eric pulled back. He looked up at Austin and said, "Your wish is my command...Lucas." Austin looked down and smiled.

Eric's mouth opened wide, shifted his head to a certain angle, and with one smooth motion, took Austin's entire cock in his mouth. His mouth reached the rim of Austin's crotch, brushing up against the pubic hairs there. Austin couldn't take it. He almost came.

"Fuck...no ones ever deep throated me like that."

Eric didn't stop. He pulled his mouth back and took the cock out with a loud POP. He then took it back in. He moved his head up and down the big cock. He swirled his tongue around the cock, taking in the taste of Austin's precum.

Austin couldn't help himself. He instinctively reached out and took Eric's head into his hands. He began to move Eric's head faster and faster, back and forth on his cock. At the same time. He began to push his hips forward, fucking the young studs mouth.

Somehow, Eric managed to take in the entire cock each time. He loved the way it felt in his mouth. He loved the taste that the precum left on his tongue. He couldn't wait to taste the real cum. In fact...he couldn't wait any longer. He began to suck harder.

He lifted his hands and began to rub them against Austin's tight ass. His finger slowly began to tickle Austin's tight hole. Austin moaned at this new sensation. He suddenly gasped, his eyes flying open as Eric slowly stuck his finger inside Austin's virgin ass. Austin couldn't believe this sensation. It was so new to him! As Eric sucked Austin's cock, he moved his finger in and out of Austin's ass.

Austin couldn't take all these sensations. He picked up the pace on fucking Eric's mouth. He knew he was getting close. In fact...."Eric...I'm cumming...oh god...Eric!"

Eric heard the hunk, but didn't stop. He sucked harder, pushed his finger in deeper. With a loud moan, Austin blew his load in Eric's waiting mouth.

"OH GOD!" Austin yelled as he spurt 6 times, filling Eric's mouth with hot cum.

Eric tried to take it all in, swallowing mouth fulls of the sweet and bitter cum. But he couldn't possibly swallow all of it. Some trickled down his mouth.

Austin stopped cumming and was breathing hard. Eric continued to suck on his cock until Austin began to get soft.

"Oh man..." Austin moaned. He took his cock out of the eager young guy's mouth and fell on the bed. He was exhausted. He had never cum that much, not even with Carrie, his ex-wife.

Eric got up and laid next to Austin. He propped himself on his hand and looked at the hunk. "You like?"

Austin laughed. He opened his eyes and looked at Eric. He reached out and wiped off some of his own cum off of Eric's face. He put his finger in his mouth and licked it off. "I like."

"Cut! Beautiful!"

Both boys jumped. They had completely forgotten that they were being watched. They looked around them. Everyone was watching them. They suddenly got very self conscious. They slowly began to cover themselves up a bit with the satin sheets.

Remo jumped out of his chair. "That was great! That was so erotic! You two are hired! Keep on making hot scenes like that, and you'll be famous in the adult business!" He walked over to the bed and took Eric's hand and shook it.

"We just need one more screen test, and you guy's are in. What'd ya say?"

Eric looked over at Austin. Austin shrugged his shoulders. Then he began to smile and winked. Eric smiled and nodded back. "Sure, Remo. What's next?"

"Well, how do you feel about anal sex?"

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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