Going to a Wedding As Eric's Date, TG

By Joyce Devries

Published on Sep 29, 2003



GOING TO A WEDDING AS ERIC'S DATE, September, 27th, 2003

By Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the first part to understand this one.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure I will tell you about, Eric, the one that I seduced at his Christmas party asked me to be his date at a Wedding in September of 2003, here is exactly what happened. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was a really fun and romantic adventure.

I got back from vacation in early June 2003 and waiting for me in my email was a note from Eric, who I had been talking with, on and off for the past several months, we had not seen each other since he took me to his Christmas party in December 2002.

Here is what the email said exactly:


I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to a friend of mine's Wedding in September, it will be on September 27th and if you say yes, I can come and pick you up. Now the Wedding is in Barrie, and a rather long drive away, but I will be booking a hotel room, and would be happy to drive you home the next day.

Love Eric"

I thought about it for 2 hours, the distance, actually sharing a hotel room with Eric (even though I have done that with a man previously), and then talked to Sharon about it via email. She basically told me, "go for it, just make sure it is on your terms". I emailed Eric back and accepted his offer and told him that if we were staying overnight in the same room, I wanted to sleep separate from him. Eric got back to me and said that it would not be a problem and then the planning started.

Sharon and I talked about the event and then she asked, what I was going to be wearing. I told her that I had a number of dresses that I was planning on wearing and she told me that once the weather got a little cooler, I should model the dresses and that she would help me decide.

Eric and I talked back and forth and all the plans were getting set, the Wedding ceremony was going to be at 3pm and the reception was going to be at 6pm. So with the drive and checking into the hotel, he was going to be picking me up at 12pm. I passed on all of the information to Sharon and she took the lead and made a salon appointment for 9am on the day of the Wedding!!!!!, ugh.

Mid-September came and Sharon and I picked a Friday evening to get together and she would help me pick the right outfit for the Wedding and the reception. I came home from work early on that day and already had a number of dresses that I thought were appropriate for the Wedding picked out and grabbed them all and placed them in the closet in the downstairs family room. I basically went through my wardrobe and chose dresses I loved to wear, silky ones, satin and lace ones and then a few really feminine ones, mostly all were floor length and gorgeous.

Sharon and I planned on getting together at 7pm, after she got back from work and then I would try on the dresses and then we would settle in for a relaxing Friday evening. Well, thank heavens for air conditioning as "Indian summer" had come and it was very warm outside!. I slipped out of my clothes and started to get dressed. I pulled out my lingerie for the modeling session and it was going to be a low backed and strapless bra, as most of the dresses needed that and struggled, but got it on and adjusted my breasts. I decided on a pair of sheer nude pantyhose and pink satin and lacy panties and slipped them on, not before putting on a pair of satin gloves to ensure they did not snag. I slipped into a pair of 2" black heels and then went and started to put on my makeup, no makeup coat was needed as the temperature was warm enough!. I put on a "business" coat of makeup, light eyeliner, soft pinks on my eyes and a light coat of mascara and blush.

I was finished and was reading a magazine when Sharon came home from work, around 7:15pm. She called down to me and I told her I was ready and after she freshened up, came and joined me downstairs. She was dressed for work in a long red skirt, and comfortable black blouse, nude hose and low black heels, she grabbed my hand and lead me into the downstairs family room and told me to pick a dress and model, as she sat on the couch and sipped on a cup of tea. The first dress I grabbed was an off the shoulder floor length Jessica McClintock gown, it was floral and really beautiful with a built in crinoline, one of my all time favorites. I slipped into it and modeled it for her and she started giggling, "are you in the Wedding or going to the Wedding?, and have you found out what the Bridesmaid's are going to be wearing? or the Bride for that matter?". I told her not to be silly and that I thought the dress was gorgeous and perfect for the Wedding.

What happened after that was a lesson that I had to learn and that was, "you cannot 'out dress' the Wedding party!". She stood up and came and grabbed my hand and took me to the closet and asked what else I had picked. She was giggling as she went through the dresses and pulled each one of them out and said, "Joyce, these are all Bridesmaid dresses!". I looked back at her and said, "well it is a formal function", she just smiled and held my hands and said, "alright, you have a TON of clothes, these are not appropriate, what is the 'look', you are going for?". I told her "romantic and sweet, but also sexy and alluring for Eric, exactly what these dresses I picked are".

She thought for a minute and said, "ok, you do realize that you can change right?, as you are staying with him a hotel room?, and it is near the reception hall?". I told her it was and then she tugged at my hand and we went to my other closet. She looked me up and down and said, "alright the dress you are wearing will not work, do you want to stay with floral?", I told her I did and she pulled out a dark floral dress that SHE wore of mine to one of her cousins Wedding 3 years prior and said, "you will be wearing this to the ceremony, it is perfect, I got tons of compliments when I wore it to my cousin Carmen's Wedding". I looked it over and told her it was not that different than what I had on and she assured me it was and I would not be considered part of the Wedding party. The dress was dark floral, calf length with a lovely white lace appliqu‚ around my breasts. It tied up in the back and was very comfortable, but was going to need a slip underneath. I modeled it and then we chose the shoes for the ceremony, they were going to be 4" black patent heels, as I was not going to have to walk/dance much in them, Sharon insisted on lower, but I wanted the higher.

She had me start to change out of that and then asked, "so do you want to change for the reception?", I told her I really did and then she started looking through my wardrobe and was whispering to herself, "ok, something alluring and sexy". She pulled out a hunter green velvet dress, long sleeved, which basically had no back to it and lining at the top and all the way to the back was with rhinestones, coming to the back with a little bow, it was knee length. She handed it to me and told me that this was the perfect dress, but we would have to work on the right heels and bra for it. When she handed it to me she insisted that I change my pantyhose to sheer black as the nude pantyhose would not do the dress justice.

I agreed and went into my room and slipped out of my dress and then put on my white silk gloves and then slipped off my nude pantyhose and then grabbed a pair of sheer black pantyhose and carefully slipped them on. I did not change my bra, and grabbed the dress and slipped it on, and she was right, it did look very sexy and elegant. I slipped into a pair of sexy 4" black patent heels and then joined Sharon in the family room, she looked me up and down and then told me to change my shoes to lower ones to see what it would look like. I told her that I wanted to stay with the higher heels, but she insisted. So I went and scanned my shoes and came up with a pair of 2" black patent heels and slipped them on, and went and saw Sharon, she had me model the outfit, she said, "perfect". I was not happy with the shoes and told her and she said, "fine, go with the higher ones, but in order to fit in, you do realize you will be in stocking feet when dancing". I told her that I knew that and she told me to ensure that I packed a spare of pantyhose in my clutch purse just in case I got a run. I asked her if I should try on more dresses to see and she have me model around a bit more and said, "no, if the look you are going for is 'sexy and elegant', you cannot get much better than that, besides, you have not worn that dress out in public yet. You will have to wear that low backed convertible bra that you wore with the red dress for the Christmas party", and I assured her that I would, but would need her help to make sure the straps stay in place, and she said it would not be a problem and to do the same thing with the red dress.

She was right and the decision was made, Sharon and I also talked about what I should wear for later in the evening and the next day, Sharon's comment was, "well, I will leave the bed time attire to you, but for the next day, pick something casual for the ride home". For the next few days I scanned my wardrobe, the lingerie was an easy pick, it was going to be a short blue satin and lace nightgown and wrap, and for the next day, I decided on a short black denim miniskirt and comfy white turtleneck sweater and 2" black pumps, with nude pantyhose.

Eric and I talked on the days leading up to the Wedding and plans were finalized, he would be picking me up at noon, then we would go right to the Church, then afterwards, check into the hotel, relax for a bit, then I would change and we would go to the hall for the reception. Afterwards, back to the hotel for the evening, and he agreed to sleep on the couch and give me the bed. The next day, perhaps a breakfast and then he would drive me home. The curve that he threw at me was that the hotel room he got us had a large Jacuzzi tub and he told me to pack a bathing suit if I wanted and we could enjoy it. I knew exactly what I was picking and grabbed a one piece floral bathing suit that I had worn many times before when out with Sharon and added that to the collection of clothes that had to be packed.

The week leading up to the Wedding, found me feverishly packing and going over everything about 10 times to ensure that I was not going to forget anything. Sharon and I got together the Thursday night before the Wedding and went through everything that I packed, just to be sure and she noticed the bathing suit and said, "so, will he be packing a bathing suit?", I just smiled and told her I was not sure and she just giggled. Friday morning came and I was at work and then heard the weather forecast, "unusually warmer than normal temperatures for the next few days".

I faked being sick and then came home early and then looked over my clothes and decided that the sweater for going home was going to have to go and decided to stay with the black jean miniskirt and picked a really feminine cream blouse to compliment it. Sharon and I talked about it over email and she told me, "good move". Before Sharon came home from work I had everything ready to go, everything was packed and ready, the only thing I needed was clothes to go to the salon on the Saturday morning. I looked through my wardrobe and decided on a light sun dress that could easily be pulled on and off, it was white with blue cornflowers on it and buttoned up the front, and it was really pretty, with a tie on the back. I was going to be wearing it with nude hose and white 3" heels. The night before I went to bed very early, as my salon appointment was for 9am and that I at least had to get up by 7am to get clean and dressed for the day.

I got up at 6:30am, and rubbed my eyes and made my way to the shower and got nice and clean then went down to my bedroom and slowly started getting ready. The temperature in the house was warm, so I did not bother with any makeup coat or anything, I slipped into my favorite white lace front closure bra, a pair of green silk and lace panties and then put on a pair of sheer nude pantyhose, using satin gloves to ensure I did not put a run in them. I went to the bathroom and applied a light coat of foundation, a tiny bit of mascara and a little blush and finally a light coat of my pinkish red lipstick. I spritzed myself with a tiny bit of Halston's perfume and then put on some little gold earrings and a gold watch and finally my 3" white heels I grabbed my usual black purse and went upstairs to meet Sharon, noting the time was only 8 am!!!!.

Sharon was reading her book and sipping a coffee, dressed in a pair of black stirrup pants, a lovely floral blouse, black flats, nude hose and she had done her makeup lightly, but nice, and her hair was up in a bun, very strange for a Saturday morning for her. She then looked me over and said, "now that IS a lovely dress, but have you not learned?, no white after labor day?, besides, your purse does not match your heels". She told me to find a pair of black heels that were not packed to wear to the salon. I went downstairs and chose my "business height" black 3" heels and decided to wear them as I assumed she was driving me to my appointment, so height was not an issue.

I got to the top of the stairs and she looked me over and said, "very nice, but it is going to be a long day for you, as you have to walk to your appointment and back and then you are spending the rest of the entire day and evening in 4" heels, I suggest lower for the salon". I had a confused look on my face, and then Sharon put down her book and with a sly smile said, "oh did I forget to tell you?, Brenda will be here in about 10 minutes and we are going to be going downtown Toronto shopping, all day, then out for a romantic evening dinner, and then she is staying the night with me, you cannot be the only one getting action!". I told her that I had no plans for that and she just smiled and said, "yea right, lingerie, you and him in a hotel room for the evening, a Jacuzzi, and nothing is going to happen?". I blushed and in my mind had to admit she was right.

Emotions ran all though my body like a bolt of lightning and I blurted out, "evening where?". She moved to me and I could tell she too was wearing Halstons and she hugged me a little and then gave a little kiss and said, "Villa Rosa", she then knew she had my attention and said, "Brenda is going to be wearing the dress she wore to her company Christmas party and I am going to be wearing the blue velvet and satin dress you got me for my birthday and the crinoline, with the matching satin shoes and purse of course, I am sure the waiter that usually seats us will recognize me, and I will have to tell him I have a new girlfriend". She smiled and giggled and gave me another kiss and told me that she would tell me all about it on Sunday, just like she was sure that I would tell her all about the Wedding on Sunday when I got back.

I was speechless, but knew that I really had no choice, Sharon was laughing and told me to have a good time as she knew she would. I then headed downstairs and was searching for a pair of low black pumps when I heard the doorbell and then voices, which I knew was Brenda. I finally found the pair I wanted, which was a 2" pair of black pumps and was scrambling to find them both and eventually did. I got them both and slipped them on, and was hoping to see Brenda, but just as I got to the bottom of the stairs to go up I heard Sharon call out, "enjoy the Wedding Joyce, have a great time, see you tomorrow", and the front door close. I was disappointed, but then realized that I only had 10 minutes to get to my appointment!, and by the time I grabbed my purse and got to the top of the stairs, all I could see was Brenda's car pulling away.

I made sure that I had my keys and checked my wallet and had my $40 and then double checked my makeup and headed out the door to the mall for my appointment. As I walked to the mall, which was only a 15 minutes or so away, I still wondered about Brenda and Sharon, but knew what I was going to be doing was just as equal and put it out of my mind. I walked quickly in my heels as I knew I was going to be a little bit late. I got into the mall and quickly found the salon and the girl at the front recognized me and told me that Lianne was waiting for me and that I should just head to her chair as she was in the back. I made my way around the front counter and into the back and both Anita and Lianne were waiting for me and both commented, "what a darling dress". I sat down and Lianne put on the smock and then started to asked what colours I was going to be wearing for the day and what colour I wanted my lips and nails done, I told her I wanted something different. She smiled at me and said, "well tell me about what you will be wearing exactly". I told her and she thought about it and spoke with Anita and then she pulled out a deep burgundy lipstick and held it to my face and then asked Anita what she thought and she said, "perfect".

From that point it was a flurry, with Anita doing my nails, and colouring them with the exact colour lipstick Lianne was putting on me and Lianne did my eyes much lighter than previous, but still very alluring. We talked and talked about the Wedding, where it was, who was getting married, what I was wearing and she was surprised that I was going to be changing from the Wedding to the reception. It was another hour and a half and she was done, hair, nails, face, and she handed me the lipstick and told me this time she would have to charge me for it. Then she handed me the mirror and I got to look at myself, again, I was blown away and loved the new colour of lipstick and shade and readily agreed to buy it. Lianne then told me that I should darken my eyeliner and the blush for the reception and I told her I would be sure to pack that in my purse. I followed her to the front desk and luckily I had enough to cover the salon fees and the lipstick and then started home. I checked my watch and saw that I only had 45 minutes before Eric was coming to pick me up.

I walked home as quick as I could in my heels, all the while thinking about Sharon and Brenda, but at the same time, about what things I still had to do when I got home to get ready for Eric when he arrived!. I quickly got my suitcase and the garment bag that had my dress for the reception and the change of clothes for the next day and put them in the kitchen and went to my bedroom to change for the Wedding. I stripped everything off and then started with my latex vagina, a pair of silky white satin and lace panties. I then put on a pair of satin gloves and slowly applied an ultra sheer pair of nude pantyhose, after sliding them up, I decided to stick with my white lace front closure bra. I doused myself in Halston's perfume and put it in my purse. I then looked over my jewelry and went with a gold anklet, my new charm bracelet, gold watch and a pair of long gold dangly earrings. The dress I was wearing required a full slip, but I went with a silky plain white camisole and a half slip, so it was basically the same thing. I then slid the dress over my head and zipped it up the side. I looked in the mirror and it fit perfectly. I slipped on my 4" black patent heels and grabbed my black patent clutch purse and packed it with all of the essentials that I would need, my new lipstick, blush, comb, Kleenex, spare pair of sheer black pantyhose, etc., and then went upstairs and packed my regular purse in the suitcase for later. I was just triple checking everything when the doorbell rang and it was Eric.

I grabbed my clutch purse and met him at the door and he immediately complimented me on my outfit and how pretty I looked. Eric was in the same suit as he wore the night of the Christmas party and looked rather nice. I gave him a light peck on the cheek, but before I could move my lips away, he turned my face and gave me a very long and slow kiss, holding my head with his hands. When we broke it he said, "I have been waiting to do that for a very long time". I giggled and opened my purse and handed him a tissue to wipe up the lipstick on his face and then headed quickly to the washroom to fix my lips, but not before noticing the bulge in his pants. I told him were my suitcase and garment bag was and he told me that he would take care of it. I then went to he bathroom and I pulled out my new lipstick and applied another coat and then joined Eric at the door and he took my hand and lead me out to the car. He was a gentleman and opened my door and I slid in.

The drive to the Wedding was about 1 hour and Eric was the gentleman the entire way, complimenting me over and over on my dress, how pretty I smelled, and we talked about the Wedding, what our relationship was, and who I was going to be seeing, the Bride and Groom, etc. Eric put on a soft rock station, and I took casual glances at his hard member straining at his crotch and before I knew it, we pulled up to the Church in Barrie, Ont.

Eric parked the car and came and opened my door and helped me out and I grabbed my clutch purse and his hand and we went into the Church. We got to the entrance and I let Eric take the lead and he was asked, "Bride or Groom's" side and he told the usher, "Groom's". We were seating and I found myself next to a couple of younger, 20- somthing girls that had on gorgeous off the shoulder dresses and about 3" high heels. We smiled at each other and looked each other over and then the music started. I looked back and saw the Bridesmaid's coming down the isle and all I could think of was, "ugh, how ugly", the dresses were the sheath dress style in pale blue, none of the 3 Bridesmaid's could wear them well. Then the Bride, and I thought in my mind, "thank God I got married in the 90's when dresses were pretty". Her dress was terrible, it was like the Bridesmaid dresses, sheath style and did not compliment her figure at all and was very plain. At that moment I thought. "thank God I listened to Sharon, as the dress I wanted to wear would have out dressed them 100 times, including the BRIDE!".

The ceremony was not that long and before I knew it, the Bride and Groom were walking back down the isle. Eric took my hand and then I went into "girlfriend mode" and held hands with Eric and followed him around as we chatted with people outside of the Church. The Wedding was over and we were back in the car by 4:10pm, so we had time to kill, and as it turned out, the hotel was only 2 minutes away.

Eric came and opened my door and then grabbed my hand and lead me out, and then we went to the back of the car and he opened the trunk and grabbed a couple of bags and said, "is your bathing suit in one of these?". I smiled and told him "yes", he smiled back and said, "let's check in, and then you can change into that and then I will get the rest in the meantime". I gave him a little kiss and told him that would be perfect. As we checked in the girl checking us in looked me over and complimented me on my dress, to which I thanked her and told us to enjoy the accommodations as everything was set and ready for us.

Eric gave me my room key and I slipped it into my clutch purse and then grabbed his hand as we headed up to the room. Now, the hotel we were staying at was a Holiday Inn, nothing fancy, but I was about to find out something different. As we got to the elevator and entered, Eric hit the button for the 15th floor and looked over and smiled at me. When we got off, I knew something was different, there were only about 8 doors on the entire floor. He took my hand and lead me to one of them and then we went in. Once we got in, I barely had a chance to look around and his lips were on mine, he had dropped the bags he was carrying, he was feeling my breasts, my rear and groaning. I broke the kiss and told him to slow down, as we had all night and the car still had clothes that I needed to hang up. He gave me a light kiss and said, "get changed my dear and I will be right back". He left after another brief kiss and then I turned around and was floored.

The room was HUGE, I mean HUGE, I have never seen anything like it, there was the master bedroom, with studio doors, a large seating area with a very large couch, and there was a separate room for the Jacuzzi. As I looked around at the wide open windows and the nice view, I noticed it had a well lighted vanity for me to do my makeup, much like Stage West. I was still looking around and then Eric came back into the room with the rest of the luggage. He saw the look on my eyes and said, "like the room?", I moved to him and gave him a long kiss and then said I did. After that he said, "shall I hang these up and we have a Jacuzzi?". I smiled and agreed and then went and grabbed my bathing suit and then just before I went into the bathroom to change, undid my dress and slipped it off and was hanging it up when Eric saw me and saw his jaw dropped.

"Oh my God!" was his reaction, and said, "I never knew you had on that sexy of lingerie under that dress". I told him it was not sexy, just necessary, a plain slip and camisole. He came to me and kissed me with huge passion, and then pushed my hand to his crotch, and I started slowly rubbing it, he was VERY hard. He broke the kiss and said, "I need it!!, I need it now!!". I knew exactly what he was talking about, but decided to play him and said, "what my dear what?", he was panting and said, "to cum!, to cum, seeing you in that white lingerie is driving me crazy!". I giggled a little as I stared at him and said, "well, there is always the 'palm sisters'". He was starting to sweat and begged me not to play games, and I just laughed a little and told him that I would get into my bathing suit and take care of him. He grabbed my arm and said he wanted me to do it in the lingerie I was wearing. I then smiled and said, "fine, get undressed and go lie on MY bed, while I fix my makeup". He quickly scampered off and I grabbed my clutch purse and headed to the spacious washroom and I pulled out my new lipstick and carefully applied a thick coat. I was still in my 4" black patent heels and checked my hair and other makeup then made my way to the bedroom.

The outer doors were to the bedroom were closed, but when I opened them, there was Eric, naked and his member rock solid sticking right up in the air, on the king sized bed. I moved onto the bed and gave Eric a light kiss and said, "so how do you want to cum?", he just groaned out, "blowjob, blowjob". I reached down and slowly caressed him, with my long burgundy covered nails, then gave him another little kiss and moved down to his throbbing member. I opened my lips and sucked him in and slowly and methodically, bringing him to the edge of coming, over and over and over again, then would stop and licked slowly. It got to a point that he was screaming "pleeeease, pleeease", then I kept up the pumping rhythm with my mouth and he blew like a volcano. I have never had a member explode like that in my mouth, it was massive, I swallowed each and every drop, but it was a ton. Eric finally settled down and I got up and looked at him and told him I would be changing for the Jacuzzi and would join him there.

I went to the bathroom, his taste still in my mouth, and grabbed my bathing suit and purse and fixed up my lipstick and then stripped out of my lingerie, nylons and heels. I also took off all of my jewelry and put it in a safe place. I took off my latex vagina last and then slipped into the bathing suit, carefully tucking myself under as far as it could go. I put on my bathing suit then wrapped myself in a towel from the waist down and went to the room with the Jacuzzi. Eric was already in it and had a plastic goblet waiting for me, filled with champagne. I turned my back to him and then dropped the towel and slipped into the warm and enjoyable water. I cuddled in with Eric and had my back to him and he grabbed me in a fun way and pulled me in. He was kissing and nibbling my neck and whispering how incredible the blowjob was, he caressed my breasts, but obeyed the rules and did not feel down any farther. I could feel is youthful member getting stronger and stronger in the water. I then turned my face to him and we exchanged light kisses, right then and there, I knew Eric did not like tasting himself. He started groaning and I could tell by the way he was caressing my breasts and the thrusts of his hips he was getting hotter and hotter.

I turned to him and reached down and grabbed his hard member and said, "are you that hot?", he groaned back, "oh yes". I was game to give him another blowjob, and asked him to get up and sit on the edge of the Jacuzzi. He did and his member was right in my face, very erect and ready. I slid through the water and got comfortable and as the warm jets caressed my body, I opened my lips and took Eric in and started sucking and licking his member, it was a different experience with the water flowing around me and hearing Eric grunting and groaning as I sucked and licked away. He never went soft and stayed hard the entire time and then finally, I started licking and sucking harder and harder until he screamed my name, grabbed my head and then blew his load again, this time, just as much as the first time!. After he started calming down, he pushed my head back down and like in December 2002, screamed, "more, more", but I pulled away and told him that the reception was at 6pm and I needed some time to get ready to look nice for him, but there was time after the reception for another blowjob, he was panting and agreed that there was not enough time and lightly kissed me.

It was 5:30pm, I had made the right call and got out of the tub and then went right to the bathroom and dried off. However, before I did, I opened my suitcase and grabbed my blue terri-cloth robe and slipped it on and then took out my dress from the garment bag and heels and then all of the lingerie and I needed and my makeup bag. I could hear Eric turning off the tub and water splashing as I closed the door to the bathroom. I knew I only had a few minutes to get changed and I took off my bathing suit and hung it on the curtain rod. I then dried myself off and quickly started getting dressed. First was the latex vagina, and I made sure I was nice and tucked away, I then put on the same silky and lacy white panties and then my white "convertible bra", and adjusted my breasts so they were perfect. I did up the black lace garter belt and then I grabbed my pair of white satin gloves and put them on and carefully opened a package of $15 stockings, they were "nearly black" and ultra sheer and slipped them on and did them up. I grabbed the dress and stepped into it and did up as much as I could, then took my eyeliner and darkened it just a little, and added a little more blush. I spritzed myself with a little more Halston's perfume before I added the finishing touches. They were, a gold formal watch, my new silver charm bracelet, tiny gold anklet on my right leg and finally rhinestone earrings with a green stone at the bottom. I double checked my black patent clutch purse and then slipped into my 4" black patent heels and left the bathroom.

Eric was waiting for me and was fully dressed in his suit and practically pushed me out of the way as he raced in and undid his pants and told me he had to pee so bad it was "not funny". I was double checking my look in the mirror and Eric came up behind me and kissed me lightly on the neck and told me I looked "stunning". I smiled and told him that I was glad that I had made the right choice on the dress and the look. He smiled back to me in the mirror and turned me around and was about to kiss me, and I could see it was going to be a long slow kiss!, and I pushed him back. I told him, I did not want my makeup smudged, as were going to be late for the reception. I asked him to do up the rest of my dress and then he helped me with the pins for my bra. Eventually I was all ready to go and grabbed my clutch purse and doubled checked it and then told Eric I was ready. I grabbed his arm and we left the room and went to the elevator and waiting there was one of Eric's friends, also going to the Wedding. He was in a nice suit and his date was in a short red sheath dress, sheer black hose and black 3" pumps. She was about 25 or so and looked me over and said, "nice dress", I complimented her back and we got into the elevator and Eric and his friend were trading jokes and such and I just gave little smiles to the other woman and then when we got to the 1st floor, Eric was still talking with his friend and, we started walking across the parking lot away from Eric's car.

I was on Eric's arm and said, "where are we going?", he said, "the reception is only a couple of blocks away and since it is a nice day, I thought we would walk, that way we can save on cab money and not have to worry about drinking and driving". Eric and his buddy (Shane) starting walking ahead of myself and the other woman, who introduced herself as Teresa, we tried to keep up in our heels. She said quietly, "I am going to kill him, I wore these fking damn shoes for him!, he never told me were going to be in a marathon!", then she looked at me and my shoes, and she said, "and look at you, are those 5" heels?", I told her they were actually 4" and she shook her head and said, "maybe they should wear them for an entire evening to get an idea of what we do for them", we walked for almost 15 minutes, Shane and Eric were lost in conversation and Teresa and myself, heels clicking away as fast as you can walk in high heels, were trying to keep up. It was not until a bunch of local teenagers drove by honking their horns that Shane and Eric realized we were a long way behind them. They stopped and when we got up to them, Teresa grabbed Shane and said, "if this place is not 1 fking minute away, I am stopping here and you are calling a cab, my feet are killing me, I wore these because you begged me", she then pointed to me and said, "look at Joyce, she is wearing f**king 4" heels!, do think this is comfortable????". Both Shane and Eric were very apologetic and ensured us the reception hall was right around the next corner, which was only about two minutes more of a walk. After Teresa told them off, Shane came and got Teresa's arm and Eric got mine and we walked slowly the rest of the way.

Even though the hall was only 2 more minutes of a walk, my feet were a little sore, but not that much. We got to the hall and there was the receiving line, and I got to shake hands with all of the Bridesmaid's and get to see their dresses up close, and boy, they were still ugly. When I got to the Bride, I followed the lead of all of the other women and leaned in and gave her a little peck on the cheek and lied and told her how beautiful she was and how I loved her dress. I noted one unique thing in the reception line and that is that when Eric went through the receiving line, he was ahead of me and he shook one of the ushers hands, he went to whisper something to him and I could have sworn he licked his ear, but I dismissed that as something I did not see right.

When that was over, I grabbed Eric's arm and he lead me to the table we were sitting at, the table had the names of the guests, but no particular seating arrangement and I noticed, Teresa and Shane were seated at our table. Teresa came up and we started talking and then grabbed a seat next to each other and I was really glad to be able to finally sit down, and Teresa told me her feet were killing her. Shane and Eric went and got us drinks from the bar as we relaxed. Teresa and I talked about the rooms we were staying in and how huge they were and that it was a special evening out for her and her husband and such. The boys came back and gave us our drinks and we sat and started to look around. The hall was gorgeous, and had gigantic chandeliers, and the entire hall's walls were glass, showing off a panoramic view of a lovely countryside. The hall was dimly lit, a lovely centerpiece with a candle in it on every table. There was a ton of people still coming in to the receiving line and I nudged Teresa and asked if she wanted to go for a walk to browse the grounds and we grabbed our purses and stood up. Both Eric and Shane stood up and said that they would join us and we both grabbed our guy's arms and we headed out to the back gardens. The weather was perfect, however cooler than expected and we moved around the grounds, there were large hedges and benches and it was really comfortable, The thought that ran through my mind was, "what a great place for a make out spot". As we walked I knew the break from my heels helped out a bunch as the aching of my feet stopped, and I found it easy to walk in the heels, even as high as they were. We walked around for a while then all decided to go back in as it looked the reception line was breaking up.

We got back to the table and Eric took the lead in all of the introductions of the 4 couples other than Shane and Teresa. I looked around and again, it was a younger crowd, but some of them had on amazing dresses, so sexy and some with heels as high as mine. All of the usual questions came, about myself and Eric, and like we had rehearsed for his Christmas party I answered them the best I could. Dinner was a 4 course meal, soup, salad, and roast beef, and finally dessert. It was fun participating in the "tinkling of the glasses" and all of the conversation, all of the women at the table took turns complimenting each other and talking about our dresses, and such, it was really fun. It was Teresa and I that talked back and forth the most, mainly because we were sitting next to one another. After dinner, we could see that the speeches were going to be starting soon and she grabbed her clutch purse and looked at me and said, "wanna go?". I grabbed my clutch purse and told her "sure", and then got up and walked across the dance floor towards the exit, our heels clicking in unison on the hardwood floor. I could tell we were being checked out, but I just looked back at Teresa, we both smiled back and forth.

We got to the ladies washroom, and inside it was really nice, bright and clean a they had a large lighted mirror which had a few women touching up their makeup and such. We both quickly found a stall, and I put my purse on the shelf in the stall and sat down and did my business. Afterwards I got back up and adjusted my dress and ensured my hose was right and then left the stall, and surprisingly ahead of Teresa. I was just grabbing my lipstick when Teresa came out and stood beside me, and as I was putting it on, she told me how she loved the look and how it complimented my complexion, and I thanked her. She was getting her lipstick out and asked me how my feet and legs were holding out, and I had to admit that I was not in any pain at all. She told me that her legs and feet were "killing her!", she was dying for the dancing to start so she could take them off. I giggled a little and she asked how I could wear such high heels, I told her that I wore 3" heels to work every day, and these were nothing special. She laughed a little and told me she usually wore flats at work and only wore these as her husband begged her. I laughed back and told her that once you wear them every day, you get used to them, she again laughed and said, "not likely!". We packed up our clutch purses and headed back to the banquet room.

Both of our dates held out our chairs as we sat down, I gave Eric a light kiss and he told me how lovely I looked. We held hands as the speeches began and there was a fresh bottle of champagne on each table and it was used for toast after toast. Eventually the speeches ended and I knew I had my fair share of champagne and I know Eric did as well. The Bride and Groom had their first dance and then the Bridal party, the lights were dimmed and a number of other women at the table grabbed their clutch purses and headed to the ladies room, but Teresa and I had just gone and accepted dances from our dates, which was a series of slow songs. Eric and danced very close, as he was comfortable with me, and I him, I forgot all about what Sharon had said and was still in my 4" heels. A faster song came on and I started dancing then realized all of the other women around me that were in very low heels or stocking feet and excused myself and went to the table and took off my heels and put them under my chair, right beside Teresa's.

For me it was another first, as I have never, ever, took off my heels and walked around in public in stocking feet. It felt weird on the wooden floor, but I danced and such with Eric, it was a funny feeling with him, as I did not realize how much height the shoes gave!, also, how funny it felt being flat footed, I was constantly standing on my toes as I danced. We danced and danced and in between songs we were getting drinks and I was having a really good time, during slow songs, I did put my heels back on so I was the same height as Eric. At one point Teresa and I were close together and a great song came on, but the boys wanted to go get drinks, so Teresa and I decided to stay out and it was a fast song and we danced together. I was having a blast, feeling like "just one of the girls", we stayed out for a couple of more songs and then headed back to the table, and Shane was sitting there, but Eric was not, and I figured he had gone to the washroom. Teresa made a motion with her purse and I grabbed mine and we both slipped back into our heels and went to the ladies room. As we left the hall we both talked about how great the music was and how we were enjoying ourselves. Teresa was complaining about the pain of having to put her shoes back on, but I told her I had none and she just laughed. We got into the ladies room, which was not that crowded and found a stall and did our business and came out. We met at the large lighted mirror and both touched up our lips and adjusted our dresses and such and headed back to the banquet room.

Shane was waiting for Teresa and asked her if she was ready to dance and she said she was, and they headed to the floor and I asked Shane were Eric was and he said, "he went outside to get some air". I thought that was a pretty good idea. I grabbed my purse and went to the outside garden area to meet him, and as I went out to the cool September air I ran into a couple that was sitting at our table and asked if they had seen Eric, and they said, he was walking with one of the ushers when they saw him and pointed me in a direction. I was walking around enjoying the beautiful evening and then I found Eric and what I saw blew me away and ton and tons of emotions ran through my body, the most being anger and betrayal.

As I rounded a very full bush, was a secluded area, with a bench for viewing the nearby lake, I found Eric, lip to lip, groping the usher that he had obviously licked the ear of!!!!!. They did not hear me coming and I said in a subdued but firm and strong voice, "WHAT THE FK IS GOING ON". They broke their embrace and Eric said, "OH SH*T", I immediately turned around and quickly started back to the banquet hall, and was thinking of how the heck I was going to get back home, and even getting another room to stay in and then a cab, or to have Sharon drive up and pick me up. Eric came running up to me and grabbed my arm, and I looked at him and said, "you fking cheating son of a bitch!, is the only reason you brought me here was so that you could make time with your boyfriend?", and I turned and kept on walking and he stopped me again and pleaded with me to listen. I crossed my arms and waited for him to explain.

He was beet red in the face and blurted out, "I am bisexual, he was a guy I dated many years ago", I kept staring and he went on, "he cornered me in men's room and wanted to go for a walk, I did not know it would come to that, please, please do not say anything to anyone". I kept staring at him and simply said, "who are you sleeping with tonight?, him or me?, as I need to know now so I can have someone come and pick me up and take me back to the hotel so I can get my stuff and drive me home". He then said in a pleading voice, "oh my God, you, and only you, and I am so sorry this happened". I still was staring at him with my arms crossed and said, "fine, I will forget that little incident and if you even come within 10 feet of him the entire rest of the night, I am gone, and will be watching you when you go to the men's room". He agreed and tried to come and give me a little kiss, and I said, "not now, I am too pissed off, maybe later". I did grab his arm and we went back into the banquet hall, and I looked around and spotted the usher he was kissing and he was looking right at us, and I grabbed Eric and gave him a long and slow and lingering kiss, I could tell Eric was as hard as a rock. It was dark so I knew I was alight and with my arm still draped around Eric's neck I looked over at the usher which was looking, but at the same time trying to look away and slowly licked my lips and then on the outside of his pants stroked his crotch once. When he saw this, I knew I had given him a clear message that Eric was MINE for the evening, and put his drink down and walked away. Eric was panting and then whispered to me, "what was that for?", I said back with a sly smile, "just 'marking' my territory, I don't think your boyfriend will be bothering you any more this evening".

Teresa and Shane were both sitting at the table, taking a break from dancing and Teresa looked at me weird and then grabbed her clutch purse and held it up and nodded and we walked to the ladies room. As we walked she quietly said, "what was that all about?", I told her that I had no clue what she was talking about. She smiled at me and said, "I saw you caress his crotch and saw you staring at someone, was it the blond in the short blue sequined dress?". I played dumb, as I knew she knew something about Eric's past and I told her it was. She laughed a little and said, "is she making a play for Eric again?, as she is married now". I made up a story and told her that I caught the two of them talking and a little more than that. She laughed and then, "I see, just showing her 'who's the boss'!". She then quietly said, "I love your charm bracelet, but I have to ask, that is a 'female-female' symbol, and those are two women embracing is it not on it?". I smiled back at her and quietly said, "they were a special gift from a girlfriend after a very 'special' weekend". She was not shocked, but smiled said, "well they say it takes a woman to know what a woman wants, so you cannot be a Lesbian if you here with Eric". I smiled back and ended that part of the conversation with, "no, I just like to play both fields". Teresa laughed and we entered the ladies room and then both of us quickly found a stall. After doing our business, I met Teresa at the mirror and she and I opened up our lipstick at the same time and she looked at me in the mirror and asked, as I was putting on mine, "got a crazy question for you?". I asked her what it was and she said, "mind if I try your lipstick?, I really love the shade". Now sharing lipstick is a big "no no", especially with a stranger, but I felt I knew her long enough and decided to let her put it on, and I must admit, it was much nicer than the "strawberry" colour she had on previously, it was really nice on her face and I complimented her on it. As a matter of fact, a woman that was touching up her makeup commented as well telling her it looked great.

She handed me the lipstick back and we packed up and closed up our clutch purses and headed back to the banquet hall, and I checked my watch and it was 11:45pm, Shane and Eric stood as we approached and Teresa and I slipped out of our heels and slid them out of our chairs and then joined our dates and put the clutch purses on our chairs. Eric was a little leery and did not know if everything was alright between us and it took about 3 songs of dancing and the rage that was inside of me started to subside. The 4th song was a slow one and I put my head on his shoulder and he pulled me close and I could feel he was getting harder and harder. About halfway through the song I whispered in his ear, "lower my dear, lower", he pushed me a little away and gave me a stare and I took on of his hands and pushed it down my velvet covered body. He took the hint and by the time the song was over, he was gently caressing my velvet backside. At the end of the song we shared a long a soulful kiss, and I caught out of the corner of my eye the usher he was kissing looking at us. I grabbed Eric's hand and headed back to the table as the lights slightly came up for the midnight buffet, as the music stopped, I teased the usher and slowly licked my lips as I stared back at him, he quickly turned and walked away.

Teresa joined me back at the table and we both slipped into our heels and then the most memorable part of the evening was to come, as we gathered with all of the other women at the party and it was announced it was the bouquet toss, Teresa grabbed my hand and pulled me into the crowd. Now I am only 5'2" and with the heels, 5'6", I was tiny compared to some of the gorgeous women young and old, I was standing around. I knew the routine that was coming and heard, "3-2- 1", and then the bouquet went flying in the air. Now, I have played football and know that men can be rough, but this was just the same, except for the women around me were dressed in formal gowns and wearing heels and had their hair done at a salon!. The bouquet bounced off one girls hands, then another, I actually got pushed out of the crowd as I am not used to playing football in 4" heels, and I was standing there and another girl swatted at it to grab it and it was flying right for my face!. I put my hands up to block my face and voila!, I caught the bouquet!!!, I had almost caught the bouquet back in 1989 at a "Welcome Wagon" Bridal show, but this was for real!. Teresa immediately came over and gave me a hug and then we headed back to the table as the men started gathering for the garter toss. I looked and loved it, and the bouquet and now have it proudly hanging in my bedroom and it was silk, and gorgeous, and the one tag on it had the Bride and Groom's name and the date of the Wedding, and I cherish to this day.

The garter toss happened and neither Shane or Eric caught it, and Eric was a dear when he came back and came and carefully wrapped the bouquet in his jacket and tucked it well under the table so no one could see it. I was not hungry at all, but Shane, Eric and Teresa went up and as I was sitting at the table the Bride surprised the heck out of me and came and gave me a big hug and said, "congratulations!!!!, hope the bouquet brings you luck in getting married!". I thanked her very much and thanked her for a wonderful party and lovely dinner and told her that she looked lovely at the Church, she left after we exchanged a friendly kiss on each others cheeks. The others came back with light sandwiches, and cakes and we all sat down and chatted, and Teresa told me she saw the Bride come to me and asked me what she was asking, and we talked about her dress and such, and I had to watch my language as Teresa loved the Bridesmaid and Bride's dress.

Eventually the lights were dimmed again and the dancing resumed and once Eric was done his snack, he asked me to dance, now it was a series of slow songs, and I slipped back into my heels and joined him. As I slipped on my heels, Teresa smiled as she was getting up with Shane and was not putting hers back on. About 4 songs later the last song was announced and it was a slow one and Eric held me tight and I did not need to feel the front of his pants and I could tell that he was as hard as a rock, which was surprising as we both had more than enough to drink!. When the song was over, we met Teresa and Shane back at the table and Teresa was slipping back on her heels and Shane jokingly said, "don't worry, Eric and I will walk you girls home slowly", Teresa was rather vocal and said, "don't you even f**king think about it, you are getting me a cab". Shane laughed and said he was joking and asked Eric and I if we wanted to share a cab, and Eric looked at me for an answer and I said, "sure". Eric grabbed my bouquet and told me he would carry it for me while Teresa and I used the ladies room.

Teresa and I took one last trip to the ladies room, and after doing my business and using the stall, I went and met Teresa at the mirror, and again, after I fixed my lips, handed it to her and she did hers as well. I was just about to put my lipstick into my clutch purse and Teresa was pulling out a piece of paper and asked me to tell her who the maker was and the colour name and I told her and she wrote it down. She told me that she got so many compliments about it that she wanted to get one herself. When we were done we packed our clutch purses, check our hair and such and met the guys outside of the washroom and left the hall. We had to walk slow as Teresa was really complaining about her feet, but I had to admit I was starting to feel it a little, but more in my calf muscles. When we left the washroom, Eric handed me my bouquet and it was fun carrying it like a Bridesmaid!. There were taxi cabs waiting outside the hall and we went to one and all climbed in and it took us to the hotel.

We took the elevator to our floor and after we got and parted, Teresa came and gave me a hug and we exchanged light kisses on the cheek and told each other how nice it was to meet each other. The guys shook hands and we parted. Once in our room, I was just about to ask Eric what he wanted to do and he turned his head to me and started kissing me passionately, and feeling me all over. I kissed back and he was shoving his tongue into me and I was to him. We finally broke our kiss and I told him that I really wanted to use the Jacuzzi to soak my legs and feet in, and I would be right back after I changed. He was panting and he grabbed my arm and said, I have been dreaming about you all evening, pleasuring me in that dress, on your knees, please, please.

I smiled and lead him to the couch and sat him down, I opened my purse and put on a thick coat of my lipstick and told Eric to get undressed, and he was out of his clothes in a heartbeat. Naked on the couch and his member very hard and it was all wet with pre-cum. I slid down on my knees and very slowly started working on his member. My head was definitely not 100% clear with all of the drinks of the evening and it was 1:45am, so I just wrapped my lips around him and started pumping up and down. He was groaning and moaning and telling me how sexy I looked and how pretty my dress was and about 10 minutes later he blew, he was really, really salty and gave me a huge mouthful that I swallowed right down. I came up for air after I licked him clean and he pushed me back down, "more, more" was his cry, so I just kept going and about 2 minutes later he was solid as a rock and again, about 10 minutes later he grunted loudly and I could feel his pre-cum building and he exploded in my mouth, I swallowed down his load and licked him clean and then stood up. Eric was definitely spent, and I stood up, and kicked off my heels and then grabbed my purse and headed for the washroom and told Eric to get the Jacuzzi ready.

Once in the washroom, I slipped out of my dress, and it took a long time as my head was not clear, and had to struggle to get the pins out of my shoulders for the bra. I eventually got naked and took off my latex vagina, and tucked way underneath and slipped on my bathing suit. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, then went and fixed my lips and joined Eric in the Jacuzzi, and he had another full glass of champagne for me. I turned my back and slipped in and then cuddled up with Eric. This time, I did not feel his hard member on my back, and we just chatted about the evening and quickly sipped two glasses of champagne each. It was 3am and I was really feeling the effects of all of the drinks that we had and I could tell Eric was as well and his member was not getting hard. He then made the comment, "I am really sorry about what happened tonight", I told him that was "water under the bridge and forget about it". He then said, "for what it is worth, I was talking with him and he told me how hot you looked and told him how good your lips were". At this point my head was spinning and was not thinking clear, but I guess your subconscious kicks in at these times and I said, "well maybe one day I can show him and you at the same time?". I kind of realized what I said and that is a fantasy of mine to do two men at once.

Eric then said, "are you serious?", and I told him, that if everything was perfect and right then possibly. Eric kissed my neck and was caressing my breasts and asked, "so what is perfect?". I said, a very, very romantic Saturday evening at Stage West, my own room, you guys supply the dress, lingerie, and both play by the same rules as this evening, and no gay sex in front of me". He kissed me lightly on the back of the neck and told me that he would work on it. At this point I was almost asleep and told Eric that it was time for bed, as checkout time was only 7 hours away. Eric agreed and I got out of the Jacuzzi and made my way to the bathroom to change. I took off my bathing suit and dried off and then slipped on my latex vagina and the white satin and lace panties and then into the blue lace and satin gown and the wrap, then carefully washed off the makeup of the day. When I came out Eric was passed out on the couch, naked, with no covers, so I grabbed some out of the closet that were there and covered him up, and turned off the lights and went to the large King size bed and crawled under the covers and before I knew it I was asleep.

I obviously had forgotten to close the blinds as the sun was streaming in and heard the sound of the toilet flushing, and knew that Eric had woken up. I looked at the clock and saw that it was about 7:15am, and was really groggy and knew that we had to be out by 10am and then just rolled back over and fell back asleep. I woke back up by 8:30am and decided it was time to get up, besides I had to use the bathroom. I peaked out of the doors to my bedroom and saw that Eric too had fallen back asleep and decided to freshen up, then get into at least some of my lingerie for going home and do my makeup and then model the lingerie I was wearing for Eric as he had not seen it yet. I opened my suitcase and grabbed everything I needed, including a fresh pair of blue lace and satin panties and a brand new pair of sheer nude pantyhose, my makeup kit and such. I also picked up my black patent 4" heels and took everything into the bathroom. I closed and locked the door and then stripped down and got into the nice hot shower. As I showered I could feel that my calf muscles were aching, my head was all foggy and my stomach really queezie, there was no doubt I was hung over. I got "squeaky clean" and then dried off and brushed my teeth, took 3 aspirin and then started getting dressed, well at least for the lingerie.

I started with the latex vagina, then the blue lace and satin panties, and then finally my new sheer nude hose, and I kicking myself as I forgot to pack some satin gloves and was lucky, with the long nails to not put a run in them. Next was the silky and satin blue chemise and coat. I then had to work on my hair as I had to pull out all of the bobby pins that the salon had put in, and brush it out, and finally I made it look respectable. I was hearing activity outside of the door and the outside door of the suite open and close and knew that Eric was up. I then went to my makeup and it was a light purple eye shadow, a light application of eyeliner, just to give my eyes shape, then light blush, and I was just about to apply my light pinkish red lipstick, that I normally wear for "work attire" and then noticed my nails and decided to stick with the dark burgundy, even though it was a "little much" for daytime wear.

I then put on the 4" black patent heels (finding out just how much my calf muscles were aching!!), sprayed myself with a healthy dose of Halston's perfume and then grabbed up all of my things and packed them away and took the bags and opened the door, and there was Eric, by the couch with a couple of goblets filled with orange juice (or so I thought), his white terri cloth, which was open in the front and his member was very hard and sticking almost straight out. He came and gave me a little kiss and told me he needed to shower and clean up and that he loved my lingerie and not to change until he came back out. I gave him another kiss and told him that I would not, but would be cleaning things up to go. He told me that he ordered in a jug of orange juice to use up the rest of the champagne, as he called it, "hair of the dog". I sipped on my drink and the aspirins started to kick in and I was feeling much better as I went around the room and packed my dress away and I laid out my skirt and blouse and 2" heels on the bed. I was in the bedroom when Eric came out and called out for me and I told him I would be right there. I entered the large front area and there was Eric totally nude, stroking his member, and asked me to come and see him, I slowly walked up to him and grabbed his member and we went into a long slow kiss. I then had a sly smile on my face, and still holding his member, took him into the bedroom and had him lie down. I came and gave him a give long kiss and was still stroking his member and he said, "Joyce, I am really, really hot", I said, "I can see that", he then said, "no I don't think you know how hot".

I gave him a little kiss and slowly moved down the bed and slowly licked my way down to his hard member and slowly started licking up and down the shaft and then concentrated slowly on his head and used my fingers to slowly play with his balls and he was groaning and moaning more than he ever had before. This went on for about 10 minutes and then he pleaded with me to get on the floor and my knees and I obliged and sat back on my heels. I knew something was different and he walked up to me and asked me to open my lips. I did and he firmly grabbed me by the head and then with great force started thrusting his member in my face, I made sure my teeth were out of the way, but he was getting hotter and hotter and thrusting harder and deeper, basically, he was making love to my mouth, to me this was not fun, but I had no choice. He made me gag several times and I thought I was going to throw up, but he held my head tight and would not stop. Finally he pushed really hard one time and his member went to the back of my throat and he came like no other time, he went on for at least 45 seconds, load after load, after load, I swallowed it all and then he popped out of my mouth and fell back on the bed. I had to catch my breath and got up and laid beside him, and slowly licked my way down and used my lips to clean him up. Probably a bad move as he became hard very quickly, and I knew that he wanted to come again, as he was moaning and thrusting his hips and I kept up the pace, but did not play games and just sucked and pumped up and down for at least 15 minutes, and finally he got really hard and came again, and was grunting and groaning and screaming my name. I swallowed him all up and then quickly got off the bed and then went to the main room and grabbed my drink and took a few big gulps.

I went back into the bedroom and Eric was still moaning and recovering and I grabbed my bra, skirt, and blouse and smiled at Eric as I left the room for the bathroom to change. I slipped out of the lingerie and the heels and put on my bra and adjusted my breasts and then put on the blouse and slipped up the skirt, which was nice and short and then fixed my lipstick and grabbed all of my things and was packing my suitcase and Eric came out and gave me a little kiss and started getting dressed. I slipped on my 2" black heels and was cleaning things up, getting them ready to go. Eric was wearing a pair of jeans and a nice sweater, when he was all packed up, we fished off the orange juice and then I grabbed my suitcase and put my purse over my shoulder and Eric grabbed the garment bag and then his suitcase and we headed to the elevator. We got to the front desk and Eric took the lead and checked us out and the girl behind the counter asked if the accommodations were alright, and we both agreed that they were. We headed back out to the car and I definitely could feel my calf muscles aching, even though I was in low heels.

Eric and I held hands all the way home and when we were about 15 minutes away, I called Sharon on my cell phone and she answered, she sounded a little out of breath and told me the timing was perfect for me to be coming home. I hung up and was wondering what the heck she meant, I took it that Brenda must have left and it was alright for me to come home. We pulled in the driveway and the only other car was Sharon's, so I knew she was alone. Eric and I shared a long and probing kiss as we said our goodbyes, and I gave him a tissue to wipe off my lipstick and I applied another coat to be presentable to Sharon. He grabbed all my bags and carried them into the kitchen and placed them down and he gave me a light peck on the cheek and thanked me for the wonderful time. He then walked out the back door and I closed the door and called out to Sharon and heard her call from downstairs and said, "down here Joyce".

I grabbed the bouquet I caught and headed downstairs and in the room between our family room and my bedroom, was Sharon on the fouton that was laid down to be a bed. The smell of sex was definitely in the air and she was lying there with a flush face, stroking her red and swollen pussy, while wearing a beautiful dark blue long silky blue nightgown, with lace all around her breasts. She looked at me and smiled and said, "I see you must have caught the Bride's bouquet", I told her I did and asked what she was doing and she just groaned, "waiting for you, now hurry up and go into your room and change". I was lost and said, "into what?", she just was moaning and quietly said, "you will see".

I opened the door to my room, and on the bed was a matching gown, with a little bottle of "Charlie" perfume. My room stunk of "Charlie" and I got undressed, leaving on my panties and pantyhose and slipped on the lingerie and it was really, really silky and fit like a dream. I could tell that it was doused in "Charlie" and then slipped on my 2" heels and joined Sharon in the adjoining room, and she looked at me and told me she hoped I liked it as it was a present from Brenda for going with Eric to the Wedding and showing him a good time. She asked me to kiss her and I did, I could taste the distinct taste of Brenda all over her face and told her and she commented back, "I see you sucked Eric recently", and I told her I did. She smiled and said with the perfume on the lingerie, I smelled just like Brenda and she was getting hot, she told me to lie down beside her. She then got up and pulled up her lingerie and lowered her pussy to my face and said quietly, "now the lingerie and the perfume is compliments of Brenda, but this my love, is compliments of Brad". She lowered her pussy about half an inch from my face and gobs and gobs of cum started to come out, I could tell she was flexing her pussy muscles as it just kept coming out and I kept licking it up and then she lowered it more and I started licking her pussy out with my tounge going up into her pussy and she was moaning and told me, "that was two loads he pumped into me, you thought sucking him was fun, well making love to him was even more fun, that huge cock was incredible in my pussy". I was licking and sucking as fast I could and Sharon was not ready to come again, she just moaned, "no dear, just clean me up, I cannot stand coming again, my pussy is too sore".

I finished cleaning her up and she pulled off of me and explained that Brad had walked in when Brenda and her were in a 69 and pulled out his member while he watched and she could not resist trying it. I asked how it could have happened, and she said, with a sly look on her face, "I guess I forgot to lock the upstairs door when Brad came to pick up Brenda this morning". I smiled back at her and said, "you set that up", she said, "perhaps, but I can see you are not complaining about the "gift" he left you?, you must have a belly full of cum right now". I blushed and told her I did not, and she smiled, and said, "I bet you do, just tell me how many times today?", and I told her two, and she smiled and said, with Brad's present that makes four loads. She slowly kissed me and took my hand and in matching lingerie we went upstairs.

She poured us both a glass of wine and she told me to tell her all about the Wedding and I did, and I was more curious of her day, and she smiled and told me that the lingerie I was wearing, was a part of a set of 3, as Brenda wore an identical one last evening as they went to bed and made love. She told me in detail about the shopping trip and then the romantic dinner and how pretty that Brenda looked and she told me the waiter at Villa Rosa did not ask why she had a new partner. I told her that Brenda probably looked amazing and Sharon told me she did and I told Sharon I would love to have the dress that Brenda was wearing, she just smiled and told me I would look fantastic in it as well. I was getting hotter and hotter by the minute and very flush and she stopped and again got serious and said, "you have not had any release have you?", I looked away and she grabbed my hand and smiled and said, "well Brenda and I picked something up together for you that can help". She grabbed a bag and handed it to me, and inside was a dildo, the same as the one I practiced for Brad and the other was a smaller rubber dildo, and Sharon reached over and turned the smaller one on. The handed me the huge one and said, "this is for us to share", but she held up the smaller one and said, "now this is for you personally".

She pulled up my negligee and started to rub it against my crotch and I slowly started to lick and suck the huge dildo, that I knew they had used as I could taste either her or Brenda on it. Before she started getting into it, she stopped and turned off the vibrator and said, "oh and yes, Brenda left you something as well". She reached down and grabbed a 8" strap-on dildo and she told me that they had bought together and used it and she waved it under my nose and said, "now what you smell is Brenda, I made love to her with it this morning and I told her that you would be cleaning it". She pushed it up to my lips and I licked and the flavor was definitely there. When I had licked it clean I gave it back to Sharon, she smiled and turned on the vibrator and started rubbing it on my crotch again.

She was stroking my nylon covered legs and moving the vibrator around my crotch. She then asked me to describe the erotic details of the evening, like how many times I sucked off Eric and I had to answer that I really did not know, as I lost count. She then cooed, "well, I can tell you I ate Brenda 4 times and she ate me the same and we both made love to each other with the strap-on twice". She told me again how lovely Brenda looked and tasted and I told her again how much I loved the dress and she cooed, "well, you do have a shorter version of the exact same dress, but you are right the longer one would look great on you". She then told me how big Brad felt as he entered her and how his cock hit spots she has never been hit before and while he was making love to her, she was eating out Brenda. She teased that the 4 of us should get together so that I could suck Brad off again and she could experience his huge cock again. My head was full of tons of emotions and my own sex was getting stimulated, and she kept on "egging me on", saying, "come on Joyce, would you not like that, Brad's big cock to suck and then watch him make love to me?, then you could clean it out of my pussy after he blows his load in me like today?". That was the trigger and I exploded in my latex vagina, it lasted for a while until I almost collapsed.

When it was over, Sharon turned off the vibrator and handed it to me and told me it was mine and to put it away and she complimented me on my new lipstick shade. I was still gasping for air and could feel the cum seeping out of my vagina and into my panties, but I did not care. She came and gave me a long kiss and told me that she was going to have a nap, and that she would see me later in the day, she handed me the huge dildo and told me, "you keep this for now, but I may need it from time to time". She picked up the strap-on and left for her bedroom, I made my way to my bedroom and took off the latex vagina and cleaned up the mess, and slid on a fresh pair of panties and crawled into bed for a nap myself.

There may be more to come with Eric, Brad and Brenda, I got a few hints, but nothing more, we will see what the future holds.

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com ICQ: 26082876

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