Going the Distance

By Tyler Xavier

Published on Oct 19, 2020


Going The Distance: Part 2

"You... you promised nothing would happen... you promised we would be okay," I said in a restrained voice. Beau's tired, pale face stared back at me through the camera. This needed to happen. I needed to see his face to have this conversation with him.

"You feel like your trust was violated?! Imagine how I feel! I was raped unconscious last night by my own roommate, and now I have to sit here and defend myself against you!" Beau exclaimed, teary-eyed.

"I think... I think we just need some space right now," I said, unable to stop staring at the dark bruises lining Beau's neck and collarbone. Beau wiped a tear from his red cheek and nodded in agreement.

It had been a week since the incident. Since Daniel, Beau's roommate, took advantage of my boyfriend's drunken state and rode his cock while I watched on in horror through FaceTime. The day following the incident, Beau tried to contact me several times to no avail. I considered blocking him, but I needed the closure. And so yesterday I caved in and agreed to FaceTime him.

He pleaded innocent, claiming he had completely blacked out at some point in the night and the next thing he remembered was waking up to Daniel's weight on top of him. Even through the haze of my rage and heartbreak, I could corroborate some elements of his story. He definitely was inebriated to the point that he didn't even realise I was on FaceTime the whole time. He did, in fact, fall into a deep sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. But what happened before? What happened after?

"Did you try to fuck Daniel at the party?" I stammered.

"W-what? I- I didn't even-"


"NO!" Beau shouted back, a tear rolling down his cheek. "He fucking lied Mitch, you know that... He's insane," Beau whispered, wiping his eyes with his hands. Beau had a point - if Daniel was willing to rape my boyfriend in his sleep then why should I put it past him to lie to me also? He was insane. Delusional. And yet, a dozen questions still lingered in the back of my mind. But only one question mattered to me in that moment.

"I believe you Beau. Just... please... answer me one more thing?" I asked hesitantly. Beau arched his brow.

"Did you cum inside of him?" I almost choked on the words as I asked them. Beau stared silently back at me. "The call ended when you woke up... so... did he make you cum?"

"No." Beau sighed out in a defeated tone.

"Okay..." I breathed out also. My heart felt heavy in my chest.

Mending the wound Daniel inflicted on our relationship took a while. Things didn't even begin to feel normal until three weeks after that night. Beau had begun his classes, and I was steadily beginning to save up from my job as a barista. A sense of casual calmness settled between us as we figured out how to move past this traumatic event together.

In his fourth week, Beau started up at the college gym.

"The equipment is obviously great but the guys there come off so judgemental, it's insane," he explained to me.

"I bet, but hey! You're college boy, you roll with the big dogs. You should be the one judging them. Why don't you start tagging along with the senior boys?" I suggested.

"Yeah, maybe... Also, you would be shocked at how many guys just either don't wash their underwear, or just walk around commando," Beau exclaimed as I chuckled softly.

"Could you imagine? I don't even leave the house without clean underwear on, let alone go to the gym. Not that I'm looking, mind you, but it's impossible not to notice. And-"

"You do, actually," I cut in. Beau paused and looked at me through the screen with a confused look on his face.

"The toga party. You didn't have any on that night."

Beau's face looked as if he'd just been slapped.

"Uh..." he cleared his throat uncomfortably, "I was definitely wearing them before the party so I guess they must have been removed by Daniel at some point when we got home..." Beau stated, in a serious yet slightly embarrassed tone.

"Yeah, I guess they did," I replied, with an unintentionally sarcastic tone. Beau just stared at me silently for a couple of seconds.

"You don't still seriously think that I wanted that to happen to me, right?" Beau continued, "Like I said-"

"And you shaved, too," I mumbled, quietly. I could feel the ugly head of my raging paranoia rearing in my mind.

"...what?" Beau asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Your balls. You've never seen them shaved before, but you did that night," I added, tensely.

"...Daniel let me borrow his Nair. He said it was easier than shaving and that it was more hygienic and felt better, so I wanted to try it. I was going to show you when I got home from the toga party..." Beau stammered.

"I bet," I sneered.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" Beau snapped suddenly. I didn't reply,

"All I ask of you is to support me. That's all I wanted," I could hear the pain in his voice, and a hard lump formed in my throat.

"You don't have to believe me, Mitch, just don't fucking keep punishing me for trying to move on. Anyway, Dan is going to be here soon to pick up the rest of his shit. I've got to go," And with that, he hung up. I sat, motionless, regretting my own stupidity. Why did I bring this up again? Beau was innocent, I knew that now. I really needed to remember whose side he was on, because at the moment I was only digging our grave deeper.

About an hour later I called to apologise.

bzzzt bzzzt bzzzt

Please pick up, Beau.

bzzzt bzzzt

I knew he was home.



Beau popped up on my screen, dumb-struck and stunned.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" I asked, perplexed, yet glad to see his face again.

"No," he stammered groggily. His half-lidded eyes peered through the darkness of his room at me on the screen.

"Beau... are you- are you drunk?" I asked, checking the time. I felt my anxiety morph into annoyance. He stared at me absently, before mumbling something unintelligible.

"What the hell?" I continued, "why are you drunk at 4pm?" Beau pressed his balled fists into his eyes and let out a long, deep sigh.

"I- I'm sorry," he spoke softly. His bare chest was rising and falling slowly.

"Anyway," I continued hesitantly, "I wanted to call you back and apologise for how I reacted. I know the situation was out of your control and I know you didn't want it to happen-"

"Mmmhm," Beau groaned in response, head still bowed down sadly and buried in his hands.

"-But, it really fucked me up having to see that. I think I still need some time to fully heal from it. Also, I was thinking... maybe when I' be saved up a bit more... I could come down and visit you?" Beau's head fell back and his eyes squeezed shut.

Jesus Christ, was he falling asleep?

"Beau! Are you listening, babe?" His head snapped forward and his eyes widened.

"Uh huh, I am. You wanna come down? Ohhh," he slurred. My annoyance flared brightly.

"Um... yeah. Is that okay? You don't seem too enthusiastic about it," I asked pointedly. I couldn't read Beau's expression at all, it was as if I were having a conversation with him in his sleep.

"No that... uhh... that sounds great, babe," Beau murmured.

"Okay... listen, maybe we should-" Beau's head collapsed into his folded arms and his shoulders started rising and falling heavily. Was he sobbing? Was he asleep?

"Beau?? Are you okay?" I asked, in a concerned voice.

"Y-yeah," he sniffled back.

Jesus, he was crying. Did I not take his emotions seriously enough when he said this situation affected him more than it affected me? In this moment I didn't even know how to react. Was it worth consoling him if he was this emotional and intoxicated? Maybe not.

"Okay baby, maybe we should just talk about this later, huh?" Beau groaned something into his folded arm.

"Alright. Bye Bobo, talk soon. I love you." He lifted his head slightly so that his red eyes peered out from the crook of his elbow.

"Loveyoutoo," he said in a muffled, restrained voice, barely even staring back at me anymore. The camera cut to black.

I left the call feeling more concerned for Beau than ever before. It wasn't like him to get drunk to cope with stress, especially from stress between us. He was also a naturally social person so the isolation of now living alone must have also been getting to him these past couple of weeks.

I text him after the call ended telling him how much I loved him and missed him. He didn't reply, piquing a feeling of dread inside of me which I quickly calmed by reassuring myself that he was deep in a drunken nap.

An hour later, I received a message from Daniel. My body went rigid instantly. He had sent me a ten minute video, along with the message "For your consideration xx" I urged myself with every shred of willpower in my body not to open the video, knowing that I was not emotionally prepared for what I was about to see. And yet, I opened it regardless.

The video opened to Dan's face on the screen, laying on his bed. He had an evil grin spread across his face and a dangerous twinkle in his eye. He turned over and balanced his phone against the headboard of his bed, aiming it directly at the corner of his room, where Beau was sat at his desk, typing away at his laptop, unaware of the mischief Daniel was getting up to behind him.

My heart dropped to my stomach. When was this taken? It must have been some time before the incident, before Beau kicked Dan out of his room. It had to be.

Daniel slid off the bed , revealing his boxed belongings sitting on his bed.

Shit. This was today.

He sidled up behind Beau like a needy cat, placing his hands on my boyfriends shoulders. Beau flinched.

"What do you want, Daniel?" He asked sternly, removing his headphones.

"You seem so tense, I just wanted to make sure you're okay," he replied, coyly.

"Are you kidding? You're the reason I'm in this mess, with Mitch, man," Beau replied, brushing Dan's hand off his shoulder dismissively. Daniel feigned a hurt look.

"Hey, come on, I told you I was sorry. I thought you wanted the same thing as I did... I mean, you seemed like you wanted it at the time..." Dan whispered sensually, forcefully swivelling Beau's chair around to face him.

"I was fucking blind drunk and passed out, Daniel, I didn't know what I was doing," he responded, pushing away from the boy again.

"Why the fuck did you have to call Mitch and force him to watch, anyway? That's fucked up," Beau said. Dan spun him around once more then suddenly straddled Beau's lap.

"I didn't force him to do anything... he could've ended the call at any time. I just wanted to show him what he was missing out on... what you were missing out on," Dan said, pressing his skinny finger in between Beau's bulging pecs.

"In fact, I think he secretly got off on it" Dan continued in a soft voice, leaning his face in towards Beau's. "It's too bad he didn't stick around for the final act..." Dan whispered as he slowly straddled Beau's lap. Beau clenched his jaw and carefully placed his hands on Dan's hips to lift him off. He began to lift Daniel as Daniel pushed back down, causing Daniel's perfectly round ass to bounce off of Beau's bulge several times. Daniel planted his ass firmly on Beau's lap and began grinding himself against the bulge in Beau's shorts. Beau groaned out in frustration, not making any serious attempt to push Dan off of him. Beau's eyes were fixed on Daniel's plump, wet lips as he spoke, "Daniel... please... stop..." he said, in the same soft tone Daniel was using. Daniel bit his lip softly and Beau's grip on Daniel's hips tightened.

"Fuuuck I've missed having you inside of me. Don't tell me you didn't love flooding my ass with cum, Bobo. This ass belongs to you, baby," Daniel whispered as he held Beau's face in his hands.

My heart seized in my chest and my head felt light. Tears welled up in my eyes. This couldn't be happening. Not again.

"N-no... no... I can't..." Beau whispered weakly as he stared up into Daniel's eyes. Daniel stared deeply back as he shuffled backwards slightly, giving himself enough room to dip his hand beneath the waistband of Beau's shorts. Beau's eyes widened and he inhaled sharply. Daniel pulled his hand out and lifted two, sticky, wet, glazed fingers to his mouth, sucking them in between his plump lips hungrily as he eye-fucked my boyfriend. Beau let out a gasp and shook his head lightly but it was far too late. Dan's hand dipped back into Beau's shorts and began moving around rigorously. They kept staring at each other, lost in each other's lust. Beau's breathing picked up and Daniel nodded encouragingly, glowing with pleasure. Beau leaned in slowly and Daniel tilted his head to meet him in a deep, passionate kiss. Just as their lips were about to connect-

BZZZT Beau's laptop buzzed, causing them both to jump apart. Beau groaned out audibly, shoving Daniel off of him forcefully.

"Get lost, man. It's Mitch," Beau said, clearing his throat. Daniel fell to his knees, tugging the waistband of Beau's shorts and freeing his huge cock in one swift movement. Beau's meat slapped up against his stomach. Beau cried out in shock, but still didn't make a move to stop him.

"Come on dude, I've got to take this," Beau said, eyeing the screen nervously.

"Then take it," Dan said quietly, crawling underneath Beau's desk and pulling Beau's computer chair toward him.

"Fuck, Daniel... don't do this," Beau pleaded

"Answer it," Daniel whispered, taking Beau's meat in his hand.

I was in sheer disbelief as my my mind anticipated what was happening before my very own eyes.

My face appeared on Beau's screen. Beau's entire body stiffened as Daniel pulled off Beau's shorts from around his ankle as he continued to stroke the head of Beau's cock.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" I heard my own voice echo from his laptop screen.


No no no.

"No," Beau replied. Daniel stared up at Beau's face as he spat a fat wad of saliva on the top of Beau's cock and massaged it down the length of his meat.

I heard myself accuse Beau of being drunk, and he mumbled in response. Daniel tentatively licked the head of Beau's glistening cock before taking it in his mouth. Beau's head fell backwards in response.

"You want to come down? Ohhh," he cried out croakily.

I couldn't fucking believe it. Beau wasn't drunk. He wasn't crying. He was getting his cock swallowed by his twisted, psychopathic roommate who was crouched beneath the desk the whole time.

Beau's mouth dropped open as Daniel began sucking on his smooth, heavy balls. His pink, meaty cock glistened with saliva. Daniel lapped at his fat balls enthusiastically, jerking Beau off with his hands.

How could I have been so stupid? How could I have been so blind?

Beau's head folded down onto his arm while I explained my idea about visiting him. With his free hand he gripped the back of Dan's head and bounced it up and down on his meat. His dick sprung out of Dan's pouty lips and slapped the boy across the face with a meaty, wet thud. Daniel swallowed down his cock once more, eagerly staring up at my boyfriend with puppy-dog eyes as Beau fired short, dismissive responses to me on FaceTime.

Finally, I heard myself saying good-bye to Beau on the screen. I told him I loved him. Just as the call ended, Beau grabbed the back of Daniel's head forcefully with both hands, and plowed the entire length of his thick pole down his roommates throat.

"Iloveyou," he sputtered, staring down at the boy nestled between his beefy naked thighs as the call ended.

"Ughhh! That feels so fucking good, oh my god. Don't stop, man! Holy shit, I'm about to cum already!" Beau cried out.

Daniel gasped for air but Beau continued rhythmically pumping his cock in and out of Dan's mouth.

"Fuuuck! Ahhh! Holy shit!! Swallow my fucking load baby!!!" Beau screamed out as Daniel guzzled down my boyfriends thick nut.

I was a wreck. I locked my phone and threw it across the room. My cock was leaking precum down my thigh and my cheeks were wet from tears. I wiped my nose and ran to my laptop, scrambling for the FaceTime button to call Beau.

How could he have done this to me? How could he have willingly betrayed me like this? Was everything Daniel said about that night true? My blood seared through my veins.

I called Beau.

It had been an hour since I last FaceTimed him. An hour since that video was filmed. An hour since he blew his load down his roomie's throat. Would Daniel still be in his room? I fucking hoped so. I was going to destroy him, I was going to tear him to shreds, I was going to-


The FaceTime screen opened and I felt my heart nearly collapse in on itself once again.

The first thing I saw was Daniel, bent over on his elbows in front of the screen, which was seemingly positioned on the foot of his bed. Dan's eyes lit up when he saw me, and his mouth was hung wide open as he was rocked back and forth by the powerful thrusts of my boyfriend behind him.

Beau was fucking the ever-loving shit out of Daniel.

My boyfriend was knelt down on one knee behind his roommate, grabbing Daniel's hips tightly as he railed his twinky ass, his own head thrown back in carnal ecstasy.

"I knew you'd-uNH-come calling eventually," Daniel giggled between low grunts, with maniacal glee. Beau's head fell forward instantly and he made eye contact with my horrified face through the screen, but didn't pause his violent thrusts inside of Daniel.

" I couldn't-UH-stop!" He panted.

"I couldn't-fucking-stop! Uh! UH! UHHH!" He grunted out as his cock slammed in and out of Daniel's tight hole.

"I'm s-s-sorry Mitchy! Ughhh! I'm so fucking sorry!" Beau cried out pleadingly. Tears were streaming down my cheeks, my mouth hung open as I gasped for air. I was completely frozen in shock. Dan just stared up at me through the camera, head bouncing forwards and backwards, causing his bleach blond bangs to hang messily across his face.

"He's fu-ucking me so hard! He's fucking me-e-E-E!" Dan moaned, in between broken, half-sob, half-laughs. I threw the laptop down onto my bed, taking a step out of frame, and covered my mouth with my balled fists, crying silently as I felt my body go rigid.

"Yes, baby, yesss! Fuck that big cock into me!" Dan continued, tauntingly. I was shaking with rage. My boyfriend looked at me with a final look of shame, as if begging my forgiveness, before he turned his attention back towards the slut he was breeding in front of my very own eyes. He reached around and brushed Dan's blonde bangs back, tangling his hair in his fist then rearing the boy back into his sweaty chest, bringing him in to a deep, audible kiss. I could've ripped my laptop screen in half if I wasn't completely paralysed.

How could Beau do this in front of me? How could he?

Dan pulled out of the kiss, opening his mouth wide and sticking his tongue out, inviting Beau to spit a fat wad of spit into his hungry mouth. Beau gripped his jaw roughly, spitting down his throat and growling deeply as he watched the boy swallow it.

Beau wrapped his arm around Dan's throat and tensed his large bicep, crushing the boy's windpipe. He then wrapped each of his muscly legs around Dan's, forcing them apart as he relentlessly rammed himself in and out of the boy's bubbly ass. Dan clawed onto my boyfriends forearm, gripping him tightly and gasping for breath as Beau fucked him harder. He kicked and squealed like a helpless fawn caught in a bear trap, but Beau maintained his vice grip on Dan's body, and continued his assault. Tears of joy were streaming down Dan's bright red cheeks. Tears of despair were rolling down mine. His messy hair clung to his sweaty temples. He was genuinely struggling to breathe by now, gasping and slapping at Beau's arms. A part of me revelled in the sight of Dan suffering, his face turning bright red, his neck veins bulging beneath my boyfriends sheer muscle. Although, another part of me was almost scared of the aggressive beast my boyfriend had become in this state. That small satisfaction evaporated completely, however, as soon as Beau released his grip on Dan's throat, causing Dan to pant for air then grin gleefully, letting out a lusty "fuck yeah," as he pushed back against my boyfriends thrusts, riding Beau's cock like hed been waiting to do it for years. Because, of course, he had been. Victory was his, at last. And he wanted me to endure every moment of it.

Beau pulled out of Dan suddenly, reaching under the boy's thigh, to yank him up firmly, flipping the boy on his back. The screen bounced up and down as his back slammed into the bed. Beau sheathed his fleshy cock right back inside of Dan's tight hole, eliciting an animalistic scream from Daniel. Daniel wrapped his skinny white legs around Beau's toned waist and pulled Beau deeper inside of him. Beau collapsed on top of Dan, driving himself somehow even deeper into the boy's guts, and knocking the wind out of the boy. He rested an elbow on each side of the Dan's small head and interlocked his fingers across the crown of Dan's skull, then began jack-hammering his cock into Dan's perfect ass. Dan whimpered and whined, staring directly into my boyfriends eyes, who stared back with a look of unhinged lust. They kissed again, carelessly swapping tongues and spit. Beau's eyes darted upwards at me as he continued burying his tongue further into Dan's throat and driving his cock further into Dan's ass. I couldn't read the expression of his eyes. He looked like a hungry predator, watching carefully for danger as he feasted on his prey. Dan followed Beau's gaze, still suckling on my boyfriend's tongue. He looked at me upside down, and let out and ugly laugh.

"He's inside of me! His big cock is all the way inside of me!" Dan shouted at me with maniacal glee.

"So... fucking... deep" Beau groaned, his eyes rolling back into his skull.

"Fuck yes baby. Ohhh YES! Feels so fucking good! Harder Beau! HARDER!" Dan screamed.

"YEAH?!" Beau shouted back passionately, slamming himself into Dan's ass. I could barely make out the picture on the screen, the camera was shaking so hard. I could even hear the loud slaps of Beau's pelvis slamming into Dan's perfect ass. A sticky puddle was forming on the front of my shorts. They were both moaning and crying out, completely lost in each other.

"Tell him how good it feels, baby!" Daniel moaned between kisses. Beau looked back up at me, his face bright red and dripping with sweat. He looked down at Dan, shaking his head lightly.

"No, I - ughhh - I cant! Hang that shit up..." Beau groaned back.

"Fucking stop! Beau! Stop!" I screamed suddenly. They both looked up at me and Beau paused his thrusting. I was unmuted. They could hear my sobbing. Beau slowly began to fuck Dan's ass again, looking at me in bewilderment.

"So...good... it feels so fucking good," Beau stammered apologetically. He began fucking Dan at the same rapid pace, and Dan resumed his rhythmic moaning, in time with Beau's thrusts.

"UGhh this ass is all yours baby, fucking all yours!" Dan cried out in his bitchy, whiny voice as Beau hammered into him.

"Yeah?" Beau murmured, "All mine... all mine... all fucking mine," he grunted, staring down at Danie passionately.

"Beau.... please....," I pleaded helplessly.

"Hang up Mitchell... I don't want you- ughhh- to have to see this.." Beau sighed out.

"Ooh! Ohhh! AH! AH! AH!" Dan yelled over the top of Beau, louder and louder.

I couldn't. I couldn't stop watching. I had to know this was really happening. I had to see it with my own eyes.

"I'm- oh GOD I'm fucking about to cum again!" Beau shouted out. He placed his hands around Daniel's throat and squeezed, causing his thick biceps and pecs to ripple and flex. He gritted his teeth and pummelled Dan's ass with unimaginable force and speed. How was Daniel going to be able to walk after this? Daniel choked out a scream, his face turning bright red, as he erupted load after load out of his bright pink dick, aiming his cock at Beau's torso. Beau looked at me one final time, cum and sweat dripping down his swollen pecs, his massive bulging arms and his tight abs, as he buried himself, balls deep inside of Daniel. His eyes widened and he looked down at Daniel in a way that he's never looked at me before.

"FFFFUCK!!!" He screamed.


Waves of cum shot through my cock, spilling out of the leg of my boxers, in time with Beau's climax. He must have pumped at least ten loads of cum inside of Daniel, as his huge body spasmed and twitched with each shot.

I kept watching as the two boys collapsed into each other, eyes closed, breathing heavily through long, sloppy kisses. Without looking up at me, Beau reached up, his tongue still buried in Daniel's mouth, and closed the laptop screen.


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