Going the Distance

By Tyler Xavier

Published on Oct 8, 2020


Hi guys! Wanted to quickly introduce myself on here to readers: I'm a busy, dumb, stressed college boy who writes saucy stuff for fun. My previous (and only other) story on here, Best Friend's Father Figure, was met with a lot of really encouraging and kind responses, and so I've decided to write more stuff for you guys. I know some people might've been anticipating a part 4 to BFFF and I may revisit it some day, but for now I want to try my hand at other stories. This story is going to be shorter and a little more tame in comparison to BFFF, but I promise that my future stories are going to be a lot more ambitious (and definitely more twisted) so stay tuned. I also really love feedback and criticism so please feel free to shoot me an email and let me know what you think, or if you have any suggestions!

Cheers, T. x

Going The Distance

"eeeUGHHH" I cried out as I bit down on my pillow. My boyfriend stopped pushing into me and leaned back to face me.

"Too much?" He whispered gently.

"No no, keep going," I replied back through gritted teeth. He began pushing himself further into me until I cried out again and tensed up. I felt the knob of his massive cock slip out of my tight hole.

"I can tell you're not enjoying it babe, I don't want to hurt you. I don't think I can stay hard," he sighed in disappointment.

"No, come on," I pleaded, "we just need more lube!" I replied. He shook his head solemnly.

"I can't stay hard," he repeated, more sternly. My heart broke a little. He was right - I was in pain. My ass was burning even though Beau only managed to fit half of his thick dick inside of me before I bitched out. It was truly a monster, I've never been able to fit his whole length inside of me. Plus, he doesn't enjoy bottoming either so our sex life has been a continuous cycle of me trying to take his massive cock and failing miserably each time. I usually compromise for my lack of bottoming capabilities by offering him head instead (despite not being able to fit his entire length down my throat either), until he eventually gets close enough that he's able to jerk himself off until he cums. There's been times where I've pleaded with him to let me bring him to completion and finish him off, only for me to almost suffocate myself trying to scoff his meat down my throat, resulting in him inevitably losing his erection every time. And I doubted this night would be any different. I offered regardless.

"No baby, it's okay. I'm not that horny anyway," he whispered, stroking my head sympathetically. I could tell he was lying.

"But I wanted tonight to be special. It's our last night together," I said, trying to hold myself together.

"Aww, it was special Mitchy, I had a lovely night," Beau replied, pulling me in for a cuddle and nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. Truthfully, I wanted tonight to be more than special. I wanted it to be ceremonious. The final night we spent together - the best sex we'd ever had. Fireworks would've exploded as he buried himself balls-deep inside of me for the very first time - filled me with his cum for the very first time! Instead, the fireworks fizzled out once again.

I was terrified of the possibility that this could've been our last night together for good. Beau was moving to the city for uni, while I opted to have a gap year, remaining in our home town until I saved up enough money from my shitty barista job to be able to afford to move down and find a place with Beau. He was much more eager to leave here than I was, understandably. Throughout our two years of dating we had been through a lot together - we came out to our friends and family at the same time, which was also at the time we started dating, so the love and support we shared for each other through thick and thin was truly all we'd ever known - and all we'd ever needed. My parents, though shocked, took it considerably better than Beau's devout Catholic parents. They virtually disowned him on the spot, which took a heavy toll on Beau, emotionally. So naturally, he fled. Fled to study physiology in the city.

Breaking up was not even a question for Beau - the moment we decided upon going two different directions after high-school he assured me that as long as I was willing to try long-distance, then he would be dedicated to sustaining our relationship. We loved each other. We could make it work, he said. And we would.

The first week after he left was agony. He arrived to the college he'd applied for a week before uni started, and settled in quickly. Beau was naturally a social butterfly, it didn't surprise me that the senior college boys took him under their wing almost instantly. He fit all of the social descriptions required. He was charismatic, funny and smart as a whip. Not to mention was also jaw-droppingly beautiful - tall, athletic frame, strong jaw, dark cropped black hair, piercing green eyes. He broke a lot of hearts when he came out as gay, and even more when he started dating me. He would fit in just fine at college.

He settled in quickly, and after only one week of being there he was already bursting at the seams with excitement for Orientation Week.


"It's a massive deal, babe - it's essentially my rites of passage for joining this college and pretty much just a week-long bender of college parties. I'm going to be dead by the end of it," he rambled to me over FaceTime.

"Yeah, geez, sure sounds like it," I mused, "Hey, why don't you give me a tour of your room?"

"Sure, babe," Beau replied, lifting his laptop and swivelling it around, revealing a made bed adjacent from his own on the far wall, with boxes stacked on top of it. I'd almost forgotten that he was sharing this room with a roommate.

"Oh, I haven't told you yet?" Beau replied nervously, after I inquired about his new roomie.

"Told me what?" I laughed nervously back.

"I'm rooming with, uhh, Daniel Callaghan..." he said cautiously, reading my reaction as he said it.

"What the fuck?" I half-shouted. Daniel was also from our home town, and, for a pretty substantial period of time, was Beau's not-so-secret admirer. The kid messaged Beau incessantly, trying to start conversations or just straight up inviting him over for sex, despite the fact that they'd never even met. Although he was our age, Daniel went to a different school, and thus the only things we each knew of him had, up until this point, been from his very friendly interactions with Beau on social media. Daniel's flirting was also in spite of the fact that Beau was in a very public and very committed relationship with me. Of course Beau mostly just politely declined most of the time, or, when Daniel persisted, just ignored him, until the night that Daniel sent Beau an unsolicited picture of his plump, naked ass, resulting in Beau blocking him on every social media platform. And now they were roommates.

"Babe, I know it's fucked. I didn't even know he was moving for uni, let alone going to the same college as me. Please don't me mad at me. I don't really want to be in this situation either and it's not like there's anything I can do about it!" Beau groaned.

"You can! Just ask to change!" I said, matter-of-factly.

"Well, I considered that but... well I just think maybe I should give it a chance," Beau said, reaching up and scratching the back of his head.

"Give what a chance?! Are you crazy?? That kid's a fucking creep! He obviously has a huge crush on you, he probably stalked you and set this up! We know for a fact that he doesn't respect your boundaries, so there's nothing to think about - I don't want you to share a room with him," I snapped.

"Easy up, Mitch!" Beau fired back, "Neither of us have met him before. All we know is that he's a desperate, thirsty gay guy who doesn't take a message very easily. But he could have changed, right? I'm sure he's matured a lot since we were 16. I know I have." Beau let out a long sigh and we both sat in silence, contemplating the situation. "It's only one semester, then I'll request a new roomie, I promise," He offered. I paused and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Fine, but if he tries anything at all, then you request a change, okay?" I bargained.

"Yeah, fair enough babe. Relax, okay? It will be fine. I miss you Mitchy."


Beau's first college party was a white party. His texts throughout the night became gradually more and more incoherent, but I was able to gather that he was having a good time. As much as I was happy that he was enjoying himself, though, I couldn't shake the seed of paranoia buried in my gut. I couldn't even sleep until I knew he was back in his dorm, safe and sound.

bzzt bzzt my laptop buzzed from my desk. I jumped in fright, quickly dashing over to my Mac

Why was Beau FaceTiming me?

I answered hesitantly. The screen popped open to show my boyfriend, shirtless and disheveled, with a silly drunk grin spread across his handsome face.

"Hey you! I sputtered. "You gave me a fright," I laughed softly.

"I did?" Beau asked in a drawn-out croaky tone, as he cocked his head to the side sweetly.

"Oh... no not really, I just thought something was wrong, I don't know. Anyway, What's up, baby? Why the call? Shouldn't you be getting ready for bed?" I asked, taking in the gorgeous sight of his toned, golden-tanned torso and pearly smile glowing from the monitor of his screen.

"I miss you... I wanted to see my boy," he beamed even wider.

"Aww," I blushed lightly, "how was your night?"

"It was so much fun, babe. But it would've been better if you were there... if you were here... now..." His voice got softer as I saw his arm move in front of his body, seemingly tugging at his shorts.

"What are you doing, Bobo?" I laughed, feeling my balls stirring. He didn't react at all to me calling him by his embarrassing pet name, instead just continued groping at his bulge, just out of view of the camera.

"I'm horny," he croaked, with another goofy grin.

Geez, he really was pretty drunk.

"Babe! Aren't you- is Daniel there?" I whispered, knowing well that Beau definitely wouldn't have said something like that aloud if Daniel was actually there.

"He's still at the party," Beau purred as he closed his eyes, his arm beginning to move up and down steadily.

"...Show me Beau," I whispered. He rolled back in his computer chair, revealing that he was sitting in a pair of tight white short-shorts, massaging a steadily growing bulge in the front of them. He hooked his thumbs underneath the waist band and tugged them all the way down to his ankles. His heavy cock sprung up and slapped against his tight stomach. His big, hairy balls rested in between his muscly thighs. His cock looked massive from the angle of his monitor, wildly jutting out from a dark bush of fuzzy black pubes, but I knew that FaceTime couldn't do justice to the true beauty of his cock in person: the veins, the smell, the warmth. I could almost feel it in my hands as I began to stroke myself off.

"I miss that dick," I whispered, even though I knew that dick had caused me a lot more pain than pleasure by this point, but it was still a beautiful sight to behold, nevertheless. We whispered about how badly we wanted to hold and be held by each other, how badly we wanted to kiss and taste every inch of each other. He missed my ass, he missed my warm tongue, he missed my soft thighs. I couldn't take my eyes off his cock, which he was now stroking firmly. I could tell he was already getting close, as his chest began to blush and a light sheen of sweat formed across his forehead. He hadn't cum since he was with me, he told me. He had been saving this load for me since he left, he said. I could hear the wet squelches of the precum being squeezed between his fingers. "I'm getting close, Mitch!" He groaned.

"Me too, baby. Cum, Beau," I moaned.

Beau's eyes rolled back and his head fell back against the chair.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" He panted desperately, as I felt the first shot of my own cum surge through my cock.


Oh no.

Beau's reclined head snapped to the side, towards his door as rope after rope of cum flung through the air, landing across his face, across his naked chest, across his bulging biceps and across his tummy. His fist kept pumping as the last spurts of cum oozed out of his swollen cock head.

"Fuuuck... fuck" Beau sputtered out

"Wow, what a show," Daniel purred from off-screen. I ducked out of frame, spilling the pool of own cum that was resting on my stomach onto my bedsheets. My heart was pounding in my ears, my face was red-hot.

Fuck. How much did he see?

Beau sat dazed and stunned, pulsing cock still in hand, cum still dripping down his body, staring at Daniel who had just walked in.

"Fucking hell, man, can't you knock or something?" Beau groaned, getting up and grabbing his white shirt, using it as a rag to mop up the mess on his body.

"Knock to enter my own room?" Daniel scoffed. Beau cussed under his breath, turning his back to Daniel as he wiped himself clean.

"Can you at least give us some privacy? Jesus," Beau shot at him.

"Aww, come on. We're all men here, right Mitch?" Daniel teased.

"Fuck off, Daniel," I replied through the screen, provoking a snicker from him. Beau cleaned himself up and said a hasty good-bye to me, before hanging up and texting me a long apology for what happened. I told him it was fine, and that I didn't care too much, but secretly I was seething. I could have driven the 9 hour drive to the city that night just to strangle Daniel with my own hands. I fucking hated him.


We FaceTimed the next day while Daniel was out, though we kept our dicks inside our shorts this time. Beau was more quiet then usual, probably partially from the hangover, but more likely from the shame of being walked in on last night.

"I can't believe he caught us," Beau sighed.

"Yeah, he really got a good view, huh? You really took your time covering up, Beau," I grumbled, still annoyed.

"Babe..." Beau muttered.

"What? You did. I bet he jerked off to it last night... in fact... did he even wait until you were asleep? Did he-"

"MITCH! Stop! He didn't fucking jerk off, okay? You need to let it go, seriously. I'm sorry it happened but it's only as big of a deal as you make it. It's not anyone's fault, okay?" Beau snapped. We sat in a heavy silence for a few seconds.

"Did you lock the door?" I mumbled. A hurt expression washed over Beau's face, before suddenly dissolving back into anger.

"I think I should go. I need to get some more sleep before I get ready for the next party tonight," he said bluntly. I felt a stabbing pain in my heart. I was being way too harsh, I knew that. I missed my boyfriend and it was manifesting in ugly ways. I shouldn't be acting like a jealous brat. He was right - he didn't do anything wrong. But I still couldn't help feeling so... helpless.

He didn't message me for the rest of the afternoon, or even when he left for the party. I texted him, telling him that I hoped he had a good night and he replied with a short, blunt message saying thanks. I must have seriously hurt him, but maybe giving him some space to enjoy himself tonight was good for both of us.

Beau called me a few hours later when he got home to tell me about the party, saying he had fun but didn't really drink that much. He apologised again for the tense conversation we had today and I stopped him - explaining that I should've been the one apologising. He accepted my apology, telling me he understood my frustration and that he knew it was because I missed him.

"You're my boy. Nothing will change that, okay? I'm not going anywhere. I'm all yours," Beau said sleepily.


Wednesday and Thursday were uneventful - well, at least for me. By Friday, Beau was pretty tired of the parties and pretty eager to start actual uni, but he knew that the final party, the toga party, was the most important event of the week.

"My body's not going to forgive me after tonight - I've been abusing it all week and this is going to be the biggest night so far. I'm going to need a serious detox after this," Beau explained over FaceTime on Friday morning. "I'm going to try- oh hold on one sec, Dan's calling," Beau said, fishing his phone out of his pocket. I felt a jolt of irritation strike through me. We had avoided speaking about Daniel, knowing that it was still a sensitive subject and that the distance was more bearable when I didn't have him on my mind. As far as I knew, though, Beau was very much keeping Daniel at arm's length, not giving him any chance to creep on him.

Beau mumbled a couple of yeahs' and a that's fine' into the phone then hung up.

"What did he want?" I asked, trying to conceal the agitated tone in my voice.

"Uhh he's just out getting us bedsheets for the togas tonight, I've never made one before but Dan knows what to look for so he offered to make me one," Beau said carefully.

"Dan? So you guys are on nickname basis now, huh? That's cute," I said, clearing my throat.

"Mitch... don't be like that," Beau said sternly.

"Like what?" I feigned ignorance.

"You know what? Dan has actually been pretty cool this week, he hasn't crossed any boundaries, he hasn't come onto me at all, he actually even apologised for walking in on our call the other night. So unless you are willing to drop this weird obsession you have for him, and give the guy a chance, just don't bother bringing him up at all anymore, okay?" Beau said, tensely.

Ouch. He was seriously pissed at me.

"I- I'm sorry babe, I was only teasing but obviously I went too far. I'm sorry, okay? I'll give him a chance," I replied, feeling the weight of my own jealousy bearing down on the back of my head. Beau left to go buy booze for the party since Dan was already on his way back with the togas. We texted throughout the afternoon, and I tried my best to seem overly excited for him to have a good night, knowing that I fucked up and had been a shitty boyfriend. The distance really was beginning to fuck with my head.

Around 6, Beau sent me a picture of him and Dan in their togas, and Dan's hand was rested on Beau's shoulder.

What the hell? Surely Beau realised that counted as crossing as a boundary, right? Guess not.

Regardless, I replied, telling him how handsome he looked. And he did - he looked like a Greek god, with the toga revealing one swollen pec and a bare bicep, which was almost the size of Dan's head. His toga was also cut really short, just above halfway up his thigh, revealing his massive legs and slim waist. The thin cloth was bulging obscenely around his crotch. Beau's always been insecure about the size of his enormous bulge. He was a big boy, in every sense of the word. He'd tried (and failed) many times to conceal it, but there wasn't a pair of jeans or cargo shorts out there that could hide that whopping beast. But bulging out of that toga it looked especially beefy.

Daniel only came up to Beau's shoulders, and didn't look anywhere near as good as Beau did in his toga. It clung tightly and awkwardly to his skinny frame, although it perfectly complemented his peachy and plump ass. It fucking pained me to admit it but the guy had a great ass. I'd never even noticed before now. his pasty white complexion looked even whiter next to Beau. He had silvery, bleach-blonde hair, cut into flimsy bangs framing his twinkish face. He had pretty, feminine facial features. Small, delicate chin. Pouty, red lips. Wide, bright blue eyes. As conventionally attractive as he was, though, it didn't change the fact that his face was completely and utterly punchable. It should've been me standing next to my boyfriend. My hand resting on his shoulder. One more year and it will be. That's the plan.

Beau didn't reply to my text. In fact, he didn't reply to the next text I sent an hour later either, asking how the party was. Another hour passed and I sent a third text, asking if he was okay. Radio silence. My mind was racing as I tried to internalise my panic. Every worst-case-scenario was sprouting inside my mind. 9pm rolled around and I received a message on Facebook from Daniel.

What the fuck? Why was he messaging me? I opened it anxiously, my heart racing.

"Mitch, it's Beau! I left my phone at home by accident, stupid toga doesn't have any pockets. The party is craaazy, I can't wait to tell you all about it tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your night babe, I'll talk to you later! Love you xx"

Relief poured through me, but soon an ugly paranoia began to creep up into my chest, and I felt my face getting hot. I couldn't let myself get anxious over this again, I knew it wasn't healthy for us. Beau loved me - he had proven that over and over again. Now I must be able to prove that I can trust him.

I went to bed early, and slowly let myself drift to sleep. At around 1am I woke up to my Mac buzzing on my desk again.

Beau was home. My heart turned to warm syrup at the thought of him making it home okay.

I scrambled for my laptop and answered the FaceTime. The screen opened up to a picture of Beau's empty bed.

Huh, that was weird.

"Beau? You there babe?" I called out, scanning the dark screen for movement. I could hear mumbling and noisy shuffling in the background.

"Beau!" I called out again. This time, a face popped into frame - although it wasn't Beau's.

"Shh! Beau has had a biiig night, he's getting ready for bed," Daniel grinned, his lips bright red from some fruity alcohol, no doubt. He was still in his toga, messy bleach blonde bangs framing his snotty face.

"What the fuck, Daniel? Where's Beau? Is he okay? Let me speak to him, put him on!" I yelled. My heart was racing in my chest.

Something wasn't right. This didn't feel right.

Daniel once again shushed me, "I'll be right back, I'm just going to mute you in the mean time, though," he said, winking at me. I protested as he dipped out of the camera frame, and I called out to Beau again. Nothing. Then, suddenly I heard grunting and more shuffling.

"Come on big guy, into bed," Daniel huffed, as he came back into frame, supporting my very drunk and very unstable boyfriend. Beau didn't even notice his mac at the foot of his bed, he was so out of it. His toga was wet with colourful alcohol, and hanging off half of his body, only remaining tied flimsily around his waist. With one big heave, Dan rolled my boyfriend from his propped up position around Daniel's neck, down into his own bed. Beau collapsed onto his back, sending his legs flying in different directions and causing his toga to rise up above his hips, revealing his massive, floppy uncut cock to spill out, along with two heavy, cleanly shaven balls. My dick twitched in my boxers while my heart pounded in my chest. I could feel a thousand questions brimming in my mind and then instantly evaporating before I had a chance to consider them. Everything was happening so fast.

"Oops, look what we have here," Daniel quipped, turning and smirking at the camera. "Beau's come undone! Look at what we have here... so this is what's been pressing up against me all night?" Dan grinned, now staring at my boyfriends cock hungrily.

WHAT? What did he mean by that?

"Daniel! Fucking stop!" I shouted pointlessly, knowing that I was still on mute. Dan reached down and took my boyfriend meat in his delicate hand. My boyfriend snored softly in response.

There's no way this was fucking happening. Please Beau, please wake up and stop this from happening.

Daniel began squeezing Beau's uncut meat in one hand and playing with his large balls in the other. To my absolute horror, Beau's cock started to inflate. Surely he had to wake up soon. I grabbed my phone and called him, hearing the soft buzz of his phone ringing in the background of the image on my laptop screen. Dan's head swivelled around, and he let go of my boyfriend's hardening cock, letting it flop against Beau's stomach. Beau remained asleep, his hefty pecs rising and falling as he snored. Dan picked up Beau's ringing phone and smiled at me slyly through the laptop camera, before answering it.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM!" I screamed at him through the phone speaker. His smile grew wider, as he began caressing Beau's unconscious body in front of him. "He's fucking asleep! Look at him! He doesn't fucking want this Daniel, in fact, he fucking can't stand you, Daniel. He thinks you're disgusting! He thinks you're sick!" I snarled, hot tears welling up in my eyes.

"Are you sure about that?" Daniel whispered in a low, sultry voice before leaning forward and licking from the base of Beau's rod right up to the head. "That's not what he told me tonight," he laughed softly, before licking Beau's cock again.

"He told me he's been craving a tight ass to sink this big cock into for years... he said you can't satisfy him the way he wants to be... you've never even made him cum..." Daniel whispered through the phone, as he began stroking my boyfriends hard meat again.

"You're fucking lying! He didn't say that!" I screamed, feeling my underwear tighten at the image of my boyfriend's hairless cock and ballsack being stroked.

"He could barely keep his hands off me all night. He would've fucked me right there on the couch at the party if I let him. But now... why wait any longer?" Dan murmured, before hanging up on me and turning Beau's phone off.

He was lying. He had to be. Beau would never do that to me. He promised me.

Dan leant down and took the head of Beau's meat in his mouth, then, still maintaining eye contact with me through the facetime screen, began to engulf the entirety of Beau's massive rod effortlessly. He didn't gag, he didn't cough. He just swallowed my boyfriends cock, cramming the final inch down his throat and letting his eyes roll to the back of his head.

Beau's thighs twitched. Was he waking up? Please please please.

Dan came back up for air, before letting a glob of saliva drip on down the head of Beau's now glistening dick and swallowing it again. It was surreal watching Beau's thick meat slide in and out of Dan's throat. I could hear the squelching of Dan's throat squeezing around Beau's meat to accomodate his size. Beau cried out softly in his sleep, reacting to the foreign feeling of his dick being constructed by a tight throat.

I furiously typed out messages for Daniel to read on the screen, begging him to stop. But he didn't even acknowledge them. He was still going to town on Beau's cock, suckling away noisily but trying not to wake my boyfriend up. I couldn't fucking believe my eyes. I couldn't believe my cock, either, which was now standing at full attention.

"I know you've been waiting for this for so long, Bobo" Dan whispered to my unconscious boyfriend as he climbed on the bed and straddled Beau's hips, still facing me. He lifted his toga, revealing his own hard cock, which appeared small compared to Beau's, as it bobbed around heavily beneath Dan's balls, though I knew that Dan was probably slightly larger than I am, and slightly thicker too. He perched himself over Beau's cock, then positioned Beau's shiny, slick meat at his tight, virgin hole.

"STOP!!! FUCKING STOP!" I screamed at my screen, helplessly. I was openly sobbing watching the scene play out in front of me.

"Now I'm all yours... and you're... all... mine..." Dan moaned, as the head of Beau's swollen cock penetrating Daniel's plump ass. Daniel was sinking further and further down, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. He was grunting and moaning softly, determined to fit the whole thing inside. Once he got about halfway down Beau's fuck pole, he started sliding back up, only to bring himself back down harder, ramming another inch deep inside. Beau's legs were twitching more, and his sleepy cries were getting louder.

"Fuuuck, I'm almost there, baby!" Dan cried out, trying to restrain his excitement and pleasure at the feeling of my boyfriend filling his ass. His face was lit up like Christmas morning. His dream, and my nightmare, were coming true, right in front of my very own eyes. He lifted himself up again, then dropped back down, his bubbly ass swallowing more of Beau's cock. By now he had taken in more of Beau's cock then I had ever been able to fit inside of me, and he wasn't stopping. He winced with pain and he began breathing rapidly. His cock was drooling as he grinded himself down on my boyfriends dick. He lifted himself up one final time, and just before he slammed his ass back down to the hilt of Beau's groin -

"M-Mitch?" Beau croaked out groggily.

Yes!! Yes, he was waking up!!! He was going to realise what was happening and stop Daniel from raping him any second now...

"AHHH!" Dan screamed out as he impaled himself on Beau's entire length. He was staring directly into the camera at me, barely taking notice of my waking boyfriend who was slowly gaining his bearings. "Fuuuck it's so big, no wonder why you couldn't take it all," Dan breathed heavily.

"W-wha... Mitchy??" Beau grumbled again. His hands found Dan's hips as Dan began moving his hips in circles, adjusting to Beau's enormous girth. I wiped my wet cheeks and watched carefully as Beau, still extremely intoxicated and half asleep, try to push Dan off of his cock. Dan obliged, lifting himself off of Beau's meat until only the head of Beau's dick remained inside of him. Without warning, Daniel slammed his ass back down on Beau's cock. They both groaned out together. Beau's grip on Dan's hips tightened.

A sharp pain twisted through my chest. I suddenly felt nauseous. Why wasn't he stopping this?!

Beau kept groaning, in his state of half-woken and drunken delusion. He moaned something unintelligible, as he gripped Dan's waist and guided Dan's asshole further down on his cock. Dan's face contorted and twisted as his tight hole was stretched out by my boyfriend. His eyes rolled back and his jaw was clenching and unclenching as he gritted his teeth. The purple head of his cock was shiny with precum. Beau's legs were tossing and kicking around lazily. His balls were bouncing up and down as Dan rode him. Beau was slowly lifting his hips to match Dan's thrusts downwards.

I screamed silently as I watched my boyfriend's hips begin to move in rhythm with Dan's bouncing waist, thrusting as much of himself inside Dan as he could. Daniel's mouth hung open limply now as he slammed himself down on Beau's meat, crying out loudly each time Beau squeezed against the boys prostate. Daniel had his hands planted behind himself on either side of Beau's Torso to support himself. His hard dick dripped was dripping precum by now as it bounced up and down stiffly. He was breathing heavily and started grunting. His body went rigid, his calves bulging, his skinny frame completely tensing up.

"Fuuuck yes! Holy shit! I'm going to fucking cum!" He shouted, not caring how conscious Beau was by this point.

"....Daniel?" Beau said loudly, in what sounded like a genuine surprised and alarmed tone. Daniel shouted in response as his cock began to erupt with volleys of cum in the air. Beau's legs suddenly flailed wildly, kicking the Mac seated at the foot of his bed and sending it tumbling to the ground, clasping shut and disconnecting our call.

I slammed my own laptop screen shut before pulling my steel-hard, soaking wet cock out of my shorts and beating it furiously with hot tears welling up in my eyes until I felt the awful sensation: the sickening release of waves of cum flooding out of my own cock. It felt like I was being stunned with a taser, my entire body seized up with electric ecstasy before spasming and twitching to a limp halt, leaving me collapsed in a sticky and sweaty mess on my bed, tear-soaked and humiliated.

I rolled over, burying my face into my pillow, and cried until my chest felt like it caved in. My muffled howls of despair echoed throughout my room. I didn't sleep that night - I couldn't. The distance between Beau and I now felt impossibly large. Miles and miles of gaping, abysmal nothingness. And behind that thought, some small, godless corner of my mind knew, with unforgiving certainty, that Beau would not be coming back.


Part 2 coming soon

Next: Chapter 2

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