Going Swimming

By moc.liamlrug@18_eci

Published on Sep 25, 2000



Hey there everyone, I said I'd be back. Here I am, another shortie for you all to enjoy. Love that Nsync slash. Hey Jon, hope this is a good fix for ya (if not well um... I suck?). God everyone, thanx for all the awesome feedback I got on my other stories. It's really appreciated. Well I'm not gonna spend too long up here, so now to the story!

Disclaimer: Well shucks. I dunno if Nsync are gay, and I sure as hell am not saying they are! This is pure (homoerotic) fiction. If you're under 18 and shouldn't be reading this, then leave (like you're gonna listen...)! If you're like me and live inside the plastic bubble where it's okay for two famous pop stars to be gay (with each other) then for you all, ONWARD!


Going Swimming Copyright 2000 Ice

JC lurched forward, sweating and panting loudly. Confused, he looked around the room. Just a dream. He sank back down into the covers and closed his eyes, trying to think about his dream. Now that he was awake he couldn't recall one thing from it.

He looked over at the clock on his beside table. 2:18 The numbers blinked back at him. He threw his feet off the side of the bed, not tired enough to go back to sleep. As he sat there, a light breeze filtered in through his open window. He stood up and let the cool air caress his flushed skin. He sighed at the feeling.

Gathering his comforter in his hands, he made his way out of the room and down the stairs. He stopped at the kitchen for a few minutes to throw back a glass of oj and saw the already open back door. Leaving his half empty glass on the counter, he stepped outside to see someone swimming laps in the in ground pool. A muscular arm. Curly hair.


JC smiled. He deposited his comforter into a lounge chair and made his way over to the side of the pool Justin was nearing. Sitting down, he let his feet dangle into the water.

Hearing noise, Justin's head came up quickly. He saw JC's lean frame sitting a few feet away and smiled, wading over to stand in front of him in the shallow water. "Hey." He said crossing his wet arms over JC's bare knees. JC just grinned down at him.

"Hey yourself." He said back. "What are you doing up so late?" He asked brushing Justin's arms off his knees then sinking into the water with him. They both waddled towards the deeper end of the pool.

"I dunno. It was just nice and quiet out here and well, I couldn't sleep." Justin shrugged before wrapping his arms around JC's neck from behind then his legs around his waist. "Carry me." He whispered into JC's ear.

JC's ear tingled where he felt Justin's breath on it, and despite the cool water, his neck and chest burned where Justin's arms and fingers touched him. Justin's fingers traveled over JC's chest, leaving hot trails behind.

JC grabbed Justin's thighs and lifted him around his waist, letting his fingers rub Justin's skin lightly.

Justin let out a little sigh at the feeling of JC's hands rubbing his legs and tightened them around his waist. JC began to travel slowly through the water while his fingers traveled slowly up and down Justin's thighs.

Justin sucked in his breath at the tingles shooting through his body. He buried his face into JC's neck and couldn't resist dropping a small kiss on the soft skin.

JC almost stopped moving. Was that... He tilted his head a little away from Justin's, exposing more of his neck. Silently asking for more.

Justin, noticing this, responded by opening his mouth and nipping lightly at JC's neck. Encouraged by the quiet growl he kissed JC's soft skin again, this time along his jaw bone right next to his ear. He felt JC's hands tighten on his thighs, holding them closer to his body.

Justin let his feet drop lower on JC's body, to the bulge he found at the front of the gray boxer briefs. JC let out a small moan when Justin's feet rubbed along his erection, and slowed his walk. He rolled his head back onto Justin's shoulder and closed his eyes. Justin moved his head and sucked hungrily on JC's neck. He let his tongue out and slowly licked a line from JC's neck to his ear. JC stumbled a bit backwards and Justin felt his back hit the side of the pool softly. JC's hands were massaging Justin's upper thighs now, pushing up the ends of his boxers.

Justin ground himself into JC's lower back while he ran his hands down the front of his chest, pinching and rubbing JC's nipples. JC turned his head so he was nose to nose with Justin, and caught his blue eyes with his own. He stared into those beautiful eyes for a full minute before catching his Justin's with his own.

Justin's eyelids fluttered shut while his mind exploded at the soft feeling of JC's lips against his. They both opened their mouths and let their tongues meet.

JC moaned into Justin's mouth when Justin removed an arm from his neck. He snaked his arm underneath JCs and stroked the front of his stomach, caressing the hard abs. Justin's arm found it's way down to the front of JC's boxer briefs and trailed his fingers lightly up and down JC's throbbing dick. JC stopped his assault on Justin's mouth long enough to moan his name out, then continued with a renewed fervor.

Justin let his hand dip down the front of the thin fabric and his fingers circled the base of JC's cock. Bringing his other hand up to the back of JC's head, he played with the soft hair. Then slowly, he traveled the length of JC's penis once. Twice. JC sighed. Then without warning, Justin began to quickly jerk JC off.

JC would've let his head fall back again if Justin didn't have a steady hold on it.

"Justin... uh. Oh God Justin..." He whispered, nuzzling his cheek against Justin's. He turned around quickly and lifted Justin out of the water onto the side of the pool. His hands ran up Justin's muscular legs until they reached his hips... where Justin's boxers started at. He impatiently tugged at them until they were around Justin's knees.

The minute he saw Justin's beautiful hard cock he devoured it, deep throating the teen Justin threw his head back and bit his lip trying to prevent the scream he wanted to let out. It came out in a sort of grunt which JC found sexy as hell.

JC pulled himself out of the water and straddled Justin's hips, letting his clothed erection rub against Justin's freed one. Wrapping his arms around Justin's neck he hungrily kissed Justin, grinding himself into his pelvis. Justin's hands found their way to JC's ass and squeezed the hard muscles. They wiggled away from the edge of the pool together and Justin let his head fall back onto the soft grass behind him, pulling JC down with him.

Suddenly, a light turned on in the house, freezing the two men. They both looked toward it to realize someone was in the bathroom. JC quickly got off of Justin and pulled him up with him. Justin pulled up his boxers and grabbed the outstretched hand JC offered. JC quietly led Justin to the lounge chair where his comforter was resting on. He picked it up in his hands and motioned for Justin to sit down and lean back. After Justin got down, he laid down in between Justin's spread legs, pressing his chest against Justin's. He covered their bodies with the black comforter and shifted, straddling Justin's hips.

Justin grabbed JC's head and pulled his face to his, kissing him urgently. JC ground himself into Justin, producing a moan from Justin.

"Shhh baby..." JC whispered raising his face so it was barely an inch away from Justin's. Looking through half closed eyes at Justin's face, he ground himself more insistently into Justin, their hardons rubbing erotically together. He reached down with his hands and pushed Justin's boxers down, using his feet to get them the rest of the way off.

JC then let his hands explore Justin's naked body, while Justin closed his eyes and bit his lip. His hands reached Justin's pelvis and traveled through the kinky hair, down in between his legs, rubbed lightly at his balls, but didn't touch his dick. Justin groaned out with frustration.

"Jos-" He whimpered, but was cut off by JC's mouth covering his. As their tongues battled in their mouths, the light turned off. Justin shifted JC on his lap and grabbed the boxer briefs. He impatiently tugged them down, pressing JC against his body. Once they were off, JC straddled Justin again, this time their erections coming in contact with each other. Justin's arms encircled JC's back as they ground into each other.

JC moved to suck on Justin's neck, then let his tongue dip a little further down. Justin sighed as he felt JC's tongue work it's way across his chest.

"Josh... Shit." He moaned out when he felt JC take a nipple into his mouth, and then bite down lightly on it. JC kept moving down, his head ducking under the blanket. He kissed his way down the rest of Justin's body, and flicked his tongue out at the head of Justin's dick. Then he took all of Justin in his mouth, sucking hard. Justin buried his hands in JC's hair, tugging lightly. He let his hands travel through the soft hair, and JC let go and came back up to meet Justin's gaze.

Justin pulled a hand away from JC's neck and stuck a finger into JC's mouth. JC sucked on it lightly, letting his tongue swirl around it, not breaking eye contact with Justin. Justin pulled it out and reached between them, JC lifted himself slightly and Justin's finger found what it was looking for.

He rubbed the tight hole first, then slowly pushed his finger in. JC closed his eyes and let out a strangled moan. Justin wiggled his finger inside of JC, listening as his breathing sped up. He began to finger JC's ass, getting even harder listening to JC's ragged uneven breathing.

Kissing JC's bottom lip, he added another finger. JC buried his face into Justin's neck. They both went in slowly once. Then he pulled them almost all the way out and jammed them back in hard, causing JC to bite down on Justin's shoulder.

Justin pulled his fingers out and pulled JC's face to his. JC looked down into Justin's burning blue orbs and slowly eased himself down Justin's dick. When he reached the base, he stayed there for a minute. Justin tried not to buck and thrust up into the older man, but he couldn't help but moan out at the tight hot feeling of JC's ass constricting around him. JC began to ride him, picking up a steady soft rhythm.

Justin's hands ran lightly up and down JC's back. JC buried his face in Justin's neck again and softly whispered Justin's name as he picked up his pace. Justin closed his eyes when he felt JC speed up. He let his hands wonder to JC's hips and rubbed lightly before moving to JC's ass. He grabbed and held onto it as JC pulled himself away from Justin's neck. He spaced them a little apart so he could look at Justin. He stopped for a minute and smiled, looking down at the angelic face of the younger teen.

Justin felt him stop and opened his eyes in confusion. He saw JC smiling down at him, and brought a hand up to run a finger down his cheek. JC turned his head into Justin's hand and nuzzled it softly.

JC then smiled a devilish grin began to ride Justin again, this time fast and hard. Justin moaned out, and for once JC didn't care about shushing him.

Justin sat up and JC wrapped his legs around Justin's body. He grabbed an end of the blanket and brought it around Justin's back so it completely encircled them.

Justin's hands were around JC's waist, and JC held onto Justin around his neck. The two began to rock back and forth hard, and JC bent his head down to suck on the forming hickey on Justin's neck.

"Josh..." Justin whispered out. "Josh." He said again, bucking a little more urgently. JC picked his head up and kissed Justin's lips softly. "Can't..." Justin tried.

Justin's hand found JC's penis and began to jerk him off. JC closed his eyes and rolled his head back slightly.

"Shit... I'm right..." He choked out. Then his body jerked and he came all over Justin's hand. His muscles tightened around Justin's aching cock and Justin let go of JC and grabbed the older man and pulled his face to his. Lips found lips as Justin let himself go inside JC's ass. His mouth trembled slightly, and he tightened his grip on JC. They rode their incredible high together, eyes closed, mouth to mouth. Everything in slow motion for them.

Slowly, they opened their eyes. JC nuzzled his nose to Justin's before getting up. Justin reluctantly got up with him, and they put their shorts back on. JC bunched the blanket in one hand and grabbed Justin's hand with the other. Justin turned and smiled at JC. His JC.

They made their way into the darkened kitchen and over to the sink. JC picked up his glass and dumped the rest of it's contents into the sink, then placed the glass upside down in there. Justin squeezed his hand and he turned around smiling in the darkness.

"Think you can sleep now?" JC asked quietly.

"Yeah." Justin said softly lifting his hand to trail a finger over JC's cheek.

"Me too." JC said smiling at Justin.

"Me three." A voice said.

They both jumped at the sound. Whirling they turned around to see someone standing in the doorway.

"CHRIS!" JC exclaimed dropping Justin's hand. "You scared the SHIT out of me!" He hissed quietly.

"Yeah well... Sorry or something. Anyway, what were you guys doing up so late? I had to piss." He added as an afterthought.

"Nothing." Justin was quick to answer. He looked over at JC and smiled lightly.

"Yeah, nothing. Just went swimming." JC added, directing it to Chris but looking at Justin.

"Oh, whatever. I'm going back to bed now, night guys." He said turning around and walking to his room.

Hearing the door shut, JC sighed. He turned to Justin and kissed him lightly on the cheek and grabbed his hand. Then he turned towards the door and walked out, and headed up the stairs, Justin following closely behind.

At the top of the stairs Justin went to drop JC's hand but JC held tight.

"Just..." JC said almost shyly. "Stay with me tonight?" He asked quietly.

Justin's face broke out into a big smile.

"Okay." He said, following JC into his room. JC threw the blanket at the foot of the bed and stripped himself of his damp boxer briefs, crawling into bed nude.

Justin followed suit, and JC brought up the comforter around them. Justin pulled JC to him and wrapped his arms protectively around him. JC sighed and snuggled closer to Justin, wrapping his arm around Justin's thin waist and throwing his leg over Justin's hip.

"So, wanna go swimming tomorrow night too?" Justin asked quietly. JC looked up at him with a smile on his face.

"Sure thing baby." JC grinned at him. He kissed Justin once more before snuggling back down into his arms and drifting off to sleep.


So, what'd ya think? I personally think it's lacking in the Usual Soulful Commentaries department, but oh well. Hey, if you liked it, you know the email addy.

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