Going Medieval

By defiant

Published on Sep 9, 2022


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As Sem starts to ride David's throbbing cock he can feel every detail of David's rigid member, Sem can even feel the thick veins that run along David's shaft as the blood fills every vein on to maximum capacity and is forced to stay there by the ring from the harness. Sem has been fucked by David many times before, but never did he feel so filled up inside, David's head is swollen and his cock has thickened from all the blood that is forcefully pumped into it.

David lets out a deep grunt from every move Sem makes, having his cock forcefully constrained like this is a whole new sensation that he never thought of before, his cockhead is so sensitive and swollen that the line between pleasure and torment has grown razor thin, but seeing Sem bounce up and down like the hungry twink he is makes it totally worth it.

Under normal circumstances Sem doesn't have to do much effort to send David over the edge, but as he rides David's cock hard and full of lust, he notices that David is holding out longer than usual, though from hearing the grunts and moans he seems to get very close time and time again. "Fuuckk Sem I want you so fucking bad!" David huffs in between the grunts, Sem gives him a grin and pushes down with all his weight and stops dead in its tracks, he squeezes his sphincter hard and looks towards David with a lustful glare.

"My My mister demon, you sure are a tough one to please, if you were a mere mortal, you would have blown hard by now!", Sem hisses sadistically, "Thrust me Sem, I really am trying and would really like to!" David replies as he feels a very pressing urge to blow his load, but the ring keeps him stuck in a state just seconds away from climax...

"You know what, I'll reward your prowess, I'll allow you to switch with me, I'll lay on the bed and I want to be bred by that demon cock of yours" Sem whispers in David's ear while holding the 2 straps that run over his chest, he gives them a slight tug that echoes all the way down and results in a small tug on David's cockring. David's face contracts for a split second as he feels his cock jolt. "Thank you, Master!" David says with a grin. Right now, all David wants is to release the pressure from his balls, preferably within one of Sem's love holes.

Sem lifts himself from David's cock and soon is towered over by David in his Demon harness, Sem lets himself fall backwards on the bed with a lustful grin and grabs his lower legs and raises them to expose his hungry cherry towards David. David licks his lips and crawls on the bed on his knees, as he settles down between Sem's legs he glances down and can see every vein of his cock, he can literally see his cockhead throb ever so faintly with every beat of his heart. His dick is so rigid that he doesn't need any hands to guide it. He simply lines up his cock before Sem's slightly open cherry and starts to thrust further in as he grabs Sem by the legs.

Sem starts to moan loudly as his prostate is getting a vigorous thrashing, David ramps up his pace, ravaging Sem's cherry with fast deep thrusts as David's balls beg for relief. Even though David grunts deep and uncontrollably, and is electrified every time as his cock hits Sem's prostate, his body does not want to give in just yet... David can feel Sem squirm underneath his relentless pace, throwing his little twinkish body around the bed as he tries to bury his aching cock deeper and deeper into him. "Fuu...ck....Ma...nn..." Sem grunts, showing a lust in his eyes from a fuck job like he never had before.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity David feels the familiar feeling built as he is about to be pushed on the one-way street towards his climax, "I.. Oh... Fuck... Yes...." David grunts, Sem's moans grow even louder as he is shoved further and further against the headboard as David plows his demon cock even further into his small body, David hisses; "I'm cumming... I'm gonna fill you up Sem... Oh fuck...Oh... fu...", David is unable to finish his sentence because Sem just wrapped his legs around David's torso and used his legs to pull himself violently and tightly towards David, Forcing David's cock fast and hard straight into his Prostate and as David lets out a hellish grunt, he feels David's cock swell up and explode. Sem locks his legs tight and lets out a moan with every jet of warm liquid that is fired violently against his prostate, David huffs and clenches his hands as he tightens every muscle in his groin to unload his balls deep into his boyfriend.

After an unending barrage of cum volleys they finally emptied out and David collapses on Sem while clearly covered in sweat from the exercise. Sem licks away some of the sweat on David's cheek and gives him a kiss as he whispers inside his ear "That was the most amazing fuck you ever gave me; I really like this outfit! Good demon!". David can only nod from exhaustion and as David tries to pull his cock out Sem clenches his legs tightly to hold him in place.

"Nooo! not yet, I really want to feel it a little longer, please?" Sem says as he gives David puppy eyes David smiles mischievously as he manages to get up on his feet and puts his hands behind Sems back and lifts him from the bed. Sem starts to squeal; "WHAT! NO STOP, PUT ME DOWN! THIS Isn't FAIR!" He squeals as Sem clenches his legs further down around David's butt and grabs his shoulders. Still feeling David's cock deep inside, pushing against his P-spot with every step as David walks with him towards the bathroom.

As David walks into the bathroom, with Sem still clamping down on his cock and still clutching his ass for support, he turns on the water tap from the rain shower. He positioned himself in such a way that Sem's face gets hosed first as he is still hanging slightly horizontal to make sure David's cocks stays tightly in his cute little ass.

As Sem starts to protest with laughter under the stream of cold-water David grabs Sem by the ass and lifts him up and manages to free his cock with a wettish plop. He lifts Sem up against the wall by his ass until he is on eye level, David leans in and the boys start to make out underneath the flow of water as Sem wraps his arms closely around David's neck.

David can feel the cum trickle down from Sem's boy tube and teasingly moves his hand so that he can slide 2 fingers in and rub Sem's prostate a little more, Sem moans inside David's mouth as their tongues wrestle for dominance. Sem can feel his own dick growing with quick spurts and reaches full length in mere seconds as Sem's prostate is stimulated again.

As they break the kiss David glances down and sees Sem is already back to full mast, Sem lets out a disappointed wail as he feels David pull his fingers back, "Ever heard of a standing 69?" David smirks, "A what?" Sem replies. "It's something like this!" David smirks as he grabs Sem by one leg and turns him upside down, he grabs his other leg and hoists him up against the wall until Sem's cock is in reach of David's mouth, he grabs Sem tightly by the hips so he doesn't slide back down and starts to suck on Sem's naked member. Sem giggled at first but soon started to moan as David swallowed his hard cock, Sem's wet hair dangles down towards the floor and splashes onto his face as he wraps his arms around David's lower body and opens his mouth to clean David's swollen member.

It's not fully hard anymore, but it is still very much a semi and definitively thick, Sem cleans David's cock well and teases him by rubbing one of his fingers against David's cherry. David lets out a suppressed moan, muffled by Sem's large cock as he tries to swallow him whole. Sem is so taken over by the whole experience that he is nearing his climax very fast, he lets Davids cock out and hisses "Fuck Dave, I'm almost there, let me shoot or stop now!" as he starts to moan and pant even more.

David releases Sems's cock from his mouth and gently turns Sem back around as he pulls on Sem's left arm and puts him back on his feet, "Good, I hope you enjoyed the sensation, because it will take a while before I'm going to let you unload, see it as payback for what you made me go through earlier!" David hisses in Sem's ear as they make out a little more. "Now, how do we get this off?" David asks as he tries to reach for the straps. "Well, you can't, not until that juicy cock of yours can fit back through again, and now that the leather is wet, I cannot release the straps because they are too tight!" Sem hollers as he pulled a few straps.

"WHAT! you got to be kidding me right?" David yelps as he takes a look down towards his obvious semi. "Maybe some cold water might help?" Sem smirks as he grabs the hand shower and turns the temperature all the way into the blue as he aims the spray towards David's manhood. "FUCK THAT IS COLD!" David Yelps as he puts his hands in front of his semi hard member, he grabs the shower head from Sem's hands and puts his hand on his back making him bend over, he aims the cold shower head at Sem's cherry and forces him clean with the ice-cold jet.

As Sem yelps and protests under loud noises they are startled by a knock on the door. "Everything alright boys?" says Sem's mother worryingly. "Yes, We're good sorry!" Sem replies as he sees David cover his mouth and face from shame. "OK hurry up, dinner is already done boys so get dried and dressed quick so we can eat before it gets cold!" She says as she starts to walk down the stairs. Sem turns around and shuts off the taps and sees the horrified look on David's face.

"What's the matter sweety? You look a bit uptight" Sem smirks as he tosses a towel towards David and starts drying himself off. "What the fuck do I do now?! Your parents can't see me like this! I can't go down like this! LOOK!" David huffs as he spreads his arms and shows his leather harness wrapped tightly around him and his obvious semi erect penis dangling in between. "No worries, just pull on your jeans and grab one of your hoodies from my closet, no one will see!"

Sem can see David is unconvinced, but it is the best option. Sem unlocks the bathroom door and sprints towards the bedroom leaving the door wide open as David is still toweling off at the far end of the bathroom across the door. David rushes out after Sem and closes the bedroom door. He tries to put on some boxershorts but since he only has tight models and speedo shorts, they will not fit over the leather straps, and have no hope to contain his bulge. "I guess you just have to go commando like I do!" Sem says with a naughty grin as he witnesses David's predicament.

Sem quickly puts on his cycling shorts, nicely showing the outline of his manhood. since his other shorts are pretty much cum soaked from earlier, and grabs his slipper and walks down. David watches his little twink dartle out the room and leaves him behind to fend for himself. "Fuck!" David says, as he concludes that even his jeans won't go high enough around his waist, He has no choice but to wear his jogging pants. With some effort David manages to pull his jogging pants up and over the harness and has no choice but to wear a wide (and warm) hoodie in the middle of summer... T-shirts will show the harness underneath, and normal sweaters will show the straps near his neck.

As David walks down and takes a seat at the table he can see Sem glancing and smirking as he sits across him with his naked torso in full view.

"Isn't that a bit too pessimistic to wear a thick sweater like that on a warm day like this? Are you feeling alright dear?" Sem's mother asks as she sees David wearing a thick black hoodie. Sem mischievously moves his foot and probes David's crotch as David tries to come up with an excuse "Yea, I'm having some cold shivers, might have caught something so I thought I'd wear this until I feel better" David says in the most convincing voice possible.

Sem's mother nods and starts to fill the plates as they settle in for dinner, in this house they usually spend quite some time at the table, start, main, desert, but most importantly they talk amongst each other as a family and about their day, though Sem keeps teasing David with his foot during the 2,5 hours they spent sitting, making sure that David pops a boner a few times and the blood remains flowing towards his cock.

Sem's Dad gets up and starts to collect the plates and as Sem's mother gets up to start doing the dishes Sem says; "Mom, Dad, why don't you sit down and grab a nice glass of wine, I'll do the dishes and David will clear the table, Right David?" He smirks, "Thank you boys!" Sem's mother replies as she sits back down and pours another glass for herself and her husband.

As Sem gets up and starts walking towards the sink to get the water running, he looks back towards David with a grin and says aloud "Can you bring me the plates Dave?", knowing fully well that David is sitting at the furthest end of the table, with the ceiling spots pointing on the wall behind him. David gets up and there is a very obvious protrusion visible from his crotch, as the jogging pants simply are too loose to provide any containment, and thanks to Sem's harassment his member is still swollen in a semi state.

David walks around the table to collect the plates and cutlery, and Sem can see his mother glance towards the side as David walks by, she glances back to her husband, grabs her wine glass and empties it in one tug and pours another. Sem's father simply smiles from the sight and takes another sip.

"Hey Mom, Dad, wasn't there a new season released tonight from that show we were watching last year?" Sem asks aloud as he and David are working through the dishes, David nudges Sem and hisses quietly; "What are you doing...", sounding mildly irritated. Sem simply gives David an impish grin and before David can say anything they are interrupted by Sem's mother; "Yes, that is true honey! it was released yesterday, I totally forgot!" Sem's mother replied. "Great! we can watch it tonight if you like, unless you and dad have other plans?" Sem replies while grinning impishly at David. David rolls his eyes and let out a soft moan in agony as he hisses, "I will make you pay for this, not tonight, not tomorrow, but I will make you pay for this", and slaps Sem on his ass with the wet towel, making Sem yelp for a moment.

Sem's parents start to laugh from the sight of seeing the 2 lovers' horse around like that, as the dishes are finished and put away the boys turn around and join Sem's parents in the living room. Sem's father pours the boys a mixed drink and when he hands it to David, he gives him a sly look and says "I think you're gonna need this more then I do tonight" as he hands the glass while knodding in Sem's direction. David smiles and feels his face turn red as he takes a gulp from the glass. Sem's mother has started the episode and as Sem's father turns the lights off, he can feel Sem crawl against him and laying his head slightly against his chest, while impishly resting his lower back in such a way that he puts permanent pressure on David's bulge.

As the first episode comes to a close with a nice cliffhanger David can feel Sem move his head from his chest and David lets out a sigh in relief. He's been sitting here for almost an hour, being invertedly teased by having Sem resting on his crotch while still bound in leather without anybody knowing it. "I have to know what happens!" Sem yelps as he gets up, faking an enormous excitement! "I bet it ends badly" Sem's father says as he gets up to pour them another drink. "Ah why not, let's watch one more! David, could you be so kind to grab some snacks from the pantry?" Normally David never minds walking to the other side of the living room and bending over into the pantry closet, but in his current outfit... "Sure, I'll grab it!" He replies while showing a faked smile and a killer glance towards Sem who is suppressing a laugh in the other corner of the sofa.

David gets up and walks toward the pantry on the other side, his bulge clearly swinging in the front of his light grey jogging pants, he opens the door and swings it to the left and bends over to grab some snacks from the pantry, Sem's eyes widen as the bright white pantry and the reflection coming from the bright LED lighting within the pantry clearly shows the contours of David's ass and crotch as he bends over in front of the white door. As David grabs some snacks and is about to close the door Sem Yelps "Noo, not those, grab the other ones! they are so much better!". While eagerly looking over at David while sitting on his knees on the sofa, leaning over the backrest to enjoy the view.

As David locks his eyes with Sem he can see him grinning from ear to ear, David keeps himself together and once again opens the door and grabs the other bag that is further down, Sem's eyes are glued to David's lower area and unknowingly licks his lips with his tongue ever so slightly.

David emerges from the pantry with the snacks, closes the door and walks back towards the living room, trying to cover the pendulum in his pants by holding the bags in front of it. He puts them on the table and wants to take his seat but before he can sit down Sem has already slid into his corner of the sofa. "Why don't you rest your head in my lap and lay down for this one, maybe you'll feel better after!" Sem says with faked compassion, tapping the couch with his hand, as David has little choice but to comply, he sits next to Sem and rests his head on Sem's lap as he stretches his legs over the end of the Sofa.

Sem can see that having David lie down all stretched out on the sofa like this leaves absolutely no room for imagination. Sem's mother noticed too and quickly chugs her remaining wine, luckily the lights turn out and the next episode starts. David can clearly feel Sem's erection growing in his neck as they continue the next episode.

Mercifully everyone has seen enough after the second episode and Sem and David decide to retire back to Sem's room and wish Sem's parents both a good night. David gets up from the Sofa and moves towards the hallway followed by Sem, who is not even trying to hide the lump in his cycling shorts. Sem never was prude as a kid and his father and mother were actually kind of proud when they started to notice that Sem was blessed with the same genetics as his father, at least in the crotch department. They never told Sem to hide it, and encouraged him to be proud of his body, unintentionally sparking his taste for going completely nude whenever possible, though never in front of his parents.

But it wouldn't be the first time that they'd seen him sporting a tent in his shorts, even when he was 15, he would simply walk down in his boxers or shorts sporting morning wood without a care in the world. David on the other hand is not one who likes to be on display, and Sem readily takes advantage of that. David prefers the tightness of his speedo to contain his manhood, even though it shows very nicely in that tight fabric. As Sem follows David up the stairs he can't help himself but let an audible flirty whistle escape his lips as he gazes upward to David's ass. The boys both let out a laugh as they hear Sem's mother and Father shout "RUDE!" in unison towards the hallway in a lighthearted tone.

As Sem closes the door David already took off his hoodie, showing his glistering upper body soaked in a thin film of sweat, "Fuck that was hot" David says as he tosses away the hoodie. "You Bet!" Sem hisses as he wraps his arms around David's torso and pulls the strings of his trainers, making his pants drop towards the floor. "I meant the hoodie you little imp!" David says as he turns around and throws Sem playfully on the bed, "Please help me get this off...i'm starting to feel like a sunday roast!" David says with a pleading face towards Sem. "Only if you promise you'll join me in the hot tub tomorrow when my parents are at work!" Sem replies with a smile, David smirks; "Deal! now set me free bitch! Uh I mean... master...", They both grin at each other and David turns around so Sem can release the straps. Though getting David's semi out of the ring turns out to be quite tricky, David realizes that he bought some body glide and tells Sem to grab it.

Sem grabs the body glide and lubes up the ring, it comes off pretty easily and as David bends down and puts the harness away underneath the bed, Sem quickly puts a few squirts of body lube on his hand pushes it into his cycling short and between his ass cheeks to rub it into his cherry. He pulls back just in time as David comes back up from underneath the bed and they both make themselves ready to go to bed. Sem goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth as David cleans himself off with a towel to remove the sweat, they switch places as Sem takes off his cycling shorts and crawls up onto the bed awaiting David's return while gently massaging the body glide further up his boy tube.

David comes back, flips the light and crawls into bed naked, soon hugging Sem closely, Sem reaches backwards and grabs David's limp cock and straddles it between his ass cheeks and pushes slightly backward so that David is spooning him even tighter.

"Soo... why did you make me go through all that torture downstairs?" David whispers in Sems ear as he brushes through Sem's hair. "Did you like it?" Sem asks, "Eh... you know I don't like being exposed like that... but I guess I had little choice now did I! was that why you wanted that harness so badly?" David hisses, "I can't help it, I just like showing you off to everyone, and you know my mother finds you a very good-looking young man!" Sem giggles in response, "Yea I've seen her glance, but I'm not interested in cougars, her cub on the other hand..." David whispers as he starts to lick Sem's ear and starts to ever so gently stroke the inside of Sem's legs.

"Mmmm the cub is all yours sweety!" Sem whirrs as David starts to fondle Sem's balls and convinces Sem's cock to rise again to full mast. David keeps kissing Sem's neck and teasingly strokes Sem's hairless pubic mound until Sem is rock hard. Sem was hoping for a little action but David's cock won't be convinced to go beyond his semi state anymore. But David has some scores to settle, he grabs the bottle of body glide and coats his hand royally and puts the bottle away, he moves back toward Sem's hard cock and starts to lube him up, taking great care to have Sem's cockhead well lubed up. This stuff is the type that stays smooth for hours on end, and Sem knows what that means...

David hisses in Sem's ear; "Now, I hope you aren't tired just yet, because this big stick of yours is going to be hard for a few hours, and no worries, I'll make sure you won't get far enough to make a mess", Sem starts to moan ever so slightly as David wraps his hand around Sem's throbbing member and starts to stroke his full length agonizingly slow. David pulls out all the stops and caresses Sem's body with the slightest of touches, teasing his nipples, licking his neck, suckling his ears... He makes Sem rise up until he is mere seconds away from his climax, only halted by David pressing his magic spot behind his ball sack to halt the orgasm. Sem has no choice but to endure and leaves out soft moans of pleasure as David edges him for nearly 3 hours straight, letting him hang on the highest point as he kisses Sem on his cheek and wishes him a good night.

Sem lets out a disappointing moan, but he loves the feeling of having his endurance tested like this. He snuggles up to David and settles in, making sure David's limp cock rests between his ass cheeks, hoping that David's morning wood will slide right in to wake him up in the morning.

As the next dawn breaks David wakes up first, lying pretty much against the wall, boxed in by Sem's body, he has no choice but to remain where he is until Sem wakes up. He slowly caresses his boyfriend as he admires the little twink that is snuggling tight against him. He starts to daydream a little and wonders about a way to make Sem's edging a little more interesting. He has been edging Sem pretty much since they first had sex, discovering that Sem really enjoyed the teasing, and well, foreplay turned to edging, edging turned to denying him a climax and Sem seems to enjoy it even more the harder you torture him. Maybe I should buy one of those glans rings with a cum stopper?... Or wait! maybe one of those electrostim devices with a remote! That will be fun for sure, making him pop a boner any time I want it, or even better, forcing him to cum whether his dick wants it or not!

While David daydreams about the different toys he could use on Sem, his morning wood starts to evolve from a semi state towards a full-blown hard-on. As he is still spooning Sem his hard cock can only move 2 directions, up, or forward... but since Sem is lying so close against him and he is pinned against the wall, his dick can only move forward and further in between Sem's boy buns. As his erection reaches full length his mind stops wondering about toys and starts to focus on what lies in front of him.

David places his hand on Sem's pubic area to hold him in place, and uses his other hand to move his cock along the length of Sem's pleasure gorge, searching for that cave full of wonders that he wants to raid. he soon finds his target and when he notices the slipperiness and the body lube he grins approvingly and slowly pushes his cock past Sem's sphincter, he inches further inside him until his balls rest against Sem's butt.

He pushes Sem tightly against him with his hand resting above Sem's cock so that he can thrust even deeper, and slowly starts to grind into him, very slow and long deep strides. David is not set on an orgasm, he just wants to raid Sem's treasure trove for a while, he knows it is a huge turn on for Sem, being fucked while still half asleep, and surely Sem's body realizes what is going on as it starts to sprouts a massive boner. David kisses Sem's neck as he starts to see more movement on Sem's face. "Good morning sweety, did you sleep well?" David whispers thoughtfully. As Sem awakes with a soft moan as his cherry is getting raided ever so slowly, he turns around to give David a kiss and whispers "No not really, I felt kind of lonely from the inside, but now it feels great!". They remain like this for more than half an hour, David griding away into Sem's love shute, while slowly stroking Sem's throbbing cock, even though they both leak copious amounts of pre-cum, neither is brought to a climax.

Sem turns around with a grin "Hey Indie, when you're done raiding my treasure temple, would you like some breakfast?" David erupts in a snicker as he grinds one more time deep into Sem's Prostate, he can feel a small squirt of pre-cum dripping out of Sem's cockhead as he gives it a final squeeze and whispers "I'd love too, are we alone?". Sem gazes at the alarm clock next to his bed and reads 9:31, "Yup, they already left for work" Sem whispers. As he slowly moves his body forward and releases David's morning wood with a soft plop, he gets out of bed and walks down the stairs, David lingers a little longer on the bed to enjoy the view, seeing Sem's raging boner bounce up and down as he walks down the stairs.

I get up, and decide not to wear anything just yet, just to please Sem a little, he loves walking around naked when we are home alone, and he loves it even more if I join him!

Sem whips up a nice breakfast for the 2 of us and as he is making the eggs, I bend through my knees slightly and wrap my arms around him from behind, while teasingly kissing him in the neck while i push my semi back into his pre-lubed boy shute, fucking him from behind in a very slow pace, letting my semi grow hard again as I slowly grind the moans out of his mouth. Taking great care not to release myself just yet. He moans with every thrust as he prepares the scrambled eggs and I can see his cock is pressing against the oven door below the stove, smearing precum all over the glass. As I gently pull my cock back out, I hiss in his ear "That ass looks great! feels great too!". I wash my hands and put the plates on the table as Sem divides the eggs and cleans up.

As he turns around, I can see a very visible strand of pre-cum run from the tip of his cock to his lower leg, I snicker as I say to him "nice work spiderman" as I point towards the thick strand. Sem looks down and scoops it up with his finger and licks it clean as he looks at me temptively.

I lick my lips in response and as Sem takes a seat opposite from me and we start eating our breakfast. Pretty soon our feet tease each other's cocks underneath the table as we talk about one of our favorite video games. We finish our breakfast and while I clear the table and finish the dishes Sem is outside starting the fire to heat up the hot tub, not that it needs much, but it will take a few hours regardless.

We decided to play our videogame on the big TV downstairs, I claim the seat right in front of the TV, but since this is a co-op game, Sem decides to do the same. "To bad twinkie, this seat is already mine!" I say triumphantly as I lower my naked body into the chair. "That's ok, I'll just ride shotgun then" And Sem turns around and plants his naked as on my lap as he fires up the PlayStation with the controller.

"Uhm... you're going to squash your favorite toy if you're going to sit like this!", I say uncomfortably as I can feel Sem's weight pressing down on my cock and balls, "That's ok, I can fix that" Sem says cheerfully as he raises his ass slightly and takes hold of my almost limp cock and forces it into his boy shute as he sits down again. I can feel him flex his sphincter a few times, my cockhead is caught right in the middle and as Sem leans back against me with a grin and starts to load up the game, I can feel him use his Sphincter to convince my dick to get hard again and fill him up.

He does a great job and within a minute I'm full hard and as we move enthusiastically while we play the game my cock gets no chance to shrink, every move Sem makes on my lap results in his sphincter clenching and stimulating my cock, it doesn't leave Sem undisturbed either, as I'm teasing him by holding the vibrating controller against the sweet spot behind his balls every time the game triggers the rumble inside the controller.

He lets out a Yelp every time and sometimes followed by a soft moan or grunt, depending how long the rumble goes off, after an hour my lower arms are covered in patches of pre-cum as his cock remains upright most of the game. It does take me a lot of effort to stave off my own climax, since Sem is a pretty active and high motion gamer.

After about 2,5 hours the hot tub is ready and we give the PS4 controllers a rest, Sem carefully raises himself from my throbbing dick and turns around to give me a long French kiss. "Pool is ready! let's grab our swim shorts!" Sem says as he runs up the stairs while leaving me behind in the chair. Even though Sem likes going commando, outside in the yard he prefers to wear something because of the neighbors. I put on my speedo and Sem put on nice wide surf shorts. As we reach the hot tub the steam is already rising and the sun has turned far enough to engulf the hot tub in rays of sunlight.

We step in carefully, giving our bodies to adjust to the heat and slowly lower ourselves into the hot tub. It is a truly relaxing experience and feels like a warm hot blanket. Sem and I snuggle closer and we keep teasing each other, making out more and more as Sem gets cocky again. At some point Sem decided he wanted me pants less as he whispered "Can I take your speedo off?", "Only if you put it back on where you found it before we get out" I hiss back. We've done that before, Sem likes to play with my dick when we are alone in the hot tub, and i'll happly let him as long as the foam is good and the jets are on. He unties my cords and pulls it down to my ankless under water, luckily the foam and bubbles conceal the view, but soon I feel Sem's hand reach for my cock as he starts to stroke me. He gets me hard in no time and gives me a fiendish look as he says "Do you hate me?", "WHAT!? No! why should I!" I snap back in reply. "Are you sure?" He asks with a sorrowful look on its face, "Where is all this coming from? Why would you think I'd hate you?" I ask worryingly as I look straight into his eyes. Sem's expression changes from sorrow into a very unsettlingly fiendish look as he starts to show a very evil grin on his face, "Good, because you're gonna hate me now, I think!" He shouts as he tosses my soaking wet speedo from the hot tub up in the air. As my shorts land with a wet splash on the roof of the shed I can see Sem move his hands in front of his mouth in horror.

I stare at him dumbfounded, "Fuck! sorry... I wanted it to land in the yard..." He mutters. We just stared at each other for a moment and both started to laugh, "Well, go get it back!" I say to him with a grin, as Sem gets up and makes his way up the final tray of the stairs I lurch forward and grab his shorts and pull them down his ankles, since his feet are already dangling on the stairs, I can easily remove it from his legs and I throw it up in the air and onto the shed, Sem turns around in disbelief as I pull him back into the pool.

We both start to wrestle and horse around and as I take hold of him, I arch his back by pulling him into me so his dick appears from underneath the foam and sticks out above the water, I take hold of it with my other hand and start to jack him off hard and fast. As Sem starts to moan and puff as he is about to shoot I stop with what I'm doing before he reaches his climax. I can see his cockhead tremble as the climax is just barely averted, a thick drop of cum has oozed to the surface, crowning his throbbing head, but the rest remained locked up in his ball sac.

As I let him catch his breath and lower him back into the water we just sit back and relax a little, after 5 minutes or so he whispers into my ear "I want you inside me, right here, right now!", As I try to say something in protest, he pushes his finger against my lips and hisses "Sshhh, I wasn't asking for permission, I will ask for your forgiveness later", he presses his lips against mine and I can feel his hand grab my hard dick as he turns around and pushes it against his cherry, he lowers himself and I let out a grunt as he takes in the whole length in one fast move.

Sem starts to ride my throbbing dick as I softly start to moan inside his ear, it takes a lot of effort to suppress my grunts since I've been controlling my orgasm all day, but now it is beyond my control, Sem starts to ride me hard and fast, making waves in the water that start to slosh over the sides, as my breathing starts to intensify Sem turns around and gives me a lustful look, he hisses "I'm taking your cum, whether you want it or not". I decide to give it voluntarily and grab Sem by the hips as I start to plow my throbbing cockhead deep and hard against his prostate.

Sem's cock is dripping precum but as long as we don't touch it, he won't get off from me pounding his boy knob alone, most of the times at least..., I let out a muffled grunt as I plow his cherry deep and hard one last time and feel him clamp his sphincter hard as the sensation takes me over the edge. "Fuu.ckk..." I moan loudly as I start to unload hard thick ropes of cum inside his twinky ass, I pull Sem's hips down hard so my cock reaches even deeper inside his cherry as I let my balls spill the white gold deep inside him. Sem's head falls back against my shoulder as we remain seated as we pant and gasp for breath, my cock still firmly wedged inside his cherry and him clamping hard to keep all the warm goodness locked up deep inside him.

"Are you alright boys?" We hear Sem's mother say from behind the garden gate, moments later Sem's parent's open the gate and enter the yard, bikes still in hand. "I thought I heard David scream or something, are you ok?" Sem's dad asks as he gives us a worrying look. "Yes, we're ok! I just crushed his balls accidentally!" Sem says with an angelic smile as he tries to convince his parent's that their little boy didn't just got creamed right in front of them in their back yard. All I can do is close my eyes and let my head fall back, hoping they won't ask further. "Now Sem, what did we taught you, be careful not to break your toys! David might be tall but every man falls to his knees if you kick his balls" Sem's dad says with a grin as he locks the shed.

Sem lets out a snicker and says "We'll be out before dinner" as they walk past into the living room. All the while still clenching his sphincter to keep my deflating cock hostage in his cum filled boy tube, as his parent's close the door behind us he turns to me over his shoulder and asks "Now what?! if I get out now, they can follow a cum trail from the pool leading into our bedroom!", "Well you wanted to be fucked right here and now right? You got your wish and I got my balls emptied, fair deal to me!" I say with a grin, as I enjoy seeing Sem struggling with the predicament he got us in. "But whatever it is, you'll figure it out, you didn't ask me for permission after all so this is on you!" I say with a sly grin as I lean slightly forward and grab a hold of his soft cock, "Now... let's see how far I can push you under these unfavourable and unflattering circumstances, I know they've never seen you naked since you were 13, let alone covered in cum on both sides, no time to change that like the present right?" I hiss in his ear as I start to jack his cock into full mast.

"Uh... not sure if I would want to change that, I rather not show them any cum at all!" Sem says as he starts to pant and hiss as I start to jack his full length, he opens his mouth to protest further, but is silenced as I slowly place a kiss in Sem's neck and whisper "I'm not asking for permission, I'll ask for forgiveness later" and place my hand on his chest to pull him back into me, as he's forced to arch his back his throbbing cock and ball sac rises from the water and is clearly visible if you look into our direction, I openly jack him off with deep long strokes and make his balls bounce on the water.

As Sem starts to pant and wiggle to escape my grip. As Sem starts to grunt more and more I start to softly sing in his ear "Let it go, Let it go, Can't hold it back anymore!" to the familiar frozen tune that he hates so much, I glance inside through the window in front of us and can clearly see Sem's cock and balls move above the water in the reflection. Luckily his parents are still in the kitchen facing the other way, "I love you sweety" I hiss as I place a kiss on his cheek. Sem lets out a deep grunt as I start to stroke his boy knob violently and with a final huff and a loud moan Sem starts to unload his aching swollen balls. He spurts big thick jets all over his beautiful twinkish body, at least 3 shots landed right on his face and hair, and the rest splashes onto his exposed torso with powerful splashes. As his cum fountain finally subsides, I gently release his cock and rub the cum all over his body, coating his nipples and abdomen in a shimmering white veil. He turns back to me, I can see thick globs of cum dripping down from his long hair and partly covering his face, there is a strand of cum covering the full length of his face from down left to up right and there is a nice thick splash on his right cheek.

He moves closer to me and gently gives me a kiss, we start to make out as I can feel his cum covered face brushing against mine, covering me in his boy proteins, as we part, he looks me lustfully in the eyes and hisses in my ear; "You are gonna regret this, I swear...", I reach out with both hands and push him under water to clean off the cum from his hair, as he emerges gasping for air the door behind us opens as his mother says "Dinner is ready boys!" and leaves two towels on the bench near the door. Still quite some distance from us. As she turns around Sem sprints towards the bench grabbing the towels and throwing one my way, it lands directly into the hot tub and even though I quickly pull it back out, it is already drenched.

Sem lets out an evil laugh as he wraps his towel around his butt and walks inside, I can clearly see me cum glistening on the inside of his legs as it rolls down, I quickly wring the water out of the towel as far as possible and wrap it around and walk inside, through the light from the windows I can see small glistering drops on the stone floor leading towards the seat where Sem is sitting. I give him a grin as I sit down across from him, I start to snicker when I notice the telltale patch of hair in front of his eyes that is stuck together by his boy honey, i teasingly give him a wink and lick my lips as Sem's mother fills our plates. In the meantime, I start to wonder how on earth are we going to get out of this sticky situation...

Wanna know what happens next? Did you like the story? Leave some feedback at defiant_rock_8929@hotmail.com while I start writing the next part of this story!

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