Godly X Men

By James cockburn

Published on Dec 13, 2009


X-men and all marvel characters are property of marvel and I do not own any of it and do not presume top know the sexuality of the characters the creators created. Charmed is property of the CW.

I awoke but i kept my eyes closed to make them think i was still unconscious. I could feel the cold of a cave wall against my back and i heard water dropping in the distance. The chains that they threw around my in the field where now chaining my arms and legs spread eagle against the wall but other then that i could not tell anything else without opening my eyes.

About 20 minutes later i heard heels click on the floor coming towards me."You can open your eyes Liam we know you are awake." said Hera. I opened my eyes and saw that Hera was not alone Magneto was with her floating. A few seconds later Deadpool teleported in and Quicksilver ran in."Well i feel so welcome here with the whole welcome commitee here." i said with as much sarcasm as i could."Well, well, well Liam when will you learn your lesson the only thing that you should be open it for a moan while someone takes your ass." says Sabertooth as he steps into the opening. I looked at him with hatred and fear in my eyes for what he did to me and for what i felt like he was going to do."Now Arawn, there is no need to be so rude to our guest here." said Hera to Sabertooth, it seemed that Sabertooth was a vessel for the Celtic God of Hunting and the Underworld. "Now Liam since you are still in the chains Zeus will not be helping you since the chain stop a God or Goddess from using their powers. If you co-operate with us then you will not be harmed and be returned shortly but if you don't then i will let Arawn, Quicksilver, and Deadpool do want the will to persuade you. Now all we need to is for you to allow us to take a good amount of your blood so we can bring awake Hades to lead us in the new age of the Gods." said Hera with a evil and whistful smile on her face."That will never happen i will never help you bring back a God that will bring upon an apocalypse to every living thing and nothing you do could make me help you." i told them with my head held high. Hera chuckled then pulled from behind her back the biggest needle i have every seen."Who ever said you had to allow us to take it i was just hoping you would but i knew you whould not and that is why i am going to let Quicksilver, Deadpool, and Arawn (Sabertooth) to fuck you and they take your blood while Chronus (Magneto) stays because he wants to see you suffer."

With that Hera throws the needle to Quicksilver while Deadpool teleports behind me and holds me under the arms and locks his arms behind my back. Magneto raised his hands and my chains came out of the wall. I was held up in the air by Magneto's powers. Sabertooth came to stand in front of me."Its about time, you still owe me a scream and a fuck." He said as he ripped off my clothes with a jerk. Quicksilver ran in front of me and first he shoved a smaller needle into the side of my neck then he shoved the big needle and drew my blood from my inner thigh."What did you just put into me?" I asked as everything started to go fuzzy from either the drug or the loss of blood."Nothing really just something to keep at a state which we can take advantage of." He said looking at my crotch. I looked down and saw that i had a hard on.

Quicksliver got under me and started to rim my ass at super speed that he got me to cum just by licking my ass which has never happened. He continued to rim my ass has Sabertooth got onto the ground with his huge 13 inch cock. I then realized that they were going to impale me on to his cock and i decided that even if he would fuck me i would not let him hear me scream. Quicksilver stopped fucking my ass with his tongue which he was really doing. Then Deadpool moved me over to where Sabertooth was. Quicksilver grabbed my legs so that my hole was lined up with Sabertooth's cock. The held me over the cock then they pulled my down so that his cock went inside of me in one go. I wanted to scream out but i did not want to give him the pleasure of hearing me scream."Well guys it seems that one cock is not enough to make heim yell. Deadpool why dont you help me make him scream." said Sabertooth. Deadpool let go of my arms but Magneto kept them where they where. Deadpool stripped off his pants. His cock was between 11 to 12 inches. He got down and Magneto lifted me off of Sabertooth's cock Deadpool but his cock right beside his so that they could both go into my ass i looked with fear in my eyes. Please Scott, Wyatt help me! i thought. As soon as they were ready Magneto used his power to force my ass onto Sabertooth's and Deadpool's cock and this time i did scream out loud cause it felt like they were streching my hole to fit a football.

I stopped screaming when Quicksilver shoved his cock into my mouth and started to face fuck me with super speed so i never really could bite down on him. The three-way rape went on for a what felt like 20 minutes when these blue orbs came around me. Wyatt and Chris appeared behind me. Wyatt used his protective shield to move everyone away. Quicksilver went flying into Magneto, with a little help from Chris, while Deadpool and Sabertooth went throught the floor. Wyatt grabbed onto my back and orb while Chris just orbed by himself.

When we got back to the manor Wyatt orbed me right to the med-bay and Scott was there and when he saw me he ran right to me. I was being hugged by Scott and Wyatt at the same time. Chris soon orbed in and joined in on the hug. Wyatt and Chris let go while i clung to Scott like my life depended on it and it felt like it did or at least my sanity. "Scott you have to let go of Liam so we can get rid of the chains." Scott moved away. Wyatt and Chris went to each other and held hands then said a spell."Let the Object of Objection Become but a Dream As I cause the Seen to be Unseen"The chains disappeared completely then with out anyone to hold me up i fell to the floor and fainted.

I awoke just as Wyatt and Scott were putting me in my bed. As they turned to leave i grabbed each of their hands and asked."Can you two stay and just hold me." So they took off their shirts and got into the bed. I moved to the middle of the bed and Wyatt got in front of me while Scott got in behind me. Wyatt laid down on his back fo i rested my head on his chest with my leg over his leg. Scott spooned me and that is how we fell apart.

So there is chapter 15 i hope you like it. Any comments, questions, or suggestions please email me at avalonpriest@hotmail.com. Also there will not be another chapter until after the Christmas/New Years holiday break since i will be busy.

Next: Chapter 16

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