Go Black Never Go Back

Published on Aug 28, 2022


Go Black, Never Go Back - Chapter Two - Been There, Done Ben

Go Black, Never Go Back - Chapter Two - Been There, Done Ben


* This story is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or living persons is coincidental. Personal experiences, from images to events, memories and words, flavor my writing, and while elements of this story may be (and are) based in fact, the characters are entirely fictional.

* Unprotected sex is depicted. In real life, be safe! Don't gamble.

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By Colton Aalto


I'd never been excited to rise at the crack of dawn. What teenager was? But Monday morning I eagerly got up, wolfed down breakfast and caught the bus that took me to my summer job at the Botanic Gardens. Ben would be there and I couldn't wait to see him. Why I don't know. Maybe I thought he'd be different somehow. Maybe I thought I'd be able to tell merely by looking at him or talking to him that he'd sucked cock and taken it up the ass. Maybe I wanted to see a guy who'd had Jason's big black cock in his mouth and his butt – and lived to tell about getting spermed by the stud in both holes.

Maybe I merely wanted to see a dude who liked getting it on with other dudes.

Ben didn't look different. Sleepy and groggy like all of the kids working at the Gardens early in the morning. Perhaps he looked different after all, although that was only because I was paying close attention to him for the first time. He was cute. Curly black hair, a little upturned nose, big puppy-dog eyes and a hunky little body. He wasn't a skinny rail like most high school boys, but rather had well-proportioned muscles, and he seemed little to me because I was 6'5 and he was eight inches shorter.

Ben was an anomaly at our high school. Being white was enough to make him an oddity, but his parents were rich, which separated him every other kid – black, white, Latin, Asian, Muslim, you name it. On top of that, he was Jewish and at the top of the class academically. His presence at our school was explained by his parents' belief that he should have a diversified environment in high school rather than the rarified atmosphere of a private school. Of course, the students at our high school was almost all poor and black, so it wasn't exactly diversified. His summer job working at the Botanic Gardens was another of his parents' efforts to ensure he had what they viewed as a normal adolescence. They probably contributed enough to the Gardens to guarantee Ben any job on the payroll, but he was slumming with the rest of us kids.

When we headed out to start our usual chores of weeding, deadheading, picking up trash and generally making the place look great, I fell in beside him. Even though we knew each other casually and were among the few kids from my high school with jobs at the Gardens, Ben was suspicious about me suddenly acting like his friend. It wasn't something jocks like me did. I made small talk and after a while he relaxed. He was actually a cool guy. Smart, talented and attractive on top of being rich. He was into acting and dancing and had performed in several Broadway musicals, finishing one in May. Not really my thing but hearing him talk about it was interesting. Indeed, I enjoyed being around him and we ate lunch together.

I couldn't get my buddy Jason's description of fucking Ben out of my mind. I'd look at Ben and recall Jason saying, `Dude was fucking tight as all get out and screamed his head off before I had more than the head of my cock inside him.' That sounded bad, but apparently it hadn't been that bad because Jason said he'd stopped yelling, started moaning like he liked it, and cum hands free while getting dicked. I tried to visualize Ben's wide-eyed expression when Jason's big cock triggered Ben's climax.

Jason was always good for multiple orgasms and he'd done Ben three times. I could almost visualize Jason's meat swinging in front of Ben's face and hypnotizing him. Jason had said, `Hell, I didn't even have to tell him to suck me and get me hard. In no time he's like making love to my bone. I almost let him suck me off, but his ass was too good not to use again. I put the little fucker on his back, shoved his knees up to his head, rolled him into a tight little ball and slammed it into him. I guess I opened him up good the first time because it didn't take as long to get it in and he didn't scream. Well, maybe once or twice. I had my arms and legs wrapped around him like he was a fuck ball. His fucking dick was hard and he was so limber that he could put it in his mouth. I made him suck himself while I was drilling his tight white butt. I told him I was gonna fuck the cum out of his balls and it was gonna shoot right back into his mouth. Fucker blasted his own face and ate his own spunk!'

My cock boned every time I let my mind wander to that scene, which, given how often I let it happen, meant I was in a state of perpetual arousal for most of the day. If Ben noticed me adjusting myself constantly, he was too polite to say anything.

Toward the end of the day, I casually asked, "How's Tricia doing?" I thought it was a harmless enough question and it wasn't an effort to get him to talk about the events that lead to Jason breeding him. Okay, it might have been a little bit of an effort to pry.

He scowled at me. "Jason told you."

I felt my face flush. "Um, told me what?"

Ben seemed resigned. "Everybody is gonna know soon enough anyway. Tricia and I broke up."

His news wasn't what I was expecting to hear. I recovered in time to say, "Why? You were together for a long time. Seemed like you had a lot in common."

"We did. Things change."

"What happened?"

He sighed and glanced around as if checking to see if anyone was close enough to hear. They weren't. "To make a long story short," he whispered, "we had one too many things in common. One big thing. Humongous. We both like your buddy Jason's cock. She likes it better than mine. And... I like it better than her pussy."

I'm sure I looked astonished. Not about Ben and Jason getting it on. I already knew that. Not about Tricia liking the Jason bone. Every girl seemed to be enamored with it. But I was stunned Ben would casually admit he was into it. If it had been me, I would have kept my mouth shut come hell or high water and prayed that Tisha and Jason did too.

"So yeah, I'm gay. I hadn't connected the dots until Tisha talked me into hooking up with Jason in a three-way. That was a wakeup call. Like a wakeup call with a parade and a marching band. I mean, I liked fucking Tricia and all. She's very cool. But when Jason rammed his big monster down my throat and impaled my butt on it, it was like I was having sex for the first time and everything I'd done before was a waste of time. It rang my bell!

He paused, peered at me and said defiantly, as if trying to shock me, "So I like guys. I like sucking dick. I like getting fucked in the ass. I like eating cum."

He waited for my reaction, apparently not knowing what to expect and probably fearing the worst. I was too stunned to do anything other than blink. I mean, I knew from Jason that Ben had gotten off on dude-to-dude sex – Jason said he'd cum twice while getting fucked – but to hear Ben admit it and spell it out graphically was a stunner.

He went on. "After the three of us did it, Tisha wanted to break up and go after Jason, so it only made sense for us to go our separate ways. We split Saturday night. We're still friends."

"I'm, uh, sorry."

"Don't be. It wasn't like we were meant to be a couple. Not with me being gay. I'm totally relieved. I've resisted accepting it for too long and now I'm happy to be out."

"That's cool."

He frowned skeptically. "Knowing a queer doesn't bother you? You jocks aren't exactly Mr. Nice Guy around the LGBTQ kids in school."

I shrugged. "I'm cool with it."

"Good. I'll probably need all the friends I can get once word gets around."

I couldn't resist pumping Ben for details about hooking up with Jason. It took him a while to open up and I had to carefully hide my boner as he told the story. It was remarkably consistent with Jason's version, except Ben added more juicy details. Indeed, the longer he talked the more he opened up about it. He was a born storyteller and he had a rapt audience in me. I was enthralled.

He went into mouthwatering descriptions about how massive Jason's cock was, what it looked like when it was hard, how the dude's ball sac – weighed down by two huge black eggs – hung low, how Ben thought it would rip his throat when Jason crammed it into his mouth, and how good it felt inside him once he relaxed. I was mesmerized as he talked about climaxing hands-free as Jason pumped his ass. He admitted that he loved watching Jason slide his big dick into Tisha.

At the end, he confessed he'd whacked off repeatedly while reliving the whole experience of getting buttboned by Jason. We shared that in common, although Ben's experience was firsthand while mine was vicarious.

"You're the first person I've told about being gay. Before now, I've never told anyone that I like dick, like sucking, and like getting boned. You heard it here first. Headline: Ben swallows, spreads his ass. I'm still kinda surprised I said all of that, but it's true."

He peered at me and asked, "None of what I said bothers you?"

It didn't bother me. It thrilled me. "Like I said, I'm cool with it. Live and let live. Each to their own. We all have our secrets."

Fuck! What was I saying? Ben's secrets were obviously out, so what secrets could I have been talking about other than my own? Had I just outed myself?

Maybe it was my imagination, but he seemed to look at me differently. He licked his lips and said, "Too bad Jason's mostly straight. Funny. It never crossed my mind that I'd do anal sex, but as soon as Jason's huge bone was inside me it was kinda like the floodgates opened. Once he busted my cherry I couldn't wait to get his dick inside my mouth and into my ass again. I'm gonna have to find another jock to fuck my brains out."

His look had turned strange look and he added nonchalantly, "You interested in following in your buddy's footsteps?"


Ben smiled as I stood frozen, my mind whirling. The answer to his question was yes and no. I was more than ready to experiment with sex. Past ready. Things had changed completely in the forty-eight hours since Jason and I were on the beach. Still, I wasn't quite there on the idea of putting another guy's dick in my mouth or taking a cock in my ass. Getting a blow job would be fine, but I wasn't certain I wanted to fuck a guy. I wasn't even certain I wanted to touch another guy's junk and was pretty sure I wasn't ready to kiss a dude.

Since the beach, I'd grappled with my emotions and worked through my feelings, but I hadn't anticipated the subject would come up, particularly so quickly. My mouth, however, was farther along than my brain. I answered, "Maybe." Surprised at what I'd said and feeling I somehow needed to explain, I added, "I always say, don't knock it till you've tried it."

Ben gave me a big smile. He was damn cute. With his compact little body, curly hair and smooth face, he looked like he was 14 or 15 rather than 17. On Broadway he played young kids, although that wasn't odd given that dudes in their twenties routinely played teenaged high schoolers on Broadway.

"Cool. Whaddaya say I give you a ride after work? We can hang out at my house for a while."

Um, Ben wasn't wasting any time. My brain wanted a while to think about it but my mouth wasn't on the program. I said, "Sounds good."

Shit! I'd taken the first step down the path of having sex but now had to actually put up or shut up. Ben would be profoundly disappointed if he expected me to be another Jason. He obviously knew my cock wasn't black like Jason's, but he might think all basketball jocks were hung like my buddy. He probably assumed I fucked as much as my bro. Well, maybe not that much because nobody did, but at least he assumed I wasn't a total virgin. After all, I was a jock and jocks scored. Too bad my reality was starkly different.

I had no idea how to even take the first step. I wasn't even certain I could shoot a load. I'd milked my dick so often after hearing Jason's story about doing Ben that by the time I drifted off to sleep Sunday night my balls were drained. Fortunately I'd foregone coaxing my morning wood into a climax this morning.

In one respect, the situation was perfect. My morning bus to the Gardens took almost an hour, but because of bad connections on the return, after work it was like an hour and half. I could spend time at Ben's house and still be home at a reasonable time, which would eliminate awkward questions from my parents about where I'd been. Bottom line, I liked Ben and the thought of following in Jason's footsteps – Jason's cocktrail? – was kinda hot.

It was only thirty minutes until the end of the day, but it felt like thirty hours. The drive was short, but it felt like forever. When Ben closed his bedroom door behind us, it felt way too fast.

My heart was thumping. As much as I was ready to do it, I had no idea what to do. Fortunately, Ben took over. He acted like a pro, gradually undressing me while licking my body and dropping his clothes. We both boned like immediately. He had a nice-sized cut tool, although mine was bigger. Based on Ben's graphic description of Jason's big black cock, I wasn't in his league, but Ben made me feel good by commenting, "You gotta really nice dick."

"Um, yeah, you too!"

Ben told me to lie down on his bed and close my eyes. Damn! It was gonna happen. I was about to have sex for the first time.

He caressed my body, licked my tits and ran his tongue over my abs. I gasped when he licked my ball sac and worked my nuts with his hands. When his mouth closed over my boner, I let out an involuntary moan and couldn't resist opening my eyes. All I saw was his mop of curly black hair in my crotch. As he began bobbing up and down on my cock, I watched my prick, slick with spit, sink into his wet and warm mouth. Soon he had me totally at his mercy.

My maiden blow job was embarrassingly short. Yeah, I was insanely turned on but even so I shot in record time. I kept thinking I was close but told myself I couldn't cum that fast. When you're whacking off you can slow down and control things, but Ben was completely in charge and suddenly I was past the point of no return. I gave him almost no warning, gurgling, "Cumming!" as I shot into his mouth. He was surprised and paused but quickly gulped down my jizz and continued sucking, finally squeezing the last rope of cum from my dick. I was panting.

"Fuck, I'm sorry," I blurted out.

"Sorry? Why? That was incredible. Your cum tastes great!" Ben smiled like a cat who captured a canary. As if to emphasize what he'd said, he squeezed the last dollop of ball juice from my piss slit and made a point of licking it off. He radiated happiness.

"I'll suck you off anytime you want. Your cock fits my throat a lot better than Jason's did." It was a backhanded compliment, but I'd take it.

"That was great!" I gushed.

Ben continued to nuzzle my junk and looked up at me with a devilish look on his face. "You up for some more, Collins?"

Fuck! He wanted me to reciprocate and go down on him. I didn't think I was ready for that. Suddenly nervous, I stalled. "Uh, up for what?"

"If you can get it up again, I want you to fuck me."

Relieved that he wasn't asking me to do him, I said, "Yeah!" with more certainty than I felt. Once again my mouth was taking the lead and I hadn't really thought through what I'd said.

"Cool," he answered, a smile lighting up his face. He was cute. Even cuter with his clothes off and his hand wrapped around my softening tool. He reached forward with his tongue and licked the head of my dick.

Things were happening fast. Three days ago I would have run for the hills at the prospect of anal sex. But a weekend of listening to Jason talk about it and hours of thinking about it had changed that. Sort of. It was still a big step. But why hesitate? I was in bed with a cool guy who I liked and who wanted me to fuck him. I had to pop a boner again, but that was not going to be a problem.

We rolled around in bed for a spell. It didn't occur to me to try to kiss Ben and I guess it didn't occur to him either. Neither of us made that effort. He mostly wanted to feel my body. It was almost like he was worshipping it. Not that I needed an ego boost after getting my first blow job, having a dude say he wanted me to bone him, and basking in the afterglow of getting off. The anticipation of the coming fuck turned me on big time and soon I was hard again. Ben played with my erection and balls like he'd never seen a dude's junk up close, and maybe he hadn't. Well, obviously he'd seen his own and Jason's, but I imagined that with Jason things happened too fast and he'd been too nervous, not to mention too drunk, to study the dude's big black cock and huge dangling eggs.

Ben had a tight, twinkish body and I liked wrapping my arms around him and holding him. Despite his black hair, his skin was starkly white, almost porcelain, and completely smooth. I was eight inches taller and got off on feeling that I was dominating him as we halfway wrestled and halfway cuddled. I totally got off on how he was admiring my body. All I could think about was that I was in bed with a guy who'd just sucked me off and who wanted my dick inside him. Fucking A!

He mouthed me some more, getting my tool wet and slippery, and got on his hands and knees, spreading his hairless ass crack and lubing it up. When I'd seen dudes' asses before, like in locker rooms, I never let myself really stare at them, but now I was confronted with a dancer's bubble butt that looked luscious.

Cognizant that Ben had been heaping on the praise while I'd been mostly silent, I said, "You have a great ass." I meant it.

"Thanks. It's an ass that needs a hard tool inside it. Be careful when you stick it in. Jason's dick hurt like hell at first and I thought he was gonna rip my asshole to shreds. It took a long time before it felt good. The second time I was stretched enough that it wasn't too bad." He looked over his shoulder and grinned. "Actually, the second time was incredible. So hot that I shot on my face and in my mouth."

Because I was so much taller, I had to spread my legs wide to line my spit-soaked pole up with his puckered hole. I probed and eased my way inside him. Ben grimaced and flinched and I paused and pulled out. I had no idea an asshole would be that tight. It was like a vise and I wasn't certain it would feel good when – or if – I got all the way inside him. I wondered if he would call the whole thing off but after a minute he urged me forward with a determined, "Stick it in me!" I penetrated him again and sank into him another inch.

It took a while to work myself all the way into his hole. Once I was balls deep and my trimmed pubes were pressed against his soft ass cheeks, he let out a gasp and moaned, "Oh fuck that feels so good. Fuck me! Fuck that ass!" I pulled out, almost withdrawing too much and slipping out of his hole, but slowly powered back inside him. His hole was clamped around my cock.

"Fuck me!" the dude begged. "Fuck me like you fuck girls!"

Ben thinking I fucked girls was another ego boost, despite it having never happened. Now that I'd discovered sex with guys, I wasn't so certain it would ever happen. I responded by pulling almost all the way out and ramming back in more forcefully than I intended. I held my breath, wondering if I'd gone too far.

I hadn't. Instead, I hadn't gone far enough. He grunted and gasped. "Harder! Pound me harder!"

This time I pulled completely out and slammed back inside his tight boi pussy, much harder than before, but he let out a sigh and growled, "That's right! Use my ass!"

I began pumping him, holding his hips with my hands and thrusting inside him faster and faster. I kinda liked the way he squirmed when I was deep in his boi pussy. It was sorta like I was controlling his whole body with only my fuck pole. It was clear he loved what I was doing and I loved it too. Sure as hell beat whacking off! I understood why Jason spent so much time with his pole inside girls. And guys. It was kinda hot thinking that my rod was in the same ass he'd used, but it was kinda intimidating too, because I knew there was no way I'd perform like my bro. That wouldn't stop me from trying.

My second climax with Ben was only marginally less embarrassing than my first. Despite having just blown a load in his mouth I didn't last all that long in his hot hole. Once again it snuck up on me. I was drilling his ass with deep, grinding thrusts and marveling at how my boner disappeared into his hot hole when suddenly and surprisingly I reached the point of no return. I frantically forced myself inside him three or four more times and groaned, "Fuck! I'm cumming!" I jammed my cock deep into his asshole and felt it thrashing around and spurting spunk.

Whacking off was nothing like breeding Ben. It was sorta like the first time I got drunk or stoned. The world seemed different. Exciting. I was high on dude-on-dude sex and the genie was never going back inside the bottle.

I pulled out and he looked over his shoulder and asked, "You came inside me?"

Shit. I fucked up. A dribble of white cum was oozing from his asshole, which looked a lot bigger than it had before I'd penetrated him. "Yeah, sorry. It felt too good."

"No, that's okay. I liked it." He rolled onto his back and stared at me with a faint smile. His cock was still hard but I made no effort to touch it. I felt a little guilty that he'd sucked me off and taken my rod in his ass while I hadn't done anything for his cock, but not guilty enough to break more new ground in my sexual awakening.

Suddenly he asked, "Can we do this again?" His voice was cheery and hopeful.


He giggled, looking cute and far too young to have just been growling at me to pound his ass harder. "No, I meant, like some other time. I could give you a ride again tomorrow. Getting it on would give me something to look forward to at the end of work."

"Hell yeah!" I said, happy that my maiden voyage into sex had turned out well enough that Ben wanted seconds. However, as soon as I said it, I suddenly felt weird being naked and gazing down at an equally naked dude who was sporting a major hard-on. I was in bed with a boy and we'd just done it.

I wondered again if he wanted me to get him off, but he didn't say anything and after the heat of my climax passed I began to feel awkward, so I fetched my clothes and got dressed. Ben watched me with his big brown eyes, his boner still hard but maybe softening a bit. He pulled on a shirt and some shorts to let me out.

I only lived half a mile away and I made it home even before I would have on the bus. If my mom noticed I was early, she didn't say anything. I was dazed and happy and might as well have been walking on air. And I was still wildly horny. Horny enough that I kept thinking about fucking Ben all night long and couldn't resist pumping my cock and dumping two more loads before going to sleep.

I'd fucking had sex!

Ben and I settled into a predictable pattern. Every day after work he'd give me a lift to his house. We'd hurry to his bedroom and strip. He'd suck me off and swallow my spunk. The kid seemed to like the stuff. Then we'd roll around in bed until my shaft got hard again. It never took long. He'd give me head until my dick was slick and wet, and then spread his skinny legs and beg me to stick it in, saying how much he wanted to feel me inside him. I'd force my shaft into his tight butt and plow his ass until my second load of jizz shot.

We varied fucking positions. Ben liked to start by sitting on me and working my boner into his ass. He said it was easier to take cock that way, and when he did the splits – he was a dancer after all – and impaled his hot little hole on my cock it was amazing. I liked having him on his back with his legs in the air because I could smother his tight little body, push his knees up to his head and power down into his hole. The first time I did him that way, his boner was dangling in his face and I remembered Jason making Ben suck himself off. I had to try it too. I rotated him a bit backward and growled, "Suck yourself!" Ben never hesitated. The kid was limber enough – all that dancing – he could get at least half of his cock into his mouth. Recalling Jason's story about fucking the cum out of the kid made me nut super-fast. He came too, jizzing his mouth. Just like Jason said, the fucker ate his own sphlooge! It was the first time I'd gotten him off, although really he got himself off.

Ben's favorite position was standing up and facing a wall or even a window. That was a challenge for me because I was so much taller than he was, but I liked it too once we figured out I could lift him up and he could wrap his legs around my thighs. Impaling the twinky boy on my dong and holding him in my arms while I rammed his butt was hot.

It took me two weeks to touch Ben's cock, even though he was constantly boned and I wanted to do it every time I saw his cut piece. It happened when I fucked him standing up with his legs wrapped around my thighs. My right hand was low on his stomach as I held him in my arms and his boner kept hitting it as I thrust into him. After I came I almost subconsciously wrapped my fist around his cock. It was hot, hard and slimy with pre-cum. He gasped and I finished him off in like three strokes, causing him to paint the wall with splattered ribbons of dick juice. He shot a bucket.

Fuck! I'd touched another guy's hard cock for the first time and jerked him off while I was in his ass. I'd actually never seen another dude cum, unless you counted internet porn. Even when Ben sucked himself off, I hadn't seen his nut because his cock was in his mouth. It was incredibly hot to see the dude's thick, white spunk spurt from his dick. I'd caused it! So what if he might have been fantasizing about Jason's big black cock when it happened? It was my cock in his ass and my hand on his dick that made him to mumble incoherently and climax. It was kinda gross when he pulled my cum-coated fingers to his mouth and licked them clean, but kinda hot too. No, totally hot.

That was my third WOW! experience, after getting sucked and boning Ben the first time. I almost liked milking Ben's cock and making him shoot more than cumming myself. No, I liked it more. Hell, I could get off with my own hand, but giving so much pleasure to another dude and seeing him lose it – all because of me – was eye opening. God, it was fantastic.

My first experience jacking off another guy wouldn't be the last. Ben's ass had clenched around my dick as he came, which felt great and gave me an inspiration for our next fuck. From then on I fisted his pole as I plowed his ass, making him work my cock with his butt and trying to bring him off as I nutted. I liked causing the kid to lose it more than I liked sperming him. His room smelled like a cum factory every day by the time we finished fucking.

Touching a dude's cock for the first time somehow triggered a vivid dream that eerily presaged the future. The night I jacked Ben off the first time, I had a real-seeming dream where Ben and I were on a small boat together. I'd just convinced him to let me fuck him and was about to plunge my rock-hard dick into his ass when a ship full of acrobatic black pirates attacked us. They each had humongous cocks swinging between their sinewy, ripped thighs. They were led by a handsome man in a suit. A pirate captain in a suit? It was a dream and not supposed to make sense. They pulled me off Ben and restrained me while they kidnapped him. I desperately wanted to plunge my bone into his ass and struggled to get loose, to no avail. The dude in the suit calmly explained that the pirates wanted a boy to fuck over and over.

I woke up with a disappointed hard-on and a guilty feeling over not having protected Ben from the pirates. Of course, Ben had been quite happy to be abducted and I was sorta jealous that he'd been taken and not me.

In the dark, I was tempted to whack off, but I'd done that repeatedly after I got home in addition to the two loads I'd shot in Ben's holes, so I soon fell asleep again. The dream picked up where it left off. Well, not entirely, because the black pirates morphed from authentic, scruffy dudes with eye patches – well, as authentic as pirates who moved like ballet dancers could be – to basketball players. Ben disappeared from my dream, but ten tall black dudes trapped me on a basketball court with no exits. They wanted a sex toy to be the prize for the winner of their game, which apparently repeated continuously, a new round resuming as soon as the victors enjoyed the spoils. They circled me, competing to decide who would destroy my ass first. One of the teams won and their captain tackled me and was about to ram his horse cock into my ass when I woke up again.

This time I discovered a puddle of fresh, warm spunk pooling in my bellybutton. I hadn't had a wet dream for years, but in the dark I slowly came to grips that I had. The pirates and the basketball players had all been a dream. They had seemed so real I could almost hear their trash talk as they prepared to nail my butt.


Author's note: I'd love to hear what you liked so far about the tale – characters, lines, the setup, etc. – and what you thought could be better. Email me at ColtonAalto@gmail.com.

My plan is to post a new chapter every two weeks, subject to the usual caveats about delays, disruptions and stray inspirations (resulting in a rewritten chapter or two).

If you might want to read my other Nifty stories, they are listed in the author index under Colton. You can use this link: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/authors.html#colton. They can also be found by searching for "Colton Aalto" using the Nifty Archive Search button, or by using this link: https://search.niftyarchives.org/?keywords=colton+aalto&sort=Relevance (I like this link better). I jump around in different Nifty categories, so you'll find a bit of everything. Enjoy!

© Copyright Colton Aalto 2019

Next: Chapter 3

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