Glorious Surprise

By john smith

Published on Jan 2, 2003


This story is a work of complete fiction. Any resemblance to real people is coincidental. If you are offended by graphic descriptions of sex between males, do not read any further.

The Glorious Surprise

"C'mon, it's great, I'm telling ya," Steve said as he led the way to the back of the bookstore. "I dunno man," I muttered as I looked at the guys who were openly sizing me up. "I dunno that I wanna go through with this."

"Don't be a pussy, you'll love it. Now here's an open booth. Just get in there and let it happen." With these words of wisdom my buddy pushed me into the small room and closed the door behind me. I latched it and looked around, taking in the dingy room with the chair, video screen and, at waist height on each wall, a large open hole. I dropped my tokens into the machine and sat down as the video of two hot blonds with enormous tits started up. I watched the two women for a few minutes, trying to relax, and despite my nervousness at the thought of letting a guy suck my dick I started to get hard. They were really going at each other with matching blue dildos, legs spread wide and thrusting away. Their loud cries signaled both their climaxes and the end of the clip, and it was replaced with a close up shot of a huge black cock buried in a hot pussy. The sight of the cock reminded me why I was here, and I looked at the hole on my left.

A little about me first. My name is Nick and I'm pretty much an average guy. I graduated from college last year, and while I had dated a string of girls at school I am single now. I'm 5'10 and fairly well built. My abs are hidden behind a slight gut, souvenir of my fraternity keg-stand days, but my arms and legs are nicely muscled. Sandy hair, light brown eyes and a nice fat 7 inch cock fill out the important parts of any description.

Steve was one of my frat brothers, and he and I had moved in together after graduation. He was a real player, bringing home a different girl almost every night, and openly jerking off around the house in between times. He also frequented an adult bookstore, getting blowjobs from the guys who knelt on the other side of the holes whenever he went too long between chicks. Knowing my single state he kept urging me to try it, and tonight I had finally agreed.

Following Steve's instructions I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out, slow stroking it as I watched the screen. He said to display the goods and wait for the offer before going near the hole, in order to avoid any hint that I was there to suck and not get blown. I glanced over at the hole on my left, but it was dark and empty. The one on my right, however, framed a pair of blue eyes. I kind of jumped when I noticed him there watching me, but he made no move. I sat there jerking my cock, seeing his eyes following my fist. Suddenly the eyes vanished, replaced by a hand with a beckoning finger. I stood up and moved over to the hole. This was it. I was going to let another guy touch my dick. Not only touch but suck it. If I hadn't had sex in over six months there was no way I'd even consider this, but here goes.

I slid my dick through the hole, my balls hanging down on the other side of the wall, and I felt his mouth engulf the head and half the shaft. He was obviously an experienced cocksucker, as his lips ran up all the way to the base of my dick. He sucked away for the next few minutes, stopping to suck my balls and lick my cockhead like a lollypop. I was really starting to get into it, bucking my hips and bracing myself on the wall with my hands when his mouth suddenly disappeared. I let out a little whine of frustration and pulled my dick out of the hole, leaning over to look in. I was just in time to see his khaki-clad ass walk out the door. Shit, I thought. Here I am giving my dick up to a guy and he won't even finish what he started. I jumped when I heard a knock on the door of my room. "Wh-what?" I croaked.

"Let me in. I want to do you right."

I unlocked the door, foolishly standing behind it so he couldn't see me. A tall young guy dressed in khakis and a tshirt stepped through the opening. He was a little younger than me, maybe 21, and was handsome in a smooth and prettyboyish sort of way. He didn't look at all like a fag, I thought, even as I noticed the large bulge in the front of his pants.

"Sit down," he said, pointing to the chair. He walked in front of me as I sat, and said "Why don't we make you a little more comfortable?"

He pulled my shirt over my head, exposing my pecs and my soft belly. When I made to cross my arms he smiled, and I dropped them back at my sides. He knelt and untied my shoes, slipping them off and putting them aside. When he reached up for my belt I flinched, and he sat back on his heels. "Are you new at this?" he asked quietly.

"Yes. My first time."

"Well, don't worry. I'm going to make you feel fantastic." He undid my belt before I could respond, and I wordlessly lifted my butt off the chair when he went to pull my pants down. He grabbed my boxers and looked me in the eye. "The big moment," he said, smiling, and pulled them down my legs. My cock slapped up against my belly, and he reached up and started to jack it. The feel of his hand on my shaft was electric, and I closed my eyes, picturing one of the blonds from the video. His hot mouth circled my head and plunged downward, effortlessly taking my 7 inches. He worked my cock for a few minutes, lapping at my piss slit and rubbing the fat head over his lips. I was rock hard and leaking precum like crazy, and he slurped up every drop. I opened my eyes and looked down at him, seeing his soft pink tongue slide up the underside of my dick. He lifted his head and asked "Mind if I get comfortable?" I nodded and watched as he stood and kicked off his sneakers and quickly stripped off his clothes. His rigid dick stuck straight out in front of him, about six inches of iron hard fuckstick with a purplish head. I jerked my gaze away from it, focusing on the two dykes now on the screen instead. His sudden turn caught me by surprise as he spun around and sat down on my lap. My dick was pressed flat under his ass cheeks, his furry balls draped over my cockhead. "What the fuck are you doing," I asked, trying to push him off.

"Fuck is right. I want you to fuck me."

"No! Get off me!" His soft ass cheeks were cradling my cock and he tensed them a few times, caressing my shaft. "Are you sure," he whispered as he felt my hips buck involuntarily. I didn't answer, staring at the back of his head as tensed his ass around my dick. He took my silence for assent and half-stood, reaching back to guide my dick to his hole. The spongy head centered on his hole and he started to lower himself. His pucker opened up with almost no resistance and some slimy fluid dribbled out, coating my shaft and helping my dick on its journey upwards. It took him a few seconds to bottom out, resting his weight on my lap. He let out a small whimper as he clenched his ass ring on my shaft. He slowly raised himself up until my dick popped out of his hole. He turned around to face me, saying "Let me have the chair."

I stood and he knelt on the floor, leaning his chest on the seat and sticking his ass out toward me. He reached back and pulled his cheeks apart, revealing his hole. I noticed that his asslips were angry red, loose and almost rubbery looking. "C'mon man, do it."

I knelt and used my hand to aim my cock. It slid easily through his loose bud, sinking in to the hilt. I pulled out and slid slowly back in. "Faster dude." I increased the pace of my thrusts, jabbing in so fast that I could hear my balls slapping up against his. The squishing, sucking noise that his ass made was disgusting, but I was feeling too good to care. I rammed away, the soft grip, heat and juiciness of his pussy (thinking of it like that helped) sending waves of pleasure up my cock. My nuts tensed as they churned up a six-month load of spunk, and with a grunt I jammed my dick up as far as it could go, loosing what felt like a pint of man-cream. I knelt there panting for a few seconds and then pulled out, exhausted and wobbly. He stood up and stepped away from the chair, taking my shoulders and leaning my body forward. "Here," he said, "lean on the seat and catch your breath."

I slumped down across the seat, closing my eyes and trying to breathe deep. I heard him rummage through his clothes and then walk around in front of me, but I didn't look up until I felt the cold plastic band bite my wrist. As I jerked my head up he used another zip tie to secure my other hand to the leg of the chair. "What?" I yelped and tried to wrench my arms free, but the chair was bolted to the floor.

"You don't think I'd let you do that for free, do you?" The guy stood in front of me and smiled. "Turnabout's fair play, right?" He turned and squatted so that his hole was spread open. With one hand he pulled at his rubbery ass lips, releasing a flood of my cum, catching the creamy mess with the other. When his ass had drained he turned and made a show of drizzling the fresh jizz over his straining cock. He stood and moved behind me, kneeling at my defenseless virgin butt. As I felt a slimy finger circle my pucker, I whispered "Stop. Stop or I'll scream."

"Go ahead. No one here is going to interrupt two dudes playing games." His finger pushed against the center of my hole, penetrating slightly. "This'll be a lot more enjoyable for both of us if you don't fight it."

"Please. Please don't." His finger was inside of me now, twisting around. My ass clamped around the intruder, trying to force it out. The tip of a second finger rubbed at the elastic muscle, seeking entrance. He began to rock his finger side to side and in circles, stretching out my sphincter. The second finger slipped in, shooting a quick jet of pain up my spine. My cock was shriveled and my balls drawn up tight as my body reacted to the pain. He began fucking his fingers in and out, weakening my iron grip on them. "Just relax dude," he whispered as he drew one finger out and then inserted one from the other hand, using them to pry my ring open. I was whimpering, dreading the feel of that prick at my ass. What the hell had I done? I let Steve talk me into this because I hadn't had a girl for months, and now this kid was going to turn my ass into a man pussy just like his. Tears leaked out of my eyes as I felt him withdraw his fingers. Oh no, shit, no, please! The huge knob brushed against my hole. I felt it lock on target like a laser, pushing forward to violate the most private area on my body. My pucker stretched open to allow the monster entrance. The stabbing, ripping pain made me cry out, but he didn't stop. The head popped in, bringing slight relief. He paused for a few seconds, enjoying the feel of my ring contracting around his prick. With a little sigh he started humping more of the shaft into me, inch by inch. The pain was fading now, replaced by a huge sense of fullness that wasn't all that unpleasant. And then, as his dick passed halfway, it touched something deep inside me. My shriveled dick gave a twitch as whatever it was shot sparks through my body.

His dick was rubbing against it now, heating my whole groin, and my limp cock grew longer and fatter with every heartbeat. He finally reached the end, his balls pressed firmly up against mine. "Dude, you're so fucking tight."

He gently slid back, stopping just before his head pulled free and pushed back again. "Yeah dude, yeah," he panted. He set an easy rhythm, deep-dicking my ass slowly, taking his time and enjoying the ride. My cock was fully hard and leaking again, bouncing as his prick rubbed over that spot. For almost ten minutes we knelt like that, his hips swaying back and forth as he pistoned his cock in my loosening hole. Whatever it was he was doing to my ass really had me going now, and I dying to get a hand free to jerk my cock. "Not long now, dude." His husky voice startled me out of the semi-trance I had fallen into. He began to thrust faster, taking short little jabs at my ass. His breathing grew ragged and I felt him tense inside me, a sudden burst of hot jizz warming my gut. As he came he pulled his cock all the way out and plunged it back in, spraying cum inside and out. A stray trickle of hot juice oozed down my dick as his pumping slowed to a halt. "God DAMN that's a fine ass." He pulled his cock out and stood, pulling on his clothes. He leaned over and stroked my hard-on a few times, saying "Looks like you've got a little something ready to feed one of these fags. I'm sure they'll take care of you." I looked up, seeing that both holes were filled with watching eyes. The kid took a pocketknife and cut my cuffs, letting me sit back and rub my wrists. "Thanks dude. Maybe I'll see you again some time." The kid unlatched the door and walked out, shutting it behind him. I stood slowly, looking at the hole to my left. An open mouth was framed there, and I took a few quick steps over and stuffed my cock between his parted lips. It took me about three seconds to blow a load as big as my first. The guy milked my wilting cock and smacked his lips as I pulled away and dressed, striding out into the hall to find Steve waiting. "Let's go man." He followed me out.

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Next: Chapter 2

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