Glorious Court of Versailles

By moc.liamtoh@ocardhtrae

Published on Jul 28, 2002


"Will you hurry up, you fool!" screamed Claude de Beaux, Marquis of Bienvenue to his incompetent servant, Augustin. He was expected at court thirty minutes ago and he was quite certain that his tardiness was going to be held against him by His Majesty King Louis de Bourbon XVI. Time was of the essence and this peasant he had graciously allowed into his household was going to get him kicked out of Royal Court for certain. Finally, Augustin finished tying the ribbons on his dark blue slippers, and began making sure the satin ribbon holding back Claude's luxurious dark brown hair that was in place. Claude dismissed Augustin and practically ran towards the door to get to the carriage waiting outside to take him to the palace. he forgot courtesy and jumped in screaming for the driver to quickly drive on. As he left the front gates of his chateaux, he looked back at the large mansion as it sat dominantly in the center of his spacious seven hundred acres of woodlands and meadows. His grandfather had bought the property during the time of the present monarch's great grandfather turned a small hunting lodge into a magnificent palace as well turning the small village into the seat of government and a rambling city.

He looked out the window to his right and noticed the gates to the palace come into view. His carriage lurched forward until it approached the palace, close enough fitting to his rank of nobility. He ran up the broad marble stairs towards the giant doors of the Queen's staircase, then up to the Queen's apartments where the King was visiting his new Austrian wife, Marie Antoinette. He had to be present, along with other courtiers of his social standing, before his majesty took his bride of three years into her bedchamber to try and, probably fail again, in consummating the Royal marriage.

The doors were shut to her antechamber, but being undaunted, he flung them open to reveal over one hundred fifty of the highest nobility looking back at him in slight disgruntled expressions. "How dare this new comer make such noise in the presence of the queen herself!" was what Claude heard from a lady standing next to the doorway, her dress blossoming out from her tiny waist as she stared in disbelief at him before she turned once more to the gentleman standing next to her listening to her gossip and apparently enjoying it.

He looked towards the north side of the room where Marie Antoinette stood, obviously amused at the court's attention being taken away from her and towards the Marquis standing in the open doorway.

Claude walked, quietly this time, to the queen where he would bow low towards her and then began to talk to her as if they were friends from childhood. It baffled everyone how she warmed to him so quickly while everyone waited for the king to arrive. He told Marie of the latest gossip and how he had heard of the Baron de Vermonte from Paris was holding a masked ball in Paris. She enjoyed listening to him, as he seemed to take away her jitters of what the night would bring.

The doors opening from the western side of the large gilded room. The low rumble of conversations came to a quick halt as the king walked through. His path was cleared to the queen and Claude stepped back in the crowd, making his lowest bow like everyone else. The king, with a quickening pace, went towards the queen, seeming to mutter, "Lets get this over with"

Claude watched as he took Marie's hand and went to her bedroom, shutting the court out with the bolt of a gilded latch on the other side. It was a sign that the court was free to dismember until the next morning.

Claude began to walk to the door he had entered when he felt someone's eyes on his back. He turned. Then noticed a set of deep ocean blue eyes staring into his own black eyes. He stepped back for room, embarrassed of the close contact with this person. He realized what was before him. It was a tall beautiful man. Obviously a new comer like himself, for he hadn't met him before. The gentleman wore an emerald green coat, pulled tight around his small waist, as well making his broad shoulders more prominent. He was extremely more muscular than Claude and as well carried an air of not caring for proper etiquette, for a presentable nobleman would not have stood so close to another, no matter how high his rank. "How are doing, dear Monsieur de Beaux?"

His voice was so erotic, so deep, and so arousing, as Claude felt his breeches becoming extremely tight. His cock was growing hard, while Claude caught himself from looking over this creature of masculine beauty before him. "I am sorry, I do not recognize you? May I ask your name?"

"I deeply apologize, I am Louis de Normandy. I noticed your bold manner and I just had to speak to you. I have recently arrived at Versailles yesterday. I hope you don't mind my way of addressing you, for I am of lower rank."

"It is alright, Monsieur de Normandy. I forgive you. Would you care to walk out in the gardens while we talk? It is so stifling in here."

Louis accepted and continued to talk as he and Claude made their way outside to walk amongst the fountains glistening in the sun.

Claude began to like Monsieur de Normandy the more they talked. While Louis would look away at the fountains Claude had seen his whole life; he would look over Louis, and still keeping his large cock painfully confined in his ever increasingly uncomfortable breeches.

After the sun began to set, Louis was still in full conversation. Claude attempted to flirt every chance he got and was straining to see if Louis would return the attention. Then Claude had a wonderful idea.

" Louis, would you like to come to my chateaux this evening for a glass of wine? We could swim in the marble fountain as well if you like?"

He beamed as Louis graciously accepted. He would arrive at eight, giving Claude plenty of time, for it was only six thirty and he would need much time to prepare.

They parted and Claude raced home to have the preparations arranged. All the servants would be dismissed after serving dinner, leaving him and his new friend alone.

Claude was excited, realizing that he had only gone so far as to kiss another boy he had known in Paris when he was younger, and Louis was the first to ever give Claude such an arousal. There was still time after his orders were carried out, to have his appearance freshened up. Before he realized it, it was eight.

Claude decided to wait in the red salon, closest to the front door. After waiting for what seemed eternity, but only being five minutes, a scratching at the salon door came.


"Monsieur Louis de Normandy is here to see you, Monsieur."

"Bring him to the salon and have Augustin bring in the wine from the cellars that I have chosen for this evening."

"Yes, monsieur."

Claude heard the door open. He tried not to look too eager as he looked up from the fireplace he had been staring at towards the beauty he had seen at the palace earlier that day. After his servant left Louis standing in the salon looking towards Claude, he realized his rudeness in staring. He quickly jumped from his chair and extended his hand for his guest. After the exchange of their greetings, they sat down and talked of recent events in Versailles, such as the absence of an heir to the French Throne. Then they began telling of their past histories. Claude clung to every word that came from Louis's deliciously full lips, only now and then noticing his hardness inside his breeches. The wine was brought moments later and they began new conversations. It was four hours after Louis's arrival when Claude finally suggested going to swim in the fountain. He had done it several times since his return from Paris the last winter and it was so invigorating. The fountain had been built for beauty as well as the occasional dip; coal burners in the cellar in fact heated it. It was a revolutionary idea of the time, which the family and guests of the Bienvenue Chateaux enjoyed. Claude suggested to Louis about giving him the guest-room across from his own to change in, which Louis declined, explaining that he did not wish to be an inconvenience. He expressed a peculiar wish to just dress Claude's room. Claude was ecstatic as he led Louis up the grand set of stairs and down the marble corridor to his bedroom. Louis began undressing with the use of a servant, which Claude admired, he attempted the same after sending Augustin to the servants quarters on the third floor above. Claude kept his back towards Louis, not wanting to embarrass them both, but turned around to soon. Louis was still not through undressing while Claude was already in his old pair of red velvet breeches and a loose white shirt. He looked at Louis pulling down his emerald green stockings, then standing up to reveal a tight, muscular body with a hairless chest and brown large nipples that were aroused. Claude looked down to see Louis's uncut cock that was thicker than his own as well as being longer. He could only imagine how large it was hard, not to mention how it would feel going inside of him.

"Don't tell me, Marquis, that you are unnerved about seeing another naked man?"

Claude snapped to attention and noticed the smirk Louis gave him.

"No.... No, I just am not used to it. Come; let's hurry up. I think the water is warm enough."

Louis's smirk disappeared, look at Claude and said,

"Then, I hope you don't mind my swimming with nothing on. I must admit that have always swam with nothing on."

Not wanting to spoil the moment by offering him something to wear from his own vast collection of apparel got an idea.

"Well, monsieur, I guess to save both of us embarrassment, I will go nude as well."

Louis began pulling off his own clothes, exposing his own tight, but less muscular body. His cock was fortunately only semi erect, but his nipples were still hard. He laughed to play the moment off, and then reached for two silk robes, one of rich red and the other of his favorite dark blue. He threw the red one to Louis and then after they both put them on, They then left the room, with Claude leading the way towards the direction of the stairs...

If who ever read this thinks I should write more...feel free to e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 2

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