Glitters and Gold

By Matt Young

Published on Nov 11, 2022



Glitters and Golds

Chapter 1

It all started on a Monday. Same old, dull Monday morning when Darnell noticed a change. Every day, his coworker, Jayden, made passes at him. Dumb one-liners that didn't do anything but make Darnell roll his eyes and move on. The guy couldn't flirt to save his life. Relied more so on his looks and pearly white smile to pick up prospects. Well, that and being the son of the rich and powerful Samuel Gold didn't hurt too.

People threw themselves at Jayden, Darnell realized. Especially in the IT department. They fawned over him and answered his every call. Some even accepted the daily flirtations with a laugh and encouraged him further.

Probably why he's the way he is, Darnell scoffed. No one ever told him no. Well, not until Darnell. And Jayden must have hated it. Every day he tried out new routines to get Darnell's attention. None, however, phased him much. There wasn't anything this guy could offer that he didn't already have. He had an excellent job and a boyfriend.

Don't get him wrong. Jayden was a hot guy. He was sexy with his natural tan, the short head of curly blond hair, and his well-muscled frame from weeks spent in the gym. On nights at the bar, Darnell caught a glimpse of a four-pack hidden beneath this business attire. Had he been single, Darnell would have accepted the advances. Even entertained it for a night or more.

But I'm happy with my man. He shrugged and went to work.

Darnell went to work as usual. Answered calls and started the project his manager dumped on his desk days prior. He had just come back from a call when he noticed it. Jayden hadn't made a pass at him today. A blessing, really. But, one couldn't truly enjoy it. Not while Jayden refused to speak at all. He never made eye contact and avoided all attempts of conversation. Not that Darnell tried hard. Only for a few questions, he knew Jayden was well versed in.

Even those answers came abruptly and with a cold shoulder that rubbed Darnell the wrong way.

Regardless, he left it alone and went back to work. The week flew by much easier without the harassment. When Friday came around, however, something changed. Jayden came to work early that day. Tensed with a piercing scowl on his face. He locked eyes with Jayden for mere moments before he turned away. The two didn't speak much afterward. Though Darnell felt those blue eyes staring at him while he worked.

The morning was almost over, and Darnell finally finished the heavy workload. He leaned back in his seat and stretched out. Now, he could use a cup of coffee. Maybe hit up that Starbucks down the streets.

Before he made a decision, his new iPhone buzzed.

Incoming Message from: Jayden Gold

------Meet me in the cafeteria in 5 minutes.

Darnell raised an eyebrow. Yet when he turned to his coworker, the man had already left. Strange. Jayden didn't strike him as the cryptic type. Then again, nothing about his behavior was normal this week. Shrugging, Darnell followed the text shortly after and found Jayden alone in the café

Jayden sat alone by the wall. His eyes lowered as he swirled his straw in a cup of iced water. Odd... Darnell sat across from him, but Jayden didn't react at first. Just continued swirling around his straw and smacking the ice against the glass cup.

"Jayden," Darnel started, "You texted me. So what's up?"

Jayden was silent. This strange anger twisted his face into an ugly scowl. Darnell frowned. If he wouldn't speak, Darnell saw no reason to stick around. His manager probably had some work for him to do anyways.

Darnell started to leave when Jayden spoke in a low, tired whisper. "My dad wants to fire you." Darnell froze up. Eyes wide, he stared at the grim Jayden. It didn't make sense. Darnell worked hard, and his manager always spoke highly of him! What could possibly-- "Said he needa trim down the IT staff."

Ah, Darnell winced. His manager had spoken about it in the past. Though lackadaisical, as if he didn't believe it to be true.

"I'm talking to him, and I think I can convince him to reconsider." Darnell smiled. Of course, Jayden could. Being the Boss's son had its perks, after all. "But you have to do something for me."

"Yeah, anything, man! Just lemme know!"

For the first time in a week, Jayden smiled at Darnell. Though it felt off. he plotted something. A feeling Darnell knew to be right when Jayden spoke his following words with pure confidence.

"I want you to be my sex toy."

...the hell? Jayden must have been drunk. High even--he did love smoking before work--to suggest that. Darnell opened his mouth. His best friend had armed with well with how to say, "you got me fucked up," in professional jargon. However, Jayden swiftly took over with another one of those arrogant smirks of his.

"Dad'll let you go and blackball you if you don't." Jayden shrugged. "He's a powerful man with connections across the globe. You don't stand a chance."

Darnell bit his lip. Anger surged through every vein, but he forced himself to stay calm. Practice his breathing, just as Marcell taught him. With each breath, his rage withered, and Darnell found himself somewhat quiet. Well, just enough to run through different scenarios. However, none helped his mood. He couldn't lose this job and risk getting blackballed.

"`Ight," he spoke through gritted teeth. "What do I gotta do?"

Jayden made a nasty smirk and motioned for him to follow. Something told Darnell this wouldn't end well for him.

Jayden led them to an empty conference room. One of the new ones Darnell helped set up the technology in. Pretty cool place with a long table and comfortable chairs. Unlike the other rooms, this one lacked glass windows and doors. Just nothing but cold steel leering down from all sides.

Darnell stepped into the room and shivered. It had always been cold, even without the air-conditioning blaring through the vents.

Darnell found Jayden leaning against the end of the table, collar unbuttoned with the worse attempt at a sexy smirk tugging his lips. Honestly, the guy looked awkward, if anything.

"Come here," he said, darting his eyes to his swaying crotch. "And suck me off."

Grounding his teeth, Darnell started to walk over when Jayden held up his hand. His brows furrowed, and his smirk turned to tease. Unbelievable.

"Not like that...come like I'm your boyfriend, and you're happy to see me."

Jayden pushed out his hips. Darnell had always noticed that Jayden loved going commando. In fact, he boasted about it one day when they were at lunch. "Everyone loves a surprise," Jayden had shrugged with that irritating smirk of his. Back then, he had pushed out his hips just like now, but Darnell made a point to maintain eye contact. Not that it deterred Jayden. If anything, it made him try harder. That day, he spent the break clumsily drawing attention to his package. Even went as far as to drop some water on his crotch! Still, Darnell ignored it.

Right now, it was nearly impossible. The room was still huge and sparsely decorated for Darnell to avert his eyes to something more attractive. And with the leading light centered above Jayden like a halo, it became even more difficult.

Darnell easily made out the outline of his stiffening dick. And, if he were to hazard a guess, it must have been above average. It strained against the fabric of his slack, begging for attention.

Swallowing, Darnell nodded. Each step was slow and graceful. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his collar. The distance between them closed, and Darnell looked up. Jayden had pretty blue eyes that matched his curly hair. It was no wonder how he managed to pull many guys. But that obnoxious smirk ruined his appeal.

Scowling, Darnell traced his fingers across Jayden's body. He worked his way down from the neck, circling the nipples. His fingers glided further until they reached his crotch. Leaning in, Darnell peppered Jayden's neck with soft kisses as he massaged the bulge. Jayden's breath hitched, and Darnell smirked.

"Mmm, damn, babe," Jayden moaned, leaning his head to the side. "Bet you always wanted this, huh?"

Darnell didn't respond. There was no way he'd play into whatever sick fantasy Jayden had rummaging in that little head of his. Darnell worked hard to secure a loving relationship with his boyfriend. Even now, his stomach twisted as the weight of the scenario anchored him. Cheating had never been a thought in his mind. And to think he had been coerced into it to keep his job? Darnell didn't know how he'd sleep at night but hoped his boyfriend would forgive him.

A harsh tug at his hair made Darnell wince. He always spent extra time in the morning, ensuring every coil was moisturized and shiny. He hated having any hands in his hair at work. And Jayden's rough grip caused a swell of rage in his chest.

"Don't ignore me," Jayden growled.

"I got a man," Darnell bit back, eyes narrowed and hard.

"He's not here now, is he?" Darnell scoffed. But Jayden's smirk told him everything he needed to know. This was Jayden's thing. He loved to steal someone's partner and break up a relationship. Shame Darnell wasn't up for grabs.

"If you don't want to play, then fine. Just get my cock wet and make me cum."

Fine by Darnell. The quicker they got this over with, the better. Sinking to his knees, Darnell unbuttoned Jayden's slacks and pulled them down. Jayden's dick came out swinging and smacked Darnell in his face! It was bigger than he expected. The head was flared with a pearl of precum already leaking.

"Bigger than your man, right?"

Darnell rolled his eyes. He wrapped his fingers around it and pumped it. Uncut and thick, it barely beat his boyfriend's length. Maybe just half an inch bigger. Nothing to write home about, that's for sure.

Darnell glanced up and met Jayden's pretty eyes. They were expectant with an amount of urging that made Darnell's stomach churn. This...would not only secure his job but cement his cheating. Gulping down the lump in his throat, Darnell opened his mouth and leaned in. The precum hit his tongue first. It was a little bitter, but he ignored it. The head entered his mouth and started. His tongue lapped away as he suckled, swallowing more precum as he worked.

"Fuck," Jayden breathed. Darnell took pride in that. His boyfriend had always enjoyed his oral skills. Slowly, he worked his way down, bathing every inch with his tongue as he moved. Up and down, Darnell built up a steady rhythm right before he took the plunge.


The massive dick settled in Darnell's throat, and he held it there for a moment. He breathed into the short blond pubes and counted himself lucky that Jayden had good hygiene. Then, he pulled back, leaving only the head in his mouth.

And back to work, Darnell went.

Darnell doubled his efforts, switching up his simple movements in favor of corkscrewing. More precum pooled in his mouth, and some dribbled down Jayden's shaft. But Darnell didn't mind. After a few swallows, he got used to the taste.

"Oh, shit--fuck!"

Jayden's moans echoed through the room. Thankfully, the room was soundproof, and no one would know what was happening. Darnell didn't know if he could stomach the embarrassment of anyone walking in on him.

Darnell let his hands wander, kneading Jayden's balls while the other ducked under his shirt. Just barely, he found Jayden's nipples and toyed with them. He had a light dusting of chest hair, Darnell noted. And the gentle attention made his dick jump in Darnell's mouth.

"Fuck, bro," Hands pressed against the sides of Darnell's head. And before he could stop it, Jayden's hips shot forth like a torpedo. Eyes bulging, Darnell gagged but quickly recovered as the dick punched itself in and out of his throat with reckless abandon. Those heavy balls smacked against his chin. Drool leaked down the sack, making each slap worse than the last.

"I knew you were worth it! Fuck, you're so good."

Darnell endured the harsh treatment longer than he expected. Throat fucking had always been his boyfriend's favorite thing. And his body adapted. Against his best wishes, Darnell felt his dick stiffening in his slacks. His hands ducked to cover them. He'd be damned if Jayden found out.

"Heh, nice wood," but it seemed it was already too late. "It's no shame, dude; enjoy it!"

Throwing his head back, Jayden fucked faster and harsher. Darnell's hands flew up to Jayden's thigh, trying to slow them down. But Jayden didn't care. He kept going as his moans skyrocketed.

"Fuck! I'm gonna cum, dude!"

Jayden's dick shoved forward and parked itself in Darnell's throat. And Darnell squeezed his eyes shut as the deluge blasted his throat. Jayden's moans drowned out Darnell's gags as he struggled to swallow it all. And was there a lot! It felt like it would never end, even as Jayden pulled out. A few spurts flew and landed on Darnell's face!

"Damn, dude, that was fucking great!"

Scowling, Darnell started to get up. But Jayden grabbed him by his tie and pulled him close. That obnoxious smirk returned, and mischief danced dangerously in Jayden's eyes.

"But don't you think for a second that we're finished. I got plenty in store for you, dude."

The pit in Darnell's stomach grew. Suddenly, it seemed he bit off far more than he could chew.

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