Glenmore Grange

Published on Feb 16, 2004


Glenmore Grange

Part 8

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity, DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

I soon found out Ram had a following. There were several men who stayed near him to help out or watch if he found a willing partner. Eddy told me Ram hadn't been to the last few meetings and those meetings had been almost entirely oral. When Ram was there, there was always hot anal sex. Even those who didn't participate were turned on when the fucking started.

We returned to the main room and talked. Ram was a top who had a hard time finding guys who could take his cock and enjoy it. His cock was huge and had many admirers, but relatively few takers. Sam and Virgil stayed close to Ram. Bruce came over and joined us. Ram and I talked about his fucking technique and my interests. Bruce was one of those guys who wanted to be cool and collected, but he was turned on by the conversation and his cock reflected that.

"What I really like is all-out fucking! No holes barred." Ram said. "I can work in slowly most of the time, but all my natural urges are to fuck hard and deep." I was playing with his cock and it was rising to full erection.

"Damn, it's big," I said. "I'm truly versatile and have no problem with the bottom or the top. I've been screwed by some big boys and it's almost a different experience than taking an average cock."

"How is that?" Bruce asked. He was fully erect now.

"It's great to have your prostate caressed by another man's sex organ. It sure can be intensely pleasurable," I explained, "more exciting than sucking because it's my partner's sex organ rubbing on my sex organ. Big cocks are different. It like comparing a casual visitor with a house guest who spends a week. The bigger the cock, the more totally it takes over. The pressure on your entire system is greater. It's less pleasurable in some ways, but more sexual, more intense, I think."

"I've never liked the idea of shoving your cock inside another guy's shit hole." Bruce said. From the way he phrased it, I suspected he was willing to be convinced otherwise.

"Actually, it's surprisingly tender." Ram said. "There is nothing hard, no teeth, no jaws, not even gums. Once and a while a man's sphincter can be tight, but everything else is all soft and warm inside. Some guys can deep throat you and give you the same feeling, but it's rare. Do you ever deep throat a guy?" he asked of Bruce. Bruce nodded. By now Bruce's cock was so hard it looked as if it hurt.

"Well, fucking is like that, but there's no problem with breathing or choking. And think what sucking would be like it you had a sex organ in your throat." Ram said.

"A good five or six-inch cock can feel great. You can fuck for hours." I said. "Eight or ten inches are a different story. The feelings can be so overwhelming, I can barely think. I sort of merge with the cock and my whole body turns into a sex organ." Bruce was so excited now, he had forgotten to be cool. Sam and Virgil were hard too, but they weren't trying to be cool. It was easier for them.

"You've never been in an ass?" Ram asked of Bruce.

He said, "No, I haven't."

"I guess that means your ass has never felt a cock either."


"Do you think you can relax enough to let that happen?" Ram asked. Bruce looked shocked. Ram laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not recruiting you to be my next playmate; I'm not for first timers. Gus or Sam might be more a good first step down the path of anal passion for you."

"I'm not sure I want to." Bruce said.

"You know I'm a psychiatrist," Ram said. "I wish all of my interviews were with naked men. I could watch their cocks and find out what they were really thinking. Your cock makes it hard to claim you're not interested." Bruce blushed bright red.

Virgil came over to Bruce and whispered in the man's ear, "There's no problem with erections and there's no problem with sex here. Relax and follow your cock's lead."

Ram took the opportunity to whispered in my ear, "Do you want to take my cock now, or would you like a stretching exercise?" he asked.

"You're thinking of Bruce?" I asked.

"You got it," the Indian doctor answered. "He's a good sized boy and I'll bet he'll pop in a minute or two." I looked Ram in the eye.

"You like cum as a lubricant, don't you?"

"Damn right."

To no one's surprise, Bruce was easily talked into taking his maiden voyage in my ass. The only problem was to keep him from shooting off as Ram lubricated his cock. We went over to the side of the room and I got on mattress laying on the floor.

Bruce's cock was so hard it hooked, forming an arc connecting his balls with his navel. I hate to sound like a fuck pig but I have been fucked by one or two men in my life. None had a cock that shape. I was curious as to how it would feel. I got on my back and he lifted my legs and tentatively nosed his bloated cock head into my hole. Virgil and Sam were on each side of him, giving encouragement and advice.

"Take it slow," Sam instructed. Poor Bruce's cock spasmed and shot a single volley of cum at my hole. "Calm down, Bruce," Sam continued. "Cool off for a few seconds." Somehow he managed to do that.

"Damn, you shot that right into Gus's pucker," Virgil said. "That's a bull's eye. Now, just use your mushroom to plant that man seed where the sun never shines."

"It's just extra lube," Sam added. "It will feel better for Gus." Bruce popped his head into the hole, then rammed the shaft deep. My cock turned rock hard in response. That curve in his cock hit my prostate head on. It was great for a few strokes. Then, as I expected, Bruce couldn't hold off shooting. He popped. I looked up at him after he shot. He looked pale and shaky; it had been a four-alarm orgasm.

I hadn't noticed Ram during my session with Bruce. I now saw he was right behind, Bruce, patiently waiting his turn. Some really big men have trouble keeping their member hard. That wasn't Ram's problem. His cock was stretched to the limit, with every vein and feature emphasized by the thick coating of lubricant.

"Do you need to rest?" Ram asked. "Cum's oozing from your hole, it will be a nice smooth ride if you're up to it." I knew he was ready. I was too.

Ram's cock head was at my ass, a second later his head had vanished in my hole, then the entire shaft slid into the hilt. Bruce had opened me up, but I hadn't come close to guessing he had opened me up that much. At first there was no feeling at all. It had been so fast, I didn't have time to react.

I tried to squeeze my ass, but couldn't do it, my hole was filled with no potential for movement. I began to twitch, my eyes blurred. From then on I'm not sure what happened. I was out of it. Ram began to thrust, using my prostate as a punching bag. On one of his thrusts something seemed to pop and I was flooded with intense sexual sensations.

Ram was totally in control, but I didn't mind that at all. I had an odd hallucination my prostate had fallen in love with his cock and they wanted to get married. Ram and I were trying to find an Episcopalian priest to marry our organs. He said, he could only marry entire people, not just parts of people. We should go and talk to a Unitarian minister, he said. They might do it. With that thought I burst out laughing and came out of what must have been almost a trance.

My mind cleared and I realized I was enjoying Ram a lot. My entire rectum had turned into an ultra sensitive sex organ. I felt a bit like the way you cock head feels when you're shooting. Every movement of his cock sent shivers of pleasure through my body.

Ram was huge, but he was a perfect fit for my ass. He could feel my reaction and he went at me hard and long. He realized he could do no wrong in my ass. I loved every minute of it. Ram came after a good fifteen minutes of non stop fucking. Sam later told me he got exhausted just watching us. Ram left his load in the deepest recess of my ass pulled out slowly. His cock shot a final volley of sperm when his cock cleared my ass. The warm man seed splattered on my cock and I shot off.

Virgil was there and lapped up my load and then cleaned Ram's cum from my cock. He was serious about never wasting cum.

"Was that as good for you as it looked?" Bruce asked in a whisper. He had watched me getting screwed.

"It sure was." I said. I knew what he was thinking. I reached over and patted his ass. One finger mover toward his hole. Bruce tensed up, then relaxed. I touched his hole; his cock twitched. Bruce wouldn't be a virgin when he left the Grange hall that night.

Our group attracted a good sized audience while we fucked. They dispersed and Ram and I went to shower. Arny was already there with Franklin, the Judge's body guard. They were washing each other off, playing like little kids. They looked startled when we entered, but relaxed when the saw it was Ram and me.

"Franklin, you missed a lot of cum. I just filled Gus's ass with a good load," Ram said. Apparently, Franklin's interest in cum was well known.

"I already had Bruce's contribution in there," I added. "Double delight." We joined them. The shower wasn't that big, so there was much physical contact. I dropped the soap, totally accidentally, reached down to retrieve it and immediately felt a tongue in my ass hole.

It was Franklin. He was licking up the cum. His tongue probed deep into my ass, trying to get some of the cream out. He stopped for a second or two and I felt a cock enter. It was a nice feeling after Ram's monster. Thick and meaty, but not a monster. It pulled out, and I look at my fucker.

It wasn't Franklin, it was Arny. Franklin was sucking the cum cocktail from Arny's cock. Franklin was using Arny's cock as a dip stick to get the man seed out of my ass. I was shocked, then turned on. When Franklin had cleaned it up. I bent over again and Arny re entered a second time. We repeated this several times until there was no more cum in my ass.

Franklin sucked Arny off after his final trip into my ass. I had been worried we might be taking advantage of Arny, but he got to fuck me four times and was sucked off four times too. That can only be so bad.

I finally got to take a real shower and rejoin the men in the main room. It was refreshment time and I needed a drink and some food. Everyone was in a good mood, some of them men were leaving, but new men arrived, so the number remained constant. Ram and my fuck fest had been a success; several men complimented me in my performance. Apparently I had won the informal endurance record for time on Ram's cock!

Virgil came forward and made a few announcements. One man was undergoing chemo at the local hospital and another man's mother had died. The next meeting would be in a month, he said. Then he made a proposal for the evening's activities.

"As you all know, we've been growing, thanks to Ed's recruitment at the prison, and Franklin's among the police, fire and EMT folks. This had been good for us and, unless my eyes deceive me, good for the new members too." There was a general mummer of approval. "Most of us old hands here are what you might call full-service sexually."

"And we love you for that!" someone in the group yelled. Everyone burst out laughing.

"And we love it too," Virgil continued. "My dad use to have what he called a "cherry picking" event once and a while. It was to encourage men to explore new avenues for fun."

"You mean get fucked silly?"

"That too," Virgil said. "Taking a cock in your ass for the first time can be an unpleasant event. We give guidance and help to the fuckee, to make it as pleasant and easy as possible. It may sound odd, but it works. Now, this is not done just for the fuckee's pleasure, although there is a lot of pleasure involved."

"There are some me who like to pop a virgin." Virgil continued. "It's safe to say, they have a really good time too. Let's all finish the refreshments and anyone who is interested can come and tell me."

"If any of you are worried about size, I'm here to help," Paul said. "I've got a pencil prick, real thin, but nice and long. I've never had a disappointed customer. If you have a friend you like to have, but whose cock is too big, I'd be glad to open you up and then let your friend in for the main attraction."

I had to admit I didn't think Virgil or Paul would get any takers. I was wrong about that. Five men volunteered for the cherry picking. Bruce was in the group. The rest of the men I didn't know.

"It looks like a good group," Sam said. "More guys volunteered than I had thought would."

"I wouldn't have thought any would join in," I said.

"We've had these before. You know there are few real rules here; no requirements that you engage in any particular sexual activity, but most men see the old hands do it all. Everyone likes to be sucked and after the first meeting everyone sucks. The bottoms here are typically generous, so everyone fucks too, Sam explained. "After a while most guys feel a bit guilty about not opening their ass for the group's entertainment. They figure they might as well try it out just to show they're good sports."

"It seems a very public way to take your first ride on a cock," I said.

"That's part of the appeal of the cherry picking." Sam continued. "Everyone knows you're a good sport, a full-fledged member of the Grange. We don't have an initiation ceremony, but if we did, this would be it."

I was planning to work on Bruce but Karl and Gustav Peterson waved at me to come over. They were standing with a middle-aged man.

"Gus, this is Eben, he a new neighbor of ours. He teaches computer science at the high school." Karl said. They pulled me closer. "Eben here, volunteered for the cherry picking, but kind of has cold feet. We though you might help us out." I know a shy computer geek when I see one, and poor Eben was about a geeky as you could get. I shook hands with him.

"Eben has the hots for you, and we figured a little sugar would make the medicine go down a bit easier." Karl said.

"Don't go saying things like that!" Eben complained. He was blushing. Eben was maybe 35-40, 6' tall and 170 pounds with an untrimmed beard and pale skin. He didn't get out in the sunlight often. His chest was dusted with hair. His uncut cock had all but vanished in his thick bush.

"Why don't you just beg off?" I asked him. He blushed more.

"I'm afraid I've been spending quite a bit of time up guys' asses. I like that a lot. You could say I've been taking the expressway and not paying the toll." Eben said. I had reached over and played with his cock. It responded immediately. He was a grower, not a shower. It turned into a thoroughly respectable fuck tool. He also had a good flow of natural lube. My cock turned hard with his. The four of us made a tight cluster.

"We told him you were a bit big for a first fuck, but he thinks he can take it." Gustav said.

"Are you lubricated?" I asked Eben.

"Not yet," Karl answered.

Next: Chapter 9

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