Glenmore Grange

Published on Jan 29, 2004


Glenmore Grange

Part 7

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity, DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

The party wound down after my coupling with Mitch. I was drained and wasted. Bill had to get home early the next day, so we left. We got up and left the bed and breakfast early and made it back by 3:00 the next day.

My tolerance for sex is high, so I wanted to get back to Glenmore, but it is amazing how events conspire against easy lust. A week or two after the Glenmore Lodge meeting I was called by an associate of mine to advise on an expedition in Central America. That took all of my extra time for the next six months. This was one of those once in a lifetime opportunities. The expedition was primarily archaeological, but the men in charge had noted a correlation between their finds and the indigenous tribal patterns of the current residents of the area.

I got a grant and spent the summer and fall semester in Central America. When I returned, it took a while to re establish my connection with the men in Glenmore. Shortly after Christmas, my colleague, Bill Baselstrode, knocked on my office door. Bill had a heart attack while I was gone, but seemed to be fully recovered. He asked about my work, then moved onto the reason for his visit.

"You enjoyed your visits to Glenmore Grange before you left?" he asked. "The men there were asking about you. They were afraid you were offended."

"I sure did enjoy it and no one could have been less offended," I replied. "I enjoyed every minute. I thought everybody could tell!"

Bill smiled, "That certainly was my impression. I was planning to go there this weekend, but my traveling companion can't make it. You remember Tony? His father is sick and he has to go home to Indiana. I was wondering if you might like to come along." He paused. "Since the heart attack, I've been uneasy traveling that distance alone."

"I have a lot of work to do," I said. "I have a paper to give in April." Jim looked disappointed. I felt a bit disappointed myself. "What the hell, I've been working nonstop for nine months, a weekend off would do me good." Bill looked as if Christmas had come again.

Friday afternoon we got in Jim's car and drove to Glenmore. I did the driving. As we talked, I found out, this was Bill's first trip away since his heart attack. He had always been healthy and active. The attack was a shock to him. It was good I decided to go with him to Glenmore. Bill wasn't a close friend, but he was a trusted colleague and I was glad to help him out this way.

Sam and Virgil were waiting for us at the Bed and Breakfast. Apparently we had been greatly missed. Sam was still a shaggy otter; his dirty blond hair was well mixed with white now, but he was still tanned and his blue eyes seemed to sparkle. I wondered if he had given up on drugs, his eyes had usually been a bit glazed. Virgil was a few pounds heavier, but his red beard was even more luxuriant than it had been before.

I commented on it. He said, he had grown it for a historical reinactment, and had kept it. It did give him that 19th century patriarchal look, although the red was definitely festive looking.

Sam and Virgil said we had been missed. The Grange had some new members. They were sure we would get along well. We had dinner then retired to the hot tub. Sam had roofed over the hot tub area so he could use it in cooler weather. Bill went to bed early; he was tired from the trip.

"What are the new members like?" I asked.

"Do you remember Edward and Franklin?" Sam asked.

"The warden and the judge's bodyguard?" I asked.

"That's them. It was a bit of a surprise, but they seem to have found some friends who shared their interests," Virgil said. "You remember how uptight and nervous Franklin was? He ran into me on the street a month or two later and asked if he could come to the Grange again. Of course, I said yes. He came to the next meeting, then asked if he could bring a friend to the next. There must be three or four of his bodybuilding buddies attending regularly now."

"Edward found some like spirited men at his prison." Sam added. "He had a horse-hung psychiatrist from India, and a director for Education as well as two guards who like to take a walk on the wild side."

"Am I right in saying horse hung is your thing?" I asked.

"It's one of my things," Sam conceded. "Ram Singh would be an impressive man even of he wasn't hung like Trigger. He's helped me a lot. He broke me of some bad habits."

"How was that?" I asked.

"You know the story of Lysistrata?" Virgil asked. "Sam was faced with the dreadful choice of either giving up drugs or giving up Ram's cock."

"It may shock you to know I opted for sex." Sam said. "His cock feels so good. I didn't need anything else. Actually, I've felt better than I have in years." The doorbell rang and Sam went to answer it. A few minutes later he returned with Mitch. Mitch stripped and joined us in the hot tub.

"Gee, I'm glad you're back, Gus. Lou needs some more encouragement." Mitch said. "He's almost talking now."

"Mitch has Martin and another man, Arny, living with him now." Virgil said. "It's been good for all of them."

"They're all good men." Mitch said. "Good friends too."

"You've worked wonders with those boys," Sam said. "I've known Lou for years and never thought he would ever function again."

"They are hoping you will give them some time tomorrow, Gus." Mitch said, "Especially Lou and Martin. Martin hasn't been the same since you were here. He loved the attention."

"It was fun for me," I said. We talked for a while longer, then I went to my bedroom to take a leak. I got on the bed to read a letter I had picked up leaving my house that morning. I woke up at seven the next morning. I had slept through the night and had hardly moved. The last few months had been busy, but I hadn't realized how tired I was.

Sam had a big breakfast prepared. Bill was there already. He was talking with the other guest. He was an old friend of Sam. The man was my age, but informally dressed. Sam introduced him as Cody. There was something familiar about him, but I couldn't place him.

Cody was of middle height and thin, was very tanned and had a good smile. He had a mellow, baritone voice. The voice rang a bell too. The conversation was pleasant but changed when Sam asked me to take Cody to the Grange Hall. Sam had to go early for a committee meeting. Cody hadn't been to a Grange meeting before and we gave him details.

That afternoon we drove over to the Grange Hall. Bill and I went to one side and Robert greeted Cody and took him the other side. We stripped and entered the Grange Hall. There were clusters of men in the room. I saw Mitch to the side, so I went over to see him. I didn't see Lou but when I got over to Mitch, Lou, Martin and another man were sitting to the side. They came over as soon as they saw me.

I hugged Lou and Martin. They were hard by the time we finished hugging.

"Gus, this Arny!" Lou said as he introduced the third man. I suspected that sentence was a major achievement for Lou. Arny was a bit older and heavier. He had a brown beard which merged with his thick, curly body hair. He held back and looked shy and uneasy. I went over to him and hugged him. He sighed. I stroked the hair on his back. The four of us went to the side of the room.

Soon, I felt like a mother dog suckling her puppies. Lou and Martin offered Arny my cock; apparently they wanted him to try it first. Arny was uneasy. I smiled at him and raised my cock to the level of his mouth. He looked at me again; I nodded. He took it into his mouth. Once he did that, all the unease vanished. Arny liked cock and knew how to suck one. After a while, the three of them traded positions.

Martin was cuddling with me. He liked my furry body and his cock showed his appreciation. Lou and Arny shared my cock. One took my balls, the other my cock. Eventually Lou was sitting on my cock. Arny stayed put and licked my balls and cock as it slid into Lou's ass.

Martin wanted to take a ride on my cock, so when Lou popped and got off my cock, Martin took his place. Martin wasn't a natural bottom, but he wanted to be like his friend Lou. Mitch and Edward were watching and Edward produced a bottle of poppers. That helped. It was a slow process, but once I got all the way up his ass, he loved it. Actually, I don't know if it was my cock, or the poppers. Whatever it was, he had a spectacular orgasm.

Arny was the only member of the trio whose balls were still full. He was watching Martin spray me with his cum. Arny's cock was close to my mouth and when Martin got off my cock, I rolled over and swallowed it. Arny was shocked, but pleased. His cock was a classic beer can, almost as wide as it was long; it was hard as a rock.

He had been sucking or licking and no one had sucked him yet, so his dick was coated in cock drool. It was sweet and thick enough to bottle and sell. I loved it. Arny had a wide slit; my tongue could get deep into his shaft and intercept the precum straight from the balls. I was enjoying it, but apparently not as much as Arny. He twitched and my mouth was flooded with his cum.

I soon realized Arny had been saving up. He tried to pull away at the beginning of his climax, but I wouldn't let him. As I said, he had a wide slit and as he shot off, the cum tunnel opened wider. My tongue was already in the slit, so I pushed deeper, damming up the cum and trapping it in the shaft. I couldn't hold it back for more than a second or two, but it was good for me and great for Arny.

Arny's ejaculations kept on coming. After the first dozen explosive shots, he calmed down, but his cock continued to produce. The ejaculation still produced thick and creamy cum. It must have been two minutes later when he finally shot the final drops of cum.

It had been good for me, exciting and stimulating. I had been horny when I entered the Grange Hall, I was even more revved up when I got up after taking Arny's load. Two men came over to me as I stood there.

"Was that as good as it looked?" one of the men asked. He was a young, very muscular man, blond and shaved except for his pubic bush. It was clipped.

"No, it was better." I said. The guy laughed.

"I'm Bruce, Arny used to work with me at the prison." he said.

"I'm Gus." I said as we shook hands. The guy with him introduced himself as Tom. He was a tall, thin man, who was a bodybuilder too; he towered over Bruce. Tom too shaved his body, but his pubic hair was bushy and thick; his balls were hairy too. I'm a big, shaggy guy. Next to the two muscle builders I felt like a sheepdog.

Bruce clearly had no interest in a middle-aged, bearded man. Tom may not have been interested in me, but my cock attracted him. My session with Lou and his friends had inspired me and my cock was enlarged. Tom didn't drool, but he could hardly take his eyes off of it.

Bruce told me Arny's story. They all were guards at the prison, when there was a fire in one of the cell blocks. This was a part of an escape plot by one of the men. Arny got all of the men out, but returned into the building to rescue another guard. The guard had escaped by another route. When Arny emerged from the building, another guard struck him, thinking he was an escaping prisoner. Arny was in a coma for six months and when he came out of it, there was serious brain damage.

As Bruce told me the story, Tom kept on staring at my cock and his meat began to respond. I excused myself to go to the showers. I needed to clean up and had just turned the shower and wasn't surprised when Tom arrived.

Eddy, the young guy I had met at the first meeting entered the room next. They both got near me in the shower room. Eddy got excited easily and Tom made a snide comment about Eddy's erection.

"I though hard cocks are why we are here," I said. "If you're not interested, you came to the wrong party." Tom looked a bit taken back. He didn't say a word. "Don't just stand there, suck someone!" I said.

Tom dropped to his knees and sucked my cock. Eddy was next to me and soon Tom was sucking both of our cocks. Tom wasn't very good at it, but I gave him credit for trying it. I sensed he wasn't a natural sucker. He was getting into it, when I made him get up. His long, thin cock was as hard as it could be. I took his place on the shower room floor.

He was oozing some but nothing like Arny. He was tense as his cock slid down my throat. "Shit!" he cried. Tom shot off, twitching and squirting. Again, had it not been for Arny, I would have been impressed. Tom was embarrassed.

"I didn't mean to shoot off so fast. Sorry I didn't give you more warning," he said. I stood up.

"No problem for me," I said, "That's why we're here, isn't it?" Eddy started sucking me. His sucking technique was good and was getting better.

"I guess so, I had just hoped I could get more milage before I shot." Tom said.

"The second orgasm is a lot slower."

"I don't feel much like doing it again." Tom replied. "I'm a one shot guy. I think I'll go home."

"You should stick around, the second orgasm is usually better." I said. Tom looked puzzled.

"You think so?"

"I know so. How about you, Eddy?" I asked.

Eddy looked up from my cock. "They're all good." he said. He deep throated my cock again.

"Stick around and I'll see you later," I said to Tom as he left the room. Two men entered as Tom left. I didn't know them but Eddy did. He got up to introduce us.

"Gus, this is Paul and Ram. They work at the prison." Eddy said. They were spectactularly mismatched men. Paul was barely five feet four, stocky and hairy, with a cock that vanished in his pubic bush. Ram was a tall, muscular Sikh, hung like an oriental fertility god. I remembered Sam's conversation about a psychiatrist at the prison, this must have been the man. I said hello and we shook hands. I looked Ram in the eye. His eye was on my cock. When he looked up, I looked down at his massive meat. Finally out eyes met and we both laughed.

"I rather think we will get along well!" the Indian said in an Oxford accent. "You certainly are well equipped for a close friendship." I reached over and felt his cock as he stroked mine. It was actually heavy to the touch. His balls were downright massive.

"Is your dance card full?" Ram said, looking at Eddy. It was clear he didn't want to trespass if Eddy and I had plans.

Eddy shook his head. "It's share and share alike. We're all friends," he said. "Or at least we will be friends shortly."

"Let's all finish our showers before we get down to business. Did Eddy tell you, I'm a top?" Ram asked.

"I swing both ways," I said. "I hope I don't insult you if I told you, I'm a bit of a size queen." Ram smiled and his cock twitched.

Next: Chapter 8

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