Glenmore Grange

Published on Aug 28, 2003


If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Glenmore Grange

Part 4 By Bald Hairy Man

I was wandering around trying to decide what to do next when Virgil rang a bell. "Break time!" he yelled. "If you can't shoot off in a minute, calm down and save it for later. Shower off and let's rest a little and get refreshed."

I went to the shower area and cleaned up. When I got out, they had brought in trays of sandwiches, fruit and deserts. The food was good, light, but satisfying.

Bobby came over to me and we traded notes. "It's wild here. You and Peter put on quite a show." he said. "It's sort of like a polite, upscale Wilson's Hollow."

"Wilson's Hollow was on the fringe of society. These guys are 100% middle Americans." I said. "I assume you have been busy?"

"Robert's a nice guy. I've been making him and his friends really happy." he replied. "It's lucky a cock can't get calloused from being sucked too much." Virgil came over to us.

"I forgot to tell you about the break. It use to be most of the guys had to get back to the farm to milk the cows. Now the break gives the married men a chance to get home for dinner." Virgil said. "Originally this was the end of the meeting, but now we have a second session. It's for guys who work on Saturdays, or have other things to do during the day. You don't need to stay if you don't want too." He leaned closer to us. "The second session isn't quite as genteel. Construction workers, auto mechanics and guys like that make up the majority of the late comers." he whispered. "Most of them are bachelors and they really get into it." Virgil winked at us.

"Are you game?" I asked Bobby.

"Sure. I don't mind some variety at all." Frankly, I didn't need to ask. Bobby and I are a lot alike. Eddy came over to us and talked for a while.

"Enjoying yourselves?" he asked.

"Nice group of men." I said. "Friendly is hardly the word for them."

"That's one way to say it." Eddy said. "I've really enjoyed it this time. Things seem to be clicking."

"You look relaxed." I said. "Are you feeling comfortable with the group?"

"I guess I must be. I'm local here, but no one in my family has ever been a part of this, so it's all new to me. It takes some getting use to." he said.

"How did you find out about it?" Bobby asked.

"My best friend in High School told me about it. Don was a nice guy and we had been messing around since grade school. I guess you could say, he was more realistic than I was. He knew it was sex and he liked it a lot. I thought of it as messing around and pretended I didn't like it that much. Don got pissed at me and told me either I could admit I liked it, or we would stop." Eddy explained.

"We went for a month or two without playing and I finally gave in. Somehow, when we started messing around again, the sex was twice as good. He told me about the Grange and asked if I wanted to try it out." he continued. "We went to visit Sam to talk about it and Virgil dropped in. We got into it pretty heavy. I was a little scared and embarrassed, but the sex was so good I had to join. Actually, I didn't think I wanted to, but I couldn't bear the thought of missing the sex. I guess that means I really wanted to all along. I've been to three meetings and this is the best."

"You know all these guys?" Bobby asked.

"Most. At first, it was kind of hard to be naked with the men I've known for years." Eddy said. "I never expected to see them here at all. They don't seem to be the type."

"I'm the type you'd expect to see here?" I asked.

Eddy looked at me and smiled. "Not in a million years." he said. "I'm afraid I've got too many strange ideas of what a gay guy is supposed to look and act like. I sure am glad you are here." J.W. came up to us and joined the conversation.

"Damn, this has been a good day. Gus, I think you're the reason." he said.

"Thanks, but I think Eddy played a role in that." I said.

"It was really good J.W.; I enjoyed it a lot." Eddy said.

"Not half as good as it was for me." J.W. replied. "You know, I was a confirmed top for years. I had the stupid idea it was more macho to fuck than to be fucked. When I finally took a cock in my ass, I couldn't believe how good it was. My magic nut almost exploded when you rammed me, Eddy. I'm not sure about the anatomy, but when your cock head squeezed my prostate, I will swear some sex hormones squirted into my blood. It was good to watch you enjoy yourself so much, Eddy."

"Was it that obvious?" Eddy asked.

"Eddy, it's pretty obvious every man here likes it and likes it a lot." Bobby said. "Men can't hide a whole lot when they're naked. Are you staying for the second session?"

"I usually don't, but I think I will, this time." Eddy said. "Somehow, I had twice as much sex as usual and I still want more."

I was feeling relaxed and refreshed. I had been tired, but the food and the shower left me feeling great and ready to go again. The crowd had thinned out quite a bit. I noticed one or two faces I didn't know. Robert came up to me and introduced several new guys.

"Gus, Bobby, this is Mitch and Lou; they run the Glenmore Auto Repair. We shook hands. Lou was small, wiry and muscular. Mitch was a dark, bear-like man, with a very somber look on his face. We shook hands as another guy came up to us.

"Hi, I'm Sean, the local fag florist!" he announced. "You're new here aren't you?" Before I had a chance to say anything, he was on his knees sucking Bobby.

"Sean's kind of loonie." Mitch said, in an extraordinarily deep voice. "He's the reserved type." Sean and Lou laughed. I looked the new men over. Lou was ultra masculine in appearance, but half sized. He was barely five feet tall. He was hairy and well groomed and obviously was careful about his appearance. His cock was cut and almost pretty.

Mitch would have looked like the missing link, but he tended toward the primate side of evolutionary development. He was shaggy and ungroomed. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail. He didn't shave, so the hair was continuous from just below the bald spot on the top of his head to his toes, except for his eyes, a pink tongue and the palms of his hands. The soft tip of his uncut cock peeked out from a thicket of hair in his crotch.

"Damn, you're handsome." Mitch said, looking at me. He looked shocked and embarrassed. I realized he was thinking aloud and the comment had just escaped.

"Thanks. I said.

Mitch got close to me and whispered, "You like man sex?"

"That's why I'm here." I answered.

"Lou and I like it too. Do you want to play with us?" he asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to. We understand."

I reached into the thicket of hair at his crotch and played with his cock. Mitch made a motion with his hand and a second later Lou was at my cock, sucking.

"Are you and Lou a couple?" I asked.

"Pals," Mitch said, "real good pals." By now I had a good grip on his cock. If you evaluated cocks by volume rather than length, Mitch was big. His cock rivalled Peter's in thickness, but was six inches long. It also had a pronounced upward curve.

"Nice beer can you have." I said. Mitch smiled. I reached behind his cock and found his balls. Most beer can cocks have a compact set of matching balls. Mitch had bull balls, hanging low and free in a hairy ball sack.

"If you like cream, I've got lots of it." Mitch said. "I've been saving up for a few days. Let's get off to the side where we can spread out some." The three of us shifted to a corner of the room. By now, there were a number of new men in the Grange Hall.

Mitch took over the sucking duties as soon as we relocated. He looked crude, but he was a delicate and careful sucker. He was one of those guys who seemed to worship the cock. I tend to think of a cock as a toy and plaything. For Mitch it was an object of worship and veneration. I got Lou's cock in my mouth and we all had an enjoyable interlude.

I wanted to get Mitch's beer can in my mouth, but Mitch resisted. "I like to suck." he said, "You don't need to." I told him I wanted to and eventually I insisted and he gave in. His cock was a trip. The hair grew halfway up the shaft. He had a lot of extra skin, so his cock was completely enshrouded in foreskin, even when hard. I peeled the skin back, exposing its head. It was big, plump and the size of an apricot. It was purple-blue, cut in half by his wide piss slit. I pulled the slit open and worked my tongue into the opening.

He had been oozing precum for the entire time he sucked me. All this goo had been trapped in the skin and had ripened. It might be more accurate to say it had fermented. The smell and taste was strong and pungent. It also turned me on big time. I was taking the fresh precum oozing from his slit and mixing it with the aged brew, stored in his foreskin. It was a real treat.

While Mitch hadn't wanted me to suck him, once I did, he was more than appreciative. He reacted to every movement of my mouth and tongue on his genitals. Somewhere in his massive body there must have been a sex amplifier. I sucked him for a good ten minutes and by the time I was done, he was jelly.

"We need to cool down." I said as I pulled away from his cock. "I need to catch my breath."

"Can we do it again later?" he asked. He had a panic stricken look in his eyes.

"I'm planning on it; lets shower off and get a drink." I said. The three of us went to the showers. I saw Bobby had Sean in a sling and was fucking him in front of a group of admirers. The Johnson brothers joined us at the refreshment table.

"You guys hitting it off?" Gustav asked.

"It sure feels that way to me." I said. "Are you guys old friends?"

"Sure, we went to school together with Lou. Mitch is what they call a new comer here, only been in Glenmont for 20 years!" Someone came up and tapped Mitch on the shoulder. They wanted him on the other side of the room. He asked, if it was okay for him to go. I said, sure and he and Lou left.

"What is their story?" I asked. "Lovers?"

"More like father and son." Karl said. "Mitch came here with his Dad. Dad was an ex-con and scared the town half to death; he beat on Mitch something awful. He was killed in the accident that killed Lou's folks. Strangely enough it was Lou's folks who caused the accident. They ran a stop sign. Lou suffered severe brain damage in the accident. Mitch sort of adopted Lou and has been with him ever since." It just then struck me Lou hadn't said a word since we met.

"There are some real small minds in small towns. Some have never forgiven Mitch for having the father he did. He thinks he's an ugly bastard and has what they now call `self esteem' problems. He's a great mechanic and it's hard to believe Lou is the guy who got out of the hospital 15 years ago. I had him pegged as a vegetable for the rest of his life. He can walk and function as long a Mitch is near."

"He's so handsome and well groomed. I never would have guessed." I said.

"Believe it or not, that's Mitch's doing. Lou was a bit of a dandy in High School. He came out of the hospital looking like hell. Mitch fixed him up and that's when things began to get better for Lou. He could at least look in the mirror and see the person he once was." Karl continued. "They have a quiet life. The Grange is the only time they get to have some fun. That is Virgil's doing. He got them in. Virgil's a great cock sucker and a true Christian."

"Who's the new meat?" A voice boomed out. A short, scrawny man with a deep voice appeared next to Karl.

"Freddy, you have absolutely no sophistication at all! This is Gus, a visitor to the Grange." Karl said. "Gus, this is Freddy Mills, the plumber you hire if the good ones are too busy!" Freddy laughed.

"Looks to me like you have some extra pipe hanging between you legs." I said. Freddy wasn't a looker, but he was hung.

"It's usually a drain pipe, but sometimes I use it as a supply."

"Feeding tube?" I asked. Freddy thought that was about as funny as anything he had ever heard.

"If you're lucky." he replied. "Has anyone ever told you, you look like Grizzly Adams?"

"One or two." I said. Mitch and Lou returned from the conversation on the other side of the room.

"How goes things, Freddy?" Mitch asked. Freddy launched himself at Lou's cock and began sucking like a maniac. "Well, I guess things are the same as last time." Mitch said smiling. Lou was obviously pleased by the attention. Freddy was getting hard and that seemed to attract some glances. When he got up, he looked as if he might fall, over he was so unbalanced. Peter walked over and a crowd gathered. Big cocks can be magnetic; certainly they were in the Glenmore Grange. There was a lot of discussion about whose cock was largest, but then Bill and another man came over. They were hung like Peter and Freddy.

I hadn't seen Bill, except in a far corner for most of the day. He had been at a private party with an old friend. The man with him was named Red and he owned a construction company. He was a big, solid man, with the whitest skin I had ever seen and copper colored hair. Red's cock was a solid tube of white flesh hanging from his copper bush. He was uncut, but his cock head made no mark on the foreskin.

Apparently the four hadn't been to the same meeting in a while and the Grange members seemed to look on it almost as a planetary conjunction; it was a good sign. Four monster cocks in the same room impressed everyone and there were murmurings of possible things to do with the extra meat.

"Can you take one that big?" Mitch asked. I told him, I had already taken Peter's earlier in the day. Mitch looked impressed. "How about Red?"Mitch asked. "Red's a nice guy; he's a friend of mine. I've never been able to take a cock that big, but it turns me on to watch."

"He looks like a nice guy." I said. Virgil was talking with the four men. They were listening intently and then burst out laughing. Red said, "That's a plan!" and slapped Virgil on his back. Virgil turned to the group.

"Listen up guys. I can't remember the last time the Big Four were here. It seems to me this is a special occasion and we should celebrate it somehow. There's been a lot of talk about who has the biggest. Well, there's the biggest soft cock and the biggest hard one, but we were thinking what really counts is the way it feels in your ass. Who gives the biggest bang for the buck, as it were." Virgil explained.

"Now, if some guys were to volunteer to get fucked by these fine gentlemen," Virgil continued, "they could evaluate each for length, thickness and effectiveness." The crowd hooted in approval. "Now this is all done in the interest of science you know. Are there some volunteers?" The group dissolved into small groups, trying to get someone who was willing to be quadruply fucked. As usual with monster meat, there were more lookers than takers.

"I'm sure willing to try." Sean, the florist said. "But I need a second, to fill in for me in case I get split in half. I'm pretty sure I can do two or three, but I just don't know about four. What happens if I shoot off after two?"

"Sean, I thought you told me you took the entire crew of the USS Enterprise once!" Jim said.

"I did, but that was over two days and I was inspired by patriotic pride and fervor!" Sean answered. The room burst out in laughter.

"I'd be glad to be your second!" Bobby said. "After that session we had in the sling, I'm pretty sure you will take at least three without mussing your hair." I was watching the hung men and could swear Red's and Fred's cocks twitched at the prospect of fucking Bobby. Bobby noticed too.

"I don't mind giving it a try." I said. "I kind of like new experiences."

"Lou and I will give Gus some back up." Mitch said. He put his arm around me and I could sense his excitement.

"The two new guys have stepped up to the plate, as has Sean, we need two more. Let's show some of that old Grange spirit!" Virgil urged.

A tall, thick man stepped forward. He looked like a retired Marine. "I'll give it a try." he said. I've never done cocks that big before, but I sure am willing!" There was applause.

"Thank you Charles." Virgil said. "Do you have a back up?"

"Yes sir! Charles Jr. has offered to help." He said with pride. There was a younger verison of Charles standing next to him.

"Are you ready for this, Junior?" Virgil asked.

"Hell, yes! I've already had some practice with Freddy and Red. I'm the one who talked Daddy into it!" The room burst out in laughter again.

"Any more volunteers?" There was silence.

"Well I guess I will step up to the plate." Virgil said. "Sam, will you be my back up?" Sam nodded.

"What position do we take?" Bill asked. "Doggy style? Spread Eagle?"

"It seems to me, spread Eagle is the way to go. It gives the deepest penetration." Virgil said. "It also gives the best view to the audience."

"I can't see from back here." someone cried.

"Well, get in the front row on your hands and knees." Virgil said. "Open your ass wide and see if anyone goes for the gold!" There was more laughter, but three guys came forward and assumed the position.

I was on the floor with Bill at my ass. Charles was to my left with Freddy positioned at his hole; Virgil to my right with Red in the position. To Virgil's right, Peter was preparing to plow Sean. Each group had a tube of lubricant and a bottle or two of poppers. Mitch was lubricating my ass while Lou lubed Bill's cock.

Charlie Junior was lubricating his father's ass and telling him how good Freddy's cock felt. Charles was really turned on. "If you shoot off, I'll eat it all up, Daddy." Junior said. "I've never tasted the cum that made me, but I'm ready for it." I had the sense that Junior was trying to get his father to shoot off as soon as possible so he could get fucked by the other men.

Bill's cock was at my hole. He was pushing, but not hard enough to get in, unless I relaxed completely. "Are you ready?" Bill asked. As he asked, he pushed harder, not hard enough to force it in, but there was real pressure. It was strange to have a man I had known for years forcing his cock into my ass. We had been friends and colleagues and I was worried this might change things. I was tense.

"A little more lube." I said. Bill pulled out and coated his cock head again. He had a club cock, with his head the same size as his shaft. He was uncut, but was so hard you couldn't tell.

"Ready now?" he asked. He was pressing harder now. I relaxed a second and he was in; he was all the way in. His big cock filled me up physically and emotionally. Every nerve in my ass and cock immediately linked up with its opposite nerve in Bill's cock. I thought Bill's cock might not stop. It would slide into my ass, through my intestines and end up nuzzled against my heart. It stopped well short of that. I was almost disappointed.

I almost passed out it felt so good and when I came out of the sexual trance and looked at Bill, I saw he was feeling the same things. He slowly pulled out, stopping for time to time, thrusting quickly when he saw me react. After a minute or so, I began to hear what was going on around me.

Freddy and Charles were having a good time. It had been an easy penetration and all was well. Red was only halfway into Virgil's love tunnel. Virgil was hard as a rock and was enjoying the slow ride. Sean was moaning and crying. He screamed, "You're going to rip me in half!" but that was soon followed by, "Shove it deeper, deeper into my boy pussy!"

Bill rammed me hard and I slipped back into a fuck-induced coma.

"Shit! I'm cumming!" Sean screamed. There was scurrying around as someone jumped to catch his sperm. Bobby would have to take the next three cocks. A bell rang. The first session was over.

"We have to do this again tonight." I said to Bill.

"Damn right!" He replied. We all got up and stretched ourselves. Then got back into position. The fuckers rotated to the left, so Charles got Bill; I got Red; Peter got Virgil and Freddy got to fuck Bobby.

Red was a utilitarian fucker. He was a bit crude in technique, but fun. He was vigorous, but not imaginative. He would ram the exact same place twenty or thirty times. I thought it was boring at first, but I soon found out my prostate had a very different opinion on the subject. After his slow fuck of Virgil, he appreciated my willingness to be pounded.

Bill's cock was as much as Charles could take. He was moaning; Junior was encouraging him to open wider. Junior was also stroking his Dad's cock. I saw Charles' entire body twitch. Junior was on his Dad's cock in a split second, sucking up the cum spewing from the cock.

As soon as Charles got out of the way, Junior was in his place and Bill was deep in the boy's ass. I think it was a bit more than he expected, but Junior was willing to be opened wider. The bell rang again. This time when I got up I could see the audience was getting into it. Several guys were taking it doggy style and most of the cocks were hard or still dripping.

I saw Bobby and asked how he was doing. He said, Freddy was a piece of cake. I told him Bill had really hit the spot with me. I was to take Peter again. I was surprised to find Virgil had dropped out. He had shot off as Peter pulled out of him. Sam would take Fred

The third rotation was more intense than the earlier ones. Bill was near Bobby's upper limit in size, but they both wanted it deep, so there was some heavy lifting. Sam hadn't been fucked all day, so his ass was tight and Fred's seemed to have grown with each penetration. Junior had been fucked by Red before, but not the way Red did it this time.

Peter was just as big as he had been in the morning. My ass had relaxed after the two previous fuckings, so his cock went deeper. It was just as intense as in the morning, but very different, more relaxed. It was as if I was being fucked by another guy.

The bell rang and we stopped for a final time. There was no break. The fuckers were revved up now and wanted to shoot. The fuckees were all open and ready. Freddy was at my ass. It was an easy and pleasant fuck. He shot his load when I tightened my ass ring.

Red was attracted to Bobby and the two of them did a fuck ballet. Red skewered Bobby and lifted him up and walked around the room with Bobby supported by Red's massive cock. Red bounced Bobby as they walked and I could tell the massive cock was getting deeper into Bobby's rectum. I had seen Bobby enjoy himself many times before, but this was different. Red shot off on one of the bounces. Bobby had cum deeper in his ass than ever before.

Bill's cock was too big for Sam, but Sam liked it so much he must have made room. It was a joint effort at accommodation.

When Peter's cock slid into Junior's ass, the boy all but died and went to heaven. It was as good as it could be. Junior and Peter were a perfect fit. Strangely, nobody was watching by this time. Everyone in the room was fucking or sucking. I saw Mitch standing back and motioned for him to come over. He was hard, so I pulled up my legs and opened my ass for him. His beer can cock must have been planned as a prostate ram. It hit mine head on every penetration. When it got too intense, I made him stop and let Lou fuck me some. He loved it.

Mitch was on the floor next to me when Lou pulled out of my ass, straddled me and then sat on my cock. When he was fully impaled, Lou shot off. Mitch leaned over and sucked the spewing cum directly from the cock.

Next: Chapter 5

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