Glenmore Grange

Published on Aug 1, 2003


Glenmore Grange

Part 2 By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

Once Bobby and Virgil went at it, the atmosphere in the tub became intensely sexual. I could tell from the second his mouth touched Bobby's cock, his interest in man sex wasn't perfunctory. Sam was a dirty blond otter. He was deeply tanned and had a runner's body. Like Virgil, he had a long white snake hanging from between his legs, thin, with a big, purple, mushroom head. While Sam sucked on my cock, Bill got up and went over to Sam.

Bill was a surprise. He was a big, solid man, moderately hairy, but unlike many big men, his cock was perfectly in scale with his huge body. It was long, very thick and meaty. He was uncut, but he was excited enough for his cock head to part the puckered skin and peak out of the hood. I was sure when it reached full size, it would be 10 inches. It was strange to think I had known him for years and it never occurred to me he was packing all that meat. I don't think of myself as a size queen, but I admit to feeling a definite attraction to his horse cock.

Sam stared at it like a deer in headlights. He had an opportunity to demonstrate his attraction to it and that he did. Sam began licking Bill's cock head as it emerged from the foreskin.

"We'll cook in this tub if we stay in here too long, let's adjourn to a bedroom." Virgil suggested, as he looked up from Bobby's cock. That was all right with everyone, so we got out, dried off and went to his bedroom. It was next to the tub area. Sam's room was an ageing hippie's dream. Beautifully framed Grateful Dead posters and Warhol prints adorned the room; there was a waterbed in the middle and beaded curtains on the door. The room was frozen in time. We got on the bed and relaxed.

"If you can, save the cum for tomorrow." Virgil suggested. "I guess you don't need to worry about that, Bobby. I used to shoot four and five times a day, but us older guys need to save our resources." Virgil started sucking Bobby again. Bobby was always polite and he rotated so he could 69.

Bill came over to me. It's difficult to change a professional relationship to a sexual one. "Do you mind if I try out your cock?" Bill asked.

"If I get a lick or two of yours." I said. "I had no idea you were packing all that meat."

"You don't mind an uncut cock? Some guys seem to object." Bill replied.

"You are hanging out with the wrong crowd! No problem here at all." I replied. Much to my relief, Bill and I were sexually compatible. I never thought of myself as a size queen, but Bill's cock did exert some sort of a spell on me. He was an oozer and a twitcher. After a minute or two of my sucking on his monster, the sweet fluid began to flow and I knew all was swell.

Bill and I seemed to think alike. It was clear we had similar sexual tastes and preferences. Sam joined in. Since Bill and I were in the 69 position, he got on the bed and began nursing Bill's balls, while I addressed the monster cock.

After a few more minutes, Virgil got up. "Guys, I seem to be at the point of no return here and need to stop. The guys at the Grange like big loads. That's not a rule, it's just a preference. The more cum you shoot tomorrow the better it will be." Virgil said.

"I sure as hell don't want to stop," Sam added, "but I'm sure real close too. I would like to put on a good show tomorrow."

"Is there a contest for the most cum?" Bobby asked. Virgil laughed.

"Not really. But maybe." Virgil replied. Some guys have the meat, some have the potatoes and others have the cream sauce. Years ago, Daddy said they had a guy named Billy Pounder. He had one big motherfucker and was damn proud of it. He was a suckee and didn't reciprocate. Well eventually he got too embarrassed, so he had to suck someone. He picked Johnny Olsen, the guy with the smallest cock in the group."

"Well, Johnny was one of those who provided the sauce and poor Billy almost choked. Daddy said, he never figured out where Johnny kept all the scuz, but Billy made up for years of not cock sucking in that one orgasm by drinking the whole load. That's another one of the rules, once you start on a guys load, you have to take the whole thing. Billy swallowed and swallowed, but Johnny kept on ejaculating."

"Poetic justice?" Bill asked.

"More than you know." Virgil answered. "Billy figured he'd get even by fucking the shit out of Johnny. It turned out Johnny was a fuck pig. He could take a School Bus up his ass and still want more. It was the best fuck of their lives. Johnny and Billy became lovers."

"I hate to sound like an old hippy, but the Grange is about as even-handed a group of men as you would ever meet." Sam said. "Everything is in the open, sucking, fucking, shooting. Everything is done for maximum pleasure. It's funny, I was a wild and crazy guy in San Francisco in my youth, but never approached what these guys do."

"You should have fit in from the start." I said.

"It was harder than you might think." Sam replied. "I had a difficult time admitting I liked cock. I was real active with women, but sneaked around for man sex. I guess you could say, I was a macho asshole when I wasn't sucking cock."

"That sounds like the kind of thing that can cause problems." Bill said. "It was hard for me to get used to the possibility I was gay. I almost had a mental breakdown before I came to my senses."

"I almost became an alcoholic." Sam said. "My wife left me, but then I met Virgil. Virgil taught me how to be macho and a cock sucker."

"You sound like a great humanitarian!" I said to Virgil. He smiled.

The next day we had a late breakfast and went wandering around Glenmore. If you were to pick the most unlikely place in the world to be a center for homosexual sex, Glenmore would be it. It was as ordinary as can be.

Around noon, Sam took us to the lodge hall. It was an undistinguished wood frame building on a back street of the town. I realized this had once been the main street, but modern traffic patterns had focused on other streets. There were a few other businesses on the street, other than an auto repair shop and a Seed and Feed store. The Grange was a bit run down, but not in real disrepair. The interior was just as undistinguished. Whatever the strengths of the Grange, interior decoration wasn't one of them. The entire place was painted eye saver green and was illuminated by 40 year old florescent fixtures.

Several men entered the building with us. They went to the doors on the right. We went to the doors on the left. We stripped naked and put our clothes in school type lockers.

"Is there an initiation?" Bobby asked. I had wanted to ask the same question. I didn't know if there was a ritualistic ceremony, or if was more like a club, or purely a social event.

"Not officially." Sam said. "I was greeted by the oldest and the youngest members. They were the reception committee and introduced me to the rest of the members. There wasn't a reception line, but I did get to meet most of the men."

"At my first meeting here, everyone wanted to have some genital contact. They officially claim it's a social club, but they sure as hell seemed to like cock. It's purely a sex club to me. There was no question they were really interested in my cock. One or two guys just fondled it. Most licked or sucked me once before the end of the evening." Sam continued.

"No ass play?" I asked.

"Not unless you initiate it." Sam explained. "There are a lot of pats on the buns, but nothing will happen unless your hole is in play."

"If a finger wanders toward your ass, you either clamp shut or open wide?" Bobby asked.

"You got it." Sam said with a laugh. "I guess that applies to you, as well as to all of them. If you see a man's ass hole, he's telling you something. It's never by accident. A finger in your hole is a nice way to ask."

"Is that an official rule?" I asked.

"You're a Scientist, that bit of information is purely derived from field observation." Sam said. "It works the other way around too. Just touch a hole and see if there is room for you at the inn."

"No hard feelings if you don't want to play?" I asked .

"None at all, as I said, a very open group." Sam concluded. "Some of the men like younger guys. You may be really popular, Bobby. This may be a bit shocking to a kid your age."

"Thanks for the concern, Sam." Bobby said. "To tell you the truth, I'm excited by the prospects. I had some experience in rural Virginia and I liked what I did then. Most of the guys there were quite a bit older than me." We hadn't told him of our experiences at Wilson's Hollow and I knew Bobby could handle himself as well as anyone. He had a typical teenagers tolerance for sex. I smiled to myself. I had that same tolerance.

Virgil came to the door with two other men. As Sam had said, one was older and the other a lot younger. The older man looked a bit like Santa Claus and was introduced as Robert. His white beard seemed to merge with his chest hair. He had a belly and it was hard to see his cock. The young guy was Eddy. He was maybe 18, with a military style haircut and a tanned, smooth, muscular body. His head was all but shaved, so the only hair on his body was a thick pubic bush. He was at half-staff already.

Eddy's eyes lit up when he saw me. I know puppy love when I see it and I also know when I run into someone who had a crush on Grizzly Adams when he was a kid. Eddy and I would get along fine. Robert was talking to Bobby and I could read him like a book too. Bobby was attractive and young and the older man was a classic old geezer. Robert was hoping against hope the kid wasn't turned off by hairy, portly men.

Sam and Virgil went off for a few minutes to discuss something, leaving us alone for a few minutes. We made small talk. Eddy looked down and realized his erection was well beyond half staff now. He blushed red. "I'm sorry." he said. I stroked it.

"You got some nice equipment there." I said. A glob of precum oozed out. With my finger, I spread it over his cock head, giving it a shine.

"You like it? You don't mind?" he asked with a surprised tone in his voice. I licked my finger, tasting his precum.

"Sure, that's the nice thing about naked men, you always know where you stand." I said. By this time I was well beyond half-staff. Eddy looked at my cock and smiled.

"I see your point." he said, as he reached out and stroked my cock. I looked over at Bobby and Robert. Bobby was playing with Robert's' tits and fluffing the thick hair on the older man's chest. As I watched, Robert cupped Bobby's low hangers in his hand. Bobby smiled and Robert dropped to his knees and took the boy's cock into his mouth. They both looked happy. Eddy took the same opportunity to service me.

I was ready and Eddy was an enthusiastic, but inexperienced sucker. Bobby and I were looking at each other while the two men sucked us. Eddy held my balls to stabilize himself as he sucked. His index finger wandered back toward my ass hole. I adjusted my stance to give him easier access. Bobby smiled at me as he saw me accommodate Eddy.

Sam and Virgil returned.

"Don't wear them out before they meet the entire group!" Virgil said. Robert and Eddy got up. "Follow us." We went to a small door and then went down a narrow stairway. The basement room was nice. It was a bit like an upscale health club. There was a glassed in shower in the middle of the room. The floor was tiled up to a pillow-covered bench on the edge of the room. There were beds perpendicular to the bench. There also were several slings hanging from the ceiling. A table to one side had refreshments, soft drinks, beer and wine. There were perhaps 16-20 men in the room, all nude and varied in age and condition.

Most of the guys were middle-aged with a few older men and a few younger men. Eddy introduced me to two men near the entrance.

"It looks like Eddy has explained the rules to you already." a soft spoken man said, as he observed our erections. He was introduced as Jim. He was a slim, tall otter, covered in dark hair from his bushy beard to his toes. He was well tanned and obviously spent a lot of time outside. There was no tan line. His cock was still soft and almost lost in the tangle of his dense pubic bush.

"It looks like Eddy has made you feel welcome." a shorter man next to Jim said. He was Steve and was middle-aged, rather short, but in good condition. Jim dropped down to his knees and sucked Eddy.

After saying hello Steve told me, he would be in one of the slings later and to feel free to take a poke.

"You are a total bottom?" I asked. A short, rather handsome bald bear with pure white beard came over to me, bent over and sucked my cock as I was talking to Steve.

"I use to be a pure top, but I tried the other side a few months ago. I didn't think much of it, but it's strange. I found myself thinking about it more and more." Steve said. "My best friend in this group, Earl, couldn't be here today. He's the usual occupant of one of the slings. He asked me, if I would take his place."

"It seems to me there's a long distance between trying out the bottom position and hitching yourself into a swing for a gang fuck." I said. "Are you ready?" Steve laughed.

"By the way, the polar bear sucking your cock is Byron." Steve said. "I guess it is a bit of a stretch, but we're all old friends here. I spent enough time over the years probing their insides with my cock. Earl gets really excited when he takes a half dozen cocks; he recommends it highly."

"Damn you've got a pretty one." Byron said as he got up from sucking me. "I'm Byron, as Steve said."

"I'm Gus. You do a good job on a cock."

"If you're after a virgin, you're going to need to look elsewhere." Byron replied. He looked around the room. "As a matter of fact, everyone in this room is experienced." Steve was on his knees now, replacing Byron on my cock. I reached over and put my hand on Eddy's bun. He didn't object at all. I slipped my hand towards the crack. Eddy looked at me and smiled.

Two almost identical men came over to us.

"Gus, these are the Peterson boys, Karl and Gustav." Eddy said. Both men were blond, beefy and solid looking. They were well above six feet tall and I guessed they were near 300 pounds.

"You look like twins." I said.

"We both took after Dad. I'm Karl and I'm three years older than Gustav here. Daddy always said when you get something right, don't mess with it."

"Although, even Dad had to admit, when our sister was born, she took after Mom." Gustav added. "There can be too much of a good thing."

"Wrestlers? Football players?" I asked.

"You got it. In High School we were in every sport that needed brawn and no brains." Karl said. "We run a small construction company now, Peterson Brothers. We got no imagination either." I laughed.

"The boys are the best builders in town." Jim said as he got up from his long session nursing Eddy's cock. At first I thought the Peterson Brothers were smooth, but they were covered in fine, blond hair, which all but disappeared against their white skin.

"Let's go over to the bench where we can spread out." Karl suggested. He wanted to suck me, while I sucked his brother. In the course of the next hou, I made contact will all of the men at the party. The sex was affable and pleasant, rather than exciting.

We had been hard at play with the members of Glenmore Grange for a good two hours when a new member of the Grange arrived late. I had been told the doors were locked after an hour, so I was a bit surprised.

The new arrival was a tall, thin, pale, young man, with a boyish face. He was 30 to 35, but with a quick glance you might easily mistake him for 20. He caused a bit of a stir and several of the men were clearly excited by his presence. `

When I got to see his cock, the reason for the excitement became clear. If the man weighed 180 pounds, a good 90 of those pounds was hanging between his legs. Even soft, his cock was huge.

The soft member was 8" long and a good 2" in diameter. Well-hung men would have been proud to have his soft cock; soft was bigger than mine at full erection.

He walked directly over to me and introduced himself .

"Hi, I'm Peter Pounder. Sam called me and said, we had some company." He shook hands, but with his other hand he fondled my cock. I was half hard, so he coaxed some precum out. I returned the favor. His horse cock immediately responded.

"Damn, you're fucking handsome. I've always liked the Grizzly Adams type." he said. "Sam told me I'd like what I'd see here and damn if he isn't right."

"I like what I'm seeing too." I said. Peter took a drop of my precum on his finger and licked it. I stroked his cock a second time and it twitched. It grew a bit larger. "I especially like what I'm feeling." I added. Peter leaned forward and whispered.

"That's 100% pure cock drool I just licked; you're already revved up." he said. "I'm getting a late start, but one or two more strokes and I'll catch up with you." He looked me eye to eye. "I was kind of hoping you were into big meat. Is there any chance you are a bottom?" I didn't need to answer. Peter knew what I wanted from the look in my eyes. We understood each other.

Next: Chapter 3

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