Glenmore Grange

Published on Jul 5, 2004


Glenmore Grange

Part 12

By Bald Hairy Man

If you don't like gay stories or descriptions of sexual activity, DON'T READ THIS STORY. If you are offended, why are you here? Go where you aren't offended. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort at safe sexual practices has been made. If you have any comments or suggestions, sent them to, or

The Hunting Lodge looked the same from the outside as it had two years earlier. There also was the same collection of somewhat broken down cars parked under the trees. Inside the room was dim, but I recognized most of the men.

There was one change in the room. In the middle was a large circular couch or bed. Looking closer, I saw it was more like an oversized ottoman. It had a central post surmounted by a statue of David.

"Have you boys taken up interior design?" I asked Johnny. "That quite a piece of furniture." It was upholstered in red brocade and it had a 19th century whore house look to it.

"That's closer to the truth than you'd guess," Johnny said. "Wilburt, Lucky, come over here!" he yelled. Wilburt came over with a slim, elegant young man.

"Gus, this is Lucky, he's Wilburt's friend and he works as a furniture maker and upholsterer in North Carolina. He made the ottoman," Johnny explained.

"That is quite a nice bit of work," I said.

"Thank you, it took sometime," Lucky said. Lucky had a pronounced lisp and an even more pronounced North Carolina accent, 100% country. The contrast between his voice and his elegant body was striking.

"It's not really an ottoman," Wilburt said. "It's actually a lazy-Susan for fucking. Lucky is a bottom and when he came here he got really lucky. He made it so you could get gang banged and be more comfortable in the process." We went closer. It was an extraordinary creation. It did indeed rotate. It was uncomfortable to sit on, but they told me to lie down on it. When I did, Lucky told me to pull my legs up.

Some things which had appeared to be a decorative band on the post could be pulled out and were leg ties. Lucky snapped them to my legs. These held my legs up and my ass wide open. It was very comfortable considering the contorted position I was in. Lucky even provided lumbar support.

"I'm afraid I'm a bit of a pig. This makes it easier," Lucky said.

"I bet you made a lot of friends that way," Cody commented.

"I sure did, and I'm ready to make more friends," Lucky said. He got on the ottoman next to me and hoisted his legs. Wilburt snapped the leg straps. "I call it the Pal Maker," Lucky added. "You get to meet a lot of guys when you're strapped in. You change from a perfect stranger into a fuck buddy in record time."

"How many guys can fit on this thing?" Cal asked.

"I made it big enough for four," Luck said. "Would anyone else like to join us?"

"I did it the last time," Wilburt said. "I'm not much of a bottom, but I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I can recommend it highly."

"I think I'll give it a try," Sam said. "I was in a sling years ago and liked it. This looks the same, but is upholstered. Is there a time limit?"

"Shit no, as long or as little as you want," Johnny said. "This ain't an initiation. It's for fun, pure unadulterated fun." I noticed Cody and Cal were whispering.

"Cal and I can share a spot, if that's all right," Cody said. "I'll take the first shift." As Cody and Sam got into position.

Buck came up to me. Buck and Buster were cousins and twins I had met two years earlier. They looked like Bluto, but they were gentle giants. Buck was hard as a rock and well lubricated. He played with the hair on my chest.

"I'm kind of thick but the lube should help," Buck said. He played with my tits as he pressed his cock into my hole. "Do you like it fast or slow?"

"It seems to me it's up to you," I said.

He smiled. "I like it slow to start. I like the way the ass lips open up a swallow my cock head," Buck said. "You're a bit tight, would you like a snort? Guaranteed to open you up like a present on Christmas morning." Buck was thick, but his cock head was even bigger. I nodded. His twin brother, Buster, appeared. He had a bottle of Jungle juice. I took a snort and relaxed.

Beau made a quick thrust and his head was on the dark and warm side of my sphincter. He smiled. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. It was a snug fit, but I could begin to feel my prostate reacting.

"Okay, Bro, give me a sniff of the passion juice," Buck said. "Let's get this ride out of first gear." Buster gave him the bottle, he sniffed and began thrusting hard and deep. It was real good.

"Damn you're a good-looking man." Buck whispered as he fucked me. He got a bit carried away. "Fuck I'm shooting!" he cried. His cock was tight enough in my ass for me to feel the spasms which accompanied each ejaculation. He pulled out.

"Damn, I didn't know I had a hair trigger tonight," Buck said.

I looked at Buster. He was half hard. "Do you ever use your brother's cum as lube?" I asked. He didn't say anything for maybe 30 seconds. "Only when I get lucky." he said. I saw his cock was rock hard now. He came over to me. Ronnie's Uncle Johnny seemed to be in charge of the activity on the ottoman. Johnny was watching and had a tube of lube. He was making sure each of the fuckers was properly lubricated. As he spread some on Buster's cock he whispered, "I'd like to see Buck's seed ooze out when you go in."

Buster's cock slid in easily and from Johnny's moan, I guessed Buck's cum oozed as expected. Buck and Buster were identical twins, but their fucking techniques were totally different. Buck was a fucker, Buster like to massage. He found my prostate and used his bloated tool to play me like a violin. Buck was a fuck machine, mechanical and rhythmic; Buster varied his approach and timing. I would get use to one pattern and he would change. I was off balance, but loving it.

He slowed several times to make sure I didn't get too close to shooting. I looked to the side and saw Cody taking Ronnie's cock. Ronnie had a look of pure hero worship on his face and I could hear Cody moaning. They were doing well. Buster pulled his cock out then pushed it in quickly. He looked as if he had been struck by lightening. His cock all but exploded in my ass. He stood rigid as a rock, channeling all of his energy into his cock. I will swear I could feel the cum squirting from his cock.

Buster left his cock in my ass as it deflated. I squeezed my ass and milked the last drops of seed from the organ. He slowly pulled it out. As he stepped back, I saw Luke and Matt were behind him. I was tired after being fucked by Buck and Buster. The thought of Luke fucking me again perked me up.

I heard Cody moan loudly. Glancing over I saw Frank skewering the Country Star on his cock. Cody hadn't been very interested in getting fucked before. He was getting a baptism by fire this evening. Frank was big. I saw Cody's balls resting on the cushion of Frank's pubic hair. I knew Frank couldn't get any deeper than that. Cody seemed to be taking it well. Frank let out a Rebel yell as he shot off.

"Damn it Frank, this is a quality joint. Keep it down!" a voice I recognized as Joey's yelled. The room erupted in laughter. After the commotion died down, Frank pulled out of Cody and Cody got off the ottoman. Cal replaced him. The contraption moved. Johnny was rotating it and when I stopped I was looking at the other side of the room and at a man I had never seen before.

"Hell, it's Grizzly Adams!" the man exclaimed. The Wilsons tend to be big and hairy, but this man was extreme. He must have been 6-4 or 5 and 300 pounds plus. He was massive, rather than fat, and covered in chestnut hair. "Who done ya?" he asked. "Yer drippin cum,"

"Buck and Buster," I replied. "Gus is the name."

"Excuse Roddy, he's not much on the social graces," Joey said.

"Sorry mister," the big man said, "I've been in the woods for a while. I like to fuck."

"Well don't just stand there," I said. Roddy burst into a wide grin. A second or two later I felt something big enter my ass. Roddy was as graceless a man as I had ever encountered. His cock was so big, it may not have made any difference whether he fucked me slow and easy or hard and fast.

His first thrust winded me. He went at me like a run away steam engine.

"Hey, Roddy, slow up some," Johnny said. "I need to give you some fucking lessons!"

"It feels just fine to me!" Roddy proclaimed. Johnny came up behind the huge man and put his arms around him.

"Just listen to yer Uncle. I'll teach you how it will feel just as good and last twice as good," Johnny said. Roddy slowed his wild thrusting.

"Twice as long sounds mighty good," the big man conceded.

"Three times as long, if you play your cards right," Johnny said in encouragement. Roddy's thrusts slowed. He was thinking and I figured he wasn't good at doing two things at one time. The rest period gave my ass a change to adapt to Roddy's monster appendage. He smiled at me.

"I'll take lessons, if I get to fuck Gus," he said.

"Gus?" Johnny asked. I nodded. I had my bearings back. The long his cock rested still in my ass, the more interesting it became. It was an odd experience. I'm a good 220 pounds. I'd never been a small man compared to my partner. Johnny and Joey were big guys too, but they were shorter than me. As we relaxed, I knew there was more cock, deeper in my ass than I had ever felt before. The feelings weren't exactly pleasurable, but they were novel. I squeezed my ass.

Roddy's face beamed and he broke into a wide grin. His blue eyes twinkled from underneath his shaggy eyebrows. His cock twitched then he undulated his hips. That felt good. My ass had adapted made peace with Roddy's cock. Because of the way the ottoman was designed, I hadn't seen his cock before he lodged it in my ass. I squeezed my ass again. Roddy moaned, pulled his cock all the way out of my ass, then pushed it back slowly.

I felt it spam as he ejaculated. A cock is a part of the reproductive system and the final stop on the digestive system, for a few seconds Roddy's cock was a communication devise. It was telegraphing love, straight from his balls into my ass. I felt enveloped in his love and affection. I don't know how long his climax lasted, but it felt like hours. Suddenly I liked him and knew he loved me.

It may have been a case of love at first orgasm, but it sure wasn't puppy love. Roddy would be one hell of a puppy. When he finally pulled out, Cody was there, licking the cum oozing from my hole. Roddy liked watching that and offered to let Cody lick cum from his cock. Somehow, Roddy knew what Cody liked. After his cock was cleaned up, Roddy thanked Cody and told him he let him know the next time he shot off.

I got unhooked from the ottoman. I needed to rest. Roddy put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Let's do some site seeing. It takes me while to get up again." He seemed to assume I wanted to stay with him. He was right, but I wasn't sure why he assumed that. I saw Luke deeply probing Sam's ass. Luke's cock had the same effect on him as it did for me. Both men were enjoying it.

Luke's long cock was the ideal porn star's organ. Shorter cocks were largely invisible during intercourse. When Luke was pulled out of an ass you could see five of six inches of cock. Luke's cock head was still in the hole. It was perfect for on lookers. Sam's cock was rock hard and oozed every time Luke rammed him. The curve of Luke's meat looked as if it was making a direct hit on Sam's prostate.

Roddy was hanging on me and kept a close eye on my cock. I got excited watching Luke and Sam. Roddy liked this. Someone called for Roddy, so he went off, leaving me alone for a while. I wandered away from the ottoman.

Bobby glanced at me from the side of the room. He was renewing acquaintances with old friends. He was sitting on Wilburt's cock while sucking Wilburt's father, Joey. Two years earlier he had been little more than a kid. Sex was new to him, both exciting and a bit scary. Now he knew how to feel sexual pleasure and how to give it. Bobby was undulating his hips so Wilburt enjoyed it, and deep throating Joey's thick meat. The best sex is mutually enjoyable, and Bobby seemed to have that down to a science.

Virgil was with some of the older men stroking and talking as they drank a beer. I looked closer and there was a small boy in the middle of the men sucking whichever cock was closest. When I got closer, I saw the boy was small, but had a hairy chest and gut. He also had a man's cock. The men broke up and I went to Virgil.

"How's it going?" I asked.

"Couldn't be better," he replied. "Have you met Earnest?"

"No, I haven't," I said as the boy got up and shook hands. "I'm Gus. I haven't seen you here before."

"I'm a cousin. Uncle Joey's wife is my Mom's sister," he said in a deep bass voice. "I've been coming here for a year or so."

"I thought you were a boy," I said. The minute it said that I was afraid I had insulted him.

Earnest laughed, "I'm what they call in these parts the runt of the litter. I've got one brother whose over six feet tall and five sisters. I'm the last and the smallest. Each child got smaller. They did a study on us at the University. A medical oddity."

"One part of him grew to full size," Virgil said.

Earnest laughed. "Actually two parts grew, my cock and my brain. Fortunately, they are the parts I use the most." We talked for a while. He had been to the University on a full scholarship and was now a graduate student in Genetics and Biology.

"You're a little out of place here," I said.

"Not really. At one time I was embarrassed by them, but I discovered that was my problem, not theirs." he said. "They aren't educated and they've all been in this Hollow too long, but they aren't nasty and they aren't jealous." Earnest said. "I really didn't get to know them well until my brother bought me here."

"Which one is your brother?" I asked.

"He's somewhere here," Earnest said. "Look for a big gorilla named Roddy."

"Your kidding!"

"Oh, you've met him!" Earnest was clearly amused. "You can't believe what happened at school when a bully came after me. Roddy solved the problem in no time flat."

"I can't believe you're brothers." I said.

"That was the general opinion. There was a suspicion Momma had been untrue. She died when I was born, so she couldn't defend herself. Daddy said it wasn't true. "Your Momma was a good woman." he'd say. The University study put an end to that talk. Daddy was our father. We possess a truly bizarre growth gene. Momma was the carrier. It's both rare and very useful."

"How do you mean?"

"It seems to turn on or off growth." Earnest said. "Since there are only a small number of us, it was easy to study and identify. It's a dream come true to a genetics researcher."

"That what you are into?"

"Yes. All of us are smart, except for Roddy, he got shot."


"When he was a kid, someone was hunting and missed the deer. There was lots of brain damage. He done really well, considering. Thank God he's strong as an ox." Earnest said. "Everything is fine, except he's never going to be a rocket scientist."

"He seems to have taken a shine to me." I said.

"Roddy doesn't have a mean bone in his body," Earnest said. "Let me tell you one thing about him. He doesn't figure things out too well, but you only have to tell him what to do once. Once he gets it, he can do it a thousand times, exactly the right way." I wanted to talk with Earnest more, but Virgil had other plans for him. He had been sucking the small man's cock as we talked.

"I hate to ruin this conversation, but Earnest needs to lie down on the floor." Virgil complained. "I'm killing my back trying to suck him in this position."

Earnest smiled. "My public calls!" he said as he got on the floor.

Next: Chapter 13

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